HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-10-17, Page 3THE EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE
.Oc"T()I31 R 17th, I.9 ,A
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1••••••• e's tr de!
He reddened and drew back.
"No, no, Dolly, \Ve're only picls.
That sort of thing would spoil
nter•ytllittg, and it can't be undone,
you sec, once it has happened."
She laughed merrily and cast a
roguish glance back at ilial.
"Wllat a fuses about a kiss. They'
are about the cheapest commodity
in London at the present moment.
All right, Hal—honour bright, We
are very good pals, and we'll go
out and have a spin in the sun t'l-
morr'ow, There's one thing that 1
have rade up my mini to do, I'll
wake you tell me all about her. you
can't deny that you havo kept some-
thing back,, haven't you?"
Harry laughed, raised his stat,
and walked off rather quickly.
She had cheered. him more than
she knew, though 'the moment s'xe
was left alone the smile faded .from
her face, and her eyes filled with
foolish tears,
"Dolly Vandom, you unspeakable
little idiot, you're getting too soft
for words. You're beginning to
care, and that wasn't in the bond.
I wish. I could get his, though, :air
and squaye. There isn't anything
that I wouldn't do for a good chap
like that. Oh, wiry wasn't I b.lrn
Harry Kerr sauntered through the
throng on the streets to his own
quarters to find them empty as us -
nal" Maurice had not spent a week-
end in Ryder Street for a consider-
able time, and be had left Harry to
shift for himself, There .was a
:method in all this, and ho had
thrown hint in his loneliness upon
the only friends he possessed—the
only ones to whom Maui:i'ce had in-
troduced hint. True, he- had been
down for one week -end to Dorking,
but the M'aurcies as a fancily had iu-
•expressibly bored hint. - He hacl al-
so been asked to dine several tines
at the house of Mr. Lindley, the
other partner in Carrin.gtons,• and
these summed up his betel engage-
ments. He had not connected him-
self with any place of worship, and
he was often, hard put to it to pa -y
his mother's inquiries as to" lits S an -
day observances. een unusual ccont-
hinatien ole circumstances had a
powerful influence on Harry Kerr's
life at that time and hastened, it- it
did not actually accomplish, tile
' f•
o his life.
Maurice was simply hiding hi:,
time. He had no real friendship
for young Kerr, and he had ne ••r
forgotten him for having, as he im-
agined, sulip_lsnted him. with stis
cousin Blanc114 ,: The .lelaurices as a
Yeas were impliiaablc, and he had
spade up his mind that, if he could
Mot ,marry Blanche -Carrington, iC .1r•
at least should not have her. And
he was quite unscrupulous as to the
aeeinethode.that he ;night adopt to pre-
eent the occurrence of such aa
• event.
Next morning was grey in Len -
don, with •a little haze upon tate
river, and a threatening of rain in
the -still and heavy air. Harry re-
paired to Victoria Station at the ap-
pointed time, and lie was much sur-
prised to behold so much bustle. it
seemed as if all the world, intent
upon pleasure, was bound for
Brighton on a Sunday morning.
Dolly, ,looking radiant, wits wait-
ig tor loin. She was attired in a
stew spring euit of shepherd's plaid
-of a somewhat pronounced .design,
and was wearing a large hat swath-
ed in roses. Her style was by no
marine subdued, but site did not at-
tract much attention in a crowd of
tench a motley kint? and of such di-
anen ui oals.
In iipite of•Dolly's warning and in-
structions Harry took two seats 'tor
the Pullman,. •and there was an air
about him as, lie showed his eon-
;)anion into the train which seeznetl
to say that he -intended to have e
good time at any cost. Dolly chat-
tered gaily all the way dow:t. The
smooth, gliding motion of the troi'i,
the gay company, the feeling that
he had got out of grey Leadon at
last, excited a feeling of exhilaration
in Hai•1'y's mind, and by the time tate
train stenniecl intq Brighton station
an. a blaze -et spring suushin' ::e was
as •sprightly• as Dolly ,ter;e:f•
Faxn liar with ever; i:.,.-. et the
Dry, Hacking Cough
Was Caused By
*A "roseolas
Mrs. - J. Foarman; Sellcitic, Ont.,
Writee:-"Early last winter I suffered
from a severe bronchial cool that left
2ne with a .provoking,, dry, hacking
,cough. After being bothered, both day
and night, with it forsome time I
;tad a friend recommend
Dr. WP's
which I tried with wonderful reaultrt,
rind now it la ,the only remedy :t ever
rase for colds.
"I have also need .your D11 isburn'rt
Ifeart and Nerve Pills With wonderful
"Dr. Wood's" is 35 dente a,'bottle;
large family 'size GO Cents, at all drug -
ie% and desiors.•
Put up dilly lay' This T., lv ilb'urai Co.,
4441+; rorbnt0; Oat:.
Brigitte -1i ground, Dolly was his pita
down the steep incline to the long,
dazzling expanse of sea -front. There
the crowd was dense and gay, t
waves, rolling in with a lazy swell,
were sun -tipped, the whole world of
jaand earth and sky seemed to 1'o-
oice.ir .a
"By Jove, this is ripping, Dolly!
I bad no idea it could be so lovely
anywhere on a Sunday."
"Good boy, to be pleased! Did-
n't I promise you that we should
-leave a jolly day all by ourselves?
This will do you no end of good,
Hal—slake you, buck up like any-
thing. Let us walk right out to
Ilove. In about half an hour the
church parade will begin, then you
will see something worth looking at,
They strolled leisurely along,
and many glances were cast at the
tall, well-bred youth in the grey
lounge suit and at his pretty com-
panion, Nobody knew Harry, but
several people recognized Dolly, and
iter heart swelled with a pride
wlliclt she made no effort to conceal
over ]ler handsome cavalier, Who
was tine envy of half the girls on the
front. They strolled along, very
well pleased with each other and
with their surroundings until they
came to the Hove lawns.
As they turned towards the low-
er Terrace I'Iarry gave a sudden
start and exclamation, and his face
paled. Dolly, as sharp as a needle,
followed the direction of his eyes
with her own, and she saw Maurice,
who gravely raised his hat, He was
walking with a slim and beautiful
girl, and abreast of them was Jack
Carrington with another lady.. Be-
hind, strolling happily along by the
side of his wife's bath chairs and
smoking a fine cigar, Bentley Car-
rington looked at peace with the
whole world.
The entire .party,• however, in-
stantly saw and recognized. Harry
Kerr, It was a ghastly moment for
him. For the two lovely women,
so well-bred and so well -caressed in
a fashion which rendered poor
Dolly's cheap finery the more exag-
gerated by contrast. were Blanche
Carrington end Griselda, Hume,
The ('old Morning
ITari7 Kerr for a mom-
ent, just long enough to note the
varying expressions 071 the faces in
front of him.
Blanche was quite pale, and turn-
ed her head away; Maurice, walk
big with her, had a slightly asto,n-
islted, slightly reproachful express
ion, admirably assumed;• Griselda
belts her head high in the air, and
disdain was in her eyes. Her com-
panion stared somewhat supercili-
ously, while Bentley Carrington
himself looked stern and angry be-
cause he had seen the colour sud-
denly recede ;from' his daughter's
Mrs. Carrington was the only par -
sod who spoke. "Oh, that is that
nice Harry Kerr! Why doesn't
somebody speak to him? Who is
that with slim, Bentley? Why don't
you go after him and ask him to
lunch? We ought to be kind te
him for his mother's salve."
"Hush, my dear. Dou't you see
that 11e is with somebody whom we
can't recognize?"
"No!" cried Mrs. Carrington in-
credulously, and at the same time
impelled by a woman's curiosity .elle
craned her neck to look after the
two rapidly retreating figures.
The incident happily -occurred at
spot, t
a convenientl o , wlu
possible tor Harry Kerr and his
companion to escape immediately
out of 'range of these six pairs of
disconcerting eyes.
"What a lark! said Dolly delight-
edly as she tossed her nodding
plumes. "And don't they look
saucy, every one of them? Go,
back atter your pals, Hal, if you
like. C won't mind; I'm not that
sort. I can «always pick up a pal,
you know. I have seen several on
the front this' morning,'
"Shut up, Dolly!" - said Harry in
a. savage undertone. "I don't want
to go and talk to them. I don't
Want to see one of them again—not
one of tlrenl! Hang them all!"
He was frightfully angry, The hot
temper of the Riddell Kerrs surged
itt his veins and made his face dark-
ly, red; 11e clenched the hand hang-
ing at his side.
"Did you see Maurice? He's not
playing the game with me, Dolly,
sonielrow. I been nearly certain of
it for some time, but I'll have It
out whir him tonight, See if I
"What ails you with Maurice?"
1•Iy, don't he look the propel' young
man ,this morning! 1 gave frim a
wink, but he wouldn't catch en.
Why do yotl think that he isn't
playing the ga.ine?"
"Why, because he must have
known that they were all here. 1 -le
cadre down here to street them be-
cause lie knew, and he purposely
kept it frein rise • cvhetr he ought to
have told" me. Olt, there's some
rotten, low down game being play-
ed to get the better of tele, but 1'11
be at the bottom of it before 1;m
Litany hours older,"
"le that's the way you are feeling
wouldn't it be better to go after
tlielit at once and have It Ott? Now'e
the time—It always is. Nobody"
every gets anything by waiting."
"Don't -be u. little tool, Dolly, IC
1 go naw i shall make tt scene on the
Heri. $ to Heal
Those Sore, k
Bronchial T , ,:es
Gallagher's India Herbal
Reniedg. comes ri t from
the Heart of ture
Don't be miserable all SVi . er, if you're
subject to Bronchitis . similar ills-.-,
apt to pick up a nasty, linging cold or
cough, be sensible, st ' t now taking
Ga4!agher'o Indian He : al Remedy,
•olel Dalin herbs,
Itis Composedb o
A f forkilling
n ture rfeet
a d
off a nasty co gb or .ld or bronchia
ailment, A go nine t"ood enricher and
body builder. -'his '- id -.other reliable
Gallagher Herb H. ehold Rexnedies
now for sale by ;,' zee
Browning's ►,'• d store, Exeter
A. W. E. He ' :hill, Hensall
"Well, that would be ripping, I
shouldn't mind," said Dolly saueilY•
"But Pin, sorry that you're so "put
out, al. I wouldn't have bad such
a thing happen for the world,"
"But I'm glad that it has happen-
od; it lets me know where I am," Ito
said feverishly. "It explains a lot
of things,"
,"Tell me who the swells are, any-
how—tbo lactase, L mean."
"The one walking with Maurice
is Carrington's daughter, the other
girl is a girl ;'.rom my home whom
I have known since elle was a baby.
We were brought up together,' and
we have been the best of friends
and comrades all our lives; and did
you see how she looked at me
nevertheless, and the sweep she
gave to her skirts. Heavens, I'll
never forget it or forgive lies as
long as I live:"
"Neither shall I," said Dolly vic-
iously, ";the •may be what she likes
and site may have ten titles to her
name if she likes too, but she isn't
any straighter than T, Dolly Vandom
of the Frivolity, am --see; and I'll
tell lien so the first chance I get.
Put her or the other one with the
baby face down in the tight corners
that I have been in, and see what
would happen! Dolly would get in
first every time. But I'm really
,sorry this llas happened, Hal, since
it has upset you so horribly. It
has just simply gone and spoiled our
day at the beginning."
She spoke with such genuine sym-
pathy that Harry looked at her
with a sudden rush of gratitude. She
was the cause of his misfortunes, so
to speak, but It hats been innocent-
ly brought about. It was chiefly
against Maurice that his anger
burned, and he determined to have
it out with him at true first opportune
As Dolly had said, their day was
spoiled. Mortally afraid lest he
,slto.u.ld-1lave.. another .encounters with
the patty. yet longing with ,indes-
cribable longing to see Blanche
again, poor Harry was in straits be-
twixt two. Filially, however, lie
yielded to his companion's suggest-
ion that they should return to town
by the side streets.
"We had better avoid the hotels,'
said Dolly confidentially, "though I
believe that the 3ietropole would be
safe enough. They look like the
"We'll do no such thing, Dolly,"
said Harr.' Kerr. setting his jaw
firmly, "I have, brought you out
for the day, old` girl, and I'm not
going 'back on you. . We'll pop into
tate Metropole for-ltinch, and if they
are there. why, then, the sight will
do then good and show them that
I'121 a match for them."
He spoke up bravely, but the
misery of his soul was almost in-
tolerable, From one of the shel-
ters on the front the party saw
Harry and his companion .enter the
Metropole together, - and more than
one of thein was thankful that,.• as
they were housed elsewhere, there
need be no second meeting.
After luncheon. which Dolly thor-
oughly enjoyed despite the fact that
her high spirits were • somewhat
dashed by the incident of the morn-
ing and' by the evident distraction
of her companion, a fine rairi•began
to filter through the warm, pleas-
ant air. having the immediate effect
of causing the front to be deserted.
"Let's go back to London, Hall,"
said Dolly when site grew tired of
watchleg the people in the winter
garden and when the restlessness of
her na nure once more asserted itself.
"There,' isn't any more ft n to be
;got stere. There's' a trace at four
(To be continued)
The Council of tate Township of
Stephen convened at the Town stall,•
Crediton, on Monday, October 7th,
1920, -at 1 p,ni. All members were
present. Minutes of the previous
meeting were read and adopted. •
The reports of (ieorge A. hlcCub-
btu, O,L.S,, A1.B.I.C:., on the "Smith
amus Gaiser Drains" were read pur—
suant to notices mailed to all the
assessed parties who were given an
opportunity to withdraw their names
from the petition, if they so -desired,
and there being no withdrawals, the
reports wore accepted and on motion
of 111r. L Tetreau and Mr, D. Gili,
By-laws No, 421 and 422 were pro-
visionally adopted and it was order-
ed that the by-laws be printed in
pamphlet form and served by the
Clerk o11 ail tate assessed persons as
provided by the Municipal Drainage
flet; and that a. Court of Revision be
held at the Town Hall, Crediton, on
Monday, November 4th, A.D,, 1929,
at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, for the
purpose of hearing and trying com-
plaints and appeals against the as-
sessments, etc. Carried,
- Moved by Air. W. Dearing, second-
ed by M1•. W. Sweitzer: That the
Clerk advertise for tenders for the
Gaiser and Smith Drains to be re-
ceived up to Monday, the 4th day
of November A:D., 1929, at 2 pall.
The Clerk read .the final inspect-
ion report of the Township Engin-
eer stating that he had made an
examination of the Sitter and Turn-
er Drains and has found them com-
pleted in accordance with the plan,
Profile and •specifications.
Moved by Mr, W. Dearing, second-
ed by Mr. W. Sweitzer: It was -or-
dered that the Treasurer pay the
balance of the contract, viz:. 4175,00
Moved by Mr. I. Tetreau, second-
ed by Mr. E. Gill: That tate respect-
ive pay sheets as submitted by the
foreman and countersigned by the
road superintendent be approved of
and paid, as follows,—
Foreman, Lewis Davey, Road 3,
$102.00; Henry Schenk, read 6,
$19,50; Robert Gower, road 7, $.7;
Joseph Finkbeiner, road 8, $S2.50;
Otto Willert, road 12, $107.75; Au-
gustus Latta, road 18, $7.50; Roy
Hodgins, road 22, $103.25; Nelson
Baker, road 23, $15.00; F. Trieb-
ner,-road 27, $35.75; Adelbert Webb
road 20, $17.00; Henry Schenk, rd.
6, $64.00; George Eilber, salary
$93.20; John Rollins, gravel $165.;
William Robinson,n2 Rob .,gt • •a
vel $43.10;
T'im Collins ditto $18150; John Rich-
ards ditto $10.00; William White
gravel $11.25; Wesley Isaac road
19, $4,90; Wesley Isaac, road 17,
$48,90; George Hirtzel, road 4,
.•45,00,` John • Houlalian, road 15,
$3.75; Thomas. Yearley, road 9,
,$954.73; Norman Vincent, trucking
iron $60.00; George Eilber road 9,
$528.12; George Eilber road 20,
$387.95; total $2313.65. Carried.
Moved by Mr. E. Gill, seconded
b3' Mr. W. Dearing: That a By-law
be passed appointing Freeman Mor -
lock, collector of taxes for the year
1929 at 'a salary of $125,00. In ad-
dition he is to receive the necessary
stationery and postage, and furnish
bonds for the due performance of
the work. Taxes to be payable at
par at the collector's office. The
roll to be returnable -on Monday, De-
cember 46th, A.D., 1929.
The following orders were passed:
Clayton Pfile, rent for hall $4,00;
George Either, assisting engineer re
Sitter Drain ' $15.00; George Eilber,
assisting engineer re Turner Drain
$5.00; Winter Bros., balance of con-
tract re Turner and Sitter Drains
$875,00; Suncley persons, assisting
surveyor re Smith Drain $17,00;
sundry persons, assisting surveyor re
Gaiser Drain $26.00; • Municipal
World, supplies $5.1G; The Steward
of Ontario Hospital, re Alrna Wil-
liams $19.50; Herr, McNevin t4: Herr
Solicitors fees $56.39; Crediton
Public School, school fair grant $30;
Grand Bend Public School, school
fair grant $20.00; Treasurer, South
Huron Branch of Ontario Plowmen's
Ass'n, grant $25.00; W. H, Lovie
Part payment of Lovie Drain con-
tract $50,00; Edward Palmer, part
Payment of Wein Drain contract
The Council adjourned .to meet
again on Monday, November the 4th,
A,D., 1929, at 1 p.m.
Henry Eilber, Clerk
G111111IIII 1
IIIL . t��lll N Ildlull�lllil(Ilili IIII I If
II II I IIIIill�lllilllllilllllll
furnished for any job
, in a
Grade of Seaman -Kent Oik, Maple or Birch
To resist and re
is nothing bet
make it is
it off
colds,influenza, bronchitis, there
than a course of ANGIER'S
Its soothing effects and its tonic, in-
iuence upon all tate bodily functions.
walled for the prevention of colds and
fections, If a cold or cough has already
cd, ANGIER'S is the best means of throwing
I repairing the damage caused. ANGIER'S
SION is recommended and largely prescribed
e medical profession. Equally useful for adults
children, ANGIER'S agrees perfectly with del-
te, sensitive stomachs. It is invaluable for all
test affections.
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Al3ritish Doctor writes: "I consider your preparation
superior to anyother emulsion orprapnration,having the
same or similar claims (Signed) , M.D.
We have just reee
t smart new RO
R " DIO o e a
And certainly is, as the factory says:
thing but reputation ! " Eight re-desi
year) ncluding one rectifier—all of t
ally gr,! anteed (as in 'former years
factory erformance. A gem of a w
genuine Electrodynamic
Speaker ingle dial control,
automatic voltage regulator,
phonogra s "vIug-in " jack.
And the p;'ce is only
w in every-
d tubes (this
give you satis-
ut cabinet, with
Ms tern C
in your
nt for 30c.
ado dour Mills
to -- Ont.
A happy matrimonial event was
celebrated on October 7th, at St,
Peter's Church, Drysdale, when Rev.
Fr. L. Marchand united in marriage
Miss Annie Rena, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, 'VVtn. Ducltarttle to Mr, Noel
Laporte, both parties of the parish.
The bride was charmingly' gowned
in white satin, carrying white As-
tees; the bridesmaid, Miss Jttliette.
Denohny was dressed itt pink satin
and carried pink asters. Mr.' Wm.
Ditcharnte Jr., acted es groomsman.
lite wedding party Which consisted,
Of about 100 repaired to the Moine
et the bride where the usual day's
enjoyable entertaining took. place.
The happy bridal ceuple have the
best wishes of a lane circle of
friends and will reside on the farm
of the groom oil the Blue Water
Eighway, Ste.uley%
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