HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-01-23, Page 8A1." ■■ 'll INl'BixESTING SERMONS Rev. J, B. Rhodes, M.A.. of Caven Prcrbyterjun Church .is preaching a series of sermons at the evening scr­ oll 'Common Mon of the Bible.’. Shamgar of the; cx*goa'd” and last Sunday evening the subject was “IUai of Gath.” Mr. Rliqjqs is making these addresses in­ tensely interesting and is stressing tlie posibjlitieg of “ordinary men” in our own day for service. vice The first was on I Mrs. Amy’s Vliited Sunday entertained at the- teacher of the even* ylast. A hymn and Jhe meeting followed officers, the result of as follows: President, Xice-Pres., Hel- Seeretary-Trcas., Utah Convener of Membership Lily Hunter; Con. of “The Bright Jewels' class of James Si School were home of their ing of Fri$$j prayer opened by election ^f which was Marjorie Complin en Pen hale Clarke committee, Lily Hunter; von. Social Committee, Mabel Snell; Con.- of Devotional committee, Leona Brown. Plans as ore diseussedi for the new year and each girl resolved to attend Sunday School more reg­ ularly. A few games were played. Later a very delicious lunch was served and many thanks wqre ex- ... tended to the kind hostess# Exeter Markets Wheat $1,20 Oats 5 u c. Barley G8e.- ., Manitoba Flour $4,60 Model Flour $4.25 Pastry Rlour $3.80 Feed'Flour -$2.25 Bran $1.85 •Shorts $1.95 •Creamery Butter Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs $12.00 Butter 38c.» 41c. Extras 48c firsts 40c. seconds 30c. THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, JANUARY £3t 11)30 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN (CHURCH Rev, 3, Bernard Rhodes, M» A, Minister / Miss Lena Coates, A.L.CAL, Orgapjst 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.-—'The Yale of Soul-Malting* 7 p.m.—“Oman, the Jebusite” J^ocalSt *?r**ri**** Ipfri 11 i|f jmMIiiiiiii w __—— In future band nights and girls race over ‘15 years. Plans are be district skating of February. At Bargain Prices 9- IVith every 1 gjve free I -—Wilson’s ! I I made to ace about 11 izes er 15 years and be run off given. Boys nold a the end SATURDAY SPECIAL cash order of $3.00 : 1 Roger’s Teaspoon Grocery. SALE->^armk containing G7 7, .Concession 17, m tile proper^ is a frame filled^ good '"•bank i,house; fairly ' bers visited Trained, plenty' of : week-end. the lahr Eman-. ^jr E Hopper spent a few days Desjarcy jast week taking in the furniture R. R. 2jp 1-2 2-2 tp giiow at Kitchener. I Mr. Jas. Dearing returned' to Lon- don on Friday last after visiting for a week with relatives. Mrs. A. M. Hodgert 'and two littlo London, JAMES ST. QNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, D. McTavish, Pastor W. R, Goulding A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader -“Secret Faults” Sunday School. -The Law- that Never Fails' Another plain talk to young folk. Service will still be held in the auditorium next Sunday. NOW IS YOQR, CHAJ*C£ OF SEC URING A GOOD COAT AT SAVING, WE OFFER ALL OUR MEN’S OVERCQATS AT GREAT TIONS. . C MEN’S BARRYMORE COATS, REGULAR |35.00 FOR $27.50. PLAIN BLUES, REGULAR $25.00 FOR $19.00 TWELVE ONLY TWEED COATS VALUES TO $25.00 FOR $14.95 A REAL S REDUC- =1 Cotton Bat^ In several qualities. Thctfe open out the full size of comforterJrSee our spec­ ials at 75c. ar 85c, Ladies’ Silk and Wool Hose Holeproof Silk and Wool Hose, This was a regular $1.25 line with elastic rib top, in several good shades. Sale price each 69c. MAIN ST. UNITEP CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston .. Organist & Choir Leader, . a.m,—Past, Present and Future.” A .message for our Church. 3.00 p.m.—Church School 7 p.m.—A neglected scripture ject to-day. “Backsliding” Our evening service opens with a song service of old hymns. 7.30 p.m..—-Thursday Prayer Service 11 40 in. Pillow Cotton This is a special 40/inch circular pillow cottpn- • . Fine weave t 36 in. Comforter Chintz In manyJfiew patterns and colorings. You will li^e our assortment. Air per yard 25c. Miss Nona Chambers, of spent Monday evening^ her home here. '* Mrs. Geo. Geddes, of London, vis­ ited her sister* Mrs. W. C. Pearce this week. " Miss Grace and Mr. Win. Cham- jn London over the FOP, . acres being?" lot . Hay Tp. house, 'yCemon barn garage a , well fenced. a uel Wilds-Appjy to Placer Desjar^- ' ]as*t week taking in the furniture ine, DashwoQd FOR .SALE-^-LauntJryette Electric i washer, -buffed dining' table, 3 dining­ chairs, clock, punjj^ mahogany table, large paintin™ ^vpral odd chairs, several i'ocker|»#walnut wardrobe, daughters Lilljan and Jean, oiLon- ' 2 brass beds,|$Springs and matt- clon’ visited on Monday with Miss resses, hams bigich and several small M°dgert. articles.-- Apply to E. K. lahner, •Crediton..U. Mr. Isaac Ward,, of the C. N. R,. Stratford, visited with his uncle and ________ _ [aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ward over Farmers interested^’ growing of, the week-end-.•cabbage for cann|nfi$gurposes .are in-' vited to communicate with the Cana­ dian Canners, Exeter. lj1gi3-2tc. f-23-2tc V SUV id good'weight. Special ped yard 45c. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. 3. 3. Fenton, B.A., Hector Miss K. M. MaeFaul, Organist Third Sunday After Epiphany 11 a.m.—Litany and Sermon, Sub­ ject, “The Magnetism of Jesus.” 3 7 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Class. Wall Pap< We have gon< with enough paper times the price th< ! Papers I through our Wall Pap op and have tied all odd lots in bundles Ito do an ordinary roomJT These papers are worth two and three y are marked. Act cjmckly. 98c. Jind rs $1.48 Wool Blankets We offer all our Wool Blankets at Bar­ gain prices. * It will pay you to buy now. PRINTS JF nge of ne^t Magog NEW] We offer a fine r< Prints in the new patterns. , at per yatd 25c J p.m.—Evensong and Sermon, sub­ ject: “Charles Hadden Spurgeon” Third of the series on great English, Irish and Scottish preach­ ers. This series will deal*with the outstanding preachers of the Old Land. lloberston of Brighton and Cardinal Newman has already been depit with. Come and hear the.se sermons they will all givd you food for thought. NOTE—Holy Communion at 11 a.m. on. First Sunday and at 8 p. in. on Third Sunday of every month. Miss Ruby Alexander, of Thames Road, left last week for Buffalo where she will enter a Hospital onI probation as nurse-in-training. The. Whoopee Minstrels, who wore advertised to appear jn the Ex­ eter Opera House on Saturday ev­ ening of last week did not show up. I This community was visited with' •' the coldest spell of the season on Saturday when the thermometer registered about eight degrees be­ llow. 4 j Miss Gladys Hudtchinson has re- '.opport- turned home after psending -the past pcvivii, the two weeks with her sister Mrs. Capt. it you in B. Purdy,-of Newmorket and brother thout risk.. Clifford, of Toronto. nd best line Mrs. Robertson and daughter Mrs. Copeland and the latter’s little son George, of Wingham, visited for a. few days last week with the form­ ers daughter Mrs. E. R. Hopper. A number of Exeter people lis­ tened to a concert on Monday broad­ casted from the London J'ree Press and furnished by Messrs. Abraham, basso; iTracey, Tenor’ and Kenneth -We have 93$Fand will fill yoiL^fee of charge. FREE FORD SERVI license forms for them in for ; .Sandy Elliot. The Home of the Ford. LOST—In lia, a new /,___ ward. Finder pl Advocate. J e ftvicimt of Centra- chain. Re­ eave at Times- 1-2, 3-ltp. AGENT|s WAN If you are looking for a unity to better your portion, ■Watkins Business will " the path of Positively the of goods sol or more proi'i dustrious man ’Apply now 1 rural or city .right. The Dept. R-27, real Que. j • 7 ek for nearest success largest .to f $50.00 the in- localityt? tart the New Year r Watkins Company, ’raig West, M'ont- ur seco loud Have you seen the new Ford types? We received load of five cars on showing the NGw Town Sedan and I Sandy Elliot, Dealer',-----»_.jjiawia-. .......... Dressmaking^, d^e, moderate •charges; all MndCTx fur work done. Mrs. Norman' Hotkey. 1-16-2 Bargains in Remnants WE HAVE JUST FINISHED STOCK-TAKING. OUR REMNANT COUNTER IS FILLED WITH ENDS THAT HAVE BEEN REDUCED IN PRICE FOR QUICK SELLING. PERHAPS YOU CAN MAKE USE OF SOME OF THEM. LOOK THEM OVER> • ■ % A »• ' A WORD TO DOG-OWNERS Mr. Editor,— ' Now that we have a mad-dog scare Jn McGillivray, Stephen and' Hay on account of some person's^ carelessness, ft is time" to be Care­ ful' with our dogs in Exeter and Us* borne. There are dogs in Exeter running at will day and night and if1 these dogs have outgrown their use-s fulness or your interest why keeif them around to be a nuisance to the; town. Just take itf to our veterin-r ary surgeon add' he' will put it out| of misery in. a humane way. Therei are dogs that, persist in chasing and- barking at rigs, autos and even people with fur coats and howling, all hours of the night. When a per­ son is awakened three or four times a night by this howling lie gets up ready to accuse his neighbor’s dogs: for blocks, when they may be inno*- cent. Now if we are careful with' our dogs for the next few weeks woj may escape the quarantine. Let a’ kindly suggestion be sufficient. Signed ■ An Owner ji I! T Bargain^ in furnitu/fe Men! Great New's! Berger Tailoring Company Wauthorized • ]' ns to offerer During the months of January an^February we aye offering some 1 0(Jy ' Stanbury, pianist. ^ai- i -warren Hunter, of the Sun Life Insurance Co., of North Baitle- bo**#*’ • ford, Sask., 'attended the .Sun‘Life e lveiy. confercuce. Toronto last week and spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter. Mrs. Wesley Snell and Mrs. A. Hos­ kins returned home last Thursday after visiting for two weeks with their sister, Mrs. Windsor, of Port Huron, and with their sister-in-law, Mrs. Wm. Rowe at Applegate, Mich. Mr. Oliver Davis and little daugh­ ter Doreen, of Fort Erje, returned to their visiting former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Davis. ‘ them to visit for -a time. Mrs. L. Westlake, who has been visiting her daughter Mrs. Richard Murphy returned to her . home in Wyoming on Saturday. Mrs. Murphy and little grandson Jimmie Whyte accompanied her home*'.to visit for a few days. . Mr. and Mrs. Bruee Rivers ore visiting for a few days with the lat- •. ter’s parents at Clinton. Mr. Rivers !is recuperating from a Tecent opera­ tion for appendicitis. He has not been getting along any too well ap other complications followed. Many of .our citizens were up at six o’clock Monday morning to hear Ring^ George open the five power naval conference. Representatives of the different nations spoke the ^addresses all beihg interpreted. The rocepti'on came through, fine. • Mr. J, W. Mitchell, of Vancouver B,C„. in renewing hjs subscription to the Times*Advocate says that the paper seems like a letter every week. Mr. Mitchell deft .Exeter in 1899 but eiljo^s the paper which arrives at his home every Tuesday meriiing. Master Lloyd Reynolds," son of Mr, and Mrs. Luther Reyholds, of Us- borne had the misfortune to ’‘get his hand Catight In a root-pulpOr oh Sunday morning; iuflicting a nasty gasb. He was brought t<? Dr. Flet­ cher to have the wound dtossod and he is getting along fine. Mr. ClarehCe’ Morley, inspector for the Albert ing Go., o'* Albert Loe, Saturday fur Chicago to , meeting of ffrm, rocently ur? Victoria Hoi**.al. London, and has been under the care of t)r. ^letclien nt bargains. 10 per pent off ‘Jflothes of Quality January .99 15th February 15th Ty” and their wonderful valu.es need n^n. But here’s big news! In order to lousy during the “in-between Seasons” in e been authorized to accept orders for A REDUCTION OF 10% FROM REGU- u#anuary 15th to February 15th. “Clothes of |ndid buy at regular prices any time—at this .eso are values you could not possibly afford to Berger “Clothes of Quggjr no introductiol to thrifty keep their tajliring plan£ the clothing “Clothes of I LAR PRICE Quality’’ are! special reduction^ miss. arlcs- DISPERSION SAIAi Complete dispersion of the ton Herd of Reg 25 hea’d—-to be TUESDAY, JAN. p.m., at Earlston » west of C.N.R. st( I Apply for catali \ Kenzic, Prop. • I old by jffiiction on I, at 2 le south ionjfSeaforth, Ont. A. Me- 1—16-2tc R.ROWE Phone SOJ Funeral Director & Furniture Dealer .. . /....... . fear, we h; luality” jf F, from la splJ home on Friday last after for a few - days with the S. Miss Ruby .. accompanied MRS. R. P. EASTCOI'T, 12 YEARS A RESIDENT OF ALBA, MICHIGAN, DEAD AT 77 Capt. and Mrs. Purdy spent New Years with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Hutchinson, of Exeter.w PHONE 81w i .TAMAN - EXETER, OUT. ........................... ■■■"' ,.4; FIELD CROP COMPETITION ,At the’Annual Meeting of the Ex­ eter Agriculture Society it was re­ commended that the directors put on a competition in 'fjOld crops. This can only be done when there are the required number of entries. It is therefore up to the farmers of this cominunity to signify to the secretary their desire to enter such a competi­ tion, particularly jn wheat and oats. Do this at once so thaf the directors will know prizes will each crop 2nd, $15.; $8.; 6th, $6.; 7th, $4 Mrs. Ann Eastcot't, widow of the late lljchard P. Eastcott, passed!; .away Wednesday, morning, January 8, 1930, at the home of her daugh­ ter Mrs. Edgar Lperr. Mrs. Eastcott; ‘.whose home has; been in and ncai' Alba, Michigan, for nearly 42 yeafs, had a slight stroke of apoplexy in October while visit-s ing her daughter, and had boon con7f fined ‘to her bed since then. Her age wag 77 years, 1 inonth and 13 days. .. A.nn Essery born in Fairfield, On­ tario, November 26, married to Richard February 13, 1877. of §1889, nearly 42 wont to Star Township and had lived1 on the same farm until about, six, years ago, when they ba. February 13, 1927» Eastcott celebrated wedding anniversary nt Alba, with a! large concourse of friends present to make merry with them, and to ex­ press to them their loVe and esteem.5 Mr. Eastcott djed a littlo over a year ago. Seven daughters survive, They! are Mrs. T. F. Gogerly, .Marion, Ohio; Mrs. Ed4 Bain, Alba; .Mrs. H. E.j Notoware, Bellaire; Mrs. Wesley' . Olds, Alba; Mrs. Edgar Doerr, Matt-1 lie School and her religious training celona; Mrs, H. O. Cdrlzeu, Petoskey* al Main St. United Church. Miss V. and Mrs. Hoy Lather, Traverse City. (Burke, of Dashwood cohtfibuted a. There are six grandchildrou. Two I piano solo to the evening’s entortttin* brothers and a sister, all of Manito- meat; after which a dainty ltmcli was. ba,- also survive, • J served'by the hostess. The meeting' i The funeral was held’ at the M. E. I was presided over by Miss Stella eliurch at- Alba, Rev. Nye conducting J^ofthcotL the president. Mrs. IleV. the services, Interment was made ’ Moorhouse and Mrs. Mollard are the pi star cemetery* noaders’. t. Unit Piano Vo t Superviso Studio, Mal'h naster truct rms MALE HELI Wanted—Man for fishing. $lo. Co., Port Huron, VANTED minnows . Day Fish 1-1G-2tp. 'Division siflesmanagei shares fife the Beaver referenfiti an in fir older er fftf anted to t Muskrat Canada, give telephone num- i Middle aged‘ 15^ preferred. Do not rertisement' unless you e future of this business sell and age, her and anew believe in Write advertiser, room 14, 3.3 Melin­ da Street, Toronto. l*16-2tc FOR SALE-—2 horn bulls beautiful foifn able for qui >N. R. GoULDlJfeMiss Dorothy Grassick held a musical recital at her home <on?Fri­ day evening of last week in the- interests of her musical class, each pupil preparing, Special music, for the occasion. Following the recital a musial contest was very much en­ joyed ’.by all. Miss Hilda Sims gain­ ing the most' points. - The later part of the evening was spent in and other amusements after a light lunch was prepared. T. O. Organist jipd Ctwi iJaincs-i Jhurch 11rgaji Theory lusic in Schbots Box 57, Phone 192 TER, ONTgames whichyour desire. Valuable be offered as follows for in the field: 1st, $20,; 3rd, $12,; 4th, $10.; 5th Ernest Cex-id a-arvey E .BROKER ; * f.i Mutual Lift of Canada Life, F The .alleged defaultions of yor Tom Brown, of Stratford, has, reached the amount of $191,500. The heaviest loosers are two elderly sisters who. report $42,500 missing in bonds. IBS2. She was P. Eastcolt on In the spring years ago, they-e-hted Short- Il months Old, lor. Prices roason- e. C, Pym & Son, 1-1G-21C. if you vj|isly)in buy or sell a farm or hmise saq^K. 13. Pickard, Exeter. R. 3, ExetdK Hogarth Baby cinck ' JiAtCHEtlY f feeds- Our -supply bf feeds A complete than over ana, „, ih Chf^It Starter, Gro\<Mash, Chick P*dedr Lay 'Mask. Bceff Mbah Bdrm Mfeal, Alfdlfd Meat, Jayster Gri-L Condensed, Buttwmllk, eta be phomptiy flllbd., time -tjf: itavb the ‘h'bMS'’ etilfcii nd tod' ijbm- ■ .jmuv 'Otif uklWd is OiiT ndlr Aljid Mm just Orlve® i how more your needs Sheli, s bull ... ......... IMek, Kpor iOO Itcmu'We f poultry* Calf ua rltry to sdlt hfit of log bands All S126A and co- travelling Loo Rack* Min., left attend a Mr, ' Mdrldy rtr t bn operation lit ,v moved to Ab» Mr. and Mrs./ their golden, MAIN ST. MISSION CIRCLE At a meeting of the Main tliiited Mission Circle, at the of Miss Marjorie Pearce, an estirig time was spent. Street homo inter- v.iuv v»«vs, After the .opening exercises of songs and pray­er, a -letter was read from a young Japanese girl, explaining the ways and, customs of her country folk, in japan. It had been written origin- all in Japanese, translated bjt Mrs, Brice, missionary, who formerly wap Miss Alina DompsOy, of town, Mrs. Price spent her girlhood days in Ek* ctor, got'her education at the Pub- GENERAL INSUR Automobile, Etc.. omemry K We are offering opper E<AL DIRECTOR PURE DEALER Phone »» SAFETY RAZ BLADES SHARPEN EOF! any make) ItcL let* SINGLE eBgW DOUBLE FcrffctJBdge Guaranicvti ME DRUGGISTw. s t>OR0T|!Y E. GRASSICK M. 4‘,b.n<Wf HngtaiUli t<iny, Theory •L Bov t«(> Rid (tlonoi’ i ! Piano * A,X.