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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-01-16, Page 5
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE t of 10c lb. II t its Petty and Ort- GREENWAY it. Taylor; We hope; group games and contests, A dainty young people -of which was KIRKTON Dan Hawkey is home th© Attorney-Gen- is the view of the members of the Boards do not be- were pre- on motion son iMrs. from the li ) -and Mrs. G-eo. Hodgson, of of Exeter, the United wag read claiming LOMBARD PLUMS No. 2’s 10c. SERV-US BROOMS 5-string 49c. Miss Verna Birk is taking the RED & WHITE VANILLA 2 OZ.—2 LoftlcS foV 17Ct late late of the at her afternoon, FISH r 2 for 35c. SERV-US BRANB SPINAC Nq. 2’s 2 foB 45c. SERV-US TOILET SOAP 4 cakes for /25c. GOLD MEDAL Special 29cf a tin ONT. Main Street tendance. Mrs. Warren Brock was in charge of the meeting. The meet- CHOICE MUSHROOMS « Tin 29c [committee who deserve great credit ; for the success of the evening’s en tertainment. Woodham WOODHAM; W. M. S. the Green putting on the Miner's in the Shipka United January 28th, Tuesday ev-! ACADIA C 18c, per package KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN Large 21c pkg. APPLE MARMALADE r, 39c Each GOLD MEDAL CUSTARD POWDER 16 ounces ’ TIN 25c, THISTLE FLAKED FISH 1 pou^d tin 15c?. GOLD MEDAL PICKLES Sweet Mixed 30 oz. 48c LILY CHICKEN HADDIE 23c. a tin GOLD MEDAL PICKLES Sour Mixed 30 oz. 38c COOKING FIGS, 2 lbs, for 23c. LAKE SUPERIOR SALT HERRINGS 100 Fb, keg just arrived.. .Lovely solid.fish 10c lb. SERV-US GOLDEN |VAX BEANS No. 2’s 2 fo| 38c. INTERLAKE TOILET PAPER 3 rolls foif 23 c, CANNED APRICOTS No. 2’s 30c. tin LIBBW SAUER KRAUT 2 1-2’s, Ej^a Special, 2 tins for 25c BURFORD (DESSERT) PEARS No. 2’s 2 for 23c.. GOLD MEDAL LOITERS 1-2’s 39c. a Jin ARROW BRAND ^%PARAGUS No, 2’s 25c. or 6tfor $1.35 ,— ------------,----------—-J. .-------- DASHWOOD/ Dr, H. H. Owen, I DE 'iMMCNMW beg t;o advise them, that they are {Mrs., Clayton Smith and Mrs. Smith, being ’'- closely watched in order to A bistory paper was given by Mrs. find our their names. .If name© are Ghas. Zwicker on “Our Canada.” A once l^nown they will be publisihed. presentation to Mrs. Orme was read Sincerely hoping this will meet with Mrs. Teller and Mr.sa Clark pre- .............................. _ Mr. ternoon, January 9th with a*good at-.Brinsley visited Mrs. J. Turner oVer. the week-end. ' The young people put pn t^4ii* was present and made a report to th.afc there will-soon.be a change for {lunch was then served by the Social there was still, the. better. most of which he. a few days. The was extended un- EXETER, ONT. THE BUYER SAVE,/’ We Deliver Sincerely hoping this will meet with the desiried success. A Subscribei’ i RED & WHIT SOUPS All kinds excepting cficken 2 fo 114 SINESS TRAINING res of students to obtain and. ndard of efficiency. OFFERS YOU A PRACTICAL^ that has made it pc^sible for our kold positions demanding a high THERE if A. FOSITl^WAITING FOR YOU [, Stenographic, General Office, IiR Teachers’ Couvses and Special Courses: 8ecrctarihl, X’oxm Civil 8ervic<)ff Commc Courses arr^igcd. ©r school, in JPIate Work jTtxljool nt (L'omyiieri:© CLINTON, ONTxl Why not attend this?You cannot attend a b School Reftpjfis Monday, January 6th, 1930 W to-day fdr information, Phone J98 M. A. STONE,L 15. F. W,1RD, B.A. Com, Specialist, •‘Vice-Principal I’rinclpal DR. R. L P. DOUGA Honor graduate of F Medicine, and I^iBter o th© University Member of College *nd burgeons fbf two doors east j ience. n Ontario. £ Physicians ntario. Office Tost Office, j- HENSEL, ONT, JPAtone 5G Reside^ ©It J. A. McTAGG^ft, L. D. S, Specializin HENS; Telephone 100 ./ .-ri.v,.fi• * 'JOfiurU1©*1.-; J,ct*v and Ortwein be the Road uud Sitreot, Listing-- and Charity Commit tee and on motion of ortweln add Petty the Reeve and Councillors Con- ■ sitt and Cameron bo the Town Hall, Firemen, Community Shed and Po lice Committee and th© whole coun- . ©11 to be the Finance Committee. The council then adjourned to meet again th© first Monday in Febrnary. At office {wood, first at office o Zurich, last' three days of week, Mrs. W. SehluU and daughter, of sion Boftrd at Goderich the matter1 Detroit, are* visiting th© former's of qualification was' taken up as at parents Mr, and Mrs. L. Rader, the June session of the ‘County’ Council when the appointments were ■ Short Course in Home Economics be mad© it was never thought that any ing held at Exeter at the present ,S„ D.D,S, ION rtleib Block, Dash-, ee days of week and r the Post Office, Ip such question would arise any more •than for any other committee of the County Council, It was decided that, as it was th© wish of the At torney-General that Huron County should appoint a commission to ad minister this act, it was up to the Attorney-General to give th© views of the department as to the qualification, of the Board of Mem bers for re-election. County Clerk Holman was instruct ed to write to the department and the following answer was received: “Department of oral, Toronto—It Department that Old Age Pension come officials of the municipality and are eligible to b© elected mem bers of the council and to sit and vote therein.” Signed I. A. Humphries, Solicitor, Attorney- General. City Solicitor Meredith, of Lon- •. don, through th© press gave the same view as the Crown Attorney as it affected the mayoi' and sever al aIdermen of the city of London. Attorney-General Price, also stat ed to the Press that, if necessary, he would bring in a bill at the first session of the Legislature authoriz ing members of the County Council to act as members of the Old Age Pension Boards and the said act to revert back to the first of the year. Under these conditions Reeve Higgins and dozens of other mayors and reeves of other municipalities qualified and were elected. time. Dr. and Mrs. Taylor spent the week-end in London. Mrs. A. Tieman is on the sick list. The Ladies’ Aid of Zion Lutheran church met on the evening of Jan. Sth at the home of Mrs. C. Rinker. The meeting opened by singing a hymn. The scripture lesson and prayer was giyen by the pastor. The pastor gave a reading “The Story of Mary Dlagdeline” after which a busi ness session was held. The consti tution was read a«d five ladies taken up as members. The members of the executive were returned as follows: President, Mrs. Katherine Roeder; Treasurer, •Mrs, C. Rinker and Secretary, Mrs. J. Schroeder. Treasurer’s report 'for the past year showed aside from several donations made there is still a balance on hand The ladies seem in good spirits and are looking . ahead for a more prosperous New Year. WARNING We would like to know all who have been misconducting themselves in our church sheds recently, and to beg ^o advise them. 1 HENSALL ' Mj’» Harold Taylor, representative 4hr the Fuller Brush Co. will call ;»n th© residents of this community ■an. the near.future. . Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Case spent the week-end in London. Mrs. Earl Wiles, of Detroit, is vis iting with her sister Mrs, Munro. Mr. Walter Ilabkirk still contin ues very poorly nt his home here, Mr. Ray Pfaff, who has been in .Stratford for some time has return bed to his home .here. Miss Mabel Whitmafi, of Kippen, visited with"/ Miss Enid4 Morrison for l’ew days last week.;’ Mr. Peteiv Buchaifan, of Toronto, spent th© week-end visiting with his another and Sister ; here. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren spent the week-dnd with the latter’s par- ’©nts Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett, of May. ’’ Mrs. Browin of Eddy Mills, is vis iting for a few weeks with her in-law and daughter' Dr. and fCTougall. ‘ Th© household effects •Mrs. Hunt will be sold ^residence on Saturday January the-18th, A meeting ;0f thSouth Huron Agricultural ^ciety /will be held at The Commercihi Hotel, Hensail, on. Friday afternodh of this week. Mr. McManus /has again resumed Siis duties at the Hensall bake shop after being laid hip for some“time suffering from an attack, of appendi citis. Mr. Geo. Clarkson who has resided ■for a number of years at I-IHl.sgreen Jett on Tuesday for’.Clinton where lie kwill spend the winter in the Hu ron County Home. Mrs. Henry Arnold, Mrs, Basil Ed wards, Mrs. John Dallas, Mts. Robt. Cameron, Mrs. David Nicol, were in ■Qlinton on Tuesday attending a meeting there. ■ •.• „A number of the boys in town ser- -enaded the Reeve arid newly elected ■members of the Council oh© evening •last week. The boys / reported a very generous treatment. Miss Nellie Carmichael lias re turned to town and has accepted a ■position in Mr. A. W. E. Hemphill’s ■drug store. Miss Carmichael’s many Triends are pleased to see her back again. The A-Y.P.A. of the St. Paul’s An glican church held their meeting on Monday evening and the meeting was presided over by Mr. T. Simpson. Tapers on “Famous Men and Women -of Canada” by. Drummond; “Robt. SteVenson” by Mrs. Tucker; “Life of Bishop Williams”; by Mrs. Pepper .and’ “Louis Alexander’ McKay” by ■SMis-s E. Johnston. Th© Young Peoplp of the United “©hrirch held their meeting on Mon day evening with quite a number present. The meeting was presfded «>vsr by0 Mr. Ferris. Ca,ntelon. ‘Mr, and Mrs. Ffile^rendered a very pleas ing duett after which Miss Gladys Luker gave h reading followed, by a reading by Miss M. Habjtirk. ’after which'’ the ©lection of officers result ed as follows: President,",rMiss E. •ZMlirdock; Vice-Pres., Walter Spen cer; Literary and Dramatic .Qonveh- -ors, Mr. Bloweg and Mr. Cantelon; Citizenship Convenor, Miss N. Follicle. Missionary and Devotional, pfile; Social Convenor, Miss Johnston; Treasurer) mist/ ‘Edeta Munroe, <ol’ the ©veiling ^vefe served -in Council Meeting The village council met for first meeting on Monday at 11 a.m. with all its members present. , The Reeve and,1 council took the oath of office and? then adjourned until 8 o’clock Monday -evening. At 8 o'clock the council assembled again with Reeve Higgins in the chair. The minutes of the last meet ing were read and adopted on mo tion of Councillors wetn. A' communication Mr. Owen Geiger Reeve’s chair, stating that Reeve Higgins was not qualified to act on account of having been a member of the County Old Age Pension Board for 1929. The letter was ordered filed. A communication was also read from the Ontario Good Roads Association which wa.s also ordered filed. A communication from the Sick Children’s Hospital from Toronto .jSkhig for a grant for 1930 was read and on motion of Petty and Cameron $10.00 was granted. Tax Collector A. W. E. Hemphill, the Council that $447.00 to collect, expected in within time for collection til February the 3rd. Mr. Munroe, manager of the Bank Mrs. Social Convenor, Miss M. Secretary, Gladys Luker; Howard Hemphill; Fia- At the close hot dog’s and coffee ■cafeteria style. 'morning during the the Council Mr. Ow- On Monday' first session of en Geige’f ’ Jiajide&/in a letter to the Clerk protesting to "•■th© Clerk against Reeve Robt, , i-Uggiim... takfps th© oath of office on, Uiex:igfqufidg that he was not qualified toilet mi Reeve Pa account of him being' a ^member •of the Huron County Ohl-Ake Feb- jslon Ftind Foard for 1929 complete ly ignoring'the fact that the Reeve wags the choice of the ©lectors at the late election. .At the last meeting of the Fen- SH1PKA CROMARTY We from 1 1 MER OR CLARK’S CATSUP Bottle 23 c, HARVEY & HARVEY Phone 102 THE OWNER SERVES liiiliiiOilliiillllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllH sented an electric lamp in behalf of the Institute of which Mrs. Orme was one of the Charter members. The latter responded in an approp riate manner and expressed hearty appreciation of this token and eulo gized the Institute as being full of benefit to its members and commun ity. Lunch was served and a .social half houi* spent. The hostesses wbre: Mrs. Emmery Fahner, Mrs. A. A*my and Mrs. W, M. Sippell. • i-• z. ■ - • ■ Th© annual meeting of the Adult Bible class of the United church was held in the basement of the church Monday evening, Jan. 13th. The pideting opened with singing aud prayer after which the business of the evening was taken up. The elec tion of officers resulted as follows: President, Mr. Geo, Hirtzel; 1st vice pres,, Mrs. A. King; 2nd vice-pres., 'Mr. Geo. M-awhinney; Secy.,Treas., Mrs. Alvin Baker; Asst. Secy, Mrs. R. Hill, Lookout Com., Mrs. L. Hill, Mrs. J. Bullock, Mrs. B. Kestle, Mrs. Devotional Com., -Mrs. Geo. Clark, Mrs. M. Finkbeiner, Mrs. F. W. Clark; -Social Com., Mrs. J. Lovic, .. .Mrs.’E. Chambers, Mrs. E, Beaver,, mains were interred at the cemetery [ Mrs. J. Mawhinney, Mrs. S, King, at St. Marys on Wednesday. We Mrs. E. Lamport; Teacher, Mrs. Is- extend to the widow and family our aac Hill; Asst, Teachers, Mrs. Geo. sympathy; i Mawhinney, Mrs. J. Lovie, .Miss P. We are .^orry1. to hear that Rev. | Love. After the election a splendid Mr. Haglestein and family are ill.! program was rendered followed by The baby is quite sick. CREDITON Mr. Kenneth Lillow is visiting in Tillsonburg., . { Mrs, E. Guettinger is confined , to ' her home through illness; - Mrs. Lloyd Schroeder and' babe returned to her home in Detroit af- ^er vAUih.g. Mr/arid Mrs’. Henry Schroeder. ' c-' t A number of youhg people’ were ’ skating in Exeter last Friday night. Mrs. Henry M; Brown and. son Harold spent a few days at the home .of JIr. Jos. Kernick. Messrs. Andrew Hess and Wm. Johnston, of Zurich, audited the books of the Hay Township Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. I-Ienry M. Brown and son Harold and Misses Elizabeth Brown and Pearl Rahner spent New Years at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Kernick.. John Maloney died Monday morn ing after-a lengthy, illness. .His re ZION ” Mrs. Duncan McKellar gave Jthe .. , L. scripture reading; the meeting was.The Zion congregational meeting, theQ cloged by sing{ug ,the D0xoIq^ and repeating the Lord’s Prayer inc unison. Mrs, Oliver - presiding. , A numbey of people of the .village attended the funeral of Lhe late M-y. Lloyd Dow which was held from his late home on Friday last th© remains were brought from .Saskatchewan where he had resided ifor. a num’ber' of years. His wife and family ac companied the remains. - Lloyd was a son of the late Win. Dow who liv ed about two miles eastof Crorpafty. Mrs. Hugh Currie received the .sad news of the serious., illness of her father- in 'Winnipeg. jQhe mediately and arrived, it 4s learned! before his death. She Ik spending a few weeks visiting with her mother and sister of that place. was held Friday afternoon of last week with a good attendance. Re ports were received from the various organizations all of which had a suc cessful year, being in a, splendid fi nancial condition. The stewards elected -were: Jas. Earl, Warren Brock, R. E. Pooley and J. T. Heriv; the elders are: Th©,?. Morley, Geo. Earl, Earl Johnson and H. Kyle. It was decided tq rebuild the shed. Mr. Elgin Hern left Monday for Toronto where he is taking up me chanical work at the Canadian Trade School, A number of young men from this vicinity are attending the Agricul tural course at Exeter, Among them are Ross Hern, Tlios, Hern, W. Hern, Tennyson Johns and Mervln Brock. The AV.M.S, held their first meet ing of th© new year at the home of Mrs. Allan Jaques on Thursday af- Mr. Brown, conducted the services in church on Sunday. Automobiles are running again after the recent’ thaw, although some __ , ..... _ __ __I. - of the roads nof’th and south are still of Commerce was present and asked blocked for motoring. On account for the same business for his Bank of the unsettled weather of late, busi- for 1930 that the town had given to piess has been slack in town and it them for the past years granted by the council. A number of accounts seated and ordered paid of Consitt* and Ortwein.. By-law No. L was given it first second and third reading appointing the officers for the town for 1930 at the same salaries as last year, otlicers ar© as follows: , 'Jas, A. Patterson, Clerk; G. Cook parsonage Com treasurer; A. W« F. Hemphill, col- Com., (M'rs. I. Hill; lector; Colin Hudson, assessor; Goo. Hudson, manager of Town Hall and Constable; Mrs. Goo. Hudson, care taker of Town Hall; Colin Hudson, pound-keeper; Nelson Biatchford, sanitory inspector; Board of Health, The Reeve. Dr. Moir and the sani tary inspector; Mrs. Henry Arnold was appointed to the Library Board; Joseph Hudson and Ray McArthur wore re-olefitod auditors and Mr, Hy. Horton was appointed to act With them in an a.dvisory capacity as the Council wish a thorough audit of the town’s boolts. ; By-law No, 2, was ^iven its first, second and third reading and finally passed iiuthoHMng tltA Reeve and Treasurer to borrow siiMi stints as is needed up to $3,06’0 to*carry on the business of th© Cofkpfa^ibh for 19;30. Quito a dfscijssioi^Oftk place ©ver some of the assossiheht$ of the vil lage, but as the hou^^was getting late the Reeve .suggest'd- that th© matter L© left over till llw February mooting. On motion of Ooitsitt and Camer- ing was opened by repeating our play, ‘Dot, the Miner’s Daughter” at watchword and th© Lord’s prayer in Grand Bend last Thursday ''night ahd unison. / *_*_*. .... .. - . . • prayer was offered by the president. The devotional leaflet “Pentecost, a Fulfillment,” was read by Mrs. H. Kyle. The different secretaries gave their reports for the year just clos ed and these were very encouraging. We reached our allocation which was $190.00. The minutes of th© last; meeting were read and approved. Several items of business were trans acted. An instrumental duet bv the lias given our merchants an oppor tunity tp take stock and make out accounts. The regular meeting of the La dies Aid of th© United church met in the S. S, room of the church with Mrs. Woodall, tile president, in the chair. The various committees were The selected for the coming year with j the’ following ladies as convenors: i., Mrs. Kerr; Flower ’; Visiting Com., Mrs. Lovie; Look-but Com., Mrs. F. W. ’Clark. The ladies will hold a baking sale Saturday p.m., Jany. IS, at Ewald’s butcher shop. The ToWnship council held their first; session in th’b Township’ Hall on Monday, • Cp’risidOrable business Was done Such,'as appointing, offic ials for the year. A By-law Was al so passed prohibiting the running at large of all dogs in the municipality under the penalty of a heavy fine. This is the result of rabies spread ing among dogs in the western por tion of the township and this method is being used to stamp out this drettd. disease. Several clogs . have been i shot and on examination it has been found that they wer© affected. It is hoped that the public will take every .priocaution to safeguard th© health of’ the people. The regular meeting of th© Wo* menfs Institute was held in the In stitute HhU» Tuesday, January the 7th. Th©'president Mrs. H, Yoiirigy providing. After th©’ Whlng nndf business a vocal duett was given ’by The way United church are the play entitled “Dot, Daughter’’ cliurbh, e’ning. j Mr. and Mrs. McDougal and cliil- • dren, of London, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. L. Schroeder. The Ladies’ Aid held a successful quilting bee at th© home of Mrs. M. Baker on Wednesday last. Owing to the illness of the pastor Rev. I-Iazelstein, Mr. Brown, of Exe ter, took th© service in the United church on Sunday last.x After singing hymn 223 a-will repeat it in. the Parish Hall, Of Grace Church this week on - Friday evening. The session of the United church accepted with deep regret the re signation of Miss Luella Curts Us or ganist and appointed Miss Mary Webb as her successor. ‘ ’ 1 j Rev. J. M. Colling will begin the * study of the teaching value of the ;church at 7.30 Thursday evening. Keep Valentine Night, February White. watch-tower heralds gave short readings on missions in India, Trinidad, Africa and China. The scripture lesson (Acts 2nd chap, verses 1 to 14 was read by Mrs. R. E. Pooley. Leaflets on the 1st chap ter of the study book were read, 1st leaflet “The Builder and His Flan’’ by Mrs. J. Johns; 2nd leaflet "Mis sions, the Substance of the Gospel’' by Mrs. M. Hern; ’3rd leaflet “The Birthday of the Church” by Mrs, A. Jaques; 4th leaflet “Progress of Christianity” by /Mrs. Wellington Brock. | Th© meeting was dismissed by Mrs, (Rev.) White. Mr the west to see his mother who-is in poor health. Miss Jamieson of the Base Line is staying with her aunt Mrs. Wm. Jam ieson who is not feeling very well. Miss Eliza Shier, who has been Visiting friends in Toronto and Strat ford returned home oh Monday. The recent1 thaw made the roads quite slippery and our blacksmith, Mr. JOS. Howe has boeh busy putting sharp shoes oh the hordes. Some ears are running but the roads are tn bad shape. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Sup per was administered by Rev. Mr. Bell In th© United church on Sunday, morning. » were visited with a very se vere cold spell on Thursday and Fri day of last week, th© mercury drop ping awhy below zero. The cold spell Was followed by a thaw, which along with other thaws, has been a blessing as many of the wells were very low, in fact some were dry.At present they are filled to overflowing I which reminds us that -all good! things come to those who wait. Friday, tlm 10th, being set apart fob day of prayer by the W. M. S. Auxiliary, the meeting was held at th© home of Mrs. lieu. McKollar. There was, a splendid attendance. Th© topic for the day being “prayer” was responded by the members and also by a number of visitors. Mrs. John Hamilton read a paper on pray er; those taking the Devotional part being Mrs. Scott, Mrs. s. A, Miller, Allen. A very Suitable and beautiful duett was sung by Miss G. McLaughlin and Miss Mary Alien, met last Wednesday and elected the following officers for 1930.: Presi dent, Mrs. W. Sherritt; Vice-PresjiJ dents, Mrs. J. IL McGregor, Goodhand and Mrs. Colling;' Secre tary, Mae Wilson; Treasurer, Miss L. Leask; Assoc. Helpers, Mrs. Frank Steeper and Mrs. Roy Hutchinson;; Christian Stewardship, Mrs. A. Cur* tis; Finance committee, Miss Leask, Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. Curts, Mrs. IN Sheppard, Miss Young; Stranger’s Secretary, Mrs. Dean Brown; Supply. Secretary, Mrs. ’Sherritt; Mission Band Supts., Miss Young aud Mrs. R* Hutchinson; Baby Band, Mrs. Fred Sharpe; Literature Secretary, Mrs. C» Curts; Missionary Monthly Secretary Mrs. John Sharpe; Temperance Se cretary, Mrs. Frank Turner; audi tor, Mrs. D. Brown; Organist, Miss Devina Mason. The Society is pleas* ed to report an increase in funds. The regular meeting of the Wood* ham W, M. S. was held on Wednes day afternoon in th© basement of th© church, with Mrs. James Squires in the chair cisos Miss Sarah Shier read last 62 had treasurer Scripture Naughton and Mm. James Mills f a duet; Hxt?acu were read from “Atlas,” a pnniphlot by the Mission ary and cxtchMori ’board. Th© nestr meotirig will bo held at the homo of Mrs. James Sqnifos, the president. After tlic opening excr- teasurei\ year’s repo.rt,showihg $347 been sent to the branch Mrs, W» Wynne read lesson and Mrs, F.