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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-01-23, Page 4
TIUIWAY, JANUARY S3, 1030 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE ‘4NNIA6 MEETING v. D. o. <ww HUisiiYTHRU-x cnrm-wi T1R. oHicers <1£ K Lodge K„. T11H annual business meeting of; I- wvi’e installed Tues- Va.ven Presbyterian Church was held. day evening by Past D.D.G.M. Bro. ,<uxl Monday evening with a large at- ^V. W« Taman und other Past Granda iendunee. The ladies served :a hot; There was a splendid turn-out. Zol- ►‘upper at 6.30 .o’clock which put ‘lowing the installation there were a ipveryone in good humor for the dis-1 few speeches followed by refresli- <mssion of the business affairs of laments. Following is a list of the followed, -officers: •H.V ».<h I Wo A.£.!& fiTwr J dhe congregation which But in addition to the supper the splendid financial report of the man agers had much to do with the happy laces ot thosp in" attendance, Ev<. ry Department of the congregation’s yvork was reported to he flourishing. ■The total raised for all purposes was $43l*o which is $1123 pi excess of 14)28. Both envelope and plate col lections had risen appreciably not withstanding a large special offering ■during the year. Especially gratify ing was the report that (.’aven had kept up her standard jn JI'issionary givings by. again exceeding the Bud- ’ gal requirements. iiation -Of the I’icials reived thusmsm and sincerity by the meet ing was that in reference to the splendid pulpit and pastoral work ihep* young minister, Rev. J. Rhodes, M.A., who has been charge since May last. Mr. J. A. Stewart occupied 1 chair in his usual happy manner. Following are the business officials i'-or 193.9: Board of Management, Dr. <G. »S. Atkinson, Wm. Sillery, Wm. . ;?mith, W. G. Summons, N. Stanlake xifld Lloyd Baynham. Secretary- Treasurer, Thomas Pryde. Auditors X A. Stewart and A. M. Easton. > .........—__ _____ ____ Votes of appro- were passed in recognition services of the different o£- bnt the one whjch was re wit ii more than ordinary en- of B. in the ■TRLVIl'T MEMORIAL CHURCH i NOTES , There ’/give an xuon on Sunday tois not space this week account of the Rector’s ser- “Cardinal Newnran” night. N. G.» A, Jones I. p. G., E. E. Moyle G., A. B. Med-d IL S., E. A. Howald F. S.. H. Jennings Treasurer. E. M. Dignan War., C. Heywood Con., J. W. Batson Chap.. W. J. Kerniek R. S. L. S. IL S. L. S. II. S. L. S; T. G., O. G. v. N. N. V. V. s., H. , H.'Pollen G., L. Day G., C. G. Salter G., Joe Kerniek G., J. W. Morley Jas. Jas. Stanlake W. E- Middleton R, Hopper RETURNING OFFICERS The Dominion government appointed tho Returning Officers for Ontario for the next Federal Elec tion. Mr. D. F. McGregor, Town ship Clerk, Seaforth, has been pointed for South Huron. Mr. Gregor was Returning Officer the last federal election: Other pointments are as follows: North Huron, Alexander Porterfield, Twp. Clerk, Belgrave; North Perth. Hy. Hemsworth, Insurance agent, Listo- wel; South Perth, A. D. Cameron, Insurance agent, Mjtchell. have EXETER SHORT COURSE The Short Course in Agriculture und Home Economics has entered the third week and the in structors in charge are well pleased with the attendance and the inter est which both classes aTe showing. Mi^s E. Zavjtz, ‘the resident teach er in charge of thq- girls’’course re ports favorable progress made, and the attendance in this class now out numbers, that of the boys. Miss M. B. McLaughlin, of Toronto, arrived Monday and is the instructor in Sew ing until the end of the Course. The last special speaker pi Agri culture is J. A. Goldie, B.S.A., of the Horticultural Station, Vineland. Ont. 1-Ie will speak on Fruits and Vege tables on "Wednesday afternoon, Jan uary 29th. All those interested in the growing of' garden crops should make a special effort to attend this lecture. last This account will ^appear next week and also an out line of next Sunday night's sermon jjn “Spurgeon.” The attendance at £he Sunday night services has grown , fi'onsiderably during the past few o.veeks. Next -Sunday night's sermon Qvn. Spurgeon should be a thriller; o -come and get thrilled to the very “xtremity of youi* toes for once in our life. There was a fine attendance at he Parish Hall on Monday night- at ic Annual Vestry Meeting of Triv- .t Memorial. The ladies of the bngregatjon who have ever been ke angels to the church members, ’ > awed supper from 6 to 8 p.m. When ' '-.slice had been done to the good . rings of the table the Vestry meet- 'r g was held. The new Rector, Rev. J. Fenton B.A., acted as chair- " ' 'm. The minutes of the preceding • meting were read by Mr. Louis Day, ' • 7io has already served, as Vestry ! '-jrk for twelve years, was uriani- ’'yusly re-elected, as Vestry Clerk, e financial report, read by the .-insurer, Mr. E. J. Wethey, showed ? t the parish was in a sounder fj- ■icial position than it has been for fie years. The meeting then •i’kled on its armour for the an- election -of officers. The Rec- re-appointed Mr. Milton W. Pfaff Rector’s Warden; and Mr. W. J. iiiake was unanimously re-elcted :ple’s Warden. The Sidesmen ted for the coming year were: srs. R. E. Davis, J. W. Morley, ,iey West, L. E. Day, Stanley <ter, William Ellerington, Harry ■ings, Jr. and Severrie Winer, ral of these have acted as sides- ....................... before, and 'the new blood -that Kestle, of Ingersoll; BURIED IN EXETER 7. “Don’t you worry when your .hua» fraud is out late at night?” “No. He can take care of himself.” “But do you take without cavil?” “Yes. I’ve got to I’d rather have him ant lie and let me go back comfortably to sleep than to get the. truth and have tv stay awake the remainder of night worrying about him.” Ills ■ explanation?! the point where tell me a pieas- the So Very Particular. Mrs. Myles—I suppose they particular at the boarding school whore your daughter attends? Mrs, Styles—Oh, yes, very, “No young men ever allowed to call there?” “Never. Why, even the days ashman calls they blindfold all girls /” are tha the Woman’s Way. Patience—She’s not satisfied with her new photographs at all. Patrice—I don’t know why not. They make her look younger than, she really is. “I know >that, but she expected to have ’em look even younger than she pays she is?’ HADLEY Mi’s. Jas. Pollock, who has been spending the past two months with Mrs. Ann Ridley, left on Thursday for her home in Regina, Sask. Mr. Colin Love has engaged Mr. Frank Rielrie, of Cumberland, Eng land, to work for him for a few months. 4 AUXUU0JN SALE — of —. FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, ETC. There will be offered foi’ sale by public, auction, on Lot 9, Concession 5, Stephen Twp-j THURSDAY, FEBRUARY «t at one o’clock in' the aftei HORSES—-1 -horse,, 9 yea horse, 8 years old; 2 bay h years old, weight 1600’ popn mare 6 years old, weight 15 black Poreheron, rising 6 ye 1500 lbs. COWS—1 cow. HOGS—1 brood sow. IMPLEMENTS— JM.H. bii mowers, cultivator, disc ha , 1030 oon id. 1 s, 0 grey lbs.. old, LUMLEY Mr. Fred Simmons is expected home on Tuesday and his many friends -and relatives hope that he will be much benefitted by the treat ments- he has been taking in a To ronto Hospital. Master Gerald Glenn has been on furrow ploughs, walking pl the sick list and out of school for; rake, horse scuffler, root p a few days. Miss Sarah Manson, of Blake, spent the week-end with her cousins Misses Margaret and Jean McQueen. J WHALEN at NOT VERY REASSURING. Mr. David Johnson is quite ill his home with bronchitis. Mrs. Harvey Squire has gone Sarnia, to be with her aunt, Mrs. Lingard, who is quite Messrs. Ralph and inson attended the Opera House, Exeter, Miss Reta Squire was confined the house with the flu last week, tQ ill. Russell Park dance in the last week. THAMES ROAD to heavy wagon, hay rack, grt stock rxmk, mail box, hay fo seed dril 2 sets double h single harass,top buggy, se collie dog,\forks, chains, trees, neckyillces and othei ous articles. . TERMS—$11^00 .and und Over that andtiint 9 mont will be given on%furnishing ed joint notes wit ed. All articles mus before being removed ises. ALONZO HEDDEN, First Highwayman—Say, is there any, flanger In this business? Second Highwayman—No; not less you get shot. U3* Appearance®. APP«*r*nces, we read in beoka, To treat deception often lead. Potatoes are not much for looks,JJut they are friends in time of nee& Nursing a Luxury. •'Herr® you any idea of the amount •f money you waste every year on to* bacco?” inquired the severe-looklnc man. “No,” replied the serene man. “Toil know if I leapt figuring on what it coatThe remains of -the 1'a.te Mrs. Wm. know if I k»pt figuring on what it coat FI. Kestle, . who -died at Parkwood ’ I might not enjoy smoking sufficiently Hospital, Loutorc on Wednesday qf U make it worth while.” last-week were brought to the home of her brother-in-law Mr. Thomas Kestle of town and the funeral was held on Friday afternoon with in terment in the Exeter cemetery, Mrs. Kestle’-s maiden name was Joseph ine Ellen Gillbank. Mr. and Mrs, Kestle at one tjme farmed at Thorn dale and about sixteen years ago moved >to Exeter from St. Johns hav- erected a fine red brick house Huron Street now occupied by Rd. Coates. Mr. Kestle died on Sth of August, 1924, and since Reverse Action. Brown—Can you pay me the >10 yo» bwe me? I owe Johns some money and want to pay him.” Greene—-AVell, you pay .Tohas what you owe him and then Til borrow lit from Johns to pay you. ing on Mr. the that time Mrs. Kestle ha's been re siding Friday Tavisli house. tance were: in London. The funeral on was conducted by Rev. .Mc- assisted by Rev. C. J. Moor- Among those from a djs- Mr. and Mrs. Frank _____ ____; JIr. and Mrs. been infused into them should c. W. Kestle,. of Seaforth; 'Miss Min- ? them mor© efficient than ever. nie Kestle, Mr. and Mrs. Berdan, of Milton W. Pfaff was unanimous- pderton; Mr. Claire Kestle, of Lon- ®osen Financial Secretary. The'• ll,ers tlle Select Vestry were appoiiitd by the Rector and ||k-‘ elected by the congregation. Select Vestry this year consists Kmaximum number of mem- Phe Rector appointees were I. R. carling, Percy Duns- rnrge Walker, Fred EllOring-. illiam E. Winer and John^‘^'ter. The members elected by 100 miles south of Saskatoon and ugregation are Messrs. Wesley 160 miles northwest of Regina, we !g, Dan Dew, Harry Jennings, learn that he and his son and a hir- “Wh. u. Complin, Sidney Sanders,ed man cropped 650 acres the past New Y'illiam Lutman. These gentle- year, doing the work with a tractor told mcogether with the Rector and' and two teams of horses. He says icine, I‘o, Warden: the mv I f 'CrinfttipriCuniiingham and Sidney San- system^the auditors for tho compig conditio^ Messrs. M. R. Complin and With priijye. The Sexton’s salary was The Rector’s report don and Mr. Eli King, of Crediton. A VISITOR FROM. THE WEST (Stratford Beacon-Herald) During an interview with J. Bagshaw, of Birsay, Sask., which . form the Select end- for the coming year. The life es to th’e Diocesftn Synod are ‘Stott ji. IL Complin and William hard!, r The substitute delegates' -Jive Diocesan Synod are Messrs. with paijye. over iriyd. couldn’t that last year’s attendance at to weak,jay services was a little bet- lo give u 'usual annual average; and I couldihted that the attendance dur milk witfl,£ Sundays promises a very indlgostlttoo.liout for the codling year, on my sof thanks was’ then unftrii- the prossarried to all the parish or- choke offp& which have helped on “Pin Slfrork of the church, and to eohifortabi members especially Mr. there wasuflnlngham and N. J* Dore thought ;ve responsible for the pres- ery, Nririactory position of Trivitt did me ah’Gliurch: Ono pleasing fea- ift xlespaitcf proceedings was the .pres- well unrryeveral Ohl Country young I ftould-—riiave recently come to Cau- Ybric told )who hove discovered that the rill Ariglicari Church in Can- dit . jn Net^pondfng to iii& Anglican doing ovcri'liohter The meeting was .rirried, ’• fho Rector pro Ute iJenediction. He says that wild pats are showing uj) over the prairies, and, to combat them, they are laying aside their plows and using ail 8-foot adjustable disc, that turns over the soil just like plows, and can bo made any depth that is inquired. One of these discs,, at tached to a tractor, can turn over from forty -to fifty acres a day, The- harvesting of the grain is dorie how With combines. ' A 16-foot combine such us lie pwffib. >Vill Cut and thresh 50 -acres a day. Two men run the machine, -while the third trucks- the grain to the elevator, thus finishing us-the harvest as they go. He says about 60 per cent, of the grains are harvested now by combines in that Section. His crOp this year averag ed about 10 bits, -to the acre, while : soriic went to 20, and some as low us 4 bus. Jn 1928, he said* the crops were the best they had been for years, except for the frost which reduced his grades mostly to No, 2- rinds No. 3, but the run was 25 bus. to the acre, His farm is 1000 ac res. He suipmer, fallows 350 acres 0ach year, He also raises consider able sto-’dk, although this year ho did not litivo as much, owing -to the shortage of feed. ^Witli- itiie tem perature at io below here, Mr. Bag- sii^w said this more like West* ern weather. ,r el box, <, rope, MORTGAGE SALE OF FARM (under power of on the premises FRIDAY, JANUARY at 2.30 p.n 31, 1030 9) Lot number 23, Township of Usborne, ron, 100 acres more This affords an op ft good k farm locater frpm Eketer, convenient to school, clay loai\soil, 90 afi'es. cleared. Two good welV, wire mees and small orchard, .On the iVd is id to be situate'a two-storey Vick fiouso with frame woodshed, t%o ment and hr shed and silo, small timber. For further ness, 1, (litions of sale . sl.eighS|FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer, Ex eter, Ontario or to F. C. BETTS, So licitor for Vendor, 442 Richmond St, London, Ontario, dbneession ounty of Hu- less. irtunity to buy about 5 miles lr 2 o> •ow, v, hay lper, 1’ vhiffle an mer- r, cash, s credit approv- 6% lute] 1st add-- he set led for 'Lrom prem- C?k?dit( i FRANK TAYLOR, Auctlfenefr, Exe ter.- ink barns on ce- oundations, drive bout 10 acres in. xrtieulars and con- ply to; AUCTION SALE — of, — REAL ESTATE Word was received on Saturday of the death of Mr. Anthony Allen, of Pasadena, Calif., elder brother of Mr, Thos. Allen. The deceased was a former Stratford druggist who for the past eight years had been living in Pasadena, Caljf. He was born and rdised in Stratford where he: spenji the greater part of his life. He ! was in his ‘46th year. He .is sur vived by his wife arid several chil dren, also fouir "brothers and two sisters. Mr. Rd. Scott Sr., was called to Strathroy on Friday to attend the funeral of his brother-jn-law Mr. G. AVeekes. The January meeting of the W.M. Society met at the.Manse on the 16th With a.good attendance. Second Vice- ‘President, Mrs. J. Allison conducted the meeting. The meeting opened with the -devotional exercises. Mrs. J. Selves gave a reading and Mrs. Wiseman a chapter from the Study Book. The treasurer reported the allocation for 1929 reached. Tho January meetj-ng of the Thames Road Mission Circle met at the home of Miss Anna Jeffrey on the 18th. The meeting opened with Itiie usual devotional exercises. The Jopic was given by Miss Potter. Miss Anna. Jeffrey gave an instrumental 'and Miss Margufe^ife 'Rhode an inter esting reading. The meeting was closed with prayer and a social half- hour was spent. •J - *■ fUp to Him. lie—My son wants to marry your daughter. Does she know how to coolc a good dinner? She—Yes, if she gets the material* for one. 1 . nupply them? MEETING OF COUNCIL HUR0N cdt’NTY The Council of the C®irporation of the County the County rich at two of Tuesday 1930. of Huron Council C o’clock in the 2Sth vill meet in amber Gode- he afternoon y of January All accounts agaiifltt the County, Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mort gage, which will be produced on the: day of .sale, there will be offered for sale, on 3IONDAY THE tR'd DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1030 at 2 p®i. at the Law Oi'fic^of Carling & Jlorley, Lunin, Ont. the following >eal Estate Lot number 15 i^tlie 2nd Conces sion of the Townsli of .M'-cGillivray ami applieVlons toifold Age Pei-|!n °',e Cou.nty 01 contain- sions shoul Clerk or or inst. to ins ing of the Old Age P Applicant should see properly an all forms pr ’ Be sure yo the Municipal rectly given. Municipal send by mail as tificates of Elec Deputies. OU cs isiou e hands of the’ing by admeasurement 100 acre®, fturday the 25 th ,more 01 lL • Thebe be in ei’ore re action at this Meet-. ountyJFCquncil land the two s*;0^ committee. I. A. 11 questions lly answered executed. OST OFFICE live in are less. are situ a y brick Ik ; 2 barnspi5 by 150 and 34 a drive The fencec and in a splen- ‘ did state oftcultivalion. ie fa n will be pxit u$ .IS by 2 Pensions by 90 an good repilir. drained an are as possible on of Reeves GREENWAY are and I on. the farm a ise 22' by 34 and lied 22 by 32 in farm is weW ■and I TERMS- cor- subject to a ipser •terms and coiljjiti^ps made known asked to on day of sale A 1 cer- money on day o£^; and bid and other % of purchase balance in 30 lars apply to— q., Auctioneer,. The Young People put on their play, “Dot, the Miner’s Daughter” in Grace ch'urch Parish Hall on Fri day evening. In spite of stormy weather there wa.g a splendid attend ance. This week they go to Park- days thereafter. For further parti H. A. STANLEY, Lucan, Ontario. H. EILI3ER & SON, Conveyancers, Crediton, Ontario. CARLING & MORLEY, Solicitors- for Mortgagees, Exeter and Lu can, Ontario. ' ' l-16-2tc; hill on Wednesday night and next' NOTICE TO CREDITONS, SHARE- week to Brinsley on -Monday even-; HOLDERS AND OTHERS OF THE ing and Shipka Tuesday evening. I There has been considerable excite ment in the neighborhood about the danger of the spread of rabies. As a result -all dogs have been tied up. Rev. J. M. Colling is conducting a study class in connection with the Y. P. S. Mr. and Mi's. J. IT. McGregor at tended the funeral of Mr. J. Ross at West Lome on Sunday. ■ ___ ___ The annual meeting of the con-! The great in-! firegation to hear reports, and elect EXETER LAWN BOWLING ASSO CIATION OF THE VILLAGE O EXETERF.OR 1-4-Hocltby skates and size %?J^A?f)piy at Times-Ad- / ltp.boots, vocate. Two hundred and forty interna tional advertisers, whose advertising! expenditures for 1929 approximated’ Does your son know how t® nnn0’00,^^11 to. spen^ What Columbus Waa After. Bill—They say the first cigars seen by Columbus in the Old World were wrapped in cornshucks. Gill—No wonder he started out lo®k« Ing for a New World! • 000,000 in 1930, an increase of 11 per cent.,, according to figures com- ■ piled by experts. The great " crease, according to the same report, i officers will be held in the United "‘"'No Reason. Father—And what 18 your reison for aspiring to my daughter? Suitor—I—I have no reason Tm Sa Jove I AS HE WAS TOLD. 1 •*4 J • <■ “Now, Freddy, I have asked you twice, and if you don’t answer I’ll spank yon. Did you say thank you to the mail that gave you that candy? “Well—at—pop—I did. But ho told me not to mention it.” A Danger. pometimes we vainly seek to boot Ot Service in the fray,An* when We're bent on helpin’ molt wa’ve eettirt’ la .the Way I Juat So. * * "Justice is said to bo blind.* “Abd from the way some lawyer® holler detf.” you’d think the did g»l wu NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN all creditors and others h: claims against the said Associ are required to forward their c duly ven to the undersign or befoi the 27tli day of Ja VEN inis. on., uary. 1930. NOTICE S FURTHER that all persUps claiming to be Share holders of tl is indicated to be in. the field of church Mpnday, January 27th at 2 p.m. A good attendopce is request- e*d. The Y. P. S', met last Thursday evening and elected the following officers. small-priced products for domestic use. * Here and There 381 Honorable George, aged ten, and Honorable John, aged 9, sons of Canada’s ranching peer, Lord Rod ney and descendants of a famous British Admiral, recently travelled 4,000 miles from Fort Saskatche wan, Alta., to England, to enter a public school in the Old Country. They took the long journey un accompanied, travelling on Cana dian Pacific lines arid by S.S. Montclarc. C. P. R. officials looked after them on the long trip. HL Hon. L. C. M. S. Amery, secretary for the Dominions in the Baldwin administration, who arriv ed in Canada on tho Express of Australia recently travelled straight across tho Dominion by Trans Canada Idmitrid, crack Canadian Pacific flyer, for Banff and Lake Louise whence he reached his' ob jective and namesake, 11000-fcet peak which he will climb. Miss Georgia Englehard, daugh ter of a New York lawyer, is busy scaling peaks and . establishing climbing records around Lake Louise. She climbed six peaks up to 12,000 feet in- height around Lake O’Hara in one week. In addition to these exploits she has made a three weeks pack train trip, said Association are required to foi^ard their na addresses, and ie number, and other particulars of th held by them, to t\e or before the said AND NOTICE IS President, Kenneth Smith-. ^N that after the ers; 1st Vice-Pres., Ivan Sharpe; 2nd Trustees of the said Vice-Pres., Miss Patrick; 3rd Vice- Pres., Luelia Curts; 4th Vice-Pres., Mary Webb; Sec’j’-.,’ Maude Brown; Treas., Leslie Woodburn; Organist, Ruby Young; Sec’y.-Trcas, of M. & M. Fund, Lois Brown. unders URT and mount shares ned on-I R GIV- ate the tion will assets, daims of notice, this 7tli ELIMVILLE proceed to ’ distributeV th . having -regard only to flkewhich they then shall h^ DATED at Exeter, Ont day of January 1930. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors for the Trustees " of the' said Assoc. Mrs. -StOphen S-r., of Stephen, has been visiting her sons Chas, -and Wni. during the past week'. Miss Elva Horne is in London where .she has secured employment. Mrs. Whjteford lias been confined to her bed with bronchitis at the home of her daughter Mrs. Wesley Horne. v The Sunday School and preaching services are being held both in the afternoons until the end of March, commencing last Sunday. The W.’ M. S. met at the church last Wednesday afternoon and had a quilting, bee when four quilts were quilted, two being for a member who is ill, the others' were the property of” the Society, hut one was sold. Some buS-iriess was dealt with and it' was decided to have Woodham' people present their play “Sonny Jane” in the church on Friday ev ening, January* 2’4. Eebruary meet-, ing will be held in the evening and the men will be invited to attend al so. Members are asked to pay their fees at this meeting. ' Twenty three ladies were present -and lunch was served at the ‘cluse of a busy after- rioon. . ■ . ', The play “Sonny Jriiie” will be ; presented in EliniViliq church on Frl- ; day evening, January 24',. by Wood- ■ ham people under trio direction of j Mrs. McNaughton, in the .jhterest *of sW. M. S. Work. IMdsIc by Mills* Ijrds. Doors open at 7.45, adfiiise slon 35 and 25c. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Re Estate of Fra late of the-Township County of Huron, Fa All persons, having the said Estate are Squired to fyle full pW.iculars of io same, duly 'ith the undersigned on or is Hawkiris,.. Hay, in the ier, deceased, laims against proven, before F which da be distribu the claims Dated at 15 th. ruary tl Ontario, January 1930 Solicit & Morley for Administrator !lst, 1930 after id Estate will’ d lmv$ig regard only to- Notice to Creditors. lie CHARLES DISSECT SNELL, late of the Village of Exeter, in the. County of Huron, Gentlemen, de ceased. - CREDITORS AND OTl ing clai against the c said deceived are reqi full particulars of sue] undersign Gallon or b day of Jam Dated *Jdh Adding tri an imposing list of winnings gained .at leading exhibi tions over the prairie circuit ear lier in the season, the championship Holstein herd of the Canadian Pa cific Railway supply at Strathmere Farfn gathered ten firsts, Ave se conds, five thirds at the Vancouver Fair, made a clean sweep in th® bull classes with junior and reserve senior . chanhpiflnships in female classes and in , group classes won first for exhibitors, .first fpr..yourig herd, first TpftfitofcGhjMf tow, se- eohd in breeders herd dnd second In get ot sire, 3. >. - r y 193 1930 MORLEY •’ Stittcj of>.Lat& bott sneil ’ RS hav- ate of the- ed to Send laiins to the ortv the 25th i CARL Solicitors CharlosViB Thr ReaMfl. th« brldB» eloped'; with... . ____ ______ JttMT troomsman, -Whffdo Aid tfcMtr* ’ &• wm the tot MK’ ••Mu ■W