HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-10-17, Page 2'THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1 i tit, 1029 THE EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE. s,a ,�'}f� J����'��. Vic;.+` ryj��•�� �:/�� ;�j�-� .fit. hfti i 'i 1111106 Apilii i 'uluui a ni iiicili; �� -GALVANIZED SIDING for Outside \ i`US Attractive to look >: Inexpensive. Easy t put on over old walls( With building papa -warm, dry, windproo Choice of Brick, Rock -f and Clap -board pattern SHEET STEEL CEILINGS add the touch of pro perity to stores; gi betterlight, Perm• eat also for schoor, halls, kitchens bathrooms. En toputupovero„ plaster.No du-. or litter. Eas ac to clean au paint. C 9' not.crac '? ; or fall ofd GALVANIZED SHINGLES End the fire hazard, Put on overold roofs. Easy to lay. Good looking,, permanent, inexpensive. Use NO Other. • "The permanent fireproof roof is the cheapest infheend. 50 YEARS AGO Mr. T. l3issett's driving 'horse took first prize at Iairkton Fair 'Without any trouble. Dir, L. Thorne has definitely de- cided. on 'locating in Blyth. :11r. T. Coates, of tTsborne, on Thursday last stripped 161 head of cattle to Montreal. Mr. Murdock is fencing irr.lris.pro- perty .on Wellington Street where he intends erecting a conservatory. Mr. D. Pinch's handsome resi- dence in rear of the Presbyterian church is fast approaching comple- tion. Mr. E. ElwortIly is able to be around again, though still very.weak after the long and severe siege he has stood against the fever. A match for the possession of the Dyer cup took place in Exeter on Friday afternoon last in Mr, Carl- ing's field, between Mr. John Hey- wood, of Ilsborne, and Mr. F. G. Simpson, of Exeter, who has three times in succession beaten an op- ponent for the possession of the coveted trophy. According to the present rule of the Gun Club the cup aloes not become the property of Any ultnlber until he has some off vietoriotis in six successive contests. Mr. Heywood proved himself too much for.his opponent and succeed- ed in winning the cup. Mr. AVnr.. Fanson, who. for marry. years has Parried on the • harness. making •and lately has added the boot and shoe business, has talcen his departure from Exeter for the County of Grey, where he intends going immediately into 'business on a large scale. Mr. T. 'Stacey has sold his farm, being lot 10,.'con. 12, Usborne to Mr. John Stinson, for $7,000. Mr. Stacey has purchased Mr. John Henry's 2.00 acre farm in Hibbert Township for $9,500. Mr. John Fulton has sold' 50 acres, part of lot 9, in the 10th con., to Mr. Fletcher for $3,100. 25 YEARS AGO. Mr. Thomas Russell has returned home from a very pleasant trip to Manitoba. Mr. Wni. Bagshaw has commenced the erection of his new brick dwell- ;="'1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111(111111111111111111111111111111111�gi Owome Moose mamma xeter :uyatHome' Campaign; COMMUNITY BUYING DIRECTORY AND I3US'INESS GUIDE .__. Through the co-operation of the Business Men listed below, we will reproduce a series of educational articles endeavoring P= to bring about a better business relationship between resident and merchant in the town, and thus bring about more progressive community in which to live. -Y imuumatzmazsimsamm The Canadian Bank Browning's Drug Store I B. W. F. Beavers of Commerce Heartily Endorses the BUY -AT-HOME CAMPAIGN Support LOCAL Merchants and Help Our Town GROW Small Savings Accounts Welcome M. R. COMPLIN, Manager Traquair & Lindenfield GENERAL HARDWARE Tinsmithing & Plumbing Varnishes -- Paints — Oils Telephone 27 E. R. HOPPER FURNITURE — and — FUNERAL DIRECTOR Telephone 99 FRED RABETHGE JEWELLERY & CUT GLASS WESTINGHOUSE RADIOS Clock and Watch Repairing • JOS. SENIOR ammame mamma I 0:84 Misimmy ernswis- l PHOTOGRAPHIC --- and — ART STUDIO We put the `Snap' in Snapshots G. M. Armstrong EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY — and — GAINSBOROGH HATS 'S. FITTON OPTOMETRIST Sight Examined and Glasses Fitted Children's Sight 'A Specialty Telephone 75w N. T. ROW SCRANTON COAL & COKE URITISH AMERICAN Gasoline and Oil Telephone 40 WW. ANDREW - Salesman t'or J. R. WATKINS CO. Hamilton and 'Winnipeg Liniments, 'Tonics, Spices, Toilet Articles, 'Flavorings Poultry and Stock Tonics = Telephone 48 Mi dleton's Bakery "The Home of Metter Erettcto CAKES .. PASTRY CONFECTIONERY Telephone 62 TOILETRIES — DRUGS — STATIONERY — OPTICAL ROOMS -- TELEPHONE 143 Keep Your Community Alive There is nothing worse than a dead community. Try as hard as it may to conceal the facts, the truth is written all over it, so that he that runs may read. No camouflage of bluff or bluster can conceal the true situation from anyone who comes within the limits of the community. The worst part about it is that once dead a community never survives. The fact that it seldom can "come back" is easily explained. The growing and prosperous town today is the one that can. attract new residents as well as capital. It is one that can offer attractive inducements to the outlying investor, whose faith is built up in the progressive and co-operative spirits of its own com- munity residents. A prosperous community is the same as a large Corporation.. They are stockholders, and as such look carefully to it that its affairs are administered in such a manner that it pays a good substantial dividend. This can only be accomplished by buy- ing in your community, keeping your money in circulation so it will come back to you. Patronize your merchants, encourage them to expand in a business way. Talk Exeter. Boost Exeter, and in do- ing so keep on keeping a "Live Comnmuiiity Alive." SANDY ELLiOT FORD .USED CARS NEW CARS WE SPECIALIZE ON FORD SERVICE TELEPHONE 04 Powell's Variety Store For twenty-five years Mr. J. W. Powell ha.s been in business in Exeter. Mr. Powell is an Exeter Boy having lived Isere ever since he was three years old. Early in life he started business for him- self in a small way. When the phonograph made its appearance Mr. Powell secured the Edison agency and for a number of years he did a thriving business until the advent of the radio caused a slump in this line. In the variety business Afr. Powell has carried a wide range of useful articles and his motto has been a big turn -over tat a snail profit. In this line he has featured china, toys, post cards, etc. He has enjoyed a splendid trade in chocolates and candies and recentIy added a pop -corn machine and ice cream to his stock. Mr. Powell also deals in cut flowers, bulbs, etc. in season. Orders for flowers are :)eat anywhere. He is also the manufacturer of "Name- less," a popular cold remedy. Mr. Powell has always been a booster for Exeter. Poultry and Eggs WANTED: SELL US YOURS Will grade your flock and take away the culls and pay tot) market prices. R.. E. POOLEY \VIN CI-I3'1LSEA & IC'IRIiTON Harvey Bros. General Millers MANITOBA'S BEST - MODEL and WELCOME Flour All Hinds of Feeds TeIephene 35 ADVERTISE in the --- TIMES-ADVOCATE Cunningham &.Pryde CEMETERY MEMORIALS Telephone 41j Milo Snell Chevrolet SALES and SERVICE Phone 100; Night phone 209 9O:111'lTFi1.NU NEW Edison. Needle 1tecord, Plays on all needle Phono- graphs. Sells for a dollar', double sided and long playing. °t.1JX%,Ii THEM: •t7' T'OWELL'S OS zoo 131 $1 r PHONOGRAPH: POWVELL'S Variety STORE Phone Day Service 135w Plume Night Service 155j a HURON GARAGE, EXETER ,PONTIAC and BUICK SALES anEVICE . u#11.'4 -111g, ACG`.'It`SSortiE 4, TIRES, OILS, G . 5 &C�AB, WASI'1L C,i 7 xer'te,ehri1ichl nhi(1 EleCtricatl Service ce o all makes of catr;S. 1oitJC1Ai. ONTARIO MOTOR. LEAGUE '''14.1:.'V1cE STATION Shop Ve reiiltrn, E. Pollen ' 'ropt.'ictor, Ulric Snell Hardware TINSMITHING PLUMBING PAINTS STOVES AND FURNACES Telephone 86 S. R. TAYLOR ' The Jeweller HIGH-GRADE JEWELLERY ' DIAMONDS Watch and Clock Repairing ill[. J. BEEF Automobile Accessories ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Everything in Radios Telephone 109 G. A. HAWKINS GENERAL HARDWARE PAINTS and OILS SCREENS, Etc. Telephone 29 SOUTHCOTT- BROS. General Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Boots 'and Shoes Groceries and China Harvey's Grocery SYSTEM ERVICE ATISFACTION Telephone 102 • N. W. TREWARTHA Dealer in NEW LAID EGGS --- and— MILK FED POULTRY Direct From the Farm Grigg Stationery Store School Supplies with special attention given to school • libraries Telephone 37 ROSS -TAYLOR - LUMBER CO. Planing Mill---Lumbei Yard Wholesale & Retail Prices on Summer Cottages Telephone 48 amommt mowa EEE PUBLIC' UTILITIES *• : COi<ltiinsfixo11`: • . ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES WIRING AND SUPPLIES'. ° 'Telepiidne 12'7 `'Al11111111111111111111111111111118111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 : • r: Skin Jrr tions Qukk Healed By the re Antiseptic lou ,vi11 by s prisoa to see how quiclt1Y you i un get reli from eczema rashes, pim- ples, sea .8, blo es, mal other Rhin troubles, .funk app. the re cooling llaidd A.l.n, it 3Kmrlrate the -in, soothing and healing the Irritate° ' lhsi s. 1T1111N(1 STOI,s IN- STAN'rl.r r ).D. is clear nod stainless. A PSB bottle t•' es its merit or Sour flrugglst elves your n sey troek. /).D.1.,), &es ode hecto. fu - •1y1).p,rt.soap). W. 5. OWEY, ICGGIS'1' lag on Villianr Street. Mr. Thomas Handford recently 11u1•('llaSed from 11'ir. Conrail Fuss, of Zurich, a heavy team of greys, pay- ing therefore the sum of $360.00. During the severe electrical storm on Monday vening a valuable team o1 horses blonging to Mr. William White, of Rogerville were killed by lightning while in the pasture field, One day last week as Mrs. Alfred Hicks, of the '5th concession of Us - borne was engaged in her house, hold cit)ties, she accidentally slipped down some steps leading into the woodshed, a distance of about eigh- teen inches and in the fall struck her back against the lower step. Mrs, Hicks is now confined to her bed in consequence. Mr, Thomas II ink]n on Thursday morning had the misfortune to break the knee cap of his right leg. He was engaged in carrying a bag of oats frem.the barn to the stable and when descending the embank- ment ,his root slipped causing him to throw his weight on the right leg bending it backward at the knee. On Friday morning Mr. Thomas Cann of the 6th concession, Us - borne, while picking apples from the top of a long ladder fell to the ground and fractured his spine. Mr. Alfred Bayley an old Exeter boy, who has been a resident of Lon- don for some time was last week made the recipient of an address and a beautifully carved and upholstered armchair at the hands Pf the mana- ger and employees of the London Branch. A One White steer, owned by Mr. Joseph Davis, was on Sunday found in a dying condition in the creek running through his pasture land on the 2nd concession of Stephen. 15 YEARS AGO l'Ir. Clive McAlister, who is at- tending the Toronto University suc- ceeded in capturing the James Rich- ardson Fellowship in Anatomy. Mr. `Lloyd Rivers, of High -gate, who visited at .his home here over the holidays has been transferred from the branch of the Molsons Bank at Highgate to the branch at Forest, .lir. W. Bernick Jr., met with a serious accident' while feeding a threshing machine at the farm of Mr. Chas, Dayman 'on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Will was at the table board tabling the grain when the machinery broke. He was struck on the side of the face and knocked several feet by a piece of 11011. , On Monday of this week while as party of men were engaged in fill- ing a silo for Mr. Geo. Hunter the balance wheel of the cutting box broke into 12 or 15 pieces which were thrown. in all directions but luckily those who were working around the machinery escaped un- hurt. A surprise party was given to Miss Merril on Monday and took the form of a Thanksgiving dinner,. It was given by relatives and all en- joyed themselves immensely. MtssMuxworthy, teacher at Alma College, St Thomas, spent the holi- day with Rev. S. W. and Mrs. Mux - worthy. Miss Clara Eckstein, of 'the New Commercial spent the holiday with her mother at Zurich. +tTr. Edgar Horney and friend Mr. Burgess, of Petrolia, visited with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Horney. Miss :1Iay Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs H. nicereath and Mrs. Davidson, of Lucknow, were the guests of Mr. and T. Armstrong over the holiday, i\1r. Geo. Thomas and Miss Vino Pearson, of London, visited with. relatives in town. His Tleriret rt1ng•istrate: "Dld you call the ac- cused a rogue and a thief?" Witness: "No, yer honor, T dict, not." 'Magistrate: "And did you call him a liar and a cad?" Witness: "No. yer honor, I did not ---a elan can't remember every- thing." USRORNI.1 & Ili ERI' MUTI:TAI. VIRE 1tiSTJEAN III COMPANY Head Office. crcuhar, Ont. President Vice -Pres. F nlli ACU STNCL ROM NU.iII JOHN ES 'tJsb OLIVER II llibbert, rn SIMON DOW NIt 11rcCoNNELL TORS R,. ,Y. P, ALLISON, S, WM. B.ltOCK CN'.rS ' Centralia, Agent tot and 13iddnlph. IS, Munro, Agent tb1 Barton and Logan W. A. Tt11t BULL Seeretary-Treastrror fox 98, Eateter, Ontario G'LADMIAN & S'l!i1IV)i.LVlt b41lcitorh, Exeter Zips Exeter 47itaro-,gnosis' Established 1873 and 1887 Published every Thursday morning,; at Exeter, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION ---$2.00 per year la advance. RATES—Farm or Real Estate tor; sale 50c. each insertion for first four insertions. 250. each subse- quent insertion. Miscellaneous a1r-. titles, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, oil Found 100, per line of six word,,;. Reading notices lOc. per litre.. Card of Thanks 50e, Legal ads vertising 12 and 8c. per line. hili, Memoriam, with one verse 0Q extra verses 25c. each. Member of The Canadian Weekly' Newspaper Association. ,15 Professional ;Cards GLA I. MAN , STANBURY. BARRI-TE SOLICITORS, &e. Money o an, Investments Made. Insurance Safe -Deposit vault for use of our Clients without charge EXETER LONDON IIENSALLi CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTE IS, SOLICITORS, &c., LOANS, INSiES T ArENTS, LANCE Office: Carling Block, Main Street„ EXETER, ONT. Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.Si,D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEpi Late District 13`ntai OftlCer of MUtttas District Num r Ono.oLondon, Ont. Closed all day Wec1�,�isclay until the I Sth tf Stt"j,tember Teierhones Office 34w house 34J. MAIN ST., EXETER, ONT. Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.b D.D.S.S., D1 N TI Office over Ing & Morley Lav Office EXETER. ONT. DR. E. S. STEINER'? VETERINA Y SURg1 ON Graduate of the ntar;, '�Veterinar• Co le DAY A f:'IG.}IT CALLS PROMPT Y ATTENDED TO` Corner of Main and Ann Street, Office in C. D. Sne1l's Block EXETER, ONT. JOHN WARD." *' A, C.HIROPRACTIC,L O.' EOPAT1ff ELECTRO-T1TEI1 l' c S; ULTRA- VIOLET TREATMENTS PHONE 70 MAIN ST., EXETER, ARTHU WEBER LICENSED (mg,EER For Huron ul \ .lIdlesex FARM SALES'ECIALTY PRICES p: SONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED} Phone 57-13 Dashwood R. E. NO. 1, DASHWOOf FRANK TAY R LICENSED AUC . ONEER For Huron nn(Iidcllesex FARMS ES• SPECIALTY Prices Reaso tale and Satisfaction. ranteed EXETER, ' O. or RING 138 OSCAR KLOPP LICENSED AUCTIONAR Honor Gradt ate Care :ones' Alio- tion School. pedal course taken( in Registered L ve S ek (all breeds Merchandise, to Estate, Farm, Sales, Etc. R •inkeeping with• prevailing prices. Satisfaction at, sured, t - sured, write Oscar K)opp, Zurich., or phone 18-93, Zurich, Ont. THE Ontario Equitab a Lith' "Watch fo our I 'htitonse" Rep `•sen Live C. °gat XON LXETER ONTARIO Phone 243 SAVE MONEY!. BUYING SI-IIGLES NOW 2x4 Fine Sea houses, Hen building at $3 FERTILER A.. .1. C l'Iinw for Colony, uses or other. 00 per M. lowest Prices.,. ATWORTHY ]'hone 12 GRA NTON, ONTARIO ...,j