HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-09-26, Page 4'ICI 1 M: Y, StrPTEMGEit, 36, '30i w 1111 . ft•••.• Two -Tone Color Demonstrati • A Representative' of UTILAC will be at the Hardwar ^ Store -*- of —,-. G. A. A. KIN'S FRIDAY &. SATURDAY, SEPT .7 & 28 ONE QUARTER PINT FOR TRIM INC W L BE GIVEN FREE WITH EACH PINT OF TILA 'URCHASED. Two-tone effects are very po can be obtained with this 4 -hour pieces of furniture will be received IJSBBO.11Nll LADY DIE'S 'Psis: death occurred in Victoria Hospital, London, on Friday, Septem- ber 20th, of Mary Walker, aged 66 Years, of Woodham. The deceased wee a daughter of the late William and Isobel Walker, of LTsborne. The remains were brought to Exeter and the funeral was held from R. N. Itowe's funeral parlors Saturday af- ternoon at 2 o'clock. interment in the Exeter cemetery. W. M. S. SERVICE The morning service in the Main St.. Church on Sunday, September ;:2nd was under the direction of the W.M.S. The devotional part of the ,service was conducted by Mrs. Mol - ]aril and Mrs. Follick, Mrs. Weir, •of Blyth, was the speaker, giving a very instructive and appealing ad- -dress. The autumn thank -offering waa taken at this service and was a very liberal response. • CHOIR ENTERTAINS» On. :4lionday evening the members of the. Jaynes Street choir were very pleasantly entertained to a corn rased at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Shapton.. Corn in abundance was boiled in a large cauldron in tee open and games were enjoyed by the fireside followed by a peanut ;scramble. Coffee and leads were afterwards served. About forty per - sone were present. A vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. and aVIrs. Shap - ton by the president -of the choir, Mr JVs, Elford for their kind hospitality. PORKER EXETER GIRL HONORED ON EVE OF 'WEDDING In honor of Miss Marguerite Knees, whose marriage to Mr. Aus- tin Bickell took place Saturday af- ternoon, twenty-five members of the Ceatral Unit of the Commercial De- partment of the Michigan Bell Tele- Iaiton.e Company participated in a de- lightful dinner party at the Chinese "pea Gardens, Detroit, on Thursday eventug. Miss Kuntz was presented with an automatic toaster and an electric waffle iron. On Friday. ev- ening Misses Grace Williams, Ilene and Ila Matthews of the Cairngorm Apts.. Windsor, were hostesses at a miscellaneous shower, at which the bride elect was the recipient of ninny lovely gifts. EXETER INSTITUTE .ENTERTA N CREDITON LADIES The Exeter branch of the Wo- iuen'= Institute entertained the Crediton Branch Tuesday afternoon in the basement of the James Street United church. There was a geed attendance from both institutes. An ,interesting program consisted of a piano duett by the Misses Betty Grant and Irene Stewart; a splendid reading by Miss Mary .Grant and an amusing minstrel chorus by a num- ber o.f ladies dressed in darky cos- tumes. Mrs. G. Etherington, presi- dent, had charge of the meeting. Mr. W. H. Johnston in a few words wel- tozned the visitors and this was ably responded to by Mrs. C. Zwicker. At the close of the program cohn- inuuity singing and contests were enjoyed. This was followed by a dainty lunch. A splendid time was •roported by all present. JAMES ST. W. M. S, The regular monthly meeting of the James St. W. M. S. was held in the Church on Thursday, September lath. In the absence of the presi- dent, Mrs. J. 8, Grant took the chair. The minutes of the last sueetiug were read and approved. . Several items of business were die-' ;posed of. The regular offering was taken and: one new Life Mentber. was added to the list. A new plan,- ist was appointed,. Me;;i, J. Batson being chosen to succeed Mrs. W. l["s^a ne who Iran resigned; This was ifollowed by the reading of the Bible lesson and a beautiful piano duett lest M('s, ,T,• na'tsoft end Mrs, V, Itestle. •which was much appreciated. Ready, 'fihigs'..were given by 1Vi'rs; D. I oWelifie And Mrs, II, Rowe also an inietest.' ing story My Airs. E. J. Pym. 1VIts, Perkins and Mrs, Ws li'rayne' .'ere Relegated to attend the Cone iittftot( of flier .Soot i Huron Z resby +terlrtl tit ,the• Whalen United; church rbn .Septeinhe;r 2$tli, If was :decided.. T 4p hold 6, teullting bee 10 tlo 41f1;ele t •oir Thursday 1oftti �t i.t?tt'(etr ,xtttd' ritlr• t#te tulles interested are Iii` ^y /ft& to" attend. ( War. ryi Beautiful effects , enamel. A few monstrating• FOUNDATION FOR. POST -OFFICE The cement foundation is 'this week being put in for the new post- office by Beaver Bros, the contrac- tors, FINGERS CRUSHED Mr. John Payne, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Payne, of town, who has been working on a farm near Lon- don had the misfortune to have tops of the fingers of the left hand badly crushed in a fertiziler drill on Fri- day of last week. He is at present in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, re- ceiving treatment. i'iltE DESTROYS I<ARQ('H?iR BARN Fire destroyed the barn of .M'r. F. Goslings, of Farquhar, Wednes- day mornings about 2 o'clock to- gether with all the contents which included several pigs, two cars, grain and hay: It also destroyed the green house, Fortunately the cows were out to pasture. The fire was first noticed by neighbors who noti- fied Mr. Gollings by phone. At that time the building was a mass of seething flames and nothing could be done to save any of the contents. BICKELL—I tNTZ The Marriage 6f liriss Marguerite Marie Kuntz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kuntz to ,M'r. Austin F. Bickell, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bickell, . of London, was solemnized Saturday afternoon, September 21st, in the presence of the immediate relatives, in.Epworth United church, Kingsville, the Rev. J. A. Agnew, officiating. The church was beaut- ifully decorated with autumn flow - era. The bride • chose for her wedd- ing a gown of brown transparent velvet, made with a V neckline, long tight sleeves, and a deep yoke of ecru lace. A brown hat of soleil, red fox fur and brown suede shoes completed her costume. She wore a bouquet of Sunburst roses and val- ley sillies. The bride's sister, Miss Ella Kuntz who attended her as the bridesmaid, wore a midnight blue chiffon gown, with velvet trimmings and uneven .hem line, a silver fox fur and hat and shoes in matchiug 'shades. Her corsage was of Colum- bia roses. Mr. ,John Kuntz assisted Mr. Bickell as best man. After the ceremony the bridal party motored to the Book Cadillac Hotel, Detroit, for the wedding dinner. The table was centred with an attractive elec- tric fountain banked' in fern leaves. At each end was a bouquet of roses in a tall silver vase. Two dainty flower baskets made of candy held petit fours. Six ivory tapers in sil- ver holders also graced the table. Mr. and Mrs. Bickell left by motor for Chicago, the bride wearing a brown ensemble with eggshell satin blouse. On their return they will ,reside in London. MISS ELLA AMY DIES After a lingering illness there died in London on Sunday, Miss EIia Amy. The remains were brought to Exeter by motor hearse on Monday and taken to the hoitie of Mr. Moses Amy where a private funeral was held on Tuesday after- noon conducted by Rev. Moorhonse interment taking place in the Exe- ter cemetery. The deceased leaves one sister Mrs. W. Mawhinney and six brothers, Moses of town; Well- ington, Alvy, Garnet and Elgin of the West and Bert of Brantford. MRS'. K. l'GOUN PASSES AT LU CAN Following several months' illness, Mrs. Agnes Louise (Rowed) M'Goun wife of the Rev. Kenneth M'Goun, died Monday at the rectory of Holy Trinity Church, Luean. She was born in Blyth, from where, after her father's .death the family moved to London in 1390, For about nine years she bad been a resident of Luean. Besides hes' husband site is survived by four sons and one dau- ghter, The funeral was held Wei,- nesday afternoon with service in Holy Trinity church, Ltidan, inter- ment in St. Jellies cemetery, Clan- deboye. if ThE =ET= TIMES•'ADVO %ATE LOCAL NEWS Miss Esther Horney has returned after visiting with lier sisters, Mr. and Mrs. James Roy, of l3ornhofui, visited in town last week. •117rs. Win. Pollen, of Farquhar, is confined to her home through ness, Mr. Arthur Francis, of Stephen, lost a valuable horse one day this - week through lock-jaw. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Werner, of Detroit, visited with ,the latter's parents Mr, and Mrs. D. Russell ovex the week -end. Mr, and Mrs. L, F. Heist accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Howell Of Detroit, spent Sunday with rela- tives and friends in this vicinity. Rev. •Mr, Smiley, Missionary front Central India, addressed the congre- gations of Thames Road and, Roy's • church on Sunday last. Mrs. Alexander, of Usborne, who is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Gibson, is confined to her bed through illness. In the report of the faill fair at Grand Prairie, Alta., we notice the name of .T. A. Luker and R, T, Luker as winners in the pony class. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis and son Don- ald have returned after visiting in Midland, 'Saginaw and Flint, Mich. Mr, Hy. Francis has returned from the States where he has been visiting relatives and has been spending some days with friends in Usborne. Mrs, McNichol, who for the past couple of years has been in charge of the Exeter Hospital, is leaving the hospital and is anov,ng to her home on Carling Street. Mrs. Watts (nee Alice Pedersen) of Barwick, Rainey River District, Northern Ontario, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Davis and oilier friends in this community, .p1, complaint has been' received that parties have been shooting blackbirds around town and Ieaving them on the streets to decay, at- tracting flies and being otherwise obnoxious. • Miss Evelyn Howard, tivho recent- ly graduated from Western with her B.A. degree, left ,Saturday for Toronto to attend the College of Education. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Ho- ward accompanied her spending the week -end in Dundas. Miss M. L. Horney R.N.,. is visit- ing at her home Here after spending eight months in Los Angeles, Calif. While there, she visited in Aqua Ca- liente, Tiguana, Mexico also San Diego, Yosemite, National Park, `CA- talina and various other placee. Mr. Peter Whitlock, a delegate to the Laymen's Convention of the United church • London Conference, recently gave a report of the Con- vention held in Alma College, in St. Thomas to the congregations of the Thames Road church and Roy's church. Miss J. V. Lovell, of Toronto, a representative of the Canadian Cha- taquas Ltd., was in Exeter on Sat- urday and succeeded in securing 22 signatures to a contract for bring- ing to Exeter a winter festival of four days with six sessions. The Canadian Chataquas have some very excellent talent and Exeter is for- tunate in securing them for this coming winter. Mr. and 'Mrs. George Williams, of town, and Mrs. D. Whitlock and two daughters, of St. Thomas, have re- turned from a motor trip to the Niagara Peninsula visiting in St. Catherines, Niagara Falls, Bridge - burg and Welland where they visit- ed with Rev. Dr. Medd, who wishes to be remembered to friends in this community. While its Weiland they met. an old darky, who had once been a 'slave. He was 107 years. old and looked like a man of 70. The regular monthly meeting of the W.C.T.U. was held on Monday at James St. United church with Miss Murray presiding. Mrs, W. C. Pearce had charge of the devotion- al part of, the meeting, 'The dele- gates to the Provincial Convention were appointed being Mrs B. W. P. Beavers. and Mrs. C. W. Christie held in Windsor on October 7th•to 11th. Mrs. Moorhouse was appoint- ed secretary. Miss Murray spoke very wearm Words of .praise for the splendid service rendered by Mrs. Sutton the retiring secretary. Miss Violet Gambrill •was appointed pian- ist, A report was given of the fine response to the appeal for the edu- rational &nd. KIRKTON Mr. and Mrs. Ray Francis spent the week -end at Shallow Lake. Mt. •and Mrs. John Gilfillan, of Sit. Marys, are visiting their son Mr. W. A. (#•ilfiifa.n. ' Mr. and Airs. Samuel Shier, of St,' Marys, are visiting their son Mr. S. Shier The W. M. S. Conference (Centre • section) of Huron Presbyterial Sp-, elety of the * nited Church will be held in the Egniondviile tented Murch on 'l''hursday, September 24, 0129.. All.interested in children and young women's work at home and abroad sere, invited to be present, If •o. v ro ry_: S :u tae bretna bran them. A4t X g s Ent: a Paetthrope, Korea, .i5 te, be Present and ,give hu address', Mrs. a 'esley iSwitier, of ISOs An`'! geles, Calif., 151 'visiting her sister,: Mrs, Amos DbUpe. Next Sunday will be Rally Sun-, day at the 'United Sunday Schoch. f The, ladies association bf the Unite! eci•C#iurch 'vials to anndtinde. that hat !they aro giving.- tt concert on the! ni h , { 0Ct07er .6t1i Particplar5 of Which tI1l beprinted lest, ,. 1 in all branch out the conn Veit (ir eluate Ing the: reava business- trai Fill T rt J. 11, 'e8#e LON4 llp Alii` e through- . '11"c'ster- are reap - ds of sound ills•• now open, in, ite::Iidri r eltSc l , CANADA Big Crowd at Zurich Zurich had an ideal day for their annual fall fair on Tuesday and one of the largest crowds ever seen on the grounds was present. Automo- biles were parked in every conceiv- able place. There were a larger number of tents on the grounds than usual held all seemed to be well patronized. There were •splen- did exhibits and keen competition both in the indoor and outdoor de- partments. There was a fine show- ing of live stock:, Judge Darroch of London, said it was the best show- ing of horses that he had judged in tale past five years as far as well filled classes was concerned, The horse races were good and it was claimed that the track record was broken for a green •race. The horse- shoe pitching contest also attracted attention. • In the horseshoe pitching contest Paul and Geo. Boa won the doubles with Fred Harburn and P. Boa, Jr, 2nd, There were 14 entries in the singles and the final game for first and second place was keenly con- tested between Fred Harburn and Geo. Boa. Nearly every end con- tained one or more ringers. The count at the last end stood 47 to 49 in favor of Boa and Harburn scared a ringer and won. P. Boa won from H. Steinbach in the play-off for 3rd and 4th place '50 to 16. P. Boa, Jr., was 5th, Following are the results of the horses and cattle; ° HORSES General Purpose Brood mare and foal, J. A. Smith; foal, R. La- mont, 0. Koehler, J. Battler; 1 yr old, R. McClinchey, R. McBride, J. Battler; 2 -year-old, Wm. Decker and 2nd, R. McClinchey; 3 -year-old J. A. lhranson; span, W. Decker; H. Clausius, G. J. Thiel. Agricultural — Brood mare with foal, S. McBride, M. Tinney•, A. Reichert; foal, M. Tinney, S. Mc- Bride, A. Reichert; 1 -year-old, A. Mellick, R. Tinney, N. Keys & Son; 2 -year-old, H. Rader and 2nd, M. Tinney; 3 -year-old, E. Willard, H. Clausius, H. Eagleson; span, R. Stevenson, L. H. Rader; H. Eagleson Heavy Draught — Two-year-old, M, Tinney, N. Keys & Son, A. Beck- er; 3 -year-old, L. H. Rader; span, L. H. Rader, E. Willert, H. Truem- ner. Roadster—Brood mare -and foal, W. Decker, H. McDougall, 0. Mc- Clinchey; foal, 0.. McClinchey; two- year-old, H. 0. •Truemner, A. Miller E. Restemeyer; 3 -year-old, A. R. Campbell; lady driver, H. McDoug- all. ,Carriage— Brood mare and foal, 0. Koehler; foal, W. Decker; 1 -year old, J. A. Manson, 2 -year-old, E, J. Wolper, J. A. :Smith; single carriage N. Keys & Son, W. Davidson, R. Mc- Bride. Merner's Special, S. McBride. T. Eaton Special, W. Decker. A. 0. Elliott special, L. H. Rader. CATTLE Registered Durham --Cow, R. N. Peck; yearling heifer, C. Pym & Son, '4V. Oestreicher and 3rd; 2 -year old heifer, R. N. Peck; bull calf, R. N. Peck, W. Oestreicher and• 3rd; heifer calf, W. Oestreicher, C. Pym & Son and 3rd; 1 -year-old bull calf, R. D. Hunter & Son; herd, T. John- ston, R. N. Peck. Other than pure-bred Durham — Cow, F. J. Haberer and 2nd; heifer '3• Battler, F. J. Haberer; yearling heifer, le. J. Haberer; 2 -year-old heifer, F, J, Haberer, 0. Sururus, F. J. Haberer; fat cow or heifer, 0. Sururus; 2 -year-old steer, F. Haber- er; yearling steer, 0. Sururus, P, J. Haberer & 3rd; Steer calf, F. J. Haberer $: 2nd; herd, F. J. Haberer Holstein cow, IL Clausius and 2nd, A. ivIellick; Holstein heifer, 0. Clausius and 8rd; Jersey cow, H. Youngblut, E. Haberer, 3'. Battler; Yearling Jersey heifer, F. R. Tinney, Jersey calf, H. Youngblut, 0, J. Far- well. Judge --J. C. Ross. Bank of hroutreal special, R. M. Peck and 2nd; T. L. Wurni special, R. Peck; Stade & 'Weide special; H. Youngblut' c01'11'.L' OP immvIsio VILLAGE OF E.;1.aET (1 NO`T'ICE IS HERE .Y GIVEN that a Court will be 1i cl, pursuant to The Ontar Voter Lists Act, by Itis Honor . ie Ju e of the County Court of the ; 'otiil of Huron ht the Town Hall, : xete , Friday, 4th day of October, 92 11 a.tn. b'elock forenoon to h: r ncl determine com- plaints of err . r and oinisaions in the 'eters' Lit of the Municipality; of the Village ; _Exeter for' 1029., ' :Dated the 19 t day of Seilteinber, 029, • ' ' 3O8. SENIOR, r i Clerk or the Arttn c pi'ar el �. (`of'the' Village of, teeter'. Goan I•i''A(R• NF:'l`,TI.' '« E T e popular dis rich 'Monday, Tue day, .9eptembe.t• Full program o stand attraction nesday. Enter; ►Concert Comp HIouse 'Wednes let fair at ay, and es - 14..2. ruses and grand 'uesday and Wed- unent by e00:1717:y in the Opera night, AUCTION SAL.E. Of.._ STANDARD BRED HORSES -AND FARM IMPLEMENTS TS • The undersigned has received le- structions to sell by public attc'tion, at LOT 16, CON. 10, HAY Ti'. 1 mile south of Zurich, Ont. TUESDAY, OCTQBEI1 15, 1i)i?t) •Commencing at 1. o'clock sharp .Davenport 68489, 2.111/x, trial 2.04x/; American Trotting register 68489, • Alice Grattan 3346, female, born June 13, 1920. Miss Peter Gilbert 2927, ;born In 1,914, bred by W. H, Grose', Strat- ford, Ont, iViiss Templeton, the den; of Ray Gratton, record 2,031, Aged brood mare, Mis Badena 2552, born 1909. Brood, snare, Nem Petei The above mares are sup ;•,sed to be in foal to Daven'ort. Peter Axworthy 3958, male, born April 17111, 1925. Peter Bin 4318, mal.;, born June 10, 1927, Bessle the Great 43 female and born ,March 26th, 192 Sag a the Great 026=, female born May d, 1927. .Ax rth Grattan 4 00, hale born August 11tH, 1928. Bing worthy .449 (, male born in May 24 1, 1928. Lady xworthy D, 4497, female, born Jun 14th, 19 (Miss lbert Da apart, sucking Coit1929., by venport, ,`..jorn May 10th, 1, 3 -year Id colt ? y Lady Useful; 3 -year-old c 1t by Tire Great Widow- er; .sucking colt b Davenport; 2 - year -old obit by 0-.cus Gratton; 1 Percheron su chug It OTHER ,AR .ICL S—Set of light sleighs; 4 -wile tr ler in good con- dition, race c t, ogging cart, 1 heavy cart, stra'v ; utter, ode open buggy, 2 hang lamps, speed cutter, 2 sets of '.; bbles and boots, set single harness, ;.et of scales of 2000 pounds capaci y; 9 pigs five weeks old; 4 hound pups• and numer- ous other articles, TERMS OF SALE—GASH MRS. JOHN DECHER JR., Proprietress W. JOHNSTON, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and oth rs having claims against the esta; e of WIL- LIAM JOHN POLLEN, {°late of the Township of Usborne, i the County of Huron, Thresher, io died on the sixth day of\ Set ember A.D., 1929 are 'required to:'orward. their claims duly proven ' the under- signed on or before he fourteenth day •of October A.D., 'i 929. AN NOTICE IS URTHER GIV- EN that after the s id date the Exe- cutors wi proceed to distribute the estate ,ha 'ng reg rd only to the claims of N lith ti y then shall have notice. DATED a er, Ont. this 23rc1 day of Septe A.D., 1929. GLADMA .STANBURY eter and Hensall xecutors' Solicitors Ex be Notice to Creditors. NOTICE IS HEREB: GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the estate o NICHOLAS STIRE, late of the V liege of Exe- ter, in the County o Huron, who died on the eighth da of September 1929, ar required to forward their claims du y proven , the under- signed on .r before t e seventh day of October D. 192 AND NO1 CE IS RTHER GIV- EN that of er the aid date the Adniinistratot will oceed to dis- tribute the est r to hay ng regard only to the claims owhi i he then shall have notice, DATED at E ter this 13th day of Setpember A. ►. 929, GLADMAN STANIIURY Exete and Hensall Administrator's Solicitors NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HERE : Y GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the state of ALMA H'E1tN, late of the Township of L`s- borne, in the Cott y of Huron, mar- ried woman, wh' died on the fif- teenth day of A gust A. D., 1929, are required to rward their claims duly proven to he undersigned on br before the se enth day of October A. D., 19 9. AND No TIC" r 15 FURTHER OM- EN that of er t said date the Exe- cutor wi11 roc ed to distribute the estate havi g egard only to the ciaiins of v, tie lie tlleii Shall Iiave notice, b.ATED a E .'eter this'13tri day of September A., 1929. L . • 111AN & S 'ANI3t,"•l :Y et l`i'lt er And I•leltsall Executor's. Solicitors AUCTION SALE ut-- • I[OL 8EIiO14i X� CTI14i'.I') RI The uiideh'slgtied Lias received fug• structions to sell 'by public auct•on,. at CREDITON, on l wee, ATI'Iti) Al`, OCTOJ37 it ,i at 1 p.ni. the following Piano in good rondition, parlor suite, floor lamp, pail ` pie- titres, 4 'roeliers, library tab , set- tee, book case, 4 centre tab.0, one • couch, upholstered chair, on ;' wheel chair, arm chair, Morris eh r, two hall racks, ,marble top tabl mirroar • large size, mirror for tailor show, L • dining -room table and 0 c hairs, 2 desk, quantity of dishes, 3 ; ig tables clock, r ur beds, springs .nee slat - tresses, • y bed, wardrobe ; vita glass; door, bur an, chest et ~'awers, 3, dressers, 3 stands, baske'•;, 1 rug, 6, small rugs, arpets, Con leant rug,. kitchen tab with ch. •s, kitcheiz utensils, ben 1, small and, 2 kit- chen, tables, -lass et t board, side board, lamps, nk, ste ladder, old style rei'rigerat •, 35' eaters, twee cooling pails, ele tris cuum cletiiu- er, electric heate ' ole de range, J. electric flat iron, , ele rio washing machine, 2 lieateh`, t -Burner oil, stove with oven, a ;ir• opt electric range, ironing boar .; tailor square and rules, tubs, pails, l ; sl mops, cop- per boiler, 3300 po ids of coal,. 600 pounds of coke, ' quantity of, charcoal, 6 single cords of wood, wheel barrow, shovels, two rakes, lawn mower and other articles tori numerous to mention. TERMS—CASH MRS, J. Ii'. HOLTZMAN, Pr•oprietresel. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer • 1) AUCTION SALE --of— l'ARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS & ' FURNITURE The undersigned has received in•.- structions to sell by public auction, at Lot 6, ('on. S, STEPHEN, on . TUESDAY, OCTOBER lst, 1929 at 12:30 o'clock sharp the following FARM STOCK -1 heavy hone; rising 8 years old, heavy gene `a} purpose rising 4, aged horse, Per • h. - eron colt rising 3 years old, Pe eh- eron colt rising 2 years old, cow ue Feb. 1st, cow clue Feb. 9tla,. 3 ; ows. due April 1st, cow due May t, 3 farrow cotes milking good, 3 ..teerss . rising 3, heifer out of thorouhbred. stock, 2 years old this fall; r. steers'• rising 2 years old, 2 heifer risings 2 years old, 8 spring sale; s, Dur- ham •bull registered 2 yea old he May 9th, collie dog, regis,-red sew; due time of sale, 100 spr ng chick— ens, 26 hens, billy goat. IMPLEMENTS --S of scales fanning mill, 7 foot M.I '. binder in: good condition, M. II. h,'y loader, 1, scuffler, side delivery 'ake, T. A. mower, dump rake, Ian roller, new; 15 hoe M. H. drill, s' harrows A. ction, ;- etion, walking plow, riding plow, d i able wagon box, po a to digger, 1 sto a boat, cream sep ; •ator, new T. A. -agora low down ' vagon, roller rack, hay and grain 'ombine, grain: rack, cutter with .cors, set of ' sleigh 2 buggies, w eel barrow, 1 Pump j ck, emery ja, , Daisy churn, quantit of lumber, 30 ft. rubber Hose, 2 as drums, (adders, 2 fur; coats, rol •s and bl nkets, barrels, 17 cords !f stove vood, 2 gravel boxes, nen set o r double brass mounted 1 rness, heavy harness; single harne ,s coli:; , 2 ron kettles, sacks of rim •• .barr:, of salt, 8 sling.. 800 3-i,ch le, chicken coops, steel scraper, (5 i` ons o•f good hay, quantity of Ca to ilia Irish Cobblers potatoes, forks, ',1 es, chains, whiffle-• trees, neck yok.. , quantity of good. tools, disc hair nv cultivator and other articles too numerous to men— tion. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Side- - board, 2 dressers, 4 bed springs, 2 lounges, sewing machine, DeForest Crosley radio' in good shape, radio table, extension table, 2 leaf tables, 2 rockers, 12 chairs, glassware, gasoline washine machine, fire proof: safe, pictures and frames, flour bare: rel, 6 window sereens, linoletsrn, Winchester gun 1897 model in, good. . shape, kitchen range coal or wood, cook stove, box stove. • TERMS OF SALE 210.00 and under and chickens. • cash, over that amount 12 months' Credit will be given on furnislsing approved joint notes on bankable Rapes`, or a discount of 6 per cent. off for casts. PAT FLANNIGAN, Proprietor FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer FRANK COATES, Clerk SALE OP LANDS F r' TAXES e Notice is hereby 'g en that the ' list of Innis for• takes',' as been pre- pared and that copi thereof inay be had a this oftic and that the list is bel hg publis e(1 in the One.. taro Gazett: of Jul 20th arid 27th; also Angus i 3rd a , 10th and that in default n the payment of said taxes and co to tri•:- runt will be sold! ' on Monday, ieto er 2st, 1929, at two o'clock i tt.: afternoon - at the, Court House tree town i f C,"•ade-• • riot. • GO '; I ON 1"Orh Treasurer's eas(Irer, Hcirrr) Off a ,,f10 ' . ; fieri . • Yr Attgitst (5t11; .i '9'• 1,- &4,3te1,-- ix