HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-01-16, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE DIED in MANITOBA On Tuesday Mr. Moses Amy re­ ceived a telegram informing him of the death of hi« brother Wellington of Hamiota, Man,, in his 3sth year, after an illness extending over a period of several months, Deceased wau a son of the late Thomas Amy and wa$. born in. Stephen township. When quite young lie went West and bought raw prairie land from the C. P, R, mid prospered, and had at one time one of the best improved farms in that province. In 1907 de­ ceased was united in marriage to Ad­ die Caves and leaves, beside his be- retpved widow two daughter and two sons, Roy, Ruby, Ina and Gordon; .also one sister Mrs. William Ma- whinneyjs of Crediton and five bro­ thers; Moses, of town; Alvey and Elgin, of Conquest, Sask.; Garnet, of Winnipeg and Bert dta Brantford. The many friends of Mrs. Amy and family in and around Exetei* ex­ tend sympathy in their'bereavement. Exeter Markets Wheat §1.20 Oats 55c. Barley 6 Sc. Manitoba Flour §4.60 Model Flour §4.25 Pastry Flour §3.80 Feed Flour §2.25 Bran §1,85 Shorts §1.95 Creamery Butter 40c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs Butter 38c., 41c. extras 51c. firsts 40c. seconds 30c. §12.00 locals Miss Edna Beavers, of Crediton, spent the week-end with Miss Jean Penhale. Dressmaking, done, moderate charges; all kinds of fhr work done. Mrs. Noripan HOckpys^' l-16-2tp ----------------------—i— DISPERSION SALE , ? Complete dispersion of paries­ ton Herd of .Registered;, ,Ayrshires-~ 25 head—to‘be sold-by auction on TUESDAY, XAN.yM, 1930, at 2 p.m., at Earlsioiyjtarm (1 mile south west of C.N.J^/f^ation, Seaforth, Ont. Apply for eclogues. J. A. Mc- Kensie, Prop'?: 1-16-2 tc MALE I-I^l^^lNTED Wanted—Mdn ’t^s^^r us minnows for fishing. ^lO.^daily.' Day Fish Co., Port Huron,3 Mich. l-16-2tp. ..... wjffte collie, 'Teddy.” A from the col- Any informa- by Percy Duns- 1, Exeter, ph^'e I CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN I CHURCH Bov, J. Bernard Rhodes, M. A* Minister * Miss Lena Coates, A.L.C»M., Organist SACRAMENT SUNDAY 10.QQ a.m,—-Sunday School ~O i 11 a.m.—Holy Communion. Problems Worthy of God” 7 p.m.-—“Ittas of Gath” 2nd in the series. On Friday, January 17th at 8 m, the Preparatory Service will held. Rev, J. J. Fenton, Rector Triyitt Memorial Church will preach LOST—Black and answers to thefcname piece of chain jangi lar around the ?n< tion gladly recgiv ford, R. R. Ns Dashwood 35r>3 c Mr. W. F. Abbott is confined to his home’owing to an injury to his side. Mr. J. W, Powell was in London a couple of days last week on busi­ ness. Workmen are engaged in plaster­ ing the interior of the new Post Of­ fice. Mr. E. A. Follick left this week to visit with his son Joseph at Rock­ wood. Mr. James Elsie, of Port Colborne, is visiting at the home of Mr. Geo. Anderson. Mrs. E. Rennie, of Hensail, was a guest of Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers on Friday last. Miss Minnie Weekes returned Sat­ urday after visiting since New with relatives in London. Mr. Leonard Erb, of Zurich, tending the Short Course in culture at Senior’s Hall. Mrs. Ella French, who has been visiting in Detroit, is at present vis­ iting with .Mrs. E. A. Follick. Miss Avis Lindenfield leaves tliis week for Victoria Hospital, London, where she will train for a nurse. Mrs.-B. W. F. Bqavers was in Lon­ don on Thursday' last and visited with Mrs. E. Douglas, Pall Mall St. Mr.- T. H. Hansford, who is build­ ing some houses in London, visited at his home here over the week-end. Mr. Laverne -Ferguson, of Ayl­ mer, visited his cousins Misses Mary and Marguerite Cann last week. Mr. Walter Cutbush, who has been ( working at his trade as mason at Pt. Do not ■ Credit, is holidaying at his home. Years is at- Agri- On Monday, January 20th the an­ nual Supper and Business Meeting of the congregation. Suppei* will be served at G.30 p.m. 11 3 7 JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor W. 11. Goulding A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader a.m. — “Advance or Retreat, Which? (The congregation will join with other Christian bodies throughout America, in special prayer foi’ God’s blessing and guidance upon the Conference on Naval Arma­ ments.) p.m.—Sunday School. p.m.—“Behold I stand at the dooi’ and knock.” MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCHJN; OF CANADA Con- THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 103(1 Piano, Violj Studio N« . DOftOTHV E.'gRASSI T A’ M A N EXETER, ONT. ^’Bok 57, Phone II^TER, ONT Lt in furniture WE Funeral Director & Furniture Dealer PHONE 81w T Piano Estimate; giadiy^urnislW' I R her of 'IB. R. WOPPER BRNftfcAfr DIRECTOR nuxiTURfe bhaler ... , Phone V9 reason able and motoiara? Spec-. , • .... .• * zsy.\r.4 The street par- of Cal! and see them, you asunder no obligation to buy. « EBN Pilei i& workmanship aL Repairing stoves ialty. j free. Ernest C. Harvey GENERAL INSURANCE BRO Rep Mutual Li Fire,; HYDRO ELECTRIC, / Wiring and installing, gnarajifteed AT'A Quality” are a. Iplendi special j’eductiojt”these miss. Starting Tues., Jan. 21 a representative of the Alaska Fur Manufacturing Co. will Display in this Store a Complete Range of Furs consisting of FUR COATS and NECK PIECES. This will give you an opportunit of Securing anything in Furs at Big FancvJfurkish TowelsmfortersCotton Bats for, One pound size. A Comforters. At per lb. for'Large Turkish Towels with fancy borders. ^ Special at each 49c. 11 MenWFine Shirts We place on sale.dfoout 10 dozen Fine Shirts nearly all sizes in this assortment. Valufs as high as S^.^Fin this lot. Special at $1.49 ecial at $1.49 Rev. C. <T. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist & Choir Leader, a.m.—“What should follow version.” A .follow up message. 3.00 p.m.—Church School 7 p.m.—How two men broke jail without the help of the law. - Our evening service will open with a service of song of old , familiar hymns. 7.30 p.m.—Thursday Prayer Service I yards •ns to ie “Division salesmanager shares in the larg Bea vex referei in fid older 1 Muskrat nada, give bphone num- Middle aged ferred. . isemettt unless you of this business r, room 14, 3.3 Melin- ronto. l-16-2tc -.. ■ . ■ i —— FOR SAL^^-F^ye’ t^be radio and horn, $35.00 eter. sell and age, ber and answer thisl believe in t;,. Write advei^ da street, farms in .ce and -t lette Mrs. Samuel Parsons, who bas been confined to her room for a couple of weeks through illness, is . improving.I 8 Miss L. M. .Teckell and Mrs G. S., . _ _ __ „• — _. 111 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. J. J. Fenton, B.A., Rector Miss K. M. MacFaul, Organist Second Sunday after Epiphany a.m.—Holy Communion (Third Sunday of the month.) : Stamped MajH In oval and oblong and I 1-2 yards, choose from. Black or Blue Serge 6 . i* ’ . ♦ • * • , ' 100 yards of black or blue all-wool Serge 42 inches wide and worth $2.00 a yard. Special at per ycl. $1.29 complete ■ Applf 11 a.m.—Morping Prayer and Ser­ mon. Subject: “Jesus as..; a, Teacher.” . Atkinson attended the W-M.S.. Pres- . byterial of the Presbyterian church at Clinton on Tuesday. I Mrs. Arthur Nash, of Sarnia, is I again visiting her daughter Mrs. J. iW. Powell after spending a few days in Wingham and Kincardine., I Miss Marguerite Cann and Mr. La- i verne Ferguson spent Wednesday with Miss Irma Ferguson and Mr. Farmer’s an<I J- Horney, of Kippen. Ping ‘what' “Mr. Leslie Ford is spending ‘a 'this- spring.: couple of months in his home in Ex- is. very scarce . eter, Ont., visiting his mother and A. U’._l------2. _____— ’—Crystal City Cour- ? tubes, Pri.ce J. Payne, Ex- ltp SALE—2 pure-brqdi Short- |i’. Bpces reason- Pym & Son, F l-16-2tc. FOR _____ _ ____ hofn bulls about fill months old, ' beaptiful roan col/ ~J able for quick sale R. 3, Exeter. ’ < THE THAMES dub ar ______„ Alfalfa twill be neede As hoi we maj Phone the .se. 20th. .. .. , ~ ________ . for-W^terj^Feed Oats. A few more ‘ po^t" Arthur desirous of. I our ord j. grown, see _ ,__, have to the Utah seed. ’ other relatives.”- o u .7 p.m.—Sunday School’ and Bible Class. p.m.-—Evensong and Sermon. Sub­ ject: “Cardinal Newman.” Second of the scries on great Eng­ lish Irish and Scottish preachers. All who have heard the sermon on Robertson should hear the com­ ing sermon on Newman. NOTE—Holy Communion at 11 a.m. on first Sunday and at S a.m. on third Sunday of every month. ’ _______..... _ __ _ t j’ 3 Mr. Bert Gillespie is visiting uncle near Ripley. Mrs. Wm. Vale visited with daughter Mrs. Wm. McDowell, Denfield, for a couple of days last week. Mr. Thos. uameron has sold to Mr. William Kernick the McAsh cottage in Exetei’ north, the price being $1100.00. Hon. R. E. Bennett, lender of the Conservative Party at Ottawa wijl address a Meeting at Clinton on Wednesday, January 29 th. Rev. Stanley II. Coleman was in­ ducted rector of the St. Thomas. An­ glican church, Gr'anton, to a large and enthusiastic meeting Tuesday evening of last week. Several from town motored tb London on Wednesday evening of last week for the Windsor-Lqndoh hockey game. After motoring" to the city some of thorn were not, able to get into the arena, owing to thp crowd. • Men! Great News! r‘ ' Berger Tailoring Company has authorized no a director or to ier. Mrs. Goodspeed, who has accepted a position as teacher at a school near _ — —......; left Monday for her company with her son etary ^fore Monday, Jan. also booking orders ed for small coke p-Idad. P. Passmore, to se- ANNUAJ3 .MEETING OF . fioBTICULTURAJiFSOCmTY The ahnual meetingJitff the Ereter HorticuBure Society^ill be held in the Tow> Hall, Ex^fer on Thursday, January y.6th af o’clock p.m. for the purpose receiving reports, trajxsactim Qy general business and election JF^ficers. G. Stanbury, Sec’y-Treas. AN X UA L MEETING t no Annual Agricultural S the Town Hal January 18 th, the purpose t election of of in$ of any o terests of tlx A meetin ¥ (iety will 1 Exeter, on ,t 2 o’clock ' receivin he held at 1 Everybod cer« and Societ Davis and daughter of Ft. Erie, are spend- with the Mrs. Sidparents Mr. and J. Atkinson, of Clinton, been seriously ill for the new duties in Donald, Mr. Oliver little Doreen, ing a few days this week former’s Davis. Mr. D. who has past month, is now beginning to im­ prove, ihid it is hoped he will be fully recovered soon. Mrs. I S. Clubine in renewing her subscription to the Times-Advocate week- home says: “I look forward to its ly visit to hear about the folks.” Miss Mary and ’Marguerite were in London over the week-end attending the Young Peoples’ Coun- Gann we are off ering,/Some excellent bargains January Berger’'“Cloth th to Fj$>ruary 15th: of Quality” no introduction to ffiirifty men. keep theii’ taiiorinf plant busy the clothing year,fwe have b “Clothes of Qualjfty ___________________LAR PRICES^ fgoin Janua^’ 15th to February 15th. their wonderful values noed -ore’s big news!, In order Lex ring the “in-between Seasons” in authorized to accept orders for EDUCTION OF 10% FROM REGU-' . ‘ _ “Clothes of* j.uy at regular prices any time—at. this' re'values you could not possibly afford to* FRIENDSHIP If my friends were your friends And your friends were mine; And their friends were our friends, Would not that be fine. For my friends and your friends . And their friends combined, Could make friends of all who Are friendly inclined. Meeting of the Exeter d in rday, for seis of the Salvation Army held in the Clarence St. Citadel. Mrs, Rd. Terry has returned to, her home in Hibbert much improv­ ed in health after being ill at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dear­ ing for the past five weeks. The Dashwood Band provided the music at the Dome Rink on Friday evening lasto for the first time this Winter. There was a good attend­ ance, the largest for the season aial everyone yeemed to have a jolly time.' Ml’.. Harold Fisher has . resigned his position at Harvey’s Grocery and has accepted a position as butter­ maker at Centralia. ■ taken Mr. Grocery. reports, transact­ in the in- ,.W. R. Goulding • A. T. C. M. Organist jtnd Choirma JaiifOS S Injti'uctio GRAND BEND hi th election of councillors for the police village of Grand Bend on January the 6th 91 votes were case and the following wore elected: Jo­ siah Oliver .65, Ernest Ireland 59, Morris Brenner 55. ; Mrs. Bert Gillespie is visiting with her sister near Hamilton. J , ■ Black Birds Whoopee Minstrels making their first annual appear­ ance will be at the Opera House, Saturday, January 18tli. This show has been playing to capacity houses throughout their tour and a large crowd is expected, adc is one of- the many features these colored entertainers. Directors will t p.m. „ ome. W. R. Elliott, Pres. R. G...Seldon, Sec’y. —ohj^m by month fully oxareriencod, Robt. Exeter, qht. l-9-2tp Wanted—-i^fk <?j •ok’ year Brooks, t’^'’*”!k^wto McFalls & io» are now due by February 1st. .... . . ' iIf you wish t4_Jij#!^'or sell it farm ’ br house see iL^ffTPickard, Exeter. All accountsfowjr Johns Threshing Gt <ahd must be settlx^i Hue Shamrock Creamery, Mr. Chas. Lodder has Fisher’s place at Harvey’s HOGARTH BABY CHICK HATCHERY Ont supply of feeds lire now Complete (ban over and you^needs t in Chick Starter, Grew Ma^., Chick Feed, Lay Mash,.Beef Mw, Bona Meal, Alfalfa MoJit, / ........ •GtiU Condensed Ijtitthr tm jpfpomptty filled* tWLTitr Is now time/1 Shell, k, etc* can tiid! dull Siems dufefted flock. Our $2. are wk btiyofs . .wW you hWA l>oui try th #611. our iitW $hlpM<Jttt tit 16g baftd$ lias just arrived. All sizes and co- iota* pot loo hens. Wo ! poultry. Cali us Mr. R, .Delbridge , R.N., of Hamiota, Man., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Andrew. Mrs. Andrew .Is a sister iff thedform- er two. Before leaving home they wore experiencing somp- cold weather the therometer hating registered 40 below uero, ■ jatnes Street Young Feopje held a stitcessful skating party at the Dome Rink Monday evening. Many of the' young people were out on their skates fqr’the first'time this year1 and everyone seemed to enjoy them* selves. After skating they returned, to the parlors of the church had en-' joyed a social hour In contests fol* ,lowed by refreghmenta. \ Pearson and sister Mrs. J. and Miss Anita Delbridgo Communion services wore held in Jambs St. United church on Sunday last and at\ the morning service three infant /‘children wore baptized. They Were,; Donald Franklin, son of Mr. and Mrs. tFrank Parsons; Wrm Glen, son of /Mr. and Mrs. Cla.rli Fisher and Marlon Kathleen, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rundle. A number of motorists have beert able to make (heir way to London dni’ing the past week but owing td tho highway being blocked in plaftOi? between Exeter and Lucan the trip to the city has been in a round-about? way. They go 2i miles west oil- Exeter and south and east to Cen­ tralia. They then go 2& miles east of Centralia and follow the fourth to the highway at Lucan. The motor-* ing is hot so good but is’passable. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cutbush, Mr. Chas. Salter, Mrs. jas. -Shantou aii$ Miss Amy -Shaptou were in London, Tuesday attending ,tho ,. funeral of Mrs. Lucretia C. Collins, widow of; the date John C.. Gould. Tho later Mr. G'dttld WftS an Exeter old bpy< Mrs. Gould died at tho stratfordj General Hospital oh Bunday and the'; funeral on Tuesday was held from/ the TiineTal home of Gporgo E. Lo­ gan; interment In Mount TIeasant' ometefy. WILLIAM AVOODLEY DHS3 William Woodley, of Mitchell, died Saturday after a few days’ illness from pneumonia, in his eighty-fifth year. He was born in Fullhrton, a few miles south of Mitchell, and he and Mrs. Woodley and son, Charles moved to Mitchell to reside two years ago. Mt. Woodley’s parents, who came from England, were among the earliest settlors of Fallar*. ton. Mr. AVoodley was a member of the United Church and a LibefaL Besides his wMoWf he leaves two sons, Charles, nt home aftd Marry of Vancouver, ’■ Mrs. M, iieywood, sister-ln* law of the decoased was called to' Mitchell on Saturday,,. Mr. Arthur Francis, a brothtfS-lmlaw, attended the funeral on Tuesday, da/is 1M We are offeiang jome WondedfiiFjSues during tie ronth of Janttar/j^ome in* Theory . . ;Superviscf o^fftisic in Schools Studio, Jilaif omobile, Etc SAFETY RAZOR BEAD f SHARPENED, (any r SINGLE EDGE DOUBLE EDGE Perfect Ed imrahtcetl W. S. COLE. DRUGGIST (Honoi* Giwhi.jG') Lon Srmony, Theory •t£ Strict, Bo Jit Idft EXETER, ONTARIO