HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-11-07, Page 21 1'S'DAY, N'ON'EM131311 w, 1949 ThE EXETER' TIMES -ADVOCATE 25 YEARS AOC! Mrs. R. B. Saruuel was the charm- ing hostess of a delightful Ilallaw-' ,e'en party at their dto ne on William beet, ou Monday evening. Mt. Wm. Bagshaw is erecting a front addition to the property he recently purchased oz William. St., west of the "Metropolitan Hotel, Miss Maria Pickard, of Londpn, daughter of the late Robert Pick- ard, formerly of this place, left last week far Sitka in the Yukon dis- trict, where she will be united in. marriage to Afr. Lawrence White, son of A. D, G. White, of Granton. The blacksmith of Exeter and tile surrounding district have raised the price of horseshpeing. Instead. of the old rates: 10 cents for setting a shoe and 25 cents for a new shoe,, the prices in future are to be 124 cents for setting and 30 cents for a new shoe. The new schoolhouse of S. S. No, 3, Stephen Is now completed and presents a handsome exterior and in- terior appearance. The school will open on Monday, November the 7th, when the new teacher, Miss H. D. Pringle, will be in her place and the` pupils are expected to be in their places as well. Mrs. R. R. Rogers, Who. has been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Christie, left 'on Saturday even- ing to join her husband in Chicago. Mr. Norman Lloyd lias been .en; gaged as electrician at the dowel' house, Mr. Stevenson, who has till ed that position for the 'past five months has resigned. • 15 YEARS AGO In the list of those who have pass- ed the examination of the Medical. Council of 'Canada we notice the name of Dr. E. J. Eacrett, an Exe- ter old boy. Mr. Wells, of Cromarty, who ro- cently purchased the property oven - pied by Dr, Bright ou William St., moved therein last week. Mrs. Ed. Jones has sold her tett acres in Exeter north to Mr. Arthur Glanville. The residence owned by Mr. Alex G. Dyer and occupied by Mr. ,Iehn liarkhatn has been purchased by Afr. Money, who has moved into saine and, Mr. Markham. has moved into the house oi) •Sanders Street, ov�ed by Mr, T. E. Martin„ Air, P. Al, Moir, who has been lodk- ing .after his farming interests In the neighborhood of Crystal :City since August returned home on Saturday last. ?Sir. Samuel Beaver and family of Stephan moved into town Tuesday last and are now comfortably settled in the ''Pn McCallum residence. Mrs, 'Margaret -Smith, who has been visit'i'ng friends In Winnipeg for two :months, has returned and is now visiting A4'ra, Ed. Jones and het• other friends. Mr. T. Hawkins "left Tuesday for Windsor to remain forusoinetime. Mrs. Sutton left Tuesday for De- troit where she intends residing with her daughter. Happiness isn't something you 'Miss today and pick up tomorrow by looking for it. It consists of a con- tented spirit. Rgeimm Through the co-operation of the Business Men iisted below, we will' reproduce a series of educational articles endeavoring to bring about a better business relationship between resident and merchant in the town, and thus bring about more progressive onnimIlmOlu Zurich Mr. George Farwell .and fancily and Ail', fierce Farwell . attended the funeral .er Airs, Louis Farwel•i at St, Cle)nens. ,Air. Milton Mather, •propc'ietor of the Black F+ ox anti • Giuseiiig Farm; Mr. Mathes and sons and Afr, William Qlausins all of Tavistock were visit- ors; 'with Mr, Win, Leibol4 oi' 0iir' Babylon Line recently. Miss Gladys Guenther, of pres- tdi, is spending the week -end at the home of her grandmother Mrs, ,S.• Rennie, wlio is not enjoying leer usual good health. Mr. Edward Schnell, Who spent the summer out West returned to his 'hoine in 'Zurich last week. Mrs. J. Decker has sold her farm being part lot 19, concession 11, just south' of Zurich to Mr. R, Welsh, of Exeter. The homestead of 100 ac- res has been sold to Mr. Theodore Steinbach who has occupied it for some time. Mr. Oscar DuclrarIne Jr, has- sold his 95 -acro farm On the Biue Water Highway to his neighbor Mr. jellies 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111t2 Exeter 'Buy -at -Horne' Campaign COMMUNITY BUYING DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE community in which to live. E- The Canadian Bank of Commerce Heartily Endorses the . BUY -AT-HOME CAMPAIGN Support LOCAL Merchants and help Our Town GROW Small Savings Accounts Welcome MIMEO M. R. COMPLIN, Manager Traquair & Lindenfield 54 GENERAL HARDWARE Tinsmithing & Plumbing ( Varnishes — Paints — Oils Telephone 27 E. R. ,HOPPER FURNITURE — and — FUNERAL DIRECTOR Telephone 99 ooguouo E. FRED RABETH6E JEWELLERY & CUT' GLASS WESTINGHOUSE RADIOS Clock and Watch Repairing JOS. SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHIC -- and — ART STUDIO We put the `Snap' in Snapshots 6. M. Armstrong EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY — and -- ' GAINSBOROGH HATS S. FITTON OPTOMETRIST MIMIO Sight Examined and Glasses, Fitted Children's Sight A Specialty Telephone 75w I. I. T. ROVE SCRANTON COAL & COKE BRITISH AMERICAN Gasoline and Oil .0100.11 Telephone 40 mamma WM. ANDREW .'^ Salesman for J. R. %V4T1Q•INS CO. Hamilten and Winnipeg olul ammo 411111,.. Litt rents, Tonics, Spices, Toilet :Articles, Flavorings Eoultry and Stock Tbnics Telephone 48 Middleton's Bakery "The Ilomd of Better UMW CAKES - PASTRY CONFECTIONERY Telephone 62 Browning's Drug Store TOILETRIES -- DRUGS — STATIONERY -- OPTICAL ROOMS — TELEPHONE 143 Consider The Merchant Do you ever stop to Consider what your merchant means to your community? What it means to him from the standpoint of investment, to stock his store with .seasonable. merchandise of every discription for the convenience of community residents? He will choose, we will say, a five thousand dollar stock of goods and place them on his shelves for your convenience of purchase, he has studied your needs, he knows your desires. Why not show your confidence in him through your purchases? That same investment could be easily placed at 6% outside of your community and tripled in one year. If you do not help, through your purchases of his merchandise, his stock becomes old and shopworn, and finally he gives -up doing business in disgust. 'When this is dome your -mer- chant leaves the commuity. Yes he has lost out, not so much from a monetary standpoint, but hi.vonfidence has.been shattered. When confidence is gone you remove' the foundation of your whole civic structure. Yes, the merchant lost, but not as much as the com- munity who lost him. When a community can point with pride to the stability of its business• interests you are doubly safe in as- suming a vital factor in it. Think it over and CONSIDER that the residents through their support have' -been YOUR MERCHANT. SANDY ELLIOT USED CARS FORD NEW CARS WE SPECIALIZE ON FORD SERVICE • TELEPHONE 64 SOUTHCOTT BROS: t Southcott Bros., General Merchants, are two Exeter buys who have come up from apprentices to be the proprietors of one of the largest general stores in Exeter. About 25 years ago the boys learned their trade with Mr. J. A. Stewart and two years ago last March they took over Mr. Stewart's business, and: they now have one of the finest stores to be found in the smaller centres of West- ern Ontario. Mr. T. Orville Southcott, the senior partner has spent practically all of his Iife in Exeter while Mr. Herbert 0. Southcott for a number of years was travelling salesman having covered cloth Eastern Ontario and the Maritimes and also throughout the West. They carry a line of general dry goods, boots and shoes, groceries, crockery, gents' ready-to-wear and they make a special feature:Of ,ladies' coats and dresses. Poultry and Eggs WANTED: SELF US YOURS Will grade your flock and take away the culls and pay top market prices. R. E. POOLEY WINCHELSEA. 1C: i UEKTON Harvey Bros. General Millers MANITOBA'S BEST - MODEL and WELCOME Flour All Minds of Feeds Telephone 35 ADVERTISE "- -inthe— TIMES - ADVOCATE Cunningham & Pryde CEMETERY MEMORIALS Telephone 41j .Milo Snell Chevrolet SALES and SERVICE Phone 100; Night phone 209 SOMETHING NEW • Edison Needle Record Plays on all needle Phono- graphs. Se11s for a dollar; double sided and long playing. I01AIL THEM AT POWI+1LL S ON 'THE •$15 PHONOGRAPH POWELL'S Variety STORE Phone Da'y Service 1uuW Phone Nig{it Service 15, HURON GARAGE, EXETER PONTIAC and, BUICK SALES and SERVICE REPAIRS, ACCESSORIES, TIRES, OILS, GAS 1C CAR. WASli11i'. thipert Mechanical and Electrical Sert'ice Onall makes of Cara. OFFICLAI, ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE S1ICV,T(,•Tl STATIO>, Shop Foreman, E. Pollen Proprietor, Ulric Stir 'UG 11 B. W. B. Beavers • Hardware i • TINSMITHING PLUMBING PAINTS STOVES AND FURNACES Telephone 86 S. B. TAYLOR. The Jeweller 1111.100 ARNOW .1111111 _ 00100. mmorn HIGH-GRADE JEWELLERY := DIAMONDS Watch and Clock Repairing --= Mt. a: SEER • Automobile Accessories ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Everything in Radios Telephone 109 G. A. HAWKINS GENERAL HARDWARE PAINTS and OILS SCREENS, Etc. • Telephone 29. SOUTHCOTT BROS. General Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings Ladies' Beady -to -Wear . Boots and Shoes Groceries ane China Harvey's Grocery SYSTEM ERVICE' ATISFACTION Telephone 102 ammo NiMMin MMOWN N. W. TREWARTHA Dealer in NEW LAID EGGS -- and -- • MILK FED POULTRY Direct From the Farm Grigg Stationery Store School Supplies with special, attention given to school libraries Telephone 37 ROSS -TAYLOR LIMBER CO. ifIamemi 101.1.00 PIaning Mill -Lumber Yard - Wholesale & Retail Prices on Summer Cottages Telephone '48 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ELECTRICAL 'APPLIANCES WIRING .-_, AND SUPPLIES Telephone 127 it11omitiltittttttltttootlllllttlttl11 oni1IIiI111M1lliniiimol iiiii1111ltttlMlttl111ltill'1Iltllt11t1 aniltlttilttttlil111111i111t11tmitiltltl lllltlouniIlilllmmotllinilltllt111iilir Wash Away Tha tch Wfltik New you co two. APPIY r']c^)rr�cr 5r( elemetlts potell tate() tissues, 1 111 Foi'•ulks, of F1 ' rupees atltl wet) tngrlt or your a nfree pR ',S.0 4.0t4t,r44ij g stop burrah e pure eo 'S ISM to the t, zernu, ;.tr011 etc&epticr. it'rbjng skin tor: ug Iiqutil D.D.P. :t'1,Y, 'The Ileullos and sooth the tra,. nples, uiert% rusho.% Mulch?.' yieldto ihlp SGe Wilk, proves ice lig Ono your money back. 1 itt4. (lase' D.D.D.lioap). I)11UGGlWT Masse, who 'takes' possession in No- vember, Mr, Duchaime and fltiuily intend ntov'ug to a larger farm near P�avkliill. A'iiss Charlotte Farwell, pi! De- troit, spent the week -end at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Farwell, ivlr. W. A. Voeiker, Mrs. E. H. Welker, Mrs. E. C. Valetta and dau- ghter Herva, of Flint, Mich., were recent visitors at the home, of Mrs G. Hess. Mrs. A. 11. Herd, of Wesley, Sask. visited :her aunt Mrs. Wm. Ilopp and her friends recently. • Mr. Ed Ha.berer has purchased the eight acres of land on the Zurich Road, opposite the fair grounds from Mr. E. A. Deicliert. Mr. E. Oeseli is making arrange- ments to move his househojd effects as well as his barliering business in- to the block he recently purchased from Mr. P. Ravell,e. Mr. and :tors." Louis .4, Prang, of Zurich announce the ..engagement of their daughter Veola Elizabeth, to Mr Ivan L. Kalbfleisch, the marriage to take place in 'November. fxrier Yt3int>ro-A edict: Established 1873 and 1887 Published every Tltu)'sday mprriing,• ,at Exeter, Ontario SUBSCIIIPTIQN--$2.00 per year is: advanpe. RATES—Farm or Real Estate fOr sale 50c, each insertion for first. lour insertions. 2&c, each subs's quent insertion. Miscellaneous ar- ticles, To hent, Wanted, ?post, or Found loc, per line of six wordL. Reading notices 10c. per lin... Card of Thanks 50c, Legal ad- vertising t and 8c. per line. fit Memoriam, with one verse 5046. extra verses 25c. each, Member of The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. PRESENTATIONS TO Ails. AND MRS. HAROLD HUNTER • A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter, of Usborne, when the Saints- bury Dramatic Club and the mem- bers of St. Patrick's= church gather- ed there, in honor' of their recent marriage. D►tring the evening Mr, and Mrs. Hunter were ,presented with a handsome walnut mantle clock by the Dramatic Club, of which they .were active members and the following address was read 'by Miss Willa Culbert and . the clock presented by :\Ir. Albert Dickens:— "To Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter, -- Dear Friends: We, the members of the Safntshury Dramatic Chub, are glad to have the 'opportunity of gathering here to express to you our, heartiest congratulations. Since the organization of our Club you nave', both been faithful workers and have spared no time or effort In trying to :make our undertakings a success. We are ;very glad to known tllat."kou are. still to remain among us, andiknow that you will both be a wonderful help in all church, Sunday School and Young People's activities as you have been in the past.' We ask you to accept this token of our opprecia- tion of your services and hope it will always be a reminder of the happy times we have spent together. We pray that God's riehest blessing may rest on you in your wedded life., Signed on behalf of the Saintsbury Dramatic Club—Mrs. Heber Davis, Mrs. Charles ,Fisher, Mrs. Tom Quin- ton, Lena Davis, Marian _McDonald, Willa Culbert, Jean. Atkinson, Eileen Hodgins, Rev. Bulteel, Toni Quinton, Fred Dobbs, Albert Dickens, Alfred Culbert, Gordon Atkinson." After the presentation by the Club the members of St. Patrick's Sunday School presented Mr. Hunter with a beautiful walnut chesterfield table and velvet table scarf. The following address 'was read by Miss Jean At- kinson, and the table was presented by Mr. Alfred Culbert and. Mr. Gor- don Atkinson: "Dear Mr. Hunter: Your ardent activities and efforts and your splendid and eft'ie_ient ser- vices in our Sunday School work has won for you. our highest esteem and appreciation. We rejoice at ,the re- cent event of your 'life .and think it is is an opportune time to show you in some way our Appreciation of the sante. We know this gift is not at all compensating you for the sacri- fices you have made, yet we ask you to receive it as a token of our ap- preciation of your excellent and 'ben- eficial services. 'We trust that God's richest blessings will be with you and Mrs. Hunter and that you will both enjoy a long, happy and prosperous life is the earnest desire of .the •members of St. Patrick's Sun- day School. Signed on behalf 'of St. Patrick's :Sunday School, Saints - bury." The rest of the evening was spent in' playing cards and dancing. The ladies of the church provided a Wendertul lunch, and a jolly time vas spent by all. Professional ` ards r GL'DMA STANBURY DAR . IS i' S, SOLICITORS, ie. Mona ! t, oan, Investments lviacte„• Insurance Safe -Deposit Vault for use of our Clients without charge EXETER LONDON BENS CARLIN i & MO ' Y BARRISTERS, SOLI,'°' 'TORS, .. *e... LOANS, I V ^.TVENTS,, IN i ANCE Office: Carling Block, Main Street., EXETER, ONT, Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.DS'.,D.D.S.: DENTAL STIR v' •'MW Office ,opposite n ` Post Office Main S Exeter T .`'phones 'House 341 LOBED EVERY WED - AFTERNOON UNTIE^' DECEMBER 18th Office 3 OFFI NES w Dr. G. F. Roulston, L. DENTIS Office ov r Ca g & Morley Office TER, ONT. DR. E. S. STEINE VETERINARY SURG , 'e N Graduate of tiOntari , eteririary ollege DAY %AND + IGHT CALLS P110 PT ATTENDED TO Corner of 't an4 Ann Sire kit' Office in C. B. Snell's Bio EXETER, ONT. JOHN W•;'D CIRROP OTIC OSTEOPA7' -� ELECTR `. -T • ;" APY Jt; ULTRA VI. s + TREATMENTS PHONE 70 E:CETEliit MAIN ST., ARTHUR WEB LICE ED AUC'T NEER For ron and .,' ddieserc FARM ALES • :' PECIALTY PE ES Rr'eSONABLE SATIS CTI!;i GUARANTEED. -13 Thishwood E. t., ''0. 1, DASHWO FRANK TAYL LICENSED A.UCT ;a'NEER For Huron and :.(dieser ^ FARM S ES ' PECIALTY Prices. Rea j nab i and Satisfaction, nteed EXETE '• : O. or RING,i4 C8 OSCAR KLO� LICENSED A.UC'fON?EER Honor adnate .,grey Jones' Atm.-- tion nmtion Scho . Spe 1 course taken. in Regfst ed L'.;2Stock (all breeds) Sales, FA eal Estate, Farm Aferchand ates in keeping with prevailing' Fpricea. Satisfaction as- sured, write Osear Ii.lopp, ZurIIet6,• or phone 18.93, Zurich, Ont. ,' T H E le Lillift "We . It for r Lighthouse" esentative J. NIKON l•.'•'t .R - ONTARIO Phone 243 USBORNL+' & ' 1 BERT 11 VTUAIII FIRE INSUR CE COMPANY Bead office, i' aroubnir. Ont. President SIMON DOW Vice res. F -$' NK McCONNELL DIIt &TORS ANGUS INCLAI ' , .i, T. ALLISON, ROBT, ORta W L BROOK AG TS JOHN ESSE Y, C , trails, Agent tot ''Jaber, an " Biddulph OL VEtt ITA1t S, =re, Agent fol lfibbert, rua r in axil Legan W. A. Reit Secretary- •:usurer Box 93, a7xeter, Ontario GLAIl:1MN ' STANIalla Soiicitorb, EX4tet' SAVE MONEY ► » BUYING SHINByGL * NOW Scantlin= for Colony 2x4 .Pi n hous or other buildings a $35M0 per M. FERTILIZ at west prices.. As J. C WORTHY ez GRANT° ONTAt i •