HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-02-20, Page 14 I t ♦ ESTABLISHED 1873 NEW SPRING EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 20th, 1930 / s EXETER. LAO HAS LEG AMPUTATED FOLWAVING ACCIDENT Mr. of Vic­ FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR NOJWW JF’ ,i Printed materials are becoming more each seasonWe have a beautiful rang< pular of new patterns in; English and Canadian prififts, guar­ anteed fast colours, at very reasonable prices. 36 in. Prints at 21c. a wfl. This plfat is a real bargain, 36 inches wide, good?patterns and faistj colons, on special sale at 21c. a yard. ’ Jr Im Critical Condition Jack, the six-year-old son of and Mrs. Albert T. Harness, town, lies critically ill in the toria Hospital, Rondon, the result off injuries received in a runaway ac­ cident Saturday afternoon" last, The interest and sympathy of the whole ’community has been aroused as .the little fellow has been hanging be­ tween Rfe and death for* ■ several days. Oh Monday seven young men from .town went to London in order to give the sufferei- a blood transfu­ sion. The latest reports from his bedside state that he is .own but that he is not ■danger. About the .middle of Printed Broadcloths atjfOc. a yd. This line oflbroadcloth is exceptional va!ueJ52 inches wide, good heavy t patterns, guaranteed fast cdprs on sale at 29c. a yard.cloth in very smi T The new dr< and materials ar< better lines are si X. Spring Dre^s ss materials are here foa I really beautiful and ver pwn in exclusive dreswlengths. Materials1 £ spring and summer. The colors ■y reasonable in price, and all the T / First Snowing Spring Coats and Dresses ry glad to havejybu call and look over out first shipments ses’ spring coals are very smart, bi t not too extreme and the prices are very reasonable. We will be v of Ladies’ and Mi and dresses. The styles we are showing / Many Lines oi winter /oods at Great Reductions in NEW WALL-PAPERS | Sfauhton’s t Sunwothy I Ready-Trimmed i Wall-Papers ..... New patterns and color­ ings; also^a few good bundle lots for bedrooms, and kit­ chens. /HEEP-LINED COATS y on sale at $9.00 each LMEN’S LEATHER COATS on sale at $10.00. each Special prices ioh’ ' ’ MEN’S^AND,,..BOYS’ • OVERGO ATS Phone 32 f1l NEW SLIPPERS 1 z New styles of Wdhaen’s and Girls’ Slippers arriving each week. ON SALE * . 6.A table o‘f fine slipper? oh . sale at $1.98 a pair Phone 32 (hockey EXHIBITION Get Your Sap Pan or Heater JWade Now WE HAVE A FULL SUPPLY OF ( ,SAPI PAILS, SPILES, .JANS, We hay f 1 galvaniz TUNE IN O1 PROGRA& GET Y< I Seaforth Collegiate \vs. Ereter H. S. D(hAj RlNldfEXETER ETC 'S / lafrge 11 quart or carrying sap ) s Fridai,eb’y 21 Game cl ad: kl at 8.15-. [SSION 15c. LOWE Bfifos.%AMOUS COMPOSERS FROM TOUR FAVORITE STATION JR RAWO BOOKLET ON HOME ^DECORATIONS HERE The Great Plummer Breach-of-Promi« Case MOCK TRIzy in ill' PARISH hJlL of the MEMORtJL church,vTinvn TRAQUA1R & LINDENFIELD 27 Under th- BIRTHS Come ai of the juq •— onJE— ay^/eKy 24th o’^IOck lausJiccs of the A. y. P. A. |d>car the clever decision at ^COATES—At Dr. Fletch ers’c Hos­ pital on Wednesday? February the 18th to 'Str. and Mrfe. Thomas C. Coates,( fdaiightof. ’DAVIS—aV Fort Erie on Friday, February 14th, to 'Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Oliver^ Davis, a sun. Hi Usborne, On, Thursday, , to, Mr, and . son. ^MISSION 25c. IN In 10' avillia; Pwlw I passed IMORIAM ng memory IL A THONG liway th too years .COTTLE—: ’ Feb. 4 th, Cottle, a Mrs. * John Be Wi liary, 23,. 1027 At El 18th, i mvllU. to iMr WRIGHT— February Fred Wright .a daughter ‘TALBOT—Oft eft the Blue ley, to Mr. a daughter. on Sunday, and Mrs. 1 • Sunday, February 2, Water Highway, Sitam and M«. Vita, Tulbot, and Family ■. . ....' . ./ CARD OF TIL K8 Mr. mid MrsJ family wish to 1 friends for Idiid Ing thoir recent’ Abbott and ts numerous I XV. JU. . hajC tin ■Jlfmem Frances dur holding his yet out of * __ the after­ noon on Saturday Jack, along with XValter (Buddy) Sims, jumped onto "a bobsleigh belonging to Mr. Frank ‘yrjebner, of Stephen and driven by his; son Douglas. The team was a spirited one and had attempted to run awsiy before the boys got on the sleigh. <;On Carling street they were •driven into a bank of snow in front of Mr. Peart’s in order to bring them under .control. While driving down Station street they agahv became-un­ manageable. Tlj,ey swung off the road at the Canning factory and the sleigji struck a hydro pole opposite the office of Mr. R. G. Seldon where botli of the youngsters were picked Up. Jack was suffering from a badly bruised and broken leg which bled profusely. Dr. Dunlop was immed­ iately called and the little fellow was removed to the , doctor’s office and was latei* rushed to Victoria Hospital- in London, where it was found that both bones of the right leg '’ad been broken below the knee and that the muscles of the leg had been practically torn away.Whether .this was caused from striking the spOSt^or the runner of the sleigh go- ihg over, the leg on the hard ice is not Jinown. The driver- of the team showed a great (leal of pluck in holding on but the drawbolt came out and’ the team got away and ran around the oil tanks at the station before being caught, ' Un /Monday Messrs. Sil’as Reed, Harold Taylor, Sylvester Taylor, Lloyd Baynham, Kirt Hutton, AV. H. 'ftod E. Harness went to ’London to give \a blood transfusion to the lad and the lot fell to Mr. Reed. Immed­ iately after the transfusion the leg was amputated half way between the knee and the hip. The only injury to Walter^Sums was a cut caused by a tooth through his lip. FARM MECHANICS’ COURSE PROVES POPULAR The special weeks’ course ip Farm Mechanics which was held in Exeter, February IQth to 14th was very well attended and proved quite popular with the farmers of the surrounding district. The course was under the direction of the Huxion County Branclx of the Ontario’ Department of Agriculture and the two instruc­ tors were Mr. J. C. Duff, of Harris- StOix and Mr. E. B. Kelly, of Ren­ frew. Mi*, Kelly spoke op gas en­ gines and farm tractors and Mr, Duff dealt with the following subjects, ropes ftnd splicing, tools, paints and' whitewashing, concrete, farm mach­ inery, building constructions and ru­ ral sanitation. These two men are specialists in their respective lines and dealt with their subjects in a. very interesting and practical man­ ner. ' A feature of the course was a Jec-, ture given by Mr. Bishop of the Hy­ dro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario. He. spoke on the growth and development of rural ‘ Hydro from its start in 1922 up until the present time and emphazied the fact that, due to its low cost, no farmer can afford to be without the Hydro providing he is in a position to take advantage of it. The average attendance for each day was seventy-five, along with the interest displayed by those present, makes the course one of the best which .was ever conducted in Huron County. FOUR-ACT FLAY ENTfELED, <ome les Mil bo Jreswited, in the 1 B 9 Themes Boad Church Fri P 1 J ** ADMISSION 35c and 35c, at 8 o’clock willtoe lield in Exeter OLD AND MUSIC going of HIGHWAY TO BE PAATED 1UPPEN TO EXETER The Provincial . Department Highways announces that the pav­ ing contract for this dit&riet includes 7i miles on highway No. ,4 from Kippen to Exeter.' The road north from Kippen is paved as far as Clin­ ton, Workmen have been engaged all -winter in building the abutments and'cutting down the embankment, of this 'Aux Sable hill, neai’ Lucan, preparatory to cutting out the curve and straightening the highway. SARNIA YOUNG PEOPLE AVIN AVOSSA CONTEST The Senior WOSSA Oratorical con­ test Was held in the Main Street church on Friday evening of last week. Five contestants took part in the competition for group ’■ honors, two were from .Sarnia Collegiate in­ stitute; two from Strathroy Colleg­ iate Institute and one from the Exe­ ter High School. Hiss Helen Ray- mor, of Sarnia, was the winner in the Senior girls division and -Mr. H. Anderson, of Sarn'ia, was winner in the boys’ division. ’ ■■•The speeches were all very inter­ esting .and the orators, delivered them in a masterly manner and de­ served a larger crowd than was pres­ ent for the occasion. Miss Raymor ‘Spoke on rtlie subject ^Vh’akis Sue-' cess’’ and Mr. Anderson had for his Subject “The Stranger Within' Our Gates.” In the boys events Mr. Da­ vid Ivor, of Strathroy, was a close contestor for the honors taking for his subject “The War on . Poverty.” The other speakers were Miss Helen Aullum, of Strathroy, subject’“Pio­ neer Life in the District in Which I Live.” Gerald Godbolt represented tlie Exetei- High .School, his subject being “What we Owe ^o Ancient Greece.” All the speakers left a •very favorable impression, the ma­ terial being exceptionally fine and the delivery splendid. The speakers were introduced to the audience by Principal E. J. Wethey, who occupied the chair. Mr. Wethey makes .a splendid chairman. Two enjoyable numbers on the piano by Mr. Gordon C. Koch; of the High School staff added pleasing variety to the program. The judges were Rev. C. J. Moorhouse. Rev. J. B. Rhodes and Mr. B. W. F. Beavers. pw DEE DANCING’ KLEE-PIECE 3STRA provide lunch.Ladies please Admission Gents 50c. tax included W. F. Beavers, J. M. -Soutlicott. The following recommendations were made as objectives to be for the coming . season. In Victoria. Park, several trees are to be remov­ ed, as well a-s other items to be5 car- • ed for. In the new Federal Pax-^ where the new Post Office is being erected, the shrubbery will be pre­ served as much as possible, uniil the . building is out of the hands of the workmen. The Committees of the past ha<f spent considerable time and money on this, spot, and are anxious that much- of’, the original beauty be .preserved. In the Riverview Park it was felt that the town had one of the finest opportuniities, both, for the present and the future, for a beauty spot, that is open to any town in Western Ontario. The last few years has seen .a few more trees* planted, most of"SVhiclf are furnislidd" .'By?;'the""For-' estry Dept., of the Government, amt were planted and cared for by 'citi­ zens. It is felt, that this year, the good work should progress along the same lines and it is proposed to have, the Committee plant ds maiiy tr^s in the centre. of the Park as tl^y ! •> the Committee plant ds- many tr CA VEN YOUNG PEOPLE HOLD SLEIGHING PARTY On Wednesday evening of last week, the Young Peoples’ Guild of Caven Church held a very enjoyable sleighing party to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mitchell, of Usborne. A splendid program of games and contests was put on by the hostess after which lunch was served. At the close of the evening a very hearty vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. and ‘Mrs. Mitchell for their kindness. Mr.. and Mrs. E. Heideman are receiving the congratulations of their many friends as they are to-day (Thursday) * celebrating .their 'gold­ en wedding anniversary. The death took place in London on rattH’dayv February 15th of. Mar­ garet Isohel,- beloved ‘wife of Janies Shaddock, formerly of Eketer* Mr. Shaddock at one time conducted the old Mansion House Hotel. Besides her husband, one daughter Mrs, Eva McMullin -and one son Frederick Detroit survive.of Jos. Ko slncoi* CARD OF TltANK Mi­ to “express tlwir their neighbors kindness and sj- dtiring thoir rec Mid Mrs. E. wish thanks to nds for the shown them nypreroayomeftt. « deem necessary to improve the pearance of the grounds. To Purchase Trees Planting along the south^shfe o£ the dam will be delayed^until the cleaning of the^salne is completed, Evergreen^, nut and ornamental trees will be "used. They were authorized to use ?50.0O ’for the purchase o£ trees and shrubbery. It was recom­ mended that the driveway be im­ proved, and that a mound be pre­ pared in the centre for a clump of Peonies. On the Station grounds- the Committee are willing to plant trees and help beautify the grounds if the C.N.R. will co-operate with them. In Central Park, flowers ar& to be divided and planted where they have been winter killed. Besides? the work on the Public property tliet Committee trust that the same co­ operation from the citizens will’be given .as in the past to help maha this the prettiest town in Western Ontario. In fact they are asking if the citizens will not redouble their efforts and try and get as many more interested as is possible, by so doing, it makes the task easier for every one. ca* PARKS COMMITTEE ORGANIZE A meeting of the Exeter Parks Committee was held on Wednesday, to review the work of-the past year and to lay out. plans for this year. Following the election -of officers, the various committees for the dif­ ferent parks were named, and are as follows: Chairman. W. H. Johnston; Victoria. Park Committee, W. H. Dearing, T. Sanders, J. Hunter; Fed­ eral Park, S. DI. Sanders. M. R. Com- plim; Central Park, W. Ward, G. Mawson, T. Harvey . Riverview Park, T.’Pryde, W. G. Medd, B. W. F. Beavers, S. M. Sanders, W. I-I. John­ ston; Station Grounds, J. g. Stan-[Mrs. Abbott was with him-most. o£ bury, N. J. Dore, A. O. Elliott, B. the time. Mr. W. F. Abbott, who foi* aimo&e four weeks had been ill in ATctoria Hospital, London, following an op- \ eration, returned to Ins' home on \ Monday and is getting along fine. RUNAWAYS A hoi’se Attached to Mr. Middle­ toil’s Bakery wagon and driven by Mr. Arerne Harness rail away Satur­ day morning running down Main St. from Exeter North. No damage was done. ' A team of horses hitched! ip a sleigh and driven by Mr. Oscar * - front of Mill on FrP week. The Turkey ran away from the Ross-Taylor Planing day «afternoon of last feam collided with a cutter driven by Homer Russell, son of Mr. Mfltoft Russell, of Hay .and his two sisters Isobel and Margaret. -The occupants wore dumped out and the cutter badly damaged. iTfte "rfthatVay teain was Mr. ■ ter bey h: mngjoervices James Street United^Church, EXETER stopped by Mr< Harry Bierliiig. Russell had to got another -tut*- in order to continue his jour-1 homo. « • * ♦ • , *q. Mr. Wm/Bieber -and > s .non I-tL | -am wore returning to thoir > homo in May Township one evening (re­ cently when the horse they were driving became frightened at the rattling of*a tire jafiain while meet-* ing an automobile. It overturned the cutter throwing the occupants out and theft .fan for home. Little da mage was done, ihd MR SUP ER D RTAVISH ing' pnd eveni MAN, Soloist TUE The M and entefta snappy pro; ing prepare SUPPER 81 RUARY 23rd ,1*’preach the’ re-opening sermons nioiit-choi^viil he assisted by MIS8 ALICE Hoi'F- GEjfRGE GRjNt, ATolinist. ENTERTAINMENT ‘-—on — FEBRUARY 25th Association1 will hold a supper in tim imsomeid. in the auditorium of tlm nhut“h. A bright and )f vocal, instrumental music, readings, etc., is. be- ED FROM 5.^0 PROGRAM TO FOLLOXV ADMISSION: ADULTS o0c»* CHILDREN - f <