HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-11-07, Page 1lBoy's Suits'
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1 wwk-A-A04,4„,wwwkAA.,,,,,,,AA-00, nosicsomso
Clearing Sale of
Ladies'& Misses' Dress s
We are placing on sale this week over fifty Ladies' and Misses' real good qu y dress-
es in silkscrepes etc.; also woollen cloth sizes -I5 to 44, in good smart st s, clearing
at real bargain prices.
SPeOal.EarlyNoveinber Bargai
Largest sizelbex Flannelette Blankets at $2.25 a p
Gigantic Brand Flannelette Blankets ,at $2.19 a
nealli :34 inch. white English Flannelette, well worth 35c. yard on sale
at 25c, a yard
Gocid •quality 36 inch. white Canadian Flannelette, our r
for earlyNovember selling at 21c. a
5 dozen 42 inch hemstitched pillow cases, real nice
5 dozen large white Terry Towels, a real bargain
Mens fleeced lined undershirts and drawers on.
Boys' fle, e lined shirts anddrawers at o
ular 25c. quality
rd 1
lity, at 49c. a pair.
39c. each or 75c• pr,
at 79c. each garment.
y 57c. a garment.
Men's Su
25' Men's Suits, nice dar worstedik
Sizes up to 40 on sale at $1 .00 each.
• 4
Fine navy suits for men 'tri fine
quality each $25.
Boy's Oyco ts
Priced at $5t0 :41), $15.
According ..to'Siie:
en's Overcoats
neat Barrymore's at $28. to $35.
New Navy's at $22.50 to $25.00 .
en's good winter Overcoats at $15.
A few winter Overcoats, sizes 36 to
37 at $10.00.
Newest Style Suits at $8.00 to $15.00
School Suits, all sizes at $5.00
Rubbers, Rubb oots, Rain 4loshis etc.
plircrpgigAr ,stmelx2of Rekbersr.Rubber-Boott4' etez-rviefilaire
low price line of Rubbers which we offer at these low prices.
Child's 59c. Women's 74c.
Misses' -- 65c. Men's -- 89c.
Phofle 32
May Phone 32
• The Aristocr: t
of Electr.
8 reasons why yo
ist. Its glossy bl
enamel finish,
2nd It washes
tion ohly. Cannot
3rd There ar
parts exposed.
4th Etclusiv
ringer attac
'5th Made 1
be filen;
h "Insid of tub, nickel plat -
No no hing.
7 h Sim e cotttrelS.
St • All ears run. gtease,,
long 'lif and "silent as the
SA.V$ untr,
can't go
, washable
y water ac-
11j1lre clothes
no moving
self feeding
Canada by a re-
out tovi' Public Hos-
pital, en 'igaturdalr, Octebee 261h,
to AM and ltrs. G. IL Elliott, e
delighter, ,
PAAIMII-At the Seutorth Mentor-
' !al Mespital t»t Suitday. • October
2,7t11 to Mr. and Mrs. Wm.; Park -
of Tuckersmitb, a son.
111STICitiljte-At Mt, 'tnirmel,
day, Oetolier 29. '19.89, Tlieobald
Dietrielt, aged 51. years,
Joseph:3 110111/ -
al, Lortd0a, On Pritlay, llovembt)e
lst, W. D. Wilithis, eldest son of
Mrs. Williams nod the, late Wil-
liam. Williams, of CllandebeYe,
ed $4 ycarS. 1Loitiftg
HA.ZE'LWOOD - in Farquhar, on
Wednesday,. 'November 6th, 1929,
Lucy n. Haselivood, widow of the
late George Hazelwood. Funeral
Thursday et 2.30 p.m. interment
in the Kirkton teMetery. 1
ving eleniOrY
bratl r Vi11iainMoil
ihr yet5 ago, Nov
tay dear
t, who died
her that 4th,
I, Out k d yo early. miss you
As it inother year
Pim& bered, tonged to ttl-
oughts o yon are Always neat,
sister, s. rttdOtxt,, Detroit.
4 Yes, indeed Exeter has reason for
° What for?
good health -ale plague ba s Swept
over our village or countryside.
Prosperity-Creps have been good
Storm and earthquakes bare paseed
us by. Everyman able and willing
to work has plenty to eat and to
wear and a roof to shelter him.
Roads -Our folk may go from
Place to place about work, 'or Pleas-
ure in safety and comfert.
Schools -Every child has an op-
portunity to get en education, that
'helps him to enjoy and to profit by
the, best thoughts of the best men
and women who have ever lived.
, Churches -There we ard. taught
• 'the good old Book whose pages
:tdach mefl to live that they need not
/fear to die.
;For all good things tnat satisfy
the mind and purify the beart let us
out of honest aud full heart it thank,
the loving Father from whom all
blessings flow.
The Women's Association of the
Main Street United church. neld•
successful chicken pie :social in the
basement of the church on Thursday
evening (Hallowe'en night.) The
room was attractive with Hallowe'en
decorations. .A. sumptuous chicken
pie supper Avith all the delicacies
that go with it was served, In .spite
.of the fact that the weather.was not
ideal there was a, good crowd. The
proceeds for the evening ai-houtited
to T160.00.
Sunday was observed as Bibl
Society „Day in town. Rev, Dents
Bright, the newly oppointed fielc
secretary of London, spent the en
tire.klay here. In the morning he ad
.dressed Cavan Presbyterian. Sundayt
Shhool,-• and took the service 11
James Street rutted Church. In th
afternoon Jie addressed Trivitt Mein4
oriel and Main Street Sunday Schoolg
and 'took the evening service in Main,
Street, where, Caven congreg,•atiou.
Joined for the Occasion.
The canvass for funds Will be talei
en ia the course of a week or so. The;
society has boon curtailing its out./
put for lack of money, so it i4
hoped peoPle will respond lib.orallY'
this year, avhicli is the 125 of its
existeace. • •
The Bible is printed in 61$ different
langaages, and in that great work,601
alphabets are, ilea The OW copies/
issued in 1928-9 was 11,309,54
of which .5 G,897 were, circulated
• The Times -Advocate has been
patting itself on the back because of
tlie accuracy of the election retgrns.
given put -last -week so soon after the
election: While ,Mr. Elliott's head-
quarters at Clinton and the London
and. Toronto dailies Were reporting
that Mr. Elliott had been elected the
Times -Advocate. was the only paper
that contended that Mr, Medd was
leading by a small inaJority. Accord-
* to the facts compiled last week
by the Times -Advocate we gave Mr.
Medd a majority of 10. The offic-
iAl figures as given out by Mr. Ford
place Mr. Medd's majority at 26.
The report in the Times -Advocate
lat week of the vote in Clinton gave
,Mr...Elliott"s majority slightly larger
than it actually Wee while in Tuck-
ersmith Mr. lYfedd had, 7 more votes
than was. reported but otherwise our
figures were practically correct.
Mrs. Seth Browne of Staffa, we
In town Atonally for the firat tint ,
for over two months. She recont1..
lead the luisfortune to break a ben
In her ankle.
The family
Young wish.
friends and
and syMpiti.
recent ead
Mr. Pippell r
loaned their
Iful floral t
alt the lat john Goui
to than tIttir men 7
eigliber' for kindness
thein lhthei,
etea, neat, the
o80' W110 :cto 1;indl
e ClISO tor the beau
On Thursday evening of teat week
.the James Street United choir held.
a jolly Hallowe'en ' Masquerade in
„the church parlors. 'Members of th
Pearedin elaborate costumes re-
Aresenting olden times and limey
weird Hallowe'en fancies .t which
proved very deceptive and, provided
meat laughter. ' Games tind amuse-
ments were enjoyed, after which
everyone uttinasked,*° revealing the
real parsons which'. in many' cases
was a startliag' discovery. Lunch
was serVed t the close. •
ath occurred in St. jo-
ospital, on Monday of Mrs.
Jas. •11,1 rgan, of Clandeboye, who
passed' away following an operation.
The. dpeeased 'had been ill for a
couple of weeks. She is survived by
her husband and three children two
deal liters and one son. Mrs. Mer-
ge is a sister of Mrs. Juo. Prout,
of Usborne and altogether three
sie.e.rs and three brothers survive.
Ti, e funeral will take Place in St.
J.ines Cemetery Thursday afternoon.
On Saturday evening between 12
and 2 o'clock ehicken thieves at-
tempted to raid the property of Mr.
ten. Makins on the Lake Road. Mr.
Makins was notified by telephone
that some • persons were prowling
around the colony house with. a
flashlight. Mr. %Iakius Went to the
Chicken house and two men disap-
peered in the darkness. They re-
turned later in. the. night and Mr.
Makins was again notified and the
thieveS Were driven away without
scouring any fowl as the colon'
house was locked.
Dr. and Mrs. Pletcher
Pletcher Sr., of Strathroy,
Sunday with .Er. M. G.
Fletcher of town.
O. 290j.
ilflifi, IfAnny pi:mu/a, DIRK . •
Mrs. Harry .Powell, near Granton„
who is a sister to .111r.s. 34o, HMO, of
Elirovilte, illesiniclenly trent heatt
failure on Mende/. 111r,e, Powell, who
had been eiling for some time lied
just been brought h,01110 frOlf4 the
heap ital in London On. !Sund.P.Y. She
leaves to =Urn her lesS, her loving
husbanl and one sem, 12 years old.
Mrs. Powell is a cousin. of Mr, Ste-
phen Powell', of tOWil
Hallowe'en passed .off quietly 1;3,
Exeter on Thursday evening of last
week., A slight rain fell during 'the
evenfug and this kept many of the
would-be masqueradere at home
Quite a number however braved the
elements and paraded the streets
all manner of' fancy costuraes. A
number of the usual pranks were
played but no Serious damage was
A. quiet wedding took place at.
Trinity church, Aliso, Craigt Wed.
nesday, October the 30th.when Mary,,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Weston
Maguire and Edward, son of Mr.
Thomas Chambers, of Crediton,
were united in marriage the Bey, G.
Moore performing the eeremony. The
Pride wore a beautiful gown of sand
georgette and lace with hat and
shoes to ,match and ' entered the
church on die arm of her father. The
wedding march was played by, Mrs,
(Rev.) Moore After the ceremony
theyoungcouple left on a motor trip
for Brantford, Niagara Falls- and,
Hazelton, Penn. and returning by
way of Pittsburg and Detroit. On
their return the young couple will
reside on 'the groom's farm near
TRINTIT A.. T. F. A. •
About 20 members of the Trivitt,
Memorial A.Y.P.A. motored to Hen -
sail on Monday evening to spend a
social evening with the Hensall mem-
bers. The meeting •,was opened by
snging a hynannfter which Mr. Syd-
ney West, the Exeter president took
gram was as follows: duett by, Rosie
Jennings and "Marjerfe Alien; read-
ing by Connie Jennings; solo by 'Mae -
ter 'Pommy Walter and a solo by
W. C. Davis. Gaines and a sing-
song were afterwards enjoyed after
which a dainty lunch was served.
Mr. 111. it. Complin moved a hearty
vote of thanks for the kind hospit-
ality of the Hensall members and
everybody returned home satisfied
with an evening well spent.
Mr. W. Ernest Williams, et Clan-
deboye, died in St. Joseph's Hoenit-
al, Loudon, on Friday evening from
Injuries received Tharsday morn-
ing when he was hit by a motor car.
At the time of the accident Mr. Wil-
liams was walking•behind a' cultiva-
tor which, was being driven by his
son and was going north. As a car
driven by Mr. J. E. Killdaire, Com
inercial Traveller, of Strathroy, .was
approaching going north. also Mr.
Williams stepped directly into the
path of the oncoming car. In an
effort to avoid hitting Williams the
driver of the car swerved to the
lett but the car sideswiped Mr. Wil-
liams throwing him against the
cultivator. His head struck the
sharp edge a the implement caus-
ing a fracture of the skull. He Via§
immediately rushed to St. Joseph's.
Hospital, LOndon, In an effort to
rave his life an operation was per-
formed' but from, the first small
'hopes were held out for his redo*-
ery, Mr. Williams naves regained
consciousness after he was injured.
The deceased had been a resident
of Cleedebeye practically all his life,
visited on
and lIrs.
Three months ago he underwent an
operation at St. 'Joseph's Hospital
and h% and.made a remarkable recovery,
was a well-known chicken -raiser and
always, had a large' flock ef Mi'. Douglas Thomson, who has bugbbred hens. He was 5 staunch
been working with the rural 1iydr0 member of the Clandeboye :United
system has been transferred to the ehulth. esides his loge
ir. Wil -
London rural system. • iliamis is survived by .his aged mother
Miss Fern Short, of London, who 1 who resides at the Clandeboye resi-
recently underwent an operation for I donee, also two Sone', Rupert and,
appendicitis is recuperating at the John, and one bother. The retains
of her parents Mrand MrS, were taken from London to the un -
ltd. Short. ,
home ,
dcrteking parlors of E. Haakett &.•
Sons, IAtran, whero an hit/nest AS
Mts, F. Beater% was in hold by Coroner Dr. (Thee, of Lu -
Destined On Sunday where she gave, can. The fu»eral was held from
alt address On Temperanceto the
L'vatigelica1 Sunday Seheol, Mr.
Beavers and lteg., aceompanied her
as gtiesta ot Mr. and Mrs. Tiernan.
TWo stmlents of the ruiversity of
Western Oittarie Made a, •tripth
Tiltritston. 8,,lturday by a,eropltille to,
sce the Queens -Western Ittighy game
returning Sunday. Tito return trip
eost them 2tie, the result of a, aNaw
in the sporting venture inaugurated
ainong the student body. It weather
conditions had been illiShitable for
flying tour students WOuld have
Made tha trip by train. Mr, Wil-
fred Tornbull, of .Stephett, was in
the draw tor the' train
his late residence, in Clandeboye On
Monday afternoon, interment in, St.
James cemetery.
and Mrs; Tudor, ot Parkhill,
Were the guestir, of Air. and Airs, it.
E1i on 8littavy.
Will be he n the
Exeter op ra Rouse
is furni ieL by the
Ilde on ardinals
ZS- ee rchestra,
DANCING Fit pan. to 3 a.m.
Admission: Gen men :W. plus ta*
Ladies PLEAS Provide Lunch
Exeter Dance. Committee
Returned Soldiers
The Armistice Parade
will be .held fit
- on
Sunday, Noy. 10
The parade will form up at tile
Huron Garage at 10.30 ,a,.m, Ser-
vice will be held in Trivia Memorial
Church. followed by a short servic'
at the Cenotaph.
A rally of all the returned men fit
Huron County is being held in Clin-
ton on Sunday afternoon, Xi:member
-1,0th at 3 o'clock !ora massed church
parade. Further particulars will bp
give on Armistice morning.
Mr. Wni. Francis Sr.. Mr. M. F.
Temple, of Crosswell. Mich. and TieV.
W.1. ;taticia, of tarsOnvilk were
tailed, Monday to the bedside of Mrs.
Lay 13. Haselweod, ot Farquhar,
Who passed away Wodhesday. They
aro rentaining !et the fiiiiertil on
,Thutaday aterneou at 2.0 o'clook.
ars' eatre
November Stli anal etit
• !.
'lig." ...•••'0,1.
oi go rse d by
and . Camadiat
exciting (Iran
feetnring the.
Children ttOc
the" F.ri
of 1
511.,. American.
J,egion. Ait
Adults 4.0o•
.)toN1Itty ftESnly
.1cnventbee in and tfltn
Leather Neck
Theee fighting ntarittes in the tont-
- • ettutic orient.
Children Zee Adults
Doris, the little daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Rowland Kleindfelt, of
Staffa, had Tier tonsils removed at
Dr. Fletcher's Hospital, on Tuesday.
nUmber from Exeter Were la
SestfOrth TiteStlay 'evenieg eftendi=
a banquet in tile North Stile tinned
e14ttelt "iii connection with the Mis-
siblutfy and Maintenance fund Of 1:11o•
"United -church,
Mrs, 'Gee: latoies, MiS.
ness, Mrs, .I.- W. Powell and Mrs. G.
theringtom are. in, London attending
a' convention of the Institates of
Western 'Ontario. Alias Netts kti'ddY"
elf the IIiireptitale Wenimaqi filfditittt#
isgiving a report on 1114.11.00,tion.
Mr, Anderson, Who hits,
been, receiving treatment. irt 'Victorire.
Hospital for the past two weelts
1.6tavaeritti Ills tome 'Nee -
day evening. 1415 Mother Mrs. OM'.
Anderson returned with hirit After
visiting for two 'weeks with MI'S*
Dr. Walsh, of LOileion.