HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-10-10, Page 8L• THE EXETER. TIMES -ADVOCATE P -Tlfit.'B$D,Ap t",,;O(TOII;E.Ri 40, 1.9P0. Cau1k. Your it 1o.d 1+11s ngy o e your coal b ►l 11°Tu rAsE rif:I:IIED THE AOSNC i'O CAULKING. DOORS ' AND t IN o WS, ALSO METAL . HER -STRIPPING ' LET QUOTE YOU PRICES; W. J. HERD,, Exeter - Mr. Gibbs. Yrelland, of Windsor, spent the week -end. with his :sister., iu town. • Miss Margaret Job , of Victoria. Hospital, London, Was home ;for the week -end. Mr. Tea, 'ethey, of London, spent , the week-enet, with his father 4r•. E. ,3, Wet11047 " V:: • Mr• Herman Willard has return• ed home after spending the summer A CHICKEN PIE . .UPPER—At in tate West. blain St. U. ited c . rch, Hallowe'en Jack Pryde, son Of Air, and Mrs, eight, ()eta ler st, Sapper 50c, Thos. Pryde is confined to his home and 35c, : colors later. through illness. , c Miss' Alda Pilk'ie and Miss Isabel' Gibson, of • Sarnia, visited with 3fr. and firs. H. S. Walters on Sunday. Exeter Markets Wb,eat, $1.28 standard.. Gats, GOe.. ' Barley 75e. Buckwheat. S0c. Ma.,ti.toba, Flour ,$4. 0. Model Flour .$4.25 pastry •Flour•$3.9O Feed Flour .$2.25 Bran $1.80 Shorts .$1.90 Creamery butter 40e Dairy flutter 40e. • • Eggs, extras 42c, 'Eggs, firsts .3.7:c.. Eggs, 'seconds 28e. Hogs $11.00 Y 4,Coca(,s Our mechanics, o selves, our * home office, are into; ested in your Ford. Try our F. service. Sandy -.Elliot. We stc ck.-:'enuine Ford parts all models 19 to 1929. NOTICE TO ONION- GROWERS We will co men taking in on- ions Wednesd y, • ctober 16th and continue until Oober 25th. J. H. Grieve. 1, FOR SALE-175/Barred Rock' Pullets,, some 1 ,' `yi>150 'White Leg- horn pullets 'int.' Haddock,:.R, , R. 3, Parkhill. P. FOUND—A tarpaulin ly ;A1arys 'road bet •een 41Vinchelsea• 0 iter ,,by„ paying expe s: ?'inchelsea. do the 'at. imville and lay have same — H. Bailey, .:ftp POULTRY, P re Bred- -lay Rock roosters and a numb: of choi:e pure-bred Chine ilia . bbits at reas- onable prices. . p :; to L. Reynolds, It. R. No. 1 He 11. Phone, Exeter 177r4. • .9-10-,3tc. DRESSMAKING, DON — :Furs coats repair - moderate and T "n",'• — For sale ew ng .machine. and. • 1Ir. Kiikkood Ilutton, of the Q. has been relieving to To- ronto•,.i.11as returned to .Exeter. ltir.a1icl Mrs. Chester Merk'ely, of L'ontlonj: visited with, Mr. and Mrs.' p_A • Geo, Etherington .on Sunday. ' Made and re, aired; fu e&and: relin:d, pric 'rework guara Teed "Century ;as ;wringer in c Gd .condition, cheap. Apply, Mrs roruran :Hockey,,. town. 2tp. Mrs.• •.John 'Snell left Tuesday to visit for•:a few weeks at Sarnia. Miss 'Muriel Howald, of London, spent the week -end at bels home here Mr, R. E. Pooley has purchased a new Ford truck from Mr. Sandy El liot.• " Mr. Hugh Creech was home from Western, University, for the week- eud. • Mrs.. Neil of London, is the guest :of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jones. Mr. Jas.,SauWlers, of Woodstock, visited relatives in Exeter over the week-efid. • Mil's Mary E1worthy, of London, spent the week -end in: Exeter under the hdrental roof. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Flintoff, of Stratford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Etherington on Sunday. Messrs. Harry West and Barry Carey, :or Sarnia, motored up and, •spent Sunday in town. Mr. Harold Wood, of London, spent Stilnday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood. Rev. Mr. Turnbull, of London, conducted the services in Trivitt M•einorial church on :Sunday. Miss' Ella Jones, of Stratford; vis- ited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.. 1 MAN AND O W,,IF, E W el}tfet, elderlyYna1;who ca chiiring around` home -int nonuser work furnace, suitable ma each month -work, ..fuel,; r ter •stating 1 where' last e nationality. Is off 'it1,. hr ve Sate, Exeter. .• • ' WANTED—Tram am about 24 by 3k feet„' 1e phone. or write to F. Golings, rkton, do light ding some k cow. To clsome cash house close to c.. ,ply by let- wage expected and .yrnent was,'.age and ox "14, Times -Advo - FOR SA E cow, Holstein, had one calif, g.o, •and quiet. F. Gollings, Kirkton, FOR -SALE • OR RE + —Black- smith shop.a Farquhar , riek• b,titd ing with fr e weo }'corking shop. Brick house, stable ud one acre of land. • wilt. e' d cheap.. • -Going concern an, in , good' corm -nullity. Apply -to -St . =y Coward, R. R„ No. 1, Woodham, If you wish t or house see R. b, POULTRY WANT the market for all paying the highe will call. P•hono>• 3 Andersen. ' or sell a farm cka,rd, Exeter. D—We are in ids, of poultry rices. Trucks Dashweod,• C.; 9=2'0 tfc: For Tractor plowing Bradshaw, Elimvil object for reason'b work. ply te, W. stance • no. amount of 10-3-4tp Mr. and Mrs. George Jaques spent Sunday at the home of the letters brother Mr. J. T. Hern at Zion. Mr. Alex Elliott, teller at the, Can- adian Bank of Commerce spent .the weelc-end •at his 1i,ome .in Blyth; Mr..• ands Mrs. Victor` J. Snell of Lucan, spent Sunday with, the for- mer ..s parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. • mot and Ente In ,connection with Ian Church, 'Tuesday,.' 0 --••,in HOGARTH BABY CHICK HATCHERY' Our Supply of fe • ds are ,now ,more complete than eve and your needs in Chick Starter, OW Mash, Chick, • Feed, Lay Mash, t :ef Meal,. Bone Ureal,' Alfalfa Meal, Oyster' ',Shell,' Grit, Condensed But.:rmilk,, etc: can. be 'proinptl • filled. POUL Y LING It is now ti'. to ave the cti11 hens eliminated o your flock. Our charge is $2,00 100 hens. We are cash buyers of poultry.. Call' us. when you have poultry to Sell. Our new shipnient of •leg bands' has just arrived. Ail sizes and.co.; 191'11.$ 411#+ '""v"I' NOTICE TO I) AINAGI CONTRA s ORS will Tenders `r c v bee ei edbr the undersigned for 11 construction of the Gainer and'S ' ith Drains up to, Mon ' y, Novemb4.tlt, 1929, at 11,111. The c aiser I) ° in is estimated at 47011 0 ydd. l the' Smith Whitt at 3100 u, yds. to be removedTiio: ;clans, t) ofiles and specificatidtis; may be ii t h yna� l,eofficeoft eun- dersi 1 t" ,� sed., C dXtpny A certiffett cheque .or Ott '';r izppr(IVAd security of tr % ot, t editiedmr.ioe• Miall Company to ;, ,, , `r ie jowest or any tender' got - warilyaccented tt40.2teo • •%oni• It;:ii ILI;r lz, �. 1. � ...0 ethe 1 1F f. Tp Stephen, Crediton• P. O., Ontario ! and I% It. 11. > Itvortliy; Tow Suppe) • served fr P.ROGIIM IN _T MOTT, PIC . TI{IAT , V. Richard s .'uew "tec.ir pper ainment aven Presbyter- nniversary ober 15th Hall u 5.30 to 8 p.m. AIRS AND THE K CRES IN THE . )M 6.30 to 9.30 SiGN', raster drama. .A olor marvel. , OPEN HORSES ' OE TOURNAMENT For which attraive prizes will be • of red •. Admission: Adults ::,c. children 35e SUPPER TICKET ADMITS TO THi')ATRE AND TOURNAMENT CAXEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH rev, J, Berritirtt illtode , M. 4. • I1Inistet Bliss Lena Coates, tl.L.Gati., Organist ANNIVRRSARY SUNDAY ' 10 0,411, --.:Sunday School 11 a,ni, and ? P,111. ---Public Worship.' REY.. J, D. •CUNNINGIIAM, D, D. Professor of New Testament :Liter ature and Exegesis in I{nor College, Toronto, will 'preach at both servicee Special music by the Cheir assist- ed by S. A. Tracey, Tenor Abrams, Basso,. soloists 0f tile' Church of St. John the Evangelist, Lwttlon, • A cordial invitation is extended to the public. 'rhe 'liixeter• Canning Factory have liad a big run with corn and they expect to. finish -to-day {(Wednesday) Mr. `!Maurice Coates, son of Mr. and Mit. Win, H. Coates; of 'Osborne is .111 at his home suffering ,from pneumonia. 'Misses Jennie and Mary McCaus- land, of Brantford. visited at the home .of Mr. and MrS. E. C. Harvey over the week -end. Miss; lila Biatchfor'd, R.N., has re- turned to Detroit :"sifter visiting for two weeps with her parents /Mr. and Mrs. F. '13iatc1 ford, • Mr. 1-1, E. Huston and family have moved back: -to Exeter 'after spend- Iiig the stinimer at their sammer haiiie at Grand Bend, Mr, and Mrs. It. E. Pickard and Mr's: Geo, Southcott spent the Week- end' ' 'v'fsiting With Mr. aind Mrs. .M. P.' "Gladinaii, of London. Mr, and Mrs, l.inklater and fain- ily, •;tfiss 1•tolen Cooper and, Miss Al- 'fna Bowe 1, of Goderich, silent Sun- day with 17r. and errs. W. I -T. Wood. °Mr, and •Mas. Norman Reddy and family, ef. iietireitt .spent the 'eek- end';iit Elie home. of the fortner's brother, . Mr. 'Cv., •rC i eddYY of tts- borne., •• Muss '144 'who tuts •roflpietetl Iter 'course• -iit the Ford T]:ospitai, Retrofit„ ie Spending {t ,feta bays' with her pe,],°ehtS, Mr. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA. Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Goulding. A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leadat 11 a.m.— "Strangers within gates. . 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—"Unconscious Immorality'? 2nd in.the series of story sermons on the last five commandments. This sermon will bo illustrated. from the story "Judge not that ye he not judged." Coma and hear it. our • MAIN ST, UNITED• CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Of J. Moorhenee. Pator Organist, .Miss •E. IIitstpn'" 11 a.m.—Our congregation Will wor'. ship with Caven congregation. Our, service being withdrawn. 3 p.m.—Our Church School, Conte and enjoy the study of God's word with us. • • 7 p.m.= ---"The Power -of the Invis-, ible" 8 p.m.—Wednesday Prayer service. evening our. TRIVITT MEMORIAL i CHURCH . 20th' Sunday after •Trinity ` 11 a.m.—Morning prayer and ser-. mon, 3' Ont.—Sunday School • • 'Evening ,Service •withdra n' ijt fa icor of Caven Church„.A:nniversary, Harvest Thanksgiving •Ser`:vices will. be held on Sunday, +October:`t1'iie 20th. when Rev. Wm. A. Toit nshen', Rector of the Church of ' •tile Ire deenxer, London, will' be • the special speaker. • , Election return at the "Mars" day even`tig,• nection with picture sire• 1p will •be given otic eatre on.Wednet- stober 30th in eq.- a the regular' moving Mr. cornyn • and Mrs. corny ' estle; (If. Detroit; spent the week -end visiting relatives • in Exeter. • - ` s Mr. and Mrs. Brown and two daughters, and Mrs. I•lepburn, Of London, , motored up and, spent Sun.- day with, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. West- cott and other relatives in Exeter Dr. Luther 0411 and wile, of Gilt- sonburg, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. T. Sweet, of Hamilton, `motored up and spent the week -end with Mrs. F. Gill. Mrs. Gill returned to Hamil- ton to visit for a few days. ;,Mr. and Mrs.: H. :Hatton .arid daughter ,Evelyn : motored up from Brantford Saturday- and speffe•''tlte week -end with Mr. and, Mrs. T. Q. Southcott. Mrs., 'Southcott returned with them and will visit in Toronto and Preston "before returning home. After• being delayed for a, weep waiting• for some steel Games work Was. again commenced on the new post office on 'Monday. The weather• has been ideal for outdoor work and Bea%er Bros. contractors are hoping to. rush the work 'without .much further delay. Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank Davis, Of Winchelsea, visited at the home of the ,tatter's brother, Mr•,: C. Pyiu, oh Sunday. Mr. and Ifte, Davis, M. and .Mrs. C: Pym and Mr. and Mrs. E. Pym n%otered to Locknow• and visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Reed, Representatives of a gas company that is not already located' in Exe- ter were in town recently entteaver- 'ing to secure a suitable corner site for the erection of another gas sta- tion, Messrs. E. Treble and Wes', Simomus were both interviewed with a view of purchasing. their property. Mt. Adam Case has disposed of his 100 -acre farm being lot 6 ori Provincial Highway* No. 4, Hay Tp. the price paid being $10,000. Mr:,. Keys recently sold his Tarin 'being lot 23 north boutidary,of Hay. Mr: Case will hold an Miction sale of farm stock and ilhp1ornents oil Thursday, October 711, The Women's Asso,i'ation of Maid Street United cltureb held their reg- ular ar 1neetilig in the church castor Thursday afternoon last,\Mi's, u3T•oor house having charge ot. `{he devo• t1onal part of the eervireand the president, NM. II0' ey the' business ;cart. ' ][Hans were completed for It dhic'ken pie supper to be head in the church Kallowe'ei'i night, a .0ctobe.r 41st. , �IIIIiii,IIiiIIiIiiIIiIIIIiIIlliiglilllliil�ll��lllllllllllllll I111111111IiIIIII�iIiIIIIIIIiIIilllllllllllllllllllglllilliliiilllllllll10111iIiII1�1101 *14,9p E 10111111.11.1 masa StEp* =1 VALUES 'IN. $14.95 0 o y tt m 15 only men's' winter , overcoats. These are °fast season's coats but they are goo. d cloths and staple .styles. if 'we have your O. •size you should not miss this: opportunity of securing a goo. coat at a very AIow price. Come in and see them.:. '$14.95 - New Plaid Cotton • Blankets 25 pair,of fancy plaid blankets in Blue, - Sand, Pink and Grey Checks • warm .. and comfortable. a •ti 6111.11121 aiming MIMS 111111 at per pair $2.75 New ' Comf orter' 'Chintz 10 new patterns and .colorings in the 36 inch 'material. 'Beautiful patternis • - at per yard 25c. Misses'Ladies' and � ' � er Coats.' •�1 We have always somethi p new to show in coats. his "season was off a. splendid assort-. mento the newest..styl and cloth's. Splendid valuesAMMO • $22:50 . T � •t . C Ladies' - A splen - Comet in Sp C • ery ' weather. ades. • T. 98.c. Mens .All4Votii?Hose. • Hanson's male;' the` iieai ,value in heavy v<eight sox on the anarket.i' Special at per pr. 48c. ub1jiex aid RubberBoots y yo.u:to" -buy` this well-known brand'. re guaranteed by the maker- as .well ag by u's. Try a pair this season. • ''• 4101111 .11.11111 ammo N EMO IMMO • MEOW m▪ an C 1101! II IHIIi 01 ! II I '101111 I! I I I I I I I I f i �I001IIIII11011111111111If(�illlllll�lrirt�: �I�IiiI�iiIIiliq 11111iil11111 111 I I L i. i Il i� I i I I I I �[ IN! 0111110 Ilillllft PALL CLEANING IS HERE- AG N r NOw ie' the tim' , to re- place that rn- out mattre 5 .or ring. . We have a } ull , ek.to ;meet alt , your: re 1 irements. Ileuphols, iii Promptly Done i-34 R. . OPPBR;' , FURNITURE DEALER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Phone 99 ' • Mr. and Mrs., Ray Eacrett, of Sar - ,pia, visited at the home or Mr.' and 'Mrs. ,B. W. F. Beavers on Thursday returning Friday. • Mr. and. Mrs. Rich.. Coates and son .Frank ,and. Mrs. 141, Sheena re- turned home Tuesday after speeding •a• week .in Toronto.. Mr. B. R. Bartow, • wbo recently underwent an operation for append- icitis at Dr. Fletcher's hospital was able to rettui'u to his home on Sat- urday last: McSsrs. Harold and John Blintz,' Miss Dorothy Kuntz, of Windsor, and Mr, and Mrs. Austin Bickell, of Lou- don, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs: Wm. Kuntz. • Mr. and Mrs. Albert Etherington, of Usborne, are in Shakespeare at- tending the wedding or the latter's lielee, Miss Marcella Oeltm to Mr. Edward Myers, which took place on. October 9th. Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Taylor motor- ed to Shakespeare and were accent - 'panted 116tne by thein sons Frank and Reg who visited with their sis- ter, Mrs. McTavish. ,r Rev. Horden Cunningham, wife and. daughter, :of St., Thomas, visit- ed for few days with relatives in town. Mr. Cunninghntn conducted services at the Anglican church, at. Clandehoye on Sunday. Excellent weather has prevailed during the past couple of weeks and tall work on the farm IS pro- greasing favorably. Plowing is r t all ae ie standstill. the ground p yata st ,ti gr d being tOo hard •owing to leek of rant, 'btr. Wtn. 1•I. ilaney has been a very slept roat suffering from. blood- pol€ioning+ in his hand. 'tire hand wain pricked While PieltingCovl and it tlirllecl' 'to blood poisoning, Miss Taylor, of Toronto, is visiting with: Mr. and 1Vrrs. Blaney. • • • • We have a 'icomplete • ratgel oaf ..Woollens for your new fall suit, oi.-overcoat. .We also «:rry;a complete range o y;•:a.niples.. s Furnishings is the'`lateit v'. in: Men's ear.:• PHONE 81W E)ETER, ONT. I s' !• Ernest C. • GENERAL) Onit � Mutua • Life,. F SAFETY RAZOR BL SHARPENED. (any SINGLE EIlG DOUBLE ED ... i'erfect W.S.0 ES 14 46 aaraeteed DRUGGIST FURNITURE • • . -- AND „•;`. HN ERTAKI a, beadqu iters for th at R N. RO 'S T1ie St with e Big Stoeic rices, •tl lo �p • YOURSELF'. SEE.., O • Y �. R. • ROWE Phone 20w and 20j We fish pityre)tased in up -to -data: Ririe and ' et us white- ToUr batt, hen- ty work, moderate: og , It 13aby Chick, Hatch - 0 1.84w, Exeter. $-1-tfe Power ti are o{ieit wash 'MT houses, taiarge, dry. -131 titewashing n ,work. 4,4411)6 ;,4411) fe te.t DOROTHY .E. •GRASSI ;A L.C.M. (Honor ,Carat 4 tate) Lona, 'England :r st*uctio $t . ' Piano, Vi . in ti oily, Theory,' Studio 1\'':';` • lbe Street, Box 100, E ya ONTARIO W. R. Goth • nNG A. Ti (1' O1'g let and ' Choirmaster is :`. St. • ated Church lit! i ettort iq iPteeo' VO Orgap ' *beit Sapit'`vii Mucic to lchoolp titedfe,• n St, fax 5'7, Penne 10# iinortniR, G1N'>•, • fiAiilfdrlo , Ieahillt�,Y y Piesain, Et•eiXairttig'y i�yeilig•' ;tiiei . i ray :01 : ing. PaHor is upstairs just opp:, .to tho post st- iles, n and, his, ' nib'.,. O is "Service 1Lntiv„ Satisfaction ; t enteed." So. . i;S. Go W . •