HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-02-20, Page 5THURSDAY, EHDRl’AllY 20,THE EXETER TIMES-AD VO CATE Lloyd Hey is busy these days of .Medicine, am •w l 'Main Street the Bank of Commerce here di arrangement was made last between the Bank of Coin­ Charles 2wicker was in To- last week on business. Eli Lawsoil sold a valuable last week to Mr. Simon Mor- HENS (Telephone 106 HARVEY & HARM “THE OWNER SERVES LIBBY’S PORK & BEANS 2 1-2 lbs. regular 25c. for 19o. A real special MANY FLOWERS S (cold cream) 3 fo DR. J. A. McTAGGA^f, L. D. S, Specializing^ PJfie Work - EXETER, ONT. THE BUYER SAVES” We Deliver II HIUIIIII 1! !1:I1H Ill’ll Illi III(IK CCllIlllIllf ii ini ii n 10c. .. . JNDERFU RAVT 29c. Kesideifco SPANISH ONIONS 10 POUND PAILS PURE cfoVER HONEY , FRESH FISH, SALT Hl OYSTERS, ET§ O. 2 TINASPARAGUS CUTTINGS PEAS & CORN, SMALL WE ARE HAVING A University of No. 3 PEAS 15c. tin.ation. Phone 198 B. F. WARD, B.A. Principal R AT ANY TIME BARR C UN TON, ONTARIO Offers You a Practical Busin that has made it possible for oi dents to obtain and hold pas a high standard of efficiency -SilTHERE MS A Courses; u iecretarjal, ' Clyi! ScrySymbol of Service, ‘ Office, Course, You cannot attend a better S aiul Spccia shook STUOENTS MAY I lEGlSj Write to-day for info M. A. STONE, Com, Specialist, Vice e DR. R. I. P. DOOQ^LL Honor graduate of faculty MasteyJFr Science, of (Member of >«nd Surgeonj jtaro doors ea HENSALL, ONT. intone 50 fstern Ontario, of Physicians Ontario. Office ifTf Post Office. > ®<NKRUPT sade / f-- Of the grocery store at ’Hensall.’ YWe .are ‘ giving goods at’ less than- price to make -a quick clean up. 1 your share =qf the bargains. AI­ S' so^ sale: safe/ 2 silent salesmen. ■<{'foot'- >2 adjustable'glass shelves, 30 ft; 5 pound computing scales; wife© mill, electnig account register, ’crieese cas.e, cash register, Soda foun­ tain and sanitary ice- cijeam silver, 'service and restaurant supplies, «ake display stands, square tables/ ■ojak, etc.—H. D. Woods. 1 HENSAI.L Mr. Jas. A. Foster is in Goderich -this week, attending as a juryman. Mr. .Tas. Patterson and Wm. Pfaff were in Exeter on Saturday on busi­ ness. • - . Miss Kate McEwan, of- Galt, is • visiting her brother Mr. Hugh Mc- .-jEwan. v 'Miss Nellie Boyle, of London, vis- itfe’d over the week-end* at her home here. , Mr. Levi Rands entertained a num- liqr of’his friends on Friday evening la,st. „ . Mi$s’ Ruby '‘ McIntyre, _ ’ Jiordjjis’visiVih^Ji'er parents Mr. and Mrs. rA’. MClriiyre.' Miss Marjorie Pearce,'of Exeter, visited over the week-end with her fluids in town. . 'A number of our ladies are enjoy­ ing the afternoon skating on our lo- «al rink here. 1 ‘ ’ Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith, of Dash- *Wood, visited for a few days with ;Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Consitt. ' Mrs. Cooper, of Clinton, visited ever the week-end with her father ‘Mr. Wm-. .Stone, and sisters here. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Campbell, of To­ ronto, arh visiting with (Mrs. Camp­ bell’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Murdock. ’ . ■ The Masonic Lodge held on '^‘At Home’’ in the Town ;<lay evening when a present. -Mrs. C. Brawley, visiting her mother er, who is lying home here. i The London road is now open for motor traffic and is in good condi­ tion. although the snow is pretty high in some places on the sides. riQuite a number from town were in Goderich on Tuesday, attending ..t/ie opening o£ tlie assizes, as there ivas a case on, of local interest. • . The Young People’s League of the .United churcli held a skating party -■on Monday evening after which ..2unch was served in the basement of tthei-churcli. ®'The trustees of the United church are going to have the auditorium of. •the church decorated and re-painted this week. Next Sunday the ser­ vices will be held in the basement. The ladies- of the United Church held a sale of home made cooking sind a .baked bean supper in the base­ ment of the United Church on Sat- mtilay afternoon last Which was a jgreat success, /ed to $101.75. The council btair part of the Town Hall nicely painted apd decorated, giving it a very nice appearance. There has iiothiqg been done to tlie hall since it.was built sixteen years ago and it was getting in Ihe need: of repair, , The* many friends of Mr. Thomas Murdock will he sorry to learn that lie is iseriously ill at his home here. Mr. Murdock is one of our pioneer Presidents and no iuau .is better and mpre favorably known and during his illness has been greatly missed by his friends. '-MfS.'W. Horton, 'of the West, wlib" ihm-beeh -visiting hero for some time hpcoftipaniod by her molher-in4ftW Mrs. N» B. Horton have left tor Chi- <Jta’go to visit .fdr'a. few Weeks- prior leaving for the-West, whero Mrs. JN. D,. Hortoti Intciiudi to spend sumu Training res of stu- ons demanding SITING FOIl YOU iercial, -Stenographic, Commercial Teachers* ’ouvses awanged. Why not attend this? time with members of her family there. i - .i ■ The services in the United church on Sunday last were largely attend­ ed. The women’s choir rendered ex- •‘Cellentj music besides anthems. Mrs. Lee Hedden gave a very pleas­ ing solo at the morning service and in the evening several anthems were given, duet by Mrs. McDonald and Miss Buchanbn, quartette by Mrs. M. Drysdale, Mrs. Lee Hedden, Mrs. H. Pfile and Mrs. Geo. Hess and a-violin selection by Miss Greta Lammie, The. pastor Rev. Sinclair delivered inspir­ ing sermons ’at both services. An week rnerce and the Bank .of Montreal when the Bank of Commerce here will be closed and its business taken oyer by the Bank of' Montreal and in Ailsa Craig the Bank of Commerce is taking over the business of the Bank of Montreal. It was felt in both of these places one bank could do. the business that is being done. We are sorry .to loose the Bank of’ Commerce here, but it was felt by those institutions that the cost of. keeping up two banks was too great for the amount of business offered. Mr. Robt. Munn met with a se­ vere accident last week while work­ ing at the removal of the barn that hq recently purchased from Mr. Thos. Welsh on the® Wood’s farm. While working on the barn Mr. Mqnn was knocked <3f£ sustaining a painful injury to his foot and ankle. He was then taken to Clinton Hos­ pital for treatment on Friday and after treatment returned home.- He will be laid up at least for six weeks. The 1-Iensall 'Fire Brigade put on a Euchre and Smoker Party in the fire hall on Monday evening which was attended by about 75 from tl^e town and district. The fire equip- meiit was run outside and all the larg.e fire hall was in use and was of Peter-(Well filled. Progressive euchre was after which their guests coffee after Higgins was act as chair- Hall on Wednes- large crowd was of Kitchener, is Mrs. Win. Beav- seriously ill at her The proceeds amount- have got the down played till .11 O’clock the firemen supplied with sandwiches and the lunch Reeve Robt. called to the chair to man for the balance of the enter­ tainment, The musical part was given by the Wren Bros, tlie Pike Bay quartette, Mr. Fred Hess, Gor­ don Bolton, solos were sung by Mr. Thos. Slierritt and Jas. Sangster. A number of good addresses were giv­ en by members of the present coun­ cil, Mr. Thos. Hudson an ex-Reeve and a number of other gentlemen Mr.- Wm. Sangster dSBglited the crowd by dancing the “Highland Fling.” At the close of the program Fire Chief Moore was called, on to make a short address and he appre­ ciated the number that came out for the evening and knew that the people of Hensall were behind the fire brigade. At the close everyone joined hands and sang “Auld Lang Syne” and “God Save the King.” Everyone greatly enjoyed the even­ ing and afe looking forward for an­ other one in tlie near future. Miss Clara Fahner visited in Lon­ don ovtr the week-end, Mr. Wilson Anderson is improv­ ing after his recent illness. Mrs. W. Wuerth and Mr. Royal Gaiser are on the sick list. Mr, ronto Mr. horse lock. Mr. enlarging his stock room in his gar­ age, v ’ Mrs. Aaron Wqip. spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Wein. We are pleased to report that Mrs. William Roeszler has returned to her home, * She is doing nicely. Misses Lillian Stahls and Mar­ garet Wilson, of London, visited re­ cently at the home of Mrs. Sitahis. A number of hockey fans were in London last Thursday night to see the'hockey game at the London ar­ ena, >Mr, Chas. Anderspn, of Exeter, spent one day- last week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Ander­ son. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Messner, of Dashwood, spent a few days with tliej former’s sister Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Motz last week. Louis and Clarence Fisher and Ei- gin Merner, of Dashwood,*, visited at the h'ome.pf Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fish-.1 er over Sunday. ' . • i' . The (Mission Circle of the United Churcli, Crediton held their regular­ meeting in the basement- of the church on Monday, February 17th/ at 4.15, Mr. E. K. Falirner last week in­ stalled electric radios in the homes of Messrs Jos. Woodall a.nd George Mawhinney. King still handles the natural-toned Sparton, The members of the United church- Mission Circle held a sleigh party on Thursday, February 13, at the home of Miss Alma Lawson with an at­ tendance of about twenty-five. The evening was spent in playing games, Two exciting games - of hockey were played on the local rink oh Monday night. The first game was with Grand -Bend and the second with Exeter, Crediton winning both’ games. A large crowd was present. IThe Ladies’ Aid of the United church met in the 'Sunday School room of the Church on February 13, the meeting opened with’ the presi­ dent Mrs. Woodall in the chair. .It was decided to hold a baking sale’, March 8th. It was moved and se­ conded and carried that in future We change our name from Ladies’ Aid to Women’s Association under which organization the ladies work in the United churph. Miss .Laura ‘ Wood-; all favoured the meeting with a solo which was mucli appreciated. The Anniversary services of Feb­ ruary the 9th at the Evangelical -church were well attended and the congregations received ''the sermons of Rev. E. D. Becker with undivided attention. We trust of. these services may the spiritual activities The pastor who was same Sunday also enjoyed services on that circuit kindest fellowship of the friends. the influence show itself in of the church, at Elmira the the three and the Christian The funeral of the late Mr. John Williams was held Tuesday after­ noon, February 11. From the home on the Mawhinney Line the great funeral procession proceeded to the Evangelical cemetery for interment and then to the church for the clos­ ing service. The pastor Rev. W. M. Sippell made use of the same text that was chosen at the funeral ser- ice of their sacred-mother a year ago “If a man die shall he live again?’’ Job 14-14. The church was filled, thus showing and esteem of a great friends and relatives, sang dn appropriate anthem and Mrs. Gordon Morlock a closing solo. The community extends sympathy to the bereaved widow and their only, son The and auditorium the respect number of The choir The second meeting of the Trail Rangers took place in the basement of the United Church, on Wednesday evening, with an attendance of six-, teen members. A sing-song was conducted by Howard Hemphill, fol­ lowed by Roy Brock. Our mentor, | . ,Mr. Bl owes, began a course of Bible daughter John and. Ella. Study, “The Kingdom of Love,” the first title being “A, Boy With a Great Dream.” . This ‘ wa's preceded by Orville Hedden, reading the Scrip­ ture lesson, Luke 2, 41-52. The' minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. All the boys an­ swered the roll call, by names of famous persons. The boys adopted the names of hockey players for the next roll call. Tlie election of of­ ficers took place which resulted as follows: Chief Ranger, Lome Elder; sub-Chief, Bob Passmore; Tally Cache, Howard-Hemphill; structor, Aldon Appleton structor, Roy Brock cussed ti and badge work. The bond selling campaign got under way and it is hoped that the will encourage ing them tlleir a Short period , - . t'ion, refreshments., consisting of ap-- pies, cakd and candy, wefre much en­ joyed. "the meeting was brought to a close by a short prayer. departed was 61 years qf age was born in Stephen Township. CENTRALIA in hl. The Father and Son' Tally Chief In­ sub-In- boys dis- ’ banquet citizens of Boys’ Work, best Support, of physical Hensail by giv- After instfqc- What- a world,' Nations make war and punish men for niurder; parents lie -to' theft tor lying; ' kids" and lick the kids Correct USo' Docto I Suspect ar c j u 3 v ft . * * <i tr. $■« » * ’’ii» setSlicdi “ 'ifown^7 said ‘ u* other ddclri'- good.”1 Mrs. Murray Neil. is visiting Crediton. Miss E. Clarke spent the week-end in Exeter visiting with Mrs. C. Ma­ son. The Euchre Club held their week­ ly meeting .at Andrew Hicks Frihay night, Mrs. -George Essery, of London, is visiting, her daughter airs. W. J. Dobbs. Mr. Chas, visiting+lwlth Falls, -t Mrs. Julia is visiting her sister Brooks. Mrs. Mitchell, of Stratford, 'Spent the past week with her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kent, The play “.Yiniinie- Yonsqn’s Yob” will be put oh in the Centralia Unit­ ed Church by the Willing Worker^ Class in tjie hear future. The condition Of Miss Tereca H6f- tertian, who y^as operated oh iii St.; Joseph's Hospital1 .shows improve-4 me$t.,,, .ner(4 many friends wish, her aGSpfiedy.ii-rqco.v'ery,, it -.■■was . unfor­ tunate that, hhr .saunt. Miss Oshea> •”boih she had eared for for over 8 years -passed, ftwfty just'12 hours af* * ter her removal to the hospital. -The ’ oh Mrs, Oshea took place Atkinson, of Detroit, is Mr.-and Mrs. John Me Scandrett of Belgrave, Mrs. Arthur CHAIN RED & WHITE STORES «■ HAND PICKED WHITE BEANS at 3 pounds for 23c, BULK MINCEMENT Regular 20c. a pound for 16c, 500 lbs. Good Grade Rooking Onions, O while thetf last, 10 lb$. for These Prices Good Only Phone 102 from the home of her brother Mr. Lawrence -Barry, on Friday morning to St. Peter’s church. The people of the village and sur­ rounding communities recently pre­ sented Mr. Kenneth Simpson with a purse of money as a token of sym­ pathy in his unfortunate accident Following is the address. ’Dear Friends. On behalf of the people of this community we have come to express ’our sympathy to you in the matter of the unfortunate accident which has befallen your son. Realizing that Sympathy alone while a great help to one in trouble does not al­ ways -surmount the difficulties -aris­ ing from-- such a misfortune, wish to show our sympathy terial form and therefore you >vith this'purse. ' We feel that you as the and guardians will use this money Tcj.the best advantage for your son and hope that it may be used to fur­ ther .his education or training in some line of suitable work so that he may become a useful member of society in spite of his handicap. -Signed on behalf of the commun- ■ ity. We in ma- present parents To the .People of Centralia and Immediate Community BUTTER, HA JUST OPENED A FRES LIBBY’S SAUE 2 1-2 lbs. FRANKFO special rio grown, 'tjr ... 4 ib for 25c ............... $l.Q0 (RINGS, NEAL’S^BREAD, VEGETABLES, .. 2 for 45c. .. 3 for 29-c* SALE ON OUR BULK PEANUT ED IT? 25c. A POUND ■ OF BROKEN SQDAS 2,& for .. 25e, Friday and Saturday, Feb. 20, 21, 22nd ELIMVILLE < SHIPKA The Live Oak Mission Circle held-* "The Y. P, S. of the United Church tl)eir regular monthly meeting in the held a Valentine social at the home church on Tuesday afternoon, Feb. ^r< aud Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer. The 4th with arf attendance of nine. The devotional exercises wero conduct- meeting was opened in the usual way ’,Gd by Rev. Hagelstein which was fol- - and Mrs. (Rev.) White offered pray^ -l°wed by games and contests. Re- er after which all repeated the Lords .freehments were served and an en- Prayer in unison. Some business ■Movable evening was spent by all. was dealt with and two heraldsr a — ported; Miss Bernice Murch on China and Miss Mary Hunter on Italy. Miss Ruth Skinnei* read the scripture les+ son. Miss Florence Herdman read an interesting article “Thoughts on Prayer” Miss Olive Prance glivi one entitled “Cancelled Prayers.’; The metting was closed with a hymn and benediction. • ' Last Friday was St. Valentine’? Day and several small children wlio sin Miss Mildred Hackney were visit- have not yet commenced school vis- ors with Wilfred Hackney at Sea- ited the school that day to enjoy the forth Hospital. programs which had been prepared Mr. Clayton Smith has returned by the school children for the occas- after visiting in St. Marys 1th her ion. Many Valentines were exchanged parents Mr. and Mrs. Bailey, amongst them and gave much plea-1 (Mr. V. Jeffrie^ was a visitor in sure to all. . [London last week staying with Mr, Two sleighs loads of young people/ ----- — ‘ drove to James St. Church, Exeter, on Tuesday evening of last week and had a very enjoyable time. A’few cars are running on the St. road now although the roads be better, they are passable largest number on rdcord was i Mr. Robert Richter, of Sarnia, ■spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Ro­ bert Gower and Martha. • ♦ THAMES ROAD Mr. and Mrs. Hillburn (nee Nellie jStewart), of Toronto, are Visiting at .the home of Mr. and Mrs/’j. W. j Stewart,. I Miss Emmaline Hackney and^ cou- amongst them and gave much plea-1 sure to all. * .... I ' arid Mrs: Wm. Kennedy, -Regent^SL' We are glad to..lieaLr''tliat'^Trs:wA4%; Doupe is recovering from her recent ' illness, being able to sit up a little each day. Mrs. A. Ross with Ernest and- Pearl, of Tuekersmith was a week­ end visitor with friends in our burg. Come by the sleigh load and hear the play to be given at te church on Friday evening. Mr. Walter McNichol had a suc­ cessful wood bee last .Saturday. Miss Jean Russell, of Hensail, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. K. McNicol. Jean has accepted a position at Dr. Fletcher’s hospital. Mrs. E. J. Kennedy and little daughter Donna, of London, spent last week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Gollings. Mrs. Remlin spent the week-end in Stratford with her son Mr. and Mrs. Leslie, who were celebrating their tin anniversary. ""Thames Road Farmers Club met on Monday evening at the home of Mr. Gordon McDonald . There was a large turn-out to hear the debate which proved very interesting and humorous,“Resolved that it is more profitable to milk the cow than to let the calf nurse this district.’’ taken by Les. Williams and -Ernie Pym, Fred Dhwson and ■ Ed­ gar Montietli. Judges' Clias. Mon- tieth, Wm. Moodie and Joe Fergus­ on gave their decision, in favour of the affirmative. The meetings are held the first and third Monday of each month and they would: like to see as many out as possible. desire to express to you one deep appreciation for We and all our the many thoughtful acts of kind­ ness and expressions of sympathy which have come to us since Ken­ neth’s accident.’ At the time of the accident and during subsequent weeks you have continually taken a deep interest in our welfare. 'To those who have been so helpful and con­ siderate in securing compensation ■ for Kenneth and presenting us with this substantial purse and kind ad­ d-ess we are so thankful we fail to find language adequate to express our gratitude. Marys might now. The present at Sunday School last -Sun­ day, being over 150. The almost total absence of sickness in ' the neighborhood this winter is perhaps partly responsible for the .good at­ tendance lately. Something for which everyone is grateful. The stork called at Mr. Fred Wright’s last Sunday and left a’ baby girl. b Mr. Nelson Coultis was in London last week to have an X-ray on his foot which has been bothering him lately. His many friends are more than pleased to hear that the trouble is not at all serious. son KIRKTON DASHWO Signed Mr. and Mrs. Percy Simp- and son Kenneth. .D.S., D.D.S, RGEON rtleib Block, Dash- e days of week and the Post Office, in rthree days of week. Dr. H. H. Cowen; DENTAL > At office In wood, fii$t,t at office$.o Zurich, ___ _ Mi;s. Shenck and daughter Hazel is visiting her sister in Toronto. Mr. John Hoffman, of London, spent the week-end with relatives. Miss Nelda Fassold, of London, spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. Chester Gaiser spent a few days in London last week. Mrs. R. Baker is visiting in Lon­ don. Mrs. L. Morenz entertained a num­ ber of elderly ladies to a Valentine party op Friday afternoon. All re­ port a very pleasant time. Miss Alice Hoffman entertained the choir of the Evangelical church last Thursday evening to a Valen­ tine party. After a short practice a number of games Were played which was followed by refreshments. Rev. and 'Mrs. Sauer spent Tues­ day in Stratford with their soil Mil­ ton, who underwent an operation for mastoids several weeks ago. Mil­ ton returned witli them On Tuesday evening and is doing as well as can ‘be expected. His many friends hope for a speedy recovery. •> Miss Zeta Nadiger entertained a number of her friend? to a birth-; day party on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Moreriz, of Sarepta, entertained a few of the elder ladies of Dashwood, to a Valentine supper, which was enjoyed very much by alt There was no service in the Unit­ ed Church on Sunday owing to an­ niversary services at Mt. Pleasant.. The rabbit hunters have bagged about 1000 rabbits this season. ’ Mr. E. N. 'Sillier is busy auditing the books for the Biddulph Town­ ship. . ' • . The hockey game between Mother2 well and Kirkton on Saturday night resulted in favor of Motherwell 3- 2. Mr. Archie Robinson moved- his family back to liis home on the 4tli concession of Blanshard on Thurs­ day. A Horticultural Society lias: been organized here and already the names of fifty members has been se­ cured with prospects of many more. Death of Nassau C. Switzer Once more the grim reaper of death has visited our midst claim- Nassau C. Switzer who passed away, on Sunday, February 16th; just one week after the death of liis wife. Deceased contracted pneumonia and his heart was not strong enough to battle the disease. Sad indeed is. the passing of both Mr. tind, Mrs. Switzer wh6 a short time ’ago were in fairly good health is the second son of cher D. Switzer and his mother/ who is in There is also .three one sister living; Ed, of Blanshard; F. P., of Calgary and Mrs. Wni. Thompson, Calvin* N. D. Deceased was. one of the trustees bf the .United -Church. His funeral, private, was held on Monday, when lie was laid to rest by ibis wife,,who Was buried the week before in the Union cemetery, conducted by Rev. T. A. Bell, , Mr. Switzer the late Fiet- iMrs. Switzer, her 8 6th: .year, brothers arid and Whitfield, to make 'baby beef in The affirmative was Robinson, Rowland. Wes.-Johns; negative GREENWAY Mr. Lawrence . Pollock and Edi­ son visited in Kerwood on Sunday. Mr. Dawson Woodburn was oper­ ated on for appendicities in London, on Friday last. We wish hint a speedy recovery. The oyster supper at the United Church on Friday night was a splen­ did success. The program of music by the talent from Gyand Bend was heartily applauded and Rev. J. M. Colling’s lecture, “My Experience Before the Microphone” was both interesting rind entertaining, At the close of the pfogram Mr. W. Young auctioned off the autograph quiit that has been made by the girls of the Laura Secord class. Mr* D. Eisenbseh of Grand Bend was the highest bidder and got not ■only the quilt but the gratitude of the girls. $92.00 The United meeting on Wednesday hahd presided oVef the meeting in the absence of the president and Mrs. Brown was in the charge of the W. A. meeting. Proceeds of the supper were and the quilt $7.00. W. IM..S. arid W» A, of the Church held their- .monthly' Mrs, G-Opd-