HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-11-28, Page 2'IiURSI)AY, NOVEHEER 2S, 1041) 0 PIE EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE 50 YEARS A..00 While a ,couple of little boys. were playing at school, one of them, Mas- ter Ramsey, received a severe cut tt knife going almost through his Band. We are pleased to learn that AIr. Luther Manning and Mr. Albert Manning, who left Exeter for Alani- toba in the summer are doing well, having ploughed 35 acres and have a Boase and stable erected, The accumulation of suow on tile' roof of Mr. John Drew's lumber shed pressed so heavily that the posts supporting it spread out and the structure collapsed. There are only three home print- ed papers, that is, papers which have both sides printed in the town where published in Huron, viz; The Exeter Tinges, Goderich Star and the Seaforth Expositor. We are glad to notice lir. Edwin Davis on the street again. Ted had a surgical operation performed on his leg '"t short time ago. On Monday last ,Mr. E. Christie solei the Mansion House, of which he has been the landlord for about 2 years, to Messrs. Hodges & Wilds, of 1Iitc'hell. The newcomers are both young hen and will no doubt soon become popular. The price paid .was $6,500, Mr. Christie takes in part payment a livery stable in Mitchell and we believe goes to take up his residence in that town immediately, Dr, Doupe, who recently prac- ticed medicine in Zurich and lately in Mitchell has gone to Parry Sound to commence the ,practice of his pro- fession. 25 YEARS AGO Aliss H. D. Pringle has cieeicled to sever her connection with S. S. No. 3, Stephen, where she has taught for the past few weeks. The trustees have engaged the services of Mr. Percy S. Baynes, of Crediton, for the year 1905 at a salary of $400.00 per year. Mrs. Williams, Simcoe Street, yes- terday celebrated her 78th birthday by entertaining several of her chil- dren and grandchildren. Mr. Thomas Dayman on Tuesday Iuoved from Hensall to Exeter and will occupy the house owned by Mrs. Mary Brooks, London Road. south. Mr, and Mrs. George Anderson, 7r'essrs. David !Bill, Mark •Salter and Ray Fauson, attended the meeting Of the L 0. F. at the Grund Opera House, London, on 'rueday evening when 978 candidates were initiated into the Order. Tho following lia:ve ..hanged their residences in the village during the past week: Mr. Ferguson from Ex- eter Nol•th to corner of Ann St. and Carling Streets; 'Mr. Neil Bellwood to Carling Street, north of of Gid - ley; Mr, Ed. Harness to Gidley S.t. west of Carling. Mr. Well. Neil is nursing a sore hand these days. On Friday last he was engaged in cutting a piece of board with the save when by sone means the saw came in contact with the thumb on the left hand, cutting a painful gash. 15 YEARS AGO The Jacksop Mfg. at Clinton put in Saturday afternoon making up 00 blankets of overcoating cloths lined with shaker flannel as a 'gift to the Belgians.. Oa Friday morning last while Air. Hewett's milk. Ivan 'was on 'his rounds on Huron Street the wagon, was struck by the freight train from London and was completely de- molished. Mr. Appleton had gone into a house and curring his absence the horse walked on and had just got over the track when the freight engine caught the wagon. Mr. John Grigg, of town, who has been travelling in the northern part of the County, met with, an unfor- tunate accident at Kingsbridge on Friday last by having his leg broken. It appears he was walking at the time and his foot catching in a piece of fine wire lie fell to the ground with the above result. Mr. and Mrs. James Fiiayne and daughter have moved to town and =_''111111l11i1111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II I III111111I II1111111111111111I1i111111IIIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111I III111111111111111111111II1111111111111llllll11g Exeter 'Buy — at - Home' Campaign _ COMMUNITY BUYING DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE Through the co-operation of the Business Men listed below, we will reproduce a series of educational articles endeavoring Tra to bring about a better business relationship between resident and merchant in the town, and thus bring about more progressive community in which to live. 110 The Canadian Bank Browning's Drug Store of Commerce Heartily. Endorses the BUY -AT-HOME CAMPAIGN TOILETRIES — DRUGS — STATIONERY — OPTICAL ROOMS — TELEPHONE 143 Support LOCAL Merchants and Help Our Town GROW Small Savings Accounts 'Welcome M. R. COMPLIN, Manager Traquair & Lindenf ield GENERAL HARDWARE Tinsrnithing & Plumbing Varnishes — Paints Oils Telephone 27 E. R. HOPPER FURNITURE — and — FUNERAL DIRECTOR Telephone 99 FRED RABETHGE JEWELLERY & CUT GLASS WESTINGHOUSE RADIOS Clock and Watch Repairing _ JOS. SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHIC —and — _ ART STUDIO We put the 'Snap' in Snapshots _. G. M. .Armstrong EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY — and — GAINSBOROGH HATS aro. p S. FITTON OPTOMETRIST Sight Examined and Glasses Fitted Children's Sight A Specialty Telephone 75w H. T. ROWS SCRANTON COAL & COKE BRITISH AMERICAN Gasoline and Oil Telephone 40 WM., ANDREW Sales:nan for J. R. \VATKT N S CO. Hamilton and Winnipeg =. Liniments, Tonics, Spices, Toilet "-- Articles, Flavorings --- Poultry and Stock Tonies Telephone 43 Middleton's Bakery ...- "'The Ifotnc of Better Bread" CAFES •-- PASTRY CONFECTIONERY Telephone 52 TOWN AND COUNTRY The folly of the tug-of-war between town and country is about as plain as it'ever will be. The time has come for rual and urban residents to. pull together. Advertise your community in such a manner so as to attract the rural trade to you. Do this through your newspaper. Its columns are always open for community boost - lag. Your community today is composed of farmers, bankers, mer- chants, and mechanics. The periphery or every town includes the remotest farm, whose occupants look to your community for the business of buying and selling. A fact too easily forgotten is that we are all partners in each other's business and affairs. Goodwill, co-operation and the square deal make for successful partnership. You as residents in your community must adopt the spirit of co- ordination, as well as team work. Make a concentrated effort to bring to your community the outlying trade and by doing this you will build slowly but surely for a bigger and better business. The merchants can bring about vastly increased sales by increasing their advertising and using their local newspaper in sending out the merits of their community, as well as their wares. Try it, and watch re= sults. SANDY ELLIOT USED CARS FORD NEW CARS WE SPECIALIZE ON FORD SERVICE TELEPHONE 64 GRIGG'S STATIONERY One of the busiest spots in Exeter, particularly at this season of the year, is the Grigg Stationery Store. Grigg's Stationery store was established in 1865 and is one of the oldest establishments in Exeter and has for these many years catered to the wants of the school children. Many of the older boys and girls will associate their school days with the Grigg Stationery* Store. In addition to school supplies this store handles a complete line 01 books of all kinds .and descriptions. They have made a specialty of installing school libraries. They also carry a complete line of games and toys and the store has been known as Santa Claus headquarters. Iu addition to their retail business Grigg Stationery carries on a wholesale business and at one time goods from her were shipped to al] parts of Western Ontario. The business at present is under the direction of Miss M. Grigg and Miss K. MacF:iul. A spirit of optimism always permeates this store and the pleasing personality or those in charge always leaves a most favorable impression upon the patrons. Poultry and Eggs WANTED: SELL US YOURS Will grade your flock and take away the culls and pay top market. prices. R. E. POOLEY WINCHELSE;1 & KIRI{T"ON Harvey Bros. General Millers MANI44'OBA'S BEST - MODEL and WELCOME Flour All hilitis of Feeds Telephone 35 ADVERTISE •— in the — TIMES - ADVOCATE Cunningham&Pryde CEMETERY MEMORIALS Telephone 41j Milo Snell Chevrolet SALES and SERVICE Phone 100; Night phone 209 SOJIIl1TITi\o :1JmW EdiSon Ni'edle Record Piays on all needle Phono- graphs. Sells for a dollar; double sided and long playing. HEAR num A'.l' POWELT.'S ON 'rine) $13 1'JtO.NOGRA.I'1L POWELL'S Variety STORE Pltond l)liy Service1.551y, Phone 'Night Service 107.51,j 'HURON GARAGE, EXETER PONTIAC and BUICK SALES and SERVICE REPAIRS, ACCESSORIES, TIRES, OILS, GAS & (ATL WASHING Expert Mechanical and Electrical Service, on all makes of cars. OFFICIAL ONTARIO MO'TOIE LEAGCE S1311,VICE STATION' Shop I' orenllen, E. I'o1l(it Proprietor, Ulric Snell Ammessussolommomfai B. W. F. Beavers Hardware TINSMITHING PLUMBING PAINTS STOVES AND FURNACES Telephone 86 S. B. TAYLOR The Jeweller; HIGH-GRADE JEWELLERY DIAMONDS • Watch and Clock Repairing elft. J. BEES Automobile Accessories ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Everything in Radios Telephone 109 G. A. HAWKINS GENERAL HARDWARE PAINTS and OILS'.• SCREENS, Etc: Telephone 29 SOUTHCOTT BROS. General Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Boots and Shoes Groceries and China Harvey's Grocery YSTEM Skin Suffer s Try Th Test ,A Pur, Antisep Treatment Are you t • mented Ith the agony •ef a burning Itehfn skiµ lett seems to defy re- lief; lluve y the •re, crusts, eivpttone, blomlbes, of In ase? Try the pure cool- ing liquid D'.!,D t penetrates the skin. mooching and I ul tee Irritated tissues. A $5e Dottie pr.'. is anent or your drukgist gives your In back, P.D.)), mean', olkiT health, Mao ,D,D.9ae1,) W.. S. J ' WEY, DRUGGIST are now comfortably :settled in their home on James Street. Airs. Ann Gardiner leaves this morning (Thursday) for Blyth, where she will spend the winter with ]ler son, Peter Gardiner. The concert given by Mr, J. G. Jones' Bible Class 411 James Street church on Friday evening was an en- joyable affair, and a good crowd was present, Interesting papers were given by Leon Treble, Joe Davis and Hubert Jones; solos were rendered by Earl Southcott and Mr. Phillips and choruses by the class. Linden Iiarvey showed a number of his il- lustrations of war scenes, ERVICE ATISFACTION Telephone 102 N. W. TREWARTHA Dealer in NEW LAID EGGS —and — MILK FED POULTRY Direct From the Farni Grigg Stationery Store 41* School Supplies with special attention given to school a."libraries Telephone 37 ROSS -TAYLOR LUMBER CO. Planing Mill—Lumber Yard Wholesale & RetaiI Prices on Summer Cottages Telephone 48 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES WIRING AND SUPPLIES Telephone 127 -1111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111(1111111111111111111011111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111110 Exeter's Water .Supply The matter of .a pure -water supp]Y for Exeter has again been brought to the attention of the Municipal Council by the Department of Health Toronto. The following is the coin- munication received and the council have decided to bring the question up at the forthcoming election. • DEPARTMENT OP HEALTH ' Parliament Buildings Toronto October 17, 1923 Jos. Senior, Esq., Altinicipal •Clerk, Exeter, Ont. Dear Sir,— For..some time the question of a municipal water supply for the Vil- lage of Exeter has been considered by this Department. Your present supply is, I believe, presumed to be for fire protection only. There i always a considerable' danger lu municipalities where water " sUpplit; are in use for fire protection an not intended for domestic use. In addition to this it seems unfor tunate that the present distribution system and pumping . equipmen could not be used at ii, small expendi ture to provide a supply which coul be suitable for all domestic purposes A. number of.. other niunicipalitie, are attempting to overcome similial situations, and they are installin either treatment works for the prey ent supplies, or developing new sup Plies, chiefly by means of deep wells it would seem that the most feasibl source for Exeter would be a deet well. Such a supply' would not h expensive, nor would it require an treatment after it was developed. I should like to know if consider ation has been given to this matte by your council and if somethin could not bq done to stimulate sone action in this respect. The Depart nient is very anxious to see all tai 'remaining' fire supplies dispense ,with ,aaul. i'eplace d: by supplies walla] will be suitable for all purposes. Th cost of such a new Supply could, n doubt, be readily carried. by a reas onable charge . from the water con sumers, and it would not require a expenditure • from the municipa treasury for something which can be used only for fire protection. 11' this Department can be a assistance to you in m. king these changes we sha]1'be only too glad t comply. I should be glad if this matte would be given consideration b your council, and this office advise as to what action is proposed. representative frons this. Departrien could meet your council or citizen of the village at your pleasure, an discuss the whole problem. Yours truly Director, Sanitary Engineering Di A. E. BEItR. Spanking a girl of fifteen may no be assault; but if it's Necessary a that age it's useless. X: rat,k *: ' * „•1,,* Most husbands don't have to b mariners to the storm signals a home. A. hen is the only ih that in nonce any money "just' hangin around." • tl,*,' ,g** *0* The man who pays his, rent dl.l to hustle and the one who doesn' has to ]seep moving. USBORNIi) & HIT3T3EIIT MITT ,. FIRE INSURANCE COMP Head Office. Far. ltuhar. O. Presiden SIM DOl "Vice -Pr.:, FRANK AT ONNEL ' • DIRECTOR ANGUS INCLAIR, J..; . ALLISOl' ROI3T NORItIS, ' I. BROOK AGE 5 JOHN E SER'Y, • ntralia, Agent fo U borne J d I31ddulph OLIVER f IAF' . S, Munro, Agent fo llibb t, F larton and Logan M TURNBULL S retary-Treaanrcr }3ox 98, Exeter, Ontario GLAB�qMAN Sa STANEUI.t•li bollcitorj'. Exeter Mir Exeter Oiia eu-. Muur itr Established 1873 and 1887 Published every Thursday morning., at Exeter, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 per year la. advance. RATES—Farm or Real Estate for Pale 50c, each insertion for first four insertions. 25c. each subae quent insertion. Miscellaneous sr- titles, To Rept, Wanted, Lost, or• Found 10c. per line of six words, Reading notices 10c. per lino. Card of Thanks 50c, Legal ad- vertising 12 and 8c. per line. 1* Memoriam, with one verse 500.d extra verses 2c. each. AIenlber of Tho Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. ' Professional C . ids s s d i t d ; tl y r g e d e o n o A v. i GLADMAN & ST • BURY BARRISTE a S, SOI ' :ITOitS, &c. Money to L. '31, II estments Made, ns ' nee Safe -Deposit V alt for use of. our. Clients ithout charge , , fi; EXETER LONDON IiE ' "ALT.I . CARLING & MO EY BARRI1 TE S, SOL TORS., &c. ' •` . LOANS, INV T11TENTS, • " • I S ANCE . Office:' Carli Block, Main Street, . EXETER, ONT. . Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S., P.D.S. DENTAL SURGEO:. Office opposite new 1;'.` Office !lain 5;., Ex er Tel ` lh i s Office 34w House 34,E OFFICE CLO EI) EVERY WED- NESDAY AFTERNOON UNTii. DECEMBER 18thi } Dr. ''G: "Fr'Roulston, L,,.a.S.,D.D.S.. D li 'TI. Office over c a ' ng & Morley , La •" `Office ' EXETER. ONT. DR. E.. STEINER ' :VETEIIIN; Y SUOEON • Graduate of tai Ont o Veterinary , 011 art • DAY ' . v sNIGHT • CALLS PROM . Y ATTENDED TU o Corner of Main an,l Ann Street, ' Office in C. L'. Snell's Block 1 • • EXETER, ONT. • JOHN WARD - CHIROPRACT C, OST ,a ATR 1 ELECTRO-TH .TtAPY .,"- ULTRA- VIOLET REQ `.M17NTS . e P :70 MAIN ST.,I:XETE ARTHUR WEBER :',:; LICENSED • UCTION For Huron: rad Midd J`'ex - FARM SALE` A SP r,-,L&LTY PRICES I'a _ A.S F .ABLE 1 SATISFACTIOi" t ARANTEED ' Phone 57-13 Dashwood R. R. NO. 1, DASrnvoo7' FRANK TAY R LICEN7:z•s AUC; .( ONEER r y For H fI,on an ,Middlesex d FARM • LE ,� ' SPECIALTY Prices Re C on, - le and Satisfactloir t uaranteed s EXETER P. 0. or RING 138 ,�" J. OSCAR KLOPP' LICENSED AUCTIO:NE fl, honor Grad late Carey es' Auc-- tion School. pecial trse taken: t; in Registered eve Sto (all breeds) t Merchandise, heal 'state, Farrar. Sales, Etc. ate: 111 keeping with Prevailing pr . Satisfaction as- e sured, write Oscar Xlopp, Zurich, 1 or phone 18-93, Zurich, Ont. T. II J Ontario Equitable +atei "'watch. for tn• J:,igItt. use" Rcpra.entativ,,;�� t ' C. J.=NI ; N EXETER ONTARIO 4 Ph�'. 243 SAVE MONEY By BUYING SHINGLES NO 2x4 Pine S antling for,. ` olonlp 11,otii es, Hen houses r other. buildings rt ^!s 5A0 p , ` M. t FERTILIZE'. ai 1 'est prices. IA L . C WORTHY 1�1'ione 12 GRANTON, ONTARIO