The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-02-06, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Thursday, iwbvary «, mo INGLIS—BAYNE NUFTIAI.S A pretty wedding solemiiizvj.11 at the home of the bride’s parents, i Mi*, and Mrs. John G. Bayne, New-1 bury, when their only daughter, Alary tUlm.cne (AMmieh was marricl to John Gordon Inglis, son of Mr. and! Airs. James- Inglis, of Kitscoty, Al­ berta. Rev. B. L. Walden, <if the Glencoe Presbyterian Church, performed the cerermony. The bride was a former popular teacher on the Exeter High School stuff, At 3 o’clock the wedding party took their places before an arch of evergreens to the strains of Lohen­ grin’s "Bridal Chorus" played by Afrs. Roy Barnes, of Sarnia. The bride, who was given in mar­ riage by her father, was gowned in beige chiffon, with hose and slippers to match, with Sunset roses and lily of the valley and wearing a string of pearls, the gift from the groom. She was attended by Miss Bertha Nelson, of Toronto, iu poudre blue georgette, with silver slippers and hose and carrying Ophelia roses. The groom was supported by Kenneth Cameron of Ann Arbor, tMicln After the congratulations the small neice of the bride, Mary Elizabeth (Betty) Bayne, daughter of Dr. and Airs. A. M. Bayne, of St. Marys, was christened by the officiating minis­ ter. After the wedding breakfast the bride donned a smart dress of rose., beige silk crepe, Hudson seal coat, with hat, slippers and gloves to match. The happy couple left for Toronto and other points. Mr. and Mrs. Inglis on the con­ clusion of a two months’ visit with friends and relatives will take up at Exeter Markets Wheat $14Q Oats SJo. Barley GSc. Manitoba Flour $440 Model Flour $4.25 Pastry Flour $8.80 Feed Flpur $2.25 Bran $145 Shorts $1.95 Creamery Butter 43 c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, 3. Bernard Rhodes, M‘. A. Minister Miss L<*nu Coates, A.LXbAL, Organist 10,00 a.m.’—Sunday School MENS’ OVERCOATS if friends and relatives will take residence on the groom’s farm, Kifscoty, Alberta. FOR 'SALE—Kinsman Birsey, Sask&and Heirs expect to arifve -on or •ary 8th witl« two ca \$aihe’#an bejseen t ■'CON- 'X an exceptional jiorses to H^svo^d' do kinsman Bros. Ontario, t Febru- iad of horses, ur farm LOT 2, SMITH. This is fine lot of young one wishing to buy to see this shipment. 2-6-ltc. WANTED—For.' Alain •Church, 4 doujble co/l wood cut 2 feeL nmg cords cut 16 infehM long. Samuel Ross, (Wethker Butter 27c.i 40c. extras 40c. firsts 35c. seconds 80e, $12.75 S0- uary 17 at ierwood Fox, "vestern Ontar- "Mussolini and h (..'aven Presbyter- On the evening of FQ 8 o’clock, Preset, w^ of the University io, will lectufe the new dtaljf’ ian Church, 1»—11 1 L •' " 11 r Mrs. Wm. Ward has returned home after visiting iu Listowel. Messrs. Ted Taman and Bruce Medd spent the week-end in Guelph. Mrs. Mollard was in Clinton last Friday attending the Presbyterial executive. Mr. E. A. home after visiting with his son at Rockwood. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wells • daughter Caroline, of Windsor, visiting in town. Mr. C. C. Pilon, of Windsor, spent Hie latter part of the week with Airs. Pilon and family. Mr. Reg Beavers, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce has been trans- 'ferred to the Ilderton Branch. Mrs. Geo. Hepburn, and daughter Jean, of Centralia were the guests of Mrs, Mollard ovtr the week-end. Mr, and Mrs. Moses Gardiner, of Regina, Sask., celebrated their gold­ en wedding anniversary 3rd. Al'rs. Wesley Dearing tef Miss Rosa attended of Master George Hicks, on Tuesday. At the auction sale of horses held at the barns of Mr. J, G. Dow on Monday a number of horses were sold. The prices rangiug from $75 \ to $100. ____j I Sunday was Candlemas Day and Apply to the bear was out to see his shadow, ..... ., - ” xl-- en- not Follick has returned Jos. and are on January and daugh- the funeral' in Toronto, ^5t. United s of maplo Ing 1J double 11 a. ju.—"The Inexorable Law” Second in the series S p. m,—Four Leprous Men Fifth in the (scries • JAMES ST, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, D. McTavisIjj Jhistor W. R. Colliding A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader . a.m.—“The Joyful Sound” Another studs’ in the Psalms. p.m.—Sunday School. p.m.—-“Wanted” A message for young and old. Short services in the basement for the next two Sundays. 11 3 7 MAIN ST- UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA. Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist & Choir Leader, . a.m.—"The Joys Christians May Indulge In” (This subject is be­ ing repeated by request.) p.m.—“Wandering, in Sin”. Se­ cond in the series on the Prodigal. Song service of old hymns. Women’s Association meets Thurs­ day afternoon at 3.30 o’clock, 7.30 Thursday evening Prayer service. 11 7 At Bargain Prices NOW IS YOUR CHANCE OF SECURING A GOOD COAT AT A REAL SAVING. WE OFFER ALL OUR MEN’S OVERCOATS AT GREAT REDUO TIONS. . - <r»'-MEN’S BARRYMORE COATS, REGULAR $35,QO FOR $27,50, PLAIN BLURS, REGULAR $25,00 FOR $19.00 TWELVE ONLY TWEED COATS VALUES TO $25.00 FOR $14,9^ Ladies’ Silk and Wool Hose Holeproof Silk find Wool Hose, This was a regular $1.25 line with elasti'c rib top, in several good shac|es. , Sale pric# each 69c. 40 in. Pillow Cotton Thia is a speci cotton., . Fine w< Special |>er yard 45 40 inch circular pillow j ve and .good weight Wall papers We with eno . . times thefprice they are,narked, 3 gone tnroug paper to do a CoMon Bats In severa ualities. These open out of comforter. See our spec-the full ials at Wall Papers o Act quickly. 36 in. Comforter Chintz In many new patferns and colorings. You will like our Assortment. At per yard 25c. Papers and have tied all odd lots in bundles Ordinary room. These papers are worth two and three NEW rtINTS $1.48andTRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. -T. J. ltonfon, R.A., Rector Aliss K. AL. MaeFauJ, Organist Fifth Sunday after Epiphany 11 a.m.—’Morning Prayer and Ser­ mon. subject ‘The Living Word’, p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Class. The Bible Class will be held from now on in the church, p.m.—-Evensong and sermon, sub­ ject, “John Wesley” Fifth in the 'series on great Bri­ tish preachers. The four'already delivered have been much appre­ ciated. The next discourse on Wesley should be thn most inter­ esting of all. Now is a good op­ portunity for Wesley's admirers in Exeter to hear about him. Don’t fail to come. NOTE—-Holy Communion at 11 a.m". on First Sunday of the monili and at S a.m. on the Third Sunday of the month, ■ 3 7 We offjir a fine r^ge of new Magog Prints in e new patterns, at pe/yatd 25c ..............I" IW Wool Blankets We offer all our Wool Blankets at Bar- , gain prices. It will pay you to buy now. Bargains in Remnants E^AVE JUST FINISHED STOCK-TAKING. OUR REMNANT COUNTER D WITH ENDS THAT HAVE BEEN REDUCED IN PRICE FOR QUICK I. LOOK IS FL __________________________ ___________ ____ ...._________ SEWING. PERHAPS YOU CAN MAKE USE OF SOME OF THEM. THEM OVER. / . 2-6-2tc ’ but the weather was dull. If the I cient 'axim is correct, spring is ’ far away. I The congregational meeting of James Street United church is being held tonight (Wednesday). The congregation is winding up a very successful yeay. Mrs. Bloomfield, of London, is ill with blood-poisoning in her hand at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Kydd. Miss Hazel Bloom­ field is hero waiting on her “mother. At the morning service in the Jas. Street United church Air. John Ped­ lar was taken ill with a fainting spell and had to be taken to his home. He is around again as usual.-* Airs. Ella French, who has been visiting with Mrs. E. A. Follick left Monday for Toronto and next week she is leaving to visit at Spokane Wash. ' * Miss Alma S. Winer, student nurse of tlie Strathroy General Hospital in­ tends io spend a few days the lat­ ter part of this week at the home of her parents*Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Winer. Mr Elnix^e^Hafhess has again tako.u -over.'^j^y.'bnr.ber h.usiness which has'vfeenvv^ndubtAd; hy ^Messrs. M.-'1.aiKl Hai-ry; ..Cftrey. .Care^^/remaining with him. Clinton Brown has returned to her home in Crediton after spend­ ing (several' weeks .with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo London. Air. Hodgins her home Tuesday. Mrs. Amy’s class of girls "Bright Jewels” of the James-Street Sunday School held a pleasant skating party in the rink one evening; last week followed bj* lunch and a social- hour at the home of Mrs, Geo. Grant. The management of the Dome Rihk have installed the Samson “Pam” sound and music equipment and are pleased to announce that they will' try to co-operate with the skaters in regard to favorite and- suitable music for slmting. At the conclusion' of tho course in Agriculture and Economics on Friday afternoon of ■ last week in Air. Senior’s Hall a1 large photo of the ela?ss was present­ ed to the instructorsilMessrs, G. A. McCaguo,- Ian. McLeod, and Misses McLaughlin and Jjavitsf. Air. J, R. Hind has restinied his position as manager tat the Ross-Tay­ lor Planing Alii! after being off duty for seven weeks owing to ill-heat tin He wiB rstill hdvc to go easy for ia. time, ’Illis is the first time in 80 years that Air. Hind has been off work -so long, It is to be hoped that ’ho will soon regain his former health. Air. Titos, Carling, of London, vis* Ucd his pawnits Mr. and Mrs. W» J._ Carling on Wctlftosday evening of last week and took. M'.t-ho Mitehell-— Exeter hockey Air./ Carling used to bo one of/Exeter's hockey v-. plhyers and still eiijoys tq see a good Buy«/a ot poultry. ; call us 'game. Ito was delighted to see the "2 , Juniors In action and spoke of Wed- ^.hipment of leg, bahda nosday night’s game m one of the Alt sizes and co- most interesting ho had seen this year. SALE-y^Str oi skates and Cheapo TApply to Times-Ad- • 2-6-ltp. 1LWE OF, sCOOKING AND •CANDY-’—At tJle Grigg Stationery on Saturday, .0'ebguaryJthe 8th at three l*e^Busy Begk MisSigai Band of Cave| Presbyter' 1r Churdji, FOR shoes, vocate x/clock. By Fox Fur N old fur. Pr John Taylor Ann Street. made out of easonable. er of William NOTICE III III ■,4J ■ 4^—Bargains > Men! Great Neves'! Berger Tailoring Company has aUuhorizi Iis to offer There seems to he either a misf understanding or a wilful misre-pr^1 sentation of the guarantee on the tubes used in Rogers-Majestic risMin sets. To make the facts plaidf to everyone we reproduce below# the guarantee which a purchase^ getj with each Rogers set: Roger’s (Juarmiteo "Rogers-AIajestic Corptn#Limited warrants that this Radio ^Receiving Set has befen carefully inspected and when shipped from the/factory is L’ree from! workmansl this set is entitled to cha *ge,- any pa of to .............. oni year ft the purchase of thi by the Con in the mei inand He. I g.. Lowest q/bessarily ac- FOR. SALE—Onion sc good repair; ^a 3-cyc knitter in splendid • cylinder extra/fine Will be priced*: Times-Advocat-^ r in auto- ndition, one r fancy work Sonable. Apply, a TENDERS WANTED For ten cord ot^oeean body wood, two f£ot Jgj or any tender cepted. Tenders in not later than - February Brown, Sec’y.-Tr¥as. Tharfffes Road United church. 1-30-Stc FOR SALE-^-Twm^Yorkshire hogs- reads’- for -serv FApply.to Chas. Harvey, Exeter^ AGENTS AV, ED . if you ar^ looking Jbr an opport­ unity to better you position, the Watkins Business. 11 put you in sitcoms without risk. ie latest and best line families. $50.00 ofitJber week for the in- the path Positively of goods or more -p dnstriotig Apply n|r^ar the nearest locality rural or ci|jf and start the New Year right. Tli'^J.R. Watkins Company, Dept. R-2 749 Craig Wast, Mont­ real Que. body [ car- Now » For dor, ight Delivery. Have you seen the now Fog types? We received our s load of five cafsion A showing the Nw Town Sedan aiw iSandy Elliot, D Dressmaking done,/ moderate ■charges; all kinds M^df* work done. Airs. Norman Hockey, l-16-2tp If yoii'wishj^niiy br sell it farm or house so^L E. Pickard, Exeter. HOGARTH BABY CmCK HATCHERY FEEDS Our supply of feeds attend w more complete than ever needs in ChicliisStmrteE Gi'd Feed, Lt y ***—"•_ Meal, Al ’aitn Meat Grit, CbJ aduwuu r bo prom illy fills j oultry culling ft Is ! OMf ti Imns olii ’ Our -chili ;c .Is. are cash’ when yoi Our n has Just iprs. punier, uiVj Mdsh, Chick y Masih Be/f. Meal, Perm I. , Oyster* Shell, dditsed Birftormilk, etc. can iinatci to have the cull from youv fleck. .00 per 100 hens. We hd pouUvy to Welt F. Mr. Hedging, of accompanied short Home s of free of elusive turned iod of defects of nfaterial and pftrcliascr of ive .replaced, or parts (ex- ch -when re- within .a per*- n tho date of- set, arc found e effective with- aning this warranty. tubes int o ,ip. The tubes) w >ur factor ears labels carry- the year in which llowed by wn "A? earing the "A” ini- larMnteed exclusive of The A-C ing an imp they are m or "B”. T print arc breakage nnlil/Fohvirary lat of tbe following year and tubes bearing the "B” imprint are guaranteed exclus­ ive the of breakage until August 1st o following year.” IV; AL. REEL? Rogers-Ma.jesl'ie Dealer Januaty and Mbruary we are offering excellent bmains. L R. some ^BRjoiie 30J Funeral Director & Furniture Dealer Miss B. Sheppard and Mrs. Edna Hearts, of Toronto, left last week to spend the remainder of the 'winter at Petersburg, Florida. The funeral of Mrs. Jas. Dixon of the 4tli con. of McGillivray, who ■ passed away on Sunday in her 52nd year was held Tuesday afteim'bon service at St.' James Church, Clan- deboye, interment in St. James cem­ etery. The deceiasd had been ill .with pneumonia. Rev. D. AlcTav- ish, of Exeter, assisted at the fun- j oral ‘ service. ASK T 1063 Durant Si 1927 Pontiac C cars have until youthe car AN OFFER. A 1 condition $175-, rumble seat $3DO^0O .EXETER Phono C4 ZURICH f phone 140 Xndyelliot (TIIK OI? TltFj. FORD SEE THES1- Sedan ■r Used Cars in the months! bf April anti May, hundreds of p ibuying used cans; but already a number of reallyj been traded it). ouJthe xxow Alodel A FOrd. 1 1 'Look these oior a small deposit will Wish delivery. Ford Tudor, 7 monfbs old $490.00 For Ford, model A, c/lpe d coupe, __Its D MAKE US L. - 1929’ChbVroiet Six Sedan 1928 Whippet Coach ES'C'S! Coaelr, 10 per cent off “C January /5th to/February 15th of QualU^’ and their wonderful values need n. But here’s big news! In order to .. . , _ "2. I____________ .a” inthe clothing yeai/we ha^* been authorized to accept orders for "Clothes ot^Qm/ity” jfi? A REDUCTION OF 10% FROM REG-U- Ironlyrauuary 15th to February 15th. “Clothes of. Quality” are a/spl^did buy at regular prices any time—at this special reducti/nyuiese are values you could not possibly afford to miss. sx • I Berger ''Clot! no introduction toj----------------- 'thrifty nuitf' But here’s big news! L. keep their tailori/g plantJrusy during the “in-between Seasons’ LAR PRICES^ TAMA N / EXETER, ^NT. DON’T F MARSHA W PHONE 81w DING T’inuo l OPPER i DIRECTOR Ernest C. Studio, MuinTSL WITH E 1ATTR GENERAL NOW IS THE TIME W BUY YOUR MARSH MATTRES DURING THE FEBRUARY WE AWA SHALL TON SL NTH OF E GIVING ERYMAR- S, A COT- D AT'$3.50 BUY YOUR HIS MONTH. H. R FUNKE FURNITURE DEADER Phone 99 The Robert McCausland Company of Toronto arc making firm headway in decorating the largo auditorium of the James Street United church.- ’rhe congregations on Bub day wor­ shipped in the basement which was. filled both jnorAing jjnd evening. At the jnoriiihg (service- a quartette Whs. sung by Mrs. Williams, Mrs, W. Melville, Mrs. colliding, and Miss Es* spry, At tho evening service Miss' Vera Essery took a solo part ift the antlmm and a quartette was sting by. •Mr. and Mrs, Linden field, ML U M. Sanders-j^d Miss S. Southco'th J iV K Choirmaster nited Church ctiou in z, Organ Theory Music in School BOX .57, Pli^b 152 EXETER, ONT J Mutual Life, Fir^ Automobil arvey ANCE BROKER cpi'/fceniing eofCa NEDXany make) 3C. 4c< SAFETY RAZOBf BLADES SHAR SINGLE ED DOUBLE ED l^erfcct w. s. c; , 1 • • • • • « • Vi ******k ****■•*»*it c Guaranteed E.- DRUGGIST- • SICKDOROTHY E. G (Ilohoi* «to<Iudto) jKondotq England Piano, Violin Studio N EX Instruction in armony, Theory jert WO R, ONTARIO