The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-10-17, Page 8s 4 THE EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE TRUES AYt 00TO11ER 17lIN, :OW Caulk Your Pillows save mo *yon our coal bill 4*AN;IIIlil E s ,tRED AGENCY F ULKING DOORS. AND WIN , ALSO METAL WEN], t STRIPPING LET I.7S, ONE YOU PRICES NC J. ERN, Exeter Air. Amos Wi1Ufon is adding a new hay Window to his residence at Setsmith. , The Themes Road Farmers Club. is booking orders for both fine .and coarse coke. 1A11 order hould be in by Octobe. 26th ..ipment early in November P assmore, 1Q-17-2tc FOR SALE . ly new, '.eheaP vocate, n pump, near - ply at Times -Ad - FOR SALE --N ,$1.00 per sack. 'cliffe, Hensall, rth Spy Apples. ly Elgin Row - FOR SAL to -lay )3arred R old; froni, the Switzer, Grant Hyde, Kippen Hensel). A nu ck pull hate er of Bred- ts, 4 months ry of J. A. nply to 3. B. phone 11 ou 86, • 1'0- 10. We 'require t e followin inv strnent first ni,ortgages epon p uated in Exeter .and $3400, $2,500, good rates of i LOST—At Cr sian cat, spit box 265, Credi ..uras for ...on good perties sit- inity, 2001' and $1500 at te ng& Morley e a rristere&c. ,. Exeter, Ont. n a yellow Per - reward. Apply At this season of women are doing more will be wanting the' the ma ket. Take ba's Bes for bread del, for bead, bisc Welcome or past Don't f. get t for - starti il: lit and baby est and be ket. Buy at h ..,, help to pay Bros. e year the aking. They est flour on ome Manito- aria rolls. Mo- ts and rolls and ZxotAr arkets $1.0.8 standard. ' Oat.60e. Barley •70c. Alaniteha Flour $:4.60 Made l Flour $445 Pastry Flour $3.80 Feel Flour $2.25 Bran $1.90. Shorts ;LOO Crearpery butter ,45e Dairy Batter 40c. Eggs, ,eztras 450. Eggs, firsts 40e. Eggs, seconds W. Hogs $11.00 A CHI :Main St. nigh t, 0 and 33e. r.:0•4•44mollrrorrror, .t. IN SUPPER—At ehurch, Hallowe'en r 31st. Supper 50c. articulars later. The Ladies' • Aid James Street United chur •to wil old a Bazaar on Saturday, e 'bei' 30th. Keep the date in Mr. Geo. Geddes, of Londen, visit- ed his soil William oyer the week- end. Aliss Francis Pearce, of London, spent Sunday under the parental roof. Mrs. John Alericharin of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Powell, Mr. Leonard Greb, of Detroit, vis- ited with his father, Air. John Greb over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. C. Pym and family attended the Wingham fair on Thurgday of last week. Rev. F. E. and Mrs. Clysdale and family visited .on Friday last at the home of Mr. and MI's. Chas. Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Northcott and Mrs. Hanley, Of Stratford, visited with friends at Sexsmith last week. ' Mr. and Mrs. E.'C. Harvey visited for a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Buswell, of Lucknow. Atiss Dorothy Sims, of town, spent a few days with her aunt Mrs. T. W. Appleton and cousins in Honsall. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Tuckey and son of London, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Maw- son - Mrs. Joe McDonald Sr. is very 111 at the home of Mrs. Fred Green, !Exeter north. Her many friends wish for her speedy recovery! Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred'SteWart and daughter Joan, of Detroit, motored over and ,spent Sunday with the former's parents Mr. and= Mrs. J. A. Stewart.' Mrs. AL E. Gardinenand son Bert, 'of. Meaford, visited with friends in Exeter 'for a few days leaving here to visit in London, Chatham . and Windsor. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Mitchell, of To- ronto, Mies Muriel Hogarth, of Windsor, and Miss Janie Hogarth, I of London, spent the week -end with I their parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ho- garth. The culverts and bridges on High- way No. 4 (London Road) south of Exeter are all being replaced and widened preparatory for the new pavement. The road is open for traffic. Mrs. F. A. Brimacombe and Mrs. Herdman, of Hamilton, and Miss Kate Sch.winger, of Burlington, mo- tored up and spent a few days of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard .Welsh. Mr. John Rowe and son Arthur and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Higt gies of., Flushing, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. itobt. Homey and Miss Mary Homey, of London, visited at Mr. Chas. Kers- lake's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arto Delve and dau- ghter, of Forest, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Abbott for a few days last week, the former was recuperating from an operation for the removal of his adenoids and tonsils. Mr. G. W. Shore, of Woodbridge, a former school teacher at Dash- wood, called on friends in Exeter on Monday. Mr. ShOre was called to Dashwood owing to the death of his Mother-in-law, Mr% Mary Miller. Mrs. C. W. Christie returned Mon- day evening after attending the W. C. T. V. Convention in 'Windsor and also visiting her son .Aylmer of that city and with her mother' MrS. as. Pergnson and sltser AliSs Coelia Ferguson, of Chatham. The faintly of Mr. and Mrs, James Shapton pleasant* surpriged th'ent en Thursday evening of last week the eccaefon. being the thirty-tifth anniversary of their wedding. A sumptuous , supper was served with a *wedding cake adorning ,the centre of the table. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Eilber, of Ubly, Mich.,visited, with Mr,' and Mrs, W. Kuntz on Sunday. Mrs. Emma Scott,' sister of Mr. Eilber 'and Mrs.'Kuntz who have been visiting in 'ably, re- turned to Exeter to visit for a few days and expects to leave at the end ef this Week foroher Mine in Plains - field, Nev Jersey. liar. I. W. Powell, for the past twelve years has had its a pet a little sun bass- that . was caught in the river llecently the container in Ak Which the fish was kept sprang a leak and •Mr.; l'atveli transferred it to another, but is was never quite as liVely afterwards and a few days ago it died. Mrs. C. t. ander and sons, nor - den and 13rittour Mrs. McAVoy and Miss Anne t, Settlers and Miss Mae Sanders, returned Sunday frOM S. feW days.' Visit .in Itipiey and dis- Wet, They wore actOMpariled bank by Miss Wanda Smlth, of RIPleY, who will visit here for a time Witt try our Calf Meall e „pigs, and calves It is •the cheap - If meal on the mar- e. No othermillers xeter taxes.—Harvey POULTRY, Pure Bred -to -lay Rock roosters and a nu er of choice pure-bred Obinchill rabbits at reas- enable pri eS. A y to L. Reynolds, R. R. NO. 1 Sall. Phone, Exeter 177r4: 9-10-3tc. DRESSMAKING DO Furs 'Made and ,re 'aired; fu coats .repairs. .ecl and relit' ,pric moderate and work guara eed. or sale—New "Century" 1 .shi machine and wringer in , o condition, cheap. Apply, Mrs. . man Hockey, town. 2tp. WANTED—Frame 1 n about 24 by 35 feet. Ple e one or write :to F. Gollings, Kir on. Holatein, had iet. F. Gollings, FOR SALE -1? co -one calf, good an Kirkton, , FOR .SA,LE OR R 11—Black- smith shop t Farquh, ', brick build- ing with fr me iv' working shop. Brick house stab and one acre of „land. Will be sold Cheap. Going .concern and t a good community. Apply to Stanley Coward, R. R. No. 1, Woodham. ••••••••••••••=44.,tr. If you wish' to buy r sell a'farm ckard, Exeter. or house POULTRY WA :he market for all laYing 'the h'es will call. Phon Andersen. ED—We are in kinds of poultry prices. Trucks 0, Dashwood, C. 9-26-tfc For Tractor low apply to W. Bradshaw, ElinjyilI Meta:rice no object for, rex o ble .amount of work. ' • 10-3-4tp 110 fl1T BABY CHICK WITCHERY FEEDS Our auk) s of feeds aro now more complete t n ever and your needs In Chick St ter, Grow Mash, Chick Peed, 'Lay P sh, Beef Meal, Bone Meal, Alfalfa Meal, Oyster Shell, Grit, Condens I Buttermilk, etc. can be promptly f ed. POULT Y CULLING It is now tim to have the cell ben iinated %rpm your flock. Ou'charl $2.00 per 100 hens. We are cash bn7g of ,oultry. 00,11 us when you have bu1 to sell, Our new shipnib of leg bands has just arrived. All sizes and co- lors. URca 111111111111111/111111WWW111111111119111111111/001111110/11111/01001/11111/1/111M1011111111101/1141110010//1/11111111111111e1 MM. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN minister $14.95 4SPECIAL V4LUES, IN $14.95 E. *Rev. j. porn:WI IlliOdee, M. A. 4.100. MISS I4014 Ceates, A.L.C.M., Organist. = 10 a.m.—StindaY Sehool 1•••••• 0 E RCOA TS 11 a.m.---"The Eagle Spirit"' The evening service is WipadFaNlyr •. in favor .of Trivitt Memorial Harvest Home, JAMES ST, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev.p4rdainvgi.4.Ta sb, 1.).ar W.R. . organist. and Choir -Leader . REV. GEO WEIR, of Blyth at both services W. M. S. special thankoffering ser- vices. Special music NOTICE TO 1))/ArikAOR d CONTRACT() 'Tenders will be ree ° the co Smith her 41 undersigned to the Gaiser an Monday, Neve p.M. • The (Miser D 4760.„,en, yds,, an at 3700 cu. yds. t plans, profiles a may be seen at the dere igned, Credite eneene or other s Of 5 5) of the SPeclfl company tender. Th tender not ne'essari • ft1 tk be 10-10-31e. 400,441r_, ed by the Wnetion of tains to "td 1029, at 1. estbitated at gm ith .1) rain *MO freed. The Sped:flatten:a es of the 1014 A certified bred security price shall ad- leWeSt or any adopted. Y EMBED., Clerk of the f 11, aan.—"Christian 'Stewardship" 111•11. • iimm▪ oM WI. MM▪ . 1111.11•10. 15 only men's winter overcoats; These are last season's!coats E - but they are good cloths and staple styles. if we have : your = = size you should not miss this opportunity of ecuring a good = coat at a very low price. Come in and see em. $1495 Et 1•111.111.0 armor • /1.111 New Plaid Cotton Blankets 25 pair of fancy plaid blankets in Blue, 3 P.m. -:-Sunday School = Sand, Pink and Grey Checks warm and --. comfortable IM.IIII 7 p.m.—"The Blunder of the Build- = ers" MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA : Rev. C. J. Moorhouse. Pastor Orgabist, Miss E. Huston 11 a.m,—"One Revival we need." 3 p.m.—Our ,Church School 7 p.m. ----"The Christ we 'Have, or Revitalising Christian Faith." Union .service this , Wednesday evening • between Main and, James Streets United churches in 'Main St. church. Rev. C. P. Holmes, of Ja pan, will Address the meeting. •••••• ONO.. 11.11.0 at per Or $2.75 • .Misses' and Ladie - • Weh.yealwaysso - coats. T s season we - ment of t e newestist - values at $22.50 MAME ••••• MOM. O 1.111111. • .TRIVITr MEMORIAL CHURCH 21st Sunday after Trij4ty HARVEST THANKSGIVING SERVICE) 11 a.m.—Holy Communion.. 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7.p.m.—Evensong REV. W.L. A. TowNstrmr, Rector of the:Church of the.Redeem- . er, London Will be the special speaker Thebuilding owned", by the I.O.O. F. and fornierly occupied ;•by 'Mrs. Yecc-Down is being partitidned and: divided into two. Theisuth hall will. be occupied by tiiE Canadian National. Express Co. Members of the Exeter lodge of Qddfellows motored to Brucefield Monday evening Where ;they were royally entertained . by the Bruce - field brethren. The evening was spent at cards followed by a sump- tuous repast and a number of im- promptu addresses. The, evening was much enjoyed. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank nestle and daughter, of Ingersoll; Miss Pearl Kettle, of Brantford; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kestle, of Seaforth; Mr. and 'Mrs. Eli Ring, of Crediton and Mrs. Win. Amy,and four children, of Bur- ford, were visitors at the home of Mrs. E. Jory, en Sunday. Mrs. Jory returned to Burford to visit for a couple ofweeks. , On Friday evening of last week When Mr, Garnet Dalrymple was mo- toring. on the second concession of Usborne he lost control of his car while going down the steep grade near Mr. Chas. Dayman's. farm. The car left the road and striking the abutinent of the bridge turned over into the river. Mr. Dalrymple was thoroughly soaked but not bodly in- jured. Stenlieri, Crediten fti°11118" 0., Ontario At $15.00 Perm fo $7 for a li ited Miss L ent line only ackhouse MEM. 41.111.111 MEIN. 4111110.1. 11..11.11 0•11••111 AM. 1•1••••• . 11.161. Ladies' Silk A splendid weight Comes in all the best Special at Wool Hosi or the cold w ening shades r, pr. 9 c. ther. New. omforter Chintz 10 net inch' m erial. Beautiful patterns at per yard 25c; patterns and colorings in the 36 • Winter Coats thing new tip show in ffer a splendid assort - les and cloths. Splendid $25.0 „ $27.50 meet Amwooi Hose " .111111.11 Hon's make; the best value in heavy weight sot on the.marIcet. Special at per pr. 48c. Miner u ber and Rubber 13oots It will pay you to buy this well known brand. They are guaranteed by the: maker as well as .;by us. Try a pair this season. 1•110.1•• Ut 511111111011110111111001111111111111111IIIMMIIIIIII111111111/1111111MIRPOIMPTIMMIMI11111111111111111011110111111111i111 FALL CLEANING .1•011.1 MONO. 0.1.1•10. 1.1.0111. 111•11111•110 IS HERE A AIN NEW FALL SUITING Now is the ti to re- place that orn out mattr ss or ring. We have fall s id to meet all yo req rements. Reuphols rin Promptly Done ER. FURNt RE DEALER FUNE AL DIRECTOR Phone 09 • 01P IP E,R Mr. and Mrs. WM:Hewitt and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dearing returned on Saturday after visiting for nearly three weeks in Michigan. Or. and Mrs. Hewitt and Mrs. Deering en- joyed a motor trip to Saginaw, Bay City, Reed City, Cadillac, 'Golden Lake, Manselona and Petoskey. They enjoyed excellent weather througont the trip; the weather being neither hot nor cold and little;.vain. The roads were in splendid condition and the scenery grand and the trip was One of the most enjoyable sPent by the party. Mr. Dearing joined thein in Detroit and visited In Windsor and Sandwich, spending a few days at Port Huron and Sarnia on their return. POWELL'S VARIETY STORE STILL GOING,. OUR STOCK GOT LOW, HUT RIGHT NOW WE AEU BUILDING THEM 'UP. WE ARE DAIIIY itocramo New China Fancy Bon. Bong Candy Jars, Cake Plateg 'Salads, odd Pieces, Sugars and Creams, Fancy Teapot Ainsloy China Cups & Sande Flowering B Hyacinths, Tupils, Sacred Lillies, Na Atonic]. Flow , Bulb affedile, ssus, Leaf pots and ases NEV SAFETY MADE & wortm ItAMOIt stitorrErt, "gua teed or money back 3 CUT FLOWERS V011, AL WR otTrair imito Sts nt oisite6, sovnewn We are out for husineSS OCR INIPOttArATIOIst 'WE HAVE A stituirtisv r OR, EVERY EDISON' OWNEB. COIVID AND SEE r • ectionery Hest P lints you ci't' eat in Shell orSilted. MOWS .11alk Chocolates' . , . IS OXE OF' OUR MOONS ntalogtieS With SPCTiff saving on. • Sq etr, will surprise you. Come and talk it over with us. OTI4E1t VINWILL MAO HELP. 1 We have a complete range �f &liens for your new fall suit, or overcoat. We also carry a complete ran NOW IS T Our stoc up-to-date wiaH of samples. • W. 'PHONE 8w Ernest C. GENERL INS Mutual Lfe, Fire, Automobile, Etc. ofCe • ORDER s• Furnishings is e. latest in Men's arvey CR mono* eithl fe of Canada SAFETY RAZOR •ES SHARPENED . (y make) SINGLE EXXIE So DOUBLEI DG 44 rett t g� guaranteed W. S LE, DRUGGIST •FURNITURE AND IJNERTAH headq tiers CO both at N, R The Sto with he Big Stock lo prices. SEE 0 YOURSELF. 111 R. ROWE Phone 20w and 20j Po are Wa ho ch er EXTER, Or. e have pure er WhiteW open fo and' ee, tedan up -to -da ing machine an ok. Let lis white isinfect yoUr barn, hen c. Quality work, moderat Hogarth Baby Chick Hatch Phone 184w, N'xeter. ' 8-1-tf DOROTHY E. G L ate) tru • (Honor Gra Piano, Violi SSICK nclon, Ehiglan on. in rmany, The2 Studio X. Albert Sreet, Box 1.60, EXETER, ONTARIO W. R. Go LDINIci A. Te,, Organist and .Choirtustater OM St, tell Chards. LOW otion In Planta OCII orgsn. 11e° Supervisor it usiA.m Sch0011 stedleb 1101,Hdtk Phone ISO • Olio% or. ELLIOTT'S A/Lo Cleartin , Pr ..sing, nOttiring. Dyeing a HP Cleaning moor Itt, upstairs. Iet posito the post al! - fled and Isi Otto is .snrvine and,. Satiate:die naranteed" SO ,ET t8 GO BIG