HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-11-28, Page 5.40
that has matte it pos le for our seov ` . f students to Obtain, and
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Courses: Secretarla Connie ^ , Stenogrephle, General Office,
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Courses turas d.
You cannot attend b "=r school.
Why not attend this?
SCHOOL 0 NS SEPTEMBfill 3rcl, 1929
Waite to -day for Inform, ion. Phone 193
B.F. WARD, ]3,A.
Com, Specialist, vivo-Prinel
-. DR. R. i. P. DOUG
Honor gradu.te of
21edicine, and
!thee University
1Vlember_ of
and Surgeons
two doors eas
F 1V
ulty of
Science, of
ern Ontario.
of Physician,
Ontario, Of`' e
Post Office.
phone 50 lie
DR. J. A.
nee 114
RT, L. D. S,
Plate Work
Main Street
Mr. \Vin. Chapman is in Toronto
this week attending the Winter Fair.
Miss Olive Harrison, of 13rncefield,
has accepted a position in lletlsall.
Mrs. ,Jas, Logan spent a flew days
lass week visiting relatives at See -
H. Gibbs, of Detroit, spent the
week -end here with relatives and.
Our local churches will soon be
preparing tor the Christmas enter-
Mr. Alfred Smith, of. London,
spent the week -end with his parents
Mr. Harry Smith.
The 14, M. S. of the United church
are arranging for their annual anni-
versary service.
Mr. Alex Sparks left last week for'
Detroit where he will spend the win-
ter with 111s Sons.
Miss S. Finitheiner is speeding a
few days with her sister ;lire.
Paxsons, of Cromarty.
• Mr. Robert Lamont, of -Clinton, •a
former resident here was in town
Sunday visiting friends.
Thomas Farquhar left on Satur-
day for Hamilton to spend the win-
ter months with his daughter.
Atr: Robert Lamont has accepted'
a. position with Mr. Sidney McAr-
thur on the farm for the winter.
Mr. Sam Rennie assisted the choir
of the North Side United church in
Godericii on Sunday evening last.
Mr. Rebt. Higgins spent Monday
in 'Goderich attending the meeting of
the Huron County Old Age Pension
Mr. and Mrs. A. J.. Switzer and
little daughter Lois, of Detroit, are
spending afew clays with friends in
Mr. and ?ors. Abbott, of. Galt, are
clow residents in Hensall, Mr. Ab-
bott accepting a situation as sales-
man with T. C. Joynt.
Don't forget the bazaar and sup-
per in the basement of the St. Paul's
Anglican churcll'.on Saturday after -
moon, November 30tH .4 4 p.m.
Miss Ethel Robisgn, of Seaforth,
spent the week -elide here with her
parents and sister and brother-in-
law. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sangster.
Mr. John Dingwall°, of Streets-
ville, who has bean a frequent visitor
here had his hand severely rut by a
saw in a sash and door factory last
The dance held 111 our town hall
on Tllurday evening last under the
auspices of the firemen was largely
attended Good music was supplied
by the Bolton orchestra.
!Me. Thos. Richardson, of Chisel-
1u11'st, has disposed of his interests
in the farm there and has moved in-
to the village and is now residing
. with his father and mother, Mr. and
Mrs. Thee, Richardson.-
ichardson:John Hudson and wife of Marlette
Mich., and Mr. alld 'Ales. L. Meyers,
of Owasso. Mich., were here for the
week -end visiting their grandmother
Mrs. Joseph Hudson, Sr., of this vil-
The cervices in ,the Milted church
were largely attended both morning
and evening with Rev, A. Sinclair'
.conducting the set'vices. At both
iervices •Mr. Chas. H. Cook. Indian
Chief, rendered fine solos.
Rev. 'Jr. Jones, of •Gorrie, con-
ducted services in St. Paul's Ang-
lican chul'eh on Sunday, giving able
,sermons on both occasions, Rev. Mr.
M. Parker, rector of St. Paul's, ex-
changing duties with Mr. Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Sheffer has re-
turned from Toronto where they had
been attending the Winter Fair, and
Also visiting their sons and relatives
and fri; ncle, William Hyde of the
London Road, lids ,also returned
freest the Fair
Mr. end AIrs. Chas, A. \IcDenell
:aceoittpanied by their d ughter Miss
Dorothy tinct Miss Hattie Sutherland,
Motored to Woodstock to attend the
anniversary of vire. A. 1•I. Carro s
birthday, the eldest sister of the late
Mrs. amps ,Sutherland.
The ntari'iage of Mite; for Jane
lTeDotigall, only (latighter of Mr. J.
Mciiatigall, of Hibbert, to Mr. Jas.
Ii•. jTpshall, •ot' Tuckersmith, will tape
place the last week in November.
The young •couple's many friends
here wish them every success and
An entertainment was put on in
the United church on Alonday even-
ing by Mr. Chas. H. Cook, Indian
Chief, under the auspices of the Y.
P. League. The first part of the
program Mr Cook was dressed in
Indian garb showing some of the
Indian music, habits and charms.
The remainder of the program con-
sisted of Scotch, English, Irisin and
Indian songs and stories. He ale
gave several side-splitting Scotch and
French jokes and an Indian war -
hoop. In the intervals Miss Greta
Laramie gave .several selections on
the violin accompanied by -Mies
Eleanor Fisher on the piano.
A quiet but pretty wedding was
solemnized on Saturday, November
23rd at 12 o'clock at the United
Church Mailse when Miss Bertha M.
Corbett, eldest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, Fred Corbett, of Hay Township
leas united in marriage to William It.
McLaren, only son •of Mr. Wm. L.
McLaren, of Hensall, The Rev. A.
Sinclair ,officiating, The . bride's
costume was :pink silk georgette and
triuuned with chiffon velvet and the
flowers were pink and white carna-
tions with ferns. The bridegroom's
gift to the bride was a white gold
wrist watch. • The honeymoon was
spent in London and other points
west. The bride's travelling costume
was black coat with beaver trim-
mings, blue dress with shoes and hat
to match. The guests at the dinner
were from London, Stratford, Fen-
ton, Cromarty, Chiseihurst, Thames
Road, Hensall and Lobo. A wedd-
ing reception was ll,elcl at the home
of the bride's parents on Monday ev-
ening. Many beautiful gifts •re
ANTI-FREEZE—F 11 ' our radia-
tor now, only $1.5 t the Ford
Garage.—SANDY E OT.
Ails. (Rev.) 13. Snell is spending
a few days in pronto.
Mrs. William Jeffrey, who has had
an operation in the Stratford Hos-
pital is improving nicely.
The Junior Farmers held a suc-
cessful social evening in the Hall on
Tuesday night. AlI reported a good
AIr. and Mrs. Harry Lester, Strat-
ford, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Stewart Robertson.
The W. M. S. are holding a ba-
zaar in the hall on Friday next.
ANTI -FREEZE F' your radia-
tor now, only $1 at the Ford
Garage. --SANDY ELLIOT. •
Ales. John :McQueen, who was in
London hospital taking treatment,
has returned home and her many
friends aye pleased to know that she
is iinproving and able to sit up a lit-
tle each day.
Mrs..John Selves, Sr., who was in
London and St. Marys, visiting rela-
tives and friends, retruned home on
Friday last .
Miss Hazel Smillie, of Toronto,
visited Rossi° Broadfoot over the
Mrs. Clifford 13i'intnell is visiting
friends on the boundary this week.
ANTI-FRb1EZE 11 your radio--
adia-for now, only $ :0 at the Ford
Garage. ---SANDY LLIOT.
Tell your friends flow we servo
you. Sandy Elliot, the ho31he of the
Ford. We stock genuine Ford parts
all models, 1912 to 1929, Sandy
Elliot, •
Mr. Sain Doupe, of Orange, N. J.,
is visiting Mr, Amos Doupe.
Mrs. (Rev,) Bell is visiting her
sister in New York.
'1']le United Sunday School are
pt'eparing for their annual Christ-
mas Tree to be held ou,Aloilday eve
ening before Christmas.
Mrs. Walter I•IazelWood spent a.
few days this week in London,
Mrs. F. Brock had her tonsils re-
moved in the London Hospital this
The fucral of the late W. J. Brine
was helot from Cooper's appointment
on the Woodham Circuit Sunday of
t°rnoen, with inane friends lit atten-
dance, 3U'. Brine, Who' has been a
'farinel .ala the hags line, of Blanchard
wa.sinlhsse 1 •i ve olds, " end'is'survfved'
by five sons and tWo diluialtl:ors, iiia
'wife having predeceased Min only tat
;t 11 0
Mr. and
s, • (10. Bay am Sr.,
desire to na, vill be at
home to eir z1 ighbors and friends
on Mond -j, De' znbor the and front
two to 'Ive p.n.., the •.occasion being
a. reception in 1; tour of their golden
wedding anivel'sal'y.
ANTI-FR123Z --1+'i your radia-
tor now, .only $1.5 .' ,at the I+oh'd
Garage.--. SAND ' 140T.
Elinhvil1e A1iesion Circle are hold-
ing it bazaar on Oddity evening.
Air. Thos. Willis and Mr. Miles
McCabe are ;attending the Dairy -
won't; convection at Toronto this
Airs, Andrew Hicks is visiting in
11'inglianl with 111'. and Mrs. A.
Ili'r. and. Mrs. Wilfred Anderson
and' son I3illy and Mr and A'Irs, Geo,
Lssery, of London, visited on Sun-
day with 3Ih'. and Mrs, Geo, Thomp-
Mrs. Jas, Neil left recently foe De-
troit where she will remain for some
time with 11er son and daughter,
Miss Hazel Sn13t11 entertained a
number of young people at hes' 110111e
on Thursday evening last. 'I'he even-
lng, was spent in music: tend games
after which a dainty lunch was serv-
Mr. Lorne Hicks spent a few days
last week with friends in Detroit.
17rs, Tllonitls Willis is spending
this week In Toronto.
Airs. Irwin and Mrs. Powe enter-
tained their Sunday School class in
the basement of the church on Wed-
nesday evening of last week. The
evening was most enjoyably, spent in
games and contest., Tables were
placed and about thirty guests sat
down to a sumptuous repast after
which a hearty vote of thanks was
tendered to Mrs, Irwin and Mr?.
Powe for the enjoyable time spent
by all.
. Miss Evelyn Faultier, who has.
been clerking in Mr. M. C. Slearnon's
store for the past year has returned
to her hone.
Miss Flossie Davey, who ]las been
ill for the past week, is able to be
around again.
Afro. Thos. Willis recently enter-
tained at her home to a miscellan-
eous shower in honor of Mrs. Fred
Bowden. The presents , were ar-
ranged on a table decorated with
,pink and white streamers in the
form of a house. The bride was the
recipient of many beautiful gifts
which showed the high esteem in
which the young lady is held. After
Mrs, Bowden thanked the ladies for
their gifts the hostess assisted by
several young ladies served ice
cream and cake.
3Ir. Andrew Hicks attended the
Royal Winter Fair in Toronto a few
clays last week.
Mrs. Alex McGowan, of Blyth, is
visiting her. easter, Mrs. .A.. Brooks.
The Live Oak Mission • Circle, et
Elinlville, wit hold a b, aar on Fri-
day evening N )v. 29t '' o be opened
by Sanfa Clau` 'at 7„ 0 p. m. sharp.
All kinds of 1' ncy. vork and home -
Made cooking 1 . ' candy to be Sold.
Lunch will be •ved. Come and buy
your Christina ` presents.
The regular monthly sleeting of
the W. M. S. met at the home of Mrs.
Wm. and Mrs. Newton Clarke on
'Wednesday, Nov 20th with an atten-
dance of 22. Mrs. Chas.' Johns, pre-
sident, •led the sleeting. Mrs. Wm.
Clarke read the scripture lesson,
Psa. 100, Short prayers were offer-
ed by three members. Roll call was
responded by a quotation on
"'Thankfulness." A responsive read-
ing was taken up "Blessings. of
Peace". Miss May Clarke sang a
lovely solo, "I'll exchange my Cross
for a Starry Crown". Mrs. Sher-
wood Hunter read a leaflet entitled,
"Who is my neighbor" and Mrs. Ed.
Johns •oire entitled, "New Canadia.ns.'
Reports of the various secretaries
were given which showed a very
prosperous year's work in all the
branches. Recording secretary re-
ported 35 annual members, 4 Life
meinbers. Increase of 7 annual and
one Life member. Average attend-
ance at meetings eighteen and a
meeting Held each month. Treasurer
reported that our allocation would
be more than reached when tall MIte
Box money and Systematic givings
were in for the year.
Strangers secretary visited 3 sick
and 4 strangers.
Cortes Sec. wrote 6 letters, sent
stoney orders and ordered 20 Miss-
ionary Monthlies, an increase of 9
over last year. Supply Secretary had
packed a bale of miscellaneous
clothing valued et $30.00 sand sent
to Goderich for further shipment,
The Temperance secretary had 32
cards signed by W. M.S: zhloniber$
and others.
Press secretary had reported all
the meetings in the local paper.
Mrs, Otto 'Willert spoilt the week-
end 'vitlt friends lit Toronto:
Mt', and Mts. 1Vnt. Stade spent
last Thursday with friends in Sea -
forth, 1 .
Theydung people of theIihiva
Y g
school have commenced practicing
for their Christmas entertainment.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Willett and Alva
'fetid Mrs,.' H. Eagleson attended the
Enteral of their cousitt the late Alrs,
Jotheplt Pollock Of Gr'eenWay oil Tttee4
Dr. i -I. H. Co en, L.D.S„ D.
:pun n 1 :into ;ON
At office in lartleib.' oek, Dash.
ur904, first fore da ' of week and
at offset) over th = `'est Office,
Zurich, last th 3 ' days of week.
ANTI -FREE, - Iri11 your radia-
tor now, only $1.50 at the Ford
(:wage, ---SANDY EI.U()T.
The choir of Zion Lutheran
church of Dashwood uassisted i11 the
srrviees at Seebacih's hill Lutheran
('huvt'h on Sunday afternoon •cont-:
luelnorating the 400th anaiyersary
of Meath Luther's ('atoeiliem and
also rendered an anthem at Grace
Lutheran Clhurclt of Mitchell In the
M1•:1. Faust spent the week -end in
Mr. and Mrs Arthur Selclon and
Miss Annie Seldon, en! Ingersoll, were
Sunday visitors witlt Mr. and Mrs.
Hy. Hoffman. Airs. Fanny Preeter,
who has been visiting in Ingersoll
returned with thein,
Master Albert Goetz is. suffering
from an attack of appendicitis, 'We
hope for a speedy recovery.
On Friday evening the Ladies' ..lid.
of the Eyangelleal church will ]told
a bazaar in the basement of the
church: A good program is being
A flay by the Young People
W..,r a given '11
T7I:a. ,r1H lt•OAI) ('i• 'R('1l
on --
l`RT[}ii DECEMBER Ot]h
Under. the '`.spices of the Thames
Roa'. Mission Circle
mission 25e,
tor now, only
your radia-
at the b'ord
Tell your friends how we serve
you. Sandy Elliot, the home of the
Ford. We stock genuine Ford parts
all models, 1912 to 1929. Sandy
' Rev. J. Holmes, of Clinton, oc-
cupied the pulpit of the Thanes Re.
United church and Roy's Church on
Sunday very acceptably. The pee -
tor Rev. Jas. Anthony is on a holi-
day in New York and is expected
home this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Rebt. McDonald
have moved into the frame residence
on the corner of their farm. The
house has been remodelled and re-
decorated, A1'r. Gordon. McDonald is
taking over the farm.
Next Sunday afternoon Rev. A. E.
Doan, of Clinton, . will preach in the
United church in the interest of the
young people's society,
On December 6th the Y. P. S will
put on their play "Dot the :Miner's
daughter." Don't miss this splen-
did evening's entertainment.
Miss Olive English visited in Lon-
don last week.
AIr. and Mrs. Wilson Hicks and
family were guests of Mr. and Airs.
Will Hicks on Friday evening.
The W. M. S and W. A. of the
United church held successful meet-
ings last Wednesday at the church.
1Vo regret to report the death of
Mrs. Joseph Pollock on Saturday af-
ternoon. Further particulars next
Christmas entertainment will be
held in the United Church on De-
cember 23rd. A. good programme
is being prepared.
The regular meeting of the Ladies
Aid will be held on Wednesday, De-
cember 4t11 at the home of Mrs. F.
The Ladies Aid of this place are
giving the play "Strictly Business"
on December 6th in Thames Road
United church.
Miss Laving Smith, of •Crediton,
Spent tt few days last week visiting
at the home of Mr. Albert Geiser
Mr. and Mrs. McDougal and chil-
dren, of London, spent Sunday at
the 110111e of AIr, L. Schroeder.
Head Off Colds,
!Coughs, Br nchitis
' With �� � old
This ane
rbal inedy
the H'art of Nature
Waal off al the col weather ills. Get
yourself e ' the of Gallagher's Indian
Herbal Re•.. d�y It will make and
keep You . ^ Idly heal up inflamed
tissues and g y . r blood and body
Keep this goo
ways in the h
mune to wind,
germ -laden 119
and. other Gail
..Remedies noir f
Brown ng's
herbal remedy al-
Take it after ex-
, chill sncterowded,
You ciao get this,
Ilerbal Household
ugstore, Exeter
A. W Is. Hemphill, Hensall
1/47 47,77
1:11%J 1
'1 HIL Ii.SDAY, NOvio tall;
S, 10
We invite you experience the
biggest thrill that ` adlo affords. The
FACE -TO -a:' ACEI t1ALISM of the
new Spartan lir;' 'ulnento tis the big-
gest tihihig in die to -,day. Call at
our store. (1' reception so tar-
velouely p: ' et that your entertain-
ers b(.'colu ``living human personal-
ities and «111 to appear before you.
There i ;..nothing like It in radio to-
day. all means hear these new
!nett' iellty for your choice cannot
be f al until you do.
sure to seeure your Sparton from -
n authorized Sparton Dealer. Only
instruments bearing factory serial
number carry the factory guarantee.
idio's Richest J'oi'ce"
Service for All machines. Terms can be arranged.
,N44,t .So m"i,•�' .'.: *.C`Nr.t,S:.Y,t. Y ,,4f h: • r :,?
A Christmas for the entire fam
fid.•, ; •..
The : arve1; Six" greatest
tial or ood cool • stoves.
d 1—Iarg,e size rot, d Double Roaster
1--4-pint panelle Double Boiler
1 -14 -pint panels' "d Tea Kettle
1 -10 -pint panel <<'d Potato Pot
W. G.
•".,'4.ri ,1. :..1a.a,t,• 1.11. Ir,,,141..:16!
Don't forget the W.M.S. Bazaar
and supper in the United church
basement on Thursday, December 5,
afternoon and evening. Everybody
Miss Melita Nein has left for Lon-
don having secured a position there.
'Mr. and Mrs. Dan Haist and son
Gordon, of Fonthill, spent Sunday
with friends at Crediton.
Presentation and Shower
t1 pleasant time was spent at the
home oflfr, Thos. Chambers on Fri-
day: evening last when the members
of the United Church choir and
their friends met in honor of Mr.
and Mrs. tel. Chambers, who have
recently returned from their honey-
moon, and Miss Mary Chamber's,
who is leaving this week for Lon-
don. A miscellaneous sliower was
presented to Mr. and Mrs. Chambers
the gifts being packed in a minia-
ture house; 'while,'AIiss Mary was
made the recipient of a pearl -on -am-
ber boudoir clock. Both . 31ary and
.Ed. made suitable replies. The Choir
then engaged in their weekly prac-
tice after which the ladies Served
sad death occurred in Detroit
on Saturday, November 16th when
Louisa Wilhelmeea Mots was struck
by a passing automobile and died a
few minutes later on the way to the
Receiving hospital,
Minnie, as she was called by all
who knew her was born in Stephen
Township near Crediton on March
28, 1868 and was the daughter of the
late Henry and 'Wilhelmena :Mott of
Crediton: She has been a valued
member of '•Vaterntan Ave, Evangel-
ical Church Detroit for the past 'lit
years. She had a kind loving and
generous disposition and will he
greatly missed by a host of relatives
and friends.
Site is survived by 2 sisters and 4.
bretliers; Mrs Jelin Wurtz, of Pigeon'
Mrs. Jelin Miner and Josiah, of -De-
troit, 1 -Teary tied Wnt, of ieakteie,
Melt, and Ilontet Of Greenleaf, Aitoln;
A Short service WAS held in De-
troit at old ]tome et her sister . Mi°S.
,Tohn iMillet, on Ai:1day at 1010
Preto. 'dere the rentains were taken
to the heal(, 01 her 'Sister Mr . John
WtITLS, Pigeon.:, •whciYL 'tilt ,, tliiherltl;'
took place on tnesdey rtt one -thirty
o'clock to the Pigeon cemetery eon -
ducted by Rev Kotesky, pastor or
Waterman Ave.: church,' Detroit, as-
sisted by Rev, Fall, 'of Pigeon. The
pallbearers were six'. nephews. The•
floral tributes were many and beau-
tiful showing the high esteem in.
which she was held.
The blow was hard, the shock severe:,
God' only knows how we miss her
And only those who lose, can tell 2
The pain of parting with no farewell.,
Mr. M. H. Wilds has re -opened his.
butcher business and solicits the'
patronage of the public. 11-28-219.
Mrs, W. P. Lovie, who has been.
visiting in Sarnia for a couple of
:weeks returned home on Sunday.. •
Miss Stella Webb and Miss Cora,
Baker, of Detroit, spent the week-
end at their homes here.
The young people of the burg,
spent an enjoyable evening .at Mrs:.
Hamilton's on Friday last.
Rev. G. A. Leichliter paid a flying
trip to our. 'town on Thursday night
giving his lecture and returning to
Toronto the ;salve night
Mr, Arthur'. Hayes, of England, is
visiting his sister Mrs. Jas. Patter-
son. '(Mr, ITayes and his sister have
not seen each other for over 'thirty
years, Mrs. Patterson leaving Eng
laud when her brother was quite
young. Mr. Hayes spent four years.
in the Great 'War and has .several
distinguished medals.
The';ervices were large 011 Sunday
to hear Rev. J. M. Coiling au hie
series et the Great Events of the
Bible: Make your plaits to ltellr pilin
A weloonte to all.
Mr. and A2rs. Jacob Walper visit- .
ed with AIr. Deter lisenbach on Sun-
The Teacher Training School cont..
lueneed on Tuesday night of this.
Week, A Iitrge .class is in teething.
Anse Pearf Motisso is visiting ht
RenStIll far aa' idev nays.
• The tourists' aro still On the move.
't?iie (lar load, ,shed. ,at Walt's Ser.
vfcis Station on Alenclay ttrorltilll and
are &riving front Alberta, to Saint.
Beadle Calif. They teport a great
t»ttiuht, (l£ sntlW 02X'; the trip so far'
'but e:Xne t t'e " fine`",better driving,
ahead. ,