HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-01-30, Page 4THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1930 ■■ITU ’IV. H. fL * , WINS FROM b S. A» Ths- Exeter Junior M’OSSA Hoc- ?y tt ain were in strutford on Wed- esday of last week and wore i 1 hy the Stratford team 1 •pre ol' U-2; this being the letory for Stratford. The >rdt Beacon-Herald says in The game was not very fast except i spots but it was of a fairly good Allbre for Junior M’OSSA hockey, be Sftratford team were, very sup- Yiur throughout the whole game but Nxeter did not stop trying. Their ^invards did not break away us soon they might have with the result *'hat Stratford usually had a three ian defence.’^ “The first period was the one in ,’hich the best hockey was displayed and after it neither to sry very hard; the loe Bfled •<jors atcli Frydr kays t/as <onu‘ (Cited Keilson and Ford, played good games £’he Stratford goalie was almost un­ stable and on the two- that beat him, he did not •’'prd made some mt some of the iim looked soft. 1 The line up for Exeter—goal, I Ford: defence, E. Quinn; G. Skin- centre, R. Pryde: wings IV, toynt, G. Cochrane; alternates, L. ^•=3, K. II oc key,_ ... VeIVSTT MEMORIAL A.Y.P.A. 1 1 On Monday evening two well-fill- '■d. sleigh-loads of young people trove back, to Mr. Percy Dunsford’s, where- an enjoyable evening was ipi-in in games, amusements and ’ -ommunity singing. A dainty lunch urns served and after more commun- ty singing a vote of thanks was ueved by Mr. Sydney West and sc- •onded by M’r. S. A. Walter, which was responded to by a vigorious ■hmring and clapping of hands. On lie way home one of the sleigh; .oad-s had the misfortune to upset •milling all the occupants into the mow, but no, one was hurt and con- Jnued on their way tired but happy. defeat- by tlm second Strut* i part: am seemed to als being ■and the could Joynt Joynt was al- his checking Pryde made Mr. Wm. Andrew Watkins Company, his st^ck and interests to tin <\ Laub, of Dashwood, take over this district in future. . agent for J. R. has disposed of IMr. Mar- who will the near CRQK1N 01*E BARTY The Mission Circle of the James St. United church held a very suc­ cessful crokinole party in the par­ lors of, the of th< wc th highe Jean church Friday evening last week and over evening at vrokinole •e followed by a dainty lunch, men Mr. A score Sheere. T ’5 enjoyed The games For the Miss Earl Russell made and for the ladies the EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATk AUCT/oF SALE of 1 atHUGAGL. S.nj FAAUCTION SALE « of > FARM HTOI’K, 1MFJAWENTS, ETC There will be off public auction, on Lot t), (kinccssion A THURSDAY, FEBR at one o’clock in HORSES—1 hors S years old old, weight j 6 years old, PercberoHj lbs. S—1 cow 4—1 hroc MENTS cultivat loughs, e sep on, h majl OF VALU ARIZE IM h, irij.u.ml t-uu'h, jiuluCi' iug bootleggers; the abandoned class' and women of so-called high society. Henry Ford said if booze ever came, back again ho would stop manufac­ turing. lie would not pay out wa­ ges to 200,000 men to be spent in the saloon, nor mobiles into the booze. He said men can have and five day week drink hours, their brain clear and cannot the delicate machinery accuracy, said that think and States had bounds since would he put auto­ hands of men who with sobriety work- an eight hour day but if workmen it snakes longer working Men who drink cannot keep .make such article and United with an drink the to sei MONDAY, FI Sale to cornu 3*tliree-yea three-yea our-yeai Dow folio •The undersign structions Mr. G. ,L the orses Most of th TERMS’ ;d hits received in at 10 five' Also soi AR Y 3rd, 19519 at 1.30 o'clock sale I , on 31, 1930 (under pot ‘r of on tixe pr FRIDAY, JAN at 2.i Lot number 4 Township of Usbc ran, 100 acres m This affords an a good i'iVvm Joe from Exe clay loam good wells, orchard. Qn the lar two-storey bilicl woodshed, tw meat and bri shed and silo, j small timber. For furthei ditions of sale FRANK TAYLOR, eter, Ontario or to licitor for Vendor, Loudon, Ontario. reel tor wle hy horse, ye mi hl; 15 Stepheu Twjbi ARY <hh, 1939 he afternoon . 9 years old; 1 2 bay horses, fl 00 pounds; grey eight 1500 lbs,; ing 6 years old, puses, ARY ) p.m. Concession 8„ me, County of Hu­ te or less.- opportunity to buy ted about 5 miles content to schools acres cleared. Two fences and small , CO V il, 91 t said to be situate a houso with frame ank barns on ee- foundations, drive- bout 10 acres in SOW". M.H. , disc alking r, root pulper, 1 gravel box, fork, rope, harness, 1 , set sleighs chains, whiffle- and other pumer- hinder, 2 harrow, 2 plow, hay AKB. TO SBPRAL MLUU' ■ j Th Kura Tolsti in people can't the people of gone ahead by leaps and gaining prohibition. Mrs. French, of Gravenhurst, who has been a life-long worker in the W. C. T. U. was present and spoke a few words, telling us a little of conditions at the present time, of the great amount of liquor that is obtained at the liquor stores and consunu women Pearce prayer. y rack, box, hay double »1> buggy. s, for South large 13 b- bos. 'McMillan, M. P. mi, is to' address a oral gathering at Hyman Hall in London next Friday evening under the auspices of the London Liberal Association eff‘ ai y led tions. crowd of his ticulars and con- y to: Auctioneer, Ex- F. C. BETTS, So- 442 Richmond St- sat- vis- nor and with their lead, certain that the up. For Exeter * were the pick, in the play and very effective, good rushes, one of which res­ in a score. Both the goalies 'V •ctiv ;ed Mr. McMillan an re platform and parliament" eaker and he- is an authority on economic Preparations for a are being made for the address. acknow- ques- large night •d in the homes where and children are. closed the meeting ■e sharp old Geldings, old Fillies Id Geldings Id Fillies hed teams cl Mares and Geldings eap work horses and drivers orses offered will be o bred horses non ths’ credit on fur­ nishing approved joint notes, with six per cent, added or a discount of G per cent, for cash. J: IS* leNAIH, Propi’ietOr F. TAYLOR & W. E. NAIRN, Auc­ tioneers. 30 and under, cash, unt 9 months credit l have a chance, sensational stops ones that passed KIRKTON HOLDS ENJOYABLE OUTING WOMEN’S INSTITUTE The January meeting of the men’s Institute was held at Wo- the' HONORED BEFORE MOVING TO EXETER An enjoyable evening was -spout at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Gibson, when a large number of their neighbors and friends met and presented them with two reed chairs prior to their departure for Exeter. After a short program Miss Gladys McLellan read an appropriate ad­ dress and Norman Quinnie made the presentation. Speeches from I). A. McFarlane and Reeve John Thirwell were enjoyed after which a social time was spent and a dance. Music was furnished hy Erve Barnes. Jim Stuart and John McIntosh. Mrs. Gibson was a valued member of th?. North Labor Institute and at the last meeting was presented with an! electric fan. | Mr, Gibson recently purchased the: down ga§ station of Mr. Pethick in Exeter North. The Huron County Council met at the courthouse Goderich Tuesday,, for the first session of the year. AIL. of the 29 members were in attend­ ance. The first order of business was the election of a warden, Reeve A. C. Baeker, of Brussels, wns the nnamious choice. Reeve*-’Baeker was unopposed, and it is stated that this is the first year u warden ever elected by acclamation, newly elected warden thanked Council for the honour conferred on him. He said he would endeavour to discharge his duties in "a worthy manner to meet the approval of his Baeker spoke of the of cutting pos- ’ as was The. the, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stone gave a liouse-warming party to their many i'riendg on Thursday evening, We do not envy the mail driver those cold stormy days. Mr, Robt. Hazelwood held a very successful, auction sale' on Tuesday. He intends driving the bread truck for M. R. Humphries this summer and has rented his farm to Mr, chie Robinson. mower furrow rake, : heavy stock rucl seed drill single ham collie dog, trees, necky ous articles. TERMS—$ Over that 8 will he given on furnishing approv­ ed joint notes with 6% interest add­ ed. All articles must be settled for before being removed from the prem­ ises. ALONZO HEDDEN, t.rediton FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer, ter, AUCTION SALE • w—- of —• REAL ESTATE Ar- Exe- KHIVA Mr. Under and by virtue of the Power • of Sale contained in a certain mort­ gage, which, will be. produeejl on the day of sale, there will be offered for • sale, on MONDAY THE 3rd D.|v OF FEBRUARY, 195 1 at. 2 p.m. at the Law OWCe of Morley', Lucan, the following Real^Estate Lot number 15 in theS2ud Conces~ sioii of the Township o in the County of Midd . ing by AUCTION SALE — of --- FARM STOCK, IMPIjEMENTS, WOOD AND SEED GRAIN The undersigned has received in­ struction to sell by' public auction, at Lot 12, South Boundary, Hibbert FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1930 at 1.00 o’clock sharp the following: HORSES—Strong gelding, eight jmore or years, old; general purpose mare; years old; general purpose 3 years broken »■ general gelding rising 2 years; aged mare with foal. CATTLE—G youiffi,- cows April; G cattle rising2 year: calves. B IMPLEMENTS—Mg H. binder; F. & W. 6-foot cut movin', nearly new; F. & W. hay rake; hlH. hay loader; M.H. walking plow;® 2 M.H. 2-fur- row plows; stiff tooffli cultivator; 4- jow corn culti- r wagon, near- i; ks; 2 sets of ness; Overland er'; quantity of articles too Qltrling A Th er two stoi 18 by nveyancers, 11 be put up- I and other ■ mde known of purchase ilance in 30’ 5 apply to—* Auctioneer^ . McGillivray sex eontain- 100 acres? the farm a 2 by 34 Und 50 mid 34 22 by 32 im m is well in a splen- a driveshed to report that under the doctor's friends hope for a We are sorry John Wilhelm is carb. His many speedy recovery. Mr. Wm. Witzel is visiting in kitchener at the present time. The Dashwood hoys made a Jack drive through here last week bagg­ ing 6 6’ Jacks. IMr. Joe Ragier has purchased the fine farm of the Madden Brothers near Mt. Carmel. Joe takes posses­ sion in. the spring. Mrs. Jas. Ziller visited friends Zurich a few days last week. admeasuremen less. are situate- oi y brick house colleagues. Mr. the fliany problems confronting Council and stressed rhe need practicing- economy and expenditures wherever sible. He believed in the pay you go policy. The council passed a motion of appreciation of the warden’s able address. The reports of the two public school inspectors, Magistrate C. A. Reid and Governor Reynolds, T, U, was held in the James Street were presented at this meeting. United church on January 2"tli with <( — seventeen, members present and ■ Miss Murray pre-riding. Mrs. Pearce- had charge of the devotional period. Miss Murray read a. letter from Mrs. > ,. T. L. 1 gold medal contest for the members of L. T. L,.! It was moved and seconded that in-i stead of the parlor meeting held at this time of the year that a silver medal contest for the young people be held in one of the churches. It was decided to hold it in Main St. church on Friday, Feb. 21st. Miss Murray then took up a lengthy ar­ ticle on prohibition by Henry Ford which had been sent her. One im­ portant thing he said, “notwith­ standing the many things we hear at the present time about prohibi­ tion being such a failure in the United States, he said, on the con­ trary it is most decidedly a great success. There are 99 per cent of of the people who have nothing to do with the violation of the law. W. C. T. U, The regular meeting of the XV. C. heme of Mrs. A. Mitchell. The Pres-‘Johnston, of Goderich, the L. ident, Mrs. Etherington, occupied ‘ supt., concerning the L ’ the chair. Twenty-four members! answered the roll-call and four visi­ tors were present. A paper was . given on “Invalid’s diet” and an in-. [ valid’s tray demonstrated 'by Mrs. I W. E. Weekes which proved helpful I and instructive. A letter of appre- ■ Mation was read from' the Exeter ■Chamber of Commerce for the splen- ■ did luncheon served the Agricultural ■class. This same class asked the ■ society to'cater to a banquet to eele- fin-ate the success and good-will car- f'ried out during the term of the class ' here. Arrangements were complet- «d for same. A committee was ap­ pointed 'to lock after the children’s story telling contest to be hold in February. The meeting was closed by singing the National Anthem. .Dainty refreshments were served, The remaining one per cent of the yanrl asocial half hour spent. j population is made up of three I The expenditures on The county highway system the past iyear amounted to $175.316.54, and the. Council adopted.the motion that the Ontario department of highways. be notified of this and requesting the statutory grant upon that amount as provided by the .highways act. Count}’ Clerk Holmes and Reeve J. W. IMcKibbon. of Wingham, were, appointed to the criminal audit board ,for 1930. H. Keys, J. H. Rader and W. J. Henderson were ap­ pointed the good roads committee. The striking committee to name the standing committee for 1930, includ­ ing the old ago pensions committee was named as follows: N. W. Tre­ wartha. William Mole, J. Middleton, J. Wright and J. »W. Beattie. This committee will report at Wednesday morning’s session. Mr. Chas, Gann is seriously ill his homo on Andrew Street. Mr. Rd. Harris, of Stephen, spent a few days in Toronto. in at All Set for Quebec Winter Sports (Continued from page one.) a 'chesterfield. Next morning the large crowd was well looked after in the dining room and shortly after nine o'clock,, after pjaking preparations for the storage of the cars a jolly bunch bundled into a 'couplo of sleighs to drive to Clandeboye. were taken over in was a cold, stormy drive, but every­ one was in the best of spirits. Much credit is due to Mr. Hedging Mor the congenial manner in which he look­ ed after the comfort of his visitors. Harry Coates says it was a mighty good job they had Verne Pin-combe along as on one occasion he prac­ tically lifted the rear end of the car out of a drift. 'Verne was much concerned to think standing in Harry’s harness on. Sandy Elliot in game at breakfast next morning said .it was one of the best he had ever seen, worth going through any storm to see. Albert Traquair says .he is able to recommend from practical ex­ perience Traquair &“ Lindenfield’s snow shovels. It is hard to say just what the fel­ lows might have ladies been there couragemen t. Only the good Fletcher prevented his ramming a telephone polo or knock­ ing down a fence. On different oc­ casions he took to the ditch where the roads were blocked. Doc. says, everything went fine until he tried to climb into one of "Tiny's” night­ shirts. Imagine the look of consternation on the face, of Hotel Keeper Hod­ gins as lie stood in the stairway in his night shirt trying to 'figure out what he was going -to do with the latest arrivals. A car-load of fans driven by Dr. Dunlop, including M. R. Complin. H. O. Southcott and N; S. Eaton got stuck in a drift on the Gore line east of Centralia. After vain attempts to free the car they abandoned it and securing a sleigh drove back to Exeter arriving home about eleven o’clock almost perished with the cold. Tile boys say that if the Highway Department need a good man to handle a Shovel that Garnet Flynn has the necessary qualifications. The ladies a cutter. It his horse barn with was the done had not the with words of en­ driving of •car Doctor from i, 4 gelding purpose driving Stiff tooj section, harrows; 2- vator; Adams lump ly new; 1 3-4 wage sleighs; 2 hay rai heavy britclien liai ear; 4 wheeled tra: seed barley and o numerous to menti WOOD—150 con in'ch hardwood; .50. this wood will be p a few coMs in eac pile numbering 1, 2 Will be sol hers. -Parties wishii should see and take offlthe nui in each pile, 1 exactly what a^d getting. I Positively no prietors have gi TERMS All sums of $ cash; over that joint notes, will able in 8 months w 6 per cent, per ahnu all notes will be payable at the Bank of Commerce when due or if pur- chsers wants to pay the notes be­ fore due, they can do so to, Mar­ garet G- Cameron, Exeter. Seed Grain—Cash. THOS. CAMERON & THOg. AUS­ TIN, Proprietors FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer how •eser and under, mt approved at the,pro­ farming. 1 interest at I added, aud accord: of 12 and 15 rds--4 ft. wood; ed in the bush, pile and each 3, 4, etc. and g to the num- to buy wood, in the bush her and cords iey may know nuch they are by 90 am good repaiX. drained andXfenced an did state of dVltivation TERMS- subject to a rd^erve b terms and conditions on day of sale, money on day of days thereafter. For further pa h. a. Stanley, e.^. Lucan, Ontario. H. EILBER & SON, Crediton, Ontario. CARLING & MORLEY, Solicitors for Mortgagees, Exeter :and Lu­ can, Ontario. 1-16-2 tc- AUCTION SALE — of - SHEEP, CATTLE 1 HORSES The undersigned lia< received in­ structions to sell by pfiblic auction,. Ifay Township, of Kippen nt Lot 29, ('on. 1, : Half a mile soutl TUESDAY, FBBRUfLRY 4, 1930 at 1.00 o’clock sliar HORSES—Aged difver; horse. CATTLE—Cow j cow due May 25t<; cow due June- . 20tln These j in calf^to Hereford bull, A AT ; »»' die At ecepted pay- eows>„, in OTltJ ue March 23rd the following: aged work ’T’he Winter season sport at Quebec City with headquarters at the Chateau Frontenac is now Well on its wAy to make 1930 the "best,tyear so far experienced at the Artcietit Capital. The international 'Dog Sled Derby, and the grafid snowshoe parade and ^ham attack on the citadel will be high lights of season, but right now there is an influx of winter sport lovers at Quebec* Lay-Out shows Aileen Riggin, former Olympic diving champion, leaving for a mush in dog sled front Chateau Frontenac where she is a guest* Jnsef aS a group of skiers and Miss Riggin is proving that diving is not .her only, strong, card but that fancy skating is also -one of her accomplish­ ments. - •« LOCAL NEWS Miss Jean Walker, of London, spent tile week-end with her mother in Exeter North. Doreen, the twin daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Fraftk1 Triebner, of Stephen is seriously ilk Mrs, Rd. -Murphy has returned to hot homo after visiting with her Mother th Wyoming, Mrs, Reg, Taylor -and who has spent the past London, have roturfted hohie.- Councillor Dhvid Rowcliffe report­ ed seeing a robin in A tree in front of his plaice Wednesday at nOOtt. little son, month in NOTICE T Re Estate o late of the Tow County of Huro All persons 1 the said .Estate full particulars prove ebruarbefore, Which dVe tl be distributed the claims *^5’1 Dated at 15th, 1930. CREDITORS Francis Hawkins, ship of Hay, in the , Farmer, deceased, ving claims against ire required to fyle of the same, duly undersigned on or the 1st, 1930 after said Estate will ving regard only to ter, Ontario, January ng & Morley Solicitors for Administrator Kidney and . Bladder Trouble Mr. J. Comstock, Fincher Creels, Alta., Writes:—‘‘I had been troubles with my kidneys apd bladder for some time, and had to get up four or five times during the night. t{t tried several kiiids of kidney and liver pills, but none of them seemed to do ma "any good. “I thought I would try Doan’s Kidney1 Pills and after taking one box I have been able to sleep all night long, and I now feel that they aro the only thing to take for the kidneys and blftijd^, as I have not been troubled since talcing this one box.” Price, 150 confs abox at nil druggists and dealers^ or- m ailed direct on receipt of pricoi by . The ’T. Milburn-Co., Xnndted, Toronto, Ont Baby SHEE1 ewes and POULT ducks. ell-bred Shropshire stored ram. geese and a pair of OF SALE dfbnder cash, over that nfnths’ will be .given on roved joint notes with.. dded. ATRICK, Proprietor FRAN TAYLOR, Auctioneer $10.00 a amount 12 furnishing 6 per cent. PETER KII CLEARING AUCTIO1V SALE --- of --- farm; stock, grain and IMPLEMENTS Tlie undersigned has 'received in­ structions to sell at Lot 8, On by public action,. Con. Id, Boundary. Fargjfhal^ Hibbert Townships 1 mile<’East of aT;ESl>AY^Fi4BRUARY 4, 1 at 1.30 Qjtfock CATTLE—-Gov coivj^tie February 14tli; Fdmmary I7tli; < now due ’March l’12th; coud due due May 15th December, „ . 6 fat heifers 2 steers; calves months./okd^^ FlSB—3 p 20 chunks 50 just weaned GRAIN—: 100 bus. of feed IMFLEM1 hew'; P. & Fleury grii lift stiff toe Fertilizer d been troubled marling 8 spring eighteen.. X pounds• I 5 pigs harp the following:\ due time of sale; cow due/ < ow due March 4t'li; Oth; cow due Ma^C April 3rd heifer freshened?7 in steers, two ye ears old 2 yearifng hei^A Polled kttW bull to 0 about 175 100' pounds •barley $bus. seed oats, TS—Fordson Ttadtor plow; , nearly new. th 'cultivator, Cockshutb 11, 11 hoe. IMS Of SALE , sumsf of $10.00 and" Under ove wil i tractor,. 11-inch power All cash; credit approved owners. as 5 per emit, 'the proprietor is giving up farm- ing. ... ■ THOMAS L* McCURDY, proprietor W. Ex NAIRty Auctioneer r 8 months' furnishing' Property­ interest 'at that amount be given on joint notes, security with * Positively1 no reserve "us .i