HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-09-19, Page 5e�+ !DR. R. L P. DO Henor graduate o Medicine, and aste the University 3Viember of C ,and Surgeons. two doors east f le 0 ALL Faculty of Of .Science, of stern Ontario. of Physicians Ontario, Office Post Office. HENSALL, ONT, >I'hone 1S6 l ; •sidence 114 DR. J. A. Mc Specialize HEN Felep).zone 106• ART, L. D. $, Plate Work. A., Oi ' '. Main Street D. H. Mc NES Chimp rtor El taro ' hernpist M . cur �,of Clinton, .Inertial Hot day and Fr 10 a.m. to calls attend 11 visit. Hensall Com- a Monday, Wednes- of each week from en. County and town to• ;CONSERVATIVES OF S. HURON TO NOMINATE ON SEPTEMBER 23rc1.. South Huron Conservatives will aneet to select a candicTiite for the Legislature ,on Monday, 'September 23rd. The coTivention will be held in Hensall at 2 p.m. This was de- ridecl at a largely attended and en- thusiastic executive meeting held in Hansell on Monday evening. 'It was the most representative executive meeting for years. It was presided over by Col. H. B. Combo, of Clinton, president of the associa- tion. TILE EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE V i JJitSPAX, fil e' l&1MHOlIM 0,. '29 CREDIT.ON 1jr, Freeman Merle* is agent for the Times -Advocate at Crediton. Any items of news, subscriptions, adver- tising or job wont left with flim will be appreciated. Mrs, S. Gnaws, of Toronto, •is visiting with her sister Mrs. Chris, Hoffman. Miss Inez Feltner wilt the week- end at London with her aunt Mks. W. J. Mallett. Mr, Ed. Falltter, Misses, Dorothy and Carrie spent a day in London at the Western Fair. Messrs. Gordon and Freeman Heist, of Pelham, spent Sunday with relatives and friends. Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Watson and family, .of Medford spent the week- end with Mrs. Mary Feist. Mr, and Ms, Wilson Anderson are visiting for a few days with their sou Mr, Chas, Anderson in Exeter, . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis spent Sunday with the former's brother Mr. Helton Lewis near Brinsley. * Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Benedict and 1 son Gordon of Kitchener, spent Sun- day with Mr. Claris, Hoffman and Lantily, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Heatllerley, of London, sent Sunday with the a lat- ter's parents Air, and lVfrs, Henry 112otz, • Miss Verda Hoffman and Miss M. Benedict, of Kitchener, attended the Hoffman -Siebert nuptials on ,Satur- day in Zurich, Mr. S. J. Finkbeiner and deugh- s ters Shirley and Maxine, spent a feW y days with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mal- lett in London. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Doupe and daughter' Shirley, Miss Ella Sanders and Miss Rae Hedden spent Sunday with Mrs. J. Cockwell. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M. Hill and e daughter Esther, of Port Huron have returned home after spending the past week with Mr. •ancl Mrs. Rich. Hill. Mr. Chas. Hoffman and sister Ver - da were in Kitchener on Friday where the former rendered two pleasing solos in a concert the same night, Tho special service ofa last Sun- days evening brought out a larger e congregation than usual at the Evan- s .gelical church. Clara Geiser and Marguerite Lamport gave brief re- ports on the Assembly of Religious Education which was held at Kit e chener. Reports were full of health- ful thoughts for the Christian work- erY and were well. received. Mr. Fred Feist, student from North Central College, Naperville, Ill., gave :a noted '• sacred reading. The able manner in which it was delivered and the sacredness of it kept rapt attention until the -last word. The anthem by the choir and the four -hand piano selection by Miss. Addeleen Geiser. and Miss Ruby Finkbeiner added much to the interest and blessing of the service. . , The Sr. E.L.C.E. will enjoy an outdoor social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Finkbeiner next Friday evening at the usual League liour all young people of the church are invited and a pro- gram of sports will be put on. S, S. Rally will be held on Sep- tember 29th. There will be a brief program in the session. Promotions will also take place and some change of teachers and classes. Sup-. erintendent Aniy, has the work in llatld. eve The Crediton Women's Institute was entertained at %wicker's cot- tage Grand Bend on Monday after- noon with an attendance of thirty- six. The meeting opened with the president Mrs. H. Young in the chair The Institute Ode was sung and the Lord's prayer repeated in unison which constituted the preliminary devotion. The roll -call was made interesting by each member respond- ing with a pante of a Canadian weed. In the business session it was de- cided that the Institute conduct a booth in connection with the Credi- ton School Fair and a school concert in the evening. i\lisa Violet Voehlk- er sang "There is a Garden." In the presentation to Mrs. J. H. Holtz- inatln the address was read by Mrs. Emmery Fahner ..and the Institute gift presented by Mrs. T. Treve- thick. The recipient responded! by appropriate words. A reading en- titled "Many Lamps" was given by Mrs, C. Heist, Current events were given by 'Ms's. D. Molsaac. Re- freshments were served by the fol- lowing hostesses: Mrs. Orale, Mra. Nestle, Mrs. Goettinger and. Mee. Telfer, A vote of thanks was tend ered<.,Mrs. Zwicker for the privilege o'{"' 11o1ding the Institute at the cot- tage; also to the hostesses• for their service. vim) FORD IiE'1'`L1;NTNG Mie; Fred Ford, of Clinton, was nominated for Returning officer for the coiling Provincial Election, Mr. Ford is a returned man and will make a splendid returning officer. The Hensall news has been crowd elk out this week. The report of the Hensel' ,School Fele will be found o. another page. ItHIVA • A large number tram here attend- ed London Fair lest week. Mr.• and Mrs. ,I7 Hanover and kris Florence Hanover spent last Sunda.. in Goderieh, ' Miss Erna Neeb, of Exeter, is vis- iting her parents at the present time Mr, Wzn. Witzel Spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Lam- pert in Crediton. Mr. Wnl. - Barry returned home last week from the West where 11 spent the past month visiting his brother who is in poor health. GOAT MISTAKEN ° 1'O.: MOOSE i3L'T Gl N REFUSES TO DISCHARGE While out on a jak-rabbit hunt recently a billy goat on the farm o Mr, John- Dietrich, of Shipka, was mistaken for a moose. One of the hunters raised his gun and took steady aim but, the gun refused to discharge. Looking at an elderly man th other day who hacl not made a ver good job of shaving, a youngster said, "What are you trying to do? Grow a moustache under your chin "It's your turn to have. Mother . . . „ " ONOUR thy father and thy other." Most of us remember the comm `i dment but in later life when we become fathe and mothers ourselves we are apt to consider a responsibil- ity for our,own, parents' upkeep ry . it bfa burden... Cases are not rare where fa jly quarrels have, arisen because children doe',' want'mother or father unloaded on them fo so many months each year. Well, do "•u, yourself, wa t to be in this posi- tion when ou will have b ome old? Certainly no ! Then prey :=`` t it, so far as lies in your power, : y setting as e a part of your earn- ings now, so tl at, when t > time comes, you will not need to sa• ifice you self-respect by becom- ing a burden t your ch' dren. • Write for particul•;; s of the Bond guaranteeing regula the booklet entitle•. "Your describes it fully. onfederation Life Pension monthly income. Ask for Key to Happiness" which. Confed' ttion Life lation Head office: TORONTO I . DI:I,BIliDGE Local Agene EXETER, The''one touch ,needed to' moderniixe, the deal old home PPDWCOD 0 i 0, , : aI , ,„,, %/X' ,(Y6' ix -re , 2' r xxL% �, gyp►' I I li alai �. f I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIII IIIIIIIIN IIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IiIIIIIIIIIIIiII .i.l l II I I Ilillll I D. i i ° Estimatcsgadly furnished for any job, in any G ode of Seatnaat-trent Oak, Mapte'or.Birch i I��IfIIIliIiillflllllLilllliltliililN{IfiI�IIINiIIiIiIillilliilillfllNlllllllillli(Il1llllllflll(III111I11111110111111 ELIMVILLE 1Vlrs, Rich. Johns spent a few days recently visiting friends in London. Mrs. Chas. Godbolt accompanied by his sister Mra. Bert O'Brien, to 'London and will stay with her a feW days after she undergoes an opera- tion on Tuesday. Mrs. Will johns Is still Confined to her bed. Mrs, Mitchell, of Exeter is attending her. Her friends hope she will soon recover. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Elford and childrete were in 'tetlburzt last Sun- day visiting relati•'es. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Pym° yis.itecl friends in London en Sunday. 'Mlss Helen Joltrtstair returned With them and will visit here for a few clays, 1tev. LeRoy ,White, lVTr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns and Mr. Richard Tolins attended the funeral ei the°late Rev. John Ball from London to Dieter cemetery last Thursday* 3SJlirnv1llti congregation was well. retireeented at Main St. 0100'01: in Neter last Sunday evening hearing• tivltlt int'.ereet the addresses of ltov, S far1ing and wife, rnigs,ionaries fi dpi China oti ftir'luogh, who will soon re-. tarn, OASIIWOOD Dr. H. H. Cowen... , L . , D.D.S. pmiTA14 bU EON .At .office in' Ila °:eib Meek,. Dash - Wood, firstrhre ; days of week and at office er • e Post Office, .in 'Zurich, la= ee days et week, Miss Tl `= Ina I!aIsle is visiting at the' I.pper'was11 Beach hotel with Miss Erna Fisher, Dashwood Evangelical church will hold their annual Fowl Supper 011- Wednesday, nWednesday, October 160. 1Afr” J. Wilfong, chairman. Miss Florence Guenther has re- turned after spending a few weeks with relatives in Windsor. Mr, anal Mrs. Geo. Edigboffer and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Edighoffer, of Mitchell, were Sunday visitors in the village. Mr, Frank Baumgarten, of the West visited Itis parents last week. Dashwood Band will furuisll the music at Thedford Fair on Friday. Miss Edna Fisher has returned to Ipperwash Beach Hotel after spend- ing a week at her home in Dash- wood. Mi', and Mrs. F. O. Wilds are leaving Saturday to spend the fall and winter in Pasadena, California.. Mr. and Mrs. Wilds are taking the train to Chicago and will be joined from there they will motor to the there by Mrs. Wilds' i sister and the latter's son-in-law and daughter and Sunny ,state taking along with them a camping outfit so as to make the trip by leisurely stages and enjoy as much of the scenery as possible., They will make the trip through Yellowstone Park. GREENWAY Next Sunday at 2:45 Mrs. (Rev.) J. F. Sutcliffe,. of Kerwoodi will preach in the United church on be- half of the Women's Missionary So- ciety. AU members and adherents are especially invited to be present. Mrs. G. Hutchinson and children and Mr. and Mrs. L. Finkbeiner of Shipka were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brophey on' Sunday. Mr. Claude Fallis left last Wed- nesday for his home in California, after spending the summer with his sister Mrs. Lloyd Brophey. Mrs. Leinenger, of Pontiac has been visiting her sister Mrs. James Rock. A, large number of our citizens at- tended London Fair last week. Their many friends will regret to learn that Howard Isaac is ill with Diptheria and his sister Vera Isaac ie in Victoria Hospital where she successfully underwent an operation for appendicitis. Everyone wishes them both a speedy recovery. Our community was well repre- sented at the Grand Bend school fair last Friday. Mien Ruby Brown was the fortunate winner of the sil- ver cup. We extend congratula- tions. Miss Taylor, Miss Jennison and and Miss Kelso, of Grand Bend vis- ited Miss Mae Wilson last Tuesday evening: airs. C. Wareham, of Toronto, and Mrs. Eagleson, of Sarnia, .visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Ma- son. The "Buds of Promise" class In the United church school islet at the home of Miss Ella Jones last Mon- day far an ice cream social and also elected the following officers, Teacher, Mrs. Frank Steeper; II. Pres., Mrs. Coiling; Pres., Newton McGregor; Vice -Pres., Erma Good - hand; Secretary, Grace Sheppard; Treas., O11a Jones; Organist, Muriel Steeper; Program Cont., Ruby Young Olive Brown, George Chapman, C. Bebby, R. Fetes, R. Brunswick; So- cial Com., Elsie Sheppard, Ilene Ea- gleson, Hazel Quick, Miss Nellie Brophey, of Parkhill, visited here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 'M. Morley, of St. Thomas, visited Mr. and Mrs. Hutch- inson over the week -end. HARPLEY alis. Mos. Carrothers, of Sarnia, is visiting at the :borne of her brother-in-law Mr: Jos. Carruthers Sr, We congratulate Miss Ruby Brown et our school No. 10 Stephen, who won the Eaton Silver Cup at Grand Bend ,School Fair on Friday. Among those who attended West- ern Fair front around here were: Me. Loyld Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. I. Regard and family, Mr. and Mrs, C. Love and Morley, Mr. and Mrs. W. Love, Ruth and Helen, .Mrs. A. Rid- ley, Mr. and Mrs. David Eagleson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eagleson, Miss O. Corbett, Miss I. Hayter, 1Vilsses Le- one and. ,Olive Eagleson, Miss Nola. Hodgins, Mr. Hugh Love, Messers,. Paul and Willie Eagleson. ' AtTUMN IS CANADA'S TRAVk L - TIMI] :Gravel takes on new joys in Autumn. The days ttrnot too warns, The niglrts ar refreshing- ly cool. Scenery look- different too. Trees and liege a'• lavish. with 1 r.hillside Is a : in i col Lv 1 til tt b t Y riot of red , yell s, greens and browns. Now is a goo time to see the M. ritirnes an Q • bee ---or the High- lands of Ontr to' or Jasper Nation- al Park end e Pacific Coast, Take your clubs al, —you'll meet ideal golfing weather:':wherever you go. Detailed 'information will be Med- ler stlrlled 1 v atty A& ent of 'Cana- dian Nattaual Trailways. -16.2te.. C':NTRALIA. Mrs. Geo. I3aynhallz ,Sr. visited in "reroute last week with Ler son 'Altai - well I3ayzlham. Mr. Truman Mills, who leas been relieving in Ilanlilton, was home for a few days and ltas been ta'ansferr- ed to Iingscaurt Junction. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Powe and son Teddy, et Whitby, spent elle week- end with the former's parents Mr. a11d Mrs. Arthur Brooks. Miss Ada Mitchell, R.N., is holi- daying with her parents Mr. ,anJ Mrs. Mennen Mitehell, Mrs. Single, of Highgate, is visit- ing with her .daughter Mrs. L. 13. Hodgson, !Miss Ie. Clarke spent the week -end et her home in Goderieh, Mr. Cecil Hodgson, of Toronto, spent Sunday at his home. Mr, and Mrs. A. Peebles, of Wing- liam, spel1t the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. G. O. 'Thompsonn. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Essery, of Lon- don, spent Sunday with their daugh- ter M'r's. W. J. Dobbs. 'Miss Sambrook, of Toronto, is vis- iting with her aunt and uncle 11r, and Mrs. Harry Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Miles McCabe spent Sunday with relatives in Strathroy. Mr. J. Brooks, of Winnipeg, visit- ed last week with Mr. and Mrs. Dan- iel Hodgson. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Harrison, of Detroit, called on the termer's sister Mrs. Wm. Ford, on Sunday, Mrs. IIess is visiting with her daughter Mrs. Gordon Wilson• Mr. and Mrs, Earl Hodgson and family and A2rs. a Hodgson's mother Mrs. Brown, of Chathain, are visit- ing with the former's parents Mr, and Mrs. Daniel Hodgson, Miss Mildred Mitchell was the guest of Miss Olive. Sheppard al Parkhill for tile week -end. lVtr. and Mrs. John Pollard. and Greta spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Percy Nichols at Parkhill, Mrs, John Essery is visiting in London this weeic. Miss Helen Hicks, of Victoria Hospital, London, was home for a few clays last week. KIRKTON Pie. and Mrs. John Sinclair, of De- troit, and Miss Crawford, of Toron- to, were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hazlewood. Miss Dorothy Brown, of Grand Bend, is visiting at the home of Mrs. Truman Tuft. Mrs. Wm. McKenna and Miss Sells, of London, spent the week at the home of Mrs, S. Shier. Mr. Clarence Routly attended the Laymen's Convention in St. Thomas on Saturday. 1Vfr. and Mrs. 1Vrclsaac, of Credit- on spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. David Goulding. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Doupe, of Lon- don, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Adam E. Doupe. Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, of Comber, Mr. and 14frs. Thos. 7Jaison and daughter, of Wiarton and Miss Pletclt, of Walkerton, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Routly. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Marshall, Miss Thelma Marshall and Mr. and Mrs. Silas Shier left on Monday on a.nio- for trip to Toronto and. Brockville. Mrs. Roy Brock is at present un- der tate doctor's care. 'We hope to see her around again soon. el large number front here attend- ed the London Fair last week, LOCAL NEWS Mr. Leslie Robinson, of Usborne, has purchased a new McCormick - Deering tractor. Several showers have fallen during the past week and conditions all through the community are greatly unproved. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Brooks and dau- ghters, of Parry Sound are visiting Mrs. Brooks' uncle and aunt Mr.' and Mrs. Jas. O'Brien of Andrew St. Mrs, Downie last week had the pleasure of entertaining her son Mr, Jas. Downie, and his wife of Saska- toon, where Mr. Downie has a good position. On Thursday morning of last week what might have een a serious acci- dent happened on the farm of Mr. Samuel Jory, of Stephen. His -sou, Leland was driving a team of horses on the roller and his younger bro- ther Clifford was also riding on the roller when something broke which frightened the horses and they ran away. Leland was thrown 'from the roller which ran over one foot .bruis- ing it and he was confined to the house for several days in consequence Clifford rolled off the roller back- wards escaping unhurt, Mr. Jory was in the field at the time and stopped the team. . AUTO ACCIDENT An auto accident took place on the Thames Road near Farquhar early refortclay evening In which Mrs. Ada James, of Grand Rapids, Miele, had practically every bone in her left hand fractured including the fingers and thumb. me accident is believ- ed to have been caused by'loose gra- vel. The sedan, of which Mrs. James was driver, • skidded into the •ditch. and, turning turtle, pinned the three oeetipants inside. Tltey were egtti- sated with sone difficulty, ,but the driver was the only ientb i to sea, taut more than minor cats' •ttiitl brttisos. Dr. I. G. Dunlop, of tee- ter, was Called and after first aid tteatri'etit at the seene of the 11ecl- detlt, took i1 Ti' , Settee to Victoria ltos'iiltal, Loudon. Despite severe latieifatierie of thee hand as well tis tion items ,fraactures, 11 iwe' el y' •. the irati ht wilt -11ot loose` the member. 1VT t .it rs.Jazies also' sustained minor cut glad bruises and suffers se 'erely from tie& Earewef . to .Rev* and. Mrs, Jones Rev. Walter Jones, w110for the past two .and a half year has been. the Rector of Trivitt Meinoria:l Murcia has severed his oonztectiele and with alis wife and fatally of two little sons will leave this week for their new ,parisli in Itidgetown, OIL Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Jones were honored *by the congregation, when they were made the .recipients. of :a Handsome club bag anti a beaut- iful electrie floor lamp. The occas- ion wee the reopening meeting of the .t1,.Y.I'.A. following the summer months :and the installation of the newly elected officers. Following the installation Mx'. 11f. W. .Pfaff called Mr. and Mrs. Jones to the front and read an Address which is printed below. The presentation of a club bag to Mr. Jones was made by Mr. Jae, Stanlalce and the floor lamp to Mrs. Jones by Miss Fish, Mr. Jones:;, in a very feeling manner ex- pressed his appreciation and spoke of the pleasant tunes he and his fanc- ily had enjoyed in the 'work of the church and in the Community, He thanked tlio members of the A.Y.P. A, and of the cburcii for their kind expression ik and mentioned that the work especially with the. young people had not only been a duty but a pleasure. :sirs. Jones also express- ed her thanks and appreciation for the kind remembrance. During their stay in Exeter Mr. and Mrs, Jones have made many friends. Idr. Jones possesses •a very congenial disposition and has beelz particularly ,successful in his work amongst the young people, as n% has always maintained a deep in- terest in their spiritual welfare. The best wishes of many friends will follow them to their new field of labor. At the close of the program, a dainty lunch was served and a so- cial hour enjoyed after which .all bid good bye and extended best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Jonos. The newly elected officers of the A. Y. P. A. are; President, Sydney West; Vice -President, bliss Amelia. Aehe,son; Secretary Harry Jennings Jr.; Treasurer, Miss Florence West. The convenors of committee were as follows: Missionary IVriss Stella Dearing; Literary, Wm. C. Davis; Visiting Corn., Miss Marjorie Com- plin; Social, Mrs. M. W. Pfaff. It was decided to hold a contest the contest to end the end of October, the loosing side to provide a ban- quet. The captains are Mists Edith Walters assisted by Wm. Davis, Ed- ward Ward. lassisted by Miss Marjor- ie Complin. 1VIr. Edward Moyle ona behalf of the A.Y,P.A. extended a hearty vote of thanks to Mr. Junes for his unfailing devotion to the cause. The next meeting of the A. Y. P. A. will be held on October 1st. Following is the address,— Dear Mr. and Mrs. Jones We are gathered together here on this, your last evening with us to bid you farewell and to wish you God speed in your new field of labor. During your sojourn with us, you have won the esteem of tiffany friends by your kindly manner and genial dispositions. The best wishes of these friends will accompany you to your new charge. We have always found you to be willing workers, sincere in all your doings and de- voted to your duty and your sacred trust. Your stay amongst us has. been a very happy one and we re- gret that you are leaving us, but we cannot let you go without first expressing our appreciation of your services anal of your ministrations in this parish. •So as a memento of our esteem we ask you M'r, Jones to accept this bag and Mrs. Jones this lamp. May God abundantly bless you both. Signed on behalf of the vestry of Trivitt Memorial Church. M. W. Pfaff Jas. Stanlake TaT Wardens, RETURNED MLSSIONARIIIIIS S1'lti)AK IN alAIN ST. C1•ICRCE Dr. Geo. •W. Sperling and Mrs.. Sperling, of St. Marys, returned Mis- sionaries, were in Main R. United .-, church Sunday eveiningboth of' whom addressed the congregation. Dr. and Mrs. Sperling are connected with the West China Missions of the United church and Dr. Sperling was one of five men who stayed in China for five years during the recent up- rising. Dr. sand Mrs. Sperling will again return to China in November. Dr. Snarling states that China has emeeged from her civil war with a greater respect than ever for the• Christian church. The persecution of the church and of the mission- aries has had the effect 'of adver- tising missions and of increasing the faith of the Chinese in missionary work. During the five years of the uprising Dr, Sperling Went through some very strenous tines and had l aitany thrilling experiences, provions to Mr. 'Snarling s address Mrs. Snarl- ing. par1-inggave .a short t.ddress.. Miss M. °" F0llicltand Mrs. Edna leatssSang' ,, a (Nett and Mrs. hearts sang a 'solo, both being 111tielt appreciated.. ' alt' iuV; GGT- '3WJ[TZEl Walnut ries. Valera, the 'ktoitta ' :Mr. and lVT21i $` O. Switzer, ,fit„ Mai 'g wag the Seen)* •b2 It pretty Wedding recetttlea: 'Vete'r''theit daughter 0,13a Mary {trace„ 'vss. Wilted.Iii *Ariake to Detirge I::irw!a ]M'C'i'.4ni at o e � { sa�iizxgx. ria Lr`. ttha s ,t Witinflt+et. r gd1001 474 OUT ntgrCg. CLINTON,: O AIM OFFERS YOU A PRACTICBUSINESS TRAINING tat has made it possible for o scores of students. to obtain and hold positions emending 4.111 standard of efficiezrcy, VIER IS A POS ION WAITING FbIt XOU • Coarses; 'Sece'e ' riga, Omn tercial, Stenogrepilie, General Office, Civil %era" •e, Comet ;del ¶$'tethers' Courses .and. Special Courses or anged, t You cannot att nd a b.ter school, Why not attend this? SCHOO 0 ,NS SEPTEMBER 3rd, 19•29 W to -day for Information. Phone 108 M. A, STONE, .' 13. F. WARD, B.A.. • Com, Spe allot, dace -Principal • Principal !DR. R. L P. DO Henor graduate o Medicine, and aste the University 3Viember of C ,and Surgeons. two doors east f le 0 ALL Faculty of Of .Science, of stern Ontario. of Physicians Ontario, Office Post Office. HENSALL, ONT, >I'hone 1S6 l ; •sidence 114 DR. J. A. Mc Specialize HEN Felep).zone 106• ART, L. D. $, Plate Work. A., Oi ' '. Main Street D. H. Mc NES Chimp rtor El taro ' hernpist M . cur �,of Clinton, .Inertial Hot day and Fr 10 a.m. to calls attend 11 visit. Hensall Com- a Monday, Wednes- of each week from en. County and town to• ;CONSERVATIVES OF S. HURON TO NOMINATE ON SEPTEMBER 23rc1.. South Huron Conservatives will aneet to select a candicTiite for the Legislature ,on Monday, 'September 23rd. The coTivention will be held in Hensall at 2 p.m. This was de- ridecl at a largely attended and en- thusiastic executive meeting held in Hansell on Monday evening. 'It was the most representative executive meeting for years. It was presided over by Col. H. B. Combo, of Clinton, president of the associa- tion. TILE EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE V i JJitSPAX, fil e' l&1MHOlIM 0,. '29 CREDIT.ON 1jr, Freeman Merle* is agent for the Times -Advocate at Crediton. Any items of news, subscriptions, adver- tising or job wont left with flim will be appreciated. Mrs, S. Gnaws, of Toronto, •is visiting with her sister Mrs. Chris, Hoffman. Miss Inez Feltner wilt the week- end at London with her aunt Mks. W. J. Mallett. Mr, Ed. Falltter, Misses, Dorothy and Carrie spent a day in London at the Western Fair. Messrs. Gordon and Freeman Heist, of Pelham, spent Sunday with relatives and friends. Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Watson and family, .of Medford spent the week- end with Mrs. Mary Feist. Mr, and Ms, Wilson Anderson are visiting for a few days with their sou Mr, Chas, Anderson in Exeter, . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis spent Sunday with the former's brother Mr. Helton Lewis near Brinsley. * Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Benedict and 1 son Gordon of Kitchener, spent Sun- day with Mr. Claris, Hoffman and Lantily, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Heatllerley, of London, sent Sunday with the a lat- ter's parents Air, and lVfrs, Henry 112otz, • Miss Verda Hoffman and Miss M. Benedict, of Kitchener, attended the Hoffman -Siebert nuptials on ,Satur- day in Zurich, Mr. S. J. Finkbeiner and deugh- s ters Shirley and Maxine, spent a feW y days with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mal- lett in London. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Doupe and daughter' Shirley, Miss Ella Sanders and Miss Rae Hedden spent Sunday with Mrs. J. Cockwell. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M. Hill and e daughter Esther, of Port Huron have returned home after spending the past week with Mr. •ancl Mrs. Rich. Hill. Mr. Chas. Hoffman and sister Ver - da were in Kitchener on Friday where the former rendered two pleasing solos in a concert the same night, Tho special service ofa last Sun- days evening brought out a larger e congregation than usual at the Evan- s .gelical church. Clara Geiser and Marguerite Lamport gave brief re- ports on the Assembly of Religious Education which was held at Kit e chener. Reports were full of health- ful thoughts for the Christian work- erY and were well. received. Mr. Fred Feist, student from North Central College, Naperville, Ill., gave :a noted '• sacred reading. The able manner in which it was delivered and the sacredness of it kept rapt attention until the -last word. The anthem by the choir and the four -hand piano selection by Miss. Addeleen Geiser. and Miss Ruby Finkbeiner added much to the interest and blessing of the service. . , The Sr. E.L.C.E. will enjoy an outdoor social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Finkbeiner next Friday evening at the usual League liour all young people of the church are invited and a pro- gram of sports will be put on. S, S. Rally will be held on Sep- tember 29th. There will be a brief program in the session. Promotions will also take place and some change of teachers and classes. Sup-. erintendent Aniy, has the work in llatld. eve The Crediton Women's Institute was entertained at %wicker's cot- tage Grand Bend on Monday after- noon with an attendance of thirty- six. The meeting opened with the president Mrs. H. Young in the chair The Institute Ode was sung and the Lord's prayer repeated in unison which constituted the preliminary devotion. The roll -call was made interesting by each member respond- ing with a pante of a Canadian weed. In the business session it was de- cided that the Institute conduct a booth in connection with the Credi- ton School Fair and a school concert in the evening. i\lisa Violet Voehlk- er sang "There is a Garden." In the presentation to Mrs. J. H. Holtz- inatln the address was read by Mrs. Emmery Fahner ..and the Institute gift presented by Mrs. T. Treve- thick. The recipient responded! by appropriate words. A reading en- titled "Many Lamps" was given by Mrs, C. Heist, Current events were given by 'Ms's. D. Molsaac. Re- freshments were served by the fol- lowing hostesses: Mrs. Orale, Mra. Nestle, Mrs. Goettinger and. Mee. Telfer, A vote of thanks was tend ered<.,Mrs. Zwicker for the privilege o'{"' 11o1ding the Institute at the cot- tage; also to the hostesses• for their service. vim) FORD IiE'1'`L1;NTNG Mie; Fred Ford, of Clinton, was nominated for Returning officer for the coiling Provincial Election, Mr. Ford is a returned man and will make a splendid returning officer. The Hensall news has been crowd elk out this week. The report of the Hensel' ,School Fele will be found o. another page. ItHIVA • A large number tram here attend- ed London Fair lest week. Mr.• and Mrs. ,I7 Hanover and kris Florence Hanover spent last Sunda.. in Goderieh, ' Miss Erna Neeb, of Exeter, is vis- iting her parents at the present time Mr, Wzn. Witzel Spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Lam- pert in Crediton. Mr. Wnl. - Barry returned home last week from the West where 11 spent the past month visiting his brother who is in poor health. GOAT MISTAKEN ° 1'O.: MOOSE i3L'T Gl N REFUSES TO DISCHARGE While out on a jak-rabbit hunt recently a billy goat on the farm o Mr, John- Dietrich, of Shipka, was mistaken for a moose. One of the hunters raised his gun and took steady aim but, the gun refused to discharge. Looking at an elderly man th other day who hacl not made a ver good job of shaving, a youngster said, "What are you trying to do? Grow a moustache under your chin "It's your turn to have. Mother . . . „ " ONOUR thy father and thy other." Most of us remember the comm `i dment but in later life when we become fathe and mothers ourselves we are apt to consider a responsibil- ity for our,own, parents' upkeep ry . it bfa burden... Cases are not rare where fa jly quarrels have, arisen because children doe',' want'mother or father unloaded on them fo so many months each year. Well, do "•u, yourself, wa t to be in this posi- tion when ou will have b ome old? Certainly no ! Then prey :=`` t it, so far as lies in your power, : y setting as e a part of your earn- ings now, so tl at, when t > time comes, you will not need to sa• ifice you self-respect by becom- ing a burden t your ch' dren. • Write for particul•;; s of the Bond guaranteeing regula the booklet entitle•. "Your describes it fully. onfederation Life Pension monthly income. Ask for Key to Happiness" which. Confed' ttion Life lation Head office: TORONTO I . DI:I,BIliDGE Local Agene EXETER, The''one touch ,needed to' moderniixe, the deal old home PPDWCOD 0 i 0, , : aI , ,„,, %/X' ,(Y6' ix -re , 2' r xxL% �, gyp►' I I li alai �. f I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIII IIIIIIIIN IIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IiIIIIIIIIIIIiII .i.l l II I I Ilillll I D. i i ° Estimatcsgadly furnished for any job, in any G ode of Seatnaat-trent Oak, Mapte'or.Birch i I��IfIIIliIiillflllllLilllliltliililN{IfiI�IIINiIIiIiIillilliilillfllNlllllllillli(Il1llllllflll(III111I11111110111111 ELIMVILLE 1Vlrs, Rich. Johns spent a few days recently visiting friends in London. Mrs. Chas. Godbolt accompanied by his sister Mra. Bert O'Brien, to 'London and will stay with her a feW days after she undergoes an opera- tion on Tuesday. Mrs. Will johns Is still Confined to her bed. Mrs, Mitchell, of Exeter is attending her. Her friends hope she will soon recover. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Elford and childrete were in 'tetlburzt last Sun- day visiting relati•'es. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Pym° yis.itecl friends in London en Sunday. 'Mlss Helen Joltrtstair returned With them and will visit here for a few clays, 1tev. LeRoy ,White, lVTr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns and Mr. Richard Tolins attended the funeral ei the°late Rev. John Ball from London to Dieter cemetery last Thursday* 3SJlirnv1llti congregation was well. retireeented at Main St. 0100'01: in Neter last Sunday evening hearing• tivltlt int'.ereet the addresses of ltov, S far1ing and wife, rnigs,ionaries fi dpi China oti ftir'luogh, who will soon re-. tarn, OASIIWOOD Dr. H. H. Cowen... , L . , D.D.S. pmiTA14 bU EON .At .office in' Ila °:eib Meek,. Dash - Wood, firstrhre ; days of week and at office er • e Post Office, .in 'Zurich, la= ee days et week, Miss Tl `= Ina I!aIsle is visiting at the' I.pper'was11 Beach hotel with Miss Erna Fisher, Dashwood Evangelical church will hold their annual Fowl Supper 011- Wednesday, nWednesday, October 160. 1Afr” J. Wilfong, chairman. Miss Florence Guenther has re- turned after spending a few weeks with relatives in Windsor. Mr, anal Mrs. Geo. Edigboffer and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Edighoffer, of Mitchell, were Sunday visitors in the village. Mr, Frank Baumgarten, of the West visited Itis parents last week. Dashwood Band will furuisll the music at Thedford Fair on Friday. Miss Edna Fisher has returned to Ipperwash Beach Hotel after spend- ing a week at her home in Dash- wood. Mi', and Mrs. F. O. Wilds are leaving Saturday to spend the fall and winter in Pasadena, California.. Mr. and Mrs. Wilds are taking the train to Chicago and will be joined from there they will motor to the there by Mrs. Wilds' i sister and the latter's son-in-law and daughter and Sunny ,state taking along with them a camping outfit so as to make the trip by leisurely stages and enjoy as much of the scenery as possible., They will make the trip through Yellowstone Park. GREENWAY Next Sunday at 2:45 Mrs. (Rev.) J. F. Sutcliffe,. of Kerwoodi will preach in the United church on be- half of the Women's Missionary So- ciety. AU members and adherents are especially invited to be present. Mrs. G. Hutchinson and children and Mr. and Mrs. L. Finkbeiner of Shipka were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brophey on' Sunday. Mr. Claude Fallis left last Wed- nesday for his home in California, after spending the summer with his sister Mrs. Lloyd Brophey. Mrs. Leinenger, of Pontiac has been visiting her sister Mrs. James Rock. A, large number of our citizens at- tended London Fair last week. Their many friends will regret to learn that Howard Isaac is ill with Diptheria and his sister Vera Isaac ie in Victoria Hospital where she successfully underwent an operation for appendicitis. Everyone wishes them both a speedy recovery. Our community was well repre- sented at the Grand Bend school fair last Friday. Mien Ruby Brown was the fortunate winner of the sil- ver cup. We extend congratula- tions. Miss Taylor, Miss Jennison and and Miss Kelso, of Grand Bend vis- ited Miss Mae Wilson last Tuesday evening: airs. C. Wareham, of Toronto, and Mrs. Eagleson, of Sarnia, .visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Ma- son. The "Buds of Promise" class In the United church school islet at the home of Miss Ella Jones last Mon- day far an ice cream social and also elected the following officers, Teacher, Mrs. Frank Steeper; II. Pres., Mrs. Coiling; Pres., Newton McGregor; Vice -Pres., Erma Good - hand; Secretary, Grace Sheppard; Treas., O11a Jones; Organist, Muriel Steeper; Program Cont., Ruby Young Olive Brown, George Chapman, C. Bebby, R. Fetes, R. Brunswick; So- cial Com., Elsie Sheppard, Ilene Ea- gleson, Hazel Quick, Miss Nellie Brophey, of Parkhill, visited here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 'M. Morley, of St. Thomas, visited Mr. and Mrs. Hutch- inson over the week -end. HARPLEY alis. Mos. Carrothers, of Sarnia, is visiting at the :borne of her brother-in-law Mr: Jos. Carruthers Sr, We congratulate Miss Ruby Brown et our school No. 10 Stephen, who won the Eaton Silver Cup at Grand Bend ,School Fair on Friday. Among those who attended West- ern Fair front around here were: Me. Loyld Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. I. Regard and family, Mr. and Mrs, C. Love and Morley, Mr. and Mrs. W. Love, Ruth and Helen, .Mrs. A. Rid- ley, Mr. and Mrs. David Eagleson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eagleson, Miss O. Corbett, Miss I. Hayter, 1Vilsses Le- one and. ,Olive Eagleson, Miss Nola. Hodgins, Mr. Hugh Love, Messers,. Paul and Willie Eagleson. ' AtTUMN IS CANADA'S TRAVk L - TIMI] :Gravel takes on new joys in Autumn. The days ttrnot too warns, The niglrts ar refreshing- ly cool. Scenery look- different too. Trees and liege a'• lavish. with 1 r.hillside Is a : in i col Lv 1 til tt b t Y riot of red , yell s, greens and browns. Now is a goo time to see the M. ritirnes an Q • bee ---or the High- lands of Ontr to' or Jasper Nation- al Park end e Pacific Coast, Take your clubs al, —you'll meet ideal golfing weather:':wherever you go. Detailed 'information will be Med- ler stlrlled 1 v atty A& ent of 'Cana- dian Nattaual Trailways. -16.2te.. C':NTRALIA. Mrs. Geo. I3aynhallz ,Sr. visited in "reroute last week with Ler son 'Altai - well I3ayzlham. Mr. Truman Mills, who leas been relieving in Ilanlilton, was home for a few days and ltas been ta'ansferr- ed to Iingscaurt Junction. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Powe and son Teddy, et Whitby, spent elle week- end with the former's parents Mr. a11d Mrs. Arthur Brooks. Miss Ada Mitchell, R.N., is holi- daying with her parents Mr. ,anJ Mrs. Mennen Mitehell, Mrs. Single, of Highgate, is visit- ing with her .daughter Mrs. L. 13. Hodgson, !Miss Ie. Clarke spent the week -end et her home in Goderieh, Mr. Cecil Hodgson, of Toronto, spent Sunday at his home. Mr, and Mrs. A. Peebles, of Wing- liam, spel1t the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. G. O. 'Thompsonn. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Essery, of Lon- don, spent Sunday with their daugh- ter M'r's. W. J. Dobbs. 'Miss Sambrook, of Toronto, is vis- iting with her aunt and uncle 11r, and Mrs. Harry Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Miles McCabe spent Sunday with relatives in Strathroy. Mr. J. Brooks, of Winnipeg, visit- ed last week with Mr. and Mrs. Dan- iel Hodgson. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Harrison, of Detroit, called on the termer's sister Mrs. Wm. Ford, on Sunday, Mrs. IIess is visiting with her daughter Mrs. Gordon Wilson• Mr. and Mrs, Earl Hodgson and family and A2rs. a Hodgson's mother Mrs. Brown, of Chathain, are visit- ing with the former's parents Mr, and Mrs. Daniel Hodgson, Miss Mildred Mitchell was the guest of Miss Olive. Sheppard al Parkhill for tile week -end. lVtr. and Mrs. John Pollard. and Greta spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Percy Nichols at Parkhill, Mrs, John Essery is visiting in London this weeic. Miss Helen Hicks, of Victoria Hospital, London, was home for a few clays last week. KIRKTON Pie. and Mrs. John Sinclair, of De- troit, and Miss Crawford, of Toron- to, were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hazlewood. Miss Dorothy Brown, of Grand Bend, is visiting at the home of Mrs. Truman Tuft. Mrs. Wm. McKenna and Miss Sells, of London, spent the week at the home of Mrs, S. Shier. Mr. Clarence Routly attended the Laymen's Convention in St. Thomas on Saturday. 1Vfr. and Mrs. 1Vrclsaac, of Credit- on spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. David Goulding. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Doupe, of Lon- don, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Adam E. Doupe. Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, of Comber, Mr. and 14frs. Thos. 7Jaison and daughter, of Wiarton and Miss Pletclt, of Walkerton, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Routly. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Marshall, Miss Thelma Marshall and Mr. and Mrs. Silas Shier left on Monday on a.nio- for trip to Toronto and. Brockville. Mrs. Roy Brock is at present un- der tate doctor's care. 'We hope to see her around again soon. el large number front here attend- ed the London Fair last week, LOCAL NEWS Mr. Leslie Robinson, of Usborne, has purchased a new McCormick - Deering tractor. Several showers have fallen during the past week and conditions all through the community are greatly unproved. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Brooks and dau- ghters, of Parry Sound are visiting Mrs. Brooks' uncle and aunt Mr.' and Mrs. Jas. O'Brien of Andrew St. Mrs, Downie last week had the pleasure of entertaining her son Mr, Jas. Downie, and his wife of Saska- toon, where Mr. Downie has a good position. On Thursday morning of last week what might have een a serious acci- dent happened on the farm of Mr. Samuel Jory, of Stephen. His -sou, Leland was driving a team of horses on the roller and his younger bro- ther Clifford was also riding on the roller when something broke which frightened the horses and they ran away. Leland was thrown 'from the roller which ran over one foot .bruis- ing it and he was confined to the house for several days in consequence Clifford rolled off the roller back- wards escaping unhurt, Mr. Jory was in the field at the time and stopped the team. . AUTO ACCIDENT An auto accident took place on the Thames Road near Farquhar early refortclay evening In which Mrs. Ada James, of Grand Rapids, Miele, had practically every bone in her left hand fractured including the fingers and thumb. me accident is believ- ed to have been caused by'loose gra- vel. The sedan, of which Mrs. James was driver, • skidded into the •ditch. and, turning turtle, pinned the three oeetipants inside. Tltey were egtti- sated with sone difficulty, ,but the driver was the only ientb i to sea, taut more than minor cats' •ttiitl brttisos. Dr. I. G. Dunlop, of tee- ter, was Called and after first aid tteatri'etit at the seene of the 11ecl- detlt, took i1 Ti' , Settee to Victoria ltos'iiltal, Loudon. Despite severe latieifatierie of thee hand as well tis tion items ,fraactures, 11 iwe' el y' •. the irati ht wilt -11ot loose` the member. 1VT t .it rs.Jazies also' sustained minor cut glad bruises and suffers se 'erely from tie& Earewef . to .Rev* and. Mrs, Jones Rev. Walter Jones, w110for the past two .and a half year has been. the Rector of Trivitt Meinoria:l Murcia has severed his oonztectiele and with alis wife and fatally of two little sons will leave this week for their new ,parisli in Itidgetown, OIL Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Jones were honored *by the congregation, when they were made the .recipients. of :a Handsome club bag anti a beaut- iful electrie floor lamp. The occas- ion wee the reopening meeting of the .t1,.Y.I'.A. following the summer months :and the installation of the newly elected officers. Following the installation Mx'. 11f. W. .Pfaff called Mr. and Mrs. Jones to the front and read an Address which is printed below. The presentation of a club bag to Mr. Jones was made by Mr. Jae, Stanlalce and the floor lamp to Mrs. Jones by Miss Fish, Mr. Jones:;, in a very feeling manner ex- pressed his appreciation and spoke of the pleasant tunes he and his fanc- ily had enjoyed in the 'work of the church and in the Community, He thanked tlio members of the A.Y.P. A, and of the cburcii for their kind expression ik and mentioned that the work especially with the. young people had not only been a duty but a pleasure. :sirs. Jones also express- ed her thanks and appreciation for the kind remembrance. During their stay in Exeter Mr. and Mrs, Jones have made many friends. Idr. Jones possesses •a very congenial disposition and has beelz particularly ,successful in his work amongst the young people, as n% has always maintained a deep in- terest in their spiritual welfare. The best wishes of many friends will follow them to their new field of labor. At the close of the program, a dainty lunch was served and a so- cial hour enjoyed after which .all bid good bye and extended best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Jonos. The newly elected officers of the A. Y. P. A. are; President, Sydney West; Vice -President, bliss Amelia. Aehe,son; Secretary Harry Jennings Jr.; Treasurer, Miss Florence West. The convenors of committee were as follows: Missionary IVriss Stella Dearing; Literary, Wm. C. Davis; Visiting Corn., Miss Marjorie Com- plin; Social, Mrs. M. W. Pfaff. It was decided to hold a contest the contest to end the end of October, the loosing side to provide a ban- quet. The captains are Mists Edith Walters assisted by Wm. Davis, Ed- ward Ward. lassisted by Miss Marjor- ie Complin. 1VIr. Edward Moyle ona behalf of the A.Y,P.A. extended a hearty vote of thanks to Mr. Junes for his unfailing devotion to the cause. The next meeting of the A. Y. P. A. will be held on October 1st. Following is the address,— Dear Mr. and Mrs. Jones We are gathered together here on this, your last evening with us to bid you farewell and to wish you God speed in your new field of labor. During your sojourn with us, you have won the esteem of tiffany friends by your kindly manner and genial dispositions. The best wishes of these friends will accompany you to your new charge. We have always found you to be willing workers, sincere in all your doings and de- voted to your duty and your sacred trust. Your stay amongst us has. been a very happy one and we re- gret that you are leaving us, but we cannot let you go without first expressing our appreciation of your services anal of your ministrations in this parish. •So as a memento of our esteem we ask you M'r, Jones to accept this bag and Mrs. Jones this lamp. May God abundantly bless you both. Signed on behalf of the vestry of Trivitt Memorial Church. M. W. Pfaff Jas. Stanlake TaT Wardens, RETURNED MLSSIONARIIIIIS S1'lti)AK IN alAIN ST. C1•ICRCE Dr. Geo. •W. Sperling and Mrs.. Sperling, of St. Marys, returned Mis- sionaries, were in Main R. United .-, church Sunday eveiningboth of' whom addressed the congregation. Dr. and Mrs. Sperling are connected with the West China Missions of the United church and Dr. Sperling was one of five men who stayed in China for five years during the recent up- rising. Dr. sand Mrs. Sperling will again return to China in November. Dr. Snarling states that China has emeeged from her civil war with a greater respect than ever for the• Christian church. The persecution of the church and of the mission- aries has had the effect 'of adver- tising missions and of increasing the faith of the Chinese in missionary work. During the five years of the uprising Dr, Sperling Went through some very strenous tines and had l aitany thrilling experiences, provions to Mr. 'Snarling s address Mrs. Snarl- ing. par1-inggave .a short t.ddress.. Miss M. °" F0llicltand Mrs. Edna leatssSang' ,, a (Nett and Mrs. hearts sang a 'solo, both being 111tielt appreciated.. ' alt' iuV; GGT- '3WJ[TZEl Walnut ries. Valera, the 'ktoitta ' :Mr. and lVT21i $` O. Switzer, ,fit„ Mai 'g wag the Seen)* •b2 It pretty Wedding recetttlea: 'Vete'r''theit daughter 0,13a Mary {trace„ 'vss. Wilted.Iii *Ariake to Detirge I::irw!a ]M'C'i'.4ni at o e � { sa�iizxgx. ria Lr`. ttha s ,t Witinflt+et. r