HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-10-24, Page 814,M, c say w AGBN ulk Your dows monOy 00 y r •coal bill HAVE CRED THE FOR C CLKING DOORS , ALSO METAL • STRIPPING. OTII YOU PRICES AND VINPOW 1' 'Mal LET - W. J ERN Exeter 4011••••••••••.•••••••••• .40 • The Main Street 1ron Circle - 1V,Ish to annaiine0 eir bazaar for Z.November the 2a,111. FOR SALE -4. ,T,1IeClary ectric stove, .4, plates with h er-attach- ed, UPiot Spld p- tell will be offered:4pr sae auction on Nov- ., ember 2nci. 'e may be seen at • Any time. •. Hiud. SMALL HOUSE ;11 REINIT-Apply • • to Mrs. Cottle',44h St., Exeter. 1te * HOUSE FORhouse with elate roO, acre of land 2. and stable. AMA .. to Jas. Clark, Crediton. 10-24-3tp FOR SALE-In:AV? lots, NorthernA s a ; Sweet ApPletil frOM yoting handled. J W. T Exeter. 1 t or barrel d Talman nd picked ard, carefully ylor, Carling St., itp, FOR SALE. -94 honey, Bic. pei' containers, liarr No, 3, Enteli, ound 11 qlity amber customers arker, R. R. 10-24-120 STRAYED -A lam r onto the„ farm f Centralia., Owne proving,'propert 'has strayed Otto Brown, y have same by id. paying expen- Do you take your Ford Ford garage? .i . We s Ford parts all Mode : Our mechanie 'ar on Ford Servt rillE EXETER TIMESADVOCATE f CAVEN • EXeter MarketsPRESBYTERIAN ,,.. CHURCH 7.,.., ..." li..t ;2. - Minister •, . M o , i .. Mies Lena Coates A.L,OX Or9a/tiet. = NEW - • 11". "cil."111 Itil°11°1 3": "; -SILK C RE PE DRESSES ....i. .9iTOTIRSDAY -OCTOBER 24, 1020 'Wheat $1.23 standard Oats, 600.: Marley ?so, Manitelta, Flour Model, Flour Pastry Flonr $3.80 Feed Flour $2.3ii Bran $1,90 Shorts $1,90 Creamery butter 45e Dairy Butter 4,Qe• Eggs, .extrae 45c, Egg's, firsts 40c. Eggs, .seconds 30c. Hogs $11,25 •••4, 31••• • Zocals A CHICI N P UPPER -M .Ian St. 1,71ite nrch, Hallowe'en nipt, qct 31.st. tSupper 50e. and 150. .articulars later. Park and Bean s Fawkes , Day, Nov. Memorial Pori h pices of the and 20e. er on Guy th 1i Trivitt 1 under the aus- V' A. Admission 35c. Puff pstiy 4d shortbread for afternoon te at Grant's Bakery. Mrs. R. Skinner arrived home af- ter visiting for a week in Detroit. Mrs. R, Robins, of Brucefield, is spending a few days with Mrs. 5. West in town. Mrs. J. 9, Grant was; a guest last week .of Mr. and Mrs. Al .E. Suther- land, of Glencoe. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gardiner, of London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs. W. A. Turnbull. • Mr, Lewis Aldworth visited his ar to the daughter, Mrs. J, ,Dempse'Y at Hoi- ck genuine mesville on. Friday last. 912 to 1929.1 it. and Mrs. Jack Routledge and p to the minute two children, of Dutton, spent the Sandy Elliot. week -end visiting in Exeter and Zur- ich. • Mr. .and Mrs. W. Flowers and Miss Vera Mooney, of London, visit7 ed with friends in Exeter on Satur- day.. I Mr, and Mrs. 1,iym. Ryckman and Mrs. 'Mooney' visited this Week with IMr. and Mrs. R. H. Sproat, of Sea - Porth. Mrs. Mae Beirnes, of Ashtabula, Ohio, visited with her ueice Mrs. C. W. Christie the forepart .of :the week. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Robinson And Son Peter, of Stratford and Mrs: T. G. Creech, of Town,,apent the week- end in Windsor. • •. Mr.George filler, oMoosejaw, The Thames .Roat.l Fiar is booliing cird Pr' - coarse coke. ar by October in November. 4( '•• • WANTED,--,The.•-undersi receive applications, in N 7.17 t� Sa,ttirdaY the20thi st position :of 'Matron of Shelter at oderich, November t first n Applicants st age,'' if - m.arri references. Ifo Gee. W. rs Club fine and 's •should.. be 6 shipment early Passmore, Sec'y. 1 -17-2tc do :led will iting, up Mr the ,.e Children's , ties to begin t. nualifleations, single and give an- God rich, ''bnt. Goderich, OctolAr rtth, 29. 'Sask.; and Mr. Wm. Patrick, of Stat.- , -fa, visited with Mr. and lital Wm. '•00ULTRY, Pure Bre o -lay Rock Ryckman 'on Monday. roosters- and ntfmlor • of , ehoift Mr. and Kervin Werner,of »u#t.-bred Chine4illa •ibits at,reas: Detroit, visited for 2, few days last onable.Pricea. A. 1 It. R. No. 1 Hen 177r4. 10 a.m.-gundei School -- ' 44 4 14 ' 11 ant. and 7 Tw,enty,fore new,. silk. crepe dresses have been pigeti in stock. will preach. Auburn •and Blyth, are very smart styles featuring the new Princess styles' 000dwill, of shades 6f 4hro*,n, green and black; Priceitat $11.0 $15.00 $18.50 JAMES. $T. UNITED CHURCH . OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Goulding, Organist and Choir-Lesder 11 a.in,-Rev. R, M. Gale,Bayfield Subject:' -"God's Laws oItythm" 3 p.m. -Sunday School 7 p.M,-Rev. R. M. Gale Supieet-"The Writing on the Heart" We'Welcorne Mr. Gale to our pul- pit and bespeak for him good con- gregation's. .01.••••••••••••••••••••=imammomIra MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Itev. O. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Organist, Miss E. Ruston 11 a.m.-"Add, Add, Add" 3 p.m. -Our Church School 7 p.m. -God's Infinite Mercy. 8 P.m. on Wednesday prayer meet- ing. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH 22nd Sunday Atter Trinity 11 a.m,-Morning Prayer & 3 p.m. Sunday School • 7 p.m. -Evensong and sermon. ••••••111 1111•••••• ,•••••••• 1.10.• 11.0.0111 •••••• 61.11.0 MOM. 1•11•11 OMION0 0•111.11. MIME •••••••• 0.101••• 01111111.0 1101.0.0 10.010 .01•01. .11•10 MEM. IMMO ,••••"' Sermon IE . , . Election Re urns. be given out in the Mars 'e, on October the 30th. Mr. Fred .T. Flintoff of Milwaukee Wis., is spending a few days at the home of his :mother, Mrs. Geo. Eth- erington, Mr. Wm. Mitchell has been select- ed as a petit juoror, of:the. Supronte Court which meets in Goderich on Novemner the 5th. - Mr. and Mrs. Albert Keys and family have moved to :their new home, London road north, recently purchased trent Mr, Adam Case. This section was visited -by a, splen - aid rain on Monday and,Tuesday. Gentle showers have fallenoff. and on which will help to moisten 'up to L. Reynplds, week with the latter's parents Mr. things generally, 1. Phone Exeter and Mrsit Dave Russell. and Mrs. W. C. Pearce anki' - ' - 4, .6-10-310.1 Mr. T. 0. Southcott was in Preston Mrs. J. 0. Snell motored to St. Then 1 p'undey *and was aCcompaniesd home. as for Tuesday and Wednesday of , sell kfartn Monday by Mrs. Southcott who ,hie last week where the former was. cni ckard,'Exeter• been evisiting in Preston, Toronto business witile Mrs. Snell visited, `and 13:3htford.' . I with her danghter, Miss Dorothy:. -ii• e are in, 1Virs....-E., Hearts, of Toronto, andi Mra.Mollard,, President of th4 of PoliTtEl Mise Mabel Follick sang a very. , Huron County Presbyterial of thg ces. Trucks ,Pleasing.'„duet at the Main Street- United church was in Blyth Thur4i DaShwood, C. :united charch on Sunday evening of d. •of 1 t • 1 tt d• 1, If you wish to buy lin' house see R. BC POULTRY WANTED - the market for al kin paying the higl(st toll. • Phon 4,ndersen.. 9-26-tfc i last . week. 1r4 -and Mts. C. A. Davies, of To- vention. She' was accompanied. a Blyth. by Mrs. C. A. Southcott and; For Tractor p y apply to W. root°, Motored up' during the week, Miss Stella Southcott. Cowin • - Bradshaw, glim Distance no and -are .visiting with their asters, Mr. G. W. Yates, assistant deputyi. object for reas noble amountoyrs T. and •Sirs. A. Rumford, on minister of railways and canals 'al, Wiork. -3-4,tp''' 1William Street. 1:1 • Ottawa, with Airs. Yates 'and Mils . ' • • Dr. Geo. 0,. Itind returned to his TO RENT -Three omfortabrY - -, Yates; Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Yates 4, heatedroons. in • the ,ne11 ock. practice. at Walkerton the beginning an • d daughter of London, were vier .Apply to C. B. Snel of the week after Spending a week ors with 'Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Y.; Exeter. owing .tp,„the..death of his Beavers on Thursday last, ...4;. FOR RALE-Northe Spy Apples mother Mrs. J. R. Hind. Mr and Mrs. K. J. 'Amman havd • $1.00 per sack. A y Elgin: Row- Mr. and Mrs. Milligan and Miss returned after holidaying in Heflin, cliff°, Wonsan. Edith Davis, . of Hamilton, motored ton, Toronto and Norwich. „While. ---4 nnand spent the week -end With Mr. . away Mr. Lampman was unfortuni FARM FOR SALE -Lot and Mrs., D. Davis. Miss Davis is ate to be bitten on the right Orin' b 1.st and .2nd concessions, » remaining for a couple of weeks. some kind of insect and blood -poi • of Stephen, Huron Coun • . Mrs., J. 70. • Minors and Miss E. oning set in but he now has it at res choice land; good dor control. - ing, bank barn, large , -, - Mr. and _Mrs: Wm. Heideman and 14 on ownship , 200 ac - and stobl "good or acres,,ef ni le bush, near centre of farn privately b., h of be sold by • p bile premises on 26 0 at 3 o'clock n.n Cameron, Box 1 1141- • •- ick Shan* returned 'Wednesday from rame barn ,a visit with relatives at Windsor,. sevpral Sandwich and Kingsville. They a- llying spring so attended the 'W.C.T.U. ;conven- If not Sold tion, • child, of ,Toronto, motored up . cently and visited the former's par- ents Mr. and Mrs. E. Heideman. vember it will Mr. E. G. Anderson, who has been and Mrs, Heideman returned to Toi-, uction on the in poor health for the pastten, ronto with them and after visiting November 1929, months left Friday morning). for the for 'a week 'returned to Kitchener pply to Thomas Victoria Hospital. Mrs. Geo.' :An- I and were brought home by Mr. ,an Exeter or phone derson will remain in the city for a 10-24-2tc while, • Mrs. Sill. ' '/41-4'614`01"111 Master' Robert Southcott, son of 'Mr. E. French and :nein°, Mrs. II. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Southeott, war Hearts, of -Toronto, and Mr. E. A. taken ill Thursday last with an acute Follick, who has been visiting with attack of appendicitis and under!. his son at 'teakwood, motored 1-1.1) went an operation at Dr. Fletcher'S ''and spent the week -end with MI. hospital the sonic evening, The opr eration was' performed by Dr. Busby of London. The' little fellow is get- ting along splendidly. HOGARTII 13AIRY CHICK • HATCHERY FEEpS Our Su ply of fe:--,s are .noWnlore template than ever, and your "lteeda rollick in town. in Chick tarter, G -ow Mash, Chtbk 111r. Grant Sanders haS returned Feed, Lay Mash,eef Meal, BOne to Toronto after spendink a week in - 'Meal, Alfal Meal Oyster Shell, Enter owing to the death of his C-rit, Conden ' d.13 termilk, etc. can mother, Mrs. S. M. ganders. His he promptly led.' father returned to Toronto with him POI:LT d V' .LUNG to visit for a time, It is now tim.• ;;* have the cull :nr. \V.F.McDonald and ,noice hens eliminated ' 'om: your' flock. - ' Our 'charge is $2.0 i,:per 100 hens, We ,Mrs. E. Kaufman, of Detroit 'return= are cash buyers of . otiltry, .ciii us ed to their homes on Tueada,y last When you have Poultry to. sell, after a pleasant visit among rela,„ Our new shipment of leg bands tives, The former is a brother 'of has just arrived- All sizes and c0- Mrs, Mary Gould; Sentnith. Apra. Rev. George Weir, 13.A., of Blyth, • was a guest of Mr. and Mrs J. S. NOTTelaw _DRAINAGE Grant, on Sunday. mr. Weltopreach. United Churchit being the, d tW6 eloquent sermons in Jams Street Tenders ir.r ill. be Irt6tved by 0 W. M. S. Thankoffering. undersigned for •the cenStruetie of ' 'Air. Mack dornish, who spent the the Guise!. and Smith Drains p to 'summer at Viseennt, Soak:, return- MondaY, Ne'vepher. 4t11, .10 ,. at .1 ed home last Week -end and is visiting' • ' With iiis parents 'al tlimville. He • ••=.1. 010•1101 •1010.. =MY 11.1111 1.01•11.1 .0010M • 36 -INCH' COLORED vELvgTS In several of t -the- new k shades. .,;Velvets are very ,pPpular for dresses this fall. PER YARD $1.95' LADIES SILK AND WOOL HOSIERY Mercury make, A Splendid. Weight hose, - ▪ for the cooler weather in #11 the neyirahades PER PAIR Sl,00. •„ LADIES' FLANNELETTE 1I9HT GOWNS • • 41 .4 40 4a It, • In good quality white flannelette, nicely trimmed, ST :ECIAL„ VALVE , AT $1.5Q • LADIES VESTS 444.4. ' • o.n.o., A good weight for cooler vieath4C,with strap or Short sleeves: ` • • • 65c. ad 75gi, 'Stamped Mats' We offer 5 doleb stamped mats in 1 44(1 1-41- • 1' and 3-4 yards in oval and oblong. :New floral nd modern...! istic designs. ,,Priced at .,65e 75c and. CREW -NECK SWEATERS CIRCLE BAR !.SIERY FOR MEN 1 • . an. 4, For young ,,men in black crf t and neck and sleeve with two color. co bina. tion PRICED AT $3.95 Some snappy wool mixtures - ......., ew patterns in silk and? - - .000.M. at are. popularly priced at: ----Z. 50c. and - 75c. ACME LEATHERCOATS There are wonderful coats for th cold wet weather formen out in the.open. hree.. new styles at $10.00 $1 I.00 $12.5 4 1. „ STANFIEL ▪ It is impossible to produce und E • known brand. We carry a• st • MINE RUBBERS Ago ", • •10010.101 • '11?er this Gu • 'BOOTS are %tio better. made: • Try paiel ascin and, be convinced - y9urselki = nteed by. the•maker as well at By Us.1- , • . MI/01.10 ,S UNDERW AR FOR MEN . ' ,Iximami• wear that ' ves better satisfaction than this Well- .• = k of this ake in twd-piece and coinbinaiion. .. - - -New ',patter Ask to see our three new.. erns in:dinnerWare.TheyAre'all"-.. . . stock p4tterils. We know you Williike.thein: • • ILIft• The Gilser rain 14 eS Mated at 'spent a few :day e with- his Sister 4700 cu. yds, s. nil the tint Draln Ars, N..Hannigan, of tOwn, at 3100 cu. yd.. to be r ineved. The Qn: Thursday evening et Met week Plans, PrOfileS, and Pegiffeatiolls.ra mist ellaneeus showearwas held for MAY be seen at ., le Of WI Of the u.11- MI* riorigty Arriistroug, brIdo-oltOt derSigilad. -Crec fall A certified, at:UM hente of MiSs-.Aliria Jeffrey, etteqtre or ()that a VoYed seoillitsriViieu theca 25 young people' were of 1 e/o of tIto spe( f' d price shall.ae, Prefient and SOO .a. pienattrit eVelt- rompahy tendm he lowest or ar, 'Mg in talltea tad estassto... • A ineet, tender not neetsiargy accepted. ,tyst deeerated baskot :was presented HENTt:t tILI3trt,," 40 d misa ,A,rMstrong received many 'Clerk of tire Trr. Of i,nrettY And useful, gifts. A dainty 104,0-2a, Steotten, Vrettiton' Inneh was serred. 4, P. O., Ontario • FALL .-CLEANIN IS Hor-AqAPI Now is place t mattres We have a your Renpholste etimet' at 'war .Out or sp ng. lUsto to meet ali equir: ellts. romptly . Done H. R. FoPER FURNI E DEALER FUNER DIRECTOR Phone.09 HYDRO 'ELE Wiring and install workmanship at r Repairing stoves laity. E imat free. RIC g, guaranteed' sonable prices, d motors a spec - gladly furnished N. DAVIS Phoue We have orde -d a ear of dried: suga beet pulp for delivery NoV-• embe 10th. crease yoUr inlik suppi,", by teed g b.eAt pulp, We are bookh orde'r. now. We 'con pea: sibly et tw cars it necessary,it you lea.e yo r orders right away. It won't b.. a :q liable later on. Harvey Bros. •• - POWELL'S VARIETY STORE STILL. GOING. OCR STOCK (tOT 140W, RUT RIGHT NOW AVE ARF BOLDING THEM CP.. WEA.R14.1 DAILY RECEIVIN* New China .. Flow:, ing Bulbs xiy.1110.f Tupils, Daffodils, Satre Lillies, Narcissus, Leaf M Id. Flower pots and Bulb Vases • rttiLYrs3,ak3oCilBons CandyPlates Salads, Odd P ces Sugars and Creams, F cy Teapots •s: Ainsley China Cu 8 & Saucers. 'c• NEN SAFETY nthilm; 'won STROP teed O itione etT FLOWERS WE ()VT vir sets of Disitel,,, We Are but for 1 OtItt TrAVV .11 STRAIGHT 1111. gltursul- back 150r. Olt•ALt 1011D Ilver-tr tsin 44 Confectionery Bost Peannte you, over eat in Shen, Or Salted, • rOf NellAou's 111,11t, ChoeoliktoS " r (..ihIONil IS ONE OJ OUR ifORItIES (>9;::•,tatstIogttOs soVitti en Viors, t4 will stif•prige yon. (line mitt tath it over tvittitis., 6.1.1 OTillt111, LINES WILL ALSO HLP. rftritrso t VEICY EDISON 'OWNR. difltift A.10 a. Witiirvylly .suiT 0, Ai ORDERED J) . a THE VIIT. • -..•. .. - ... OF MR. MONK, SPEC'''. REPRESENTATI op iniatalgit . ' • -"''. • ' ;-• s OF QUALITY '. . Only twice a year can. ou take adva,n e of Bergor-Tailorirm Co'. greatqree pants -offer so' don't fail • he. liere.4. ,Absollitely - ,.no 'eliargeAeve our rgolar ow prices fo" the eXtra' pair of pants. 444 4 $2 mi • awl up, Don't fo • the. date: • . PHONE illw T A M EXTER,' Ernes,: -GENERAL. • Mutua tvey t' BROKER enting ••. eof ..eanada Lfe, Fi e; Aidanobile; :Etc. aNamaNsvimi SAFETY. RAZOR 8 SHARPE El? (an • • • 4 naranteed DRUGGIST 41 UNDRTA • headqu teS i. toth at N. WE'S Tho St e svi the Big Stotk nd .w prices. 5E01 R YOURSELF. N ROWE Phozie 20w old 20,i We have p Power White are open for. wash and ,dis house, charge. IlPga. er, Phone urthased an -to-date wa.solrixin! n tine and uS -ivhite- , nfect ur barn, hen - nal work, imdertu aby Chink :Hatch- 4W,.Ext tor. ,8-1-tfe DOItOT (Itonor Piano, Vi Studio IV. Yi GRASS L. C. M. tante) -to mtygO 011 ilogIandi 41,1, . armony,•Theoryi, • Ott Street/ ox t6o'1, ER, ONTARIO W. 11. GOULDNO A. T. O.- M. Organist In& Ohoirni Janie 'at. United eh natruction Pane deal , an • Theett auaerVisor of Mus Scboolu Stadio. M in g Phbas TR. - OWL. 171,L101117 „ ViftOttiN Clea,ning, PtOSOI ricePairing, byeing and ry 0 tling Parlor fd upatairs Mt, oPp ite the PO8t, fico and his • iS "ervice an:11. 'Satisfaction ranteed.'r SO 1 T VS GO DIG