HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-09-19, Page 2TITURSDAY, I'1'k.MBEI; 19, ' i) SHEET STEEL CiEILINGS Stop foiling plaster; end unsightly cracked coil - ipso. Bawl to put up quickly_and once up_they stay. No dust or litte. Easy to clean or paint, 1 ,2 Ole. � •111.O1Y You will never regret the purchase of a Sheet Steel Ceiling. BEAUTIFUL-.. FIRE, -PROOF Sheet Steel Ceilingalook well, resist fire effect- ively. Add brightness to hallo, stores, churches Schools, kitchens ani! bathrooms, Do nothing till you getthe prices and full particulars. GALVANIZED SIDING for Outside Walls Three attractive pat- terns. -.With building paper aro warm. dry, windproof. Easy to put on and paint. • THE .EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE. - 50 YEARS AGO Messrs, Fuke and Sweet are• push- ing the brick cellar and kitchen at the church of England Parsonage, and are making a splendid jou. • Messrs, George and Joseph Case on Monday last shipped 200 excellent lambs from, this place ter Buffalo market, Air. John Willis also ship- ped 2; 0 lambs on the same .day. On Friday morning one of Mr. James Pickard's horses ran away smashing' the wagon considerably, It was standing at the grist mill and the noise of the machinery frighten- ed it. A number of our citizens went to the Forest City on •Tuesday last to see the Marquis of ,Lorne and Her 'loyal Highness Princess Louise. They all expressed themselves as highly delighted with the appear- ance of both the Governor-General and his lady. On Saturday last as Mr. Mark Clark."s horses were being driven up Main Street ono of them struck its foot on the crossing in front of Mr. Grigg's store, which caused it to fall to the ground, On Thursday night last Mr., Geo. I3yndman was riding down Main St. on horseback when someone coming front the opposite direction, drove past ftu'iously, the wheels of the ve- hicle striking. Air. Hyndmau's horse bruising the shoulder and seraping the side, Fast .driving on Main Hit. especially on dark nights should not be indulged in as serious accidents might result through it. • On Saturday afternoon the fol- lowing gentlemen, members of the Exeter Gun Club shot a mately for a silver cult: 1. Carling, J. Westcott, F, G. Simpson, S. Fairbairn, J, San- ders, A. Bright, A, Lake, T. Bissett. R.Bissett. On Saturday' morning last Mr. W. Johns, who .lived on the 8th conces- sion of Usborne, about two and one half miles south of Elimville, carte to his death while jn a well on the farm of A'Ir. \Vrn. Gunning in the Township of Biddulph. On the morning mentioned above he was Iet down into the well in a bucket and when within four feet of the bottom Ile fell out of the bucket overcome by the foul air that had, accumulated during the night. Ef- forts were made to recover hint but the men were also overcome and be; —`tX111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111{11111I111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IIIIIIII(1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 omomo ammo wamosan ammo Exeter 'Buy -at -Home' Campaign COMMUNITY BUYING DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE Through the co-operation of the Business Men iisted below, we will reproduce a series of educational articles endeavoring to bring about a better business relationship between resident and merchant in the town, and thus bring about more progressive community in which to live. The Canadian Bank of Commerce Heartily Endorses the BUY -AT-HOME CAMPAIGN Support LOCAL Merchants and Help Our Town GROW - Small Savings Accounts Welcome M. R; COMPLIN, Manager ▪ Traquair & Lindenfield GENERAL HARDWARE Tinsmithing & Plumbing Varnishes Paints — Oils Telephone 27 E- E. R. HOPPER IIMMNO FURNITURE — and — FUNERAL DIRECTOR Telephone 99 FRED RABETHGE JEWELLERY & CUT GLASS WESTINGHOUSE RADIOS Clock and Watch Repairing JOS. SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHIC — and — ART STUDIO We put the `Snap' in Snapshots • G. M. Armstrong EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY — and — GAINSBOROGH HATS . S. FITTON OPTOMETRIST Sight Examined and Glasses Fitted Children's Sight A Specialty Telephone 75w ••••••••H. T. ROW E SCRANTON COAL & COKE BRITISH AMERICAN Gasoline and Oil Telephone 40 WM. ANDREW Salesman for 3. R. WATICINS CO. Hamilton and Winnipeg Liniments, Tonics, Spices, 'Toilet Articles; Flavorings Poultry tul(1, Stock Tonics Telephone 43 Middleton's Bakery "7[he Hoene, of Better Bread" CAKES --- PASTRY CONFECTIONERY Telephone 52 Browning's Drug Store TOILETRIES — DRUGS — STATIONERY — 'OPTICAL ROOMS — TELEPIiONE *43?„a:�.. • You Get What You Pay For Trade is based on the old system of barter in which one per- son exchanged articles of which he owned a surplus for others which he needed. Both parties in the deal secured what they need= ed and both paid for it. Neither got anything for nothing. The sante system is still in practice. No person gets anything for nothing. Things of quality demand high prices and cheap- ar- ticles tend to demoralize arts, and manufacture. You cannot buy silk for the price you pay for cotton. The same applies to every article of merchandise. • The resident who goes outside of. Exeter hunting for bargains fools nobody but himself, although he does hurt his own town. If outside merchants sell bread cheaper than local storekeepers they charge more for butter. They give nothing away, and those who patronize them are disallusioned. Remember, yew get'n1ore value 'f or your money= in Exeter that! anywhere else. You •do not pay any more in the long run and your money remains in Exeter and comes back to you. Your com- munity will be benefitted and this co-operation finally spells - success. SANDY ELLIOT USED CARS, FORD WE SPECIALIZE' ON FORD SERVICE TELEPHONE 61 • NEW CARS 5. B. TAYLOR {Mr. S. B. Taylor, Jeweller, came to Exeter in 1925 taking over the Jewellery business of Mr. S. Fitton. Ile is an energetic young man and has built ttip.an attractive business since coming to Exeter. In December last year Mr. Taylor enlarged his show room by taking out a petition ,between the front and back roorlt .and he now has .a spacious show room together with a. convenient work bench. Mr. Taylor carries a full line of jewellery including clocks and watches, Pearls and !diamonds, rings of all kinds; bracelets and necklaces, cut glass and fancy china, cutlery sand silverware, purses and hand- bags, flower vases and many other lines. . He is well equipped to meet the wedding gift or any other gift problem.. Mr. Taylor] is also expert at watch. and clock repairing. He recently installed an electric -welding outfit for fine work. CHAMBERS BROS. General Repairs ON AI.I. MAKES OF CARS U. S. L. Batteries Dunlop Tires Telepllt ne 200 Cunningham&Pryde CEMETERY MEMORIALS Telephone 41j Harvey Bros. Milo Snell. Chevrolet General Millers MANITOBA'S BEST - MODEL and WELCOME Flour All Kinds of Feeds Telephone 35 ADVERTISE — ilt the — TIMESADVOCATE SALES and SERVICE Phone 100; Night phone 209 BARGAINS for the next two weeks .we will slash prices; Se that buying here will be REAL SAVINGS. ("0:llk) TO SPEND) \R)NI!ilr AND TO SAVE POWER'S Variety STORE Phone Day Service 153w Phone Night Service 155j HURON GARAGE, EXETER PONTIAC and „BUICK SALES and SERVICE REPAIRS, ACCESSORIES, TIRES, OILS, GAS & (''AR WASHING Expert Med:onkel and Electrical Service on all males of ears. OFFICIAL ONTARIO. 1t1O:COit' LIDA:GCE StItVi(`.E STATION Shop Foremen, E+ `dtIeii' Proprietor, Ulric Snell B. B.W. E. Beavers Hardware TINSMITHING. PLUMBING • PAINTS STOVES AND FURNACES C MEMO mmami Telephone 86 S. B. TAYLOR • The .Jeweller • HIGH-GRADE JEWELLERY DIAMONDS Watch and Clock Repairing INIMES �t. J. 13EER Automobile Accessories ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Everything in Radios . Telephone 109 G. A. HAWKINS GENERAL HARDWARE _ PAINTS and OILS • SCREENS, Etc. Telephone 29 SOUTHCOTT BROS. General Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Boots and Shoes Groceries and China Harvey's Grocery SYSTEM- ERVICE ATISFACTION Telephone 102 111011 • OalMia 1810 N. W. TREWARTHA Dealer in NEW LAID EGGS • —and — MILK FED POULTRY Direct From the Farrar Grigg Stationery Store;17 School Supplies with' special attention given to, school —' libraries Telephone 37 ROSS -TAYLOR — LCM13EIw CO. Planing Mill --Lumber Yard Wholesale & Retail Prices on Summer Cottages Telephone. 48 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES WIRING - AND SUPPLIES Telephone 127 Il lllll(111(1(Illllllll(IIIIIIIIII Illllllilllllll(�I(I(II(I(II(1(iIii(IIIIIIIIIlllll(I(IIIIIIIIIII(((I1111111111l11111(IIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllillllllllllllll lir aer11111111IIIN{I111111111111111111{11111 I I I { r 'Mx,,,..44\ w cane insensible. ,johns' body Was recovered about two o'clock by the aid of grappling irons. Deceased leaves a wife and, seven children. 25 YEARS AGO John Taylor, !Exeter North, has had a little mora than his share of misfortune lately. On Friday of last week while driving on the Dake Road near Smith's bridge, his team of horses ran away, throwing hini out o1', the wagon. The heavy rig passed over his body inflicting sev- ere internal injuries. Hey. Dr. Hannon, Who has been on an extended trip through the Canadian North-West during the past two xrontlis returned on Mon- day. Thomas Brooke Jr., ou Saturday took his thoroughbred Jersey bull and two heifers to London to exhibit them at the Fair, Hunter Bros. of Usborne, have several shorthorns at Loudon, also. One of the buildings belonging to the Sutherland -Innis Co. was en Monday purchased by Mr. W. G. Bis- sett, who had it moved to the back of his livery barn. The sale of the house and lot and household effects of Mrs. Elliott took place on .Saturday. The house and lot were sold to Mr. John Ped- lar,” of Stephen Tp, Rev. H. W. Locke, of Learning- ton, a. former pastor of the Main St. Methodist church called on old friends here on Saturday last. The heaviest attendance recorded any month since the World's. Fair opened will be recorded tor August with 2,702,772 having passed the turnstiles in 24 days. The brick house on Andrew street occupied by Mr. Jas. Russell has been s.el(1 to Mr. Connor, of Chisel,- hulst'• 15 YEARS IPO Mr. Robert tAlawhinney, of Ste- phen, has purchased the fine brick residence on 'William Street from bits W. Blatchford and expocts to move to town about the first of De- cember. Master Torn Wi111s, son of Mr. J. Willis, of the 2nd concession of Ste- phen tell out of an apple tree on Saturday ad fractured his leg. Air. W. W. Taman will move this week into a part of ,Mr: G. Mantle's •house on John. Street. and Mrs. -Sharp and daughter will move to town next week. Mr. Orville Southcott has pur- chased the property of the late Mrs. A. Dow on Andrew Street. The County Road and'Bridge Com- mittee met in Exeter on Monday and tenders for the new cement bridge leading to Grand Bend were opened. The tender of Mr. Jos. Lawson of Crediton for $400 was accepted. On Friday afternoon of last week the residence. o1 Mr. David Brown, of Farquhar- was completely des- troyed by .Tire. A patriotic meeting •was held in the skating rinle,Friday evenig when around seven hundred ,People ga- thered at the rink. On Friday evening last the Exe- ter bali boys defeated the Centralia team on the local diamond,, the score being 5-0. ZURICH Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eichler have returned to their home in Pigeon, Mich., after spending tate past month with the latter's parents Mr, and Mrs. M. Bech.ler. 111r•. ands Mrs. Schultz, of Water- loo, Mr. and Airs. J. \Vildfong, of Dashwood, spent Sunday ivitii Mr. and Mrs..0..Colosky. • 111x. Gordon Rau has returned to Detroit after visiting with his par- ents for a weep. Mr. Arthur Well, of Detroit, Mr. Boater Well, of Montreal, also Miss- es Matilda and Ida• Well, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Wagner, of Washing- ton, Alich., attended the funeral of the late Herman Well the past week. i\ir. and Mrs. Harry Deichert, of New haven, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. N. Deichert, of Chicago, were visitors recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. 'Weber. Mrs. W. Finkbeiner and daugh- ter Miss Hazel, of,Stratford, are spending a. few clayat the home of Air. taut Mrs. \Vm. Hoffman. Mr. Ed. Lossing and children Margaret and Billy, of Detroit, visit- ed for a few clay`s with Mr. and .Mrs. Chas. Weber. Mr, and Mrs. Jake. Meyer and fancily, of Kitchener, spent Sunday at the home of fAir. and Mrs. T. !Tyle, Parr Line. USBORNI8: & IifRllERTMUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE C 91PANY Head Office. Farquh. Ont. President 4IAION DPW Vice -Pres. FRANK +'LcCONNIiiLL DIRECTO ANGU SINCLAI1 r i T. ALLISONJ,. 8013 NORRIS, , s M. t3ROCK AGEN S JOHN ESS '', Ce ralia, Agent to Ushe • e an,; Biddulph OLIVER. HA IS Iunro, Agent Mt 1[ibbert, 1+' 1a oti and Logan W. A. a ILNB!JLL Secretary-Treasil rer Box '98, Exeter, Ontario GLADMAN & STAXIIL`1tz Sellcitors, Exeter 'Pp Exeter Ettu.ro-Aiiltitrate Established 1878 upd 1887 Published every Thursday morning.. at Exeter, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION—$2.00 per year is advance. RATES—Farm or Real Estate for sale 50e. each insertion for :drat four insertions, 250. each subs- quest insertion. Aliscellaneous ar- titles, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, or, Found 10c, per line of six words.. Reading notices 3.0c. per line., Card of Thanks 50e. Legal ad- vertising 12 and 8c. per line. Int Memoriam, with one verso 500. - extra verses 25c. each. Member of The Canadian Weekly Newspaper AssoclatIon. Professional Cards • GLADMAN BARRISTERS, Money to loan, In Safe -Deposit Clients EXETER OLIO nve- 0 for use of our out charge DON IIiENSALle Y ILS, &e. nents Made, CARLING & MO' Y. BARRISTERS, OLI ORS, &e. LOANS, IN E r' MENTS, INS CE Office: Carling ' ock, Main Street EXETER, ONT. Dr. G. S. Atkinson;. L.D.S,,D:D:Sa, DENTAL SURGI 011 Late District Dental 0 District Numb?r On Closed all day We 18th 'f Office 34w cer of Mllttta, London, Ont. l sday until the tenrber Tones House 8414 MAIN ST., EXETER, ONT. Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D ..,D.D.S. D 'TIST Office over arli R;.` & Morley La; ice EXE Pi. ONT. DR. E. S. ST INER VETERINARY . 'RGEON Graduate of ie O,;iirio Veterinary Col '_e DA : • ,' D NIGHT CALLS PR s.: '" LY ATTENDED TO Corner ,o +,' ain and' Ann Streets Office in C. B. Snell's Block EXETER, ONT. JOHN WA CHIROPRACT ELECTRO -TI VIOLE' MAIN ST., TEOPATI1 Y & ULTRA- ATMENTS NE 70 EXETER. ARTHUR WE ER LICENSE t AUCc,'t NEER For Huro and � `ddlesex FARM SAL 6 S A .PECIALTY PRICES E ONABLE SATISFACTIGUARANTEED Phone 57 ' 3 Dashwood R. R. NO. 1, DASHWOOD FRANK T *'YLOR LICENS , D AU +•TIONEICR For lint ` a Middlesex FARM SAL S. SPECIALTY Prices Reason x; e and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P. 0. or RING,138 OSCAR KL PP LICENSED AU :+IONEER Honor Gr ;, uate .i: rey Jones' Atte. tion School Spec'? 1. course takes;. in Registere Live; .tock (all breeds)! Merchandise,! 1 1 Estate, Farm Sales, Etc. I s in keeping with prevailing. p „'es. Satisfaction as- sured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurfell.. or phone 18-93, Zurich, Ont. THE Ontario Eq •able Lit "Wit h for o • Li;htho\use" jtepr:'entative C. NIXON ONTARIO Phone 243 SAVE Mo f EY I By BUYING SHIN ES NOW 2x4 P' - e Scant g for Colonyhouses, en h. set or other: buildings $35 +0 per M. FERTILIZ , ' lowest prices.. A. J. C TWORTHY one 12 CRANTON, ONTARIO 0. 0