HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-11-07, Page 8THE ESTER TIMES►ADVOCATE • •:'H1;R'SP4.3'.►07:VOV0 1 W.t13' 4, 1t1 t. ..'Cau.1tYour' Wm Ws Exeter Markets ago JUQnCy on your 'al bill. WE HAVE SEcL'3' , •. TH1+,• AGENCY QlG IGDOOMS AND Wal. OWS, LSO MEM WE4 'aE.ikaliv e . RIPPING LET JS UQT r YOU PRICE'S W, Exeter I-IYPRQ ITL. TRIC Wiring .and instal u g guaranteed workliiens tfp at r sonable prices. Repairing stoves d motors a spec• - ialty. Est ate:' gladly furnished free, . DAVIS one :224 • NOTICE—We desire that we will gri d nesdays and month of Nove quhar. o announce STOPLOON AND LISTEN ondays, Wed- , ys during the In the Opera r.—E. Pollen. Far- Thursday, Neve o'clock a progr. erokinole party Wheat $1.23 standard Oats,, 30e. Barley 70e, Manitoba. I 1our $4.G0 11todel , . Flour $4,25 Pastry Flour $3.89- Feed 3.&4Feed Flour $2.25 Bran $7,90 Shorts $1.90 Creamery Butter 40e, Dairy Butter 40c, Eggs, etxras 50c. • Egge, firsts. *30, Eggs, seconds 30c. Bogs $10.50 Locals PIANO TUNER Mr. S. Boardman, who was form- erly eleven years with Heintznlan Go.. and Gerhard Heintzman will be in Exeter on 'Tuesday, November12th. Orders left with S. Martin & Sou will receive _prompt. attention. 20 years experience." • I+`QIt SALE—M p ,.:'flooring 32 by 50, Apply Win. avitt, 11 -7 -tie BARN FOR SA, E 20 feet by 28 ft. matched sidin Apply G. 'Cud - more, Erie Gas S' tion,;.: 11-7-tfe LOST—A red st • with white marking's, no: '.orn "weighs 900 lbs. 'tole punched itch year. Apply Roy Rats, Das, ,' .od R. R. No. 2, 11-7-3tc PULLETS F. S: ° 17— 50 pure- bred Barred o" , . 60fr" pure-bred White '.Roc ,'' pply to Jos. Ferg- uson; 'Cabe erg-uson;'Cabe •e, on, 4, lot 33, phone Hensel' i80 r 9.: . itp. • Do ,you owii Ford?,' It is our business to re �r yo.,' car in the Ford way. ,San +'.' tot. We stock genuine:.R. rd pa r- all lodels 1912 to 1929. of the Women's held, Prizes w lunch served. A Rouse, * e1' on ber 14 at eight ssive 'mitre and ,CAVE.N PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. . . ney.' J. Herpnrtl Ithodt ,• 111<. A, • . Minister Miss Lena Coates, 4,,L,C.1t., Organist 10 .n . 1 _td it S a 1 S a ehQQl �l Y 10.5.0 a.m.•—Otlo God aIld Father of all, 7 p.m.—The The harvest •glory Please note change in hour of tll'e• morning service, JAMES ST, UNLTED, CHURCH OP CANADA Ray, Ta. McTavls!1,..'s4stor A'.1r. it. Goulding Organist and Croir-Leader • 11.a,hn.--•"The Fight for Peace." An Armistice message, 3 p.m.—Sunday School nd ." the auspices 7 p.111.---•'1?'a.lse Witnesses". 4th in stitute will be ► the series of story .sermons "illus-; be given and trated by the story "The sixth mission 50c. thing", Large congregations are following with interest these mea - sages. Why not joist them Sunday evening. NOTE—Anniversary services' on Sunday, N,ivember lfitlh. Dr. Colin •G. Young, of Toronto, wilt be the preacher, Rev. R. E. Southcott, of Morpeth, visited his mother on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. F. Cook and family, of London, spent Sunday with Mrs. S. West. Mrs. Fred Bawden' and Miss Helen were visitors with friends in Dash- wood on Sunday last. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Bradt and children, of London,,spent the week end visiting in Exeter. 1Miss Jean McMillan, of Ridge-' town, spent Saturday the guest. of Miss Stella Soutbeott. Mr. R. 'Baird and Miss G. E. Young, of Detroit, spent Sunday, with lfr. and Mrs, E.. Howald. Mr. C. L. Wilson has been serv- ing hot dogs Saturday •nights and they have been going strong. Mr. and. Mrs. Orby Kestle, of De- troit, motored over and spent • the week -end in town with relatives: Miss Mabel Snell has taken a posi- tion at the Chainway 'stores 41 place ;of Miss Ina Harding resigned. - - bliss. Marjorie Westeott, and truss W Ali*TED--•Catt to'9feed• for win- -Lucy Harwood, of London, visited ter. Lot • 18, •' o ;: i4, Stephen. C. at theformer's home over. the. week- Gale, Dashtyoo ; ltc end. , Next Monday Novdmber 11th will be Tilantgiving Day. Saturday will be Poppy Day. Buy a poppy iii aid of war veterans. Mr. Harold Scruton, fgrmerly of the Exeter Times -Advocate; has ac- cepted a position as foreman of the Parkhill Gazette. The auction sale of the household effects be Mr,. J. R. Hind on Siatur- day , it`tcs ..virell4z attended and good Hard and, •prices were realizes. esired• Seas-' • Mrs, G. A., Young ,and sons •Steal- , Fred H, Ho-, Mg and. Billy and Miss Timbrell, of No. 1, Exeter, phone London, visited on Sunday with Mr. 11-7-3tp and Mrs, W. J. Beer, Dr. G. F. RoulstQil area Dr. G. S. HOUSE FOR , .E : rick house. Atkinsonwere in London on Friday with slate ro alf :acre of land: and Saturday last attending a clinic and stable. Aptil o Ja ; C1ark,T' on -denture construetion, - Crediton. 0-24-3tp` ...Miss Beta Rowe, who has. .been STRAY ED --A lamb ` as st ' teaching in a private school in To: yid ,'.onto has • resigned her position and that the retaking of these .poppies onto the farm ^f Mr, Otto .row»,: has returned to her home here.: provided a suitable method of em- CCentralia. Owner ata : have .-ame by pioying some of that unfortunate :proving property a = pay' i g expen- • Miss Dorothy Thompson, alio has .res. , been visiting for -the past week. atlarge number of men who were' so the home of Mr. Jno. Chambers, has • If ,you wish to bpor sell a farm returned to her home in` Detroit. or house see R, E. 'ecckard, Exeter. Mr.. E. Reed, who conducted the POULTRY WANT 4- we are Write store in Exeter and -who re- the market E,' al ,':` nds of poultry canny sold out • to Chainways has paying. the igt._. `'t prices.. Trucks purchased the store building occu- wvill "call Pe 30, 1). ftliwood, C. pied by them from Mr. R. E. Pick - .Andersen. 9-26-tfe FOR SALE -1 heat in good re- pair ai11 burn the fine wood or rough blocks. t ales in top for •cooking if wante Apply to.Time's- .Advocate. 11-7-2tc The Tiraes -Advoe their new assortme ,cards which a t have as yet dis WOOD FOR sett, long or ones or f $arth5" R. Crediton. leave received t of Chirstmee finest lot they d. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. a'. Moorhense Organist, Miss E. Huston 10,55 --• Thanksgiving, The God :Crowned year. 3 p.m.—Our Church School 7.00 p.m. --A Fighter A welcome to our hone coming students and, to our friends and vis- itors. 7.30 p.m. Thursday evening pray- er meeting. • TRIVITT MEMORIAL. CHURCH 24th Sunday atter Trinity ,, 10.50• --,Special Armistice• Day Ser- vice. Preacher Rev. L. C. Ha.r- risen B.A. of Clinton. Tlhe .War Veterans will attend in a body. 3 p.m. Sunday School 7 pan.—;T. J. Finley, of Huron .Col= lege. - I.'OPPY DAY • The annual poppy day sale .wilt take place in Exeter on •Saturday, November 9t1i. Representatives of the various churchess will .'ave charge of the selling. • ,• The idea of making poppies tor memorial Purposes originated In Prance, and in .that country, as well as in all parts of the'British Emtlire poppies made in Prance were sold,. •,initiated as a means of provid.'zig an appropriate sy'm.boI of the saQri- fices of the war, it was .soon,,foithd Work was .resumed on tlee new TO RENT Ti. `-e eomPortabiy post office on Monday. The stones :heated rooms i'+ , he Snell Block., for the steps arrived, Monday and • .Apply to C. B. ell. .r.. have been placed in position. The %" work on the walls are now being Have you ordered your sup ,of rushed to compietio • 'Sugar Beet Pulp? It will be ; about ITurohdale Women's Institute lield November ,14th. • Place yo,. ' orders a 'successful. sale , of Hoare -made new so that you'll be shy; to, have 'cooking' in the sample room of the your suppl ; when it cp S. Central Hotel on Saturday, The sale Call and se our, lo grade flouht w.as• rt•ell patronized, the demand. ex - We are sel ' jig real our . for• low ce ing the supply, grade. 'Put 'n your: inter's require- 111r. Bert Rivers has taken a posi- ments of sh i•ts wl e they are avail- tion with his brother H. C. Rivers :able. In the butcher business and Mr. Win. Our ManitN ,a;• Best Flour is made yule, who has resigned his position from wheatt:,ts 6i1,t. Give it a with Mr. Rivers, has started to work trial with yo next batch of bread. for Mr. 7, Stanbtir;N✓ Harvey Bros., Exeter, ]:+'ARM FOR SALE; Lots 1st and 2nd c0Acessions, T .of Stephen, Huron County, res choice land; good bri ing, bank barn, large f ;me •barn MIaster. Donald Winer, son of. Mr, and stables goad orrh tl, several . end, Mrs. Oran Winer, who recently acres of ma bush, ' Tvit' g spring underwent a rather serious opera - near •centre £ farm Ti not sold tion at ttietorl'tt Hospital, ,London, Privately by 5 : 1 of weather it will has made splendid progress and was e sold by p bile 'tenon on the able to return bonte on Satrirday.." h premised on 2611 November 1929,.., at 3 o'clock p. , ' Aliply to Thomas Camera, BOX 4, Eiteter or phone. ' 10-24-3tc Mr,' j:i. "Writer, of Toronto, the supervising architect, of the new 4 on + Pest office, was in town last week nship and is well satisfied with the• work - 00 AC- manlike »tanner in which the new dvtall Poet office 18 beiing ereeted. ROCA/lilt BARE C'I C I • M:C.iyyyyEJ l I�I'1l I��ryryI. Y 11tflS Oar /MP ly a! ttteclsi Complete. t laic 4 Vor ntt In Chick ; arta, 'Or'o Tr'ee'd, Lily:' lash, •'i'. Meal, Alfa Frit, Conde do 'promfst1' our toot° y0tit; heeds , Masb. lhfO1t, .:11'e:11;113oMM Mr. 'aitd Atka. p:, C. Harvey lhaVe returned after visiting for two weeps• With relatiVes in Niagara Fails, To- Tonto, Maniilton bud Preston, ;sirs, A. Gillies aeeompanied therm to ;`Tia-. Mira Fails ivltero elle will visit With FUIINIT. ,ItE~. her snit lrtr, It, G. +Gillies for a `tire:. t� ND N • Medd's Ma or ty 2G The following are the official' re- t.arils Sreln t310 election •of South Huron held Oetober 30th. crippled through war services *that they are unable to compete in he general labor market. ill Canada, the former Depart meat of Soldiers' Civil. Re-establish- ment soon recognized the advan- tages of the scheme, and the manu- facture of poppies and wreaths Was undertaken in Veteran ,and 'Red Cross workshops throughout the. Doneinion. They are. locate' at strategic points, and thus servo the interests of the different localities, in the best possible way. Tho Canadian Legion of the on S. L. is, and has been since its''sin- cepti,- the exclusive national disc trlbutor of these' poppies and wreaths, which came to be populsirly• knot'n as "Veteran", indicating that, they were the product of the craft- hnanship of the war veterans. This year the patroness of tie Poppy Day appeal for alt Cau tiro. is Her' Excellency the :Viscountess Willingdon; Through the sale• -.and poppies nd wreaths money 18 Ise, cured 'tvitle which the veterans, and families of ex service men are gI 'en assistance, A number of school reports 'ire being field over until next week, We ,will be pleased to receive any other reports not yet sent in. Oliver. Baird died recently at ;his home in Parkhill aged '71 years. Miss Its Hunter has taken a posi- tion' at Grant's Bakery. Mr, Cyril -Strange has token a fi rositiowith Sautltcott Mr. S. Baskerville, of Lotion,' spent the 'forepart of the week rev hewing ttegttnintanees in Exetei;• Ilft., Ilaskerville in Co'epany with his soh. a 11111:tjy fiy'ster • Shrill, Lorne' and several others friends' dell EI' toriilit'tr, ate. eat. 2rottt. Loudon spent .severer days on •{il40 a shooting arpeditibti. itt tete I3'ruee PO►ittsu]st, Pat TJ("ryl tNTMsir. Walter Liddetfiehd and :Mir. to :1/ME)-the etkil Peed Iylt,libul•ti ittotored tip front Irons y•Dirt fl 1c. Out` chnige is' $2.00' pet' 10'0 )ion W, ,andrtncitiviio )rest rriday a:hhd visited ni'i4 e'1ts1I bnly3er •QLr,'pdttlti`y, - C"tllZ titi i~r1eleds Lill') Ifenssatl ttltti F;xeter. 3lrY �vlrelt you 11a o »'otliti'- to 'sell. I Mellburn visited with Mr, and Mrs. Our :ililtli • shilltttent of log 1441.484, T, Mater's while Iti 16setet and tltd flu just art'ivdd, All size/ and to. i former with Till brother Mr. E, Lib.. qai% ,yam ywvw+r.t tlettfield alai fuiiliiy,. aCi ie rlow -lens' 'elfin/hitt UNDERTA IC>lJ headquarters for othat The StOte 't'rt end' tO ' SEE ''I±'oi ROW t thd. )girt UR ELF. R. N. R �' E Phone 20w old Exeter No, 1 No.. 2 No. 7 No, 4 ' lett 138 14'3 92 51 474 Majority* for Medd 53. Mensal' No, 1 • Nto.2 77 1,'5X. Majority for Medd 48. L sboree No. 1 33, Nat 27 No. 3 27. No. 4 37 No. 5 55 NQ. 6 35 No. 7' 48 262 Majority for Medd 177. No. • No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Stephen. ' 1 74 2 45. 3 29 4 52 5 3.7 6• 98 7 22 8 49 9 49 455" Majority for Medd 97. • They No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No, 6 No, 7 No. 8 22 16 90 09 32 97 23 52 431 Stanley No. l 47 No. 2 • 40 No. 3 38 No. 4 144 No. 5 67 No. 6 48 No. 7 28 9 No. 8 (Bayfield) 131 36 543 • 361 Majority for Elliott 182. Godericlt Tp. No. 1 118. 49 N. 2 77 3+ No, '3. 108 39 No. 4 85 19'. Ne, 5 64 76 No, 6 52 41 p,04 258 Majority for Elliott 246. Medd 1.•07 175' 164 477 ?.9 90 lob .:..,... 1.99 52 79 70 -45 84 3c 73 439 71 32. 68 105 :0. 74 42' 41 89 55'2 41 60 112 68 32 57. 30 31 431 49 60 58 • 62 37 50• Mullett No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 ,No. '5 No. 6 No. 7 68 53 42 57 33 47 45 345 • Majority for 'Medd 151. No. 1 No, 2 1Y o, 3 Na. 4 Mfcii:iliop 69 95 77 99 331 Majority for Elliott • Tuekere It No. 1 72 No. 2 NO. 3 No. 4 No. 5 53 27 49 38 00• 83 44, .119 21 63 76 496 H10' bringervee clothes one mon to the -world • There is only one way to buy clothes that will fit ye and give you the utmost iu well dressed appearance,' made -to -measure by" eiSporth t t4tolli 11'410 Imam their Joh, <• Ilere's 'YOU • choice,. Cn. { FRIDAY Mr. A. Z, Garner, he I.inlited, the largest one- wilt be at our store .and tog i2 suit or., coat, He >riltter cloths with him. tile very utmost In fit. • a Suit Topcoat OVEMB exactly et them"- t .4• 4 -office 1e1it'eseutativ of Tip Top TaitOrs ice made-to-measur • tailors iu the WQ 14l,. persalt -ally #ne '-tire evary nitre or er- ,IEI leave 11uu.dro s oft this new fall et4ci o choose from 'Y.ou wilt lie atisured of ud the price, Duly $24-.0:p. ;f DON'T 11SS 'I'IflS OI WON W. PHONE .$i* t, Tw eda . Golf Slit NIT?''' L VALIIEs, AMAN E$E1ELt, .Getting: Married You'll need &deice dinnerset, acme. silverware •rota kitchen goods, some flowers, "'sone decorations;• ice cream fend s eats and its nice to know that you can buy:la eon1idence at .a bi: , aviug at this store. ' OUR MBE WOOL UNSHRIKI ABLE BLANKETS AT 5.50.EACR AND OUR PURE )VOOL A O RUGS AT $6.50 - iE UN13E+A,T- Al3L .: VALUES. BEST SPANISH SALT NI04LSON'.S CHOCO I+'LOW10R.S—MUMS, CARN Ai BULBS—I3:YACINTHS't T'ULI PAPER WHITE - NARCISSU • HOW TQ PEANUTS 19e. POUND TES. AT 49e..A OUND TIONS, POM .P i MS .ORDERED' • + DAFFODIL " •CHINESE LILIES, GOOD STO R . IVO l'Er1L YOU QROW TH WE HAVE SEVERAL FILES WRENCH' S, PLIERS, WHICH GO ON S4IE AT ONCE 19e• WE E THEY LAST. See the new Gr)eeAYDGiTi:ji `+'Qduisiptla +►Nn out 3SoruTth Wjadory. POWELL'S PJ[ONE 55 ,r. No. 6 36 63 275' 527 'Majority .for Medd 252. ` Clinton,,, No. 1 . 127 92 No. 2 • "'171 '. l33 ' ,No. 3 154 : . , 113 NO. 4 130 •88` Aava.nced' Po1I la'. 2 601 428 Majority for Elliott 173. : Sea for' It No. 1r= 66 79' No. 2' 76 85 No. l 62 40 , No.. 4 77, . 3a. No. ,5 72 " 29 :No. 'G 81 41 434 304 1:iajority for Elliott 130. x• ' Iieeapitu1ation Majority for Elliott Medd Elliott Medd Usborne '` a 262 439 ` -. 177 424 477' '53 97 Exeter 20 Steplten. 120,114ay 69 Seaforth 101 I-Lullett 310 21. • 7.8 S4 100 98 104 455 552 ' 431'.. 431 434 ' 304 130' 345 496 151• McKillop • 3.31 310 21 Stanley 543 361 18.2 Goderich Tp. 504 25$• 246 Iruckersmith 275 527 2`u2 ITensa11 •• 151 199 48 Clinton 607. 428 . 179' ' 47.56 4732 752 .77;8 Majority for Medd 26. rewilsimikasa— PRICES :RED, CED • THE 17011.11, 1110T011. COMPANY OF CANADA, T.l iMITB1), 13E- Iieves that basic.ally the' industry and 1 siness of the country are 'sound. Every indication. is that genera business cond.itiOn. will re- main ltrosperat(s,' • • lire are t•edticin+. Mens naty,becaus `tv,e feet. that such •a step is the best eoutributioi. that rohld tie 111; le to' assure a .eontinnation of good business thro .Ihont'tho count y. lrollorving are the gin, w l'i'kes of.ti'`rrd Cars 11nti Trucks all taxes 4 paid including' license. livered at, xeter. • • Roadster Cabriolet ...:..................N. $8. 5,00 SP .00 T Phaeton $02 0 'COUP .00000 bid oo............b,., $105. Sport Coupe .......:........ 3740,0 It has always beep the po the public as rapidly est itossib &lotion and newly developed mann, rt Itch:Astor, ramble eat $720,00 lar :Sedah $705,00 ▪ +inflow Pardon Sedan$866.00 wn Sedan $925.00 , .8' lidera stake body 1? ton truck 8976.00 e,,; of this O0n 9any to prise o11 to h'e a.dvautttgt' of quantity pro- M ttu'itiS: eltieiotteles. 1V01..-1.1) /Olt IX'OIIt.Ots'I'SC') VSBI) I'tLli14 .11'P.l'.i T, TO 'VOL'? Dord Coach 1020 $55'0.00 lr rd Cot1it'1.926 $0.25,00 Peril Coach 1923 ......., $47a,00 t`ltevrolet Coach 1938 . $500,00 , Esittr� C°11411 "11 'r)00.00 I+torsi Roadster 1920 at, $41l;,00 CltevrolEt yl'Dit•ing 1926 $200.00 Ford Criaett 1435 .,.,, „ $175 00 Staclehrktr Touring 1924 $150, SANDY EL LIOT 15NSTY+SII. I+'"O11'0 S.i: J3S ANI) S1LltV 115.1 • IETY STORE E1FTiMt FALL CLEAMNG IFIIERE AGAIN plat worn .mattress s -r° R. FUNERAL DinEcToit Phone on Ernest GiNERAL Mutual :Li 'Life, Piro; An.totnobile, Etc. SAFETY RAZOR AriES HARPENED make) SINGLE EDG ac. - :We 'have pnrchas Power Whitowashi ,are open r ;c1,rn houaeS, et • Qi charge. kI an up-to-date machine anti t your barn, hen. a 'Baby Chick Hatch- .84hr, Exeter. (lionor Graduate) Lend '14't::::1S(iti'et:nt,Y11110.117176? E),CE"t R, ONTARIO Ora, list mut riasti,r wan s that Citurelt Piano 'eclat Organ. Thoorsr sot" Music $1.1.thslu "Otudiu, in . 13ex 57, Thema 19Z oNT ELLIOT uPsittlrg tu opt) to the post Ora Satisfaction staked."