The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-01-23, Page 1ESTABLISHED 1873 HOCKEY OLD AND MUSIC Frida the TO DECORATE JAMES MOVED TO ST. CATHERINES if.' K. of of BIRTHSATLY 'W DEATHS Miss Grace Creeeli $pont the tvoek-jW ■ Miss Grace Ci IrSitcily missed by sistefs and broth cfs end in London* ■ L itself in the new Post 01’- the First of July Celebra- the rural routes out of Ex­ ft number who had not been has the The Exeter WOSiSA team are play­ ing tqeir return game in Stratford to-day (Wednesday.). to en- are ag- 22 Ira vo the A it a 1 Admission NEW TIME DANCING .. ■■ i father, PP SENIORS AND JUNIORS TIE In .a fast and exciting game hockey -played ’ iu the Dome rink Tuesday night a picked team LEW^S-^-In Comma, , Michigan: boy considerable improvem ent Bruce Medd lmn'd- The Exeter line-up Ford; defense, E. with and will hop- a good at- ou t In the third neither team Both goalies made, some Joynt, who played was BY THREE-PIECE RCHESTRA Gents 5,0c. tax included Gentler;. Honory N’,ectoT.r. diW ,M. Ki F. G Sand- ■“ J'bhsfc M., A. , -etary .......•• -- _ __ _ ... years, 11 months and M fry of Mrs, passed jaway 27, 4)29, and tamily. , . onFriday, Janaury 17, 1930, 'William L, LOWim of Algonquin Park, cd 54 days. him, . j. .f !■* caupd him I'd, wore opened, qe, $aid /'Come,M Weiis unspoken btqrod -home. vihoiher and sjstets tidd brother^ vod hi Uut angels Io yonder. IJ MEMOR mory ibert Webster,^vho go I 929. EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 23rd, 1930 FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR,.. NO SPECIAL VALUES FOR JANUARY A ar price 85c. a yard; 12 webs good pattern Ginghams 32 inches wide, re January sale price 23c. a yard. ar price 30c. a yd.; Heavy Bleached Sheeting, 2 1-4 yards wide, re January sale price 69c. a yard. White Flannelette 27 inches wide, regular jfRce 20c. a yard; January sale price 15c. a yard. White Flannelette 36 inches wide, English J^ade, regular price 35c. yard; January sale price 29c. a yard. Heaviest quality Circular Pillow CottodFlO inch and 42 inch wide; reg. price 60c. a yard on sale at 49c. a yard. n*s all-wool Heavy ribbed un price $\49 a garment. Boys* Fleece lined shirts and drawe regular 75c. quality of 59c. gar. wear, regular $2.00 garment sale 4-do\en Ladies* good heavy knit^d bloomers, white only to clear at 39c. Last we We sold half you want the we advertised abed them and there iggest bargain in SHEEP-LINED CO A For Men On Sale @ $9.00 Each^t MEN’S HEAVY RUBBERS All Sizes On Sale @ $2.50 pair WOMEN’S HIGH OVERSHOES Black, with two buckles and two domes, ’ On Sale @ $1.50 pair 50 crepe and wool dresses at $6.95 each, e still some real bargains, so act quickly if dress ever offered in Exeter. s Winter vercoats ale at $10 and $15. MEN’S LINED SMOCKS Best Quality at $2.39 Others Men’s Navy Overcoats on sale at $20.00 - HIGH LEATHER-TOP RUBBERS 1 - Best Quality On Sale at $400 pair WOMEN’S GOODRICH OVERSHOES Best Jersey Cloth . . , Regulars $4.25; Sale price $3.50 NEW WALLPAPERS;—Our new Suinwdrthy papers, have arrived. Come in and see the beautiful new'patterns also a few good bundle lots on- sale. (HAJIBER OF COMMERCE j ELECT OFFICERS I The Exeter (.’number of Commerced Efforts are being made to start held their annual meeting iu tlio’tlie town hockey league on Friday form of a banquet at the Central Ho- niSht of this week. Those having a tel on Friday evening of last week,,team to entP1’ are raqjiested to noth -There was a good attendance and a-iy J- G. Cochrane go that a schedule sumptuous repast was provided, Fol­ lowing the supper Mr. B.W.F. Beav­ ers, the president, took charge of the program and stated that whjle the Chamber of Commerge had been .unable to accomplish anything near wlrat they would liked to have done yet the work of the year showed that they had not been altogether idle. The Chamber of Commerce had in­ terested fice; in tion; in e-ter and receiving rural mail were now being seryed. The question of a hospital for Exeter yvas still under advise­ ment. One young lad in town in need of medical care had udergone an operation through the assistance of the members. The Santa Claus Fund is now looked upon us an an­ nual affair and this year the respon­ ses were greater than ever. Rev. J. B. Rhodes was present and spoke of the socjalibility of getting together as business men and in this Way becoming a little better acquain­ ted with one another. Had the ^Chamber of Commerce left undone some of the things that have been undertaken Exeter would not have the community spirit that exists at present. x Mr. W. G. Medd, M.L.A., spoke of a recent visjt to Exeter, Mass., and displayed a. pamphlet setting forth the advantages of the Massa­ chusetts town. A motion was passed to forward a request to the B'ell Telephone Co., that the telephone pole in front of the new Post Office, which rather mars the beauty of the new struc­ ture be moved a few feet to South. A. committee was appointed take some action in reference to tertaining the young people who in attendance at the Agricultural Short Course now being held in Ex- ter. Tho election of officers resulted as follows: Honorary Presidents. W. G. Medd, M.L.A., Major Wood, of London, B. M. Francis, Reeve and MS- W-. F. Beaversi-Pmesident, T. Or­ ville Southcott; Vice-President./Dr. J. II. Browning; Secretary-Treasur­ er, M1. R. Complin; Directors, L. J. Penhale, Thos. Prydc, .T. W. Powell, H. C. Rivers, A. O. Elliot, J. M. Southcott. A fine spirit of optimism prevailed among the members and tho interests of the town will careful consideration during coming year. may be drawn up. EXETER AVINS GROUP Exeter won the group honors in Junior O. II. A, when they defeated St. (Marys on the local ice on Fri­ day evening last. This was the fourth straight game the locals won from the players of the Stone town. Mitchell and Clinton are playing in Mitchell to-night, Wednesday, to de­ cide tlie winners of their group and Exeter Juniors will meet the win­ ners of this group. Tho game Friday night was fast and interesting. The scoring start-, ed with the drop of the puck and before St, Marys knew what was happening the locals had scored two goals. Creech tallied the first coun­ ter and Snell the second. Passmore added another. At -one time St. Marys broke through the defense anp with every eliancq to score shot wide of the goal. The second period was faster than the first with the play fairly even. McRobb for the visitors scored and the frame was evened up when Snell scored following a scramble in front of the nets. The third period was inclined to be rough with St. Marys taking the aggressive and putting every ounce of strength into the ga'me. One of the Exeter defense men attempted to shoot the puck out from in front of the Exeter goal but he missed it entirely and M. Woods scored the first counter for' the period. St. Marys scored another goal and the game ended 4 to 3 in favor of Exe­ ter. During the second period a couple of the player^ started a fistic en­ counter which continued -after the players had gone to the penalty box. They were soon quieted. Referee Cochrane got a surprise when he was upset by one of the players. It was an accident’ how­ ever. . The line-ups: Exeter—Goal. I. Ford; defense, Munn and Passmore; forwards, F. Creech, Snell and Joynt,; subs. Boyle .Howey.and La-ing... — St. Marys—Goal, Goods : defense.' McRobb and Gross; forwards, Rich­ ardson, Woods and White; subs. Woods, Skipper and M’cDougall. STRATFORD AVINS The Stratford W.O.S.S.A. hockey team visited Exeter on Thursday ev­ ening of last week and played a line game of hockey with the High School boys of Exeter. The visitors, how­ ever, were too fast for the locals and i piled up a score of 9-1. The game ;was better than the score would in­ dicate and the fexeter boys put uii i. good exhibition but were unable to get through the strong defense of the Stratford team and score the necessary counters. During the fjrst period Stratford scored tnree goals. They scored four in the second and two in the last. a splendid game for the locals ’successful in scoring’-the only goal for ExetOb in the last period. Tho Stratford lads showed more exper­ ience in combination while tho Ex­ eter boys worked hard but were not as effective. The boys however ! showed over last year, led the bell, was: Goal, I. Quinn, AV. Joynt; foriyards, ,R. Pryde G. Cochrane, G. Skinner; subs. Hockey and Liin Loe. ol hag ETER eb. 7 th HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEM will bl held OPER^. HOUSE, — on Eve.. The seh securing I ern Univei address of other num, presentation^ constitute1 t ed that there tendance of-’the townspeople to en­ courage the staff-and pupils of ths High School. fortunate in- . Dorland, West- O 'Will deliver the the JBveinng. This by the pupils Scholarships program. It is will. be only Now Perfection, 3-burner Oil stoves, 1930 heavy tin dairy pails for .................................. Granite potato pots, 2 £pat grey 5% quarts each 10 quart Seamless Whi Enamelled pails, each Aluminum Sauce Pans 1 quart. Tin Measures, Tin Milk Strainers, eacl^ Cast Iron Spiders (fryingffimns) each Cast Iron Covers for Spi 2-Coat Granite Dippers, < 2-size Galvanized Tubs, e? Sunny Blue Teapots, hold .Roll-top Bread Boxes, rob Large size Double BoilorsS Enamelled Pudding Bowls White Enamelled Wash Bi rStainless Steel Forks, per.l Stainless Steel Knives, witl NiOlfel-plated Copper Tea I Extra’.Heavy Galvanized Bo Copper113pil,er.s ............ Extra value in S-quart Galv 1 only Rival Quebec Cook warming closet 'with Whiti ALL MITTS AT-Gl Many other articles also to compare these prices with STREET UNITED CHURCH The Women’s Association of the James St. United church have de­ cided to redecorate the auditorium of the church. The. contract has been let to- Robt.: McCausland Ltd., To­ ronto. It is expected that the work will commence Monday of next week and the church auditorium will be closed for two weeks during which time the congregation will worship in the basement. ANKLE SPRAINED . Miss Gladys Hunkin, who been employed in London, had misfortune to fall on the street bad­ ly spraining her ankle on Friday of last week. Miss Hunkin had an St­ ray taken and it was found that no bones were broken. She is at present recuperating at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hunkin. rs •a value at nine cups .. blue color 2-coaf groj i colors per s ins ....... If dozen White hand 'ttles I’S .. 1.98 1.59 c 3.09 .19 pletc with reservoir, • I back........................ 39.95 IEDUCED PRICES. in this sale. Wo invito you ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Roland Squire wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter, Lena Marie Blatch- ford to Robert Garnet, son of Mr. and Mrs, George Dalrymple, of Tgckersmith, the marriage to take place in. February. TRAQUAIR < T^'tEI IN MEMO .^CHRoBDER—In ,'li Sophia Schroed &ehtfoeder, -whe Januhijy ’.29Hsr * We ih,ourii*wth] Our hddi’taSj-, . , • To 'think ioWl so dear, fulckly called away. ; t forgotten, niotlihr dear, > yoii ever he, life and .memory, lasts | ftow we do miss time. . ; calmly■ days; are dark ahd friends are: ‘ ■ «• “ i Sadly missed I .uBng1 memory of WR& wife oil Joint Fpassed away on 192 9, Bfoss of one so dear, to-day;. 50,-■? ft other dear, think of you are fWehds< if they aro true jflnVe ’ost m’r heat/friend whoti wo WEBSTER j.Geqrgo parte ”life one year tf of January STANLAKE—In Hay Township Sunday, January 12th to Mr. . {Mrs. Nelson Stfinlalce, ia son. .KIPPING-—In Exeter, on Tuesday, January 14tli to Mr. and Mrs, John Kipping, a daughter. WILLARD—-Ih Exeter on Saturday, January 18th, to .Air,, and Mfs. Ed. ‘Willard, a son. ATKINSON—'.Tn McGillivray Tp., OU Monday, January 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. c&phar Atkinson, a son. In James fol ar one year ago Hu and Mr. Alex Elliott, who for the past three and a half years has been on the staff of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, hs been transferred, to’ the Page & Queenston branch at St. Catherine's. Mr. Elliott is. lk Blylh boy and he spent Tuesday in that place with his parents. During his stay in Exeter he has made many friends and the best wishes of all will follow him. His place is be­ ing taken by Mr. II. C. Sweetlove St. Catherines. HO RTICU LTURAIj ANI) AGRTCULTUR AT/ SOCIETIES ELECT OFFICERS The Exeter Horticultural Society held their annual meeting in the* Town Hall oji Thursday evening of last week. The--Presjdomt^ Mr. Win, Ward was in thdjlqh.air. " The Socjoty have had a very s'qgcess’ful year, the membership numbering; 154 and the 'finances are in good "condition. Mr- Ward wag elected delegate to Pro­ vincial convention, to bo held in To­ ronto in February- ' The eleciion of of Heer s >„ res uMo^is,^ oRows: mi on o r- ary President, "Mr.- J. It. Carling; president, Win. Ward; 1st Vice- President,. Miss G.’ M. Harvey; 2nd Vice-President, Miss V. Essery; Se­ cretary-Treasurer. ,T. G. Stunbury; ■ Assistant, -B,. W. F. Beavers ; Audit­ ors, W. H‘. Johnston, David Roweliffo Geo. Wil- W. Powell, Committee, Medd, W. H- g,7B. W. MASQUERADE CARNIVAL Tho first masquerade, carnival the season was hold at the Dome rink Monday evening. The Dash­ wood band was in attendance, there was a fair turn out aiid most of the j skaters were in costume. Following I were the prize winners: Ladies’ fancy Costume, Mary Kerslako, silver com- jport; gent’s fancy costume, Harold. 'Taylor, cigar lighter; girl’s fancydn/'rayior, cigar lighter; girl’s fancy and.costume, Edith Brooks, silver cheese knife; boy’s fancy costume, Gail Browning, cash; Ladies’ Comic, Nona Chambers, silver dish; girl’-s comic, Helen Bawden, clock; men’s comic, Sylvoster Taylor, cash; boy's comic, Joo Creech, silver chain; miscellan­ eous costume, Gertrude Francis, sil­ ver meat fork; men’s, Chas. Prout, silver cigarette case; boy’s race J. j Mc.Thvish; backward race, Seth Win- jou, cigarette case; girl's race, Mar? Jjorie Complin, cosh; open race F. Creech, silver candlesticks.. The judges were; F.^ J. Delbridgo, Mrs. Skelton and Mr. Reuben Boots;. Members of the Exe.ter "Chamber of Commerce will entertain the ■young men and the young ladies who uro attending the Agricultural Short Course to a banquet in the parlors of the James St, .church to-day (Thursday) at noon. The banquet is beln * nrovfded by the members nf the Woman's institute, There wilt be community singing led by W. it Goulds and a number of short stmeeJms, Directors, D. Roweliffe. liams, Dr. Roulston, J. Mrs, T. Djiiney; Parks Thomas PJryde, W»- C Johnston, W^.J-I. Dearing, ;B. W. F. Beavers, B.'MV Francis, J.,<M. South- cott, S. M. Baudeys, A. O. Elliot. The annual'-meeting of the Exeter Agricultural Society-^Was held in the Towp Hall on Saitttf^ay tCfternoou. last. The financial report was pre­ sented but the treasury'TS iibt in a flourishing condition. Tkc^e,' was a surplus from the fall fair-'*but the race meet held in the spring wa«. not a , paying proposition, An ex­ tra effort -will bo made tlfis year to- improve the fair -and recoiip the fi­ nances. A meeting of the dir­ ectors will be held the first Tues­ day of each month find. an invita­ tion is extended to ’anyone’ interested to be present. Any,; new ideas to advance the interests of the fair will be welcome. The date for the fair was set for the Tuesday and Wednesday following London Fair. The officers elected were as follows: Honorary members, W. 1.1. Elliott, Wm. Andrew, Thos. Hunkin; Presi­ dent, Fred Ellorington; Vice-Presi­ dent, Wm. Coates; 2nd Vice-Presi­ dent, Fi’ank Taylor; .’Direclors, Wm. Ocstricher, Dan Dew? W. Smith, J*. H. Grieve, Asa Peuhtile, B. M. Fran­ cis, H. C. ;Rivers, ‘ ^ohh Triobner, Mrs. .T. Batsoh^Mrs. jt. D. Hunter,- Miss Jcckell; ■ Auditors, P. Coates and R. N. Creech’; .^Secretary, R. G. Seldon; Treasurer, -T^-S. Woods. The annual meeting of the Kirk1- ton Agricultural Society was held ill Aberdeen Hall on Saturday after*- noon. There wah a fair attendance'. The Treasurer’s annual statement showed the receipts $2082,40, ex<- penditure $1918.43 leaving a bal­ ance of '$168.00. The fall fair dates are Sept. 30 and Oct. 1. The grain selected for the field crop compcti- i tion was fall wheat and barley. The i following' officers wore elected, for ithis yea/: President, John Morphot; first Vice. Bros., James II. Robinson ± second Vice Pros., Jos. Croojry- Dir­ ectors, Whitfield Sw,either; JarncSf ; Stephen, Robt- Nc Spence. Samuel of on of Seniors and the local Junior O.H.A. team played to a three-all tic, with ton minutes overtime failing break the tie. The Juniors opened the scoring in the first period when Joynt scored from the blue line, few minutes later Willard evened up and duplicated liis effort short time. ’With the score 2 Passmore put the teams on terms in ,a shot that rolled off ness’ shoulder. In the second iod both 'teams scored. Willard od a lucky goal when the puck hit Munn’s skate and glanced in. Boyle scored for the juniors on a pa from behind the, not. and overtime period was able, to score, during these periods good stops. Close checking on both sides featured during the entire game, with Pollen tor the seniors, very effective with his check, break- .U'v»*vw, ing up many rushes. The return]Pym, Hugh Berry, Arnold 'Wiseman* game will bo played next Monday i.Wtm Rrquhart, Gleason Gilt Miltmt night at 8.15. Rraetice Thursday i Hooper, John Prigle, Ray Ml’ls, ¥* night, Juniors 7-8; Seniors 9-10. The llne-nps; Seniors—Goal, Harness;, defense Hap AVells and Tuckey; centre, Pol Ion,; wing’s, Willard and MedcL subs N. Wells, Bert Rivers, J. Batson. f< .Willard. Juniors-^--Goa! t. Fendt tlpfenso Munn and pnatmwrO’ /antra, Qndi’ WiturS,- Creech * - oy, Rovm, *■*>’*'• • * t?fsfnnnA* *•* iit to even Har- per- seor- Roger, John Berry, Everett D&npo*. ,AVm. Brock, Jo-hit Duncan, Wiliam Elliott., Relibem shier, David Gotdd- • • ing, John f ]Tbos. MeMi:.... . ; arson Boufcv $*- G. Medd, Bre*b* {Cole, Dr. Camp^eYi-i’ Bqo’y*'* 1 Donpe. The prosfd^hi an * Avera appointed to Uttqftd ’ meting in London mid C’onvetion in Toronto.