HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-10-17, Page 5t. ,; grijoril ot OD0 OFFERS Y that has made i hold positions de WI -MBE ceettrses; Secret Servie Courses arr You cannot atte CLINTON, ONT U A PRACTICAL possible for our ending a high IS A 1'OSITI erce 0 USINESS TRAINING res of .students to -Obtain and anaard of etticieneY. WAITING FM WV dal, Connie ;ale Stenogrephic, General Office. roomer al Teachers, Cotteses anti Special ged, a be •r school, why not attend this? SCHOOL $ SEPTEMBER 3rd, 1929 • Write o -day for information. Phone 103 N. A. STONE, B. F. WARP, B.A. . Com. .SpecialiSt, Vice -Principal Principal DR. R. 1. P. WV LL Honor raclusite of Abledicine, Eid Master he Univer t'y of W 7Member o Colleg and Surge ns of two doors st o acuity of Science, of ern Ontario. of -Physicians Ontario. Office ost Office. L, ONT. 'shone 50 Residence 114 DR. J. A. McT GART, L D. S, Specia1iinr in Plate Work HE ALL, ONT. Telephone 106 Main Street D. H. McINNES Chiropra. tor Tear° Th eapist Masse r of Clinton, will vis t I nsall Com- mercial Hotel' on or ay, Wednes- day and Friday of ch week from 10 a.m. to 2 pan. ounty and town calls attended to. A gooa secona hand piano for sale, cheap. Apply to Radio Elec- tric Shop, 'Jensen. 10-10-2tc HENSALL Miss Amy Laramie, or Toronto, is visiting at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore ..spent Sunday visiting friends and relatives in Exeter. Mr. Jas. Simpson has purchased the fine brick residence of Mr. Abra- ham Bolton on south Richmond St. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Palmer, or Windsor, are spending a few clays at • the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Palm- , • er. The services in the Carmel Pres- by trian Church were largely at- tended with Rev. Mr. McIllroy in his own pulpit. The many friends or Mr. D. W. Foss are pleased to hear that he ,is recovering nicely trains a severe- Oa - tack of erysipelas. ' No school was held Thursday or Friday of last week ,in the public d_ -Laid. continuation schools as 'the Aefichers were attending the Teach - Convention in Exeter. • Services in the 'United church were largely attended on Sunday last. Rev Beat, of Goderich conducting the services both morning and evening .and also rendered two very fine so- los. Miss Annie Consitt, ef Hensel', was elected president of the West 'Huron Teachers' Association at the Convention which was held at Exe- ter Thursday and. Friday' et -last week. Mrs. Donald Grassick, who recent- ly sold her residence to Mr. Harry Harmon is holding an auction sale of her household effects on Satur- day afternoon. An. oyster supper and concert was put on under the auspices of -the anembers of the Carmel Presbyterian church on Monday evening in the Carmel Presbyterian church, From six to eight o'clock supper was serv- ed in the basetnent of the church af- ter which a concert was lint en in the auditorium. The entertainers of the evening were: Mr. Willie Bell, Scotch comedian and Mia Kathleen England, soloist. and reader, of. Lan- don. -The Young People .of the United' clutrch held their meeting on day evening with a good attention* The meeting was. opened by Singe ing hymn 87, after which Res. H. Sinclair led in pier. Rev; •Mee Holmes, returned Miesionary front. Japan was present and gave a very interesting addrese Ion "Japan." A. hymn was then su:ig atter which 211Sses Grace Brock and Gladys Pass-, 41Piore gave a piitno diet. The meets. ing closed by thinginof hYttin 92 after which Mr. Sinetairled in prayer. , ELTMVILLE Three thousand dollars in Ford parts 'due trained. Fordmechanics assures you of genuine Ford ser- vice at tbe Ford garage. Sandy El- liot, We stock Ford parts, all •models..1912 to 1929; Air. and sMrs. Lloyd „Johns and baby visited relat:ves in St. Marytt ,ever the week -end. Mr. and Mrs, Eruce Cooper and l'antily were trisitor.5 at Mr. Thos. TIodgert's near Seatorth on Sunda:, last, hey. Dr. Russel, returned Mission., .ary frorli Itdia, preaelied at the morning tatitte in this church last Sunday arid: also gave an address, in the SlInda5, Selma: in the afternoon Ile ltas Eladiet VI years in India and certainly Vas listened to with much interest, Miss Bessie Bell, of London, was nom over the week -end. Mr. ancl. Mrs. Ernie Fostor, of Granton, visited at Mr, Jas, Hey - wood's on Sunday, Mrs. Frank Davis spent a week at her brothees•Mr. C. Pym's north of Thames Road, recently. Master Billie Ford, son of Mr. F. Ford, who has been m with pneu- monia for over u week is very much improved. Master Harold and Miss Jean Davis visited at Mi'. Alvin Pyries few days last week. Miss Leola Hern and Miss Hume/ ot Goderich, who attended the Teaebers' Convention an Exeter last week also visited relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Jplin Francis, of London, are visiting at .Mr. Wesley Johns' this week. Mr. 'Richard J,ohns is having the hydro installed. Much sympathy is felt for Mrs. Wm. Clarke in the :sudden death of her sister, Mrs, J. Hind, in Exeter last week. • Mr. and Mrs. Alden Jones, of Lon- don, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. Harry Johns. ' Mrs. Thos. Bell and soli Welling- ton returned on Sunday from a motor trip through the States to the Coast also into Canada. They have beep. away about ten weeks and had a wonderful tabs. Mrs. Bell has three brothers and a brother-in- law in the 'West whom they visited enroute. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Johns, Howard and Mary,- Mr. and Mrs. John Fran- cis were in Goderich last Friday at- tending the athletic meet. Howard came third in the junior broad jump five High' Schools competing. ZURICH FOWL SUPPER. Don't forget the date of the- big Fowl Supper by the Evangelical Lu- theran Church, Zurich, on Thursday, October 24th. Supper served from • 5 to 9 o'clock. David Litwiller and Company, the 'famous entertainers of New Dundee, Ont. are. going to entertain with duetts, humorous songs, plays, readings, musical sel- ections galore. There'll be plenty of entertainment and music from the Zurich Jubilee Band. We're ex- pecting you all there, better come prepared to. oat and laugh as you have never laughed before. So -long .3ee you there. GREENWAY iOncr, again Greenway has been successful in raising fine babies. We Congratulate Miss Doris McLinchey, Ray Turner and Miss Audrey Hart - ton on being prize babies at Park- hill fair. Mr. and Mrs. W. Patterson, of Grand Bend, Mrs. Beck with Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Wilcox, 'or Mich. and Miss Mae Wilson enjoyed a motor trip to altddlemiss last Thursday. Mr.• Ernest Luther is recovering from his recent illness. The members of Grace Churrih had .bee last week and remodelled their shed in preparation for their Har- -vest Home Supper on October 30th. The :Anniversary' services In the United Church on Sunday proved to be a grand success ill every way. Ideal weather, hu•ge congregations, splendid sermons by Rev. G. Watts of .Strathroy, attractive decorations and good music well rendered by the choir matte a pleasing coMbination, that prepared the way for the ann- ual fowl slipper anti poimert on Wed. evening. We regret to report that Howard 'Mee has suffered a relapse and hes been very. 111, with a trained nurse n •attendance. Added to this great anxiety Mrs. Isaac has blood poison- ing and Mr. Isaac n felon. It Would sitrely prove the adage,"that trouble never comes alone". The whole com- munity joins in wishing them a speedy receVery. . . Vices at Cavell Presbyterian church Exeier, on Sunday last. atiss Nettle4IcTaggart, of IC:toter, is spending a few days with friends ou the hountlary. LUMLEY Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Aerslake attended the funeral of the latter's 'Cousin the late Ihr's. John Hind, of teeter, adr. J. M, Glenn returned froin spending a few days with friends at Alma. , • Mr. and Mrs. „Stewart Sf MeCaiteeti and attended anitiVersary ser- TB wrtfomp-amo,w, DASHW I. Cow ENT .siluovoN .EXETER '13.1VIES-ADVOCATE 'XIIIIRSDAY, OCTOBER 4.7111, 1929. ••••••••••••,,,,, o- ice X-lartleib Block, Dasb- weod, irs bre day daye of week and at Ofti. over the post Otticek Zuriele, last three .days Qt week, Mrs. Finhbeiner and "Cathern have returned after a pleasant visit With her daughter in S,,nrnia. Miss A. Broadfoot. of Guelph, is Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. Schroe- der. Miss G. McDowell. et Blyth, -call- ea on Dr. and Arr. Taylor on Thurs- day last, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Guenther, 'of Windsor, spent a few days with the fernier's painte Mr. and. Mrs. Chas, Guenther. Quite a number from here attend- edeei;.t17 Fowl Supper Crediton last w Mr. and Mrs. D. Pfaff, of Sarnia, were 'Sunday visitors with friends in town. Mr. Harry Hartlelb, of London, Is visiting with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. G. Becker spent the week -end In Niagara Falls. Mr. D. MacNaughton. ot Bayfield, and Par. J. W. Porter. of Lucknow, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Reid. Miss S. E. Reid, Bayfield, is spending a week with her cousin Miss L. Mae Reid. Fowl Supper The readers of the Exeter Times: Advocate are invited to come to Dashwood's annual Fowl Supper feast. •The best yet to • be held the shed .of the Evangelical church on Wednesday, October 23, Supper to be served from 5 to 3.30 p.ni. Those who have heretoforeseaten at e Fowl Supper of Dashwood Evan- gelical church know of the dietistic skill of Evangelicals in this quiet village. Come prepejeed with a nor- mal appetite andief, keen digestion, then give heecl, to wisdoms state- ment; Proverb% 23: 1-2 "When thou sittest to eat With a ruler, consider diligently what is before thee; and put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite." The program put on by local talent will consist of a play "Dentist's Den, la- dies' quartette, men's chorus, instru- mental numbers by members of the band. The Dashwood Brass Band will render splendid music on this festal evening. Three quilts one of which is a fancy named quilt will be sold by auction at the supper. Ad- mission adults 15c. children -1.2 yrs. and under 40c. Joseph Wildfong 15 Chairman of Committee. .Sietving, Chyle The Busy Annas."Seleing eCircle, held • their annua4--bue4ness -Meetings. at the home of Miss Verna Birk, townline, east on Wednesday evening October the 9t1i. As each group of ladies arrived they made good use of their time by applying themselves to the art of needlecraft until all. the members were present. The president, then called the meeting to order and the election of officers took place which resulted as follows: Pres., Mrs. A. Ea Oestricher; Vice- pres., Emma Anderson; Sec-Treas., Selma Rader. Tickets' were num- bered and passed around to decide where each meeting would bo held. Three new members were initiated into the intricacies of the society. After the ;initiation the ladies re- sumed their sewing for about an hour then indulged In a' game of progressive Lost Heir. The hostess served a very dainty and appetizing lunch and a social- time was spent by all. The meetingthen adjourned until October the Oth when the Circle will meet at the home Of Mrs, R. H. Taylor. , • OBITUARY. Mary (Weber) •Millers was born June 9, 1351 In Daehwood, Stephen Township, Huron County,' .Ontario and died on October 14, 1929, aged 78 years, 4 months and 5 days. In 'her teen age she was converted to God and joined the Evangelical church of which site was a faithful member until her demise. Having been a.n energetic widowed mother of nine children for many years her integrity and untiring mother -love strove to direct her dear children to Christ and enlistment in active seta Vice. May her selfsacrificing chris- tian heroism not only linger in Mem- ory, but be a constant urge to her Children and friends, to live the Christ -life, On Saturday, October 12, 1929 she was overtaken with a paralytic stroke, retaining conscious- ness and speech for a few hours, then passed into an unconscious State until her spirit was released from earthly cares, "saved by glace on Monday, October 14, 1929. De- ceased leaves behind six sons: Max, of Vancouver B.C.; Jack, of Saskat- chewan; Louis, of 'Winnipeg; Wes- ley, of Alberta; Solomon and Her- bert, of London Ont and three dau- ghters: (Mar') Mrs. S. Wittier; (TerieSa) Mrs. .G. W. Shore, of Wood- bridge and Matilda, of Toronto; el- se one brother Jacob and five sisters 'Mrs. Louis Pfeffer, of Listowel; Mrs. Vtrtn, Batten, of Zifiridt; Mrs. John Voelkee; of Elkton, salich; Mrs. D. Suerus and Mrs. Itevelle, of Grand Bend; 24 grand..children and many triends. Funeral tervide was eon,- duptea on Wednesday afternoon .at two o'eloeit ather late borne ift ItiaShIP,Ood. A Mentorial 801,10 Was held in the Evatigelical church with vititertacht et the E±eter cemetery. cnEDITON Mr, 3D1104 Herd:man, u Elimrille, spent .SItittiey With his 00uSins Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Metz. Mr, and Mrs. Wilson Anderson are visiting with the fornter'S sister Mrs. 111. G. Graham in London. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis spent Sunday with the former's brother Mr. Dalton 'Awls near idrinsley. Mrs. J. E. TruetnUer, of Chesley, spent the week -end with Mr. :and Mrs, Wm, B. Geiser and family. Rev. Otto Brown, ot Owendale, Mich., occupied the pulpit last Sun- day morning in .tne Evangelical church, Miss Lulu Morlock and friend Miss Phyllis Duckworth, of Windsor, anent the week -end at the fernier's. home here: Mr. Carl J. Morlock, B.A., of the London Medical School and Miss E. Morlock, of Western Uniyersity were home for the week-enda • Mr. T. H. Yull ,and Mr. and Mrs. Frank .Scheicling, all of Loudon, spent the week -end with the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz. Mrs. Muriel Drummond and her daughter Miss Ruth, of Ailsa Craig, spent the latter part of last week with Mrs. Chris. Hoffman and fam- ily. ilear. and Mrs. Dann, of Chesley, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. G. la, Brown, who celebrated their .diamond wedding on Saturday last. Mr, Conrad Trueumer, Mr. and Mrs. Will Truemner, et Zurich, vis- ited 1Vfi's. Aaron Wein's and with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heist on Sun- day. The Zion Orchestra through their leader W. Sippell, thanks the kind friends ,of Shipka, for their courteous reception while furnishing the program at their Fowl Supper. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sitter, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Finkbeiner, Mrs. Chas. ICoeltaow, of Detroit; Mrs. Asa Heist, Howard, Kathleen and Leo Heist, .of Pelham, attended the big fowl supper last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr pleasant- ly entertained their staff of men with a goose supper on Friday ev- ening last. The latter part of the evening was spent in games and amusements. All report a good time. Special temperance campaign ser- vice next Sunday evening at the Evaugelical church. The pastor wilt deliver, a seamen on Prohibition and the condition of affairs today with sayings from the late Dr. Peck of .the Prohibition Union. Special music to accompany these services. The public ie cordially invited. The Ladies; :Aid held their regu- lar monthly eneeting in the United church 'Sunday School roans on Wedneaday, Oetober 9th. • The Vice- ,peesiasent,..Mrse J.,Woodall had. charge of the meeting.. Mrs. James Mawhinney read the Scripture and Mrs. I. Hill led in prayer. After the general .routine' of business, • a social time was spent the hostesses being Mrs. W. Anderson, Mrs. B. Kestle and Mrs. J. :Woodall. • United Church Anniversary • Very successful Anniversary ser- vices were celebrated in the United church on Sunday, October 6th. Rev. Mr. Coiling was thesspeaker for the 'day and delivered two eloquent ser- mons which were well received and greatly appreciated. In the morn- ing Mr. Coiling chose for his sub- ject 'Utilizing the Incomprehensible' and in the evening "The Twilight Hour." The choir assisted by Mr. C. Sims, of Crediton and Mr. F. Tay- lor, of Exeter, contributed very choice music at both services. A special offering was received which amounted to about $200. A con- gregational meeting was held on the following Monday evening. Supper was- served from 6 to 8.30 o'clock after which a fine program .waz given. Fowl Slipper The Fowl Supper of last week was the' usual glowing success. From 5 to 9:00 o'clock there was a constant crowd at the gate and at 7.30 it looked as it the provisions would not be ample for the occasion. The project was the largest in its history. The gross proceeds together with the bazaar income amounted to $1345.32 and the net proceeds were 1930.00. The coni that had the sup- per under its management were,— Mrs. J. Schwartz convenor; 'Mrs, H. Fahner Secretary; Mrs. Clifford Hill Mrs. Seek Wein, Mrs. Art Amy and Mrs. Dan, alcIsaac. The program consisted of the fol- lowing:' Orchestra, two opening se- ledients; solo by air. Clayton Sims; solo by Mrs. Gordon Morlock; hum- orous ladies' quartette by home tal- ent; piano selections by Mrs, Platt, of Stratford and three accomplished humbrous readings by Miss Xruspe, of Stratford. The cominittee heartily thanks the congregation of helpers for their sustained klippen. A project of this immensity could never be eceom- Finkbeiner-Ve liner Nuptials A quiet but unique wedding took place at the Evangelical parsonage prOMptly int 1 oitIock on Saturday Morning, September the 23th, when Lillian May, daughter of Mr. Christ Paltrier, et Ceeditoh and Mr. Roy Herbert, Son Of Mr, and Mrs. Win, Firtitheiner, of -Crediton, wore unit- ed in marriage by the pastor Rev. W. M. giOpell. The beide'S wedding gown as of Moire Velvet beige shade and the groom in a Suit Of nary blue, The bridal pair was ac. .ar South Huron Prohibition R Ily .--. • Tow Hall, H ALL Mond y A moon, Oct. 21st (ommis- Re ALL 1.1Ele. 2 01CLOC4' ADDRESS . A. Wliattan, of Oshawa AND OTHER LOCAL SPEAKERS )NS INTERESTED IN PROHIBITION ARE INVITED companied by Miss Mabel Fainter and air. 0. Ewald. After a .wedding breakfast at the parental home of the bride, the happy pair were oft on a wedding trip to Toronto, Bar- rie, Orillia, Bracebridge and timid the beautiful scenery or Muskowa. An elaborate prepared wedding din- ner was enjoyed by immediate rel- atives and friends on the evening of October the 2nd at the Fulmer home when the bridal pair returned from their extended and most enjoyable trip. The evening was pleasantly spent; Music within and three dif- ferent parties serenaded outside. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Finkbeiner now re- side in their home on Main Street, Crediton, formerly known 'as the D. Schweitzer home, the interior of which has been beautifully renovat- ed and furnished in. a modern way. The community joins in extending to them, congratulations and well wishes. WOIlleW$ Institute The Crediton Women's Institute held their monthly meeting in the Institute hall on Tuesday afternoon October the lst. The meeting open- ed with the president Mrs. H. Young in the chair. The Institute Ode was sung and the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. This was Grandmothers' Day and the roll -call was made in- teresting by each member respond- ing with their great grandmother's maiden name. In the business it was decided that the Institute. give $200.00 towards the digging of a well in the Community Park. An interesting program consisted of a piano .duett by the Misses Alma and Lavine Smith; reading, "Mother's Glasses" by Clara Morlock; an amus- ing fashion parade of grandmother's time with the singing of "Silver Threads Among the Goleta; reading, lacTie•Mothers" by Mrs'. 'C. HeIst; paper"I-Iistonicai Researeh ot our Village" prepared 'Ma. "R. Either was read by iVirs. Amy. Lavine Smith and Clara iMorlock were ap- pointed delegates to the District Convention. Lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Heist and Miss Morbeck. Address and Presentation A pleasant surprise was tendered Mr. Pat and • Miss Louise Flannigan at their home near Crediton on Fri- day evening, when a group Dr their friends and neighbors gathered to sPencl a few hours with them before their departure, In the course of the evening the following address was read by Mr. Harold Gower while Mr. John Ryan presented Mr. Flan- nigan with a handsome dressing case, bill fold and silk scarf and to Miss Flannigan a silver cake tray. Dear Pat and Louise 'We, your. friends and neighbors have heard with regret that we are about to lose you from our midst. During your stay among us we have found you both to be the best of neighbors and friends, ready to join us in all our joys and sorrows. Pat, you will be -greatly missed in our neighborhood and we trust that you will long be spared to find happiness wherever you go. 'We could not let you go from lus without giving you a slight tokeh of our esteem. We ask you to accept these gifts and to give Louise this silver cake tray, not for their value but as a loving remembrance of your friends and well-wishers. Signed on behnlf of the neighbors and friends. Harold Gower John Ryan Although taken completely bY surprise Mr. Flannigan in a few well chosen words expressed his thanks and tamest appreciation.. Lunch Was then served of which all par- took most heartily. Diamond Wedding A very auspicious occasion took' place at the home of Mr, and Mrs. 0. X. Brown 00 Satitrcley, October lth. It Was the 60111 Anniversary of their wedded life. All the sons and daughters and their families were present except- Mars? Ellen the wife of Rev. Xellhoeffer, miseion- ary in China, who after a brief fur, lough are now on the Pacitto enroute for their charge. After an excellent wedding dinner the following pro- gram and ceremony was emitted 0.8 they drew cards trete a wedding cake in the centre and bit each card their, part on the 'program was des- , ignated,—Opening address by the pastor§ W. M. Sippell; Mrs, William Defender, of Lansing, Mich., read an a;ddress from the!'14 SAletyi W. M. Society of 'the' Bifatigelical church accoMpaoled by3,5,00 in gold and a large bouquet; address by the Rev. Otto Brown, of ,Owendele, Evan- gelicel church, Michigan, Conference; reading "The Family Tree" and !poem by Mrs. Sophia Oaks, of Nap - Ill.; reading by (Mr. Billy {Brown, of Foreet, entitled, 'Mother's Way"; address by Mr. Chas. Brown, of Detroit and in the midst of his address he asked his mother to p1111 a narrow ribbon leading from the wedding cake and she drew a line ' of 60 one dollar bills, a gift from the children Rev. C. Heise, of Ca- poe, Mich., briefly addressed the gathering. A. vote of thanks was tendered Mrs. Wm. Domm, of Ches- ley, for the important part she took in the arrangement of the diamond jubilee for her parents, Mother Brown ably responded to all these tokens of honor and congratula- tions. Mr. Chas. Brown, of Detroit, a nephew of the "Browns" and a singing evangelist gave a number of musical selections on a piano -keyed accordion. A' letter was read from the Women's Institute, of Crediton, which was also accompanied with a serviceable present for each of the aged couple. Congratulatory letters were also real from Rev. and Mrs. Sam. Hauch, of the Canadian North West; from Mr. and Mrs. J. Krug, of Chesley and from Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Eilber, of Crediton. In the announcement at the Sunday service the pastor offered congratulations in behalf of the Evangelical congrega- tion to Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Brown, both are among the charter members and Mr. Brown Is now its oldest liv- ing member. He was born in 1840 - SHIPK.A. Three thousand dollars in Ford parts plus trained Ford mechanics assures you of genuine Ford ser- vice at the Ford garage. Sandy El- liot. We stock genuine Ford parts,. all models 1912 to 1929. A meeting of the young people was held in the Church on Monday evening last where Rev. Hagelstein is organizing a young pople's meet- ing. Mrs. Dr. Catt, of Regina, is at present visiting her sister Mrs. M. Ratz. There was a good attendance out to Rally day services on Sunday last kr. Joseph Carruthers, and friend. of Sarnia. calle•claoh friends here on, Saturday evening. Mrs. Percy Mollard, and Miss Lela, visited over .the welt -end with friend in Kitchener. Miss G. Shelby attended the school teachers convention last Thursday' and Friday at Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. E. Keyes, air. C. Finkbeiner' and Miss Irina spent last Sunday in Sarnia at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. La Fond. Mr. T. Collins has been confined to his bed for a few days suffering! from a fall, but is now able to be' around again. Mr. Bhll Lockner, of Detroit, is holidaying with his parents for a few day. • Mr. arid Mrs. A. Hudson and fam- ily, of Ailsa Craig, visited at the• home of Mr. L. lainkbseiner. Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith spent last Wednesday with the latter's parenta Mr. and MrS W. Jones, of -Crediton. Mrs. Fred Sharp has been a Pa- tient in St. Jospeh's Hospital for. Tonsillotomy. Mr, Joe Carruthers and friends. visited in this vicinity last week. MT. CARMEL Rev. Fr. Hall, of London, called on his parents Mr, and Mrs. '1'. 3.. Hall that week. Mrs. P. Sullivan and children re- turned lionie'ort 'Sunday after a two, week's visit with Mrs. Sullivan's mother Mrs. Kerns, ef Wallacetown. Mr. and Mrs. Regan and family Spent Sunday with friends at Lon- don. Mr. Joseph Campbell, of Detroit,. caelir.doliosirtinhcit. Saybrother Jerry Camp- bht.. Fred V. Laughton, Conserva- tive candidate for North taliddlesest .na110c1 on friends here last week. Misses Alice and Orertie Dederieli, London, Stint Sunday at their Mine here. Mrs, Joseph. Mahoney and two. etitlif.ren are vialting Mends in De- otfil°12itttritl,lalW1 eta-elid at the home of the &Merl pirtenti Mr.aid Met, Ed. Hall, iritt4het4 frohl thitlYelkhchorTiotut attended the row] StiPper itt Creelle ten 011 Thursday eventag. • 4