HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-11-28, Page 8t ' TIDE EXETER TIIVIESADVOCATE "1111.`11SDAY, NOVIMIER .28. .02P *. Cauk Your dos:: $avg inogy0n-yo c941 bill 11AVIa •SEC;.,.UP ApliNcy VOA' 1)0Ons. AND WI• PO SO. :SIETAL 'SWATHE '10P.PINO • .LET (.4.110 YOU PRIO.E$ W. J. HE Exeter The animal meeting of Thames Boa d Farmers Cub • be held at VassMore's nflay, Decere-' ber 211t1 at 8 .1 Election of ore Mere and othe portant business. A large alend, ce le looked for, Passmore, See'y. We have tolee the eau for the Fuller I3ru C an expect to call on the resider Stephen, Hay and Usborne to ships in the course of a few we s, Harold Taylor, Exeter, phone 138. Have you tried our g Producer Laying Mash? .A trial ill mean re- peat orders. Your pigs need a it eral Mixture at this tie of the y r. Give them Harvey ft g Miner It will pay you to uslt' If you ar1 needix Shorts and Low Grade Pion for nter feeding put your supply n n w while it is on band. It is o17g out pretty fast.; Our, low gradeefl ur is No. 1 qualtt3r and a good fe" te finish your pigs' on. -HARVEY ROS., CATTLE WA TED- Fj winter feeding; feed 4psists o cut straw, sweet clover an 1.70etraw. Apply •Sirrion J. Mor R. R. R. No. 2, Crediton. ltc. PACK.ING CA Es JOR. SAr•T' All sizes, cheap. lbot. Balkwill, on William Street. 11-28- tp. NOTICE -U McLaughlin to 143,726 left at.i • about three ini% same, the same HURON GARAI. less the Ing car the r of a ense No. on garage go, calls for be sold. -The STRAYED-0.th lot con. 3, Stephen, a yearli g ste roan. The owner may liavt. sa by proving property and pip,1 k. expenses. ltf. R. King, R. R. 1, Exeter 11-28-3te ,STRAYED ---,-A grey heifer with ![. hoinSand ni rked 1 oth ears. In- , forrilatien, reOti( y Wm. Sanders, R. Xing,R. 0. 1, Exeter. . " •::•:STRAYED -From Lots,15 and 16, ' ,,,POlicession,a, ,Stephen, ts ee head of attle,, including :one iter Suppos- ' ed to calf. k on left ear., , .... • ' Pleano' y:,, ington Heist, or phormi.2rediton, Crediton P. , 0. ,' %.'4,(,e•I , 11-28-3te. , .., , • The ' q choppinglmill will ...., lie: real fo w k about the first . of. Deeernh running half days onlye-Wm. 'Bradshaw 11-21-2tp ANTI -FREEZE Fill your radia- torD now, lily :50 at the Ford Garage. -I' ELLIOT. ele NOTICE7,4 Ul no longer be re- sponsilildior 4ny` debts incurred by Mit. Lewis A *orth. 11-21-3tp gned Lewis Aldworth FOR SALE=Regidental property riN) in first e Mape . outside the village ' Da wood and tontains 3 •acre f good land With ood frarne hoe 20x30 t and Vi• ories high.. It Is on a g ,,;,,gane, undation al - So good frani barn 20x30 ft. This would make an ideal property for truck garde ng and chicken ranch. Township t es as this property is just outsid the village boundary. For further 'particulars enquire from .7. W. Graybeil. 11-14-4tp. e We have purcha an up-to-date Power Whitewashf g machine and arc open or wo . Let us white- , wash and t your barn, hen- houses, otc• Qu ity work, moderate charge. Ho ar Baby Chick Hatch- ery. Piton: ; :4w, Exeter. 8-1-tfc BARN P -20 feet by 2S ft. matched ing. Apply G. Cud - more, Erie Gas Station. 11-7-tfe The Times -Advocate have received their new assortment of Chirstmas cards 'which are the finest lot they have as yet displayed. If you wishiiy, buy 0,F soli a farm or house see E. Pi kard, •Exeter. POULTRY WAND -.We are in, the market for all/kinds of poultry Pairing the high hg1iqJt prices. Trucks will 0E01. ?in 30, Dashwood, C. dersen. 9-26-tfc BO(ARE bitty molt nocifititty • FEEDS' • Our stiPPlY of teeth; afe. bow more complete than' ever and Your eetitt Obiek Starters Grew Miens hick reed, Lay MaSh, Beef Meal Meal, Alfalfa Meal, Oyster, Shell, Mgt, Condensed Enttettoilk, te.aU be prototly 1044 • , Porto' clams • it IS now tint to, hat th& cult hens -eiliftinatetr coin yij flock. Our tharge Is $2. per hens. We are cash Iniyers0 ult CdII ts WIlett iett have pott y,f sellv Ottr tie* Shipine leg bands h4k Inst nrrIVedi A tel and Ode kese.teaikei *we 10.r.tie „„•• , Exeter Markg4ts Wheat $1.15 Oats .50c. Barley 05e. Manitoba Flour 84.00 Model. Flunr Pastry Flour $0.0.0 Feed Moor $245 Bran Shorts $1.90 Sugar Beet Pulp .$2.05 o. Creamery Butter 46c, Dairy ]utter 40e. Eggs, extras 010*e. Eggs, firsts 45c. Eggs, seconds 30e. Hogs $10.50 .Cocals Mr. an irs1eo. Centrtt, , des e to will tie At=)z and friends the 2nd froi occasion bei of their gol Benham, of inounce they heir neighbors n Monday, December two to five pan., the a reception in honour n wedding anniversary. itu• , N 1 Get your 4rdTi early for your Christmas s. -Grant's Bakery, Just 22 shopping days to Chirst- mas. Miss Blanche Senior is visiting with her brothers in Toronto, Mr. Robert Crawford took in the winter fair at Toronto last week. Mr. Joe Grant, of London, spent the week -end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs, Arto Delve, or For- est, visited in town over Sunday. Mrs. Frank Sims, who has been quite ill -is able to be around again. Mrs. A. Rumford, of Gidley St.,_ is confined to her homethrough ill- ness. Sunday Schools and churches are busy preparing Christmas entertain- ments. Mrs. Jos. May visited over the week -end with Miss May Thomas, of London. • Mr. Ted. Wethey, ot London, spent the week -end with his father ,Mr. E. J, Wethey. Mrs. Douglas-Aldworth left on Monday for London to visit with. her neices. • Messrs. L. Day- and Thos. Sanders are in Toronto attending the Royal Winter Fair. Miss Mae Sanders left Tuesday ev- eningifor London where she intends• to visit for a. time. . Mr, Young Creech, of Detroit, has been visiting for the past week at the home of Mrs., T. G. Creech. Mr. Harry Penhalt was confined to his home for .,a few days last week through illness. • * 'Mr. Clyde Heaman, of Grand Bend, spent the week -end in town. with his grandmother Mrs, Skelton. Mr Roy Manuel and Miss Dorothy Piper, of Wingham, visited with Mr. and Xrs. E. R. Hopper on Stinday. Mr. Norman Mitchell has accepted a position with Mr. Victor, Hogarth to look after the coal end of his busi- ness. Mr. John Stanbury was in Pal- merston on Tuesday enjoying a fox hunt with a number of friends in his old home town. Mr. and Mrs. Hepburn and two children, of St. Marys, spent the week -end with Mrs. Hepburn's mother.,Mrs. Wright. Mrs, B. W. F. Beavers was in Lon- don, for a couple of flays last week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Mc- Callum, Pall Mall St. Mr. and Mrs. James McDonald and son, of Detroit, attended the funeral of the former's mother the late Mrs. J. J. McDonald on Thuriday last. -While driving down Main Street Saturday evening the rear axle of Mr, G•ambrill's tar broke and the car had to be towed to a garage, An employee of thd Bell Telephone • Company was in. town Saturday speeding up the teletypes in the brokerage office of S. G. Bawden. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Webb and son returned . to their home in Whitby on Monday after visiting with rela- tives in Exeter, Hons.all and Kippeu, Mr. Fred Brooks, of 'Windsor, who has been visiting with relatives and friends in Exeter and vicinity for the past three weeks left Wednesday for his home. Mr. 1). F. Ferguson, of 'Winnipeg, who la at present visiting in Wind- sor, is expected to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. 13irney the latter part ot this week. Mr.• Sae. Pomroys of. London, who has been visiting his sister Mrs, Jno. Sanders and other relativesfor tWo weeks returned to his home on Tuesday last. ATISS Mary INicKaigs was in Hensall Monday evening attending a Shower In. honor of 'Miss Mary McDougall, of Croinarty, whose marriage took place at Dublin on Wednesday. The cement, 'culverte which have been plat in on. higliVeity No.*4 south of town Have been filled in end the read. is lieW • open for traffie. The road however is rough In spots. Thspector 11...J.Eaerett, .or Wood- • fitOtkl was In town during the. weak attending the funeral of the late Mrs, McDonald, illsvisiting his Ms. ters,Mrs. Turnbull: and Mrs, 11. W. F,. lleavots.. e :11r. mid Mrs., Weil, Armstrong, Mks Lnurotta tt11ow ititet Mr. tfay, Cottle attended the reception tout- eted the forrootot, daughter Ian titutitay niglit .at hot new Itenae in nibbot,t, CAVgN illESBYT°11A/4 mas Merchanch „Gy.,„ Begyoril 10,- '....711.1 .4, Minister 1.11111. mow 1.1111/ 11USS 14Nttlf cQAte$1 Orgeniet 10.00 a.m.-SuedaY •ohooi fi 11 aan,-"The ,. Start early collecting. you gifts for Xmas.,This sto.re fillTwo;lftealiers" • 31."%10.4.1tRt.404-'';.!:of'fw' with new inerChandise suitable for Xmas gifts. COme-iit'4,1--;.: •' • as often as you can and see what we. are , N ..••••••• .••••• p.m. -"The 'Way or 'Wouder" .44 41 , JAMES ,ST, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA noTnIgIsh, postul, W. It, Goulding 'Organist and Crei1'-1.40.der 11 .a.M.-"$truggling and Seeking" 3 p.m. -Sunday School • 7 pan. -"No man liVeth to himself"' MON. ii.111•111 11.1110 1.6110 •••••• 4110.1•• 01/11. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA j...:310orbonse Organist, Miss E, Unstop, 11 a,rii.-"ilnd Temptatioxi"„ and , ° of the series. 3 p.m. -Our Church .Sehoel 7.00 p.m, --What did Jesus mean when he said, "I will'imve mercy. and not sacrifice." 7.30 -Thursday evening, pi'aYer and, prone. TRIVITT. MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. J. J. Fenton, 'D.A., Rector •. Advent Sunday * 11 .a.m.-Holy, Communion 3 pan. -Sunday ichool 7 p.m. -Evensong Thursday evening November 2S at 6.45 p.m, Laymen's Banquet, The speaker will be Rev. 5, E. McKegney, of London. All the men of our con7 gregation are urged to be present. •001/0.1...• •", ' Miss Culbert, of Lucan, visited in. town over the week -'end. Mr. and. Mrs. S.. Fitton attended the funeral in Toronto on Monday of Mrs. Fitton's sister, Mrs. Jno. Drew of that city. Mr. Arthur 5. Davis, who has been 111 at his home far Several months was taken to Vietoria Hos- pital, London, on Monday 'by Dr, Dunlop for X-ray treatments. • Mrs.: Davis .accompanied Col. W. J. Heaman and Mrs. Ilea - man, .who recently disposed of their hardware •busluess in Exeter, and who have spent the sumtaer'at their summer home at Grand Bend, have moved to London for the 'winter. months. ' Mr. Arthur. Moulds, roofing On - tractor, of London, has the contract for 'putting on the roof of the neW postoffice The roof is of felt Anil gravel and the worknien finished uj their work on the roof to -day (Ted- nesday.) Messrs. John Stanbury and Alia Sanders motored to Palmerston Sun- day taking with them Mr pothwell'S car which had been undergoing re, pairs at the Huron garage. Thly was the car that was damaged when •it landed in a culvert aliohtinife . south of_ town recently. , Mr: and Mrs. 3. G. Dow and Mr*. Gordon Hunter returned borne 4 Thursday of last week after spentii- ing several weeks in Montreal where Mr. Dow shipped a load of horses. Mr. Dow, Who recently met with Ali accident when lie was thrown from a horse, is getting along' fine. • The Willing Workers. Mission Cire cle of the James Street United church have been supplementing their funds by holding crokinole parties in some of the Nantes of the members. Progressive crokinole iS played followed by' refreshments, A recent gathering was held at the •home of Mrs. G. Hockey and on Fri4. day evening of last week another was held at the home of Miss Verna Coates. Tell your. filentl • .e• ow 'we serve yeti.SandyEJlio he home of the Ford. We foci- ermine Ford partS alI ,models',, •11 2 to 1929. Sand' Elliot. . 1.1•0 /11.1.• 4••••••• . Fancy Cushions Lace Doilies Boxed Ha les • $6.00 and $7.50 79c to $1.50 to -50 Wool Blankets Silk Vests oome5r0s $2.$0 to $3.75 50c. to $2.00 250 t • GolOshes fof:all.the Fa A HIOVVING THE NEWEST, FOR ALL Price at $2.25 $2.50 MOMS 11••••••• ammo WNW/ 110111.• MIN▪ IM* 111•111 4•11,1111M 1•••••••• 1•11•1•4•10 IMI,11••• ••••••••I ••••••• ••••••• OM/0 .111111•1 /MOO .... • • " ' •1101. • . , MM./ . . , PURE LINEN TO ELS 29c. and 35c. Silk and Wool H 31ery ••••••• •••••/0 011.1111 11.1.16 $1.00 'and $1 LADIES' :KID GLOV $2.50, and $2.75 •COZY SLIPP 98c. to $1 0 .. • FANCY SCARFS Pik, to 040 Chanso-Shicle Glove& ' • 59c. to $1.35 . • AMON , 01.1111•1 1111111O. 1•1•1101•1 ,111/1•011 / Nana 1/1/MOI orao.11,. .111.11 1•••••• 41.11111. FM. //aoto 111/1/1111111 . 111.11. 111.111110 0.10.1 ONO. MOWN/ .1111•1. WM. a/WM MOM/ . 1.1•1111 /IMF radon/ Romano =M. .11/0111 Fa y China Dinnerware • OUR TAB ES ARE FILLED ITH NEW GOODS FOR CHRISTMAS =.--2 START SAVIN A SET OF Gi DEN P'HEASANT OR BRIDAL ROSE DINNERWAR WHAT WOU D MAKE A BETTER GIFT. 11.11.10 .11101.• ,vosmar moor Norm. •••••••• gamma. • , 011.011. Men's Sweater Coa $1.75 to $5.00 MEN'S FANCY SCAR $1.00 to $3.00 S N'S NECKWEAR ' FANCY SOX 50c. to $1.50 • 50c. to 42.25 MEN'S FINE SHIRTS, $1.50 to $2.95 " MEN'S GLOVES 75c., to $3.58 • CHRISTMAS GROCERIES •• TRY US FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS GROCERIES FOR YOUR XMAS CAKES AND PUDDINGS. ALL FRESH AND SELLING; AT ATTRAC- TIVE PRICES.. VVE WANT YOUR POULTRY AND PAY:i1IGHESTOFEp. MO../ immiaoo MM. • I... XMAS -Alniost Here.r But we are prepared for 1.` with; a stbre full of nide things itahle Per Christmas gifts. CDIESTERFIED SUITES $ ,1o. & up DINING -ROM SIT) ES Fro $75.00 an up BE -Room SC At an, price to r''t you LAMPS, MOICER-1.' CHESTS, WORK :ASKET , CHAIRS, FERERIES DESK'S Everythin , to be;found in an up- to-date store'WE f. AVE at prices to suit the R. , ROWE Phone 20w and 20j All accounts must b0. settled by the 15th of December ' 'MRS. ROBERTSON OF COLBORNE • MP. I'..-.SSES1 The deatit occurred in ,Colborne township on Monday morning of Ju- lia Barbara Johnston, beloved wife of C. A. Robertson M.L.A., for North Huron. Besides her husband she is survived by two datighters. • • • Soley for Your G rod ARE WON ADDING NEW alERCHANDI , NEW IDEAS POlt CIIIIISTMAS SHOPPING. 'THIS WEEK \V HAVE GOLD PIM • PENNI' POOD, 11S11 GRASS Fresh sto ACQUMITOIS Fish 10t., 15e. and 25e. Grass25e: a bunch toed l'3c e1rta5rAtv.4 c.A.Tvos ieo 10 13ig as: 25e. 1tke.01,10S Nothing p100, .dr ,8 nu* r Prortograph, (We repair WB AltE TO THE DOT 0 COA111 IN A)) dt SMALL 1)1 NUS FORVOI'.'; roft.NIHAS s more) than cords for the BRITTLE twice a, 'week; Jc a, lb. fry Some. TOYS OLLS, NOVELTIES OUNTAIN PESS (TT PLOWE1tS •or alt oclaidons HOSIERY, 'Varm weel, beautiful sill, See them In boxee. hollographs) 11,VC,; kilti11, too: Ito TIM, Ii;;TE div 4icAt1TY4 AND DOWN' l'HICEK. Or Alta SIAVAN'S AV14.1LCO)Ila TO K ARCA. . ilOSIT W. .1/ HOLD ANVTIIING 11014 LY POIt (51111,ISTSIA14. Pow 'Variety Store .---%-SOME WONDERFUL SUITS snowiNd $ D OVERCOAT •ITS HAVE Ou wnia, CHRISTM OUR Sri, WE ARE FINE SUITS GIN OF PA ' MINIMUM. ED FOR PH LOOK. OVEI • GENT'S Agent for. W PHONE 81w E EXCEPTIONAL,LY ON WflIOH TIIE EN REDUCED' TOA T TO 13E.WELL-DRE8-' • SEASON. COME IN AND DID 'ASSORTMENT. $.-*Foit, THE CHRISTNIAS ARRIVING DAILY son Cleaners and Dyers TAMAN EXETER, ONT. • W R. Gou A. T. O. I. Orp iist. loirmasier Jan s St. U ted Church • Iustrt ion in Piano rocal Ovgan Theory Suary or Music in &Imola Studiff," M .t. • uox. 57, Phone 192 ONT Give Furniture This Chris Ernest C. Ggveyksi, Mutual Life, Fi rvey 111101LEIC. Hug ' • of Cana 'Antornobile, SAFETY .RAZOR LADES SHARPENED ( y wake) sINdrJE JDDE 1)0111114E, E Feller E w. 5. • 3e. ..... . . 4c., e Guaranteed E, DRUGGIST AVE RAVE A LARGE S 1 OK OF (fluiIIAJ)C WED WAI/NUT DOROTHY E. GRASSI BLES, TILT A. L. C. M. NHS. MAGA. (D:Oltor Graduate) Londol EfiglandL TIi1A WAOXS, ENI) , LES, SAlt) ZINE R. ,KS. GAT LEG TABLES AN)) [ANA.; (Y 11410 PIECES 1411(11P, ' S 1,1V1,111YOSE '• Co Si 15 7,1111t1.01) .41611r 1.) TAXON • 1-topPatt PI OCHE DEALER PHIVEHAL 1)1HECTOR •IYIkone 09 Otis of the old residents or Nyth Dassed away en Sunday In the porton or 't.rlionnt$ Dlifintytu, at the a(1. wowed age Of 20 years, Ite has boon litrifig w1ti itit ditughter, azhes I)aitts, tor 1IIpa.st feat Yedas ff. nstructiiln Kohut VI In, ony; Theory: gtudio ti•eut, Bex 100 MCC E ONTARIO ELLIOTT elatin, I> ,byoing and bf, ntintbilrn Jut rite and hls Satisfaction d So LE 'TONG overing,, Cleai g Parlor te Dealt the post (A- tte "SerIca o,n1 ra NW." S GO Ma T