HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-11-28, Page 1, PI .3,3313.3.33,34,333,1111337.1 1ESTA,BLISI3»D 1.873 • EXETER,. ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMI3 R 28th 1929 POULTRY We want your poultry. Phone us for prices. READ our. '"- GROCERY -SPECIALS , - GROCERYSPECIALS Great Clearing ale ot BARGAINS ' Coats' (BARGAINS LADIES', MISSES' & GIRL WINTER COATS AT BARGAIN ICES EVERY CLOTH COAT FOR LADIE.' MISSES AND GIRLS MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE REGARDLESS OF RICE. WE PLACE OUR EN- TIRE STOCK OF THESE LINES ON ALE THIS WEEK AT PRICES THAT ' WILL SELL THEM IN A H. RRY. COME EARLY WHILE THERE IS A GOOD.. CHOICE. Ladiesand; Misses' Raincoats on Sale WE OFFER THE BALANCE • OUR LADIES' AND MISSES' RAIN- . COATS AND SLICKERS, MAN HEAVY LINED GARMENTS FOR FALL, AT GREATLY REDUCE ' PRICES. Com ete Shows. g of Christmas Goods Our co ► lete stock Christmas goods on display. Rubber Boo and Rub rs OUR HIGH GRA ! E RUBBE ' ; ARE ALL GUARANT ED. WE LSO KEEP CHEA ER RUBE Men's and Boys' Overcoats NEWEST STYLES, LOWEST PRICES AND A GREAT RANGE OF COLORS Grocery S = dial . Lowest Prices Yet For Thu , sday Friday and Saturday of this week Campbcll,'s Tomato. Soup 2 tins for 23c. BROKEN SODAS Chicken Huddle') , P & G Soap Chips per lb. 10c. per tin 19c. a in bulk 2 lbs. 19c ,LIB�BY'S Pork & Beans, 2 tins for 21c. McLaren Jelly Powders 5 for 25c. Phone 3.2 �on��� & ]day Phone 32 Christmas Suggestions Make your Christmas gifts seful ones. Stainless.,Steel Knives and Forks $5.50 per set Community Plato Silverware, till pattern in sets and individual pieces from 50c. eac up. Electric Washing Maehi =s $145.00 Electric Toasters $6.00 Electric Irons ct,' $2.90 Automobile Skates, to kind the "P '. 's" use at prices from $1.00 to Bair to $7.50; er pair. P3'reit Ware, a, very usef stock to select from Best E .ilsh Pockc. Knives 25c. up Snt,oking Sots, Candle S Hold s, Salt and Peppers', Trays, etc. In the 1. }est pat , rns, All prices. Special All E',opper r -'ea Kettles at $1.98 • Roasters all ste,,t'`' an prices to suit everyone. Tinsmithing an ' umbing a Specialty TRAQUAIR & LINDENFHFLD. i'ILO\m totit HARDWARE NECESSITIES TO 11'O. its. DEATHS "TUCKER --In t`sborne our aionday, November 25th, John Tacker in his 84th year. MOitt.T1'i•-- 5.t Woodhaiii, Ont,, on. Sunday, November 24, 1029, John :1lorley, in his S'tth year, KEIRSLAKE--•••At 5t. 3osrsplt's TTos- piial, t eirdoti, on. 11`riday, Novena- bet 22, 1920, Levine MMTartin, be- loved wife of William ICerrlake, of Grantee,. 7DC)Z'r`L Y - - hi London Township, let b, eoneetsion 4, on Tuesday, Noveniber 10. 1929. 1tatahces 1 , •Matrrtrell, beleVed wife taf John ])onle3', in her Guth year. • MARRIAGES .l cLAREN--,CORBETT••---At I].'ensall United Church Manse, on Satur- day, November card, Hiss I3erilia M. Corbett, oldest daughter of Ma. and Mrs. Fret'. Corbett, .of Hay Tuwhslitp, to Willthm It. McLaren, only son of Mr, W1%iiliam L, 14te- Larea, of TTentell. Rev. A. Sin- clair offieluting. 1Lr'I)ONALr) __i' 1;1 1 ..-St Jain es St. United Clfttreh Parsoratge, on Wed.. needay, Noventb0t 20th, Erna E. 'Neel), of Stephen, to R. °Orden' McDonald. son of ,:Fir. and Mrs. UUob't. McDonald, of T'ood° by lieu, 11. McTavish, • . Get your orde ,; n early for your Christmas Cakes;?,' Grant's Bakery. ah. John Davis, of Saintebury, spent several days at Dr. Fletcher's Hospital last week and returned to his home on Friday much improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Harvey are this evening entertaining Mr. Thos. Sanderson and wife, of London, to- gether with a number of other. friends. Dr. J. M. Harvey returned to his duties as interne in the , Western Hospital, Toronto, last week having recuperated from hi's recent opera- tion for double mastoid. Mi•. and Mrs. W. E. Welsh and family visited with the fo.rmer's father in Toronto during the past week and took In the Royal Winter Fair. Mr. George Ferguson, of Usborne. is holding an auction sale of farm stock and implements on Thursday, December 5th. Mr. Ferguson has rented his farm and Is moving to London. ilir. Harold WoOd,.of the Standard Drug Co. London, left last week for Chatham where he has been appoint- ed manager of a Standard Drug Store which has just opened: up in that city. Mr. and Mrs. 'William Ladd and son Thigh, of Clinton, called on their son -i i -law t:Mr, Bence Rivers at Dr., Pletcher's hospital on Sunday, Mr. Rivers is improving nicely from a recent operation for appendicitis. BIRTHS REDDEN --At Crediton on Saturday, November 23rd to Mr. and 11rs. Alonzo fledden, a son. IN ,,. IDAM SNELL 1 tug twittery of my mother,' 'Cl e Steil . Kibler, who died N vember 2x7, 1927, Oscar.W, goat. IN MEMORIAM loving men ' 'a' Of :111's, Jane Snell, : who t d November 26th 1928. Lovingly rend nia .ed by her rlaugh- tdm Mrs, 'Me ", Miss Sanders and rtwli:;ht r-in•ia. alts, C. Ir. Sanders EXETER CQUNCIL 'NW nEcTon ?FOIA Moltclay, Nov, 25,, 1020 A regular meeting of the Cllunicip- al Council was hela in the Town Fall absent Councillor Day. Tlie minutes of the meeting held November 12th were read and op - proved. Letter from, the Secretary of tete Cemetery Board, Mr. Thos, Pryde, lyith copy of reselution regarding the oaretaker's salary for 1930, and an Increase of $100,00 being granted, effective January 1, 1929, The same *as approved of on motion of Fran- ois and Bierling. Carried, , A. letter was also read from the department of Health, A. E. Berry, director of sanitary.engineering divi- sion, regarding the question of a suitable domestic water supply. I•Ie is glad the question will have fur- ther consideration in the near future The. matter of repairs to the fur- pace in the Town Hall was referred to committee. Mrs. E. F. Willis -waited on the council regarding costs of drain con- nection claiming an' gvei'charge had. . been made. Coiumitstoner Bissett made a full explanation which was :accepted by the council and the ac- count was approved, Mrs. Willis pay- ing the same. The following mounts were read And ordered paid: R. N. Creech, Div. Court Clerk fees and bailiff $64.00.;' Exeter Public Utilities Commission, water rate $150.00; The Grigg Stat- ipnery Co., hooks for Library, $52.50 Fred Kerr, tile, $99,36; Municipal World account, $4.28; R. G. Seldon, coal Library, $99.20; Ed. Treble, rep. acct. R. & B., $18.85; T. Col- lingwood, truant officer, $10.00; G. E. Anderson, secy. fire dept. annual fee, $190.00; Chambers Bros„ bell ringing, Oct., Nov..and Dec., $24.00 J. L. Kydd, rent of ground for fire hall, $5.00; Wm. Collingwood, pt. salary to Nov. 30th, $40,00; fire- man, library, $10.00; Mrs. M. E. Gidley, Librarian, $75.00. Cemetery Accounts—Nelson Stan - lake, gravel, $50.00; Wm. Smith, labor, $12.00; Wesley Dearing, team labor $5.00; H. Bierling, supplies, $4,00. Passed on motion; of Bierling and Francis. J. Senior, Clerk. F.1FTY-FIFTI YEAR, NO. 2900 TRI' J ",t' .(.+X 34'K PROPERTY CHANGE lir. Fred 13awden has dlspo5ed "of his' sane brick residence on Main at. to arr. Frank Glanville, of Stephen Towntihip. Mr. Glanville together with his brother Lyman and. sister Miss Ida are moving to Exeter in the course of a few weeks.. Mr. Bow- den has not yet decided what he in- tends to do. Mr. Glanville has dis- posed of his farm on the Goshen Line to a nephew, Mr.' Harold Glan- viile, •who is moving to Stephen froin Manitoulin Island. We understand Mr. Bawden intends building on the lot north .of the property next year. MUNICIPAL POT BEGINS TO 130IL The municipal pot is beginning to boil. At' the present time it looks as if there will be a three -cornered fight in Exeter for the reeveship, Reeve C. B. Snell has intimated that he will again be a candidate for a third terns. Councillor 13. M. Fran- cis, who has been a member of tb.e Council for four years has signified his intention of either stepping up or out. Ex -Reeve W. D. Sanders Is being solicited to again contest the office. If his friends want him he has signified that he will again be in the field. The members of the School Board whose terms expire this year but who aro eligible for re election are Dr. J. I1 Browning, W. H. Dearing and F. .T.Delbridge. AUTO ACCIDENTS A Ford coach •from Ailsa Craig skidded on tate ley pavement while going clown the hill south ot the river Sunday afternoon and took to the ditch going over on its side. None of the occupants wero hurt and there was little datnage to the car. The car was righted and Was driven away on its own power. • A number of drivers olving to frozen brakes or icy roads found themselves s ryes sitita ditcido i ig the week but little et no damage has been reported. Mr. and Airs. Nelson Hankin and babe and Vera Pollen while driving on the Thames Road about 8 miles east of Exeter skidded into the ditch ort Saturday and the car turned over on its tido, No One Was hurt but a front wheel of the car was broken. RETURN '1WITH mut Messrs. It. E. Pooley and W. 11. Batten, of Winchelsea, retereed to thele homes last Thursday .frotu the Northern Ontario woods bringing with theta a doer each, The nen fitted tip an auto trualt with ridge. board and tarpaulin, tntcrlining the same with eorrugtttecl paper. They fitted It 110 Svith mattreea and stove and. used it as their tamp. Old hunt- ers who investigated it said it Was the finest camp they iiad seen. The treat metered to sharp 76 miles berth of Poter'boro and enjoyed a real Solis outing. Rev, .J. J. Fenton, BA., of South- ampton, who bas been appointed the new rector of 'Trivitt Memorial Church is moving to Exeter this weep and win commence his new duties on .Sunday next, We welcome Mr, Fenton to our midst. V ATI111 SQTJ1) The auction sale of the farm, fa m stock, implements and household 'ef- fects, being the estate of the la aa, Flynn was held on Friday of last week. The farm consisting of 00 acres, being the south half .of lo 4 con. 10, Stephen was sold to Mr. •• r Hodgins for $2,000 Air. Ho.c.gins secures a farm at what is eonllidered a cheap price. NEW BRIDGE AT LUC,c3 N HILL • Steam shovels are now at work on either side of the Aux.Sable river at the Lucan hill cutting down the banks and workmen are now engag- ed in putting in the abutments for the new bridge to cross the river on Highway No. 4. It Is expected that the work will be completed next year and motorists aro delighted to know that the big hill which has been. a danger spot is to be done away with. APPOINTED TO ST. ALBANS Rev, T. C. Wilkinson has been. appointed 'the new minister tor the United Church at St. Albans and Whitechurch to supply for the re- mainder of the Conference year. Mr. Wilkinson was the former minister on the Woodham charge but owing to illness was not stationed at the last conference. He is now convel- escent from a recent operation. Mr Wilkinson is a brother-in-law of Rev. D. McTavish, of town, and Mrs, Wil-. kinson has been caring for her sister airs. a:McTavish who is improving from her recent operation.. THE LATE T, It. FERGUSON The death occurred.. in St. Thomas recently of Mr. 'r. It, Ferguson, a former accountant at the Bank of 'Montreal in Exeter. Mr. Ferguson had been sick since last September and gradually grew weaker. until the end came. Tha reiutiins- Passed through Exeter on the way to Tees - water for interment in the family plot. Tho deceased is survived by his bereaved widow and two chil- dren Betty and Phyllis. Ho was ag- ed 43. years. Mr. Ferguson was a resident of. Exeter for about four years and he made many friends while here. IIe left here for St Thomas about six years ago. JOHN TUCKER OF USBORNE DIES The death took place in Usborne, on Monday, November 25th of Mr. John Tucker in his 84th year. Mr. Tucker has resided at the home of his daughter Mrs. George Wright on the 7th concession of 'Usborne since the death of his wife about a year ago. Mrs, Wright is an only child. Mr. Tucker was born at Barnstable, England and when about 20 years of age came 'to Canada working on a farm in Usborne. After renting a farm for 12 years he purchased One at Farquhar where he lived for 25 years and then retired to Elimville where he lived. for 19 years. On November 29th 1928, Mrs Tucker, whose maiden name was Sarah Har- vey, passed away and since then Mr. Tucker has been making his home with his daughter. He has been confined to his bed for almost a year. The deceased was a staunch Liberal. The funeral will bo held en Thursday afternoon from the l limville church lnterntetit in the anima/111e cemetery. 3IrDONALD-,-N EE1t A quiet but pretty wedding took place at the James Street parsonage on 'Wednesday afternoon, November 20th 1929, at one o'clock whet Miss Erna E. Neeb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A, II. Neel) ot, Concession 12, ot Stepheu, became the bride of Mr. R. Gordon 'McDonald, only 'on of 4 air. and Mrs. Robert 3fc•Ilon:ticl, raf t'sborne, The ceremony was performed by the Rev. D. McTavish. The bride was attraetive i • ettired in a gowli of navy blue :r,wurga•tte trimmed with blue tratea r;,nt. vel- vet and buckle with. hose and 'Rocs to match end carried a shote bott gttet of white and cherry red earua-, Botts and fern and wore the groom's gift a string of Swiss crystals. The bride was attended by her sis- ter arise :Bernice Neely, while '1tlr. Carmen Canit supported the iroem The groom's gift to the brides maid was a gold birthday ring and to the groomsinan a gold tie pin, Mr. nett Mr%, McDonald left. 2,ti. thotor trip to Detroit and other points, the bride travelling tit a dress of blue Crepe back sarin, with navy blue broadcloth coat it•ith of bossnni far collar and huffs with stat to Match. On their retest' Mr. anal ilrrs, Mct ittald will reside on the groom's rarity cit Urc Tlirieies React, rebottle. IBP3IR WO I+: 0 r Satlsf ac e Guaranteed 1 ess. Ii Nudes 1' ES.':' IEASO:1 AI3EI13 ✓ ol " Requiren nts Will Nave Our da Best _ ttentihn • R. D. Mousseau E ::TEIt, A BAZ AR -- ON — SATURDAY, F Y. 30 --. in the own Hall, xeter tinder t Auspices f dames Street Ladies Aid sALR OF''yEED +,,-WOItK; HOW MADE C OI- G; CANDY AND F ? ;'i BOOTH BAZAAR O ;ENS AT 3 O'CLOCK Afternoon tea will will be served, al- so supper a la carte from 5,30 to 8 o'clock.. Full course supper 40c. 'Tanya f na" Humorous and grip ,put on by the Lucas auspices of the Ex play to be V. I. under the er W. L itt the • OPERA, HOU E, E7111TEIL, Wedn y, Dec. 11 tlh 8 o'clock PROCIIE FOR COMMUNITY WO1t13 ate APPOINTED AUDITOR. Mr. R. 0. Gillies, who has been accountant of the Canadian Bank of Commerce branch at Niagara, Falls, has been promoted to the posi- tion of auditor with, headquarters at Hamilton. Mr. and Airs. Gillies and, son Bobby are moving to IIamilton to reside. SKATING A130\"E TILE DAZE Skating has started at the dant and the young people are taking ad- vantage of this fine winter pastime.. The recent cold snap has formed a. sheet of ice that is as smooth as glass. Two large electric lights that were used while cleaning out the dans have been used for the: skaters. 1)0 YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING AT ROME The stores of town are being nice- Iy decorated for the Christmas sea- son. The merchants have on dis- play many fine articles that should appeal to gift seekers for the holi- day. When doing your Christmas, shopping patronize your hone mer- chant, Co-operation in buying' in the local community spells .success for that cOiumuuity. Keep your money at home, A WEEK OF WINTER R Exeter and community has been in the grip of Icing Winter during the past week. Snow tell oit Tuesday o1' last week to the depth of several inches but has again disappeared. Onecutter was out around on Wed- nesday ednesday being the first for the season.. It would not have taken much in.ore snow to have made good. sleighing. A number of radiators were frozen daring the cold spell. The snow seems to have boon confined to thin sectio;i as there was little snOw south, of Clandeboye or at Grand (lend:. There as a heavier fall Of S00w*"north ofwstere. (EI) AT UTAMI()rA, M.LN. The th'ath took place at her home on Friday night, November 15, 1.929., of Martha Elizabeth, eldeat daughter of ijr. and arcs. ;loss() itelbridge, of Hamiota•, Manitoba, aged 35 years,, 3 nrontlis rind 1 day. She was bora and spent all her life ifs this rani•- inanity.. A private ftaner'al wits hold on Sunday at 2 o'clock, the Rev. i11r„ Lund, of lion 'United olitiirch office. Slating. Irtertitenf was made in laa•- niiota remote**. Thi floral tribitte% showed the. etettem lit Which t'tlte young lady, wts held. Surviving ter are her parents, setts° sisters, 11ira« John Arnold:, Erin Ledge, Alberta, Gertrude, Zend;ia, P'atsic.; Anna, ei' MOOse Jatc, Stark and Lois at hoarse besides three brothers, 1.41e,. 1'Vilw Ohm. ,itt, and r'il'ed tyls'o at home.