HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-11-14, Page 5• 4 grboot (totra rve. • " - 0.41,n0N, 0,,,mmuo OFFERS YOU k pRA.crIcAL 3U NESS TRAINING that has made it pee ble for 'our cOre of students to obtain .onel hold positions Omen Ing a high start d or efficiency, Irlig1113 IS POSITIM.T TING 3'014 VW Courses: .Secretaria Oommercia .Stenogrephic, -General Offiee, Civil -Service, lomuierphil etteliers' Courses and Special Courses eleven 'd, You cannot attend n better SCHOOL SPE ool, 'Why not etten1 this? SEPTV4131ER 3r0, 929 Write 7 Or information,' Phone 198 V. WAX% 04, yiee-Prinelpal lerleeipal M. A. STONE, Corn, Specialist, DR. R. 1. P. UGALL Honor graduat of Faculty of Medicine, and IS ter of Science, of the Untie miter Western Ontario. Member of ..11ege o/ Physicians valid Sur ea, of Ontario. Office two door e t of Post Office. 'NSALL, ONT.. Residence 114 Phone 36 DR. J. A. Mc AGGART,'L. D. 5, Speciali g in Plate Work aelep100 •eNSALL, ONT. . Main Street D. 'H. McINNE (ehiroprac lectro T 'twist lir ' el Clinto , visit Hensall Com- enercial 1 on. Monday, Wednes- day an' riclay 7of each week from 10 a, o 2 p.n. County and town calls tended "to. HENSALL T. C. joynt made a business trip eo Toronto this week, Mr. Leird Joynt, of Toronto,' spent *the week -end at Ws home here. Miss 0. Eacrett, of Toronto, spent the week -end at her home here. Miss Mildred McDonell, of Guelph, Anent the toliday at her home here. Miss Stella Ingrain, of Detroit, anent the holiday at her home hero. 1Irs A Scruton and family spent the holiday •with friends in Strath- ro.y. Mr. Russell Lachman, of Algoma, ,spent the week -end with his rela- tives here. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper and children de Clinton spent the holiday visiting relatives here Mr. Orville Twitchell has rented the house on Queen street, owned by the late Mr. Hill; Mr. and Mrs Bertram North, of Woodstock, spent the week -end with _ea& relatives in town.. Mr. and Mrs. Manley Jinks and 0 babe, of Detroit, ate spending a few days at their home' here Dr. and Mrs.`Sinith and son, of 'St. Marys, spent the week -end with Mr. nd Mrs. G. 0, Petty. Miss Thelma Hudson, spent the week -end at the imine of her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Hudson. The league meetings were post- ponedon Monday evening on account of it being Thanksgiving. ddr. and Mrs. Robt. Higgins and Miss Alice :Higgins spent Sunday vis- iting 'friends in Kitchener. M. and Mee. P. 0. Cromer, of 'Toronto, spent .the week -end at the home of Mr. Alex. McIntyre. . Miss Annie Consitt, who -has been teaching school in Stanley Tp. spent aim holidays at her home here. Mrs. John Berry. has. been visited by her sister and lier husband, Mr. and Mrs. Kilpatrick, from Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. T. Scott, of Toronto, visited over the Week -end at the home of Mr. "and Mrs. 0, C. Petty Mr. Alex MoMurtrie, of Toronto, A liment the holiday visiting at the loathe of his mother, Mrs. Alex Mc- Muttrie. IVIr. Hannon •has moved 11110 the dwelling on Riehmencl Street south ,that lie retently purchased from Mrs. D.-Grassick. Mrs. John Wilson, of Stratford, :spent a few days hero during the Peat week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Brown. Mrs, Robert Eacrett spent the past week in Detroit visiting with her daughters, Mrs, D. la Barger and Vise Sybil Ewan Messrs Thos. Welsh, Jack .Pase- more, David Cantelon and Fred Hess axe spending a few days fishing and shooting at Pikes t'ay. incl 'Mrs: Robt: McLaren, of the ,Londen Road intend Shortly to inove into the house recently vaeat- ed by. Mr. Jas. Stinpson. 'aVilliain 'Armstrong of. the Town- -shin Of Ray, who lives a short dis- lance sxiuth-West oe the village, safe tered a Stroke the first part of last 'week. Robert MeLaren'e auction sale of live stoek, fdrit impiemente, etc. ori Tuesday' afternoon wan.stuite largely attended and lair prices Were Ob - lain ed. Mrs. Taointte leTuraeek, Miss Ethel Willed bele and MI''. Wm. Lammie .at- tended tit goldee. wedding of Mr. And Mrs. Richard Hunter, of Exetee, O11 Tuesday. 4 etesalts. ofoWorketeeree-rnado• took., 'ng, ete., wili be held in St.Psur.? Anglitan church on rrnsrdd Nov. nOth, Sale to start ot 4. Supoor will be. Nerved from 5 to 7 In in. PENSION 11().ARD HAVE GRANTED 323 APPLICATIONS The Huron County Old Age Pen- sion Board Yield another meeting en Tuesday when. quite a number of additional applications , were dealt with. Some 425 applications have been receive(' up-to-date and about 325 granted. There have just been two applications refused by the Tor- onto Board of all those passed by the local boarcl and these were made special cases. .All applications in by Noy. 11th will receive the November cheque. After .thet the next ..cheques will be issued in Dec. All applicants who have been pass- eC1 by the Huron County Board Will receive their first cheque of $20.00 during the next few days and after that once' a, montll as long as they live. • Services in the Unitech church were largely attended. In the morning Rev. Connor, of Kippen conducted the service and special music was given by the choir at both services. In the evening Rev. A. E. Doan, of Clinton, conducted the service. Mr. Doan was a former pastor of the United church. A pleasant evening' was spent on Friday evening of last week at the home of Mrs. James Sangster when a miscellaneous shower was given in honor of Miss Bertha, •Corbett. The evening was spent he music, contests and games. After hutch was served the young people retired tb the kit- chen where a fine display .of gifts were for the bride -elect. • Services._ in tne Carmel Presbyter- ian church were well attended With .Rev. Mr. Goodwill, of Blyth conduct: ing both services and Mrs. James Bonthron rendered a very pleasing solo In the evening a sextette was given composed of Messrs. R. Y. Mc- Laren, W. A. McLaren, Jame s A. Bell, Clifford Moir, Jas. Bengough and Orville Taylor. Stephen Troyer, of Hay,' has re- turned from spending a couple of weeks with his nephew and .neiee, Mr, and Mrs. Coleman, of near Sea - forth. Mr. Troyer has. had a very unusal experience in regards to his eyes. When he was a lad of six years, when living with his parents in York County near Toronto,* he wa.e. at school one day watching a bali game and was struck on one of his eyes by a bard .ball, 'completely destroying the sight until about a .year or so ago when he recovered his sight of it. He can now See quite clearly'with it when in his 82nd year and that notwithstanding the fact that several doctors who 'examined it said he would never again have bis sight back. Death of airs. ;fames Taylor There passed away at the resi- dence of her (laughter, Mrs. John Wren. of Toronto, on Monday last, Mrs. Jame3/Taylor, aged 78 years. Mrs. Taylor was almost a life-long resident of .1.lhe district and had lived in Hensall fee \a5 years. Before coin- ing to Hensall arr. and Mrs. Taylor lived in Tuckersmith on a farm now owned by Mr. Howard Wright. Mr. Taylor predeceased her by about ten years. Mrs. Taylor went to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Wren and since going to Toronto she has been in poor health and passed away on Monday. The remainswere brought to Hensall Tuesday, the fun - oral taking place from her late resi- denco, interment in the Hensall Un- ion cemetery. .She leaves to mourn her lees one. sofl and two daughters, Mr. Jas. Taylor and Mrs. Wree, of Toronto, and Mrs. John Sheppard, of Tuckersmith. Coiled] aleethig The regular monthly meeting of the village council was held on. Wed- nesday evening last with all the members preSent. The minutes of the last meeting were read and a- dopted oa motion or Petty Mid Ort. wein, Mt% chits, 'Mitre was pre- sent . and, gave the coattail aft esti- mate of the cost of fixing up the stage 'of the Town Hall, The Town Hall committee were given authority to get estileatee' OA the work, The reeve suggested tha.t'some More gravel be pineed on tht teed at the east of neneell :from Siterrit's gate- way to the London Road and else that the intersection at 'the hotel corner be fired.rts it "Was getting in an eneafe eondition for the leaded' trucks tint were , passing oner ' it. This was agreed th by the eotinnA i COnneillor OrtWein ropeeted bet soave Of the lights hi the confratiaity shed wore burnt opt and Was given antitotriintlylotwerreolt)lattececottIri. tswro rito., sent,n1 and ordered' paid. 13y-Iaw .10. Everybody welcome.- THE-EXETEk TIMES -ADVOCATE 5 was given its 1st, 2nd. and ardi reacting, Omani; a 'lemma fee •of] 4160.00 •on all tranelent traders who wish to do business in the villlage. The meeting then adjclureed, CENTRALIA arr. and Mrs. Roberts, of Otter- ville Wore week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith. Miss Hazel Smith retureed home with, thein to wine se few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson and Joun spent- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Toad in Loudon. iMr, and Mrs, A. Brooks and Mr. and Mee, William Skelton spent the weelc-end with M. and Mrs, Ewan Powe 111 Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Luther iloweliffe and Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Penwarden and Harold visited in London last Sunday the guest' ol Mr. and Mrs. Hector Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. H. 'Kerr, of London, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs, 1, Neil, Mr, and ;Mrs Wm. Essery were in London on Saturday on business. Mr, Gordon Culbert and Mr. Joe 'White, of town, attended the Armis- tice Memorial serviees at Exeter and Clinton on Sunday. Mr. Cecil Hodgson, of Toronto, spent the week -end ealth his parent, Mr, and Mrs, Dan Hoagson. The regular monthre meeting of tile W. M. S. was held in the School room of the church on Tuesday, No- vember 5t1. Me. Brooks and circle led in the devotional exercises and hymn was used for opening, follow- ed by prayer by Mrs. Irwin, The Scripture Lesson found In tile 100th Psalm was read. by etre. ,T. Essery. A temperance item was read by Mrs,. Roy Fletcher. A responsive reading was also used. Hymn. Solos were sung by Mrs. Roy Fletchee•and Mrs. S Hicks Mr's. Thome:eon gave the next chapter of the Study Book. s‘It wasmoved and .carried that we have an "At Home" on December 10th. 11 will be election of Officers next meet- ing. The regular monthly meeting of. the Women's Association was held Thursday afternoon, November 7111, in the school room of the church with the president Mr. Norman Mit- chell in the chair. Mrs. (Rev.) Ir- win led in prayer and Mrs. A. ES- sery read the .Scripture lesson. The minutes ot the last meeting were read and adopted. A short businees session was held. The December meeting will be election of officers. It was decided to hand in holiday bags at the next meeting. Twenty- four members answered roll call. Mrs. N. Mitchell .closed the meeting with the benediction. A very dainty lunch was served by several. ladies of the'Association. Number three cirele of the W.M. S. will hold a home-made cooking sale in the basement of the church On Friday afternoon, November the 15th Everyone mine and get their supply of Saturday's cooking and help the good cause. CREDITON Mr. and Mrs. Carl Scriven, of To- ronto, spent the, week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schroeder. aiisS Wealthy „Schroeder left on Monday for Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beaver and son Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Geiser and Miss Addlleep Geiser spent the week -end in Guelph, Ham- ilton. and other points. • Mr. ad Mrs. Roy E. Hill and fam- ily, of Port Heron, Miss Geraldine Woodman and Mr. Otto Noeker, 01 beaten, Ont., spent Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hill, Crediton. Quite a number of hockey fans motored to Loadon on Monday night last to. take in the exhibition game between London and the Ottawa Senators. Mr. Henry Either Sr. has purchas- ed a new Rogers Batteryless radio. Mr. Lloyd Hey is installing a new gasoline Demi). Mr. Edward Fahner has complet- ed the Wein Drain and has started work on the Smith Drain. Dr Enyel and fareily, of Water - toe .and Miss E. Grenzebach, of Kit- chener visited the week -end and Thanksgiving Day at the Evangeli- cal parsonage. The theses Alwinna and Grace Hill spent Sunday with their grandpar- ents, Mr. ad airs. Isaac Rev. Sauer and wife of Dashwood and Mr. and Mrs, Richard Leblean, of Pelhain, were callers at the Evan- gelical parsonage on Thanksgiving Day, • Wednesday evening the minuet Thanksgiving chicken StiPper or the L. A. S. and WATS and their hus- bands will be held In the Sunday Senool room of the EVangelival Church, The Womeri's institute met Tues- day evening in the Institute Hall with the viee-president Mrs: D. Ma- isano ta'osiding The ',roll tall was made interesting by each member re- sponding with a Innterous story. In the business session it was deckled to have a hastier and supper On the • evening af November 260 in the Institute kali. air, Dr. Orme is convenor of the banner and iMrs. C. Heist. „convanpr.„0„Ilin com- mit -teen nT,,hanintrOs=ltnann „tePantec?•f .04 ,-tfiagnils, waa, tne deienate's, re- port tf ;the Institnte.:Cauventi on beid lea Week in Inna,don, Alma Smith gave the current events. The Meeting was eloaeil by slinging tile National Anthern, THVASDAY, NOV 111 MVO DASHM(001). Dr, Cowe L.1) DII),S. HENTA-le Mt 011 At office in H wood, Mat thre at offiee over Zurich, last tbr ti Desb- ys of week and Post Orrice, In days ot Week. 11,1re E. Bender and Mrs. V. Schatz of Myth, spent a few days in town. last weelt. Miss Myrta Hoffman,. of Kiteliener .spent the weekeeild with her parents. aliss•Ii. Fraser, of Lonclon„ spent Sunday with. Miss Pearl Kraft, Miss D. Anderson spent Tuesday in London. Miss Broadfoot returned to Guelph Saturday after visiting for several weeks with Mr, and Mrs. Jacob .Sehroeder, Miss Allemay spent the week -end at her home in St. Thomas, Inspector Reacom, Goderieln Paid the.school a visit on Tuesday. Miss Anna Tiernan, of Guelph, spent the week -end with her par- ents. Mrs, L. Rader has returned after apeptireoaleta,nt visit with iter daughter in Mr. Ira Tiernan, of 'Hamilton, spent Thanksgiving with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Fisher, of the West, are visiting with friends and relativee in this vicinity. ealr. and Mrs. Meerburg and fam- ily, of Pt. Frank, spent -Sunday with Mr. Jonas Hartleib. - Messrs. Lorne and Eugene Tie - man, of Western University, Londen, spent the weekend with their par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Feliwick, of St. Catherines, spent the week -end with Rev. and Mrs. Saur. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Edighoffer, of Mitchell, Mr. Homer Guenther and trend, of Toronto and Miss G. Guenther, of Stratford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Guenther over the week -end. Miss Bell, of London, spent the holiday with Mrs. Faust. >Miss Nelda Fassold,. of London, spent the holidays with leer parente. Mr. and Mrs. Eldt, of Inger- soll, spent Sunday and Monday with the latter's. mother, Mrs. Stade. • Mr. and Mrs. P. Hullible and fam- ily, 01 Sarnia, spent the week -end with Mrse Humble's mother, Mrs. Finkbeiner and Catherne. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Flewelling, af Toronto, spent Tuesday with Mr, J. Hartleib and Lancia. Mr. L. Birk, of the O.A.C. Guelph, spent the holiday with els parents. Miss Flossie Kleinstiver and her friend, of Stratford, spent Thanks- giving with her parents. • Mr. and Mrs, C..Wildfong, Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Schroeder and daughter, E. .Hamacher, Rheinard and Herb Willert, all of Detroit, attended the funeral ot the late Roy Willert last week.. EL1MVILiE We specialize on'Ford service. We stock geLiine Ford parts, all models 1912 to 1929. Sandy Elliot. • Last Sunday anniversary services were held in the church here. Rev. Jas. Anthony, of Thames Road, preached two rousing sermons that were listened to with much interest. The auditorium 'was. filled at both services and the decorations of flow - ors and plants were lovely. The choir sang Thanksgiving anthems and oth- er numbers were given in solo, duet and quartette by Miss Mae Clark, Mrs. Ed. Johns, Messrs. Bruce Coop- er, Wm. Elford, Alvin Pym and Ken- neth Johns which were much enjoy- ed. ,The freewill offerings and col- lections amounted to over .$6 60.00 which was very gratifying to those iu charge. Among the very numerous 'visit- ors in the vicinity who attended the anniversary services were, noticed: Mee and Mrs. O. Cann, and Arnold; Mr. and Mrs. Roland Squires. and children; Mr. and Mrs. E. Pym and daughtet; Misses Myrtle and Lila Pym, from North Thames Road; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Squires and child- ren; Mr. and Mrs. Brooks, of Whal- en; Mi'. and Mrs. Horne and daugh- ter, ot Toronto; Mrs-. Hawkins, of Exeter; Mr, and Mrs. Wilson Hawk- ins, of Seaforth; Miss Edna Pym, of St. Marys and Mr. Henry 'Francis. • Mr. and Mrs Walter Hern, of Goderich, were visitors at Mr. Chas. Jails on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Horn, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Johns al- so visited with Mr and Mrs. Scot 'Whaley in St. Marys, Mr. Joshua .Johns, who is in the hospital in Lawton suffering from blood poisoning in his arm 15 im- proving which news his friends will be pleased to here, itev. and Mrs. Whte and children visited with the fortner's mother in Chatham on Thanksgiving Day. Mr. Reid, of Statile. and Mr. S. Whaley have been tieing considerable bnehless in the itsurance line hi the • neighborhood -during the past two weeks, air. and Mrs, Smithson, Misses Winnie and Bertha, Smithson, Miss- es Joy and Evelyn Wnitlock, of' St. • Thomas, were 'week -end visitors in the .communIty, Mr Waiter Saits, of Londee, was • home foe n few days over the end Of the week. Mr. and Mrs, John .Allisoe and ebildren, of „Wingfield, were holi- day visitors with relativee in the KEPT BIM FROM WORK FOR MONTRA.T A 1. E Never bad a Sick D Taking "Fruit- -livSeir es. MAS Of the th cis and thousands of men and en who have been re- stored to p .t health by "Fruit-a- tives," nor. re more grateful than Mr. Thos. t ham, 53$ Masson St,, Oshawa. "i 60 years old and was treated for ye for a trouble 'between the bowels a • the bladder, which kept. me horn() from work for a, month at a thne; until 1 started to take "Fruit-a-tives." 'Since then, I have worked steadily for four years and have never had a sick clay.". Try this wonderful inealcine; made from fruit juices combined,with the finest :medicinal ingredients. ' 25c, and Me. a box—at dealers everyvnierc. PVIVIOn• Acamouen..44.04444,4.,4. HURONDALE The Rarondale Women's Institute held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Earl Mitchell on Wednesday, October 80t1s..• There was a large attenclanee., • The topic for the day ."Meanness and Greenness" was given by Rev, D. McTavish and was very interest- ing. Miss Reta Oke gave an'instrue mental which was followed by com- munity singing. The ladies then had the pleasure of seeing a dem- onstration on ."How to give a baby a bath in bed for the purpose of re- ducing fever" which was capably given Mrs. (Dr.).Fletcher. The meet- ing was brought to a close by sing- ing the National Anthem after which the ladies in charge served lunch elle a social half-hour was enjoyed. STAFFA An enjoyable time was spent! on Monday evening, November 4th, when Mr. and Mrs. George Vivian became the host anclehostess for Mies, Isabel McLellan„ prior to her mar- riage which takes place this month. The bride-to-be .wasetaken, entirely by surprise when she entered the living room to find many nighbors and friends present to extend to her their good wishes. Mr. Cameron Vi- vian then read the address: --"Dear Isabel: We, youletriends and neigh- bors, have gathered here to -night to express ,our congratulations and best wisheg to you on your corning mar- riage. We hope that. although you leave our community, you will not forget us. May these small tokens be a reminder of our friendship, whether you are in the kitehen or out hanging out your clothes.", Miss McLellan was then showered with useful and costly kitchen gifts. In a few words she expressed her grati- tude for their good wishes and gifts, after which a social evening was spent. THAMES ROAD . We specialize on Ford service. Wo stock genuine Ford parts, all models 1912 to 1929. Sandy Elliot. ;Mr. acid Mrs. C. Merkely and daughter, of London, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Cann. Misses Joy and Evelyn Whitlock, of St. Themes spent the holiday at the home of their parents. Miss Annie Baxter, of has spent the past week and Mrs. N. Passmore. Miss Zella Walks, of Anderson, is visiting with Mr: and Mrs. P, Goll- ings. ale. and Mrs. McMaster, Mr. ;Sim Pollen, of Flint, Mich. and Mrs. Wm, Pollen, or Exeter, were visitors with Mr, and itrrs. Ed. Pollen on Satur- day. Mr. a.nd Mrs, Nelson HIlitkilf have taken up their residence in Farqu- har. Mr. Harry Anderson Of Western University, London, and Miss Carrie Anderson, of Windsor, were home for the week -end. On November the Ita the regular monthly meeting of the W. M. S. was held at the home of Mrs. Percy Passntore, the president PreS/dilig• The meeting opened with a hymne scripture lesson and prayer. Mrs. Xydd read from the report or ltfiss IV/itthell's work. in Cntabet...". 1Viiss Mitchell is trayellieg secretary, IOW Dexter gave at report of what other Presbyterials are doing In regard to teraperaate, • Miss , alenteith •Thad: some pippinis, sent lik'Urs,,, Fetin%ltif now of the United States tiaku ikirm er merriber ,ot,r,Thaine's Rend Wry. Miss Alice Ilatigier a thapter front our intaVesting StfalY ilea., "Drums,ef Dathatser WWI Wiseman gave, a reading seat by the Missionary IVIorptly Secretary. I'M, treasurer; reported only itMail n Mein& heeded 'to raise onr aline& Hon. Atter the close tit the 'tneetint.0 a social time was spent, Goderich, with Mr. 1ZION • Mr, John iiern Sr., visited With 144 brother George for ThglateglY- Jug. Mr. Earl Hera, of Termite, vie/t- ett with his parents Mt. and Mrs. J. T. Hera over the holislaye. Mrs. W. Batten spent the week- end with friends in .Grantoe. Mr. Geo, Stewart and family spent the holiday with. their ,clatinlitar airs. Warren EMI; in London Township. Mr. and Ms'Lphriarn Horn spent Sunday in St :larys. Mr. and Mrs. Lerman Kyle spent Sunday .at Komelin. Tnenmoutnly un,eting of the W. M. 5. wa3 held Thursday laterite= November the 7-th at the home of Mrs. IL L. Pooley with a -good at- tendianco. The firat vice-president presiden. The meeting was opened with a reading on Thanksgiving In' :Miss Dora Brook after which hymn 104 was sung. A leaflet on the re- sponsive rending was given by Naas,' Wellington Brock. Scripture leesone 150th Psalm was read by Mrs, .000 - Earl. A prayer of Thanksgiving was given by MIS. .Warren Brock. After singing a hymn, the minutes of the last meetiag were read and an - proved; some items of business were transacted. A 1.saflet "A Recreative Holiday" was Waren by Mrs. H. Kyle. A letter from. Rev. F. G. Stevens,. of Hodgson, Man., and a letter from Miss Martin a missionary in India were read by Mrs. Warren Brocke a duet "Thank and Praise Him" was sung by Mrs. W. Batten and Mrs, rf. Kyle. Three leaflets on the Study Book New Canadians were read by Rev, Mrs. White. Miss Myrtle Earl and Miss Hazel Earl. A. liberal thankoffering was received. A re- sponsive reading "The Blessing of Peace" was conducted by Rev. Mrs. White. The meeting was closed by repeating -Sin unison the eellolving bonedictical. "The Lord bless thee, and keep 'thee, tha Lord make bis face to shine upon thee ;and be grac- ious unte thee; the Lord lift up his countenance *upon thee and give" thee peace. KHIVA Mr. and Mrs. J. L. arcCann and Miss Alice Kenney, of Detroit, spent Thanksgiving with Mr and Mrs. B. McCann. Miss Tena McCann and Master Joseph, McCann are: at pre- sent visiting friends in Detroitt. Miss M. Knight spent the holiday at her home in Kerwood. (Mr.. David Lippert, of Melbourne, visited friends. around here last Week. The funeral Of the late Roy Wil- lert on Thursdex;w4s largely attencie ed. Death of Roy William Wilert This week it is our sad duty to bring to press the death of Roy William, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Willert, who died on Monday November the 4th at the age of 11 years and 6 months less one clay. Nearly one and a half years ago Roy was taken ill with Ostermylitis since which time he suffered a great deal. Last April he.underwent an opera- tion at St. Jeeeph's Hospital, Lon- don, which everyone hoped would be for Roy's good health. But as time went on it was'deemed necessary to have an operation, which was per- formed last Monday from which he never 'rallied. About noon his spirit took its flight, and Roy has gone to be with his 'Maker when pdin and sickness shall be no more. In all his sufferings he was cheerful and patient and always looked forward to the time when lie would be able to, run and play with the other boys and schoolerrntese, He was a faith- fu1 member of Dashwood Lutheran. Sunday Sohoo alid beloved by all who knew Min, He is survived by his sorrowing perente, three sisters Jean, Grace and Reta, his two grand- mothers and a host of relatives, who have the sincere sympathy of their, nanny friends in this their sad be renvement, may our loving Heav- enly Father, who knows what is best for us comfort and sustain them and. grant there a happy reunion in the better world. The funeral was held from his late home, Thursday, No- vetnber 7th first to Dashwood Luth- eran Church, Where a fitting mem- orial serVice was held, thence to the Bronson lies Lutheran cemetery foe intermant, Rev. W. Ness officiat- ing. The Meal tributes were niftily, 'and beautiful. Ho lune tnengnt, when leaving • home,. He weld& 110 mere return. That he in death, so soon would • Sleep, And leave us here to mourn E:qt.troubl .,*forbrort eepiraterSr -take Aiktc444 paomeigio if No*