HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-11-07, Page 53
r1100+Vi Tantntne w
*hat has rade it possible for our score of students .te obtainn and
hold positions demanding a WO eta . and of efficiency.
Courses; cretarial, .Ooiiiinor' 1, Stenographic, General Orrice,
y'il vice, Comnier'c '1'eaclre_l's' Courses. malt Special
Courses arranged.
, You cannot. • ttend a be =r 041091, Ma not attend this?
SCHO4 . 0NS SEPTEMBER 3rd, 1929
o -day for inforn atiOn. Plotte 198
1F3, r, WARD, I3.A.
Com. Specialist, Vice -Principal
DR. R, I. p. DQUGA
Honor g aduate of culty of
Medicine, nd Master Science, of
;tile Unive sty of tern Ontario..
A'iennber f Co ge of Physicians
and Sur . of Ontario. •etfice
two dool , • st of Post Orrice.
Phone 50 ;tiesalcn
( di'opractor
Ele tro Ther
q.f Clititoni. ill it Hensall Com-
mercial. Ho 1 ' Monday, Wednes-
day and F c of each week ,frons,
10 a.m. to .,,p.m. County and town
tails attended to,
Mr. and Mae. Roy
Cie. week -end visiting friends in De-
Mr. Robt. Biggins spent the week-
end visiting triollds and relatives in
Detroit. •
Mr. Warner, of Teeswater, has
recently purchased the,•barber busi-
ness frons i41r, Fred Lowry.
Miss Bella Sparks, -of Brantford,
has been spending a few weeks vis -
Ring her mother -3Vlrs, Jas. Sparks,
Mr. Wellington Blatchford, of
London, spent the: week -end with
Iris parents Mr. anti' Mrs. Richard
Owing to the absence of Reeve
'Higgins the regular monthly council
meeting was postponed from Mon-
day to Wednesday evening:
Mrs, Samuel Stacey left Satnrday
for Detroit where she will reside
"'with her sous dud• daughter. Har
anany friencls',4are sorry to see her
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blatclifor N
have retuned- to their home artst
.spending the past two months visei4�--
ing friends in Loudon , Windsor al ft
A quiet wedding took place •/ n
Wednesday afteruoon when V .ra
Smith, daughter of Mr. Alex Snt9th,
of Stanley was united iii -marriage
'to Mr. Howard "Ammon, son of Mr.
Wni. Lemmon. After the ifoney-
3uoen the young 'couple will; reside
in Hensall.
.A play was put on in the To.vn
-Hall on Friday evening last by e
company of young people from Ben
enillar entitled, "The Itoacl to th
City" under the auspices of the Y.•.
People of the United church. There
was a good crowd .considering the
unfaworabie weather, • •
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parker are to
be congratulated on. having the first_
child "'to be born in the new Scott
IViemorial Hospital at Searorth, ala,
,ion was •born.to them on Sunday,#
October 27th. The babe was pees
elated with a silver loving •cup and ;
gold ring. Dr. Dougall, of Hensel.
,Was the attending physician.
The Young People of the Ignite
•church held their meeting on Mot -
day evening with Miss Mattie EI J s
in charge. A solo was sung by M s.
Annie McDonald followed by.an ,t-
strunhental by Miss Greta Lam ie
after which Mr. Scott Welsh gav a
violin solo. The topic was given by
Mrs. Hugh McEwen on, "Forgo e-
.ness". The fest of the evening as
.silent in contests end games' in
.charge of :lir. C. Biowos.
Webber spent
Little .69, G. Saundereoelc 67, H.
Bortt1u'on 66, I., 1Vurri 61, K. Munn
Jr. III --J. Foster 71, R. Peck 71,
G.. Wurnl 09, L. Bell G 8, W. Fee
64, L Kiefer 61, R. Drysdale 56,
D.' Deters 5.4.
Sr, Ii- -aL Wolfe 81, 17, Warm.
73, D. Sangster 72, E.:Saundercocle
72, M. Glenn 70, 111. Shepherd 70,
R. Bell '70, E. Kiefer 07, K. Pass-
more 50*, H. Drummond 53, J,
Simmons 52, I. Buchanan 47, L.
Brock 41'', M. Hudson 38,
11...A. Ellis, teacher
• Printery Room
eceaar. II ---Wilma Green 436, Mary
Clark 431, Elva McQueen 420, Stan-
ley Tucker 403, Alice Pfaff 402, J.
Coles 338, Douglas Sangster 392, H.
Wolffe 390, Barbara. Shepherd 351,
Russell :Haddon 345, Ray Foster 288
1st-Laih'd Hudson 418, Slhirley
Twitchell 417, George Sangster 369.
Sr. Pr. --Cecil Kiefer 344, Elaine
Peck 339a Audrey Twitchell •334, G..
Passmorea 3.26, Billie Higgins 312,
Norma •Cook 311, Howard Smale
For September and Octobei
Sr. INT ----Norman Sinclair 84,4 M.
3 `oiliest ^r S,7,, Minnie Sangster 7 t .3,
Dorothy Drlimanond 75.5, ttih
)Coles 74.2, leatheryhe Drysdale G .9,
„Annie I3ulser 67.9, Irene Swale b a,
'Iarolcl Higgins 63,01ive Brock 6..'•7,
Margaret Kennings 61.7, Boss Mc',1-
roy 61.1, Isabelle Sauitdercoek 60 ,
. Lemmon 45.2,
Jr. IV -Harold Foster. 76.9, Al
cion Applettlri 7 4,5, Entine Wurin
'78.6, Herbert Redden r 3.i, Helen
Glenn 12 3, .Bella Smile 71„4*, Ma-
bel Pee 70.3, .diary 'Hemphill 70.3,
Anne 111eIntyre • 43.7, 'Vera Sr3ttnder-
etiek G1.4a, itoy Brock 60.8, •Stetvai't
Bell 60, Edythe Weift`e •59,8*, Pots
Pass/tore 59.7, ;Melt F:irqullar 56,5;
'JTarvey :Ralson 53,1, ,jenet 1 allty-
3.0 54.9.
C. H. 1310ee, to tehor
1;oom, It
5i TV O. I'todae?r 73, B. ;4letueen
at2, 13 Glenn 76, 1.I. Iltudeon 72, M.
Jr. Pr. -Harold Wttrm 320, Pres-
ton Lein mon 312, Jack Shepherd
310, June Saundercock 308, Billie
Coles 289, Sidney Tucker 287.
Jessie J. Buchanan, teacher
3I.1S5.1OSA l:l' HONORED r
On Monday evening the sr,Lc
Booms of the United church was t?l el -
the occasion being a recepatan
ncl entertainment given under the
uspices of the Young People's .the
le to Rev. Ben. Smillie, a mission-
a'y from India en furlough. Mr.
S niliie, whose hoine was within a
n ire of the village on the London
R act, has very successfully been la-
b ring in the mission fields of India
r over 15 years and Is a repre-
s,ntetive of the ,United church, be -
re anion known as Carmel Pres-
yterian church. During his fnr-
engh of a few months, he has been
usily engaged in giving addresses
in the churches throughout the Pres-
fhytery of Huron, and other places.
He has been listened to with very
mach interest, and on Monday ev-
ening last 'his many friends were
anxious to entertain him and so a
very pleasant social tame was held,
enhanced by a program arranged by
Mr. Claude •Blowes, Principal of the
Public School, which embraced a
number of musical selections by the
younger members of the league and
which included also several violin
numbers given by 1VIr. Wm. Hyde of
Hensall, acoonlptinied by Miss Effie
incl Miss Loretta Bell on the piano
and triangle. A number of the
'.Grail Rangers under Mr. Blowes'
fine training put on a couple of very
amusing stunts. Following the .first
part of the literary and musical pro-
gram, Rev. A. Sinclair was asked by
;the chairman to take charge of the
nheeting and in a short and very in-
itresting address Spoke Of the oc-
casion to do honor to Rev. Mr. Smil-
lie and to become better acquainted
with him, at this juncture. Mr. Sin-
clair introduced a very pleasant fea-
ture of the evening by calling Mr.
Snililie and his sister, Mrs. ,John El-
der, to the platfdrm, and he was pre-
sented by Mrs, J. S. McDonald and
Mrs. E. McQueen with a handsome
W. M. S. pin for his wife who was
unable to be present, and also the
'llresen.tation of a life membership to
Mrs, John Elder, sister of the mis-
sionary, who has been for many years
a most active worker in the N'J.1,LS.
The Rev. Mr, Smillie, in a nicely
worded reply, spoke of the great
pleasure it afforded hint to be pres-
ent, and how mach he esteemed the
co-operation he hacl received and the
great kindness shown shim. His
only regret was that his wife who
was with hint on furlotlgh was un-
able to be present, but lie could
safely voice. 1101' appreciation of the
beautiful .pin 'which signified lite
At the close of the program re=
freshments were served and a pleas-
ant social hour or so spent, and Tong
to be remembered, by the large burn-
bet' present. Another -pleasant• fea-
ture of the evening was •a short and
much appreciated address by the
Rev. M. Parker of St. Paul's AngIi-
can church, who voiced his pleasure
et being present, and of the kind in -
Roden extended to hint es well as
•t Members of their A.'1.P.A., a
ittiiitber Of whomwere present.
The eng:lgement Is uttnotinced of
Rhoda Isabel,- only (btighter of Mr,
and Mrs. Andrew Metalled, of Staffa
to stir. ItoY ldwdrd Tluttedhani, Of
%Iantilton. youngest son Of Mr, and
Mrs. '1Vifliatn Bltttenila1it, of ' atifl-
grove, Ontario, the 1111trriagd• to take.
plata 111 Neveulbel',
Messrs. Howard. and Gordon Heist'
Of Pelltalu, visited Over tate week-
end with; friends ea Sharon.
Tile W. M. S. of the T. nitee clurch
Met in the school rootlt of the church
on Thursday. October 34t11, The
president Mrs, .Geo, Clark, presided,'
Suitable hyanns were sung and Mr's.
A. Icing read the Scripture Leeson,
:During tile business period U was de-
cided to. have a supper and bazaar
On December the Sth. More partic-
ulars later. The Study Book wus
taken by Mrs, B. I4i11 and Mrs. Lou-
ie; Mrs. Orme and Mrs, 1'. W. Glarlc
gave a r'epor't or the South Huron
L'i'esbYter'ial Convention which was
held in Whalen United churalt ort
Wednesday, September 2eith, 1929.
Tee roll call Was answered by tem-
perance clippings. .111rs. Zwicker
gave a very interesting temperance
talk, Meeting was closed by prayer
and sin.gling..
Hallowe'en socials were held at
'the following places the past week:
Tho Senior Endeavorers. on Tllurs-
day evening at the home of hir. and
and H. K. Either and daughter Ber-
nice and report an enjoyable pasta
time. Several prizes were given to
best dressed and best Goldie. Games
and contests were the order of the
evening after every mask was re-
moved. At a late irony bounteous
refreshments were served and every-
body was ready with keen apprecia-
tion for the good things in store.
Agnes Lamport and Kenneth SIp-
pe11 were the prize winners,
The sante evening the Dorcas S,S.
Class as the final result of their
class contest held a Hallowe'en so-
cial at the Institute Hall. The win-
ning sidehad charge of the games
and the losers served the lunch.
About fifty members were present.
For the 'first half hour it was hard
to guess who was Who finally the
Person's natural manoeuvers showed
their Identity, Miss Clara Feltner
and Mrs. Clifford .Hill were award-
ed prizes, Needless to say that the
lunch was amply sufficient. The
last course of the menu was pump-
kin and raisin pie with ice cream.
Friday evening the Junior En-
deavorers Ihela their Hallowe'en so-
cial at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H,•
Heist. All of the junior members, 40
in .number, were present. The live-
ly juniors were very decent in their
behavior and still had a- big night
of it. The prize winners were:Ada,
Geiser, Gerald England; Carl Kuhn
and Gertrude Amy. -.A number of
prizes were also given to contest
winners, The juniors as usual en-
joyed the refreshments and that
was the quietest time of the ever,
The Lathes' Aid and Women's
Missionary Society of the Evangeli-
cal church will hold their annual
Thanksgiving chicken supper on the
evening .of November 13th. Free
will missionary offerings and the
thankoffering boxes will be received'
They hope for an amount equal to
the excellent result of last year. The
members and their husbands are
most eordially invited. The men have
complete charge of the program.
Music will occupy a prominent place
on the program but the most inter-
esting of ell may ben lively debate
which the committee contemplates.
.Thanksgiving services at the Evan-
gelical church next Sunday. This is
also our annual Missionary Day. The
Congregation is asked to bring their
thanlcoi'fering for "illissioihs" and
"Benevolence", • The flower com-
mittee with Mrs. A. Wolfe as con-
venor has charge of the decoration
the manner of which ie. according to
their own choice. We expect the
services to be well supported by the
choir music.
• The workers -counsel of the Sun-
day •School met to consider a. Christ,•
rnas festivity. for the evening of De-
cember 25111. A. program commit
tee was selected with Mr. Art Amy
as convenor. This •co.mnhitteo will
decide the manner of program, select
material and divide the work among
our efficient leaders of training. We
look forward to this season of com-
pliments of peace and good will and
trust that••no epidemic will disturb
these sacred concerts this year.
Teacher training lesson No. 2 of
the little volume entitled "The teach-
er" next .Friday evening in the S.
S. room of the Evangelical church
beginning at 8.25 p,m. Any person
of the township is cordially Invited
10 come. -111 and receive whatever
benefit there may bo in store.
The engagement is announced of
Mary 1Harvena Isabella, eldest dau-
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. _William Mc-
Donald, of Nippon, to Ross Dickson
Broadfoot, eldest son of Mr. and
Mrs. William S. 13rOadfOot, of T ik-
ersrnith, the marriage to take ;+lace
early in November.
Invaluable 'at boil • g up health end
strength) A etata' AttVL91ON Correct„*
motes a n
it Soler Lfy
I$. Cowen,
»i]N!1'A t SUji(4.ON.
At office in I1artleib 131o41c, Pask-.
wood, first three dale .et week and
at, office over rice Post Otfiie, .An
Gurieb, last three days or. week.
Mr. and Mrs, A. Tiethsau and faun
sly, Mrs. G. Merner .and Milford
Mercier are, visiting in. Detroit this
and Mrs. 111. 110Isaa0 .arid 11r.
a11d Mrs. White, of Detroit, spent
the weekend with Sir. and Mr's, l'.
Mr. and Sirs. S. Adams, ofi Lon-
don, were Sunday visitors with Ma.
and Mrs. E. Kraft,
Mr. and Mrs, 1). Haugh and Mr.
I and Mrs. A. Haugh were week -end
.visitors in Bridgeport end le:Reheu-
• Mr, and Mrs. E. Geiser spent the
week -end with friends in Chosley.
Mr, and Mrs. 11, Melsaac enter-
tained a number or their friends on
Saturday evening.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Kraft visited •
in Sarnia on Sunday.
Miss Laura 111. Reid • is spending
this week in London.
Mrs. Beavers, of Exeter; gave au
address on temperance in the Evan-
gelical Sunday School last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Skelton and Mr.
and MIs. G. F. Penwarden visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,' Nelson
111Tr. and Mrs. Thomas Willis and
Wanda and Miss Flossie Davey. spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Roy Co-
ward. '
Mr, and Mrs. George Thompson
spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. J.
Rutledge, of Dutton.
A reception was held at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Richard. Davey on
Thursday evening of last weeks for
their daughter Irene, who was re •
cently married to Mr. Ashley Coop-
er Smith, Immediate families of
Parties were present and the young
couple -were the recipients of many
beautiful gifts.
The Sunday School banquet ehld
on last Friday night was a decided
success and was enjoyed by all pres-
ent. Mr, Rogers and Mr. 11Iann
were the speaker's fclr the evening
and delivered very: interesting and
inspiring addresses. .
,,a- Do You own a Ford? 1t is our
business to repair your car in the
Ford way. Sandy Elliot. We stock
genuine Ford parts, all models 1912
to 1929. -.
M'r. and Mrs. S. Edwards, Mr. and
Mrs. Greenwood from Mitchell were
visitors at Mr. Ed. Johns on Friday.
Mr. Garnet Johns has gone to De-
troit, - where he hopes to secure em-
Quito a number from this congre-
gation attended the anniversary ser-
vices at Thames Itoad church last
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Roy, Misses
Helen 'and Gene Roy, Master Wil-
fred Roy and Mr. William Roy, of
Bornitoinl were Sunday visitors with
relatives in this vicinity,
Messrs. R. Williams and H, Jeff-
rey attended the plowing match in
Hibbert on. Tuesday.
The .Young -People's Society held
a Hallowe'en party 'at the hone of
Mr. and. Mrs. George Hunter on
Thursday evening of last week.
There were 50 present, 40 of whom
were in costume. Miss Lila' Mc-
Culloch, Miss Verna Russel and Aire.
Milton Clarke were judges of the
Costumes. The prize was awarded
to Mr. Kenneth Johns for the best
costume present. Misses 'Helen
Burch and Miss, Maizie O'Reilly were
tie in caning correctly the most
persons. Under the leadership of
Mrs. John Brocic a splendid program
was egiven consisting of readings;
recitations and Musical selections al-
so contests. Refreshments were
served at the closea • There were
more present and more costumes
than tiny previous year and a jolly
good time was had by all.
We are -sorry to state that- Mr.
Joshua Johns is laid up with blood
poisoning 311 his hand, The tr•euble,
started in his thumb; but has spread
and it has been necessary for ,the
doctor to lance it many tittles. His
friends sincerely hope for early im-
Two very large congregations
greeted 1)r. McIntosh with his great
message 00• Sunday also the choir
tendered most excellent •service with
the Ladies qu1101011,,e in the titornirhg
and the 111'ale quartette in the .even-
Next Sunday morning's service
tvitl� be an Armistice sermon and its
the' evening'. a Thanksgiving service
by the' paster Rev. J. •M, Coiling,
ate. and Mrs, Clark, of St. Thomas
visited •witit Rev. and Mrs. J. M.
Coiling over the week -end.
, 11Ir. and Mrs, Oarry ii;eilitedy and
On, Preel, of Pt, Edward spent tate
'�'elriats:alt`ivitlt, Igil,n,C i',tis Gt'egii.
•" . f0w Of 1114, •and 'rills. George.
Iceleston's friends spent a very eta
joyalle evening On Friday last at
tlietr ironic.
Never had a Sic
Taking "Fru
Day Since
Of the t]
men and
stored to p
tives," non
1VIr. Thos.
Oshawa. "
treated for ye
the bowels a
kept me home
at a time; un
worked steadily
have never had a
Try this wander
from fruit juices
finest medicinal in
50c. a box -at dea
and thousands of
ho have been re-
ealth by "Fruit -a -
ore grateful than
, 538 Almon St.,
years old and was
a trouble between
e bladder, which
work for a nlontit
started to take
are then, I have
four years anti
k day."
nlediehio; macde
mbined with the
dients. 23e. ebur
ars everywhere.
THLTB•SR4T , NO 'EatalE 11, 10 29,
On Tuesday evening, October the
29th this community was shocked
at the sudden death of one of our
most esteemed ,residents in the per-
son of Theobaid Dederich age 57,
years. Deceased hadn't been feel-
ing very well for the past month, but
was around as usual and during the
morning lie visited the home of his
sister 'Mrs. Alonzo McCann and about
six o"clock took a heart attack and
Passed suddenly 'away. He is sur-
vived by two sons Anthony and Jo-
seph at home; four daughters, Ger-
tie and Alice, of St. Joseph's train-
ing staff and Hilda and Lizzie, at
home; also five brothers, John; -Chris
and Noah, of Stephen; William; . of
Zurich. and George, of Sarnia. Three
sisters, Mrs. George Fischer, Pres-
ton; Mrs. Lindenfield, of Parkhill
and Mrs. McCann as well as a host
of friends. Much sympathy is ex-
tended to the family. - The funeral
was held on Saturday at 10 ante to
the R. 0, cemetery with requiem.
mass celebrated by the pastor Rev,
Pr. Corcoran. The pall -bearers were
six nephews.
Mr. Ed. Hall underwent an opera-
ti.Qn at St,,Joseph's Hospital in Lon-
don Leat vieek, .
,Miss Alice Borland, of Detroit,
spent the week -end at her hgiile Item.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Regan and
family spent Sunday ititlt friends in
Mr. and Mrs. R. Etue and chil-
dren accompanied by 11Iiss Gertie
Carey, of Detroit, spent the week-
end with the latter's parents Mr, and
Mrs. ,Jaehes Carey.
riMiss ;;Nora Keogh left this week
for Detroit.
A number from this neighborhood
attended the funeral of the late Mr.
Ed. Glavin, of Centralia, on Tues-
A number of friends from Kit-
cllener, •Preston, •Parkhill, Gtiricll,
Carlsrue and Sarnia attended the
funeral of the Tate Theobald Ded-
orich on 'Saturday.
Do you own a Forel? 11 is our
business to repair your car in the
Ford way. . Sandy Elliot. We stock
genuine Ford parts, all models 1912
to 1929.
.The Ladies of the Chiselhurst
United church will serve a chicken
pie supper in the basement of the
church on Wednesday. evening, No-
vember the 20th. Supper :.Served
from 6 to 8 o'clock alter which a
program will be givehi by Mr..Chas..
A. •Cooke, (Chief Deyokah) "Cana-
da's Indian Bass and Entertainer,"
Everybody welcome.
T Rev. A, E. Doan; a former pastor, it hue's just •One emblem
ill have charge of elle service ant cet at all races and times
Sunday, November the 10t11 at threestand--La fat purse,
o'clook, e
ed the funeral U'f the LLi a "Theo, pet.
Mich at 111e elaratel. on 'S4turd.ay,
A. large number 'from here attend
ed rite Anniversary srviee a,t Grand
Bend Sunday which was conducted
by,;i)r, W. E. McIntosh Of London.
Messrs W, Adams and M`' Deitrle1i.
of Detroit,. spent the week -end with,
their parents stere,
Mrs. Martha Lan)pert, .of Hensel],
spent Sunday with her parents.
-11r. and Mrs, Hera Lamport of
Crediton, called, at the home of Iter.
111', Sweitzer Sunday,.
111rs, L. Schroeder bad tate misfor-
tune to he thrown out of the buggy
avlrich •was hit by a car and had her
wrist broken.
Mr. Elmer Pickering is attending
the jury at Godericl this week.
Rave you ordered your supply of
Sugar Beet Pulp? It will be in bout
November 14th. Place yotn order's
now so drat you'll be sure to have
your supply when it comes.
Call and see our low grade flour.
We are selling real flour for low
grade. Put in your winter's requireea
ments of shorts while they are avail-
Our Manitoba's Best Flour is macre
from wheat tests °64•;:, Give it a
trial with your next batch of ,bread:
---Harvey Bros., Exeter,
Mr, Jas. Howe had the misfor-
tune to break a small bode in his
wrist the other day.
Word 'was received here this week
of the death of Mrs, Charles Irvine
of Webb, Sask. errs. Irvinees maid-
en name was Miss 1Tyt'tie Stinson
and before going West lived two
miles north of Loma
Hallowe'en passed off as usual
with the boys amusing themselves.
in taking off gates and other frivi-
lous amusements.
Mr, and Mrs. Middleton, of Exe-
ter, were Sunday visitors with MMlr,
and Airs. Thos. Washburn,
Mr. and 11Irs. Newton Gunning,
Mrs, Lankin and lVIiss Bernice Lan -
kin, of Granton, were Sunday visit
ors with 1121•. and Mrs. Ira Marshall..
The anniversary services of the
United ebur•c11 on Sunday were large-
ly attended both morning and even-
ing. Rev. Mr. Lloyd, of Granton,
preached two fine sermons. The
.choir furnished special music for;
the ocacsion and were assisted by,
Mrs. Alex Irvine and Mr. W. Mills.
Thames Road United church held
successful anniversary servicea on
Sunday. The church was filled to
capacity both morning and evening.
The choir was ably assisted be Mr.
Sam Rennie, of Hensall. At the
morning service Dr. Perry S. Dob-
son, of Alma Cellege, St. Thomase
told a cliarniing etory to the boys and
girls. His sermon was taken from
Exodus, text: "What is that in
Thine Hanel," He .dealt with re-
sources, first, one'self; second,,
one's friends; third, one's opport-
unities. He spoke of modern
wealth, modern education, trade,
transport, art and literature and
then the: Church,e her message and,
activities, lier hospitals, the call of
good life and the fellowship and
work, and lastly -the fact that every-
one may lay his life upon God, the.
Helper, the Comforter, Life -Giver
and Sustainer...; In the evening Rev.
Jr N. Gould, o& Grace Church, St.
Thomas gave a very fine and popu
tar discourse that was elevating, en-
couraging and heartening. a noble
simplicity characterized both the
preachers. The board is • greatly
encouraged by receiving nearly. all
they asked for. 'Dine weather pre-
I Miss Baxter, former teacher at the
Thames Road school,' attended the
anniversary services on Sunday.
Miss Helen. Anthony, of London
Normal School, spent the week -end:
under the parental roof.
Billy, the little sop of Mr. end
Mrs. Fred Ford, of Usborite, had the
misfortune to fall and .fracture the
cartilage of one arni. The fracture
was 'reduced by Dr. Pletcher, or
Quite a limner from mere took In
the Anniversary Services at Thames
Road United Church on Sunday last.
Special th'anskgiving services will
be held next ,Sunday Nov. 10th and
chnrttlr at 11 p. in, in the United
111r, Sandy. 1feEachen. of Port
Huron, called on friends here on
Friday last.
Mr, and firs. McDougal and Chil
droit of London, visited on Sunda
at the home of Mr. L Schroeder.
Mr. and Mrs. Plant? and Children
Of London, visited Sunday ' at the
home of Mr, John Gower.
11i', P. Flynn of Crediton, ;Mett't
the week -end with friends there.
Mr. and Mrs. B111,er and family,
omit Sunday at Greeftweya. z;
i11r. ,T. Gttlset' and Hiss Clara or
Crediton, visited Sunday at the 1101ne
el • f.arr.,,C. I''itikbeiner,•• ,
U . W:ni. .�lt%reitz6r attended can' Yn-
Intranet 'iiitetfiir; lit 2urioh .on Sate,
ttrday last,
A largo ilutit6er 'froth here uilelde
of lib.
After The "Flus' t
Heart 'trouble
Nerves In Bad Way
Mrs. G. Peed, 1341 Georgia St., W.
Vancohver, B.O.,writes:--'Since au
attack of 'Pk11 in March last I was•
all rue. down, and my nerves were in
a very bad way.
"I sufrer'ed a great deal too with
halted, flushing of the face due to.
heart trouble, and nothing my doctor
prescribed scorned to relieve ine.
"i'n the drarg store, one day, , T
decided to try
• sad needless to,
gay that s i n e o•
taking them my'
trouble lifts all.
vanished, and I.
ietill+r)itite a •sIiii'er-
et1tF tamale to -
'+' I shall always
be p l e as a t& tit:
teeonsineii( them to all who silver as
I dl rl:'i1. : ", t'y' 4
Prieto, at) cents a box t1.t all dinged*
0114 ii.#41 ti, or niailott •i'1ireet'osi reeriijit
of price 1»' Vie 't`. l+iilbeen Co,, Ltd.?
Treenail,. nail, at,