HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-10-10, Page 2GET THE FACTS AND SAVE YOUR MONEY TiiUBSP4Y,. OCTOBER 1.Q, l2o THE EXETER'TIMES-ADVOCATE SHEET STEEL CEILINGS Stop falling plaster; ea Hales}try cracked ce nags. Easy to put quit an once up_ y stay. No dust or ti • r. Easy to cleats or p ' •' t► GALVANIZED SHINGLES for The Roof Handsome, inexpgpsive, treproof,easyto isApver old roofs—permane Get the facts. Ask tinsmith or carpenter. You will ne r regres the purch of a Sheet S • Cetl,ng. AMMO I3EA FIR = ' ROOF Sheet S !; Ceilingslook well, re t fire effect very A. • brightness to 8, s rets, churches s oole kitchens and s. Do notking O got the prices and particulars. GALVANIZED SIDING for Outside Walls Three attractive pat- terns. With building .wmdpr000are f Easy' warmto put on and paint, SEE YOUR LOCAL TINSMITH OR CARPENTER rr 50 YEARS AGO Mr. J. T. Sutherland, formerly a teacher ' in Usborne, !las eNlls;, 11 among the Medicals at Trinity Col- lege, Toronto, Mr, James Willis left for his home on Friday after a short visit In Exeter. 11rr. Willis occupies the the position of manager of the Olii• cage water works, it very lucrative situation, Mr. W. B. Seliey, graduate of 'rte Ontario, College of Pharmacy and li- centate of the Quebec College of Pharmacy will open a drug store in the building south of Farmer's gro- cery store on Friday .next, On Tuesday afternoon an accid•.•at occurred on Main Street near the market.. Ml'. and Mrs. Monteith of the Thames Road, Usborne, were thrown from a buggy when their horse became frightened and back ed into the ditch. A bed tick lying in front of a house occasioned the fright. Mrs. Monteith was bruised on the left side, though not seriof.s-` ly. One day last week while one of Mr. Kydd's men was cleaning out an old well for Mrs. Anderson, of Usborne, lie had a very narrow .es- cape frons being buried alive by the earth caving in around 1tin1. How- ever the men at the top of the well noticed the earth giving away and at once signalled the young loan be- low to the bucket and when he Iled ascended about twelve feet the earth caved in for several feet around, partially filling tilts bucket, On Saturday last a shooting match for the Exeter Gun Club S11 - ver Cup took place between Mr. F, G. Simpson (the holder of the cup) and Mr. James Westeott. The form- er succeeded in retaining the, cup, this being the third time. ' Peering bees are getting very common in Lumley vicinity, saute of them ending up with a dance. Our best thanks are dile to Mr. George Fisher, of Usborne, for a bag of excellent eating apples which he left with us, One of them makes a feast for three ordinary persons. Mr. Fisher keeps n cross dog in his orchard. A cricket match was played at Stratford on the grounds of the G. T. Railway C1ub, on Saturday, be- g1111111II1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111III11111111111111111111111111111111111111�t_== eimiNtan MNIMMI Exeter 'Buy -at -Home' Campaign COMMUNITY BUYING DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE Through the co-operation of the Business Men iisted below, we will reproduce a series of educational articles endeavoring to bring about a better business relationship between resident and merchant in the town, and thus bring about more progressive — community in which to live. The Canadian Bank ... of Commerce Heartily Endorses the BUY -AT-HOME CAMPAIGN Support LOCAL Merchants and Help Our Town GROW Small Savings Accounts Welcome E M. R. COMPLIN, Manager - Traquair.& Lindenfield GENERAL HARDWARE Tinsmithing & Plumbing Varnishes — Paints — Oils MENNEN Telephone 27 E. R. HOPPER FURNITURE and • — FUNERAL DIRECTOR Telephone 99 - FRED RABETHGE JEWELLERY & CUT GLASS WESTINGHOUSE - RADIOS , Clock and Watch Repairing Imo JOS. SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHIC — and — ART STUDIO We put the 'Snap' in Snapshots FE G. M. Armstrong EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY — and GAINSBOROGH HATS S. FITTON OPTOMETRIST ."^ - Salesman for J. It. WATKINS CO. Hamilton and Winnipeg Lininrcnts, Tonics, Spices, Toilet Articles, %flavorings Poultry and Stook Tonics Telephone 43 Sight Examined and Glasses Fitted Children's Sight A Specialty Telephone 75w .,.wwww•••MMI.. H. T. ROWE SCRANTON COAL & COKE BRITISH AMERICAN Gasoline and Oil Telephone 40 WM. ANDREW 4.1111.01 111101. 111.1111.1.1* Middleton's Bakery "Tile Home of Better Bread" CAKES -- PASTRY CONFECTIONERY' Telephone 52 Browning's Drug Store TOILETRIES — DRUGS — STATIONERY — OPTICAL ROOMS TELEPHONE 14§,...,,,„„L .,, The Back Seat Driver We all know of the nuisance who guides the destiny of the ' automobile from the rear seat, the person who always thinks., he could handle the machine much more capably than the driver. He is like the man who stands on the sidelines of the game of life criticizing the actions •of those who are doing things, but who fails to get into the battle himself. Every office has, one but the ,boss . gets tired and chucks him out. • There are people like this in every community. You know well the man who complains about conditions, who is always op- posed to everything, who does not work because he says there is no work to do and the community is going to the dogs. He stands out in contrast to the person who gets into the fight, makes the best of every situation and when he is not satisfied with conditions' Makes an honest -to -goodness effort to improve them instead of standing around and whining. No man can be happy if he is always running away from the problems of Fife. What can you do to enliven activities in Ex'eterr; andAnalce it .a better community in whichAo "+Staab' any#elte: nut de something. Don't leave the work to someone else. Get that, community spirit and fight. Every sincere effort at colnlnuni•ty, betterment on your part makes you so much bigger. Boost- your community that you may 'be able to boost it. Have no Sympathy, for the habitual knocker. Buy your goods in Exeter. 'This ,will mean the success of your merchant and a bigger and better Exeter. SANDY ELLIOT USED CARS FORD NEW CARS ' WE SPECIALIZE ON FORD SERVICE TELEPHONE 64 Cunningham. and Pryde Cunningham & Pryde, dealers in cemetery memorials, came to Exeter from London ten years ago taking over the business that for forty years had been conducted by Weekes Bros. The reputation that had been established by Weekes Bios. has been maintained by • Cunningham & Pryde, who enjoy the confidence of the public, so much so, that they supply practically all of the trade in this com- munity. They cover the territory between Bayfield and London and from ICirkton to Parkhill. Cunningham & Pryde stock a splendid variety of memorials. as- suring the public of `a wide choice. Three years ago they installed a sand -blast outfit,. the latest equipment for stone cutting. This outfit greatly enlarged the scope of the work that could be done in Exeter.. It enables the firm to execute the most modern designs with the minimum amount of labor. The members of the firm are Walter Cunningham and Thomas Pryde. Poultry and Eggs WANTED: .SELL 'CS YOURS Will grade your flock' and take away the culls and pay top market prices. R. E. POOLEY WINCHELSEA & ]UJtKTON Harvey Bros. General ,Millers MANITOBA'S BEST - MODEL and WELCOME Flour All Binds of Feeds Telephone 35 ADVERTISE '- in the — TIMES, ADVOCATE ` Cunningham & Pryde CEMETERY • MEMORIALS Telephone 41j Milo Snell' Chevrolet SALES and SERVICE Phone 100; Night phone 20,9 Every pair of Hose In our Store will he reduced in pricho .in order to clear our stock' Rig out 'the family now, while they ate cheap. Come Eipecting Bargains POWELL'S Variety STORE Phone Day Service 113w Phone Night Service 145l5j HURON GARAGE, EXETER PONTIAC and BUICK SALES and SERVICE REPAIRS, ACCESSORIES; TIRES, OILS, GAS & CAR WASHING • Expert Mechanical and Electrical Service on all musses of ,ears. OFFICIAL ONTAfIO IIOTOI4 LEAGTJF SERVIG"E sTAT1ON' Silop Foreman, E. Pollen Proprietor, Ulric Snell MIMES B. W. F. Beavers E, Hardwire TI'NSMITHING �' PLUMBING PAINTS STOVES AND FURNACES Telephone 80 .S. B. TAYLOR The Jeweller HIGH-GRADE JEWELLERY DIAMONDS Watch and Clock Repairing W. J. 13EER Automobile Accessories ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Everything in Radios Telephone 109 6. A. HAWKINS GENERAL HARDWARE PAINTS and OILS SCREENS, Etc. Telephone 29 SOUTHCOTT BROS. General Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings' Ladies' Ready -to -Wear !toots and Shoes Groceries and China Harvey's Grocery YSTEM %ERVICE ATISFACTION Telephone 102 N. W. TREWARTHA Dealer in NEW LAID EGGS — and — MILK up POULTRY Direct From the Farm Grigg Stationery Store School Supplies with special attention given tO school libraries Telephone 37 SEMEN MEMO 1111.1.1 111.1.1 IAN 1111 INN 11.11 011110 Ross -TAYLOR 73 LUMTIEIi, CO. Plttning Mill—Lumber Yaid Wholesale & Retail Prices on Summer Cottages Telephone 48 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ELECTRICAL' APPLIANCES WIRING AND SUPPLIES Telephone 127 91111111111111111111111111111(ti1111111111111111111i11C111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIi1i111i1111111111111111111M111111111111111111111111111111i1IrI1C1111i1111R1111H11i11111III111I111l11i1111111111111 F.. Stop Itchi Skin oubles a rt ;ou Ove A Real Antis Eczema, chafed i oublea quickly y link liquid pe healing the PS VS STA less. A ' druggist el.ati to S c Gets Results rashes, ,an¢ other side d to D.D.D. Tina Pure Crates the ektn, soothing ritated tissues. ITCHING LY. D.D.D. is Blear and c bottle proves its merit or ves your money bath. p.D,D.. A, tun only lxD,>D,sapl. OWE]', DRUGGIST tween representative teams of .hp Counties of Huron and Perth. 25 YEARS AGO iMr. Wm. Mitchell, who recently moved to Brantford from here has been appointed local agent at Lon- don for the Prost & Wood Co. Mr. Geo. Mantle 'has removed his household effects from Crediton to his new handsomely appointed resi- dence to the south of town during the past week. Road Commissioner Bissett is at present engaged in putting in a sty 0 curbing in front of G. Eacrett's Har- ness shop. 11rr. T. E. Handford on Tuesda 'shipped a carload of fine horses to L]le Lake of the Woods Milling Co. at Keewatin. Mr. W. C. Welsh ac- companied the horses. Ian the absence of Mr. Lloyd 1'. Jones who is taking his holidays, the organ in the Trivitt Memorial church on Sunday last was taken by Mrs. Billings. The telephone line is now co.a- plete between Exeter and St. Marys two linemen having been in town during the past week putting ,up ,she .wire. at this end. .,a }'I' ,•.it;ich,_ Murphy has moved Into ,tile house recently vacated by Mr. Wm. Trott. Mr. Dinuey is occulty• Ing the house vacated by Mr. Murphy on Sanders Street and which he pur cli4,3x9,,,Aa. tak'eit` up' has residence. in the house' vacated by ,Mr. Dinney on Gilley St. Mr. John ;Taylor, Exeter -North, who has been lying between life and death for several weeks as the re- sult, of being run over, is showing signs of improvement. Mr. Harvey Gardiner, son of Mr. 11loses Gardiner, while playing fo.•c- ball here on Fair Day sustained what was considered at the time to -be only; a slight injury to one of his grills by having a cuff button accidental- ly forced into it by one of the .play- ers. The wound was insignificant at first but blood poisoning set in and now it is giving' him no end of pain and trouble. •, • Mr. T. E. Handford leaves, for Swift Current, N,W.T., on a bud - gess s trip on Friday. 15 YEARS AGO The grand old man of 1Methodis,u, Elev. Dr. Carman, who for 30 years has been general.superintendent of the Methodist chtirch in Canada, re- tired from :the superintendency at the conclusion of the General Con- ference at Ottawa. 11ir. W. L. McKenzie King, former Canadian Minister of Labor 1115 been appointed special investigator of labor conditions in ' America in connecton with which J. D. Rocke- feller has made an endowment of one million dollars. It is understood that an iniport- .ant change is shortly to be made in -the staff of the Molsons Bank he::. Mr. N. D. Hurdon, who, has hem the popular manager for many years is to be superan.uated on a very liberal allowance while Mr. ''r. D. Clarke, who has been. accountant here for eight years.becomes,mana- ger. Miss Mary A. Tom left Tuesday morning for a visit in different points in California State. She •)c- compauied Mrs. Geo. Southcott and will spend the winter in the Western States. The' builders are making rapid progress on the new Carnegie Lib- rary. The brick work is all up and the carpenters are busy with their part of work. tMrs: W. R. Taylor was the lucky winner of the Regina gold watch given away by . Lawson & Trick, to the one guessing the nearest to the time the watch would run with one winding. The watch was wgqund by Mr. T. B. Carling and was put In a glass case in the window, On Sunday afternoon about twc o'clock the barn of Mr. John Iley- maker of Shipka was completely destroyed by fire. Mr. A. J. Heywood leaves to -day (Tlrtirsday) for •Viberoy, Sask., where he will have charge ,of a ]Methodist circuit for the hinter. USBORNJO & OTIIIBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURCE COMPANY Read Office Farquhar. Ont. President SIMON DOW Vice.Pres, F = ANK McCONNELL DM : CTORS • ANGUJS SINCLA I.1, J. T. ALLISON, ROB NORR 5, WM. BROCIC JOHN ES Usb OLIVER; HA I.Iibbert, A ne a RI )NTS entralta, Agent tot • d I#iddlilph Munro, Agent to; ten and Logan W. ,A. , RICIRULL Secretary -Treasurer Box 98, Exeter, Ontario GLADMAN & STANRrIt. Solicitors, Exeter wows .wee.;. Zip Exeter `Eitnra-Abopta1 Established. 1873 and 1837 Published every Thursday morning• at Exeter, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION—$2.00 per year 1a advance. RATES—Farm or Real Estate for. Pale 50c, each insertion for fids i:our insertions, 25c. each subse- quent insertion. Miscellaneous ar- ticles, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, or, Found 10c. per (lisle of six words, Reading Notices 10c. per line. Card of Thanks 50c, Legal ad- vertising 12 and 80. per line. Int Memoriam, with one verse 50e. extra verses 25c. each. Member of Tho Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. Professional ' eels • GLADMAN & ANBURY • BARRIST RS, OLICITORS, &c. Money to oa 1 Investments Made, surance Safe -Depots Vault for use of out Clients without char,_e EXETER LONDON HENSALL• CARLI IIARRISTE ORLEY, LICITORS, &e.• LOANS, ESTMENTS, INSURANCE • Office: Carling Block, Main Street. EXETER, ONT. Dr. G. S. Atkinson, .D.S.,D.D.S.: DE ALS GEON Late Distrle DentaaL Officer of Militia District N mbor,,tne. London, Ont. Closed all ay ednesday until the 1 th Septen>,liel - elephonesp' Office 84w House ISO MAIN ST., EXETER, 'NT. Dr. G. F. Roulston, ;MTI 1 Office over L Car ng & Morley ffice EXE i1 R. ONT. DR. E. S. STEIN VETERINARY SUR ' EON Graduate of the .'t ntttrVeterinary Co, lege DAY A D ,. ' IGHT CALLS PROMP . '` ATTENDED TO Corner of Mai and ' Ann Streets Office in C. B. Snell's 13lock EXETER, ONT. JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTIC, STE ELECTRO-THERA VIOLET TRE ; NTS PHONE 0 MAIN ST., EXETEIIlI. ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTION For Huron an \field R sex FARM SALES ASP l' IALTY jt PRICES RE • .:ABLE • SATISFACTION er ARANTEED ' Phone 17.13 Dashwood U. R. NO. 1, DASIIWOOD FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTION R For Huron an Mid( . ' sex FARM SALES A; SP r ° IALTY Prices Reasonable Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P. O. or RING 138 OSCAR KLOPP' LICENSED AUCTIO 'EER Honor Graduat Carey Jones' Auc- tion School. Sp sial Curse taken in Registered Liv Sto' c (all breeds) Merchandise, Re 1 ,state, Ferns Sales, • Etc. Rate keeping with prevailing prices Satisfaction as- sured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich. or -phone 18-93, Zurich, Ont. Ontario T II E quita eLite outs i vielth use�h• esent.. sive XON - ONTARIO "Watch for Rep C. ElETEI, Phone 243 SAVE MONEY ! By BUYING •SHINGLES NOW 2x4 Pine Scantli g for Colony houses, Hen ,houses or other buildings at. $35.01, per M. FERTILIZER at oivest prices. A. J. SLA ORTHY 2 GRANT d NTARIO . r