The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-02-20, Page 4^tHURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1030 THE EXETER TiMES-AOVGCATE SPECIAL “GET acquainted;/ OFFER SPECIAL; package Washing Compound wit\ $1.50 soap order Local News w j ———........... ..................... WATKINS PRODUCTS For Hojne ipu) U?arin Needs Baking.-Powder ^a.ke-Proof i & LiiamentMefithol-Camphor Dux. Cold and® Sparklih" This givesfypu an idea of the prices on m save from ■j 4 1 I GRAND BEND Cinn: Vegetable Oil Washing. Cleanser an Stock and P Germicic I For Qver (J Measuring Quality : V Prepi oap • ompounds Water Softener OiiltoWt G*f Tablets '"Salts avifig Cream Years the tick for il Honest ue mor yo anilla mon A popper red Mustard whole line. You'll by buying more Watkins Dealer, larch 1st I will start to •ass this locality with the lationally known Watkins Line of Spices, Extracts, Food Pro­ ducts, Soaps, Toilet Articles, and Stock and Poultry Prepar- \ations. My stock is new and fresh. You’ll enjoy using these highest’quality products, which J will bring to your door at a saving ^o you., MY STORE COMES TO YOUR DOOR iltry Tonic 1 Salve t Dip Poultry Louse Powder Save M&ncy! Get Better Quality ■ ShopTconveniently in Your { .. •*. Home ar tin C. Laub The WaQjinfJ Dealer * Dashwood, Ont;Phone 81 I PAY POSTAGE «N rAlK'ij. POST Olib/nS OVER 82.00' ' I --------------- ---------------------— JAMES ST. CHOIR ENJOY OUTING The choir of the James Sit. United Church enjoyed a very jolly outing -on Thursday evening of last week’at Jthe home of Mr. >and Mrs. Godfried Wein, of Stephen. The members of the choir were dressed in old time costumes and presented a very uni- <iue appearance as they climbed into three sleighs for a regular sleighing bparty. The sleighing was good and khe night ideal with full moon and- ■taxhilirating atmosphere that tended jto enliven the spirits of the merry makers. Mr. Wein is the father-in- ,'iaw of Mr. W. R. Goulding, the .pop­ ular leader of the choir and both !Mr. and Mrs. Wein and Mr. and Mrs. -Goulding did everything possible to ,make the party an enjoyable one. Following the arrival at the home | those in costume paraded before, the, judges and it was difficult for. those who made the selections to award the prizes,’ Some, of the costumes -,'i showed the fashion vogue of, many years ago when long skirt's arid*-ftight1 . waists were the fashion. A nunibbr of the young ladies found it dlffi- -cult to be comfortable in the tight dresses of their ancestors. The prize -winners were as follows: Best dress­ ed lady, Miss Meta Salter; ladies’ comic, Miss (Stella Southcott; best dressed gent, S. M. Sanders; gent’s eomic, Jas. Lawson. ’ Gaines and amusements were enjoyed through­ put the evening following which" a dainty lunch, provided by the choir members, was served. manner and customs. The Buddist temples were cut from solid rock about. ,3 00 years before Christ, and these show an incredible amount of labor and skill on the part of. the people,, The station at Bombay, headquarters for the Indian rail­ way is a magnificent structure being the finest railway station in the .world., Dr. Anderson also showed .some of the results of missionary activity among the Indians. The •lecture was intensely interesting and edifying, It was under the auspices of. the Young Peoples Guild. Mr. Harry Strang . acted as phairmap. Miss Kathleen Strang opened the meeting’. with a piano solo and at the close Mr. E. J, Wethey and Rev. J. B. Rhodes moved a hearty vote of thanks to Dr. Anderson. MAIN ST. W. M. S. Mi', John Kuntz is visiting with his parents in town, Mrs. Dr. Ward and son Ross vis­ ited in London over the week-end. Mrs. Jackson, of Toronto, is visit­ ing with her sister Mrs. Leo. Hen­ nessey. Mrs. Geo. Van Horne, oF Clintgn, visited her sister Mns. Mooney over the week-end. Mrs. Geo, Anderson has returned home after visiting for a week with her brother in Delhi, Mrs. Jas. Poole and Mrs. Walter Book, of London, spent Saturday at the home of Mr, L, Day, Mrs, E. Swenerton, of Kingsville, is visiting with Mr,., and Mrs. ,S„, J, •Hogarth and other relatives. : Mr. John Cringinan, Accountant foi* the Harris Abbibator Co., visited recently with Mr. Wm. Ward. ‘/Mr.- Gladwin Clarke, of Hunting­ don, West Virginia, is visiting with relatives in Exeter and vicinity. . Mr, ;fas, Gould, of Stratford, vis-, ited With Mr. H. Ea, Huston and with relatives Jn, Hay" during the past tVeek’ .......... Mr*. Jas. Elsie, of Port Colborne, re­ turned home after a few weeks visit with his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. G^q. Anderson. ' Rev. D, McTavish was "af Cost­ right for two night" last .week liyering his lecture on “Bep Hur’-’ at' Corunna and the Sixth Line Church. The Exeter hockey team went to; Crediton Monday night to play, a .game: 'With 'itirb/^i’biHjVdii /troys? 'Tire' game ended in. a dispute* both sides claiming the victory. •* The Hensall Junior hockey play­ ers visited Exeter on Saturday after-' noon to play a game with the local juniors. In a warmly contested game the Exetei’ juniors came out’ on top with a sebre of i3-2. then took 'The devo- itobWENCE OF DAYMEN, •TUCKERSMITH, DESTROYED A disastrous’fire occurred on the farm of Thomas Dayman, 2nd con­ cession of Tuckersmith Township, on Sunday night about 11 o’clock, when the residence was totally destroyed. The fire is supposed to havo been caused by an overheated pipe, .Ow­ ing to the flames having gained much headway before being noticed, nothing could be done to save the building, but the neighbors were successful in saying some of the con­ tents. The lo^s is partly covered by insurance. is Mr ill Daniel McCurdy, of Stephen, at Dr. Fletcher's hospital, ,JAMES ST. W. Mv S. The regular meeting of the James ■St. W. M. S. was held in the church on Thursday, February 13 th with a splendid attendance. The opening, •exercises were conducted bj^ the, president Mrs. C. W. Christie. Sev­ eral items of business" were brought forward and discussed. The roll­ call was also called by Mrs. W. Johns. A letter sent to Mrs. J. Trayne from the matron of -the hospital at Eriksdale, Man., was ' read expressing grateful acknow­ ledgment of the dainty gift made and .•c-ent in the bale by Mrs. Frayne*. •The program was put on by group cumber one under, the able leader­ ship of Mrs. Amy. A number of the group members . fcok part by leading in prayer and readings from the new Study Book. The principle part was taken by JMrs. J. T. Miners. A duet by the’ ■SMisses Jean Sheerp and Helen Pen- Stale accompanied by Leona Brown was very much appreciated. At the -close of the meeting i.t was decided tb hold a missionary tea in March •the date to be arranged for later. ILLUSTRATED LECTURE ON “INDIA” AUCTION SAJjE • .— of j FARM STOCK .& IMPLEMENTS The undersigned dias received iri-t structions to sell by public auetloity on Lot 23, Co?i> 13, Hibbert, on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, at on© o'clock sharp the followingsk HORSES—Bay mure 9 years old;] gray horse 9 years old; general pose horse 8 years old.CATTLE—Cow due in^Aprij/'Jew sey, Polled Angus cow due iyf April heifer calf. FOWL—T IMPLEM slings, bin vat'or, se . scufl I foot . meeting tree3( j/eck aMrs. J. W. Holt is spending week or so" visiting in Sarnia. Mrs, Fred Page is visiting her daughter Mrs, James Wilson at Greenway. Quite a number took in the oys­ ter supper at Greemyay on Friday evening. Mr, Joe Ravelle Jr., is.spending a couple of weeke with his. daughters in Detroit, Mrs, W. B. Oliver had a very suc­ cessful quilting bee last week.. Miss Beplali Holt week with her aunt Turnbull, of parkhill. Miss Mary Walker up with a, bad cold but is able to be out again. 'The fisherman are not with very good success as catches being very small. Mr. W. B. Oliver has a men' working on the dock to suspend work for a few ing to the sudden cold wave on day and Saturday. Mr. Peter Eisenbach lias on market this year for sale in neighborhood of eight hundred’ cords of wood, a record supply. , We believe the record was broken . when Mr. W- P. Lovie of the Mol-i lard Line had a sow that gave birth to twenty-one pigs -of which fourteen are still living. • Mr. Wm. Down has gone to De-’ troit for a few days. ' is spending a Mrs, Gordon has been” laid wagpi ; other arti* 7 vels, whiffle* s, double britM ing mill.: s of oqts, 40Q arneyet the chen G bushels mix&l fee# Quantity o cIbs TERMS OF SALE—$10.00 an# under, cash; over that amount 9; months credit will” he given on fur* STAFFA Mr. Otto Walker wears a broad- Smile these days—itgs a girl. Mr. George Tuffin is under the doctor’s care. We wish for a speedy recovery," • Don’t forget -the oratorical con­ test to be- held in the hall on Friday, February 21st, under the auspices of the Young People's Society. A small admission fee will bd charged. • The regular meeting of the Wo­ men’s Institute will be held in the hall on Wednesday afternoon, Feb­ ruary 26th at 2.30 p.m. "A 15c. tea will be served by circle three all the ladies welcome. ® Mrs. Norman Mitchell and Miss "Florence, of Centralia, spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Norris. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Reed went to London on Thursday, returning on Saturday. The Ladies’ Aid of the United Church held its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. A. Jeffrey last week, with the president, Mrs. L. Harburn, in the chair. Tlie meet­ ing opened with the singing of a hymn, followed by repeating the Lord’'s Prayer in unison. Mrs. O. W. Reed read the Scripture lesson. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by thO secretary, Mrs. A. Jeffrey and adopted. Mrs. R. Snell favored the meeting with a splendid reading, followed by business dis­ cussions. The meeting closed with singing and prayer by Mrs. Snell, after which a pleasant social hour was spent ■ together^ • The- hostess served a dainty lunch. Miss Marzetta Sadler, teacher at Whalen, spent the week-end at the home Of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William iSadler. Mr. and Mrs. William Sadler and .Miss Marzetta, Mr. and Mrs. A. Jef­ fery and -Miss Simpson spent Sunday with Mr. and .Mrs. Norman., Bush-’ ,field. ... gang of but days had ow- Fri- CROMARTY the l^e^nisliing approved joint notes or- <■ —■I I discount, of 5 per cent, off for cash« R. G. TERRY, Proprietor F. COATES, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer i \.t< * *AUCTION SALE I ---• of ---- HORSES, CATTLE, SHEER/, | Al’" A " The undersigned his receive structions to sqll by jpublic ai/jtioi® HENSALLRev. Mr. Elder has been .preach­ ing a series of sermons on the Lord’s Prayer, for the past five Sun­ days, on Sunday last dealing very, ably with the words of our Master.' concerning the law, “I did> not come' ?to destroy the Law, but -to fulfill the law." . ’ A serious fire happened on Thurs­ day* night of last week, when, Mr. Archie Graham’s barn and straw­ shed together with quite a number of contents were burned. It is not Tightly ascertained what was the cause of the fire. They vzere able to save the horses and cattle but were unable to get out the pi£s and sheep and a calf which were burned. It is understood that about one thousand .bushels of oats and barley were destroyed. M'r. Gra-- ham resides about three miles east of Cromarty. J We understand that Mrs. Anthon^ Allen, of Exeter, reached her eightieth birthday on. Sunday . the sixteenth. Those of her family pre­ siding around Cromarty spent /the day with the elderly lady. Mrs. ^Uen is bright and active; bale and htearty for lier years. ’ King George SATURDAY, F at 1.00 o'clockirifliar HORSES— ■draft; Agric old. « CATTLE— March; 5 §t'i 1 Durham i 40 Leicester cs old.. ewes all in lamb; H sows due in March, 20 pigs 6 week®- old. 2 cutters, set single harness, robeU TERMS OF SALE 6 months’ credit With 6 % added< MILTON LOVE, Proprietor F. TAYLOR & A. WEBER^ . Auctioneer® -......— ■'! ....... AUCTION SALE . OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEJIENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned- has received structions to sell by public audio® ON LOT 10 NORTH BOUNDARY STEPHEN . j .l1/! miles east of Dashwood, on- 4 [ TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1930 at one o’clock sharp the following;] HORSE'S—Bay horse rising sevejj”- years; chestnut mare rising 7 years- bay horse rising 10 years;'5, bay dait-e riage horse rising 14 years’’.” CATTLE— Calf at foot, rising 5, due in May; red red heifers 2 ing 2 years; Mr. Get). Hyndman, of Tottenham, in renewing his subscription to the Times-Advocate says: “You don’t know how I like to get the papei* every week so that I know pow things are going on in the home, town. The Post Office Should be an ornament for the town." / Mr; Hyndman hopes to come to Exeter before long to renew old acquaint^ ances^ : ■ ' Mrs. B. W. F. .Beavers entertain­ ed a number of ladies to a unique Valentine ’party on Wednesday af­ ternoon. of last week.. An original idea of Mrs. Beavers was that every lady was to drop the Mrs. and call each other by their maiden names; Those forgetting were retired to an£ other roprn and had to draw a pic­ ture of their husbands as.a Valepl tine. Some of the characters were real funny and it was just as well the husbands were‘not there to see their pictures. <? _ The Junior Farmers and the Jun^ ior Institiute which was organized' during the shopt course, held their first meeting on Thursday evening of last week. Arrangements were made for future programs'and it was decided to meet the second, 'Thurs­ day of each month. The two organ­ izations will meet independently for their own program, following which a joint social hour will be spent. Mr. Mervin Cudmore is president and Herman Hodgson, (Secretary, of the Junior Farmers, while Miss Mari& Willis is president and Miss Greta Dearing, secretary of the Junior Int- stitutc. At the next ‘meeting of the Jr. Farmers a debate will be held “Resolved that dairy cows are more profitable in Huron County than beef cows." At the Thursday ev­ ening meeting lunch was served and a social hour enjoyed. AUCTION ‘SAl^ --- of --- b " LIVE STOCK AND MACHINERY 'The undersigned has received in­structions to sell by public|fauction, at Lot 27, Con. 11, Hibb<a/t Twp. 3 miles west of Cromarty FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2|, .1930 •at 1.30 sharp the following: HORSES—1 matched $*ey team of mares, 6 and 7 years old, general purpose, weighing 2700 munds and good single or double; li/grey Per- cheron , filly, 3 years olc® weighing ,1450 pounds, good single|br double; 1 black general purpose old. « CATTLE—Cow, 4 time of ’sale; cow, 4 in August; heife£, 3 time of sale; milking g’oo 5 years 'old, years, old/ jus 2 years old, sup heifer, 2 ybars oldFdue t 4 calves. G •IMPLEMENT -Thres in good working, *shap tractor, 16-3$ h.p.; Goo ator 3 6-50, with cutter ver tractor piqw, 3-furr shape; Chevro^t trucli Under., 4 whe^k-brakes® truck, late 102< Ti- shape. 2 gravity ent^n 1 stock rack, I. trucks; Do' ZION'il The young people of Zion present­ ed tlieir play entitled “Cranberry Corners" here on Friday night last to a full house each one taking their part well. It was a clean play thru out and those who stayed at home missed tile treat of the season. It was under the direction of Mrs. IV. Brock and Mrs. Herman Kyle. The orchestra under the leadership of L. Mofley provided the music of the ev­ ening. Mrs. Walker, of Mt. Pleasant, spent :-end with( Mr. and Mrs. H. -Roan fresh cow with?. 8 years old; roan cowl in May j roan c.ow dutf cow due in July; two; ' years old;.2 iSteersiYls* yearling heifer, lidifeJI calf, 5 rilontlis old; 3 i PIGS—York brood ter at foot; 7 stocker old. IhrPLE)MENTS~M............... foot cut; Maxwell m^ver 5-rf, I-I. 10-hoe drill; tor Tudhope-An ' road wagon, 2 3 inch tirutf^tru box, catt spring citlves^ sow with libs- pigs 4 nipnth^ . binder 7*4 __ _ M< tooth dultiva* rson, new| high’ ; iQW^wagort- ; wagon bbxcs, 3,: lion harrows, !■ hay loader, |m. H. rake, 10 ft. M-.HI. rakQ cultivator, Oliver rid- double plow, f-furrowj plow, International walking plow^ new; No. 13 walking plowA/2 ■bug­ gies, light carriage, root pflper,. 1J Clinton fanning mill; scales,H200 lb.- capacity, 3 robes, a quality of grain ags, set of sling ropes, bag truck, xtension ladder, new; istonei boat, m^iure spreader, circtflar saw^. irbanks gasoline tjiengine,’ grind stones,$ power;- __ _ > quant­sap pans, '2 il-onikettles^. The Women’s Missionary Society of Main St. church met in the lec-’ turejroom on Thursday,. February 13th,-:;the .president, Mrs. T.earce, presiding. The. Scripture ‘ lesson wa$ re’ad by Mrs. G. S. Howard and the roll-call responded to with a thought on service. Mrs. Hooper, the conenor for “February, charge of the meeting. tional leaflet was read by Mrs. Hut­ chinson and Mrs. A. Ryckman gave the topic on the new study book “From Jerusalem to Jerusalem." Miss Yelland read a paper on the Armenians. A pleasing piano*1’ solo was given by Miss Ryckman. The meeting was brought to a close with special' prayer for Miss M'aucekevill, our missionary at Hearst, Ont. •-----------------i------ BLAC K SQUIRRELS AS PETS Some of the black squirrels around Exeter are being well cared for this winter and are being made pets of by some of our older residents. Mr. B. S. Phillips has shown a keen in­ terest in. a pair of squirrels which have raised a family of two in one of the tall spruce trees on his pro­ perty. Last year they built a nest of twigs and straw and other soft materials in the tree top. Mr. Phil­ lips began feeding the little crea­ tures peanuts and to day they are so tame they will come right up to the door and even into the house to get their supplies. They eat apples, .nuts, corn etc. Both Mr. and Mrs. Phillips are quite proud of th'd little black friends, one of the young ones Mr. Phillips calls Billy. It is great to see him go out while the squirrel is perched in the top of one of the high maples and call “Billy, Billy," then to see the little black ball of fur come scampering down the tree, up the sidewalk right into the house where he is fed a piece of bread and out he goes again. Mr. Jas. Dignan, 85 y’ears of age, placed a*-box inside the stable, drill­ ed a hole about two inches in dia­ meter and placed a 'bracket on the outside, Mr. Dignan has four pets which have taken up house keeping in the box. He feeds them every morning and they look for him reg­ ularly. Mrs. Wilbur Batten spent Tuesday with Mrs. B. Rowcliffe, of Clinton. The Young People put their, play on at Eliniville on Monday night. WHALEN Wilson Morley was February meeting W. M. S.1 which was An illustrated lecture eta and Note Book in ..given in Caven Presbyterian Church- ■on Monday evening, by Dr. F. An­ derson of the University of Western Ontario. number of years at Bombay, India, #3. the interests of Y.M.C.A- work sand his very interesting lecture was illustrated with pictures that he had <takeii, India is only’one seventh of •the sine of the Dominion of Canada ; teemed citizens celebrated their dla- yet it has a population of 820 mil-jmond wedding anniversary oft Situ- lions of people. jguages and castes. They have three'. Pridham and the members of the ^rincipai' religions, Hinduism, Hud-1 wedding party were entertained at the home* of their daughter Mrs, W. Harris, of Mitchell. Mr. pridham is: in his 84th year and Mrs. Pridham; is over eighty and they were both' born in the Township of Fullarton. There is one Son, Clifford, of Win­ nipeg,' and two daughters of Mit­ chell, r “With Cam- India" was Dr. Anderson spent a CELEBRATES DIAMOND WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and (Mrs. Themes Pridham two of Mitchell's most highly es- JUNIOR GIRLS WINS On Friday night of last week be» fore, a fair sized crowd of enthusdd hockey fans the Junior girls of towp jvere successful in defeating .the Seniors'., by .the score of 2 to 0. Thq game throughout was interesting to ivatch With individual rushes pre­ dominating. The forwal’d* line of the Juniors were a little, ‘too fast foil the older girls and only good work on the defense saved morn goals^ There was no scoring in the ^first period but in the second and third ■periods the Juniors got their tallies? Margaret Ellerington got the firstj from a scramble in front of the net; while Eileen Snell'scored on a shot from close’ in. It is expected that another game will be held in the near futilre. Frank Creech refer­ eed the game. 'the line-up: ■ Seniors-—Goal, Mary Grant; de­ fense,’ Betty Grant and Amelia Ache­ son; centre Ruble Creech; wings, Helen Dignan, Gertie FrdhCis, sub., Edith Walter. lu’nlors—Goal Viola Ilbdgson; de­ fense, Jean Pilon and Olivd Lhwsoh; centre, Marjorie Complin; wings, Margaret ^Ellerington ' and Eileen Snell, sub. Helen Walter, , Mrs. at the Whalen Thursday afternoon last with Mrs. J. Hazlewood in charge of th'e meeting. After the opening exercises Mrs. Will Hodgson FCad the Scripture lesson, Acts'2 37-47.1 The Devotional leaf­ tie was read by Mrs. F. Squife en­ titled “To You and to your children and-to all that are afar, off." re­ citation was given by Ruth’Morley; also Selection On the vi.Ctrola which were’ miidh enjoyed. ' SiomO good readings were given by several memt bers. Hymn •175? was sdng and Mrs. John Hodgson closed the meeting. Tea was served and, a social time Spent by ali. , ' hostess of the held on in Aug reshei yrs. due due due and cow, t; cow, 7 2 heifers, e in calf; ne of sale; re si §1 ing outfit, i; Rumley ison .separ- i rear*. Oli- w, in good 929, 4 ,cy- Chevxolct s in good jravel bodies 1 stock rack, 52 inches high, for trucks; Dodge touring car; light wagon, buggy,, a number of,oil bar­ rels. , , TERMS. OF Stock and Implements, credit on approved joint SALE 8 There are 147 Ian-, day, February 16th. Mr. and Mrs.TOWN LEAGUE STANDING Live months’ notes; 6 per cent, per’annum’off for cash. Threshing machine r trucks, 25 per cent, cash, balance ranged day of sale. GEO. CHAMBERS, ProprietorWM. NAIRJI, Auctioneer NOTICE OF REGISTRA OF BY-LAW I and i av­ lat a by- ncil of the the third rdviding fof wlisnl and Anderson showed jgmt Hindu tom fiuarvclou^ archfav initurJiij) and exnh nnd cnsfohis 01 £sn showed many » moaques wiu» Mohaftifneddnisni. a r Dr. tiiimbei1 of the •%£ with their and work- the manners bple. He al- the Molmmme* ’*■»« Mohammed Printers Leafs Beavers ....... SchdbL........ Bull Gang '.,.*, Ne5c|; Gaines—- tents p.ft w T Pts. . 4 ri ’0 8 . 2 2’1 5 . 2 2 1 u 'F , '-i •■2: . 1 ■'^-f6 2 Notice hereby given law was' passed by tile c township of Stephen o day of February, 1930 the issueKof debentures#) the amount for the putfioso of ereqt se for school wnship of Ste BuaenS & Brill linno n? ■' ”/ ...............................4 ■- A Severe Cold Left Her With A • Tiresome Cough Mrs, Chas. ElclershaWj Morrell, P.E.I., writes:—‘iSome time ago I was seized with, a severe cold that left me with a bad, tiresome, cough. “ After trying* different cough medi­ cines, to no avail, my husband brought me home a bottle of Dr. Wood’s Norway Hhe Syrup .which I started, .to take at once, and before I had taken several doses I noticed, a change, and when I had 'finished the battle my cough was com­ pletely gofio.' I canndt reeommcrid Dr. Wood ■‘P-, Syrfip to6 highlyi/** • ’PHc8, .^5 cent’s a bottle} l&rfce family/ size 6d cents, at all druggists of deMera, ■ T*ut up only $y Tlie T, Milburn Co.) Lid-/ Toronto,. \ / • of $4,00 ing a lie^A school h section No, phen. * And that liiftli b e,red. in ddunfv Fpl r*' ( 'Arv the ,bd itiadd the*firht ...... ^forid' d<nribt’ be ed at UVmHtdn nuatW 1980* st :*<• 3-h.p. belting, emery grinder, buggy pole, ity of bell set of britchen harness; iset Jf heavy; harness in $good condition; ^collars- sweat pads,.1 scalding barrels, chop­ boxes, pair b sleighs, baring 1'ork.J. hay forks, ianiire forks/, ditehing Spade, scoop lovels, logging^jhains^ neck yokes, double-trees, cowSihainsJ a quantity of lhay, moulds tor ce­ ment fence postfe, a number lit was­ ter pails, swill buckets, dis^ witlj. truck out throw.% B HOUSEHOLD FFECTS—1 Iroi£. bed springs and iMattress, ’bmlrooxw table,- small. diniilg%ooni tablj hanging lamps, smalt lamp, w machine and wrin^gerkfoldingL__I. Daisy churn,: butt0r-dM and jpoonZ 3 curtain poles, De Lavhl iseplr'atoiy big range stove, numbed Off stove- fripes, 5-piece paylor suRAj/child’s. bed, parlor rug Oil2; brand now rug. 9x10^; rugi9il2; rug 8x9; parlor laihp, iron bed springs, cross-cut saw, uew; shaving horse, small spinning wheel, big spinning wheel, large hiail. box, vice, block and tackle, 50- rods- of Frost & AVood S-Strand wife ivov-*- on fencing, big fence stretchers, 1. hntcher ftibld, sink and other artic­ les to'o- numerous to- liientioh. Dyerything in A 1* condition. ■ TERMS All sums of $10.00 and cash;./)V9r that amount 7 .niontlis’" i, two isliing; sclfair,- egist Witlii pubit law wds regist- office of tyie the 4th day of : • ' ' «>.. , iash or set aside1 of the v'.rt tliereof musf l credit .will be .given fiirpjsiiiin#' ree months after approved., jojpt notes with a, discount on of this notice, rif 4' per cent, straight off.<or caeli de thereafter. Dat- on credit amounts. iS 5lh day of Feb- ARTHUR WEBER, Auctioneer [ADDIE TTEMaN, Clerk ^’’ber, township clerk j DAVID SCHROEDER, proprietbr