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.SI'PTk7:1Xoval 1i),
Exeter Fair
Cleo, Poilllale. J. Linden, ewe lalub,.
,los, Lindell,
(,Continued froul. one,)
Oxford 1)owns•-•-•,'Sbetirifna rani, S.
Pyne .& Soni rain lamb, S. 1'yni &
;Following1s tura 1rIze list:
Son 1st and 2nd; ewe, B. Pym .& Son
Ist and 2nd; shearling ewe, S. Pyilx
Son. 1st and mud; etre lamb, S.
General Purpose
Pym & Son let and «lid; best wether
Brood assess, accompanied by foal.
lazub, any breed, J. A. Alanson, R.
L. Roweliffe, N. Scott, Will. Hooper;
F. Pepper &Son.
Pee long sheep, R. F.
foal, L. Roweliffe, F. Pym, N, Scott;
Pepper & Son, Jos. Lindell.
3 -year-old, W. Decker, J. A. Manson
.& ,
Pen of short wool sheep, It, D,
-year-old, W. Decker, 2nd load 3rd;
hunter & Son, "i Pynl &Sou.
one-ye„ir-old, 1S'. Hopper, Ii. Koehler
Judge, Jas. Roy, R. 11. NO -5, 111tellell
team, W, Decker and 2nd; disploina.
14 Hog}
for best auinta,l any age, W. Decker;
t vu years
G, Miners; boar under Get(, year, G,
Brood mare, accompanied by foal,
Minors 18t and 2nd; sow, two years,
3\M, McTaggart: foal, M. )IcTaggart,
G. Miners; sow one year old, G.
J. W. Mathers, A. J. Lanipliter; 3-
;\'iiners; sow under one year, G.
year-old, W. Hamilton, S, Duadas, F.
'Miners, 1st and .'',nil.
141lerington; two -pear -old, Stewart
Berkshire, boar under one year,
Dow, E, Walper, A. Becker; One-
T. M. •Snowden; sow under one 'year:
year-old, Noble Scott; teal”, Will.
T. K11. Snowden.
'Hamilton, L. H, Rader, B. I:Oehlar:
Tainworth—boar one year old, J.
41ploma for best animal any age, W-
A. Manson-; boar under clue year old
J. A. Manson 1st and 2nd; sow two
HeAI'{' Draught
and Over, J. A. TVanson; sow
one year old, J. A. 'Manson; sow un -
Brood mare, accompanied by foal,
der one Year, J. A. 'Manson 1St and
F. Ellerington; foal, F. Elleringtoll;
;;-year-old, .Stewart Dow and 2nd; C.
Judge, Chas. Harvel.
Smith; 2 -year-old, A. Becher, 1 -year
rid, A. J. Lamphier; team, Jas. Scott
F. Willert, S. Doty: displGilla for
Dark Bral"amas, cock, T. C. Wil -
best animal any age, Jas. Scott.
Son; any other variety Cochins, cock,
Judge, T. L. Mercer, '3arlcdale
T. C• Wilson, Mrs. ii. G, whiting;
hen, T. C. Wilson, 'Irs. -Whiting;
CARRIAGE -•-•-Brood mare accom-
cockerel, T. C. 'Wilsoll, \Irs. Whiting
panted by foal, B. Koehler; foal, W.
pullet, Mrs. Whiting, T. C. Wilson.
Decker, E. Pym, B. Iioehler; three-
Silver Grey Dorkings, cock and
year-old,, E. J. Shapton; 2 -year-old,
cockerel, 'Mrs. H. G. Whiting, T. C.
Ed.11'aiper; 1 -year-old, A, Buchan-
\Srilson; lien, T. C, Wilson, Mrs. H.
an, J. A, Manson: single carriage
G. Whiting; pullet, T. C. Wilson 1st
horse, C, -Woodbury, E. 'Walper; di-
and 2nd. Any other variety of Or-
ploma for best animal any age,
pingtons, T. C. Wilson, 4 firsts and
2 seconds. Sussex Speckled, V. He -
ROADSTERS— Brood mare Ac-
gartl", 2 firsts and 2 seconds. Barr-
compalried for fAal, F. Ellerington,
ed Plymouth Rocks, cock, G. Hey -
A. Buchanan, W. Decker; foal, Freta
wood, 'Mrs, Whiting; "len Mrs, H. G.
Ellerington, A. Bucli;anan; 3 -year-
--'hating, V. Hogarth; cockerel, Mrs.
gild, Dr. Campbell; 2 -year-old, Win.
H. G, Whiting, R. Sanders; pullet,
Maguire, C. Truelnuer & Son, S. Hey
Mrs. H. G. Whiting, R. Sanders. A.
single roadster in harness and buggy
0. W. Plymouth Rocks, cockerel and
R, McLaren, Dr. Campbell, -Wes. Ma-
pullet, T. C. -Gilson. Buff Wyan-
guire; disploma, Robt, McLaren;
dottes, cock, "Mrs. H. G. -Whiting. W.
best lad, driver, 'Irs. Ira Moir, R.
GWyandottes, Gracie Strange, 2 firsts
A2cLaren horse second.
and one second. Any other variety
Judge, Dr. G. Beacom, 'Mt. Forest
Wyandottes, T. C. -Wilson 4 firsts,
2 seconds; •Mrs. H..G. Whiting, two
seconds. R_ C. Rhode Island Reds,
, HORTHORNS---C•ow, M.CrIchl,2
W111• Vale. 2 firsts and 1 second, S.
C. Rhode Island Reds, cockerel, T.C.
V • 2 -year-old heifer. AIr. Crich, 3. &
2, one -year-old heifer, M. Crich, Oe-
-Filson, V. Hogarth; pullett, F. H.
:stricher Bros, E. Pyni; heifer calf
Corbert 1st and 2nd. Buff Leg -
Sr., M. Crich, E. Pym, Oestricher
horns none. White Legl"orns, Cock,
,Bros.; heifer calf, Jr., Oestreicher
T. C. -Gilson, G. Heywood; lien, G.
i3ros., E. Pym ? & 3; bull calf, 5r.
Heywood, T. C. Wilson; cockerel, T.
34, Crich, Oestreicher Bros 2 & 3:
C•-i'iison, J. A. Manson; pullet, T.
Trull calf Jr., Oestreocher Bros 1, 2
C. 'Filson 1st and 2nd. A. 0'V.
Leghorns, T. C. Wilson, 4 firsts and
&3; bull 2 years and over, Crich;
diploma, 11. Criell.
1 second." Brown Leghorns, hen, F.
HEREFORDS—Aged cote. O'\ell
Delbridge 1st and 2nd; Cockerel and
pullett, T. C. Wilson 1st and 2nd.
Bros, 1st and 2nd: two-year-old hel-
Black. Spanish, cock and hen T. C.
fer, O'Neil Bros. 1st and 2nd; one-
year-old heifer. O'Neil Bros. ist and
2nd; lieofer calf, O'Neil Bros. 1st and
Black 111inoreas, cock hen,
2nd, F. H. Corbert; bull calf, O'Neil
oc d
Sutton 1st and 2nd; cockerel and
Tiros. 1 & 2, F. H. Corbert; diploma
pullet, V. Hogarth 1st and 2ud. Alt-
imal'Nell Bros.
-for best An, O
3alusians, Will. Vale 4 firsts and 4
JERSEY—Aged cote, P. Dearing;
seconds. Anconas, hen, F. Del-
bride 1st and 2nd; cockerel, R.
2 -year-old heifer, -W. Vale;
Sanders, L. V. Hogarth-. R.
calf, W. Vale.
Sanders 1st and 2nd. G. S. Ham -
POLLED A\GUS—Aged cow, P.
burgs, cock, firs. H. G. Whiting, T.
Dearing., 1st and 2nd; 2 -year-old heft-
C. Wilson; .hen, T. C. -Wilson, t\'irs.
ler, P. Dearing; heifer calf, P. Dear-
H. G. Whiting; cockerel and pullet,
lag 1, 2 & 3.
T. C. -Wilson. Campines, Golden,
GRADES—Aged cow, S•leeldon
Mrs, Whiting, 4 firsts. Campines,
Winders; Jr. Calf, O'Neil Bros., R. F.
Silver. :firs. H. G. Whiting 3 firsts.
Popper & Son-, O'Neil Bros.: Sr, calf.
E. B. Aed Game, cock and igen, 'Mrs.
3\iilFan Luther, E. P3'm and 3rd; di-
H. G. -Whiting. A.O.V. Game, cock,
plon.a, O'Neil Bros,
and hen firs. H. G. Whiting; cock -
Judges. Edgar Silcox, James H,
erel and pullet,"V. Hogarth 1st'and
2nd. Bantams, Game, cock and hen
Mrs. H. G. Witing, T. C. Wilson;
cockerel and pullett, 'Mrs. -Whiting;
?Dorset Horned—Aged ram, 0. Ile-
Golden Seabright, hen and Cockerel,
Laren; shearing ram, P. Dearing;
Mrs. H. G. Whiting. Silver Sea -
ram P. Dearing, 1st and 2nd;
lamb, ni
bright, Mrs, H. G. Whiting, .3 firsts,
.ew: P. Dearing 1st and 2nd; shear-
1 second. A.D.V. Bantams, cock
iug ewe, P. Dearing 1st and 2nd;
and hen, G. Heywood, T. C. Wilson;
•ewe lamb, P. Dearisw Is, and 211d.
cockerel and pullet, Win. Millson 2
Lelcester—R. F. Pepper & Son
firsts and 1 second.-riliite Rocks,
-won six firsts and four seconds.
T. M. Snowden, 4 ists. Mrs. -Whiting
S':tropshiredowns—Aged rain, J.
2 2nds. Black Giant, cock, hen, Cock
A. Manson; shearling rant, R. D.
erel, pullet, V. Hogarth. A,O.V.
Hurter & Son, J. A. 'Manson; rant
Fowl, cock, T. C. 'Wiison, Mrs. H.
Iamb. R. D. Hunter & Son, 1st and
G. Whiting hen, Mrs. Whiting, T.
2.nd: ewe, R. D. Hunter & Son 1st
C. Wilsons,
:and 2nd; shearling ewe. R. D. Hunt-
Turkeys—A.O.V. Turkeys, T, i\1'.
.er & Son, J. A. Manson; ewe lamb,
Snowden, 4 firsts.
R. L. Hunter & Sou, J, A. Manson.
Geese—Bremen Geese, F.' H. Cor-
Ltzeobls-- •Aged rail, Jos. Linden,
bert 4 firsts. Touleouse Geese, lien,
lGeo. Penhale; Shea.rling ram, T. M.
B. W. Williams & Son. A. .0. V.
Satoc^den, Jos. Linden; ran" lamb, J.
Geese, cock, hen, cockerel pullet, S.
Linden, Geo. Penhale; ewe, J, Lin-
Sanders, A. Pyin.
denden, Geo. Penhale;- shearling ewe
Ducks—Pekin Ducks,'old, B. Wil -
'r P & JL
W il-
'UES. and
Jubilee, Fall Faiir
Will be held on a
D., CT. find 2
05 ,l:'atrs and E -.ah'
I~I ratio
P"sont and open the
2tltl atone o'clock. C
+ Relay runnin
Tug-of-war betwee
of 'Uys•' bor
Speeding in cher Iain
FrOM . 1]
Will perform all fte
The +oft ea.,r& bf
'ILSON, of Toro
Of the Province
'air on •WEDNE
ne on time to al
race oil hors
Ontario will he
AY •
in pairs
the Townsliips
I✓ ars .trot. I: res for All.
1' a Beach, 'Toronto
n in frajnt .of the Grand Stains.
.Ay are 90d ri v. do efforts to mb&
this best ori history'.
,Illl'!iCl;:i 71)Ot'l L, f3cyc'` •. 'rr'tis.
nr igE'rER.'rI111E%APVQCATE
Iiums 'Soil; young, J. W. Mathers
two, 1sts; 'T. AT. Snowdell two se
cords; Rouen Ducks, old, T. M.
Snowden, 2 firsts; any other ducks,
old', V. Idogarth 2 firsts, Juo, Grieve
3 seconds; young drake, T, M, Snow-
den; young duck, V. Hogarth, T. l\l.
Snowden; guinea fowl, cock aild lied
T. 1\I. Snowden.
I.op-eared rabbits, H.• G. 'Muting
2 Firsts; any other rabbits, Mrs. L.
Reynolds 4 firsts, Alvin Iiading 4
Vol. of Pigeons, Mrs. Whitlug.
Guinea, pigs, S. Sanders, Gail
Judge, A. E. Culon, iailncoe.
T A C'lll'1t5t1 i+'(?'[L
Thr sPPc'icalzc l,hisi-
,less Administratio Course
trams a Ounta an n with
m ltrl illation for lg'li ts•pQ
e eett ve posit! 4s.
z'a Term 11 t Open,
J. II, _.
plin Iie4` ti:tr
IT1Test chD6
nw, nn,.,enA II -.
STA?1;R4RD • 13UP ]ROW0,1414 W1)
V41;1[ I; 11141 A1UNTS
The undersigned has received In-
structious to sell by public .auction.,
at LOT 16, CON. 10, • HAY TP.
11 mile south of Zurich, Out.
TV98D:'wV, CTOBBA is, 1029
Conlniel g at 1 o'clock sharp
d. Y
Tl1e Vild s giied lifts Ceeived lei
strut lis t ell by i> alit ailictioi
on O 10t "I
17, -
. SHIPIiA, it
MOND i SEPT 'BEI% 29114
Davenp. t6S489, / tiles at pail, it followllrg:
; ei can Tro in11
g register 11101 e S years d, 2 Bair of Chiu,
GS489. clillla rab its; 1 t heavy harness;
Special Prizes Alice . tton 8346, emale, born
Hogarth Hatchery specials for best clic Rutherford dralu was received set o1 lift les az 'tugs, set singlet
from Wellington Neil for the suns of June 13 1 0.
t harness, t p bis y rubber tires;;
pen of Barred Rocks, Wesley Dear- $860.00, including tile, with satis-riliss to Gilbert 27, born in Clutter, bol .slai s; set harrows;
ing; Anconas,. G. Miners; Leghorns, factory security. 1f)14, e b • '13•'. H, ° resell, Strat- mower; .cls cava z; plow; scuYfler.
B. Williams & Son. Usborne town- Williams ---Berry That lir. Nell's ford,• t. T\vo 'bui an 3 bedsteads. and
ship Baby Beef competition, Milton tender be ejocepted,---Carried, ribs Tem lleton, tl dam of Rai' . mattresses; 1 upboard, caresser; ]
Luther,rE. Pym second and +third. The drain committee reported that Gratt Card 2.03 i washstand; 2 lounges; stove; 2`.
Best 5 dozen eggs J. T. Hern; best they had received ands accepted a
2 -dozen eggs, Mrs. Vail Camp and J. A .d lir. d mare' Mips Badena heaters an pes; table; 6 lumber,
T. Dern. tender from Donald Graham &Soil, 255L, 0 909. 3 lvot)d nos 204 ft, pills litinber,
Middleten's Bakery for best )lair London, for the construction of the Broo , a e, Nora eters. E some carpe. aid rugs wad other ars
Washburn drain for the sum of titles,
of pillow slips, Mrs. E. Darling. 2 000.00, work to commence im- The abo a ares ar supposecl„to be
Alex. Dow for colts 3 years and $1ZS, CASH
llledia:tely and clic Celatl•aCt Comm00111- i foal t0 YO11p01't,
finder, sired by-l'instone, Jr., S. pleted by Dec. 15th, weather condi- Peter xworthy 58, male, born THOMAS. PALAII!;R, Proprietor
Dow, A. J. Lampllter, S. Doty. tions permitting. April 17t1 1985. FRANK ,AYLOR, Anct,
Sid Davis for best loaf , of bread, ,A tender for the construction of Peter Bl i 4315, . lale, born June
W. H, Dearing. tpe Brock Creek .drain was received 10, 1927,
Jolin Stanbury for pain• of bacon from Wellington Shipley, Garnet Bessie the Great 316, female and
hogs, G. 'Miners. Harness and Bert Duffield of the bo}} March 26th 27:
Traquair & Lindenfield for best Twp. of Blanshard, for the slim of , . AUCTIONSALE
calf, M. Crich.. $1,335.00,, work to commence Jul- dSti a the Great '65, feinale boric
C. L. Wilson, best col• vegetables, lilediately, The tender was accept- May , •d, 1927. -- of
R• Sanders. ed oil motion of Berry -Dew and the Ax* til Grattol 4506,,male born 1,.911:11 STOCK, hIPLL+' ENTS S
Harvey Bros, for best loaf Of contract signed and I3ugh Berry was August 1th, 1928' .
bread, SV. •H, Dearing. appointed Inspector bel said drain by Binge lvortlly 4 S, male born In FUI;\I'1('1iFI
John O'Millail for foals sited by same Motion, May 24t 1928,
Theobold, AL McTaggart, F. Eller- Skinner -Dew: That the-Vorknien's Lady worthy )., 4497, female, The undersigned has received In-,-
ingto•n, --r. Hooper, Compensation Board be notified of bora" Jull 14th, 29.. structions to sell by public auction.
B. R. Bartow, Mgr. Canning fac- these new contracts, Miss Gl ert venport, sucking „ , ,
tory for best jar of tomatoes, W. 11. Willianis-Skineler: That the mo_ tit, Lot (1, (,oil. 8, STEPHEN, oil
Dearing. Boal of AMa3' 4th putting into effect colt, by D. enpol born May 10th, r1'lEiiDr9]', OCTOBERis.t, 1925)
the Elimville Drain By-law, be res- 1929.
'):easy ZiG(1tICt3 1, 3 -year- d co by Lady Useful; tit 12:30 o'clock sharp clic following
C3nded, As no collection of the assess -
Five lbs. butter, Cecil Rowe, H. A. inept on said drain will be made this 8 -year-old co by he Great Widow- FARM STOCK -1 heavy horse,
Fuss; 10 lbs. butter, Win. Hey, C. year. er; -sucking It y Davenport; 2 rising 8 years old, heavy general
Rowe; most neatly -arranged plate Dew-W'illiams: That the Dominion year-old colt 1y rcus Gratton; 1 purpose rising 4, aged liorse, Perch -
for table use, H. A. Fuss; 50 lbs. and Accident Insurance Polic for Percheron sue n colt. eron colt rising 3 years old, Perch -
creamery butter, -Wet. Vale. the protection of the workmen of OTHER AR ES—Set of light eron colt rising 2 years old, cow due
Manufacturers, and 1111plenlents the Township be renewed. Carried. sleighs; 4 -crises t ilei in good con. Feb. 1st, coin due Feb. 9th, 3 cows-
Flannel, all wool, W. Taman Berry -No seconder: That a grant dation, 3 -ace ea due April 1st, cow due May 1st, 3
W. logging cart, 1
of $15.00 be made to the I{3rlcton heavy cart, stmt cutter, one open Yarrow ws mIfking good, 3 steers
pair blankets, all wool, SouthCoti Library. No Faction. risin 3 leiter out of thoroughbred
Bros. Mrs. Jas. Creighton; woolen A petition by residents of the area buggy, 2 hanging lamps, tspeed g
yarn, Mrs. E. Darling; 10 yards of of -Woodham for street lights from cutter, 2 Sets of hobbles and boots, stock, 2 3 ars old this fall; 5 steers
rag carpet, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Ed. the Hydro Commission was present- set single harness, set of scales of rising 2 3 ars old, 2 leeffera rising.
Lawson; tailor custom suit, -V. -V. ed to the Council. 2000 pounds capacity; 9 pigs five 2 years o d, S spring calves, Dur
Tamale, Southcott Bros.; collection Berry -Skinner:. That the Cleric weeps old; 4 hound pups and nuinei.- haat bull egiAtered 2 years old i
general goods, Southcott Bros.; best communicate with the Hydro Coln- ous other articles. May 9th, c Ilse dog, registered sots
collection. tailor's goods and furnish- nil ss! on ;asking for terms and con- TERMS OF SALE—CASH due time o sale, 100 spring Chace'
ings, W. W. Tamali; collection of tins, 25 Ilea billy goat.
dations. Carried. MRS.,JOHN JOHN I)ECHLR JR.,
boots and shoes, Soutllcgt Bros.; as- The sum of $4.00 was received by IAMPL riMENTS—Set of sea] s
sortment of Tweeds any make, W. Proprietress
the Treasurer from residents of -\, JOTTNSTOI ', Cleric
mail, ^r foot M.H. binder 1"
-T. Taman; pair ladies boots, South Bianshard from the sale of cow tags.
Cott Bros.; pair gent's boots, South- By -Law No. 8, 1929, levying rates FRANIi TAYLOR, Auctioneer good conditio , 'Al. H. hay loader 1
Cott Bros.was read and passed on motion of scuffles, side delivery rake, T. A.
(Continued on Supplement.) Williams -Skinner. Carried, lliotter, dump eke, lents roller, civ
The Rutherford Drain By-law No. AUCTION SALE to floe M. I3. drill, set basso s 4
7, 1929, was finally adopted bn ileo_ section, welkin plow, riding low,
Usborne Council tion of Berry -Williams. -- 0' , double wagon b x, potato dig er, 1
The following -orders were passed 1:10UH1+.HOLD V SN1TCJ1i@ stone boat, crea separator, w T.
The Municipal Council of the Tp. and paid on motion of Dew-Slciuner, A. wagon, low ' wee wagon roller
The undersigned has received in- rack, hay .incl gr' a co"nUin grain
of Usborne met at Elimville, August vex:
21st in special meeting as per mo- Guarantee And Accident Insurance strlteti0lis to sell by public auction, rack, cutter with doors, set of
tion of meeting of August 3rd. Co. renewal of Policy $72.00; Tames- at REDITON on sleighs, 2 boggles, wheel b Trow, 1
Members present: James Ballads -Ad-0ocate, on account 1929 printing pump jack, enlel•y ' c]t, Dai choir,
tyre and Councillors Skinner, AVII- contract $81.55; -Vin. Connelly & sA:TC.fiDA , `TOIiEP ,5, 1cJ 0 quantity oL lumber, 30 f . rubber
hams and Dew. Solis, advance on Stewart Drain con- hose, 2 gas drums, ladd s, 2 fur
Due .notice having begin served on tract $866.00; Jos. Dwyer, Advance at 1 e.zl . tl e following coats, robes and bl I]ket barrels,
ratepayers interested in the Ruth- on 'Winchelsea Creek Drain contract Piano I d ondition, 4 -piece 17 cords of stove t Gcl 2 gravel
erford Drain 2''ward, the Report, 320.00; Russell Skinner, on acct.
$ parlor sui a fl r • ainP, parlor plc- boxes, new set of do bee bras,
Plan and specifications by S. -V. Ar- 1929 gravel $100.00• Tennyson tures, 4 o ter ibrary t .ble, set- mounted harness, 1 .a harness,
cllibald, C.E., were read and consid- Johns, tweed cutting $3.00; Luther tee, book ca e, centre t les, one single harness Collar, on kettles,.
erect by the Council and nearly all Rawcliffe, ditto $3.00; CIarence couch u hofs ere chair, e wheel sada of lime, barrel o alt 3 sling -
Interested Interested ratepayers present. Johns, ditto $3.00; .Garnet Hicks, g -
After due discussion, the Report ditto $3.00; Ed. SilIery, ditto $3.00; chair, a nt elle' Morris hat', two ropes, 800 3 -incl" tile, icken coops.
was provisionally adopted as read Gerald Ford, ditto hall ea arbl top tab _" good hay,
P $30.00; Peter q ,• mirror steel i aiier, 16 toils f
on motion of Skinner -Williams, the Moir, ditto $6.50; Ed. McDougall, large siz ma - fol• tail shop, 1 qua1 E'i rvryW vPFli f' ria Irish Cobblers
Clerk to prepare a by-law for the ditto $2.40; Freeman Horne, ditto dining- 0 1 to els and 6 chairs, 2 `pot es, forks, hoe .chains, wltiYfie- -
furtherance of the drainage work, 23,75; Harold Denham, ditto 35.- desk, cin ut ty dishes, yokes, qu tity of good
$ $ big tables ti, ,, pec c
to be duly served on the assessed 80; Garfield Brock, ditto $21.60; clock, fo ed , spring and mat- t , dist harrow cu vator and
parties and. that a Court of Revis- Lewis Cornish ditto $6.00; D. E. tresses, da . be tvardro with glass ath'r-,artit tles too nitric. s to men-
It- of the assessment on same be Hacks, ditto $4.00; Luther Oke, dot- door, be
chest of drawers, 3 k10.
held on. September 7th at the Tp. to and tale $2.10; (.-Mervyn Cudmore, dressers, 3 st ads, bash ts; 1 rug, 6 USE 0 'D FFEC — Side -
Hall at 2 p.m. ditto and cleaning pi $26.50; Abler- 'small ru s cal ets C
Williams -Dew: That the tenders vyn Elston, Cutting weeds $4.40; R. galeunl rug,: board 2 d .Hers, bed strings,
stitcher bee with c a.ls, .kitchen Iouzige • set '
be called for the construction of the Delbridge, gravelling $14.30; Hec- g In chine, eForest
for Rawcliffe, ditto 9.63; --'ellirng- utensils oneh, sinal stead, 2 "cit Croslev actio in od she. e, radar}
Rutherford Drain advertised in the $ 1
Exeter Tames -Advocate and Mitchell- ton Batten, ditto $379.05;. Charlie Chen, -tab s, glass epboai•d, side table, ext' sills table, 2 lea tables,
Advocate, to be received up to S Stephen, ditto $390.40; Geo. Davis board, lam s, sink, ep ladder, old rOekers, ' • 12 cll irs, gl ssware,
P.M., Satul .ay, September the 7th, ditto $71.25; Fred Sears, ditto $30:
style zefri rator, sealers, .two asoline was N.ne machine, I' a proof
1929. Carried. 75; John Fletcher, ditching $9.50; Cooling pail elect. vacuum clean- S re, pletuies a" d frames, ft ur bttr-
BY-Iaw No. ,6, 1929, authorizing Lewis Fletcher, ditto $8.50; F, Ford er, electric 1. ater,: lectric range, 1 re 6 window crecns, li'ioleuin.
the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow ditto $1.20, Sidney Wilson, ditto & electric flat 'ron, lectric trashing Wi Chester gun 1897 model an good'
sufficient money for current ex- the $5.40; Chas, Tuckey, ditto $1; machine, 2 e4te 3 -burlier oil shag kitchen range coal wood, .
HenryWestlake, repairing bridge colic ,eve, box stove.
penses was read and passed On mo- stove with ov u, . poi talent electric TEItiAM5 OF SALE
tion of Dew and Skinner. and etc. $15.00; Henry Ford, super.
The following tenders were re- $105.35; 'Mrs, H. Ford, clerical range, ironong_ b rd, tailor square
g and rules, to s ils, oil mops Cop- $10.00 ,and under and chickens
ceived for the construction of the work $5.00. Carried. n 1 -
Washburn Drain, viz: Skinner: Council adjourned to per boiler, 3 0 cash, over flat amount f months'
pounds of coat, credit trill b even o ftirnishin,
Chas, N. Keast $2,025.00; Ernest meet October 5,th, 1929, 600 pounds of ke, a quantity of g g
Eden J'i Sons, $2,000 and Winter
Henry Strang, Cleric charcoal 6 sing cords of wood, 1 approved joint on bankable
Bros, $1,8253.00. wheel barrow, ovels, two rakes, paper, or a discount of b ler cent.
Mrs. Robert Cuthbertson, of ;Mit- lawn mower and -other articles too off for Cash.
Tenders for the Brock Drain, viz: PAT FLANA*(GAN, Proprietor
Ernest Eden & Sons $1,300,00 and Caleb, who had been in failing health numerous to mention, I>rietol
Winter Bros. $1,400,00. for about a year passed away on Fri- TERMS—CA:SH FRANIX TAILOR, Auctioneer
Dew -Williams: That the Reeve clay and while embalming tier body:-- FRANKCOATES,,CIerIz
and Councillor. Skinner be a commit- the undertake,, Samuel A. Hewitt,
suffered a paralytic stroke and'died
tee to interview these contractors Proprietress
as to security and prosecution of FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer
the tvoxlt, at his Koine on clic same day. Mr. SALF OF LdtiDS F01t TAXES
Hewitt had been in the undertaking.
Williams -Skinner: That the fol- business ail Mitchell for about 25 Notice hereby given that they
lowing ,bills be paid, viz: NOTICE TO CREDITORSlist of laii for taxes has been pre
Joseph Dwyer, balance contract years. pared and liat copies t reof may
price oil Passmore Drain Contract NOTTCE IS HEREBi' GI EN that be heti at lis office a that the
$830•,00.; additional allowed for ex-. I hate to be a kicker, all Creditors and other having" list .'I$ 'being published' n the oil-
tras by engineer $125,10; total is claims against t11e estate of ALriMA
I like to live in, peace, taro Gazette f July 20 i and 27th;
$958.10; Fiee Press, advertising fol But -the wheel that does the •(TERN, late of the Town lap of,Ls- also .August 1d and til and that
tenders for Washburn and Brock oueakiug borne, In the County of carob, near- in default an he
Drain .$10.00. Carried. vied woman, who,. die cin file fit- ala 11ent of said
The drain committee recommend '.Is tile one that gets the grease. teenth da of August A, D: 1929,' tares and costs the 1 d will be sold,
that neither tender Ou theWashburn lit .iMon•day, O Ober 21st, 1929, at
s l e uii• t oriv 1 •
o f t their n 1 1a ,.. .
„n Brock Drains pd tv o ci
d B c. 1s lte aCce t, , o 0
cic n
n dttl I ie teXnoon at the
y prove to the nderstgned on
Council meeting
to inset in ars. Court House in th . town of Gode=
Iltontll}y, meeting Setpember 7th' Notice to Creditors, or before ti a sevent, day of October rich,
? 329. A, b., 1929 , , ,
Henry Strang, Clerk AND NO CE T FUnTI-TEfi. Glv- Tr starer, `
all creditors and others Tat*eng claims , Huron Co..
The tntlnicipal council of filo 7"p. against the estate o : ICIdOLAS ElV that afte tile: aid date the Exe- Treasurers 6ffice oodtTieh
fof Usborne met at the Township STTRE, late of tze Iiage of Exe- tutor will Ili cee to rllstrlbute the August 5tlz, 19:2.3.
Heli, Elimville, on Sept, ?, 1929, in ^ estate having r and only to the
-its 1, .elle, of ter, in t e County . Huron, tvhe
claims' of will tag tti911 snail have
regularg pursuant to a@- , ied on th eiglith of September Y — s
journment, Members present, Jas. 1929, etre 'egitired o forward d their . notice.
Ballantylle, reeve; Councillors skin- DATEb .it E eter this 13th clay of
claims dtli prove to file ,under- ---
lei•. Williams, Ddw and, Berry, Seliteilibei A. 19 9.
signed ono befog the seventh catty j$im l
The minutes of the rAdetillg of (#I,ADI\iAhT & STA II31;1tii*'
August 3rd, together With the specla I of October A 1), 29. Exeter and Flensall
w6etltig of Aug0t 1st were read AND ROTI E FU ATHER, Gt V- Executor's Solicitors
rind approved .with the following EN that art ze said date tile • It%t hes lick
Cotredtion vfz: L. 0brilosh, $6.30 311- Administrator ry t Iiroceed to dis
Stead of $3,25 for gi'lovelliing, On tribute tile est. having regard only Last week mention ryas made that A Pe n ri►t ti. Aatiiseptic Liquid
ug. rd Meeting, on motion, Of
to the elaims o 111c1i he then shall it bush fire. had started on the farm t6t offic 'rcl f, from idlalie8, t;lotcbev,
Williatns aitd S1=lienor I•abLes,, fill s1, ,t it 10$, to .the Jame eoollny.
stake notim • of Mr. J`6111i N libllhan, towlillj'N Sid•
'lii, court of rer+Islon oil tli>r R1r- f>~ATEIt at V. ter, this i $'tIt '6aq, dnlph ani~ Xii} o _ , , anti s. we, aver aklo `,lin,. an' r. h1rrliot; ;6for 6fift 400N\,rtG
tl"erford tiY'iiili agsesamerit was chill» t ptla,,. i`t tiirVd Sx2
¢d but thare being ;no 'appeals altd .of 4~0tpeiitbeir A. 1029, tt#g fartilll .o# l\iesdas,' Epliraiill Pler'1i dd rderRl I. A eC 3Se Lotter>l ttt, dpi{,:.
no 41asessed 1pgrtI#s pri'selit, tilers 1rP.Ab1iIAN 'SpA l EX artd 'Melville ]:tests,, Mr. ''4 hollha11, ... , . o[ tel. maim pnttAr;Q{; ao'440
wa .4 ito worse for the e6art to, tj;o'. E*eter diad 146nsall " fnforitls d6 th .i'. fie fire t1fd ntrt rItil nioiioy t;wcl ,}i.?), ti CWd/ 1r tnih'bpi14.
A tender' for the, tonstruetion of Adulthistrator's tloiicitof'stthr,bui Tt •iiia joittte, . low9t.."
lP P) :rly(lOi jrt'