HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-09-26, Page 2a rI'IIR lt5?a.1.1".,. SEP`.LE1111EIt 26, '211 ti. 5t~,ft},}� L �'.S„Li • 71. .:: • _.�I IIITuii(lBlliill111111U dlllWllblllll 6131,1 li Illi IIIIIIIUI iifiNieli ll Lill GALVANIZED SIDING for Outside NC i s Attractive to 1 • k at. Inexpensive. asy to ut on over cl walls. ith buil , gpaper, arm, • windproof. hoice of . rick, Rock -face d Cia , ' card patterns. S`83t20L,q SHEET STEEL CEILINGS Bad the touch of pros* perity to store$, give betterlight. Perman- ent also for schools, halls, kitchens and bathrooms..Easy toputupovexold plaster.No dust orlitter. Easy to clean and paint. Can- not crack =' or fall off,. GALVANIZED SHINGLES End the fire hazard. Put on ever oldroofs. Easy to lay. Good looking,. permanent, inexpensive. Use NO Other_ " The permanent fireproof roof is the cheapai GET PRICES FROM 'YOUIPL TINSMITH OR CARPENTER. THE EXETER TIMES•ADVOCATE 25 YEARS AGO A new igranolithic pavement is be- ing laid in Exeter North from the Lake Road to the approach near the bridge. Air. 1'Vni. Bernick., of Usborne, who took a two-year-old filly, heavy draught to London to show, was awarded first prize, There were 7 others shown in the sande class. Mr. Wni. Dauncey left last week for Stratford where he 15 eitgagecl. in selecting apples for shipment Por Mr. R. S. Long. Mr. E, Modell has sold lits pro- perty on Andrew St. to Mr, Wni, Harding, Mr. BIasdoli expects to move his family to„Brantford where be is now engaged, es nailer, in the course of a Pew weeks. Herbert Gregory, wno for the past two weeks leas been studying law in the office of Gladman & Sta.nbury, leaves on Friday for Toronto to com- plete his course at Osgoode Hall. Through the instrumentality of Rev. Mr. Knowles the streets of Ful- lerton are beautifully lighted up. The village has purchased a 600 c. power light and placed it in a posi- tion that the whole village is lit up. ABPs. (Rev.) Cranston, of Cromar- ty, who is the: guest this week of her parents, Rev. Wm. end Mrs. Martin at the Manse is receiving the best wishes of a host of friends, Mr. 1'4 m . Nilson, who recently sold his farm in tTsborne and has since resided in Seaforth has again chosen farming, having Bought a, fine farm near Hensel'. On Sunday night last while Mr, J. Shaddock and family were attending church a thief got into the Mansion House by way of the back door and rifled the till of all its contents. Mr, W.- H. Trott and family, who have been long and respected resi- dents of the town, are this week moving to Beaniesville, where Mr. Trott has purchased a fruit farm. 15 YEARS AGO Mr, Geo. Hurdon shot a rare speci- nien of a bird at the dam known as the Blue Heron recently, IiTr. Win. J. Smith, who spent the summer with his parents, London Road South, left last. Wednesday for Buffalo where he has accepted' a posi- tion as superintendent of the Ii.naver ='1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIiU111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111(11111111111111111111111111111111111gg11111111111111111111111111 :=Exeter `Buy -at -Home' Campaign= COMMUNITY BUYING DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE Through the co-operation of the Business Men iisted below, we will reproduce a series of educational articles endeavoring ES to bring about a better business relationship between resident and merchant in the town, and thus bring about more progressive community in which to live. 41111111., 4110,0110 INIMEnn The Canadian Bank of - Commerce Heartily Endorses the BUY -AT-HOME CAMPAIGN Support LOCAL Merchants and Help Our Town GROW Small Savings Accounts Welcome M. R. COMPLIN, Manager Traquair & Lindenfield GENERAL HARDWARE Tinsmithing & Plumbing Varnishes — Paints -- Oils Telephone 27 E. R. HOPPER FURNITURE — and • FUNERAL DIRECTOR Telephone 99 FRED RABETHFE JEWELLERY & CUT GLASS WESTINGHOUSE RADIOS Clock and Watch Repairing JOS. SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHIC -=� and — ART STUDIO - We put the `Snap' in Snapshots G. M. Armstrong - EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY - and — = GAINSBOROGH HATS S. FITTON OPTOMETRIST ES Sight Examined and Glasses Children's Sight A Specialty Telephone 75w - It T. ROWE SCRANTON COAL & COKE - BRITISH AMERICAN Gasoline and Oil Telephone 40 WM. ANDREW Fitted Salesman for ;I, It. IvAT1i.INS CO. Hamilton and Winnipeg = Llninaents, Tonics, SI tees, Toilet Articles, 'Ii l,tvoringS Poultry and Stork 'Tonics ,�. Telephone 43 0.1111111111/ Middleton's Bakery "The Bionic of Better Bread', . AI{... PASTRY C ES AS'I'R CONFECTIONERY 'releliiiono 62 Browning's Drug Store + .B. W. F. Beavers TOILETRIES — DRUGS -- STATIONERY' — OPTICAL ROOMS — TEWIr_J _9 ; 11;13 WHO IS YOUR MERCHANT? Do you realize what your merchant means to Exeter? Do you ever consider the confidence which he has placed in the town? He has invested his capital in his. business, stocked his store with ar- ticles of every description to suit your convenience. His money is tied up in his business.as an asset to the community, Tf you buy in other cities than Exeter his stock becomes old and out of date, representing a monetary loss to him. He will be forced .to retire from business, and probably to leave the town a failure. His confidence in your town would be gone. His trust in you would he shattered, You were unfaithful. Confidence among residents of the same community is the foundation of the civic structure. If confidence is destroyed, the community is a failure. The merchant loses money, but the resi- dent loses more. The community loses its good name and invites ruin. When Exeter can point with pride to the stability of its busi- ness, then the merchant is safe in • investing and new businesses are justified to locating here. Think it over. Ton are personally responsible for the success or failure of your town. Buy in Exeter. SANDY ELLIOT USED CARS ' FORD WE SPECIALIZE ON FORD SERVICE TELEPHONE 04 NEW CARS MILO SNELL \1r. Milo Snell, Chevrolet Sales and Service, was born and raised in tile Township of Usborne, and when ,a young inan entered into partnership with his uncle when Ford cars were first placed on the market. He was with the Ford Motor Co. for 14 years and at the time of his resignation. was the fourth oldest dealer in Ontario. During that time Ile has met with great success and has seen many changes in the automobile industry. In addition to 'his automobile business Mr. Snell has been operating 200 acres of land on which will be found some very fine Shorthorn cattle. In 1927 Mr. Clarise Snell entered the business with his brother and has been taking the sales end assisted by Mr. Harvey Pollen. At the same time Mr. Thomas Coates entered his employ as me- chanic and has given the public the very best of service. At the beginning of 1929 Mr. Snell took over. the Chevrolet agency, a pro- duct of General ,Motors and he has had a very successful season. CHAMBERS BROS. General Repairs ON ALL MAKES OF OARS U. S. L. Batteries Dunlop Tires - Telephone 200 Harvey Bros. General Millers MANITOBA'S BEST - MODEL and WELCOME Flour Mi Rinds of Feeds Telephone 35 'ADVERTISE --- in the J TIMES - ADVOCATE Cunningham & Pryde CEMETERY MEMORIALS Telephone '41j Milo Snell Chevrolet SALES and SERVICE Phone 10.0; Night phone 209 ..rte...., • Every pair of Hose In our "Stohk will be reduced in »riche in order to clear our stock.' Rig out , the' family now, while they are cheap. 'Como Expecting Bargains POWELL'S Variety STORE Phone Day Service mot Phone Night Service 1.5 :31 HURON GARAGE, EXETER PONTIAC and BUICK SALES and SERVICE itEPAI.RS, ACCESSORIES, TIMES, OILS, GAS & CAit WASHING I:xliet't :ilechanical and Electrical Service on all miles of cars. OFFICIAL ONTARIO MOTOR LIi7AGLE SERVIC7.1 STATION Shore Foreman, E. Pollen Proprietor, >Lil+y'a Snell Hardware TINSMITHING PLUMBING PAINTS 11.11 .111111 STOVES AND FURNACES c Telephone 86 S. B. TAYLOR The Jeweller HIGH-GRADE JEWELLERY DIAMONDS Watch and Clock Repairing 3AE. J. 13EER Automobile Accessories ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Everything in Radios Telephone 109 6. A. HAWKINS GENERAL HARDWARE PAINTS and OILS SCREENS, Etc. Telephone .29 SOUTHCOTT BROS. General Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings Ladies' • Ready -to -Wear Boots and Shoes Groceries and China Harvey's Grocery SYSTEM ERVICE ATISFACTION Telephone 102 N. W. TREWARTHA Dealer in NEW LAID EGGS — and — MILK: FED POULTRY Direct From the Farm Grigg Stationery Store MENEM MEMIM 0.04 moms School Supplies with special N. attention given to school libraries Telephone 37 ROSS -TAYLOR LUMBER CO. Planing Mil Lumber Yard Wholesale & Retail Prices on Summer Cottages Telephone 48 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION' ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES WIRING AND SUPPLIES Telephone 127 Manna 1010110. 010011110 anomie INIMPOIF SONNY 111111111111.11111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111Ig1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111l11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111mINIhi . Shoe Co, Mrs. Smith and little daughter Hazel will joie hint the latter part of the week. Lir, C. L. CQ.ultis, formerly of Ex- eter, late of Toronto, has purchased a drtig business. in Goderich. Mr. Samuel Iielland, of Vancou- ver, who loft these parts over 32 years ago and has this year been viS- Iting in various parts of Europe is visiting relatives here on his return Deme. .Tames 1Vhinister, of Aurora, bre- tlrer of Mrs. D. Johns, Exeter after several weeks in Berlin since the war broke mit last week escaped with his. wife to Loudon, England. Mr. Samuel Skinner, councillor of ITsborne Township was taken sud- denly ill last week is in a very ser- sous condition. Mrs. R. Fanson and two children who leave spent the summer in the west and Miss Clare Brook, of Cal- gary, Alta., arrived in town on lion - day and are visiting ,with Mr, and Airs. F. 'Hurdle. • Mrs. J. Stewart Sr. has returned home after visiting for a month with her grandson Ed. of London. 11r. Will Stewart, of Detroit, visited with her in 'London for a feat/ days. The apple crop is an abundant one this year. Owing to the war and the abundance of supplies apples will be a very low price. ZURICH Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Bender, of Blyth, were Sunday visitors at the home of Miss Lydia Mile., Mr. and.Mrs. H. J. Gallin'an and two daughters Mildred and Marjory and Mr. Lloyd Beiber, all of Illinois, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gellman. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ediglipffer 'and faintly of Mitchell and Miss Grace puemtIielr, of Stratford, ovisited with Mrs, 'S: 'Rennie recently. . The Young People of the Evan- gelical League presented 4Mr. Newell Geiger their president for the past few years with a Student's Bible. Mr.... Geiger is leaving for Toronto to at- tend Victoria College. Rev. Drier spoke a few words and Miss Lylyan Martin read the address and lir. Lee Roy O'Brien made the presentation. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Siebert, of Montre'al, spent a few days with the formers parents Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert, The remains of the late Mrs. C. Schoemacher•, who died in Sarnia, were brought to Zurich and inter- ment made in the Lutheran ceme- tery. .Deceased was aged 65 years. For some twenty years Mr. and Mrs. Schoeinacher conducted the Domin- ion' Hotel, Mr. and Mgt's. John Geiger and Mr. and IM'rs. Elmore Geiger, of Pandora, Ohio, visited at the home of Mi•s. Geigers sister, Mrs. S. Rennie., HOPFIILIti—SIEI3Ewr Miss Leila Anna Siebert, young- est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Siebert of Zurich was united in mar- riage to Mr. Clarence Koffman,- of Galt, and son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Hoffman, of Zurich, at the home of the bride's parents on Saturday, September 1.4th, Rev. W. Y. Drier officiated. The bride who was given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white French embroidered chiffon•. Her flowers were rOphelia roses and liy-of-the-valley. The bridesmaid, Miss Vera Siebert, sister of,the bride was gowned in Nile gren georgette and carried, yellow - mums. Little Miss Patsy Major, of Toronto and Miss Helen Siebert, of Detroit, n'eices of the bride, acted as flower g.trls and wore dresss alike in pink georgette ruffled dresses. Holli carried baskets of flowers. The groom was supported by his twin brother, Clayton Hoffmau of Galt. After the ceremony a Buffett lunch was served. The bridal couple left on a honeymoon trip to Muskoka. Oit their return they will reside at Galt. 1}II.E HIGHLANDS OF ONTARIO Andy A'1! 11110 .11 B'ES'T 1N SEPTEMBER/ You'll like the hazy, varnith of September -days in th Highlands. You'll like the breathe of pine and Cedar that is'heavy on, "he air. Every- thing you do Will sm just right. All th Summer sp ts• are in full swing 'iwonderfiil • a,12 •and tennis— boating'"' hiking -4i '' ing. You ran't choose better '.%reit than a few Autumn ;,'weeks Ontario's Iligh- lands here is :i"xcelient accommo- dation a s any o the:resort territor- ies—Mus °olta t ke, Lake of Bays, Kawar th r `,Lak or Georgian Bay. Any Age o Canadian National Railways. ; '11 ladly help you make your choice' ake reservations, etc. 3-26-2t -CSBORN18 & IIIIIRERT M Ti?AL FIRE INSURANCE COM, ANY Bend Ohice. Farquhar nt. President SI ON DOW Vice -fres. FRANK,D, CONNELL DIRECTOR ANGUS SIN t AIR, J. ..A.LLISOi•1, ROX3T. NO IS, L I3ROCI,k A. EN►. JOHN ESSERY, .en 'alfa, Agent foci Uiiberne a d ' e iddulph OLIVER tIARRis, Iunro, Agent Cee litbbert, Fullerton anti Logan 'iW.. 'It\ ITULL Secrex'11]� ta ry-Treasurer 13oit 98, Exeter, Ontario GLADMAN" & STA;1rftI x Solicit'bra, Exeter 011ie E,3 rier t►riitiro-. , IUntat Established 1873 and 1887 Published every Thursday morning., at Exeter, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION—$2.00 per year ill advance, RATES—Farm or Real Estate for sale 50e, each insertion for riot four insertions. 25c. each sub -s-• anent insertion. Miscellaneous awtr- ticles, To hent, Wanted, Lost, or Found 1.0e. per line of six words., Reading notices 10c. per line... Card of Thanks 50e, Legal ad- vertising 12 and 8c. per line. In Memoriam, with one verse 50e. extra Verses 25c. each. Aft:Luber of The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association, Professional Car. GLAUMAN & STA ►, : URY, BAREISTE ; , SOLI: TORS, &c. Money to.Lo n, In stments Made, sunee Safe -Deposit It for use of of f Clients thout charge EXETER LONDON SALL, CARLI G & MLEY, BARRISTE , SOT ITORS, *e LOANS, IN STMENTS. IN ANCE Office: Carling Block, Main St EXETER, ONT. Dr.:.G..SS At inson, L. s..' :;i :'D.S.. 1D3N IAL SIM r • ON Late District ental r ricer of Militia District Nu . bor 0 . London, Ont. Closed all d y W a nesclay until the - 1S t tie1St o eptember ephones Office 34w House MAIN ST., EXETER, ONT Dr. C. F. Roulst DEQ Office over C Law ice n, L.D. IST rim EXET ONT. Morley DR. E. S. STEINE VETERINARY SURG Graduate of the Col DAY AN CALLS PROMPTL ntario ge HT N eterinarx TENDED Tor Corner, -oef Main d Ann Street', Office in C. B. Snell's Block EXETER, ONT. JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTIC OSTE r! ATNF' 4041 ELECTRO-TIIEPIPY ULTRA- ' • VIOLET 1 A'r:' 'NTS PHO MAIN ST., ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTION For Huron a d Mick] sex ' FARM SALES r SP e IALTY PRICES R Dt. S ,iABLE SATIS1'ACTION ` x`ARANTEED Phone 57-1 )asli wood R. R. NO. 1, DASIIWOOD 4 "' • FRANK T YLOR LICENSED ALT ;TIONNE For Huron an(Midd FARM SALES. Prices Reasonable Guaraii"ed EXETER P. O. or RING 130 sex IALTY trSatisfacti'am. OSCAR KLOPP LICENSED AtCTIONE Honor Graduat ` Carey J f`es' Atte- Lion School. Spe al co a takes in Registered Live `tock all breeds,), Merchandise, Re tate, Farm Sales, Etc. Rate i `keeping with prevailing prices, atis lac tion as- sured, write Oscar }ilopp, Zurfc or phone 18-03, Zurich, Ont. THE Ontario Equ abs its •" Watch for out' - Ligl Louse” • Represer C. J. t N +,XETEit -:- ONTARIO Phone 243 SAVE NONE By BUY1 SHIN NOW ` 2x4 .Pi e. Sdatitl' g for Colony houses,en es or other building at $ ,.Ol} per M. FERTI ' ZE at lowest prices. A J. CLATWORTIIY Photic 12 GRA:NTON, O�NTARXO