HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-10-10, Page 1• • • ' ' -",',,,,74,.,4,4,444.4444,^4174477410m444,4,:Nor.4-44,714 4. • . 'ESTABLISHED 1873 EXETER, QNT., THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER lOtli 1929 A „ , • FIFTY-F,IFTH Yr4,44, NO. 2900 r "AAAA• Ladies! & Misses' Fall & Winter Coats & Dresses New Styles New. Cloths Very. Low Prices ••••11,, We will be very pleased to show you these beautiful garments We have also a very fine range of girl's coats. R:tiOber Boots, Work Boots 'etc. We will positively guarantee every pair of Men's $4.50 Rubber Boots; also our special $3,95 Men's. Goodrich Rubber Boots for men and we give the same guara ee with our J. A. Cote Men's Work Boots at $395 a pair. Men's Boys Overcoats, Suits et We have in stock the.. finest assortment of Men's and Boys? 0 rcoats, Suits, etc. that e have ever kept. They are of the very new material and clit in the ,1 test style. Weinvite you to come in and see ur clothing: We also wish t • mention that we have several Men's Over..ats and Suits. frer11aa-•4PAse, :ytellickaretAan sole at $15.00 to $18.00 an ome lei& 'Also' • geed/s4ga eta efof goys at $5,00 each. We ave a fine selecti Men's Leat r Coats Men's All Wool indbreakers New Fedoras and nap Brim Hats • NE PAT1"ERNS. -4:;F CA ofthese Boys' Windbreakers Boys' Leatherette Coats New Golf Breeches" FOR MEN AND BOYS. .B. broceties Below with confidence a representativ Comp these with Saving .• you" Carnation MillOarge' :\ .. c. a tin 'Fels Naptha Soap , • for 20c. ' Carnation ' Mills,"Synall : . 6c. a tin 40 oz Jar Strawberry, Ja i,.. ..... .. 42c. 40 oi,!Jar of Raspberry Jam ' . 38c. Clark's Pork & Beans ; ..... 2 tins for 25c. Puffed Rice' :-....... L.: .... 17c. per pkg. �m our well assorted stock of fresh .groceries. ist of every day values in ouegrocery dePariment. grocery list. Remember, our policy "Every dayi • Muffets 2 pkgs. 25c. No. 2 size tin Canned Peaches 23c. per tin No. 2 size tin' Dole Pineapple (the world's Nibcee5to)rOnPgeres 25c. per tjn 30c.• 32 oz. bottle Lemon PolisbingCloth regulan 85c. for : . : .. ... 59c. .44 , • ... ri-•••••••.., •„-'',••i • •:1••••:•• • • . rOULTKY-We want your pouitry. We pay best cash aik well as trade prices. Careful grading and a squaiedeal assured. Call or see u before you sell. \ Phone .32 'Jones& Phones 32 AGENTS FOR STAUNTON'S READY -TRIMMED NVALL4IAPERS t0~0.1/4"AAAAAMAAAAAAAAAPAAAAAAAAANAOk t. „is:'• • • • Stoves, Heaters and Furnaces ' BEFORE RANGE OU BUY THAT NEW E SURE TO GET OUR PRICES. erty Super -Cook th full 20 by 20 inch oven EXCEPTIONAL VALUE Diana Ban Dine anti; White 18 bY. 20 inch Ov A very popular mo Banner Compact for the. • - • want a Smaller styl .• WE SPECIALIZE IN ALI. FUR NACE AND HEATING WORN. TRAQUAIR & LINDENFIELD PHONE YOUR HARDIVARE NECESSITIES TO NO. 27. " BIRTHS .Exeter on Tuesday; Ober :801, teitir. and Mrs, Roder- ick EMS, a ton. • CONSITT-In Seaforth Hospital, on iseptefirber• 29th, 1929t to Mr. and Mie.• Consitt,ef Happen, a son. „SINCLAIR-In Woodham on tember 22, 1929, to Ale.. and Mrs, Gordon A.. :Shittlair (nee Boa,trice Collings) a son (James Eitimund.) PICICA.111)--At the hespitai, gate. van, Sask,,•'On September 28th, to Mr, and Mree, Clarendo Pickard, of Frobisher, a daughteri (MargIler* ito Jean.,) ..••••01Whook ikEntiNp-Att Stephen, on October 7th, 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bierling (nee Olive .Dearing) daughter, MARRIAGES PINCOMIIII-COATES Jainet St: United Clitireh parsonage ori Wednesday, October 9th, Miss Vera Eileen, daughter of Mr. and 311,s. 'Wni. H. Coates, to mr. Verne J. Pincomber son of Mr, and Mrs. Piticombo;•, of tIsborne, iby Rev. P. 3feTavish, vAnn Tlir/INIC8 Mr. Arid .rs. 13 R. Bartow wIsit to .ent teleitioere trunks to the fr id e many expressions Of lei dness tnd floral tributes due- ling ti T3tt ow's iliretss. • PUOPEHTY CHANGE . Mr, Garnet McFalls..has purchased from Mr, F. J. Delbridge the resi- dence on Andrew Street occupied by Miss Jessie Hodgert, Mr. McFallie will continue to reside for a time .011•Harbit Street. . . SELRITE STORES CHANGE HANDS 1 , The Selrite Stores of Exeter, St. Marys and Strathroy which have been owned and operated by Mr. El, Reed :have been sold to the Chainway Stores with headquarters in Toon- to. There will be no change in. the Exeter staff. The color scheme of the new stores is yellow and black. Mr. A, W. .1Viontgomery will b.ave charge of the new stores. PLNCOMBE-COATES A. quiet but pretty wedding took place at the James Street 'United church parsonage on Wednesday of thisweek at 10 aan, whenlYlist Vera Eileen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. '.Wm. H. Coates was united in mar-. riage to Mr. Verne J. Pincombe, son of Mr.' and Mrs. Win. Pincombe, of lisborne, by Rev.11). McTavish. The happy young couple were attended by Miss Lena; Coates and gr. Harry oatesi• sister and brother of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Pincombe left immediately for a motor trip to De- troit' and Chicago. On Friday evening of last .week a miscellaneous shower was held for the bride-eleet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Coates when about 25 young people ,were present and spent a very .pleasiint evening. Miss Coates was the recipient of many beautiful gifts. After a social libur a dainty lunch was served. HURON COUNTY OLD AGE.. • PENSION nolinik • Another meeting of the Old Age Pension •Board was held at Goderich on Monday and still quite a number are :applYing. A,' report was receiv- ed from the commission in Toronto that of the 188 applications received by them from the Huron County Board up to October 5th just one was refused and 187 passed by the To- ronto Commission. The one that •was refused, the local eomaiission made a special case or it Fas the person needed pension but owing to the fact that he was out of' the coun- try smile time during the last 20 years could not qualify. This report from Toronto showed the great care that the Huron •Board have taken in 'their selection for applicants for pension. The board. have granted forty -slit pentions to inmates of the CoUnty Home who are over 70. The most of these peoplehave.expressed the desire to reihain in the home and their pensions will be transferr- Oyer to the Huron County but no one will be allowed to leave the home unless they will be suitably Cared for. The board expects about 400 applicants from Huron County up to the first of Noventber and tak- ing the average up to date as a bas- is some 300 pensions will .be grant,' ed. 4.i.,6.••••••••111110••• !,34137 ST. ANNIVERSARY ' * Main Street United church anni- versary services on Sunday last were ;a splendid success. 'Large emigre - 'gallons were present 'both morning and evening. .The choir furnished excellent music and were ably as- sisied in the evening by Grand Bend imale quartette .composed of Messrs. ;Sol. Pollock, Elgin Webb, Lloyd 'Taylor and E. Disjardine. The. quer- ette sine' well together and their - iter The -special speaker for the day was itev., W. H. Raney, B.A., B.D.,-ot.St. Marys, who preached two splendid setimcins. The pulpit was, decorated `with flowers for' the occasion. Alt .open 'session of the, Sunday School was •held in the afternoon with a splendikprogram and an address by. MrJ Raney. A special offering was re- ceived which will amount close to .0.0.Q0. patron Presbyterian church withdrew their morning service and united with the Main St.. -congrega- tion. LADIES' AID HARVEST HOME The James Street Ladies'Aid Har - ,vest Home services on Sunday last were a decided success. The church was beautifully decorated with grain fruit and flowers. Large congrega- tions were present both for the morning and evening service. At the morning service the pastor Rev. D. McTavish* preached an appropri- ate sermon from "God saw. that it was Good" and in the evening ser- vice he delivered the first Of a. series of Sermons 'on the last five Coin- mandments. The 'Subject was "Thou shalt not kill.' The story was taken frOm an article which. recently ap- peared in one of the leading Cana- dian magazines .and revealed the fact that • murder is. Committed in more ways than one. A male choir that filled the chair loft provided splendid music far the day and many favorable comments were. heard on their tinging. Mr. Geo. Grant play- ed a violin: solo at the evening ser- vice. Theladiesacted as usbers'and collectors during the day. A splen- did contribution was taken tip which amounted to $140.00. LONDON WINS 0. B. A. A number from Exeter were in London Saturday taking in' the final ball game of the 0.B.A., between London and Creighton Mines, The former Whming by the score of 12' to 2. The game was witnessed by, one of the largest Crewels to be seen On 'the London ball park. London and Exeter welt grouped in the Western. Ontario. League and Loii. don woo 35 garnet' Out of 41. One of their defeats 'Wag at the hands of: the Exeter team 'with. Dutch Mend-. ows as the pitcher, The game was played here on July 1st, In the play .offs London salami had stiffer opposition than was Imt up by ureter in tbo League games. The fans now are beginning to realize the sasses elass � ball that was played in etee during the pest year, THAMES ROAD W. 31. S. The W6%1,S; nf Thantes Road Unit- ed Church held their regulat' meet- ing at the home of Mrs. Stanley Co- ward on Friday, October 4th with a, fairly good attendance. The presi- dent being absent the chair was oe, clipied by Mrs. John Caim the lst Vice -President. After opening the meeting by singing a, hymn the scrip- ture lessoit was read by Mrs. J. Al- lison and prayer' by Helen Monteith and Mrs. Whitlock. After 'the min- utes of the last meeting were read and adopted the roll call was ans- wered by "Examples in Votiveness" and the Midi:lest disenssion followed. The reports of the convention at Whalen for morning and afternoon were very ably given by Mra. Wise - Matt and Airs. Stanley Coward. The Study, Book topic was given by the. S. Cann and • the Meeting was favOr- N.1 by a -delightful seta by Mrs, Hackney a Vititor, foe, ihe day, The meeting Vnee .eloied by singing a, hynu and the Lord's Prayer repeat- ed in unison after which a dainty' Welch was *served by the hostess and caltinlittee in charge. • Mr, and Mrs. Sanders, of St,..Thone- As, visited with 'Mr. and 'M/M. EL - ford on sanday, 'The West Huron 7139•Cheri' 4tA80.- elation will meet in EXOter,¶1'b.urs•A day and Friday of .this Week. Mr.., And Ural' Si.ein1443" .0435 4; Montreal, visited recently with Mr, and Mrs. .John •Cain, of Usborne. Mr. and Mrs. M. R., Complin. have returned home after a iileasant mo tor trip to New. York and Washing, toU,'• Mrt. B. W. p, Beavers; Mrs. 0,1 'W. Christie, Miss Murray, Mrs. r, T. Miners and Miss H. Shaptort are in.. Windsolr this week attending the' W. C, T. U. Convention. Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Rifers accom-:. panied by Miss Julia Riiers, of Ro- ebester, N.Y, motored to St, Thomas where the ladies are spending a,few days with Mr. and airs . Ohas. Way, Mr. W. W. Taman was in London,, Tuesday endeavoring to indentify some of the loot stolen hy Mr, Ar - chits Hyatt in a series of 'Western Ontario , robberies. Sonie • of the loot found was stolen at. Bayfield and Blyth and the belief' is -express, ed. that Hyatt is the map, who broke into Mr. Taman's. Mr. Taman how- ever was unable to indentify any of the stolen goods... - On Tuesday evening AIM' Young People from James St. church,paid a visit to the Huron County ome at .Clinton. A varied program was, given consisting of a trio by Misses Helen .Penhale, Jean Sheere and Avis Lincienfieldf-tviolin solo by Mr. Geo. Grant; piano solos by Miss Ly- dia Stewart and Mr, Gearge Grant; duet by, Misses Betty Grant ,•and Irene Stewart; reading by Miss Mary Grant and Mr. McTavish a solo and also a mouthorgan selection. Candy and oranges were given to the in- mates. -ANNIVERSARY Cairen Presbyterian Church SUNDAY, OCT. 1 4. a.m. and 7 p.m, Rev. J. D. C ningb of ;no, Colle at I Special music ed by S. A. Tr 'Abrams, basso, st. John th by t ey of D.D, It „s6vices choir assisb, *nor and J. P. is of the olturcla angeltst, London, The Public is Cordially Invited. "Airs. E. J. 'Wethe,y, of Lonadn, hase received word that she is to receive a share of a $25,000 estate left by her aunt, Susan ltl. Bower,, of New York, who died intestate September 28th, Mrs. R, T. Stromenger, dau- ghter of Mrs. Wethey .resides in. New Ychk and frequently visited with the deceased woman. • " A fiddler's contest was bold in the Mars Theatre on Thursday evening 0f last week at which there was a fair attendance. The prize winnere- were: Fiddlers over 50, Frank Aar, burn, silver bread basket; fidcllere between •25 and 50, Wat. McNichol, silver service and cream; under -25 years, Wm. Itfurdock, cake. plate; 2nd Wm. Brintnell, silver pie knife; .ladies prizes,. Miss Noreen McNichol, silver candle sticks; step dancing W. Balfour, B liver salt and peppers; 2nd W. Hatter, silver meat fork; children's • special, Raymond Heywood, watch; Mouthorgan, Verne Brimaconthe, silver candle sticks - judges -Geo. Grant, Hy.•Giilley. and Ed. Willis. • "The Ro . t f f ' t .. FOUR ACT"PLAY Exe • r Opera House BY THE BE AD.31ISSI 'Ottober--18th LER YOUNG PEOPLE UNDER 'THE AUSPICES THE JAMES ST. 3.11SSiON CIRCLE. ME AND EMI -CU A GOOD LAUGH. ' : RESERVED SEATS 50c.; num SEATS 35c. PLAN AT COLE% DRUGSTORE vememmeimmi, Liberal ME Th To sd Th 31 onservatrve TING IN THE - Hall, Exeter on _ y, October 10th • at 8 o'clock p.m. on. W. Finlayson, r of Crown Lands and :Forests. Geo. Elliott, Candidate for Sonth Hnron trill address the Meeting-. LADIES SPECIALLY INVITED. GOD SAVE THE XING . • Goods Guaranteed or Money Cheerfully . Refunded. ' MITY AT HOME AND SAVE MONEY Eaton's Price "Carry and Save" "Cash and. Cara," $1'5.00 purchase prepaid Our Price. 51510Ve pcluerleihvaesr sone. No ting •,• 3 or 4 your go. Rice Blue Rose 2 •Molasses Sna 2IlbbsS.. ffoorr 22t'l 7):...„. 2 Ibt.thl.for 34c. a lb. it1b25c: ..14..rio'rnoet)7o o4t1 Bibiss. tits 5 ibs. 5 lbs. 38c. 74. ...... 5"llets..110011c, ). • Strawberry' lam Edtvardsbury S .7 . 40 oz 3c 40 oz. 40e. Raspberry Jam 40 49.c 40 oz. 43c. 2 for 25c, Nugget Shoe Po sh Iodized Salt 2 or 25t• 2 for 1.0e. lbs. 12e , for 20c 3 for 290, .... . ..... .4.. 3- Lux Sockeye !Salmon, alfs Pork and Beans .. Sunlight Soap ..., Beeta, sliced ;., . . .. ....•”..... 26c.,....... .... k ... v . % VIP V. V. 25e. - 42 for f()Oe L2'55( 4 for 25c. e .„2 for 2155ec... 19e Red Cherries 1••••••1•14 ....... iV 20c . IxCeeilil:gpgroswCaeort: .FI a 1 c for . ... ........ .... ..... 2 for 1:5c .• ' 'T,‘tor 1.15ree. . • ......... 44.1Vv14 2 iltle• ..... .. .... . .... .1.146,10 'V. V 200., a lb • 20c. a lb.' Lviattrkd s..a..;n1., on s e 1 lb. 20c..... .... ,..•,. 1 lb, Raisins, seedless ' Plume 102 2 lbs. for .„ 2 lbs. Vie. .44,4441.14446.4461.44444.4044:14.*1.6.10:441 HARVEY'S GROCERY We DOIliter I ' 414,44:4-444 -.1.1vAlv4W