HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-01-23, Page 6* THYRSI) A Y^ .JAN VARY 23, W THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE f DISTRICT NEWS Miss, M. W. -McKay, who has been One of the teachers in Seaforth 1’ub- lie School for a number of years lias resigned from the staff. The death occurred in Victoria hospital, -London, of Mr. Ambrose M* Hill. -Mr. Hill had conducted a shoe repairing business in Seaforth for a number of years. ~He~1wiia overseas and was badly wounded. Although never in good health ho was able to carry on until New Years when he became seriously ill and was taken to the hospital. He two sons of Sea­ home of is siuviAu by a widow, and two daughters. A well-known resident forth passed away at the her daughter in the person of Mrs. David Ferguson in her 70th year. Mrs. Ferguson had been ill poor health for the past seven years. Thc deceased was born in Blanslmrd and Borne fifty-five years ago was united iii marriage to Mr. David Ferguson, who predeceased her in 1904. She is survived by one son, Mr, Thomas Ferguson and o:?e daughter Mrs. J. ,G. Grieve, both of Seaforth, The funeral was eondudted by her min­ ister, Rev. I, B. Kaiue, with inter­ ment in the Stal’fa cemetery. &fye ofaMiatj School Wesson By CHARLES G. STANDARDS OF THE KINGDOM Sunday, January 26,—Matthew' 5; 1-48, I. To promote their appetite, 3, To make them rapidly fat­ ten, 3. To prevent their suf­ fering from foot trouble 4Proyandeine «iitablish«s equilibrium In nourishment, promotes »|>}3etlt» and aid* dlgeetfpn. A Hing hogs g«t well and a more rapid growth I* Imparted to al> .IPifls that were given up for loot acquire fresh vigour as soon aelProvamdelne il^addad to their food and fatten rapidly. Hogs kept for fattsrtln§ when giver ^rovondolne put on mon* weight and aro roady for markets greatttleal sooner plgc (euoking or juat weanod) develop and grow faster and their flesh acquire* a mor® rosy tint. Ono of the most priceless advantages which astonishes user of Phovendolno is that WITHIN A FEW DAYS it makes rickets or foot trouble disappear. 5SE- 2 MONTHS F *»V- ju<u U^MrCUT OUT ™,s COUPON system^ |”f IS Fill in your name and address and h Province your Provendeine Fill in your name and address and band it to your dealer'who will imf exchange give you a free packet of PWVEKDEIKE. Be Iteiaghi: rig was dbpng Ft. R. 8 St. Mary’s, Oat. January 11th, 1929. J™rct,a3e<l a packet of your Provendeine a ago and it helped my pig wotlderful well, je P‘5. W713 near>y dead and It L as lively as a lack Rabbits now. 1 woutd recommend it Vbody, (Signed) Allan G. SOMERS. ‘"'Mbteinetl wonderfel results A ew Y parjs Junction ont March, 4th. 1929. told ill?J tare, had wonderful results from feeding ieine, TjyeaSewe. J had two pigs that went off their feed an? C0llId nOt move around at alt. I went 11) C enchur local store bf Mr. E, Taylor and got a packet IUV life PfO'fendelne and I did not feed them but once K ■ da> I S0Vhe Package so they wbuld be-a. StOlle Jtfenef for their feed. I fed them three times 'go hard fiw Qanft E, TJEAfAN SOX DASHWOOD p TO CUTOUT THE COUP N BELOW AND HAND ITTO YOUR DEALER WHO WILL IN exchange giYe you a free PACKET of PROVE^uEiHE VALUE ^0.50] ECONO « £osd I plus th* a uranca that young hoga will devsjop normally fwith jut dotrirnon.t to their hs&Hh I That is what tho wise breeder who u*«d JPi*ov®ndsine rsguiary gots ou^, of It. No mors ctun'.sd growth therefore no ifnVrti monetary lossos for t breedor, but an assured success In ths. fattefflnn of his animals. AH pig breeders who have tried « Provendeine »» are delighted with the extraordinary results obtained. The usf of this wonderful preparation is indispensable to the successful rearing of hogs. Ojipg to this unanimous verdict on the wonderful properties of « Provendeine » we arrfmaking the above free offer so that all who are unacquainted with « Provendeine « camiry it out for themselves entirely free of charge. All you have to do to receive a free packet of « Provendeine » is to cut out the coupon, below, and hand it to any dealer who sets the product. We know that one trial of « Provendeine » will make you a continued usgr. That is why we ask you to try it out for Jrourself at our expense. Use the free trial packet on one pig — the sickest on your farm. Them tell everyone about the results. You wpl be doing your neighbours a good turn — and us too What is ? ■ Ptfwancfeift® la a apeolal vitamlnlsed Condiment for rearing an SABLE adjunot to their food from the moment they aro woaned. •"Oraly that pigs’ feed is in itself a complete diet. Scientific t «*ate ar® deficient in proteins whloh aro essential to their growth Out by adding tho these foods what they lack, namely, minora,! highly nutritive order. Provendeine con What does Provendeine d| P [rapidly fattening hogs, and is an INDISPEN- Vs say INDISPENSABLE because it Is but very [it's made on hogs have shown that corn and nd that to feod pigs on cereals only Is disastrous, loments, they are »t once turned into feeds of a ikins these Ingredients. Golden Text Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. (Matt. 5:3.) William Lyon Phelps has said that “The Beautitudes are in reality Be-attitudes; they are attitudes that come, not from doing, but from he- ■ ing.” The doing will, follow the being. Tho poor in spirit are are not proud in spirit; that their need is great, only God can meet it. promises the wealth of of Heaven. Why are those that eel? May it not refer know the fellowship of. Christ’s suf­ fering (Phil. They shall be can comfort. The meek nothing for think nothing of themselves. It is they who shall inherit the earth. Notice—the'earth, not Heaven. They will doubtless have a high place .in Heaven, but the Lord is talking here of reigning over this earth when He comes again to establish His King­ dom in the millennium. The meek are certainly not enlieriting . tho earth to-day; > and the Lord always keeps his promises. Hunger and thirst after righteous­ ness is assurance of being filled, The Lord reiterated this when He stood at the temple gate .one day and crid out, “if any man thirst, let him come unto Me, and.drink” (John 7: 37) ;and again: “Whosoever drink- eth of the water that J shall give him .shall never thirst” (John 4:14.) We cannot afford to be unmerci­ ful, for we all need mercy. There is no hope for' any one apart from the mercy shall obtaii ing. Only -the God. But whose Only those that have been cleansed by the blood of Christ (1 John 1:7). Peace makers are blessed, for they shall be called the -children of God. Docs this mean those who lead nations in signing peace pacts? Peace of that sort between nations ought to bp secured whenever poss­ ible, but it is not the peade of which ■the Lord is speaking here. He means not a man-made peace, but a God made peace; the first cannot last, the other is eternal . True peace­ makers! tell their.; fellows- that they can’ be justified by faith in Christ and thus have peace with God (Rom 5.:1). Carrying this message is the business, of God’s children - (Rom. 10 :15).‘ ' Persecution for the sake of right­ eousness, and for the name of the Lord, is assured of blessing: we may well rejoice and be exceedingly glad sometimes save life not available. The disciples that they Of courno those who they know and that To them Ho the Kingdom mourn bless- to those who 3:10; 1 Pet. 4:13)? comforted us only God are tli'ose who themselves and of God. The merciful the mercy of His bless- pure in heart can see hearts are pure? JOHN MALONEY PASSESTh® us® of Proven clem® makes pig rearing easy and certain. Thousands of unsolicited testimonials received from breeders in various coun­ tries prove the astounding rapia\ty in ths develop­ ment of pigs fed with' Provendeine, a day and inside of one week they wer ■£ feet and hobbling around. After the tjfce ’Lsecorid box I could not seem to give enough to eat ifand they are in good shape on their legr and run ground with any pigs. They are about 145 or lbs. each. / j. 1 can recommend Provendeine to anyone fead- Irft or raising hogs as one preventative'.; of hfg w^knsss and other diseases that hogs aresubjec- , If this testimonial Is of any benefif/to you ^anyone raising hogs you are at UbertyYo use ^iime or any wntre. , \^lga.) H. a, WILLIAMSON, Oak A$atte. W wndterW iossicB ^Mary's Ontario. January 30 th. K29. I have/bbtalned good results from youLPro- yendeine. Itnlnk it the roost wonderful tonic4 have ever U3«d. My hogs were marketed a montS-aad half sooner tl»n ever before. Vl (Signed) Bert Me CAULEWi ife .V “ worth $10.00 mors per hoad Ember Farm East Molesey, England. June 22nd, 1929. Please forward me two more packets of your Pro- vendeine. Our plg9 have done splendidly since using it-their coals are beautifully glossy now, and lots of people ask us what we give them, so we are recommen­ ding it to alt our friends. I had a bunch ol £s piga. I split them up in two lots, and the pen that was fed with Provendeine arc abont 2 Livres Sterling per head better. I have sold them to go to the factory on Monday, but the othfeir pen will not be fit to go for another three weeks, if yoti are coming this way 1 should be pleased for you to have a look at them. (Signed) J. WHITE, Manager invaluabS© for psgjs/of ages Pound Farrri. Esher, England. July 8tb, 1929. I have £iven your Provendeine a fair trial and (Ind same irivaltiabl for pigs of ail ages, 1 ant more than satisfied with the results in rearing and leading. (Signed) J. ROBERTS Pigs led with Provendeine did. more tn a fortnight than others did In a month. Carey. St. Giles In the Heath,- Nr Launceston. Davon( Ensbnd . L I have bad a packet ol your Provendeine and ft iwsisdbne wonders in i very short time. I had a ood of fen pigs. I have killed eight and the ft« alhltig two I have given a packet of Proveixfeloe nd they have done, mote Ina fortnight tb.-irrth» Irt did in a month Please send rue another (Signed!) A. LANS) PROVENDEINE is sold every where in pac* , keto at 5>L50. V \ At Bls late hoino, noav Creiliton, in his (>2nd year-—After brief illness. A well-known and highly respect­ ed resident passed away at liis home in Stephen Township, near Gredi- ton, on- Monday morning, January 13th, after a brief illness. Deceased, who was in his 62nd year, had not been in the -best of health i'or the past six months, but his case was not considered serious, until the past week, when he gradually became worse and passed away at nine o’clock Monday morning. The’ late Mr. IMaloney was the se­ cond eldest son of the late Patrick and Catherine Maloney, early set­ tlers. of Blanshard. Hb %pent a numbev o£ years in the West .and for a time resided in Biddulph TWp., later moving to his -home near Crediton. .Besides his wife, who was form­ erly Miss.Norah Carroll, he is. sur-' vived by four brothers,namely; Timothy, of Detroit; Andrew, b’f Vi-, king, Alta.; Jqsepli, of Lucan and James on the homestead, 9 th epnees.- sion, •Blanshard.1 ■, The funeral services was; held Croip. tiio home of* Mr. and Mrs.-.Ja3. Mahoney, Blanshard, on Wednesday morning,. January 15,th, for requiem bigh .mass in the R;.O. Church in St. Marys, at -nine -o'clock. ’ Interment was rfia’de in .St, 'Mai’ys, cemetery. ■■ K conditio! Lt/Abru with pul ” over mjf; couldn’tj,. to weak$Hjne ......... to give til 'I conldiM1^6** ....... ..... milk wlt;i7wi>rt indlgosJiL on my lhaasM the prossi(£rrfmaf_______ choke o£f ■ “I’m ——— - Province wS5M,,<>n* f’,a®d fa dealer* are not wali thougjit \;y ' Available until-------—------------ --------- rry, NOji- packet tequlrtd by po»l enclose ten cents for postage, tiid me nnVAodoexxJoe wrniTtS^ r MMuftctured by Mahon SAfilJERS. Bru^eU. .1 could—■ Wholesale: Lojiis SANDERS Co. of Canada Ltd., 10 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, Ont. ‘ packet can be obtained at tile following shop, sii exchange for this coupon. doRrs- ovo^f Al'u A1 ' IIOGARTIX BABY ClItCK HATCI1E RY, EXJ5TER Zurich » Talbot has'spiel his fine. ,70’-aere ’farm on-, the \BiT>iisori Line. Stanley, about t\vo miles north f of*’ Blake, "to Allan .Gteckl'e, who will get possession .on 'April tile 1st.1 Mr. Talbot .intends.,to retire’and Will likely move to Goderich with'/his family ill the spring. < j Mr. Bruce J, Klopp has, purchased' from his brother iMr, Held?; Klopp, a five, acre parcel out of the lAttorl's farm fronting the Zurich Brtteft Intends gdlhg extensively in­ to chiClren, Jtaisipg. ’ Mr..Ward;Tihitz' left Week tor Florida to weeks. Mr. John Laporte from a months’ visit ■ in ‘Windsor, Detroit places. Mr, Moses Geiger is’ recovering no ad by iftotor this SDoiid a ;£ew lias- returned wltl’i- relatives ; and other was as God Him- whole law could evei”' we could TBVM1WLL, Litt. D, if this happens to ns, for God has. pledged a great reward in HeaveiL Sult is in some ways strikingly simjliar to blood, Physicians have found that a transfusion df a solut­ ion of salt will when blood is Lord tells His are the salt of the earth. Only be­ lievers have the life pl' God,which is indeed suit in -this corrupt and decomposing world. A Christian who is one only in name, oy in prof­ ession, without having the savour of true life, is useless and worthless. The- Lord said later in His min­ istry: “Pam the Light of the world” (John 9:5). Here he says to His disciples: “Yq are the light of the world.’.” It is oneof the many pas­ sages that identify believers with Christ liimsblf. They are members of His body, branches in Him, the Vine. Is our light clouded or cov­ ered, or are we lotting it shine be­ fore men that they may glorify God? Modern teachers -sometimes talk a§ though Christ came to condemn the Old Testament law or relegato it to oblivion. He. gives the lie to any such false, teaching in this Sermon on the Mount: “Think, not that 1 am come to destroy the law ... I am not come to destroy but to fulfil.” God’s law, given through Moses, righteous and eternal as self. Christ fulfilled the by keeping it as no man keep it. Then because not keep it in our own strength He asks us .to accept Him as our Sav­ iour and Substitute, and look to Him for -strength to live according to His law for the Christian in this age of grace. One great message in the Sermon on the Mount is that God’s law-is ‘ kept only when it is kept in the in­ nermost heart life, where only God can see, as well as in the outer ac­ tions. The essence of the sin of murder is not only the open act of killing, but hatred in the heart. The- essence of .adultery ig no.t only the. open act, but lust in the heart. The Lord commands this innermost heart purity and holiness. Impossible^ we say! With men, yes; but with, God all things are possible, and that is why He has given up Christ as Saviour, Lord .and Life that we may experience the miracle of inner­ most heart victory and law-keeping- The verdict of God on.,divorce is given here; no divorce is justified in God’.s sight except for the sin of the act -of adultery. Here is a searching and condemming word for ■ the Church of Christ today. .Perhaps the supreme -test is love "for our enemies. Anyone, says the-' Lord, can love in return for love. Are we loving in return tor hate? It is not optional; it is commanded. Truly it takes a miracle to have our hearts filled with the love that, never faileth to return for bitter­ ness and hatred from -others. That is just the miracle that Christ came , to bring to pass for us and in us. from a recent illness. Mrs. Kaiser and son Gordon, of London, were visitors -at the home of the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Axt, the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kipfer visit­ ed with relatives in Kitchener for a week. Mr. Wes. Calif as, of Kitchener, is visiting in town. AL the recent annual meeting of the St. Peter’s Lutheran c'ongregar •< tion the following were chosen as» trustees: F. C. JKalbi’leisch, E. F.. Klopp, T. I-Iaberer, O. Klopp,' R. F, . * Stade and Albert Kalbi'leisch. Arthur Mutton, prominent Mit­ chell citizen, died suddenly on Fri­ day from an attack of acute indiges­ tion. He (had always taken a keen interest in municipal affairs, liav'- ing served in many offices and paving been Reeve for a number of years and Mayor in 1928. While a member of the County Council he was chosen as Warden of the Coun­ ty. He is survived by his wife, one brother and ’ one sister. One only son, ..Roy, was killed in the Great War. Constipation Severe Headaches Could Get No Relief' Mrs; Joseph Ilarte, Stella, Ont.r. • Writes i-—*11 was) always troubled witlr severo headaches, for a number of years,, caused-,by constipation. I had become-.’ real bad and could get no r-elitrj?. > Otic day I saw Milburn’s ndyerti^ecl, ‘so I bought a vial{, they' ,» Iteljied me wonderfully, and I got' relic 1"” at; once, , > ■ <f2sow if I become the least bit con­ stipated I can always! depend on Laxa- Liver IPill^.'^s they never fait ifhey ’ aro <ert4y th take and' do not weakem. one?* , > . Price, 25 cents a vial nt ttlj drftg!- ,gists and dealers, or'mailed direct o.w, . receipt bf price by Tho T, Milburn t Co ./Limited, Toronto, Ont,