HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-11-14, Page 104? -
FIFTYeFITTII Yp4.11,,NO. 29i)
Clearing Sale of
Ladies' & Misses' resses
We are placing on sale 'this_ week over fifty Ladies' and Mies' real good quality dress-
es in silks, crepes etc,; also woollen cloth sizes 15 to 44, ° good smart styles, clearing
at real bargain prices. ,
Special Early Novemb Bargains
Largest size Ibex Flannelette Blank - s at $2.25 a pair
Gigantic Brand Flannelette Blank s at $2,19 a pair
Heavy 34 inch. white English Flannelette, 11 worth 35c. a yard on sale
at 25c. a yar
Good quality 36 inch white Canadian Fla elette, our regular 25c. quality
for early November sellin at 21c. a yard
6 dozen 42 inch hemstitched pillow calms real nice quality, at 49c. a pair.
5 dozen la e white Terry Towels, a r
Men's Mee L.. lined undershirts and dr ers on sale at 79c. each garment.
• • t
Boys' leece lined shirts and dr wers at only 57c. a garment
1 bargain at 39c. each or 75c. pr.
25 Men's Suits, nic
sizes up to 40 on sale
Fine navy suits ,for
quality 'each
dark worsteds'
t $10.00 each.
en extra fine
r ,• •
Boy's. Ovvr oats
Priced at $5:00 ,to 5.00
According to Sit
.Men's Overcoats
Finest*Barrymore's at $28., to $35.
New Navy's 'at $22.50 to $25.00
Men's good winter Overcoats at $15.
A few winter Overcoats, size k 36 to
37 at $10.00.
Iloy's Suits
Newest tfie Suits at $8.00 to $15.00
Scho0 Suits, alt sizes at $5.00
Rubbers, Ru er Boots, Rain Galoshes etc.
Besides our regtilar stock of Rubbers, Rubber Boots, etc., we have a
slow price liie of Rubbers, which we offer at these low prices.
1Qhi1rS' 1" "‘ 59c.
Women's --
Misses' . 65c. Men's -- 89c.
Jones &
Phone 32
•Phone 32
.4ek` ';40.401$40W''
• ,
The Aris
of Ele
8 reasons why
1st. Its glossy
enamel finish.
2nd It washes
tion only. Cannot*
.3rd There are
1its exposed.
h Exclusive
wrin r attachine
5th ade in Ca
6th Insid
ed. No polisi
7th Simple controls.
801 All gears run in grease,
long life and "silent as the
can't go
ue, washable
y .water ac-
njure clothes
no moving
elf feeding
ada by a re-
, nickel' plat-
rirorrire - -
TUR1441,-Ia Stephen on Saturday,
Notember 2111, to Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Turner, a son.
la1:0111--At br. Pletcher's Hospital
on Saturday, 'Novell/her 9th, to Mr,
and Airs. vf1Moir, of l.„`sterae,
-VANN --In 1.1sborile oh Sunday, Nta.
vember 10th„ to air, and aim It.
Oath, a eon; JOliIZ Avi»;)
401114g1`014-411 txoter, on VridaY)
NoVextber 80 to Mr. •and M.
TAYLOR -In Toronto, on Monday,
Nevelt:her 11,, 1929, :Mary LoVe,
atifp Of the late Pities Taylor, of
Henan, in her 78th. year,
WILLIMT-In. PA... Joseph's Hospital.,
London on Monday, November the
4th, 1529, Roy William Willett
only .son of Mr. and Mrs. Art Wil-
lett, of Stephen, aged 14 yeara, 5
Months and 30 days.
mr. and Mrs. Art Wi rt WW1 to
exPrOSS their sincere Its to their
many friends ti c telg ors tetatheir
kindness and syn at6 egtended to
them during the 4, eeen t wad
the beautiful
on of cars.
Johnston, Of rsborne, (nee Bezel ireavomert;
Sander) a son, David dll. I floral tributes en
Mrs. Moth Brown has been ill at
her hotne. in Staffs, but is somewhat
Messrs. Frank Delbridge and Fred
Kerr motored to Welland county on
Saturday to participate hi the se-
cond day of the pheasant shoot.
They were successful in bagging
four pheasants. The government
set aside two clays for pheasant
shooting but only the male birds
are allowed to be shot.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett, Hay
Township announce the engagement
of their eldest daughter Bertha Mar-
garet to William Roy, only son of
Mr. W Ii. aliclaareu, Hensel'. The
ins,rria,ge to take place the latter
part ,of November.
,Mrs. William Davis announces the
engagement of, her daughter Ange-
line, Maud (Idea) to Mr. Warren
Clark, of Wellpnd, the Marriage to
take place in. Novent ber.
Mr. and
Phon, wi
ment, of
Mr. 0
and 1\r. RO
the marriage
dle of Nevem
H. Neeb, of Ste -
ounce the engage -
tighter Erna E. to
teDonald, son of Mr.
McDonald, of Usborne
to take place the Mid-
Presbyterian. Manse on .Friday,
.NoVember 8th, lqrs. Mary JD. Ho-
ward to Mr. Harry Gilley by Rea.
J. )3. Rhodes.
EXETER COUNCIL, m.mgnws. mAJoitivr Is 44 A coKE
7'itesday, November 12, 1929 frINCREA,S16D 1.)!
A. eipt reeegLiaeet1ug al! ti
cril tt Town
Hall with all members preeent The
minutes 0f the meeting held Oc-
tober 28th were read and approved.
The auditors report for October
was read and accepted on motion of
Rivers and Francis,
A letter from the office of the
Retail rchants Association of Ca-
nada, Manning Chambers, Toronto,
regarding Transient Tractors License
Fees, drawing attention to the re-
vision to the act as passed at the
last 1929 session of the legislature,
After discussion it was decided to
amend village by-law to conform
with the amendeciNtatutes of 1929
on motionof Francis and Bierling.
i.letter from the Departmentof
Health re water supply was read.
The same will be brought to the at-
tention of the ratepayers at the
municipal nomination meeting,
The following accounts were read
and ordered paid, -
Municipal World, assessment act
and guide • $4.32; Ross-Tayolr Co.,
itnaber,account $20.60; Public Util-
ities Commission, supplies $6.00; W.
Collingwood labor $5.40, fireman
/library $10.00; Clinton Kiltie Band
Services $13.00; Richard Hunter,
sehIcting jurors $4.00; C. B. :Snell,
selectng jurors $4.00; ,Jos. Senior,
selecting jurors $4.00; Thos. Web-
ster, labor, $6.00; Clifford Mitchell,
labor, $6.30; George Smith, labor,
$5.25; Wm. Winer, labor, $14.70;
Ed. Coombes, $6.00; Jno. Northcott
$14.40; Harry Smith, $15.30; .1Vm.
lolins, team labor, $57.50; E. F.
Willis, constable special $2; Harry
Parsons, constable special $2; T. H.
Elliott, constable special $2; Jno.
Stire, constable spedtal $2; W. J.
Bissett, oonstable special $2. Ceme-
tery account -Wm. Smith $24..00.
Passed on motion of Bierling and
Francis, carried.
Adjourned by Day.
Jos. penior, clerk
afr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Hunter, of town
celebrated their Golden Wedding an-
aiaersary on Tuesday, November 5th.
,A sumptuous wedding dinner was
.Served to the relatives and during
'the a fti �iYab�db friendidOri"
gratulated the honored couple. Their
daughter, Mrs. Divine, of Cliri`ton,
N. J.; Mrs. Clarke, of :Salvador, Sask
and Mrs. Griff, of Goderich, were
present for the occasion, one son
Wilber, of Saskatchewan was unable
to attend. The children presented
their parents with an electric floor
lamp while the brothers and sisters
gave them an electric heater and
several gold coins. Mr. and Mrs.
Hunter are enjoying the best of
health. They have been estimable
residents of Exeter for about •20
years. For a number of years Mr.
Hunter has acted as assessor of the
village. Mrs. Hunter's maiden name
was Martha. Bowerman. Their pima
riage took place at Egmondville in
1879. After farming for 30 years
they retired and moved into Exeter.
Centralia, parsonage on Saturday,
November' ilth, Aurelia G. Ander-
son, to Frederick W. Bowden,
both of,Centralia, by no.
ton ItWiti, •
rich, on Tuesday, aleVembea 12t11,
Veola gliaabeth, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. A Prang, of 'Zurich to
Ivan L. Xalbtleiseli,
Ma, 'hod Mrs. Rd. Hunter
The ' golden wedding anniversary
of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, of
Crediton" was celebrated on Friday
evening of last week at the home of
their daughter Mrs. Brace Mitchell,
of Stephen Township. Supper was
served to about 40 relatives. The
home being beautifully decorated in
gold. A sociable time was enjoyed
during the evening during which Mr.
and Mrs. •Senith were presented with
a Purse of gold from those presat.
A well worded address was read by
their granddaughter Miss Mabel
Smith and the presentation made by
two grandsons Walter Mitchell and
Ray Smith. Mr. Smith made a very
feeling reply. During the evening
congratulatory messages Were re-
ceived from Torontes. Both Mr. and
Mrs. Smith enjoy excellent health
and the former who is over 81 years
of age and who in his Yotingeradays
was quite a step dancer gave an ex-
hibition and proved that he is still
nithble on his feet. Fear who saw
him perform would realise that he
has attained his present age. A num-
ber of toasts were given during the
program. Mr. and Mrs. Smith were
married in Vest icGi111vray, FOr
a nu>nber of years they farmed on
the 14th concession of Stephen, and
about 10. years ago they retired and
Moved to Crediton. alta Smith was
born itt Markham in 1850 while Mrs.
Smith whose maiden name \VAS Nancy
Egert was born in Blenheim 011 Oa -
totter llth 1862. Nine children were
borh, G.of whom, are still living; Wil-
bert, of Toronto''Xohn, of Lama;
Mrs. St. Clair, of CieditOn. Walter
of Toronto: Mrs. Biaree ltchell, of I
Centralia; Albert, of Da.shaitoOd, The!
Children all 1Selltrilatted l>i making I
the occasion sttch a Wens;
1rett0O---tAMONT---At the Pres'
byterten church Cronmrty„ on Sat.
urday, :November Dth, Mary, may
late ",‘Taleplin Lamont, to Harry
'McLeod, son of 'Arr. and "Airs
Wm. McLeod, of London, by ReV.
Tohn glder,
At the official recount in, %coder-
ich this week the majority for Mr,
Medd, Progressive, was increased
from 26 to ,32 votes.
An, official recount of the recent
vote in South Huron opened in Gode-
rich on Tuesday morning before
Judge McKinnon, of Guelph, in the
Huron County Court House, 'The
result of the recent, voting gave W.
G, Medd a majority of 20 over G. A,
Elliott, of Clinton, Conservative and
a recount was demanded, Mr. J. G.
Btanbury, of Exeter, represented
Mr. Medd while Mr. D. E. Holmes,
of Goderich, acted for Mr, Elliott.
Others present at the recount were
B. 4, Mason, of Clinton, clerk for S.
Huron; County Court Clerk Robert
Johnson, Returning Officer F. R,
Ford, of Clinton, Mrs. James Rey-
noldkasstenographer and George jas.
The irregularities that were re-
ported in several polis were cleared
up. In poll No. 6, Stanley Tp., it.
was reported that there were eight
ballots missing. The recount show-
ed that the deputy returning officer
had rude the correct return as he
bad not received the ballots. in 'the
first place. The ballots turned 1111
in a Seaforth poll where a bunch of
ballots that was supposed to contain
25 ballots was found to contain 33
.Special'' Armistice and Thanksgiv•
ingservices were held in the various
churches of town on Sunday last A
parade of War Veterans took place
in the morning to the Trivitt Mem-
orial Church. The parade formed at
Huron „Street and marched to the.
church headed by the Clinton Kiltie
Band. There were between 35 and
40 in the parade under the command
Of Capt. G, S. Atkinson. The veterans
occupied the centre pews and the
large congregation filled the church.
A. splendid and appropriataa.sermon•
was delivered by Rev Li, C.
on, of Clinton. Special music
was rendered by the choir.' A quer
tette was sung by Mrs. N. 3. Dore,
'Miss alcFauls, Messrs. Arthur IVIid-
dlemiss and -Wm. Littman.
At the close of the morning ser-
vice the. citizens of the community
gatiterodat,Alie Cinotaph feaa,Olaext
service' of Reliembrance. The
weather was ideal and a large num-
ber gathered around the memorial.
Reeve. 0. B. Snell acted as chairman.
Rev. J. Bernard Rhodes led in pray-,
er. The speaker for the occasion
was Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, who took
for his text "This- day shall be unto
you a. memorial." God had deliver:
ed the Children of Israel from Egy-
ptian bondage and had commanded
that they should keep a memorial
day. Had our foes triumphed in the
late war we would not now be bask-
ing in the peace and prosperity of
these lands. For this peace soldiers
laid in the trenches cold and wet,
suffering many privations. The
price the men paid; the women and
children paid. We recall the pain,
the suffering and the horror of war;
qf the sacrifice of those who laid
down their lives and on this mem-
orial day let • us hope for eternal
peace and return our gratitude and
thanksgiving to Almighty God for
the blessings we enjoy. The last
post was sounded by Bugler Fremlin
of Clinton. Rev. D. alcTa,vish offer-
ed the closing prayer followed by the
National Anthem.
In the afternoon the veterans
went to Clinton to take part in a
county service held in St. Paul's An-
glican church.
Mr. Nelson Hill, of Toronto, is
spending a few days in town owing
to the illness of his mother, Mrs.
jes. Hill.
Mrs. O'Neil has returned to her
home in Calgary, Alta., after spend-
ing the summer with her sister airs.
E. A. Marshall.
Thanksgiving pasSect oft quietly
Excellent weather PreVelled and
onite a number Spent the day Mo. -
tering. A, number Spent the day in
the woods with the .trit but gO.Oit
Was Scareo.
the vei
the vete
the mat
We ki
trial. Get
• wish to announce 0 the eitisenr,A
xeter and yid y that I Rua
ng into the e 1 business
bave a few c rioad ,fin the War
be here a day now,
oal Is aranteed tO be or
best c ality and the tooter '
er s nuch as any coal on
ask you to give it a,
prices before ordering,
"Our slog... is small margins tor
cash." Spe 'al priee off the car.
For information regarding- .arrilSa
al of ears ring 83w.
Just reeved uii ssortment
Misses' and -Young dies' Hats in:
Metalic Vel t Trimmings.
.131ack Satin 1111 a Id or Silver; al -
`so all Silver r all 'old.
Some very.ei ci values in Ladies*
t Hats.
A. Yelland
- -
' Will be held it
Exeter taper
- on
c furnish(
Admission: Ge
Ladies PLEAS
by the
to 2,30 a.rn..
nen 9.,5e. Tilos tax
Provide Lunch
This is a Popular Orchestra. Don't -
Miss This Deuce
Au quiet wedding took place at
Caven Presbyterian Manse on Fri-
day evening of last'week when, Mrs.
Mary E. Howard ,was united in mar-
riage to Mr. Harry J. Gidley. The
ceremony was performed by Rev.
3. Bernard Rhodes. Mr. and Mrs.
Gidley will reside on William 1Street.
They will have the best wishes o1
many friends for their ,future wel-
Lois, the five year old daughter of,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Clark, Miracuous-
ly escaped from being run over by
an auto on Friday morning last, Mr.
Frank Triebner was driving north
in a Pontiac car When Lois darted
out front the curb on ascooter in
front of the Central Hotel. She was
struck by the, bumper of the car but
fortunately she grabbed the bumper
and hung on and was carried for sev-
eral rods, before the car was brought,
to a standstill. She was not hurt but
it was certainly a close call.
Rev. D. McTavish was in Blyth on
Tuesday of this .week attending, a
meeting of the -Huron Presbytery ex-
ecutive. . The meeting was called to
arrange for a supply for St. Helen's
and Whiteehurch. Rev, H. G. Whit-.
field B.A., who has been pastor there
for the last two years and a half
has received a call to 9, large. con-
gregation in 'Michigan and leaves to
take up his work there on Deceniber
the 1st.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Spackman and
the formers father Arr. H. Speck -
man, of Westport, and 'Mist Annie
Weekes, of Guelph, were guestof
Mr, Jas. Weekes for Thanksgiving.
4 `r.r r.."
Anniversary Ser
- IN THE -
(in ......
G. YOU ' of Toronto,
ASSISTANT ZritrZATir0 140:StF1 U1145;10Ng:,
WUl' the meteh for the day
/.)ro, Young' is otte of tit ents.bIndin Madera of ;or eltareh said 'we
8t' glad to mi wino James Street
Sa 1a ie of I1ens411
INVIITti TO AVAP.0'1110451,1t
nVklitil():01 COint