HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-01-30, Page 8,JL THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE 4. THURSDAY, JANUARY 80, 1030 Local News I Capt. Bitch© is looking after the interests of the Salvation Army ini town taking, the place of Captain, Kelly who is ill in Toronto; ; Mr. IL C. Sweetlove, tvho has been transferred to the Exeter branch of th© •Canadian Bank * of Commerce from St. Catharines, ar­ rived in town Saturday evening. Misses Frances Pearce, Muriel Walker and Elsie Sumner, of Lon- don,, and Miss Frances Spence, !of Stratford, spent the week-end at th© home of Mr. and Ato. W. C. Pearce.■#■., * Dr. Harry Mdb, who has been spending several weeks at his home here, returned to Toronto Tuesday to resume ftis duties as interne at the Western Hospital. The young people of the James St. United League have extended an in­ vitation to the Elimville young people to meet with them on Tues­ day, February 11th. The visitors will supply the1* program, Exeter Markets Wheat $1.20 . Oats. 5&c, Barley 68 m Manitoba Flour $4.30 Model Flour1 §4,25 .Pastry Flour $3.80 Feed Flour «$3;35 Bran $1.95 ■Shorts $1.9.5 Creamery Butter 44c. Dairy Butter 37c., 40e. ■ Eips Eggs, Eggs, Hogs o—— < •TaFand fromTAXI SERVICE station ; also otii'town t Wells,phone' 5&Z’”'j CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH u! extras 43 c. " first 38 c. seconds 30c.. $13.00 £oaals J5 7 Roy. J, Bcrnunl Jthodcjs A* Minister Miss'Lena Coates," A.L.C.M., Organist 10.00 a.m — Sunday School 11 ii.ni.—“The Man and the phet.” This commences a series of ies in “T.......... ’ ' Amos.” PfO- stud- The Life and Teaching of 7 pan.—“Obed-edom the Gittite.” 4th sermon in the series. MENS’ OVERCOATS . At Bargain Prices NOW IS YOUR CHANCE OF SECURING A GOOD COAT AT A REAL SAVING. <WE OFFER ALL OUR MEN’S OVERCOATS AT GREAT REDUC­ TIONS. . * MEN’S BARRYMORE COATS, REGULAR $35.00 FOR $27.50. PLAIN BLUES, REGULAR $25.00 FOR $19.00 TWELVE ONLY TWEED COATS VALUES TO $25,00 FOR $14.95 JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. 1). AlcTavjsli, Pastor W. R. Goulding A.T.C.AT. Organist and Choir-Leader , a.m.—“Open last Bunday’s Faults.”) p.m.—Sunday p.m.—“A Pertinent. Question.” ■Services will be held in the base­ ment while the auditorium is being decorated. •Master George Doerr is conval- csing after an attack of the flu. Airs. AI. AleNicol, nurse, is taking care of Airs. Ed, Dickens, of Saints- Mr, E. L. Davis who is doing some wiring in London was home for the week-end. Miss Lillie Greb, of London, vis­ ited her father Air. J. Greb over the week-end. i* in Airs. John Gould, of Sexsmith, is auto- j visiting with Airs, R. Northcott of on©'t own this week- Mr. Bert Gillespie has returned g for a week with an uncle near Ripley. Airs. John Perkins was called to the bedside of her sister IMrs. Jas, Howlett, of Lambeth. Air. Geo. Willis, of London, visit­ ed with his mother Mrs. Jas. Willis in town the past week. . Mr- H. AV. Hewitt is able to be around again after being confined to his home through illness. •y. Mrs,. John Broderick is recover­ ing from the effects of a fall sustained several" weeks ago. Alias • Alar’guerite Aidworth friend of. Stratford visited with parents at 'Sexsmith over the week­ end. Mrs. R. B. of Cromarty, mother Airs, last -week. Air. Geo. Williams returned Toronto the latter part of the I 11. 0 7 Sins” (A sequel sermon on School. to Secret Cotton Bats In several qualities. These open the full size of comforter. See our ials afc 75c. & 85cZ Ladies’ Silk and Wool Hose Holeproof Silk and Wool Hose, This was a regular $1.25 line with elastic rib top, in several good' shades. Sale price each 69c. Out spec- 0the —E. *-ltc, -Onion sFOR SALE— good repair; s knitter in sple cylinder extra Will be priced i Time.s-Advocat^ MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH fbndition, or fancy work. &on&ble. Apply ac1 pome afer visitin; 0-2tc TEXPEBS WANT For ten cords of beec body wood, tw| . or any tender | not cepted. Tende; than February' Brown, United FOR ready, for service. Harvey, ExfcteL^ ---- foot 's t !1Q4 and maple g. Lowest ecessarily ac­ he in not later at six .m.. H. ThauSes Road 1-3 0-2 tc Sec’y.-' church, SALE—Xw rkshire hogs pply to -Chas. ‘^...,.,.■^,,1.. ■■ — ........ ‘SpejitejiTo liars of P. 39cf; Limburger cheese she and her Saturday'1 ! & G. Soap 3»us, AJiHiu — 30c.—Wilson’s- ^Grocery. FOR SALEp^Farm contain: ~ acres beipC lol 7, Conce^ion Hay Tp.Zdn thfc property isja frame house, /cemenw filled, £0od bank barn garage ??l^h©ph>£^e - fairly containing 67 17, QuancO and son Allen, visited Mr-s. Quance’s Allen for a few deys HULLwCy ” Al* ta IL i?j LXLlvvL) - —• -- barn |arage ??®,^h©ph>£^e- fairly! —--i’ •“'•“cad ald’ drained, plenty of where he spent sevetal days Property of the late Emgp- business trip. well fenced water. 1 uel Wilds—Alfply to Placid Desjard­ ins, Dashwoou R. R. 2 from week on a * OF CANADA Rev. C. J, .Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston z Organist & Chojj* Leader, ' - . a.m.—-'This is how Christians may be Radio Fans, .broadcasting and receiving.” p.m.—Our Church School. Our, study course in Temperance is oh. p,m.—“Starting in Life.” A ser­ vice on the Prodigal -Son. Par­ ents and young people will be much interested in these subject®. 7.30 p.m.—Thursday Prayer Service 11 3 7 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. J. J. Fenton,, B.A., Rector Miss K. M. MaeFaul, Organist. Fourth Sunday after Epiphany 11 a.m.—Holy Communion and Ser­ mon. Subject: “Our Spiritual Life.” 3 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Class. 40 in. Pillow Cotton , This is a special 40 inch circular pillow cotton.. .Fine weave and good weight. Special per yard 45c. 36 in. Comforter Chintz In many new patterns and coloring^; You will like, our assjvtment. i a y .jy ______1 r* ** - Wall Papers Wall Papers We have gone through dhr Wall Papers and o<^ l°ts >n bundles with enough papfer to; do an ordinary room. These , papers are worth two and three times, the price they ape marked. Act quickly. 98cj and > NEW PRINT® We offer a fine range ok new Magog Prints in the new patterns. / at per yatd 2J5c. J Wool Blankets 4 •n > <J We offer all our Wool Blankets at Bar-» gain prices. It will pay you to buy now. 'I tBargayfs in Remnants WE HAVE JUSt/fINISH] IS FILLED WITH ENDS TH/ SELLING. PERHAPS YOyFCAN MAKE USE OF SOME OF THEM. LQOK ) STOCK-TAKING. OUR REMNANT COUNTER HAVE BEEN REDUCED JN PRICE FOR QUICK7p.m.—-Evensong and Sermon. Sub­ ject; ^obertJHall.” Fourth in the seri'es-Mjn great English, Irish and Scottish -preach­ ers. Last Sunday night’s talk, on Spurgeon was greatly appreciated by all who heard it. Other out­ standing Old Country pulpiteers will he dealt wit'h in due course. “The best is*yet to be.” DOiFt fail to hear these interesting disr conrses; ■ NOTE—Holy Communion at it a.m. on First Sunday and at 8 p#’ m. on Third Sunday of every month1. Miss Grace Connor, of Belleville, l-22-2tp is renewing acquaintances in Exe- ' ter and is a guest at the home of ectric' Air. and Mrs. I-I. T. Rowe. . A horse belonging to Mr. Samuel gany table, I preezcator, of Exeter, had the mis- L-.-h . fortune to fall and break its leg on . Huron street sideroad and had matt- : j3e sll0t> j Mrs. Afelville Gladman and little son, pf London, are spending a lew I days this week at the home of her ■ parents Air. and Airs. R. ^E. Pickard. |A|f. Gladman spent the week-end bftere. Aliss Tuesday spend a Tuesday FOR SALE—tandryette I THEM OVER.K washer, buffet dining tablets dining ! chairs, clock, round ma' -----*■ large paint several roc 2 brass b resses, ham articles.- Creditor 1-23 odd chairs, ntit wardrobe, ■ th, ringg and ch and-several ‘S^itll net, 23-2tc Farmers interested •■cabbage for canning p vited to commnn|c ■dian Canners, EX rowing of mses are iii- vi-th the Cana.-f$ AGENTS WANTED If you are looking for ay/opport- nnity to better your pi Watkins Business will^Hit you in ithout risk. Blanche Senior left for Chicago where she week with relatives, of this week she left the 'cas° to visit relatives in Santa Barbara, California; Rev. J. W. Hibbert, -well-known the largejjjFmid best line. minister of Wellington Street Unit- sold to hmilies. $50.00 ed Church, London, died suddenly Rev. I D. McTavish was in Loudon attend- the path of success Positively •of goods it, 4 or more,.: rofit week for the in-1 on Wednesday of last week. rlustrious ;n1WT’ yj. McTavish was ;;; Lsndsn Apply : the nearest locality ■ ing the funeral and acted as one of rural Or c t ’ '~ ............ right. TDept. R-^f- 7 man. tyjShid start the New Year jjie palUhearers. ’ XL Watkins Qompany,! W4st, Al'ont- ’ ( real Que. •4,^. Have you seen th types? W&receiv our second car­ load of ,fivp« cargf on Monday. -Now showing the Tudor, Fordor. Town Sedail, Light Delivery. Sandy ElliotlvDealer. r'5222' ^1 T FT —— F !w— iiiiiiiin? Men! Great NeAn exceptionally clever program’ of music was presented by the social department of the Main St. Unite# Church League on Monday evening^ A paper on “Handel” was read by Mi'ss Marjorie Medd; “Handel’s HaiV, monious Blacksmith” was played by Miss Dorothy Grassick. Miss Sims gave a paper on Mendelssohn’.R “Spring Song.” The next paper was on “Beethoven” given by Miss S:r Northcott and Miss Ruth Wilfong played “Around the Lay” by Bee* thoven. There were forty .young people present. ’ in furniture •J f authorized the ninths of y andTebruary ; offjning some nt bargains. 10 perj off ^Clothes of Quality” Janua/y 15thJO February 15thwe ai excell lTAir. John M. Broderick, of Regina, Sask., paid a tying visit to the home of his mother Mrs. John Broderick and sister Miss Alarjorie one day last week. ’ Air. Broderick- is a distribu-, tor of, -autos in Regina and was i/ Toronto attending a convention. / County Council is meting tljis week in Goderich. Reeve B. M/ Francis will represent Exeter on tile ^Council for the first time. Reeve1 i i r 1---- Ballantyn'e, of Usborne and ■L'lb"‘'t>fReuben Goetz, of Stephen; Deputy - Reeve .Win. Sweitzer, of Stephen and Reeve Rader, of Hay are all in .at­ tendance. lew Ford body Dressmaking^^ d^te, ’*■ moderate _ 2r £ Jr *■ l Acharges; all work donehl|j..is> Airs. Norman Iubckey, Start your calves ‘2tnd%little pig/ off tight by feeding our Calf Meg/ It contains the necessary ingrediq/ts to make them grow. It is a fler-ful starter. I" _ ' it out. „Qnly $3.50 per cwt. Why go mutside to buy flg$i.r when ' AI. Franci- w© can and cheeper­ wheat Outside fiijm§ don’t Wp to pay Ex­ eter t taxes "" " ' ‘ better brd biscuits an Wo hav ■on hand . Shorts $1.9 •Oats (reel ^Standard R per ton; M and ’ feed W 'Wheat- Chop Mr. C. F. Hooper has sold his If you doubt try, fine brick residence on Alain Street opposite the post office, to Reeve B,. A. —is-, who gets possession on ;,a,s good Alay the -first. wMr. Hooper has the best purchased property from Col. Ibbot- flour.,; ................. On the e/-ening^February 17 at 8 o’clock, /’re^T W. S/lierwood Fox, of the Ui/vm^ty of AVestern Ontar­ io, will l/p^ure on “Alussolini and the New&ftaly” in Cavern Presbyter­ ian Church. . t h ’* Beaver Bros., contractors on thb ■new post -office are this week plas­ tering the interior of the building.- This will be followed by the inside trim as the inside is now nearhig completion. The -contractors expect; to finish the work early In. March. R. 8 ■Funeral « ROWf <Phone 20J . ketor & Furnifenrc Dealer Berger/Clothes of Qv no introduction'* to thrifty ' keep their the clothin./year, we Ji ‘■‘Clothes o LAR PRICfilSt, from* Clnnlifv’’ 0 n «n1niQuality1' a . special red miss. 1 Lffluty” and their wonderful values -need Fen. But here’s big news! In order to msy during the “in-between Seasons” in JFfe been authorized to accept orders for Pt a reduction Of io% from regu- fjpmuary 15th to February 15th. “Clothes of •e a splendid buy at regular prices any time—at this iction jpese are values you could not possibly afford to ring plain Quality” HYDRO E Wiring ^imd ins ECTRIC ling, guaranteed workmanship atj^reasenable prices. .Repairing %t°vodrand motors a spee­ ds t gladly furnished W. ‘TAMAN PHONE 81w EXETER, ONT. < »jalty. .free. fix. DAVIS ‘hone 221 Ford mltui^e is be- ter Ph W. R. GOULDINM A. T. C. M. Organist. pud Glib. .Tames Stl Vnifcj Messrs. Sandy Elliot and Ggrnet MeFalls are in London this v/eek. at­ tending a short course for dealers and salesmen. ■ The Short Courses in Agri* and Home Economics which ing held in Exeter will he ibroughl to a close this- week with a banquet to be held on Friday evening "in James Street Church. ..The young people speak very highly of the in­ struction they have received. Another course in Farm Mechan­ ics under the auspices of Huron Go. Department -of Agriculture will be hold in the. Totvii Hall, Exeter, from Fdbruai’y 10th to 14th. The course Will include tractors, gas thgine, rope splicing, soldering., e.-ty. rgau TheoryPiano Vo<:.» Supervisor fcl/Music in Schools Studio, Main !x .57, EXETER, ONT som Leonard on Duffer in Ave., in London and intends to erect a resi­ dence thereon in the spring. The decorators of the Robert Mc­ Causland Limited, Toronto, arrived in town Monday.and have Started to decorate, the large auditorium of the James Street United Church. For the next two . Sundays services will be held in the basement. The work is being sponsored by the Wo­ men's Association of the >church. Mr, Fred Hearn ail, who for ten weeks has bOen.ill in a Detroit hos­ pital, where he Underwent an Oper­ ation, jyifii' last week removed to the liomb ’of his parfents, Col and Mt’S. W. J, Heanian, Of London. Ho is still far from well and is only able to b© ottt of 'bed for a shtfi't time at once., his friends bore will hope for his speedy recovery. •% Mrs. Wm. Rhddp, of Royal Oak,. B. C., ip renewing her sttbsc’rjptloiy to the Times-AdVdoato v says: “We certainly do’ nppreciato your paper, it seems Ilk© getting a letter from- home each week.h Mrs, Florence Brown,'of Kitclidnor says; “f aftt Cail na quite anxious to see the mailman come along 'On Friday morning, tvhon All si3c,<”and co- enjoy reading all the nows, ospccial- , -,f. >.>♦*>«• 'jy ctedltofi news. Mani toil’s Best” for. buns and Welcofine” fol* pastry. supply of feeds the/following prices: $2.00;^ Western 6c. a bushel; cloned Screenings $36. barley Food Chop, (oats, > $38. a ton If you Or house BROS. wishftci,Jmy or sell a farmsee iOd Pickard, Exeter. . HOGAltTW BABY GRCIv BATCHKKY GgicisDs ctf feeds £to now more l fetet all(l> your needs Masif, Chick Oyster Shell j can Our .-supply i complete than Hr Chicle Start' , ... Feed, Lay Mas !> JTypef Meal, Bono Afeab Alfalfa i Ahl Grit, Condensed T be promptly fii /" POULT It is 1WW til hhhk effipihdtdd Our'charge Ik $ Buttermilk, etc. CULLING to luvo the s cnli j&diii' yottF flodt. ________ , 0 poit 100'hen^2Wo ■ard cask'Wers of poultry. C-A ur whon you have-poultry to sell. * - - Gnr itew shf/miout of log bauds ho^ Jko ■te- jufet arHvod. " ' “ '" ior& THE MILLIONAIRE Drives the New Ford because he enjoys the NEW BEAUTIFUL; BODY LINES QUICK GET AWAY , POSITIVE BRAKES AND EASE OF CONTROL Other people buy th6m because they can afford the same comforts. The new Tuddr Sedan, 5 tires and license at yOur door only $725.00. Alt models on display Three million Model A Ford cars in opefatibn. '•* ' Ask about our easy-payment plan. Freje Ford service. 5 , „ We have licehse jForms fttr 1930 and fill them in for you free df charge. Bring your did card. exetek I fclidhe <M SANDYELLIOT > THE H.0.W OF TILE EOHD mi kj WHICH Phono 140 Ernest ■GENERAL INSillAN lie •3 IiliOKERe . , ■> of CanadaMutual L Life, Fire, Automobile, Etc. n me ues nth of 4r. ome in. SAFETY RAZOR BL SOARPENEP (ah SINGLE EDGE . double ®dge ITrfcct W W. S. COLE, DRUGGIST DOROTHY £ GRASSICK L DlBECtOIi Ullin DteALish 4iono Oft (Honot' JGi'adiuitti ’40|kYo», England; m in j. Piahoj^J^fblih, Hatmony, Theory, Stmd SL Albeit Wheat, Box kjo EXETER, ONTARIO We are offering Wonderful H. !*. % 1 uii A/L C