The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-10-24, Page 5a
DR. R, I, P: IOU
Helier graduate
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DR, J. A. M
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o I! aculty pf
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extern Ontario..
ge of Physicians
s f Ontarlta. Office
of Post Office.
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ART, L. D, S,
Plate Work
Main Street
Chirol►ttctor i/,'
Electro Ther:hpisee2'
Masseur ee.i/
visit ee ensall Cone-
/ Al ay, Wednes-
ounty and town.
-of Clinton, w'i
3uercial Hotel o?
day and Friday d
10 a.m. to 2 pall.
calls attended to,
A goon second hand piano for
.sale, cheap, Apply to Radio Elec-
tric Shop, IHensali. _ 10-10=2tc
Mr. A. Holten has sold his dwell-
ing to Mr, ,J. B, .Simpson.
AIr. John Stacey and son Lloyd,
of Simcoe, spent7•the week -end with
friends in town.
• Afr. and Mrs. Manley Jinks, of De-
troit, spent :the week -end with their
friends here.
Dr. and Mrs. Murray Fisher, of
Gravenhurst, visited at the home of
Airs. Peter Fisher.
sAirs. Alex McIntyre is visiting her
;sister in Teterboro and also with her
friends in Toronto.
Mr. auct Mrs.. Norman Sheffer, of
Toronto., spent the week -end with
111r•. and Mrs. Ed. Sheffer.: •
Mrs. Robt. Beatty and Miss Lizzie
Harvey, of Seaiol tl, visited with
Mrs. John Murdock last week.
Mrs. Andrew Moir, owing to ill
3lealth, was taken to Victoria IHos-
pital, London, for treatment.
Air. and :firs. Earl -E. Shertte, of
Toronto, Were recent visitors with
Misses Mary and Emma Johnston.
Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Nicholson, of
iVinghanl, were recent visitors with
Misses Emma and Mary Johnston.
A Plowing Match will bo held on
the farm of Mr. A. B. Rowcliffe,
south of the village on Thursday af-
Mrs. McGill and hiss Mae McNau-
ghton, of Toronto, spent the week-
end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D.
Mr, Wm. Simpson and Miss Mae
Simpson, .of Detroit, spent the week-
end with theire•grand parents eAlf.
and Mrs. Relit. •33onthron. •
Mrs. L..Sullens, of Detroit, return-
ed to her Home after a few weeks'
'visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Hudson and other friends.
Airs, Hawthorne, of Saskatchewan
who has spent the last two months
visiting with friends in this district
is leaving this week for her home
in the West.
Arr. and Mrs. Leslie Knight ,of.
Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. L. Knight,
of Buffalo and ,hiss Florence Iniglht
of •Seabright, spent Sunday with
friends in town
At a Prohibition Rally held in
Bensall on Monday afternoon Mr. G.
Medd; of Exeter was endorsed by
the Union and an address was given
by the Rev. E. E. Curry, of To-
The Auction Sale .of Airs. D. Gras -
•sick on •Saturday afternoon last was
well attended. Everything being
sold at •'air prices, The house was
purchased some time ago by Mr. H.
The Young Peoples Meeting of St.
Paul's Anglican Church was held
cm Monday evening with a fair at-
tendance. The most interesting
number •on the program being a
musical tragedy which was enjoyed
by all.
Airs. Same,' Stacey intends hold-
ing -an auction sale of her .household
effects on Saturday afternoon next.
After the sale Mrs. Stacey intends
moving .to Detroit where she will
spend the winter with her sons and
- laughter.
Mr. Henry Horton, who has been
Sor some time in Alberta and in
the city of Vancouver, . C., has
returned •to. Hensall and intends
spending the hinter months with
Itis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry •
Field Day was observed by the.
Coale -flatlet and Public Schools on
Friday afternoon last, Jumping,
racing And other sports were held
atter which 2 ball games were play-
ed, Hensall and Clinton girls teed
'Zurich and Hensall boys.
David Shirray and son, Al-
bert, accompanied by Mr, and Mrs.
33'red Bengough and Miss Cassie
Dougall, motored to hienkton, re-
cently to attend the of their
a`ela.tive, . Arr, Williattl. 'Buttry, a man
Of advanced years,
The Young ;People of the tithed
Church held their regular meeting
en Monday evening last. The meet -
leg opened by singing a ' bynin atter•
which all repeated the- Lord's Pray-
x11'. The minutes of tfte last Meet -
leg were read followed by the Seri)-
?lure lesson py .M155, •1J. Murdoekr
ZitoFtoretlee 11IrDslia.t
cl pace a very
The a
Given, Slee: t.hA Rave Arthne
e latirefedineeed, by, c, Nolo. i)y Miss ,.\..
Toynt. The meeting closed by. the
inging .of .a hyinti,.1',gllowed• by this,
"diliieptili benedletion.
Tlie Young People of Me Carmel
Presbyterian church held their reg.
Mar meeting on Monday evening of
this week with Miss Ruby McLaren.
presiding. The meeting' opened by
Singing ixyinlr 401 after wizeh all
repeated the Lord's Prayer in wigs
sou. The Seripture Lesson was
react by .Miss Alice Walker followed
by the minutes of the last Meeting.
Hymn 571 was sung .and Miss Mare
garet McLaren gave an excellent ac-
count of the life of Daniel Living
stone after which Mies Mabel Work-
plan read an accouut of the Reny
wlhielr was held in Seaforth. The
meeting then closed by singing mu.
77 followed- by the =even bene-
• Alarried in` Detroit.
One of our I-lensall girls, hut who
for some past years has beep in De,
trait, was recently married in that'
pity. We here refer to Al'ise Irma
Rennie, eldest daughter of Mr. .and
Mrs. E. Rennie, of our village, who
was married to Mr, Howard Harris,
a business plan of Detroit, the mar-
riage being very quietly solemnized
Miss Rennie first qualified as train-•
ed nurse in Grace Hospital, of that
city. but afterwards was associated
with specialists in the .medical pros
fession, and at the time, of her mare
riage was First Aid in the large
Chrysler Corporation Hospital in the
city, The many relatives and friends
of the happy couple will wish them
long and continued happiness,
We have ordered a car of dried
sugar beet pulp for delivery Nov-
ember 10th. Increase your milk
supply by feeding beet pulp. We are
booking orders now. We can pos-
sibly get two cars if necessary, if
you leave your orders right away. It
won't be available later on. Harvey
Do you take your Ford car to the
Ford garage? We stock genuine
Ford parts all models 1912 to 1929.
Our mechanics are up to the minute
on Ford Service. Sandy Elliot.
Wedding Dells will ring in the vil-
lage shortly.
Mr. and Airs. Roberts, of Otter-
ville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Smith on Sunday.• •
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Willis, Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Parsons and Mr. and
Mrs. W. Dobbs and family were en-
tertained -at a birthday party on
Monday evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Wilfred Anderson, London
in honor of the latter'e mother Mrs.
George Essery.
Arrangements have been made
with 1VJr. and Mrs. Jacobs for the
Sunday School to pay a visit to the
inmates of the Huron County Home,
Clinton, on Friday evening •of this
week. ' Anyone desiring to' go' will
be welcome.
•Miss Helen Hicks, nurse -in -train-
ing at Victoria Hospital, London,
was hone for a few clays owing, to
the serious illness of her mother
Mrs. Andrew Hicks.
Miss Mildred Mitchell and friend
spent the week -end in Guelph, the
guests of MT. and Mrs. Frank Saw-
Mr, and Mrs. Herman Powe and
family and Mrs. Agnes Powe are
spending a -few days this week with
Air, and Mrs. Ewart Powe, Whitby,
Mrs. Wood is visiting at the home
of the Misses 'Wilson.
Airs. G. F. Penwarden assisted
the singing in the United church in
Hensall on 'Sunday evening last.
Air. Richard Parker, who has spent
the summer in the West has return-
ed to his ltoine here.
There will be no church services'
on Sunday owing to the"anniversary
services .at Whalen. The Centralia
choir will furnish the music =re-
in and evening.
• Mr. Thomas Willis is in Toronto
en business this week,
Mr. And Mrs. S. • Davis, Mr. and
Mrs. Thompson and daughter, of
London, visited on . Saturclpy with
Mr. ;and Mrs. W. J. Parsons, .
The Sunday School will hold a
banquet in tete basement of the
church 'on Friday, November 1st.
The speakers for the evening are
Mr. Mann; of Innerkip and Itev. Ro-
gers from the Mission Field in West-
ern Canada., Supper will be served
promptly at 7 p.nt. Admission is'
adults 50c. and children 25c, Aity-
one desiring tickets please obtain
them 'front either Hiss Wanda Veil -
lis or Mies Hazel Smith.
• Miss Minnie Smith spent the week- her Moine in Lucan
Dr. H. H.
flit lti$PAX ocilroDER 4, 1929
owell, :I3.S., D;D: I.
AI! 11000N
At office in Ntieib dock, flash-
wood, first tie : • days of week and
:at office over the Post Office, 3n
Zi rich, last three days of week.
Mr. and Airs. Shore and daughter
Mildred, of Woodbridge; Miss Tillie
Miller, of Toronto and Mr. Jacob
Miller, of Saskatchewan, attended
the funeral of their mother .the late
Mrs. Mary_ Miller last week..
Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffman and
daughter Lillie, of Laiden, were
Sunday visitors in town.
Mr. and Mrs, E. Guenther and son
Lloyd and Ross; Mrs. Jane Guenther
of Zurich olid Air.. and Mrs, Chas.
Guenther returned Monday after :a
very pleasant motor trip to Buffalo
and other places,.
Air. A. Mawdsley spent Sunday in
We have ordered a car of dried
sugar beet pulp . for delivery Nave
ember loch. Increase your milk
supply by feeding beet pulp, We are
booking orders now. We call pos-
sibly get two cars if necessary, if
you leave your orders right away. It
won't be available later on. Harvey
Bros, •
Mr. Delton Lewis, of Binnsley, vis-
ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Harry • Lewis,
Miss Verde, Hoffman is visiting
her cousin, Miss Muriel Drummond
in Ailsa Craig.
Mr, and Mrs. John Smith motor-
ed to Pigeon, Mich., last week with
AIr. and Mrs. 1Vm. Simith.
A large number from here attend-
ed the funeral of the late Francis
and Jas, Flynn on Saturday,,
Miss Elda Messner, of Dashwood,
spent Sunday with her uncle and
aunt, Mr: a.nc1 Mrs. Henry M'otz.
• Mr. and Mrs. Ell and T Lawson.Airs.
John Lawson and, Mrs. Chris Ran
spent Sunday with relatives in Exe-
lairs. Nelson St. Clair visited Mr.
and Airs. C. Heaslip 'and family, of
Hamilton and also her two brothers
in Toronto for a few days
Mr. And Mrs. Clifford Hill and
Mr. and _Mrs. Clayton Situs were in
Pigeon, Mich., last week att tatting
the funeral of the late Mr. Jacob
Airs. Francis Flynn and Mrs. Jas.
Flynn have the sympathy of the cam-
ihunity in the sudden deaths of their
husbands, the late Francis and Jr.s.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter McPherson
and two children arrived home au
Monday after spending some months
in Renfrew where Mr. McPherson -
was working on the 'highway,
The death occurred in Crediton on
Tuesday evening, of Mrs. Stalk,
which took place at the home of her
daughter Mrs. Herb Young. The
deceased suffered a stroke on Friday
of last week and for several days her
condition was critical.
'Air. and .11rs. Wm. Smith and son
Gerald were suddenly called to Pi -
goon, Mich., on Wednesday morn-
ing, owing to the critical condition
of the latter's father Mr. .Voelker,
whose health has been clecling for
some time. Mr. Voelker passed
away on the sante clay and the fun-
eral was held on Saturday after -
"Teacher Training Class" will
hold its first period of Instruction
this Friday evening in 'the Sunday
School room of the Evangelical
Church beginning promptly at 8.20
and lasting 30 minutes.. Devotional
preceeding the instruction. There
will be 10 lesson periods, five be-
fore Christmas and five after the
holidays. This will finish the. vol-
ume entitled "The Teacher" part 2,
of the O.R.E.C. Standard Training
Course. We are hoping this may be
a•benefit to many, Anyone in the
community or in the Township is
welcome. Colne and study with es
and get your credit from the O.R.E.
C, Any who 'would rather 'be sent
listeners may have that privilege and
feel right at Boles, W. M. Sippell,
The regular monthly meeting of
the W, M, S. was held last Thursday
afternoon a.t the home of sirs. Hai•-
vey 'Sciuire. The 2nd vice-president
Mrs. Albert Gunning, was in Charge
of the meeting, Mrs. John Hodgson
Mrs, D. A. Johnston and Airs. Albert
Gunning led in prayer. Mrs, john
Hazlewood• read thio scripture lesson,
Mei 9: 1.1]:. A very interesting'
leaflet was then read Will
Mrs. Frank
Squire and Mrs, Will Morley read'.
the devotional leaflet "He shall
Reign from Sea to See." Mis. F,
Squire was appointed' as the new
Arlssionary Monthly Secretary. Mrs.
John Hodgson react an itertt ion Sups
ply Work, Some fruit ie to be sent
to the Deaconess Hones) in Toronto,
ce Literatu
isttibtted, The 'held n.Eetig • 7i
• n g
the 'Tlratilcciitei`
'tltev,3 ' 1rrvin 'closed the h Beth
With rirayer. '['ea was 'then serVetl
(Intended for last week)
The Women's Institute will meet
at the honkie of Mrs. Jas. Hill on
November the Gtlt instead of 'October
23rd as announced. Further an-
nouncement later, •
The Y, P. S. will meet on Friday
evening in the club room with the
Sunbeams in charge. •
Miss Blanche Snell, Toronto, spent
the week -end with her parents at
the parsonage.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Norris spent
the week -end at Southampton.
Mr. and Ales. Marry Leslie, of
Stratford, spent. Sunday in the vil-
Anniversary services were hold in
the United elinreli on October 131.h
with very large attendances ht both
services. Rev. Mr, Menzies, of Ful-
tartoll, oceuliied the pulpit. The
choir was assisted by outside talent
end rendered splendid rntisic, A. solo
by Mrs, Snell at tee enerning ser.
vice and a 501.0 by Miss Norma Wile
son in the evening were well . re-
'efved and'bron htite,a close a very
ucCeseful' alrrhiveysary.
I '
tYocl 7:10 •t
- A d 1t encieiT thelie
1Y t
o'tvt Jtt ei• rti: eS ` '• 1 • c
rip '.lrtr dhy, nigh all t
a, s•p1endi(1 ' hrbgi'itil tale put oh, by
and all enjoyed ,q very pleasant so= Iicksoti, Stratttord add Seafor'tit tats
fiat bine, tent. • • r"
Do you take your Ford car 10 the
Ford garage? Wo stock genuine
Ford parte ail models 1912 to 1929,
Our mechanics are up to the a amete
on Porn Service,Sandy Elliot,
The regular meeting of the W.M.
£t. was held at the home of Mrs, P.
Aiurch on Wednesday .afternoon of
last week, There were 30 present
6 of whorl were visitors. Mrs.. N.
Clarke presided. The Scripture les-
son was read and roll call respond-
ed to by "Alt Imiwration." Mrs, S.
Coward and Mrs. A. Gardiner, of
the Thames Road Auxiliary sang a
beautiful duet which was very much
enjoyed, Mrs, Gollings accompany-
ing. Mrs. Rev. Willie .also sang a
solo. headings were given by Mrs.
W. Ferguson, Mrs, Ed. Johns, Mrs.
S. Hunter, Mrs. Go:dbolt, Mrs.
Prance, Airs, Brock, Mrs. 11Iui•eh and
iIts. Ford. A.splendid d tanor
t of the.
Convention held at Wizalen was
given by Mrs. Hy. Delbridge. A
nomination committee was appoint-
ed also; election of officers to be
next week.
Mrs. Cltas, Johris will have charge.
of November meeting, At the close
of the meeting lunch was served and
a social time enjoyed,
Airs. Milton Clark, or Salvador,
18 visiting relatives in this commun-
We are very pleased t0 be able to
report that Mrs. Will Johns whose
condition has been so serious for
the past three weeks is improving
slowly though steadily.
Mr, Kenneth Johns spent the
week -end with relatives in Goderich,
Mr, Wilfred Johns underwent an
operation for antrum trouble in a
London hospital last week.
11Ir. Mack Cornish has returned
home from the West where he spent
the summer,
Anniversary services will be held
in this .church On November the 10t1h
Rev. Anthony, of Thanes Road, will
bo the speaker. A freewill offer -
in will g ru• 1 be asked for at these ser-
Arr. and Mrs. Wesley Johns, Hee
Ward and Mary, Mr. and Airs. John
Francis visited relatives in Toronto
and Port Hope, leaving Thursday
and returning on Sunday.
Mr. and Airs. .Archie Brophey are
visiting relatives and friends
Windsor and Detroit.
Miss Mabel Purdy, of Hensall, is
visiting her relatives in this com-
m ani ty.
11Ir.. and Airs. W. Hicks and fam-
iJy attended tae a! ntversare. services
ist Jabilee Church, .Parkhill on Sun-
. lir. and Mrs. Roy Pollock and
family, of Kerwood,• were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pollock.
Mr. and i3Irs. Iiennetll Poore encs
little son Tom, of 'Windsor, visited
Mrs. Sherritt over the week -end.
The Y.P.S. of the United church'
will meet on Friday evening of this
week. After that date their regu-
lar meeting night will be Monday.
A splendid series of meetings ,are
being planned and all' the young
folic at'e urged to attend.
The Harvest Mome Dinner at the
United church broke all former re-
cords. The very large crowd enjoy-
ed the splendid menu and later the
fine program that was given by the
Londonion Concert Co. The varied
program of music and comedy left
nothing to be desired. The proceeds
from the gate receipts and sale of
fowl and cooking amounted to over
Miss Viola Curts was the brides-
maid at the Stoner -Ross Nuptials in
London last week.
Mr. and .Mrs. E. Bullock attend-
ed. the funeral of Mr. J. Flynn and
his son Francis, at Crediton on Sat-
We Ngret to report the passing
of Howard Isaac on Sunday after-
noon .after a serious illness of six
'weeks and a brave fight for life.
Further particulars next week.
Last Thursday at 2 the rec-
tory, Parkhill, was the scene of a
quiet wedding when Rev. Lewin
united in marriage Miss Olive 'Wil-
son, daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
'Wilson and Mr. Milton Pollock son
of Mr, and Mrs, Andrew Pollock.
The bride -was gowned in Provenchie
bine georgette over. sand silk and
was unattended, Immediately af-
ter the ceremony the ]sappy couple
left on a motor trip to Detroit the
bride travelling in a handsome dress
of transparent velvet With accessor-
ies to match. On their return they
will reside here. Tltebest wishes of
many friends are extended to thein
.for a happy future,
Noxt Sunday Mt'. Irwin will
preach at the United church at 2.30.
'rite Sunday School will be at 1.30,
The Young Peoples' Meeting was
organized last Monday evening. The
officers were; President, G. Schroedh
er; Secretary, G. Schilbe; Treasurer,
V', Sharp; Pianist, M. Lamport; al-,
so other continitteel were appoint-
tltlite a number from here 'attend-
ed the funeral of Janies tuid Fran-
cis Flynn Tast Saturday,
Mr. Jolin hats is visiting relatives
in New hamburg.
Mr. Mid its. A.. Fliticbelnereend
,lean hInS visiting relatives and
frieircls lit Windsor and Detroit : for
a fere days Aire, At, I'irtkbeiner, of
•Crediton :And Mil, J. McGregor, of
-ew t.R:.y ace icc„eping. tiptoe in their
Mr. and Mrs. La Fond and rattily
of Stunia, spent the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. 131. Swelteer visited
with relatives in 1`lew Hamburg last
Mr. AI, Deitrieh, of Detroit, spent
a few days with his parents Air. end
Mrs. J. Deitrich recently.
Airs. D. Mcisaac and Clement,. of
London; Mrs, F. Dillon, of Aiiebigan
called on friends last Wednesday.
Air, and Mrs. Harry 1(i'aft, ,of
Dashwood, spent last Sunday at the
home et Mr. E. Keyes,
Miss Sole } eougiz, of Detroit,
visited with her fattier And brother
last Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Keyes from
Stanley Tp., spent last Monday at
the home of Mr Thos. Keyes..
Items of news from Thames Road,
Grand Bend, Kirkton and Shiplca
have boon crowded but this week,
as well as several local items.'
Dr. G. F• and Mrs. itoulston Spent
the week -end in :Kincardine,
Mr. Joe Grant was home from
London over the week -encs.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hopper and
Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Barney visited in
Goderich on Sunday.
Mrs. • F. H. Neil, who has been
visiting at the home of her daugh-
ter Mrs, J. H. Jones, left Sunday for
Detroit to spend a couple of week,.
Mrs. Thomas Heywood, of Ellnt-
ville, who has. been visiting her
neice Mrs. J. Harding • for the past
week returned to her home on Tues-
Mr. and Airs. A, Andrews, Mr. El-
liott and Mr, E. Armstrong motored
over from Detroit and spent the
week -end at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wes. Lamport. •
Dr. 3. M. Harvey, M. A. who waS
taken to Victoria Hospital, London,
suffering from mastoid trouble, un-
derwent an operation for double
mastoid and is improving nicely.
Miss Violet 'Willis, who has been
visiting with relatives and friends
in this community will return to her
home at Marlette, Mich. on Friday.
Miss M. A. Tom will accompany her
to visit for a short time.
Mr, and Mrs. Norman Iiedcly, of
Detroit, motored over on Monday
bringing with them Miss Netta Keddy
who has been visiting en Detroit and
Fenton. Mr. and Mrs. Keddy left
dere to spent a couple of days at
Lockport, N. Y.
Mrs. William Dew, Exeter's oldest
resident passed away at the home of
her daughter Mrs. John Hunter on
Wednesday morning at the age of
97 years. The remains are being
taken to Gundy Centre Iowa. Fur-
ther particulars next week.
Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers returned
Wednesday last from Windsor whevE
she attended .the provincial W. C.1
T. U. convention, also Detroit where
she visited relatives. Her uncle, Mr. •
W. F. McDonald, also her sister, Mrs
Edgar Kaufman motored 'over and
are visiting relatives and friends,
James Street United church held
their special W.M.S. Thankoffering
service on Sunday when Rev. Geo.
Weir, B.A., of Blyth, preached two
splendid sermons. The ladies act- I
eel as ushers and collectors. .At the
morning service Arr. Ed. Treble
rendereda coronet solo, and in the.
evening Mr. Geo. Grant a violin so-1.
Trivitt Memorial church held their
Harvest Home services on Sunday.
The church was beautifully decorat-
ed with fruits, grain and flowers
and two excellent sermons were. de-
livered by Rev. W. A. Townshend,
Rector of the Church of the Re-
deemer, London. Special music was
rendered by the choir. Cavell Pres-
byterian church withdrew their ev-
ening service and united with the
Trivitt congregation.
Donald, the only son of Mr. and
Mrs. -Oran Winer, was taken to Vic-
toria Hospital Monday evening by
Dr, Fletcher where he underwent a
serious operation for mastoid trouble
Mr. Seth Winer and Mrs. Winer ac-
companied then to London where
they were met by the father of the
little lad who is employed with the
Bell Telephone Company. The latest
report state the little lad is doing
Two auto loads of laymen from
the Trivitt 1°Ientorial church were at
Seaforth on Friday evening of last
week attending a laymen's banquet
in connection with the Deanery of
Huron held in the Parish Hall, of
St. Thomas church. Representa-
tives were present from all over the
Deanery. The address of the even-
ing was given by Canon Warner, of
Cronyn Memorial church and Jitdge
of the Juvenile Cottrt in London, on
"Child Life."
;;;Col. i[,'S?th eiiierei ettl %
i On. Monday evening last a very
i pleasant time wits .spent at the borne
ler Mr. and Mrs, Win. Welsh, when
neighbors and friends to the num-,
ber .of thirty Or more gathered on
Ithe eve of the departure .of Mr.
Adam Case and son Peter from the
ILondon Read where they have made
their house for many years.
The guests enjoyed• progressive
crokinole and music after which Mr,
Case and Peter were taken coiztplete-
ly by surprise and presented; with n.
,beautiful clltb bag and fountain pen,
respectively, a's a token otoeemezn-
beanoo aad cine wishes from,
neighbors. Mr, John Itowelitte read:
the address and the gifts were pre-
. sented by Mr, Geo, Hawkins and Mr.
Wm. :Sillery. Mr. Case and Peter
each fn a few words bespoke their
1 appreciation of ,the fine remeni-
1 brance and also their regret in leav-
ing old friends, A dainty lunch
was served' and a very enjoyable
time was spent by all.
Following was /the address:
Dear Mr. Case and Peter:
Your neighbors and friends are
pleased to take this opportunity of
expressing to you their good -will and
best wishes ere you leave aur;neigh-
borhood. We recall that you have
long been a resident of this com-
munity and represent one of the old -
est families of this locality, whose,
early pioneer life along this London
'Road 15 an interesting part of the
settlement of the Huron tract. Many
, changes have taken place, many of •
the neighbore have moyed away;
many have passed on but you re-
' mained as a link connecting the past
land the present and we regret that
1 this lint: is now also broken.
In the years gone by your neigh-
• borly acts, the kindly hospitality of
your home and family and all our
associations with you have been es-
teemed very highly and will not
quickly be forgotten. As a token of
our good -will and esteem we present
you, Mr. Case, with this club bag
and Peter this fountain pen, Our
best wishes for your health and hap-
we you and 5 e
you a warm welcome always awaits
you in the future days by the old
friends and neighbors. --Signed, The
Oh Wednesday evening of last
week a ntisceilaneous shower was
held at the home of Miss 1)or•-
othy' Grassiek, of Exeter, in honor of
Miss Velma Caldwell, bride -elect.
There Were about thirty present. 4'
mock wedding was performed *Melt,
Was very much enjoyed,by all, The
bride, Aliss Helen Dignan, ttncfi;;tlia:
groom, Miss Marjorie Pearbn, enter-
ed the room to the strains c'tr the
wedding •march played by 1111i854141a'-
jorie Medd, Ariss Bean Andrew 'cva,3.
Clower girl. Miss Marguerite . *sq.
Donald, of ippen, acted tt mirttstef;.
Miss alible Follicle sang during thee
signing of the register. Ali ' too'Ic
their parte eitceptionaly Well,-Velrnti
received some very hlSefui and, au
tie _ ift 1
int s n r.
, C e"3 �. .
g d t t i`o
t. � t c'a 1
le. WI the wiit'tdfisi,+`l`Ceri�ia ns', ^`;ttit.
Vltsii. Marehail, o iVarna
, gave some
selections. A dainty
,1',ufu:h vas:. gerv,,e.a, •
Field Meet at Lucan
Students from the Exeter H. S.
were at Lucan on Friday last com-
peting in the aunuaI field day events
The weather was ideal and the boys
and girls from Exeter enjoyed the
day immensely, Exeter carried off
the most points in the boys events
winning 124, Lucan 82. In the girls
events Lucan secured 81 points and
Exeter 72. The championships were
won as follows: Jr. Boys, K. Hockey,
Exeter; Int. Boys, J. Freeborn, Lu -
can; Sr. DeCoursey, Lucan. Sr. Girls
0. Lawson, Exeter and J. Revington
had 21 points each; Int. Girls, B.
Gibson 16 points; Jr, Girls, M. Sims
15 points. Following were the re-
33oys' Es chis
Throwing baseball for distance,
DeCoursey, Skinner; Joynt.
Shot put -Jr., Granger, Cochrane,
and Stewart; Int., Joynt, Lee and
Ford; Sr., DeCoursey, Rycicman and
Half Mile --Jr., Granger, Hennes-
sey and Edgington; In£., Quinn,
Freeborn and Pryde; Sr., DeCoursey
Gibson and .Amos.
Running Broad -.,, Jr., Hockey,
Chown and. Hennessey; Int., Lee
Pryde and • Quinn; Sr., Jennings;
Skinner and Smith.
220 Dash -Jr., Hockey, Hennes-
sey and Chown; Int., Freeborn,
Pryde and Quinn.; Sr., G. Freeborn,
Jennings and R.ykman.
100 Yd. Dash -Jr„ Hockey, Hen-
nessey and Chown; Int., Joynt, J.
Freeborn and Nagle; Sr., Ryekmall,
G. Freeborn and Skinner.
Relay, Quarter Mile -Jr., Chown,
Lucan; Hockey, Exeter.
Hop, Step and Jump -Int., Pryde
Lee and J. Freeborn; -Sr., Jennings,
Smith and Skinner.
Mile Open -Quinn, Antos and J.
High Jump --J1•., Brown, "Williams
and Hennessey; Int., 3. Freeborn.
Ford and Pryde; Sr., Skinner, De-
Coursey and Jennings.
Girls' )vents
bashes- Jr., M. Sims, G. Darling
and A. Etherington; Int., J. Lankin,
K. Strang, B. Gibson; .Sr., J. Reving-
ton, 0. Lawson, L. Love.
Throwing basketball for distance,
B. Gibson, 0; Lawson and H. Hey-
Throw and Catch Relay ---B. Gib-
son and B. Harrison; M. Stanley and
P. Carter; J., Revington and R. Hod-
Throwing the baseball for dis-
tance, it: Hodgins, B. Harrison, J..
Running $road Junep--,7r., M.
Sinrs, G. Darling, G. Hennessey; Int,
L. Strang, J. •Lankin and V. Uaskett
Sr,, D0.' Lawson, J. Itevington and
L, Love
High jump -Jr., AI. Sines, I)..
Caldwell, and G. Nennesse•3t Int., P.
Cartel', J. ,J4a.niciti and I:, Sttone;
LaWsl t , J. nevington and L. ] ove-
• Hop; Step and jump -0, Lawson,.
J. Revington and L. Love..
Th'r'ee -togged state - 23. Gibson.
aic1 J.. iiev1ngton; M. Coinplitl uncr
AY: .F111eringttir; 1t. Hodgins and I1..
sOb5.ttte , ett�e' t5 ... y..
este '
4 , '�,aw5tl�;,..p; Glh
n n .
t"l. g,• Idd
tied .. ,
ed $or t r "
i d.
Novelty a hc0 -. 7�uLi tilt rr*lul►,r 'r.
Relay ilaee ••'ITh, tai, t1Cari, E;