HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-11-14, Page 21,10.-11.S1/4.17,. NQVEAWEIt 14, 1920 TIME EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE 50 YEARS AGO iMr. Edwin Davis is at present confined. to the hotrse, he having had all, operation perf1rrrted on his leg one. day last week by a kat. Marys donor, Ort Monday•last, John, White, Sol of the proprietor of this paper, cut One of the toes et his left foot with a straw knife while at a far'mer's place in Usborne,. We are glad to see that Mr, 'Wrn. Ballcwill, who lives a little way south of Exeter, has sufficiently re- covered from his late severe illness to admit of his being around again. In a shooting ..batch on Saturday last for the possession Of the silver cup which every member of the Exe- ter Gun Club is anxious to own. Mr. John Heywood, of Usborne, was again victorious. His opponent was 111r. S. Fairbairn, of Reusall. Mr. Heywood has only one more match before he will be the owner of the cup. On Thursday evening the pastor of the Exeter B. C. Church, Rev. G. Webber, according to previous an - nouncenrent, delivered a lecture to a large and, deeply interested aud- ienee. On 'Monday evening last a num- ber of the friends, of lir. Fred Thompson, who has been teller in the Exchange Bank since its esta- blishment in Exeter, met at the. Central Hotel and presented him with a gold chain and seal, on the eve of his departure for Parkhill. Rev. Mr. Hartley being about to remove to Hensall, was presented with a beautifully bound bible by the members of his Bible Class on Friday night. Airs. Hartley was al- so presented with a Minn. Mr. Thomas Bissett Sr., shot a deer in Hay Township on Monday last. 25 YEARS AGO Mr. Czar Rollins, of Detroit, was called home Monday owing to the illness of his mother who underwent an operation yetserday. Mr. Robt. Sanders returned Mon- day from Manitoba and New On- tario where he has been for several Inoattlls. Mr. Thomas Jones, who recently disposed of his farm in the town ship' of Usberne, has purehaoed the hundred were farm owned by Mr. John Northcott, being Lot five, .con cession 3, Hay. The pricegpaid was $x,300. Mr. Jas, Bagshaw, of the 3rd con. Stephen, underwent ,au operation tea' appendicitis in London yester- day. Air. Edgar \Vestcott left Satur- day storing to accept a position .as barber in one of the Winghaul shops. Mr. T. E. Handford on Wedaies- day shipped a carload of horses to the milling company at Port Arthur. One day last week as Messrs, G. }Iceman and W. Jones were work- ing et Mr. Wnr. Bagshaw's new resi- dence the scaffold upon which they were standing gave way precipitat- ing theist both to the ground along with brick, mortar and a keg of nails, Both escaped any injury save a severe shaking up. Mr. John Blatchford; of Huron - dale, returned home on Monday ev- ening from a Pleasant visit with his friends in ,Manitoba. Mr. .George Kernick, of Sacra- mento, Cul., who Inas been visiting friends iznd relatives An and around Exeter left on Thursday last for the Parry Sound district where he in- tends spending the winter with his daughter, Mr. Jos. Cobbledick returlred. on Saturday„ from a visit to Durham, having recently been elected as .a Director of the Board of the Na- tional Durham Cement Co. 15 YEARS AGO Dr, E, J. Eaerett shook. hands with old friends here on Monday being the guest of his sister Mrs. Moses Simpson, of Mooresville. ,Mrs. Hyndman and. soar George go to•Clandeboye today to celebrate the one' hundredth, birthday, of Mr. T. Collins, who is Mrs, Hyn'clrnan's brother-in-law. Mr. Frank Coates, of Usborne, lead a very unpleasant experience while driving into towns on Thurs- day night last. Just as he was near- ing the railway crossing from Ste- '�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllilllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllillllllllllllilllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllL Exeter gBuyat-Home' Campaign COMMUNITY BUYING DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE Through the co-operation of the Business Men iisted below, we will reproduce a series of educational articles endeavoring to bring about a better business relationship between resident and merchant in the town, and thus bring about more progressive community in which to live. Wamoai _= The Canadian Bank of Commerce —_ Heartily Endorses the BUY -AT-HOME CAMPAIGN Support LOCAL Merchants. and Help Our Town GROW. Shall. Sitvings Accounts Welcome M. R. COMPLIN', Manager Traquair & Lindenf ield GENERAL HARDWARE - Tinsmithing & " Plumbing Varnishes — Paints — Oils Telephone 27 LE E. R. HOPPER FURNITURE —and— FUNERAL DIRECTOR "i. Telephone 99 FRED RABETIGE JEWELLERY & CUT GLASS WESTINGHOUSE RADIOS - Clock and Watch Repairing JOS. SENIOR. PHOTOGRAPHIC — and — ART STUDIO We put the `Snap' in Snapshots G. M. Armstrong _ EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY '_ • — and — GAINSBOROGH HATS S. FITTON OPTOMETRIST Sight Examined and GIasses Fitted - Children's Sight A. Specialty Telephone 75w S. H. T. ROWE :: - SCRANTON COAL .& COKE BRITISH AMERICAN Gasoline and Oil Telephone 40 WM[. ANDREW = Salesman for J'. R. WATIK'INS CO. Ealnilton and Winnipeg - Liniments, Tonics, Spices, Toilet . _ Articles, Flavorings Poultry and Stock .Tonus , . Telephone 43 ' woo*. 01111•11M. M►liddleton's Bakery "Tire Home of (letter Bread" CAKES -- PASTRY CONFECTIONERY, Telephone 52 Browning's Drug Store TOILETRIES — DRUGS — STATIONERY — OPTICAL ROOMS — TlLEPHONE 143 Do Not Exhaust Your Resources The person who makes his living in a community, receiving money of the community for his labor, or the products of his labor, and then spends his money outside the community is helping to. exhaust its resources, just as the man who expends his energy through dissipation of over exertion faster than he" builds it up -is exhausting his physical resources. A man may do this, of course, , without noticeably affecting the economic strength ,of his com- munity, but when a dozen men or women do so, the effect becomes noticeable, and when a hundred do it the resources 01! the comniun- ity become exhausted to a point 'whore collapse is inevitable. Those who are responsible for this situation may think they have profited individually by their .actions, but in the end they are the losers. 'The merchants of any community are its backbone Individually some are not boosters "for their community, but collectively they are the meh` aeon whom Ston ,shouIg depend and give your support. The failure of one merchant, means nothing, but the.success of the majority of merchants in your community, spells success for them as well as its residents. Be individual bankers. "Build up your resources through Community Buying." SANDY E LLI OT USED CARS FORD NEW CARS WE SPECIALIZE ON FORD SERVICE ' TELEPHONE (14: HARVEY'S GROCERY Harvey's Grocery has been established in; Exeter for the past ten years. The proprietor is Mr. Chester P. ITarvey, an Exeter boy. Mr. Harvey learned his trade in town; was in business for several years in the West; served overseas with the Fort Garry Horse and after returning to Exeter at the close of the War star.ted"into busi- ness with his brother, Mr. E. C. Harvey, later taking over the business himself. Harvey's Grocery is one of the finest stores in Exeter and is always kept bright and attractive. Besides a splen- clid line of fresh groceries Harvey's handle fruits and vegetables in season. They also carry an assortment of cooked and cured meats with oysters in season and fish in winter. In the summertime they enjoy a splendid ice-cream trade. They also 1100(1le bread anth a fine line of confections. The store enjoys a splendid patronage. Poultry and Eggs WANTED: SELL US YOURS Will grade your flock and take away the culls and pay, top market prices. , R. E. POOLEY WIN(`HELSEA & EiITt,IiTON Harvey Bros. General Millers MANITOBA'S I3EST -' MODEL and WELCOME Flour ill Rinds of • Feeds Telephoiie 35. ADVERTISE -- in the TIMES - ADVOCATE Cunningham & Pryde CEMETERY MEMORIALS Telephone 41j Milo Snell Chevrolet SALES and SERVICE Phone 100; Niglr,t phone 209 SOMETHING NEW Edison Needle; Record Plays On all needle Phono- graphs. Sells for a dollar; doir3)1e sided and long playing. HEAR THEM AT I'OWELL'S ON THE $7.5 PHONOGRAPH POWELL.'S Variety STORE I'honc Day Service 155ty Phone Night Service 155j HURON GARAGE, EXETER PONTIAC and BUICK SALES and SERVICE REPAIRS, ACCESSORIES, TIHIES, OILS, GAS & CAR. WASHING T+::cpert Mechanical and Electrical Serviec 'ort all stakes of cars. • OFFICIAL ONTARIO 14ItiTOII. LEAGUE SERVICE STATION Shop I� oreritan, E. PollenPropi fetor, U1rio S>rell . B. W. E. Beavers Hardware TINSMITHING PLUMBING PAINTS STOVES AND FURNACES 177:- Telephone 86 S. B. TAYLOR. LA The Jeweller HIGH-GRADE JEWELLERY DIAMONDS Watch and Clock Repairing W. J. 13EE _ Automobile Accessories ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Everything in Radios Telephone 109 G. A. IHAWKINS GENERAL HARDWARE PAINTS and OILS SCREENS, Etc. Telephone 29 SOUTH'COTT BROS. General Dry Goods, Cants' Furnishings Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Boots and Shoes Groceries and China - Harvey's ,Grocery Y.STEM ERVICE ATISFACTION ' Telephone 102 iromm ommom woo MOTO • N. W. TREWAI THA Grigg. Stationery Store Dealer in NEW LAID EGGS — and— MILK FED POULTRY Direct From the Farm School' Supplies /with special attention . give) to school — " libraries • Telephone 37 ROSS -TAYLOR LI1113I;Ra CO. Planing Mill -2 -Lumber Yard Wholesale ' & Retail Prices 'on Summer Cottages Telephone 48 0011.2111 PUBLIC UTILITIES - COMMlssloN ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES WIRING AND SUPP14IES Tolepitone 127 il11lIl111111IIIII1111111i111111111111111111i1111111111111i111111111111111111111111111111111111111111li1111111111111111111111111111111{INIIIIII111111lllligllllh111111111111111111IIIIIiiIIi111111111111IIPg a Cite'. s Skin hes Bye shes Perles It is so easy blotches, blenllsh ing 11gu141 D.I?, daubing elenlenta quickly drive awn.) s1'onO,IN.SaWni:, merit or your drugg gives shim h W. S. IiOwl ntisept. rkl .Sol Just .Clea Ilene the Treatment slily of plropleeta lY the puff feel• ut1, stftuiess, Ito re the skin and natation, ri'Cl3IM 55e bottle prams its VCs.your MOM' but, (Ueeu.D»,S0ap•) , DRUGGIST phen the horse he was driving be- came frightened and started to lick viciously. After some little time he, got the animal cooled down but had .not gone far before slle kicked as viciously lis ever, if not worrse,. this time breaking a holdback Mr. Coates then got out of. the rig,but she became unmanageable' and broke away from him, and . leaving the buggy that was the last he saw of her till Friday when she was found in a field grazing near Heusall, Later it had been learned on excellent authority that, the horse after tra- velling up Carling street to Station street, took to the railway trach and completed the jaunt by that route. Mrs. Jas. Bissett of Intron Street passed her 90th birthday on Tues- day last. Poultry Market—Chicken dressed 10e., chicken alive Sc,; ducks alive 9, dressed 12e.; geese alive Se., •dressed 10c.; Turkeys alive 13e., dressed 15c,; Old Toms alive 10e.; Dressed 12c.; Old Turkey 13c. USBORNE COUNCIL The Municipal Council of the Township of Usborne met in the Township Hall, Elimville, on the 2nd day of November 1929, in their monthly meeting, pursuant to ad- journment. ' All the members of the Council were: present at the meeting, The minutes of the meeting held October 5th were read and aprrov- ed on motipn of Skinner -Williams. Correspondence --Letter from the Workmen's Compensation Board, stating that the Townshii2 is not re- sponsible for the safety of workmen of drain contractors operating in the Township. A. bill from the matron of the Exeter Hospital for the care of a patient purporting to come from Usborne was received. The :natter VMS left in the hands of Councillors Skinner and Wiilk;ams to investigate and report at our next meeting on motion of Berry -Dew: The Engineer's certificate as to the completion of the Stewart Drain by Wm, Connolly & Sons,: contrac- tors, was presented- to the Council. The stem of $885.00 being the bal- ance due the Contractors. An estimate of $320.00 by S. W. Archibald, C. E., on the Winchelsea Creek Drain, due Joseph Dwyer, con- tractor, was received and passed on motion of Skinner -Berry. \Williain-Skinner: That a grant of $15.00 be made to the South Huron Plowmens' Associatio.li. Carried. A letter from the secretary of the Hydro Electric Power Commission acknowledging the petition for street lights in the area of Wood- ham and stating that the matter would be given -consideration in due time was .read. Dew -Berry: That the following bills be passed, viz: Wm. C'8nno11y & Son, balance clue on Stewart Drain contract $885.50; Joseph Dwyer, contract Winchelsea Drain $320.00; Ernest Robinson, 1576 12 inch tile for Brock Drain $228.50; Reeve, selection of jurors $9.00; Archie Morgan, president, Grant to ,S. Huron Plowmens' Assn. $15,00; Henry Delbridge, material for polling booths Township Hall $2.50; Robt. Graham, cement tile $20.00; Milton Gregory, conlen.t., gravel $5.00; Archie Morgan ditch.- ing 4;5.40; George Coward ditto $9; Fred Ford, ditto and dragging $33; -Whitney Coates, dragging $6.40; A. Floteher ditto . $5.50; Wm Routly ditto $5.50; Frank Routly , ditto $1.1.00; Lewis Fletcher, ditto and gravelling $22.00; William Coates, work on culvert $4,25; New. Clark ditto $1.80; George Ferguson gra- veili1ig $45.40; R. Williams aditto $7.5,00; Luther Roivcliffe ditto $24.00; Freeman Horn ditto $15.00; George Davis ditto $16.63; Lewis Cornish ditto $16.50; Chas. Stephen ditto $187.30; Wellington Batted ditto $103.65, Fred Seers crushing •$28,00; John Simpson ditto $39.60; Wm. Moodie entailing 91.45; Enos Herdman, cutting weeds $5.00; ify. Ford superintendence $72.45; Mrs. H. Ford, clerical work $5.00, 'l'he Council adjourned to • :lest at the Tow.nship Hall on Saturday, December 7th at 1 o'clock. Henry Strang, Cleric USBORNE & EBI1313ERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO111L'ANY Head Office. Farquhar, Ont. SAVE MONEY President SIMON DOW L"� Vice -Pres. ficRANIC 14l5CONN I) R '3�,_.xrxrr r4itttrg-.untsfl • Established 1.872 and 1.887 Published every Thursday z:ctornfag;,, at J0xeter, Ontario SUDSORIP.TION—$2.00 per year ilr. advance. RATES—Firm or Real Estate for' Pale 60c, each ipsertlon for .f'lri$ four insertions, 26c, eacir subse fluent insertion. Miscellaneous sr- ticles, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, or Found 10c. per line of six words. Reading notices lOc. per lino., Card of Thanks 50c. Legal ad., ver.tising 12 and Sc, per line. 1CIDl Memoriam, with one verse 60x.. extra verses 25c. eaoh, Member of The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. Professiona. Cards. GLA ' MAN: STANBURY BA R•R.`STE , SOLICITORS, &.e.. Money to ' oan, Investments Made„ Insurance Safe ► °' osit Vault for use of qur lents without charge EXET +R LONDON IIENSALIt. CARLING & MO EY' BARRISTERS, SOLIC. TORS, &e. LOANS„ INVE MENTS, " IN U NCE Office: Carlin • lock, Main street,. E. TER, ONT. . Dr. G. S. Atkinson, DENTAL S .GEON Office ol osite-3ew Post Office t„ Exeter •lephones Office 31* House 34 OFFIC, ,.+ LOSED EVERY \VED- NESD"}' AFTERNOON UNTIL DECEMBER 18th Dr. C. F. Roulston, L.D. , .Dist:,. pENTIST Office eve - Carli ` & Morley fflce II, ONT. DR. E. S. STEINER VETER•INA Y SURD Graduate of the Ontari, eterinxry C lege DAY D r` iGIIT CALLS PROM ('T .. r ATTENDED Ta- Corner of 11�F ,p� i anal Ann Stre.et Office in . 33. Snell's Block EXETER, ONT. JOHN WARD CHIROI'RACT , OST + ' ATIi' ' ELECTRO -T IAPY.$;.'" ULTRA • VIOLET REt.. `i LENTS P ON ;y' 70 (00 MAIN ST., EXETER, ARTHUR W R LICENS T AU IONEER. For li on a -.+ Middlesex FARM prei SATISF. S�LF A SPECIALTY 7 {EASONABLE ION GUARANTEED e 57-13 Dashwood R. It. NO. 1, DASHWOOD- FRANK LTC', NSE bot Ht FAR Prices AYLOR AUCTIONEER and Middlesex LES A SPECIALTY asonable and Satisfacttani Guaranteed EXETER P. 0. or RING 138 OSCAR KLO v P LICENSED AUC'' °)NEER Honor GI, dttate C,+''ey Jones' Atte,. Ikon Sachool, Spec, 1 course takelm in Register , Liv.- tock (all breeds) Merchandis al Estate, FarmSales, Etc.tes in ,keeping witkn prevailing t+`ices. Satisfaction az,u- suz•ed, wri?; Oscar Klope, ZurIcita., or phone 18-93, Zurich, Onf. T I•I E Ontari Equi le Lite, ( "Wo ail for 01 Lighthouse„ a etttative NIXON RX.ET1 ONTARIO - Mon o N:CARIO-Phone 243 :CTOatS ANGUS SIN .,Alt., J. T. i 1,IS021, TtOJ3Tr N ItRIS, WM. 311.0(31{ AGENTS JOHN ESSE 1', Cent la, .r1gent Cor robe ne and iddulph OLIVER ii ItRIS 4nitro, Agent lad ll1bbert, Pull ton and Logan W A ,URNI3ULL Sr: rPry-Treasurer 130x ., Exeter, Ontario GILA . A:ti & 8'CANI3I7ttai ilolleitore, tutor By BUYING Sl -ZING 5 NOW 2x4 Pin houses, I- buildings VER. -111.1' Scan 'ng for Colony en , Uses or other t $ ►.00per M. EP at lowest iJrice&.. Aa, .L ' t LATW 0RTIIY >tt1•tone 12 GRANTON, ONTARIO