HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-09-26, Page 3THE EXETER TXMESADVDCATE: TfitTtfiD417$ StIP11011).101? goiwriiiiiiimilliffillmmiffillmomioffillonimiliffillffillimilmmillii. ove' s Mircicte; .101111. ••••••• )i ANNA S. SWAN ic";-, IMMO, •••••• PI did, and it was their tea -tine, were 'very kind and friendly to me. and I had a cup with them And Besides, If you know them why Valted with the little sick sister. Why shouldn't I?" 4o you look at me so queerly, Mau- "We are' two different Men, my rice? gverything fell out just as boy. I told you that I was .a -queer eehe saide is there anything wrong?' beggar, fond of poking in the by "Nothing. But you'll have to be ways. I'M answerable to nobody, t little mare careful, Kerr. Why, I. anal nobody interferes with me. I'm have known the Vandoms Off and on the regular cut at the about -town' for seven or eight years, and. it is bachelor, and likely to remain so: only within the last twelvemonth You are different. You're an only thatee have taken to dropping in to son—the cynosure of .all eyes—and, we an. occasional ohnt. It leas great things are expected of you. es. if you aspired to set the Thames Why, if Jack Carrington knew of this on fire," he would take a new kind of fit • ;"EiUt hOw could I help Myself— from which he probably never re- tell me that?" cover," • "You eould have politely inter- e Harry. stood still on the pavement 'viewed Miss seeandom on the door- and, to the amusement or several step and told her that you did not passers-by; let one of his big in- Itnow when 1 would 'get home, which fectious laughs ring out. WaS the truth. I must tell Dolly "Ha had that very kind this af- net she must not; play a prank tornoon, then, for as 1 was crossing ettet kind again. Mrs. Briscoe Piccadilly Circus 'with Miss Vandom wouldn't like it. Yes, she was out. we met him face to face. He going know •becauso he told me yester- to Ryder Street to look me up. ' play that 'she was. going to spend the "Good Lord! Mel what did he day with her sister at Croydon. Brit say?" that doesn't make any 'difterence, ' • "He didn't 'seem to like it, but I. "So .it seem's. that I have done- went on with Miss Vandom. I something wrong;" said Harry rather c°uldn't leave her in the middle of -vexedly. But really they were very, the street even to please him, could nice, and I'm sorry. for them. The mother lookvery tired and the "Jack will talk double dutch to me tomorrOW. wish that I had sister perfectly exhausted. Your Miss Vendom seems to be the mainstay taken you to Dorking. You'll need pf the eeestablishment." a chaepron, Harry, if you go on like hi "lMy Miss Vandom—as you Call Harry laughed again. bhnothingd er, though she as. to o -with me or .1 with her—is a. very Maurice saw that he was in high spirits and evidently quite pleased good sort, theroughly respectable and hard-working and -generous too. with the adventure of the afternoon. But these are not. the kind of people But he did not enourage him to talk you must take up -with in London, of the Vandoms, and Harry Imagin- Kerr. You must see that for your- ed that Maurice was secretly ammy- elf." ed on his own account at what had s • ,,, taken place. What would have beon "I ani not taking up with them hie astonishment could he have'-over- sald Harry a trifle sulkily. "And could hardly help Myself, and after heard the conversation that tool: place a little later between Maurice all,' you intended that I should meet them. Arise Vandom told me we and the lady ot the afternoon! were to have gone out together to ' The two men dined together as elay." usual, and -immediately afterwards "That's a very different matter -7- Maurice left the house without say - spending an hour or two on the river ing where he was going. • He hailed ior in the country with others in .the the first' passing hansom and gave Perty. Friendly visits to the house the address of - Clare Street, where teems under another category. Don't he arrived about nine o'clock.. :ydu feel that for yourself, Kerr?" Dolly herself opened the door to "I didn't think anything•about it, Lionel, and smiled all over her face ,and I enjoyed myself. very 'lunch. I at sigh. of his serious face. brad had a beastly slaw day, and they • "Come in, Lionel. I thought EGP, SIX En "He e 1 1,1 rOMPARATIVE tests , . made wi wheel" speedometer . . prove P the highest top speed and fastest acce cars in its price range. Its 200-cuhp-inch engine delivers 58 brake horse -power at 3,140 r.p.m. . exceptional power at moderate engiw; sped spellin hang life for Pontiac's Big Six engi 1 1 np 1 the "fifth- •„' tiac to have eration of all High -compression performance, wi ordinary is provided by Pontiac's GM cylinder developed by General Motors Rese ch Corp and available in no other car Pontia Positlye fuel -pump assures full s ply of prevents starving on long, steep ills. . 1 The orily'true performance is all-ro nd crforrnance . . power, speed, acceleration ari ad, atioll price. raa and NG L1FE. That is why Pontiac is worth more today than other cars at Its price. Compare Pontiac's BIG SIX. beauty, performance and dependability with any-, thing this price field can offer . . then make your decision. r.se.t.soo RA your Defier ;bout the CAW Deferred Payment Plato PRODUCT OP alttNi30.41. MOTORS OF tANAJIM., ti!losErztt, Ulric Snell9 Exeter , BET'TEIR ItECAUSIS ,IT'S... CA'sNA,Derk. yoii'd tome to -night. Mother has if 1 were willing. As 1 say, he's baby in arms yet." gone out to supper. "you, don't think me capable of "Eo much the better. You can looking atter her, Lionel, but mother Make what you like of him." does. Besides, she's :Asleep, and I "Yea Want to get bile into trouble can't practice any more for fear of of some kind for a reason that I'm' disturbing her; so I've been deadly net to know, Lionel?" drone, "I want him eat of the way—inur- "Wee that why you hunted tied, in fact, and you're the wernau." Harry Kerr Vale afternoon, Dolly? 1 say, what ,a lark! 'Von mean that I'm to lead him 08?""Partly. But, of muse, didn't know you weren't there, Lionel. 140"10* '4`.'""9"'" And will nothing short of matte - Honour bright." ' oodon't mind the fun be - !Maurice hung up his 'hut and coat' Mn -v - d ' 9 forehand but I alight jib at the last; and followed her into the sitting- , It means giving up a lot, you see." room. "Whether I'm there or not, Dally, ,exchange, dont you?" "I know, but you get a, good. lot ' I can't have you dropping in casual-ly at Ryder Street. What about his people? If they - so before " have told you are the sort you have spoken of . She pounted and put her finger to they'd jib at me—Dolly Vandom of her mouth like a scolded chlicl. the variety stage and nowhere else "Sorry. Won't de it again—neve , in particular, Wouldn't they, now?' ' er ono more. At first, of course. There wouldore. Does its little head. ache, .be something wrong. if they didn't." and is it ever so nasty and horrid?" "' "Be quiet, Dolly, Sit down and They wouldnt receive me?" let us talk. May I smoke, or will it "Not with open arms at the be- ginning. You would have to get get through to Baby's room and worry her??" there by degrees, Dolly, and there isn't anything 4betweee you and the "No. She wouldn't mind though it Position—only a frail old man." it did. Besides, she's sound asleeP. I really think that she's better. The . "But there's a mother, I know, be - rest even for two days has done her cause he .mentioned her to -day, and good." I know the sort of mother she is by "I'm glad: 'Well, what do you the way he spoke. She's one of the think of the new chum?" inquired sort that wears a halo." Maurice ase he rolled himself a cig- dien!t see that. She's a -small, arette.--dowdy person that you Could overawe elle divinely haudsoM, Lionel, .111 a week, Dolly. Well, are you go- of course." ing to play the game?" "Bo you think so. .Well, of the "I'd play it fast enough if I knee bumpkin order, I didn't know that eeactly what eI.was going to get out *omen admired pink cheers and e -of it. I'm tired of my life, because blue eyes in a man." I'm not getting on. I haven't ad - "He looks clean and wholesome, vanced the sixth part of an inch and he's very nice, too, Lionel. He since I signed.Moseley's contract," was ever so 'kind to BabY and made ."You did that without consulting her latish with .some of his stories. me, Dolly, and you have had to pay. What's he really doing here? 1 I Should never have let you get into could gather from what he said that Moseley's clutches, if I could have his people have a big place in Scot- Prevented it. Baby is different, of land. How can he endure the .stuffi- course. She hasn't your brains, and ness of mrs. Briscoe's place?" she has to take what she can get." "I'm getting tired of it, Lionel," "I told you he was a toff, Dolly. she repeated; "and I'm not so strong Bentley Carrington brought him 1111 as I was. Of course, we EN all more because he was idling ;about at or less rocky, having had a consumn- home, doing nothing in particular, five father. I shan't last long if end though they are very well-off, this racket goes on. Sometimes I none of them is above earning a penny, honest or otherwise," have ghastly visions of the future, and then I. feel as if I could man'Y see. But what I don't see, anything—even that little cad, Percy Lionel, is why you have taken him Wakelyn whe's always henging up? 'Why hasn't he gone to lodge around. So you won't tell me what's with the paragon tit 'aePY 'AmP- under all ti th9" stead? It would have been more in his line." (To be "Did you see Sack •at the Circus this afternoon, Dolly?" asked Mau- rice with a sudden interest. "011 yes, I saw him, and he leek - ed Mighty shocked. He makes me want to do all mitt of things—things that would make him open his eyes. Now, Harry Kerr is very different— a nice boy. Anybody would love him." "Love is an expansive term, Dol.," said Lionel drily "But I'm glad you feel that way to him, because 1 want you to de something for me." "Yes, what's that? Give me a Turkish Liwnt had one a1e4eY.' He -made a cigarette for her, and 'she put it daintily between her ,teeth and leaned 'back in her chair; the picture of indolent enjoyment. To Dolly Sunday was an intolerable, in- terminable day unless there was an outing of some sort on the tap's. Rather than endure the tedious long hours she was not too particular about the invitations she accepted. "Well, what is it you want me to do for you, old boy, shut of marry- ing myself?" she added with a wick- eelittle moue."I've told you lots of times, haven't I. that I want the real thingthe eoff near the top of the tree? Mon* he must have, but the other thilfg is more important. I want to b,ei'My Lady" one of these. days." "That: nonsense; Dolly. Don't you kn that plain Mrs. Counts a lot in ee in certain quarter? Any- body ban be 'My Lady' when knight - hoe: a are going dirt cheap. Now, ry Kerr's father and mother euldn't have a title if it were offer - d on bended knee. They have beon plain Mr. and Mrs; Riddell -Kerr since the deluge ---or before it." "The other sounds better. But I. woudn't take an empty title as Win- nie Radlett' did and go back to the boards next week. Not good enough, Lionel. When I quit I quit tor. good. That's why I try so jolly hard to keep straight." "Good little .ire Dolly," said Lionel in lazy approval. "Well,' now's your chance." "Harry Kerr, you mean? I must say that he seemed a bit struck. to- day. Looked exactly like a chap that was eating toffee without per- miesion." She laughed as she blew the smoke clouds in delicate rings from her pretty lips. "I'm getting jolly well tired of my life on the boards. It's beastly hard and there isn't any fairness or justice in the business as there used to be. 'Brains don't count either, and I happen to have got some. I want to get on to the legitimate stage or else chuck it altogether. You knowehow hand 1 have worked and what rebuffs I have had, And Baby has had the same. Baby can't stand 'it, of course, and I should be able to do something for her:" "Well, you could help your lieople more quickly the one way than the Other." "Yes, but it's the sort of thing that call'e be Melted. Harry Keri' is a mere baby. He hasn't seen any- thing. When he has seen something probably I Won't interest him. The more crooked, the snore fascinating, don't yeti know." "Not for leis partinlar brand. took here Daly. T. have particu- lar reasons for wanting you to efarry Harry Reit." "What are they?" "I don't want to tell them to you, hot yet at leaet, end you shouldn't ask me, Dolly. The reasons have nailing to do with yOtt, Ile giving you peer thence," • "116 mayn't atoll MI, Lionel, 'alien continued) A pretty wedding took plale in the North Side United Churlh; Seaforth, when Miss 'Mary Laing, only (laugh: terof Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Laing, be- came the bride of Dr. 'William Aber - hart, of Mitchell, son of ?Jr. and Mrs C. Aberhart, Seaforth, Ont. Rev. W. P. Lane, pastor of the church of- ficiated. They will spend their honeymoon at the Aberhart Cottage, Dayfield. Dr. and Mrs. Aberhart will reside in Mitchell, -rvrro....rrer. v." The older the pessimist is the lees faith he has in 1131111811 nature. 4* use eix bottles of your Wond- erful 'hair :tonic an OM ,Overj4»';ed to tell you I'm trot bothered with falling hair any nore. 'there's no more left to fall out. I thank you." $l40 Knew Her 040 "That girl ot yours sure is a stunt ner,", said Shulman. . , "And howl She's i knock -out!'' roared ISimpzon—still , dizzy from leaking at the figures en the dinner cheek he had jest al(11 CjILDREN HAVE T Ci -JEW 11 - ANP LIKE T CRISP SHRED4 SHREDDED WHEAT of zth 411 the bran f the whole wheat on't have to coax children more they chew ft, the better ound teeth and healthy gums. youngsters. So delicious to chew Shredded Wheat— they like it—and that means • just the 'food for growing and so easy to serve. SUPREME BUILDING ADVANTAGES HEN building a new home or mak- ing over an old one', use this gre,ates f all wallboards. You will get thes ' r preme building advantages:,. Full 3/8" thickness—ghi. :reater struc- tural strength and ri, y. Easier Applic on—Goes up quickly, without mu saving tixne, labor and money. Fir roof — Non -Warping Gyproc are fire barriers. Cannot crack, warp r shrink. Takes any Decoration—Including Ala- bastine, wallpaper, paint and panels. 2/9 11 Fireproof Wallbo For Sale By The Ross -Taylor Co., Ltd. - Exeter, Ont. - A. Spencer & Son -_ Hensall, Ont. No Ak Hum No Oscillation Automatic Sensitivitg Control Stver-Dtpaaraic ,Spealler Model 91 '197" LESS TUBES AT left is the. new HUM - LESS Majestic Lowboy, Model 91. Early English de- sign cabinet of American Walnut, Instrument panel overlaid with imported Australian Lacewood. Escut- cheon plate and knobs fin- ished in genuine silver. Power detection — new .45 tubes—four tuned stages of radio frequency. AT right is the new HUM - LESS Majestic Highboy, Model 92. Jacobean period cabinet of American Walnut. Doors of matched butt wal- nut with overlays on doors and interior panel of, im- ported Australian Lacewood. Escutcheon plate, knobs and &nor pulls finished in genu- ine silver. OiNWOJC.1.0 WOW', n nue ll tt , " Model 92 '242" LESS TUBES We will be ELECTRIC IMMO glad to make a free demonstration in your home! W. J BEER Majestic Radio Dealer Whin St, Exetei mannommilimair '1