HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-09-26, Page 50 •
nIjoot git ODOM ' te
• ouNT0N, oNTAm
that has mad; it possible or our s es ot students to obtain and
hold positions demanding a high p I minted of offielencY.,
Coffees: Seel tarial, Cone cial, Stenogrephle, General. Office,
Civil Set' Ice, Collem dill Teftelms' CourSes nun Special
Courses rranged.
You cannot , tend a , : ter school. Wily not attend this?
”rxte to -day for information. Phone 198
M, A. STONE., B. F. WARD, I3.A.
Com. Specialist, Vice -Principal Principal
Honor grad t te of F ty of
Medicine, and aster or ience, of
the Universit of We a Ontario.
Member of olleg of Physicians
and Surge o Ontario. Office
two door ast, Post Office.
'Phone 56 liesinenc
Speciali rig in
Telephone 1 6
, L. D. S,
te Work
Main Street
Electro They ist
of Clinton, 1, ill v •it Hensall Com-
mercial Hote o Monday, Wednes-
day and Fri a of each week from
10 a.m. to 2 n, County and town
.calls attend to.
Mr. Robt. Higgins was in Gode-
rich on Tuesday on bueiness.
Mr. Alfred .Smith, of London,
spent the week -end at his ramie here
Miss Mary McGregor is spending
t few weeks with friends in Toron-
Me. Fred Ford returning officer
for South Huron was in town on
Tuesday. •
Mr. and Mrs. John Dick, of Oril-
la are spending a few weeks with
friends here.
Miss Beatrice Cudmore, of To-
ronto, is spending her holidays at
tier home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hedden, of
Hamilton, spent the week -end with
friends in town.
Quite a. number attended the en-
amel falle, fair at Zurich on Wednes-
day of this week.
Mrs. WM, Robt. Henry, of Bruce -
field, is spending a few weeks visit-
In.g friends in town.
•Quite a number from here .attend-
ed the annual fall fair at Exeter on
Wednesday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs.' Richard Welsh, of
Exeter, spent Monday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Higgins.
Mr. and, Mrs. Wm. Moore and son
- Billie, of London, spent the week-
end' at the home of Mrs. Thomas
Rally Day is to be held in the
Sunday Schools on September. 29th
and for which fine programs are be.
dug prepared.
The services in the Carmel Pres-
byterian church were largely at-
tended on Sunday last with Rev.
Mr. McElroy in his own pulpit.
We are pleased to see Mr. W. A.
IVItLaren, hardware merchant .able
'to take his place in his store after
et couple of weeks serious illness.
Misses Florence and Sarah Petty
ba.ve returned from a pleasant mo-
tor trip and taking in some, of the
summer resorts in the Northern
emrt of Ontario.
The Young People of the United
church held a weiner roast on Mn -
day evening last at St. Joseph.
Amusing games were played atter
,which hot dogs were served.
The Young People of the Presby-
terian church intend holding a
'weiner roast on Friday evening,
Septeinber the 27th at the home of
Mr. Robt. McLaren Sr. The whole
'congregation of the Presbyterian
ohurch is especially invited.
The services in the United clnirclt
were well attended on Sunday. ;Mr.
Scobie, of Belgrave delivered a fine
!sermon in the morning and good
:Music by the chOir. In the evening
the service was withdrawn on en -
count of the Anniversary Services
at Chiselhurst.
The Huron County Old Age Pen -
Sion Board have up to date over
200 applications for pension. A
large number of thee have already
been dealt with and .46 inmates
:the Huron .Cunt y Home who are
over 70 years old have been granted
Mensiens. The amount of these
penSions wI 11 be transferred back to
iiron CenntY. .
The Young People er. t!ie Ptraa•
byterian church held -their meeting
Mt Monday evening last.• The meet-
ing was opened by the singing of A,
1iyThnfollowed by the Lord's ntayet
ti unison. The scripture leeson
Was read by Miss Beryl Pfaff after
frioh the tilitutee of the last Meet -
leg Were read. Hyttell 225 was then
14ung thliovVedt bY the Ten eall. The
tropic "What does 'Jesus Mean by
eCrOse-heating." was given by /Ain
:Ruby McLaren; A tett on Summer
,Seilitielb held In Toronto Was gine'n
by Miss Alice Walker, after which
hymn 425 was sung, followed by the
mizpan benediction.
Mr. Robt. Higgins, of Hensall, has
been appointed election. clerk for S.
Huron in the coming Provincial
Two representatives of the Ontar-
io Hydro Commission were in town
on Wednesday last taking up with
the Reeve and manager the matter
of some improvements to our local
plant. For some time the service
to the stove -users of the village has
not been very satisfactory and our
local commissioner has been taking
the matter up with the Provincial
The trouble has been that the
voltage has not been high enough
on the line coming up from Exeter.
This will be remedied immediately
by a new wire run up from Exeter.
The Provincial authorities have as-
sured the Reeve that this will be
done immediately and we will then
have splendid service.
The death of Robert Love occurr-
ed at London, where heehad been for
nearly the past .year and his re-
mains were brought to Hensall to
the home of his son, Milton, and
where interred in Baird'a cemetery
Monday afternoon. The funeral was
private. Deceased was the second
eldest sen of the late Hugh Love,
of the Township of Stanley and had
resided near Hillsgreen ail his life-
time, with tile exception of the time
he was in London. He was for
many yearan elder of the Presby-
terian church at Hillsgreen. He is
survived by his wife and four sons
and two daughters. The sons are
Milton, Ross, Grant and, Glenn and
the daughters, Mrs. Albert Keyes
and Mrs. John E. McElwee. He is
also survived by three brothers,
naraely: William, Andrew and Jas..
and three sisters, Mrs. Alex McMur-
tete, Mrs. Peter Fisher and Mrs.
Randell. Deceased was in his 69th
The regular meeting of the W.M.
S. met on Tuesday afternoon of last
week' at the home of Mrs. H. Ford
with an attendance of 15. Mrs. E.
Johns was in charge. Mrs. George
Hunter read the scripture lesson -
Three ladies offered short. prayers.
Several leaflets were read and were
very interesting. Three heralds al-
so enported and roll call was -re-
spoinlen to by 14 members subject
was "A promise:" Mrs. (Rev.) L.
White favored the meeting with a
lovely solo "A Beautiful Dream."
Mrs. Frank Brock our treasurer,
read a report of the ,year's work
this far and stated that a bale of
clothing valued at •n30.00 had been
sent away and about $170.00 lead
been raised toward our allocation' of
$200.00 already which is very en-
couraging. Mrs. Newton Clarke will
be in charge of the October meet-
Inspector Beacom, visited, the
school on Thursday 02 lase weep.
Mr. Charles Stephen has made a
great improvement to his house by
repainting it.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Delbridge of
St. Marys, visited relatives in the
neighborhood last Sunday. '
Mr. Walter Johns has returned to
London to resume his studies at the
Western University.
Mr. and Mra. Harry Delbridge
Were in London during the week to
see Mee. Spicer, mother of the Jot-
Mrs, Chas. Godbolt andMiss Up -
Shall visited their sister Mrs.
O'Brien in St. Joseph's Hospital on
Monday. Mrs. Godbolt is remain-
ing for a few clays..
Miss Lena Pym .spent Tuesday in
Thorndale visiting Mr. and' Mrs. 3,
Mrs, Herman Poster spent a coigne
days recently visiting in Grantee,
Mrs. Jackson and Miss Adelaide Of
TOrOnte, are visiting the • former's
sisters Mrs, P. Mureh and Mrs. Al-
vin Pyni.
Mr, Robt. lloWcliffe spent a fete
days last week visiting friends north
of Thanes Mad,
dins. Will Johns who has been
cOntieed to bei' bed for over two
weeks was not as well the begienbig
of the week but is holdieg her owe
and seems a little brighter at time
of writing, „Miss Dortither has also
been nutlet' the dOctorre Care but
. .„,
George Elliott is
Conservative Choice
Large and Enthusiastic Convention,
at Hensall
George Elliott, of Clinton, was
'elected as .Conservative standard
bearer for South Huron et the nom-
inating convention of the inning
held in the Town Hall in,Hensall on
Monday of this week. The only
other person to stand was A. Id.
Neeb, Dashwood, who was candi-
date at the -lest election when W.
G. Medd, Progressive, was electeti.
Mr. Neeb moved and the convention
entimsiasticelly made the nomina-
tion ot Mr, Elliott unanimous. Mrs.
Nelson Trewartha, of Clinton, was
nominated, but did non allow her
name to go before the convention. -
A.nnouncing that three or four
women in Ontario would be candi-
dates at the foethcoming election,
Hon. William Finlayson, minister of
lands and forests, told the meeting
he wondered that they had not leap-
ed at the opportunity of having Mrs.
Trewartlia as a candidate. Some
person in the audience answered;
"We are saving her for the federal
On First Ballot.
Tlie meeting was a brief one, as
the nominating' was all the business.
Mr. Elliott was elected on the first
ballot, it being announced that 211
out of 219 registered delegates had
cast ballots. Tho successful candi-
date's majority was not announced
by Col. H. B. Coombe, Clinton, the
president of the South Huron Con-
servative Association, who acted as
Mr. Elliott, in thanking the dele-
gates, said that the issue which was
paramount at the last election would
bo absent this time. After three
years it was conceded that the Li-
quor Control Act was the best mea-
sure of its kind which had ever been
placed on the statute books of the
province. He was, he said, proud
to be a standard bearer of the pres-
ent Government.
Mr. Finlayson, in his address,
said he was glad to see such a big
turnout. The,same thing was occurr-
ing all over the province at the many
conventions which he was attend-
ing which were in seats which were
not held by the Government in the
last Legislature. There was no
doubt of the result when the elect-
ors went to the polls on October 30.
The urban population was satisfied,
Northern Ontario was satisfied be-
cause the Government was develop-
ing that country, and the rural popu-
lation was satisfied, if he could
judge by the demonstrations through
out the province.
Mr. Finlayson paid a tribute to
Premier Ferguson as the greatest
leader the party had ever had. The
U.F.O. Government had spent mil-
lions in an attempt to ruin him and
Sir Adam Beck, but they had failed.
The monster banquet in Toronto
was a greater tribute to a Canadian
Public man than had ever been paid
The .liquor question was then
dealt with by the minister. He
sketched the history of the 0. T. A.
and said that it had failed to live
up to expectations under three suc-
cessive attorney -generals, Hon. X. B.
Lucas in Sir William Hearst's Gov-
ernment, Hon. Mr. Raney in the U.
F. D. Government and Hon. W. F.
Nickle. The present act was, he
believed, a good deal better and had
so' been proven by trial. He referr-
ed to the fact that W. E. N. Sin-
clair was calling for a plebiscite,
which was merely a way of side-
stepping Me issue. It was an old
Liberal trick. Mowat and Ross,
when pressed, had done the same
thing and after the plebiscites had
been held nothing had been done in
the way of legislation. The same
thing federally had occurred in the
time of Sir Wilfred Laurier.
In Northern Ontario, Mr. Sin-
clair was severely pressed by the
wet Liberals and said now that the
liquor act was in force it was all
over and should be accepted. Back
in dry territory, he said that he had
been misunderstood, blamed it on
those "wicked reporters," an old
trick, and 'called for a plebiscite.
Under the Liquor Control Act
boot-leggerand all its .associated
evils had been wiped out, said, the
speaker. There was no more "cane -
ed heat"; there were no deaths from
poisonous Itquor. The greatest
difficulty now was fighting the non -
co -operation of the Liberal Govern -
Ment itt OttaWa. The Federal Gov-
ernment makes $57,000,000 annual-
ly out of the liquor traffic and wants
to keep that profit. The Ontario
Government makes $7,000,000 and
wants to reduce; Indeed, is trying
every nay to reduce it, Those Lib-
erals who condemn the Ferguetra
Government and say that it lives off
the liquor tratfie never refer to the
treniendotts profits beingmade from
the same source by the Federal drv-
It WaS not e0i111ed, he Said, that
the present liquor tit was perfect.
Changes Weald be made from time
to time in the light of knowledge
gained Preen eXperienee, It was,
however, impossible to get the Mat-
ter Out 01. volition, as Mr. ,Sinelair
stiggesied, Polities • was after all
enly the business on the PeOple; the
Bettor 'Wee Was the peonit'e blade
111688.101d it was the Gerverettletit'S;
tank to leek ttiftef the business on
the people, Pinjeyson Said,
Dr, H. 11. awen,
5., D.D.S.
At office in H. 131001t, Dash-
wood, Bret th e 400 Of week and
at Office ove 119 Pest Office, in
Zurich, laet three of Week,
Mr, J. C. Reid visited his brother
in Varna a few days last week.
Mr, Elmer Zimmer, of Louden,
Is spending a few days with his
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Mclsaac and
family, of Amherstburg, is visiting
the former's parents Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Anna Tieman left last week
for Guelph where she will attend
McDonald Hall,
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Brenner, of
Kitchener, spent a few ,clays in this
Miss Thelma Elsie Is visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rinker in Thee -
Mr. Hy, Hoffman and family mo-
tored to Ingersoll on Sunday.
Mrs. Faust, Mrs. Link and Miss
England visited in Clinton last
Miss Mytra Hoffman, of Kitchen-
er, visitedher parents on Sunday.
Owing to unavoidable circum-
stances the date of the Evangelical
Fowl Supper has been postponed to
October 23rd. Don't forget this
Mr and' Mrs. A. Haugh and the
Misshs Kraftnmotored to Brantford
on hureday.
lVfiss S. Reid, of Bayfield, Mr.
Porter, of Goderich and Mr. Graing-
er, of Toronto University, spent last
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
J. C. Reid.
Mrs, G. Fisher and her daughter
Edna have returned home after
spending the summer months at the-
Ipperwash Beacli Hotel.
Miss Mary O'Brien, of London;
spent the week -end at her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Mills and dau-
ghter, of Wyoming and Mr. Truman
Mills, of Kingscourt Junction spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Tine -
Rev. and Mrs. Irwin visited last
week in Seaforth the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Savauge.
Mr. Geo. Hicks, who has been ill
for the past few weeks is able to be
out again.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Curtis and
daughter, Velma, of London, visited
with Mr. and Mrs. John Pollard on
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baynham and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Smith
visited in London on Sunday.
Mrs. Morley, of London, visited' en
Saturday with her daughter, Mrs.
J. C. Smith.
Mr. Sam. Davis, et London, visited
Monday with ,Me. and Mrs. Wm. 3.
The Sunday School Rally will be
held at 10.30 a. 111.. in Centralia
United church, Sunday, Sept. 29th.
"Hello, yes this is Centralia Sunday
School, Never miss a .Sunday is our
very best rule, Yes, we are planning
a splendid rally, See that your plans
with our tally; We are earnest, pro-
gressive and full of leaven, In num-
ber of classes we are just seven, A
number oft used in our beloved book
And full of portent if you will just
lonik; Note time and date, come
bring a friend, Don't stay home your -
sell and others send; Then keep on
to study and work, You'll surely be
happy, if you don't shirk, So good-
bye for now, we'll see you there,
And give you a hearty welcome and
a chair.
A. number from here attended the
Convention in Hensall on Monday.
Miss Florence Hanover is visiting
in Waterloo at the present time.
Misses Esther and Thelma Neeb
left on Monday for Detroit where
they will remain for a time.
Mr. and lairs: G. Mason spent last
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William
Miss Veronica Hanover, of Buf-
falo, is 'visithig her parents Mr. and
Mrs. J. Hanover.
Mr..and Mrs. J, Eagleson and fam-
ily, of Parkhill, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Art Willert.
A large number around here have
been laid un with the flu.
The death of Miss Ann Collins
'Wok plate at London on Thursday,
September the 19th and whose fun-
eral took place to the R. C. cemetery
here on Friday at 10 ant. with re-
quiem mass celebrated by Rev. Fr.
Mr. Dan Morrison and son Leo, of
Detteeit, called on friends here on
Miss Eileen Roland, of Detroit,
spent the week -end at home.
The Octal ole Peiday evening was
well atteraled.
MISS Susie 1000 and friend of
Detroit, called on Wends here on
SU dey.
A ntirtiber from this neighher-
hoOd attended the Eneharietie Con-
gress held at Seaferth oi Wedhee-
' •
day. '
• .
Mts. Tint O'Leary is 111 at her
honie. Her Many 'Mende With for
her speedy recover.
Mr, Prank toWdiIi, of Eettelt,
spent Sunday WM, friends hat,
witultspxy, nownwER
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bailout, of
etSuliclay with Mr. and
Mise Janet MacLean, of Wingharn,
is visiting with her aunt Mrs. M.
.A number of the ladies of the
United, church attended the W.M.S.
Convention in Whalen on :Wedese
Mr. Stuart Kuhn and lady friend,
of Kitchener, spentthe week -end est
the home of Mr. anti Mrs. Harry
Ms Mabel Geiser, of Denver, 'Col.
Is visiting fox' a few days with rela-
tilityvaensand friends in town and come
Tlie Crediton 'Women's Institute
were entertained on Tuesday by the
Exeter Women's Institute. All' re-
port a splendid time.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parsons and
Mr. and Mrs. Esti Heywood and Mrs.
Maud Heywood, of Exeter, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Law-
s"Anniversary services of the Cred-
iton United Church will be held on
Sunday, ,October 6th at 11 a.m, and
7 p.m. Rev. J. M. Coning, of Grand
Bend will have 'charge of the ser-
Rev. J. J. Brown, of Lucan, con-
ducted anniversary services at Brins-
ley on Sunday the services in the
United church here being withdrawn
Rev. Mr. Hazelstein conducted the
services in Lucan.
The United Sunday School will
hold their Rally Day Services next
Sunday, September 29th at 10.45
oclock a.ni. A very cordial invita-
tion is extended to all members and
adherents of the church. Let there
be a real rally of church and Sun-
day School in this the one service
for the day. A real program will
be rendered. The pastor of the
church will be present.
Rally and Promotion Day at the
Evangelical church and ,Sunday
School next Sunday, There will be
a number of changes in the classes
and a brief program' will also be
ready for the Sunday School session.
We expect Rev. Geo. Finkbeiner, of
eedcago, to occupy the pulpit both
morning and evening. Let us re-
member the Rally offerings at all
the services.
This week the Board of Missions
of the entire Evangelical Conference
will meet at Zion Evangelical church
Kitchener. This is the largest and
most interesting assembly of the de-
nomination. There will be repre-
sentatives present from every Con-
ference in Canada, United States,
Europe, China, •Japan and Africa.
Friday evening will be an important
Men's Missionary meeting.
,The S. P. contest ends with Sep-
tember 29th. 'The banner Is likely
to go to the "True Blues" which is
the young ladies' claSs. They have
doneexcellentwork for the summer
Quite a number from here drove
over to Greenway on Sunday to hear
Mrs. (Rev.) Sutcliffe speak, to the
W. M. S. of that place.
The ladies Aid will meet on Tues-
day, October 1st at the home of Mrs.
Wm. Sweitzer.
Keep in mind the anniversary
services next Sunday, September the
29th, Rev. Wood, of Parkhill will
preach in the afternoon at 2.30 and
in the evening at 7.30. On the fol-
lowing Thursday evening, October
3rd the Ladies' Aid are serving a
hot roast chicken supper. A good
program•will be given by the people
of the Evangelical church, Crediton,
Everybody welcome.
Very large congregations gathered
in the United church last Sunday ate
noon to hear Mrs. (Rev.) .Sutcliffe
preach and to greet her after
so many years absence. Every one
listened with rapt attention to her
message that was delivered with all
her former force and ferver.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie McIntosh,
Mrs. Wellinan Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Wellinan, of Port Huron, Mr. S.
English, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. R.
Sheppard, of London, visited With
Mr. and Mrs. R. English over the
week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Bullock, of
Crediton spent .Stunday with Mr, and
Mrs. Thos. Bullock.
Mr. J. Hotson went to Hamilton
for a load of fruit last week.
The young folk of the United
church gathered at the home of Mr.
D. Sheppard on Monday, September
the 16th and presented Miss Gladys
Sheppard, a bride -elect with a Cole-
man lamp. Miss .Olive Brown read
an address wherein many good wish -
ea were expressed and Mr, Kenneth
Smithers made the nresentatiOn. Af-
ter a very grantees reply from MISS
Gladys .a pleasant evening was 011-
Mr. Dawson WOodbUrn, of Koine -
kit spent the Week -end at his home
here. •
Mies COebett, 'of Portinneh visited
her eistee Mise 0. R, Corbett, the
teacher of No, 10 school. Her nrany
friends regret her Innen and Wish
her a Speedy recovery.
Misses Lillian and NOrah Wel;h,
Were *Otters. in Mir village ion Tueee
day, •
Mr. and Mrs. George Cliendenning
and fainilA of Torohne, and hie MS
ter Mrs. Meletyre and tainitSr, of An,
sti Craig visited Mx% 303. Gettithette
tills Weak And enjoyed teno dIntire
• .
n Sufferer
Try Th' est
Pure Anti
you terme, I with the .00057 of el
burr err !Kim a winch tweets to defy ne-
ater nnee 7 the Boro erUsrsr ereetlexe.
sev a wing the irritated tissue,'
belt irvg IS114:11mo•. nD )74. :lee: .8 epeo'n.e").7Du t 441 ne atil te: sTgi
e proves its merit or your own.
want jLThs aulY P.D.D.g3QaPr
ramble over their old nglee :and farm.
Miss Dorothy Belling had the eels,
fortune to sprain her ankle last week
but we "are glad to report she is ninon
Mr. M. Greaten and daughter Miss
Stella, of Grand Bend and Mr. Ar-
nold Grattan visited with Mr. and
Mrs. J. Hotson.
We extend congratulations and
best wishes for a happy life to Mr.
Bruce Eagleson and Miss Beateice
Statton, of Grand Bend, who were
quietly married last Saturday.
Mr. J. Woodrow, of Niagara Falls
has decided to spend the winter here
with his nephew Mr. Ernest nlePher.,
Keep in mind the anniversary ser-
vices in the United .church on Oct,
13th and the Fowl Supper on Oct.
10th. Program by London talent,
The W.M.S. of the United church
Met last Wednesday and packed a
bale of fruits and clothing for the
needy in our Canadian North West.
anis was followed by a meeting of
the Women's Association when plans
were made for the annual Fowl Sup-
Mrs. Jenrurner is visiting her dau-
ghter Mrs. G. Hodgson, of Brinsley.
Travel takes on new joye. in
A.0 nmn. The days are not too
wa . Tile nights are ref ;Shing-
ly t 1. Scenery looks cliff ent too.
Trees and foliage are la sh with
brillia t color. Every 1 side is a
riot o reds, yellows, ereens and
Now lis a good ti e to see the
Maritims and Quebe?' -or the High-
lands of Ontario—oe Jasper Nation-
al Park ned the Panific Coast, Take
your elute along ou'll meet ideal
golfing ether erever you go.
Detaile einfor ation will be glad-
ly suppliee by ny Agent of Cana-
dian Natio 1 eailways.
The services on Sunday were large
owing to the fact that Mrs. Sutcliffe,
wife of Rev. Sutcliffe, of Kerwood,
and one time on tile Grand Bend cir-
cuit, preached two inspiring sermons
for 'the W. M. S.
. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Patterson spent
a couple of days in Hamilton visit-
ing friends.
Mr. Walter England is laid up
with a sore back having got hurt
while at work on the dock.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. 011/er spent a
week in St. •Marys returning home
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Wilkie are all
smiles over the arrival of a baby
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holt spent a
very enjoyable trip last week at Pt.
Huron, Detroit and Windsor. They
also 'motored to Leamington and
spent a few hours at Jack Miner's
bird sanctuary.
Rev. J. M. Coiling took the ser-
vices in Kerwood on Sunday.
Mrs. Jos. Oliver spent a week with
friends in London.
Next Sunday, Rally Day, will be
observed at 11 a.m. You are all
welcome. Rev. J. M. Coiling will
devote his time in answering the
following questions at the evening
service. "Is it possible for a matt
to be in business and be strictly
honest?" "Are the Jews, who re-
ject Christ as the Messiah, to be
eternally lost?" "Did the . Apostle
Paul commit any sin after his con-
version?" Come and hear these
questions answered.
One of those happy events which
make life a romance occurred at the
Manse by Rev. J. M. •Colling on Sat-
urday, September 21st at 4.30 p.m.
when Miss Beatrice Statton became
the wife of Mr. Bruce Eagleson both
of Grand Bend. They will settle
down to the stern realities of life at
the burg after a few days motor
trip. We wish them every success
and welcome them to our village.
A quiet but pretty wedding was
Solemnized at the United chureli
parsonage, Grand Bend, on Wed-
nesday afternoon at 2.80 o'clock.
September 18th, when Miss Gladys
May Sheppard, eldest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. David Sheppard, Park -
was united in marriage to Mr.
Lewis Emerson Paton, eldest son ot
W. L. Paton, also of Parkhill, Rev.
J. M. Coiling, minister of Grand.
Bend, officiated. The bride was
charmingly gowned in' white satin
and lam The yoling people were
attended by bites Grade- Sheppard,
Shaer Of the bride, and Mr. Harold
Paton, brother of the groom. The
groOta's gift to the bride was a.
Width geld wrist-wateh; t� the
bridesmaid, novelty heads and to the
best man, a geld Watth elmih. A
wedding Hite:hems was Served at the
hothe of the' bride/0 Detente 'to the
imntediate reletiveS, after *hien:
the young eounie left for trot,
,Cleveland OW other Wets Veg. 'Ott
their rettitet theY Will entitle tient
Linty. '