HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-10-03, Page 6VltT[.'T.iS#tAX, -OC'T(WI U aril, 10Z740 61.1$IC1. I,'4111 I'1iT?.A. WINNERS 'The. following were they prize win- leers in tlw claeses for sheep, hogs And poultr;, tt the yurlch Fair. SHEEP .I$neoln•--Shearling µam ---'l'. M. 't*inewden: Shearling ewe—G. Pen- ltale and ;and; Ram lamb -,T. Snow- den, G. Penhale: Ewe Iamb ---Geo. I'eidhale, T. Snowden. Oxford Downs -,Aged rain ^-T. McAdaiits, T. Show- Iles}; Shearling ewe -•-•a. J. Pym 1914.11111110111111,11111.110.1211101. THE EXETER TIMES:ADVOCATE 2n1; Ewe lamb- .,.T. M(Atlaitls, S. .1. Jyiu ,C; Son; Ewe --S. J. Pym 4, son; and and; Shropshire Downs. S11ear- ling ram ---R. Hunter a; Son, J. A. 1danso11; aged rale ---J. Alanson, J. Battler; Shearling Ewe—R. D. taunter, J. A. 111pnson: 1i;an1 lamb --- R, D. Hunter and 2nt1; Ewe lamb -•-- It, D. Hunter, J. A. Alanson; Ewe— R. D. Hunter and 2nd; Leicester-- Sheariing ewe—J. A. Munson and. 2nd; Ran lamb ---J. A. Alanson; ene lamb—J. A. Manson, J. Battler; Fat sheep—R. D. Hunter. S. J. Pym. .ASA ..,. . .. — Judge, J. C. Ross HOGS Yorkshire--- Aged sow—J. Battler Spring sow—J. A. I4anso11 and nd; • Tamworth—aged boar—J. A. Man- son.and 2nd; aged sow—J. A. Man- son and 2nd. .Johnston and i a1b- fleiscli Special ---J. A. Manson. . Judge, J. C. Ross POPLTRY Hamburgs—cock amu lien, J. Bat- tler, T. Wilson; cockerel and pullet. ill oneTa= kr Ion ; �, e wVis' , e ght 9.1 T. Wilson and and; Barred Rocks -- cock, T. Haywood, lI, Yungblut, lien, Yungblut, cockerel, T. Wilson, S. J. Pym, pullet, W..Grener and 2nd; Wli.ite Itocks--•-cock and lien, �'. Mntowden, cockerel, W. Grener, T. Kockems, pullet, W. Greve' and 2nd Dark Brahams—cock, T. Wilson; Black MI11o1'cas, cock, 3. 1Battler, F. Iiockems, hen, .1. Battler and 2nd; cockerel and pullet, F. ICockems and 2nd; Partridge Coueliins, cock;' lien, cockerel and pullet, T, Wilson anti 2nd; S.C.W, Leghorus, cock and hen , F This Now you pay the same price but you get the full twelve months' enjoyment without depreciation by `anew model", F` 1 REST .CRSLEY release. Tradi' F Cr. Ileywoad and 2nd, cockerel, G. H,eywood,. T, Wilson, pullet, T. 1'V11 - son, G. Heywood; R.C.W. Legliorr.s, cock, hen and pullet, T, Wllsan; R'. Orpingtous, cock, lien, cockerel and pullet, T. Wilson and 2nd; S. C. Brown Leghoriis, cockerel and pil- let, T. Wilson and 2nd; W. lvyan- dottes, cock and lien, F. Kockoius and and; R. I. Reds, cock, F. Koclt- ems, lien, H.Yuligblut, F. Kockenis; cockerel, H. Yungblut, T. Wilson., pullet, T. Wilson, H. Yungblut; Cam- pines, cock, '.f'. Wilson; Anconas, rest DE IN T Bach week, from now until the end. of the year, your old radio will rapidly depreciate in value. The trade-in value of your set will go farther now towards paying for' a new De Forest Crosley Renown than at any later time. 7' RA I} ` NO D L A,t I s, Not un- til you. h,ave heard the new De Forest Crosley Renown can you fully appreciate what its ownership would mean to, .your home. Let us demonstrate the real radio enjoyment it will bring 'to you. Only the Largest Radio Manufacturer in the Empire could give such performance and such value.' Accept the De Forest Crosley challenge to compare this; new model with any radio or phonograph you can hear. ENJ YMENT4NO GET R LATEST Don't wait. until the sea � I ,a IT'S W s'on's half Over to enjoy the wonderful new De Forest Crosley Renown. Have the real thrill of owning radio's "latest" now. ET 12 ONTHS USE `WITH 'UT DEPRECIATION REN 4 WN 00 . COMPLETE i A C receivor utilizing radio'4 finest standard circuit— the S -tube Hazeltine Neutrodyne; push-pull audio, using two UX 171A tubes; the remarkable, new Inductor Dynamic Speaker, which gives exceptional volume and Lich, natural tone; single control; phonograph jack; illuminated dial; superb walnut cabinet in two-tone black and grey with bird's eye maple inlays. The De Forest :,;Crosley "Renown" is radio's outstanding value, 4. • • $1$ DOWN The balance spread over a period of, "thirteen months Only through a special arrangement with De Forest Crosley can we snake this outstanding offer. It is available to all who purchase a De Forest Crosley Renown during the two weeks of this event..' ' . J. BEER Exeter's Leading Radio IDe aler .11 Pa t . , cockerel, J. Heywood, J. Battler, 'pal. let, J. Heywood and 2nd; 13..Spaaislt cock, hen, coc1 erel and pullet, T. Wilson; Bantams, cock, and Neil, G. Heywod, T. Wilson, cockerel .and pullet, G. Heywoo k‘ .•+,d 2nd; Collec- tion of pigeons, H. Yungblut; Pekin. China ducks, old J. Battler, J. A. Manson; .young, T.' Snowden; Euen ducks, old `l', Snowden; ducks 'any variety, old T. Snowden; Toulouse Geese, old J. Battler; Turkeys, old, and young T. Snowden,• MaclCinfon Special, 0, Heywood, Judge, Win. Billings /.L'IiI('li .LaAIIR ('ONTbST Walking ,Contest—B, Dlecliert Jr, Bicycle Race—L Willert, D. Man- son, (George) Ottley. (,been Race Victor McKinney, Atmore Isebearer, H. Hat1tiug Peter Wilkes, R. Redden Lord Danald, H. Brown Black Diamond, Zii11'man Iola Hull, E. Barnes Meda McKinney, Atmore Free -For -AR 22111 11722'• 34345 53433.. 76263• 67666•• 455 Joan Patch, Bierling 11 21 Eva Gratton, J. Mcllfanas 2 2 1 2 Patch McGregr, A. Chittick 4 3 3 4 Uneda Gratton, W, Eagleson 2 4 4 3 District News" The United Farmers of N. Hama have decided not to enter a canc;i- date in the coming Ontario Election. Mr. A. 'A. Colquhoun, of Staffa, . member in South Perth ,for the last legislature was again nominated by the Liberals at their Convention. Miss Hazel Haugh, •of Brucefield, . has lett for Toronto to train for a nurse and Miss Elizabeth 'Scott and 11liss Kathleen Snider have vlccepteti . Positions in London. The Salvation Army barrack at Goderich caught fire recently dam- aging the roof of the building con- side ably before the fire was brought under 'control. • Mrs, Jolin Hind, of Exeter and son Di'. George Hind, of Walkerton 'vis- - ited the former's sister Mrs. Wm. Laiikin, of Granton this week.—St. Marys Jou: n•a1-Argus. A very pleasant evening took place - at' the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Harry T3'ilclall, Tuckersmitli, when a. few friends gathered in honor of Miss Beatrice Nott, bride -elect; Miss Nott was presented with a beautiful arck- ed -fernery.• - 4AZiss Jean Radcliffe; of Granton, was Life recipient of many beautira guts .recently when fifty of her •girL friends met at the home of Miss M. Hardie. .Among the presents was a kitchen shower of- thirty pieces O1' green and ivory graniteware. A pleasant social evening' was spent at the hoiiio of 1MIr. and. Ails: Geo. Coleman, of Varna, when a number of the junior Bible Clan gathered' to spend an evening with then before moving to their hoiue• in E-gmondville. During the evening 11I;. Coleman, who had been the teacher of the class for a number ot yearn was made the recipient of a. 'handsome presentation. The large and practically new barn of Isaac Hodgins, 2?+ miles.. east of Ailsa Craig was destroyed by fire .recently. 11fr. Hodgins and fam-- • ily were in becl when they first earn the Hames. The house, the drive - shed and the garage caught on fire while the barn was 'burning but the Ailsa Craig fire brigade with the as- sistance of others managed to put out the flames. Besides the barn a hay loader and new wagon were destroyed. The loss is estimated at $0,000. The marriage took place recently of Miss Bernice Dorothea, daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Nott, of Hullett to Mr. Gordon A. Richard- son, of Tuckersmith. The ceremony was performed by Rev, J. W. John - stole, of Constance United Church at the home ot the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs, Richardson left on ':a mo-'• for trip after which they will reside • on the groom's -farm, Mill Road,. Tuckersmith. Among the guest: who attended the wedding. were Mr.. Harry Carey, of -Sarnia. :1ISTERS MEET IN FIxtIllit During the past week the home • of Mis, Allen on Gidley Street has been the scene of -a most pleasant and unusual meeting. Her sisters Mrs. Richard Hobbs, of Toronto, Mrs. Henry O'Neil, of Parkhill and Mrs. Dr. Routledge, of Zurich, ar— rived one by one for a visit. This was• • their first time' of Meeting for a Teal` . visit. Tliey had great enjoyment' together and many a lotlg trip back the fleeting- ;ceara was journeyed and jokes rehearsed, • The meeting was. unique, and the more so because of • the advanced ages which together~ • sunt it to three hundred and nine- • teen summers. A sister Mrs. Rich. Kerr is .at present engaged in.ait ex- tensive millinery Wetness in hair' • bury, Nebraska, Mrs. Allah records this as the se- • cond happy ,gattierl'irg this' simmer. Oti. Labor Day setl'eral' cora slid to- • Wards Stratford"s Yrop'►ttar park for a Y.1tlilily picntb, wl'tern• tWenty.six ad,. • herents joined for the Celebration. and spent tate clay itr reel enjoyt:lent,.