The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-01-23, Page 5SBOraMNKMM 1 S 1 A Why not attend this? General Office, rs juul Special 1 School report for fall term from Sept, to Dec. for Hensail Continua tion school. ♦ meaVis missed examsCLINTON, ONTARIO OFFERS YOU A PRACTICAL BUSINESS TR that has made it possible for our scores of students, lipid positlo'ns demanding a higlr^standard of efficie THERE. JS A POSl’JLTQ WAITING FO Course#: Secretarial, CommercSjl, Steuograply Civil Service, Commercial®'Teachers’ Courses urrimgeci. You cannot qttend a better scbfol. obtain and School Reopens Mof day^anuary 6th, 1930 Write to-day for ^Lifoj M, A. STONE, Com. Specialist, Vice-Principal tion. Phone 198 B. F, WARD, B,A. Principal I FORM James McEwan Harold Sherritt Ray Raterson 6Q.2 * Alvin Bell 62.2 Helen Munn 61.5 **Eleanor Bell 60. Nelson Pepper GO.5 Lome Elder 59.1 Bernice Harris 52.5 Edythe llick 50.1 Mary Iluiser 47.3 FORM II DR. R. I. P. DOUGALL Honor graduate ofj^Taculty Medicine, and Master,Science, tho University of ’V^'tern Ontario. Member CollegjIF of Physicians and Surgeins o Ontario, two doors e&st or of Phone 50 Post Office. DR. J. A. McT; Specializing HENSALL, fTelephonc 100 ONT Kcsi I late Work ONT. Slain Street BANKRUPT SALE AT HENSALL Windjng up Jackson Grocery and 'Restaurant Business; also fixtures for sale, electric coffee mill, comput­ ing scales, sale, account and cash register. refrigerator, soda fountain sand silverware, etc. Store open .and evenings.—H. D. Woods. day HENSALL THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Thursday, JANUAjir 2^ 1 D.D.S, NFLAKES Have you tried our Red & Whit? Vegc table Beef Soup 2 for 25c., Ail kinds ex cepting chicken. BURFORD (Dessert) PEARS Specie! No, 2’s 2 for 25c. KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN Regular 25c. or 2 for 45c< PRUNES (Large size) Regular 10c. for luc. a penu* .SERV4JS DiUND SPHNACH No, 2 tin 2 for 45c HARVEY’S WELCQ Pastry 24 SERV-US C Try a :age only ^c. SPIEj^F(ll quart Basket) Riceiy colored 40c. ..CORN MEAL Bulk ”c. a pound TIGER CATSUP L?- ge 21c. MAPLE £E/\F SALMON* • 1 pound 44c. GINGER SNAPS 2 pour.ds for 25c. ---------------- GOLD MEDA. Sweet Mixed This line was oi|t last week. 1 PICKLES / 0 oz. 48c. McLean 81.2 Workman 80.2 Daters 74 Maud Mabel Irene Stuart Horton 72.8 Florence McDonell 68.1 Jean McQueen 60.8 **Grace Brock 59.7 Grace Dick 59.4 Howard Hemphill 5 8.6 *Mavjs Spencer 53.4 * ♦•Gladys Passmore 53.2 Irene Hoggarth 51.9 20c. HARVEY’S B WHEATLET AYLME YSTER ER HONEY NO. 4, PEAS CODFISH, A. & H. WASHING SODA 3 pa ton, Librarian and Secretary-Treas­ urer of the Board. Mr. Fred Sim­ mons and ATr, Davis were absent through illness. The minutes of the last meeting $fOi’e read and adopted on motion of Mr. Follicle and Mr. Clark. Miss McNaughton the Librarian who is also the Secretary-Treasurer for the Board gave a splendid review of the work done last year. The Board finished the year with ,$110.00 in the Treasury /purchased 207 new books and lent out during the year ovei- 6,000 books about double what it was two years ago. Owing to the splendid growth of th'e Library something will have to .be done-to make more room as the present library room is far too small 'to meet the needs of a growing Li­ brary. Messrs. Davis, Follick', Clark, and McArthur were appointed a committee to meet the council at the next council meeting to talk the matter over of securiug larger quar­ ters. It was suggested that the reading room which is now used as a cloak room and is a large room bo taken over for library purposes and the present- library room be us- ,ed as a cloak room. Very Ijttle al­ terations will be needed and the library board would room for years. The new officers for the years will Reeve Higgins; Secretary-Treasurer, Miss McNaughton; Book Purchasing Committee, Mrs. Arnold, Mr. Davis and Mr. Follick. Miss McNaughton was again re-engaged as Librarian at the same salary as last year; The Secretary .was instructed to write to Mr. Simmons ^expressing the sympathy of the Board to him over his recent illness and hoping for a speedy recovery. The meeting then adjourned meet again in February. The Hydro Meeting ■ The 'regular monthly meeting the local hydro commission, held on Tuesday evening last with all the members present. Reeve Higgins was re-elected the chairman of the Board for the year and Mr. Rannie as Secretary. Mr. John Passmore was re-engag­ ed for another year to manage the plant. A number of improvements were talked over and some will be carried into effect immediately. The meters for domestic liglitjng will in future be read once every 2 months and payable every 2 months. The next payment for domestic lighting for the months of January and February will be made on the 15 th of March. As the the plant is again begin­ ning to accumulate quite a .sum of money 'rate reduction will be' dis­ cussed at the next meeting and it is hoped ,tliat a substantial reduction, will be made. The manager'Mr. Passmore was instructed that in future to read all meters himself. A number of accounts were pre­ sented and ordered paid and the meeting then adjourned to meet again the first week in February. McCl inchy—Pepper. j A pretty wedding was solemnized at Hensail on Wednesday, January 15th jat high noon by Rev. A. Sin­ clair when Nettie Mae, eldest daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pepper, of Tuckersmith, was united in marriage to' Mr. Wilm6r George McClinchy, of Varna. I Mrs. T. C. Joyn'i is in London this week on business- Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hedden, of Ham­ ilton, are spending a few days W|th friends in town. Mrs. Agnes McDonnell underwent a serious operation in Mrs. Pater-, ■son’s hospital on-Saturday last. Mr. Arthur Dick,. ..of Hamilton, was home for the ’week-end Mr. Dick has ,ia service station on the Dun<las-Hamjlton Highway. The auction sale of the house­ effects of. the late Mrs. Hunt place on Saturday afternoon A large crowd was present bidding was brisk. Mr. Geo. y Jiold look .last, .and Elliott, of Clinton, was the auction­ eer. . Mr,-Hfenry Wood, of Galt, has pur­ chased- the grocery stock from the .Jackson estate and opened up on Tuesday morning for business. Miss Ruby McLaren and Miss Dorothy Little will assist them pi running off the stock. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Simmons have been in Toronto several days where Mr/ Simmons underwent a’ serious ■operation in a hospital there. His many friends here hope that the op- ■eratipn will be a success and that he Will be again restored to his us­ ual health. Large crowds took in the skating at th6- skating rink on Saturday ev- <ening.e‘ The ice was in splendid condition. The managers Mr. Robt. Caldwell -and Mr. Alpine McEwan •are making every effort to have the ice good for their^ patrons. The -curlers intend to use the rjnk one -day and. evening a week and this old time sport will again be revived. The Young People of the United ■church held their meeting on Mon­ day evening wjth Mrs. pfile in charge ■of the meeting. The scripture Read- , aug was read by Miss. Bella .Smale apd a piano solo by Miss Greta Lam- mie. The topic wag given by Miss Elva Shaddock. Our Library Board are making a xnove in the. right direction in mak­ ing an effort to secure more room an the Public Library. There, is a •demand-in the village for a better •Jibrary a‘s the increasing volu'nie of l)ooks loaned’out show and jn its present crowded condition there is aio room for jmorc books and with a 3L»glf a dozen .people in the room it as Crowded. The reading room would make a splendid room for the purpose, large and well ventilated and could, be’ piit; in good »shape at very little cost. ; \ A reception was -lield at the home of Mr. and Mrs. wm. '.Popper on jFriday evening last, ip’ honour of -tlieir son-in-law and daughter,, Mr. «and Mrs. Wilmer McGlinchey who have just returned frbm their honey- anoon. The affair was arranged by .Mrs. Melvin Traqualr and Mrs. Robt. ’Traqttair and was greatly enjoyed by the Ittrge'tjroWd presdnt. The evening was spent jn games, music and dancing and a dainty lunch Was served. A splohdid lot of presents were received by. the bride and 'till wish­ ed them a long and happy life. Mr. and Mrs. McCIincliey will on the Babylon Line Stanley. The Library Board Meeting FORM III Mildred Forrest 71.4 *Lorne Chapman 65.9 *Eldera Monroe 63.7 Sarah Manson- 63.5 ^Tean Bell 62.1 wl’ary Bell Carnie 61 Joyce Scruton 60.3 Margaret McQueen 5 6.8 Mildred Smillie 56.7 Marion Sinclair 55,8 Eldred Smith 53.7' Robert Varley 37.9 F. C. Cantelpn, Principal »M. E. Stewart, Assistant have plenty of of. the Board be: Chairman, to of was PURE CL 10 FISH—SAL FISH, SMELT SNACKS, SALF HERRIN KIPPERINES. N, HALIBUT WHITE FILLETSjr SALMON NEAL’^ BREAJ^ (London) VEGETABLES— CARROTS* CABBAGE, CELERY, HEAD LETTUCE, LEAF LET- TUCE, TURNIPS, ETC. _ _____ ■ SCHNEIDER’S PORK SAUSAGE Tuesdays and T.’'u:rdry3 30c. a pound Coffee prices a little easier, we can sell you our very best grades for 70c. a pound These Pric^lTGood. Only Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Jan. 23, 24, 25 DASHWOOD b Dr. H. H. Cowen, L DENT Block, Dash- of week and e Post Office, in HARVEY & HARVEY Phone 102 ‘‘THE OWNER SERVES EXETER, ONT THE BUYER SAVES”We Deliver At office In wood, first thr at office over •Zurich, last three days of week> Mr. Herb Gaiser, of Detroit, spent a few days with his patents last week. * Mrs. F. Watson, of Detroit, is vis­ iting her parents Mr. and Mrs; Wm. Snell. Mr. Harry Zimmer left .last week on a motor trip to Florida. Mrs. J. Guenther visited in town a few days last week. Revival services are being con­ ducted in the Evangelical Church. Rev. Ness occupied the pulpit in the Lutheran Church in London on Sunday.’ Mr. G. Mathers,- o£ London, spent the week-end with Maurice Klumpp. • Miss Hida Kraft has left for Lon­ don. MY. and Mrs.. T. Klumpp enter­ tained a number of their friends oil Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Moffatt spent a few days with friends in town, Mr. Doerr, of Saskatchewan, call­ ed on Mr. and Mi’s. Geo. Koch on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Mclsaac enter­ tained the former’s mother, Mrs. R. Mc-Isaac and the parents of Mrs. Mclsaac, Mr. and Mrs. L. Kleinsti- ver to a turkey dinner on Sunday. Mrs. Mclsaac is. 84 years old and Mrs. Kleinstiver 86 and the latter was out th Sunday Sehool forty-four times last year. They are all en­ joying pretty^fair health and have been "esteemed residents of this com­ munity for many years. for a. good cause. . . ’ The regular meeting of the Unit­ ed church Mission Circle was held in the basement of the church on Mon­ day, January 13. A good program was provided by the members of the society. During the business ses­ sion we made resolutions, as Jng in 1930, Why not be several New Year’s it was the first meet-* good farmer? Mr. Fahner, who re­ a and Mrs. Albert sides a quarter of mile north of ’Crediton are. strutting around Cred­ itor with ,a amile. Mr. Will Smith and Mr. Roy Schenk have just fin­ ished threshing- 125 bushels of clov- ,ei’.»seed fqr him. Albert, is so tick- 5led-;;thatLheUia§ ^iven ..the :boys., pn. ■oyster .supper. ’'" ’’ ' The remains of tho late William Lqwis who .died in Coruna, Michigan, on Friday, were brought here to the home of Mr. and" Mrs. F. W. Clark and were interred in the Exeter The Rev. Mr. Lewis Brantford, and Mr sick list. ’and were interred cemetery on Tuesday. Hagelstein officiating, was born in Crediton and for a num- |,ber of years had a tailor shop here and later moved to Algonquin Park where he was employed by the Gov­ ernment for a number of years. He livedj in Orillia until 'this last year wheiD.he disposed of his property. He went to visit his brother-in-law Charles Eilber/ of Corruna shortly before Christmas where he took ill suddenly. Bropocho-pneumonia set in which finally caused his death. He was in his '55th. year. He leaves to mourn his ,widow and two sisters, Mrs. F. W. Clark, of Crediton and Mrs. I-Iarry Rapley, of Marietta, O., to whom we extend the sympathy of the community in this their hour of. bereavement. , ing with her son in Toledo. Mrs. Thomas Willis, who has been; confined to her home through ill-.' ness is able to be around again. f Miss Helen Hicks, of Victoria Hos-[ pital, London has been home for a/ few days, attending to her mother" Mrs. Andrew Hicks.Mr. Harold Murray, who has been'j employed by the Shamrock Cream-! ery Co., le'ft last week for his home: in Nova -Scotia, where he to remain for a few months, cancy has been filled by Mr, Fisher, of Exeter. s GRAND BEND A happy social gathering assemb­ led at Harmon Gill’s last Tuesday night in honor of the bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Gill and to the music by Mr. Claud Lockery and his orchestra trebbled the step to all tunes till the wee sma” hours of the morning.) The bride was the recipient of costly gifts, hundred and sixty guests in party. Mr. and -Mrs. Dave Baird visited in Bayfield over the week-end. |Mr. and Mrs. Peter Eisenbach spent Friday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bossonberry, of Forest. Mrs. A. Ravelle is spending a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Angus Patterson of the town line. The annual meeting of the Grand Bend and Greenway churches met in The basement of, the Grand Bend church and completed the business for the year. The circuit was re­ ported to be in first class .'and flour­ ishing condition and the opinion was expressed of the splendid success un­ der the leadership of Rev. J, M. Colling and all agreed in wishing that Mr, Colling continue as pastor for some time to come. Mr. Dave Sturgeon has gone to Little Current where he has .secur­ ed a position with a Fish -Company and has started work. Mr. and Mrs. W. B'. Oliver have, returned home from St. Marys where they have spent a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John' Baird are spending a few weekte with friend’s and neighbors around Thedford. Mrs. S’. Webb is still -on the sick' list but there is some improvement the last few days. Mr. Chas. Webb, her son from Winnipeg has come home to see hjs mother, as he has not seen her for years. .many beautiful There was about and one the intends- his va- Ha,role ■? V; ■ We are pleased to know that Mrs. Jjj't™ Humphries, who has been confine’ • to her bed through illness is.ablf K. KIRKTON to be up again. The play.’ “Sonny Jane’’ given the young- people of Woodham Friday night under the auspices the Mission Circle was a success every way, The actors took tM] parts exceedingly well, much to tri enjoyment, sof the audience. |j At.the ’annual meeting of tfl.i Kirkton Agricultural Society •»[■! held Saturday afternoon, Mr. Jo Mophet was elected president a Amos Doupe, 'Secretary.-Treasur The .Socjety had a prosperous y dast year with a grand surplus in.j bank. ' ? | A hockey game between Kirl^J j and Fullarton was played on f ’ rink on Thursday night ’and res'.' ed in favor of Fullarton 6-2. Thej; . was in good, shape-but the pla^:' was rough and while referee E;;' Mills d{d not send any one to| : penalty box, there was several heads when the game was oven. J, Williams was kept busy putting .. . court plaster to cover’ the.wou • Mr. and Mrs. Ira Marshall war' ' hand with hot dogs -and coffee. | and candy. I The annual meeting »of the U : wag held on Thursday afternoo.' Aberdeen Hall with a good at* •’ ance. ' Tho Treasurer W. A. I ■ hart gave the financial report showed a turn over of $20,001'.; the past year. The club js **"*'*•' flourishing condition. < The ofii,R for 1930 are, president, Alvin C, g vice-ptes., Clarence Routly, £ Morris Blackler, Treas,, W. A quhart. Directors, Fred Rogc- • Bickle, Silas. Sh{er, John Stef Herman Paynter, Harry White, Fletcher and Ben Wilson. The annual meeting of the 1 church wag held on Wedesdl ■ ening with Rev. Mr. Bell act chairman. r. The reports of the differe ganizatlons were given and*5 . the church to be in. a flou'5 .condition. There was raised >.5 - sources $40’25.00 and after n5 the allocation to the M. & E and all other abligations have® ■ance of $135.0o to begin tl25, year. The officers for the 00 year are:' Rev. G. A. Bell, 00 • and* chairman of session; eI<S2 W. Guifning, Albert Shier, Crago, iMilton Gregory, Dr. Jose, Clarence Routly, Davie 5. wood, Charlie Duffield and‘75 jShier; Board of Stewards,^ f Got'ildihg, Ahios Doupe, Ro‘;S5 elwo-od, Silas Shier, Wm. U,75 ' Wilbert Kirkby, Truhmn Tt.'JS . linger, Thos,- BroCkt, Win, 4 f Seorptury-TrcnsUTOi', Di\ C OtgapiPt and choir leader, Campbell; ushers, Russel, 1: ", Marshall, Frahlc Routloy d , Switzer D< Hmzlewood, Louis I^letchi Brock, STAFFA CREDITON Mr. William Winer, of is visiting with friends. ’ Mr. Alvin Ffnkbeiner Richard Hill were on the We are pleased to see Rev. Hazel- stein around again after his recent illness. The boys are busy every night at the skating rink. They hope to »have skating this week.' Mrs. Jack Marr Of Cleveland vis­ ited a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eilbor. Mr. Jack Mallett, of London, vis­ ited a few days with Dir. and Mrs. Edward Fahner at the Central Ho­ tel. Mr. and Mrs. Charles °1’ Cofruna, Michigan, attended the fu­ neral of his brother-in-law the late William Lewis. • Anniversary Services at the Evan­ gelical church Cvediton on February 9th. Rev. E. D. Becker, of Almira Vein he. the anniversary speaker. While driving , to town the other day with her husband Mrs. Edward Chanibers had the misfortune to fracture her wrist when the cutter upset. Mr. Milton Finkbeiner of the Can­ adian Bank is spending parents, Mr belner. Henry Fahner's team made a lively run through the* town the other day but wore caught before much damage wastloiie. It is rather unusual to seca runaway those days since the'automobile is the mode of travel. , Thofo will be a Hail, Oediton the .fySist, given by ■'.oplo from tho '.ui’ch under the auspices of the •"ingelieal Young League. mission 35 and 250. Everybody "tatly invited t.o assist. Ftocecda i The bride was charmingly gowned in a French gown of Venetian blue georgette and lace featuring the uneven hem line and carried a bTid- al bouquet of Ophelia roses and fern She was attended by Miss .Mabel Mc- Clinchy, sister of -the groom, who wore an imported frock of foliage green georgette with uneven hem­ line. The groom was supported by Ml*. Foster. Pepper. The groom’s gift to the bride was silverware; to the bridesmaid :a necklace of pearls; to the gromsman gold cuff links. Following the ceremony a wed­ ding dinner was, served at -the home of the bride, fully decorated in a profusion flowers and centred with -a tiered wedding cake. Later the bridal couple left trip to Toronto, Hamilton an troit. The bride donned for oiling a smart: frock of bt'r’ The Hensall public Library Board [with gold trimmings, vblack ’ of Commerce, Hamilton, his vacation with his • end Mrs. George Fink* Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McLillan entertained- a number of young people on Wednesday evening. A very enjoyable evening was spent in games, after which the hostess serv­ ed a dainty lunch. . Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Worden and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Vivian spent last Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. _Sco.tt of Cromarty. Our new hall’ is being well pat­ ronized on Thursday evening 'the junior farmers .had. :a dance. Then agaiil on Friday evening a play given by Mt. Pleasant people entitled "“Tliose Dreadful twins’’was well re­ ceived. The congregational meeting of th© •United church on Thursday last was well attended. The reports from the different cdmmittecs were very satisfactory. Our village is greatly improved now since it has* been lit up with hy­ dro. Mrs. J. M. Miller,, is spending a few days in Seaforth with Mr. and Mrs. Tlios. Worden. ZION Mrs. Warren Brock spent part of last week with her mother Mrs. Geo. Stewart in London Township, who is illy Messrs. Ray Brooks, and Norman Jaques are attending the Agricultur­ al Short Course in Exeter. The young people are very busy practising for their play which is to be put bn soon. Mr. Wellington Brock was in London on Friday and had an ex­ ray on his leg which is very favor­ able. Mrs. with her brother Mr. Thos. for a few days. Wm. Rowcliffe is visiting Brock live j The tables were taste- of four- SHiPKA met for its first meetin^'Oii Monday owning. ThdSe prosen&wei'd Reeve Higgins/ :Mr.s, Hcnfy Arnold, 'Mi’s, Follick, Mr. Ai'f. ’Ulark, Mr. R. ^Arthur and .Miss Greta McN.aug.h- doth- coat With hat, sh On their i the. gfoom* | Stanley '• With Sable o start d glpt rfl they w fa fur. ivush’fi. tWir Il r play at the Town evening of ’Ja'nu- h group of young PaHthill United • Wo had an exciting time in this vicinity during, the vast week when a number of dogs were shot follow­ ing, the order to that effect from the municipality of Stephen that'all dogs hot tied up to be shot. Killed wore diseased, • Mrs, L. Schroeder is few days in London1 this The play that- whs Announced be Ji'ut oii- in the tho^-young people January 2Sth lias _ CHISELHURST Miss Dora. Green, of London, visiting at present with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fairbairn. Mr. and Mrs. ghtor Nora of fdr a few days 'and Mrs. Thomas Harris. Quite a number from here attend­ ed the dance in Hensall this Week. Owing to the recent snowfall and sui'fdce drift the autos haven’t got as 'easy a time getting through as last wook. is John Oke and dau- near Exeter visited last week with Mr. The dogs spending a week. United1 church of. Greenway boon withdrawn to hy on CENTRALIA Mr. Cecil Hedgsbh, Of Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hodgson befehe leaving for the Wcstrwhere he has accepted a position as travelling ac­ countant for the ’Massey-llafr’is Co. Mrs. (Rev.) H. F. Irwin is visit-Row BwttK W*— i i