HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-09-12, Page 5joril T 'mYl r
students to •obtain and
of efficiency..
Courses; Secretari: , Commercial tenogrrphic,, penerell Office,
Civil Service, olnrlrekcial eaehers' Courses and SI►eciel
You cannot attend better
that has 'made it possible for .our scores
hold positions demanding a high stand
cool, Why not attend this?
Write to -day for information, Phone 19 $.
Com. Specialist, Vice -Principal Principal
DR. R. I. P, ' OUGAL
• Honor graduate of F • ' lty of
Pr Medicine, and Mao :r of 'fence, of
the University of es n Ontario.
Member of Coll:. e f Physicians,;
and Surgeons o •ntario. Off'
two doors east of ost Office.
Phone 50 Reside ` o 114
DR. J. A. Mc
jrelephono 106
L. D. S,
e Work
Main Street
C hit•opractor
Ele ; ro 'Ther'
of Clinton, .'i11 it .Hensall Com-
enerciai Hot i F Monday, Wednes-
day and Fl ..`` of each week from
10 a,m, to " * .m. • County and town
.,calls attended to.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Simmons spent
few 'days in Toronto.
Reeve. Robt. Higgins was in Gode-
rih Tuesday on business.
Mrs. Lee Hedden has gone to
Iianiilton where she intends to re-
Miss Mary McKaig, of Exeter,
spent the week -end at her home in
Miss Margaret Hobkirk has accept-
ed a position as assistant in the
Post Office.
Miss Grace Forrest left for Lon-
don, recently 'where she has secured
ia. good position,
A large number from here are
taking in the Western Fair at Lon-
don this week.
Mr. W. J. McLean, of Hamilton,
is visiting at Alpe home of liar. and
Mrs. John Passrnore.
Mrs. Thos. Appleton has returned
from Denfield :where she was en-
gaged in nursing.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. •Penhale, of
4 Exeter, were pleasant callers with
friends in town' on Sunday.
Mrs. Samuel Stacey has returned
to her home here after spending a
couple of weeks at Hillsgreen.
Mr. Harold 6eruton left Monday
morning for St,, Thomas where he
has secures] a good+ position.
Mrs. Dowse, of St. Thomas, has
been visiting )vitli Mrs. J. Blatch-
ford and other friends hi town.
Mr. Louis Clark went to Mitchell
Friday to hear the Hon. Howard
Ferguson who was speaking there.
Miss Alma Scruton left Monday
for London where she intends train-
ing for a nurse in Victoria Hospital.
Quite a number from here attend-
ed the funeral of the late Mrs, Wm.
Jarrett of Hillsgreen on Saturday
Mrs. Thos. Pepper. who had the
misfortune to fracture her hip r•e-
eenty, is doing as well as can be
Mr. and Jidrs. Duncan McMartin,•
who have spent the last few months
visiting friends in Galt have return-
e d to Hensall.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Flynn, of Cen-
tralia and Mr: and Mrs. Geo. Flynn,
-of Clandeboye, called on friends in
town on Monday.
Mrs. John Murdock and sister
Mrs. Hannah Taylor spent Friday
with their sister Mrs. John H. Petty
west of Heirsalt,'
Mrs. Christina Dougall and daugh-
ter Miss Cassie, who have spent the
wast six months in the States have
Teturned to town.
Mr. Colin Hudson, who is one of
the largest', bean growers in Hensall
bas finished, harvesting it crop and
Ale Teports a good yield, '
Misses Florence gild Sarah 'Petty
have .returned, from a motor trip to
Owen Sound, • Colli tgwood, Wasaga
'$each, Barrie' anc1; Hamilton.
Miss Edith Foster, of Tonawanda,
who has been spending the past two
weeks with relatives in town re-
turned to her home on Thursday ac-
compatiied by her aunt Mrs, T. Mur-
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rankin and
family of Fargrihar were Sunday
`visitors at the hothe of Mr. W. L.
.i'4lcLeren and family, Mrs. Hunkin,
Who recently returned from St. Jo-
seph's Hospital, London, is pro,;
gressing nicely.
Mrs, Frank Bean while 'aetureing
tc* her ltonie Olt the London Road
on Satiirday evening. wae reit into
by, n .car. She was thrown out of
lier •.J iggy. and dragged after •seine
ist,anea•but •.!ol;t111iatei;e eseape{1
vitae Only. da 4teitereeebirkh g'itli, w .
mfrs ![ '. C. 'Joan t otter b'i'1ig'ina the
seta -era!' stone _'lra:414 ss fore the last
feiteteeu. •amt's• has, eteeided to give
• blrsiuese and is Making' a 'apreial
sale of ibis large stock. ,Saturday
was the first day of the sale and
large crowds took advantage of the
bargains offered.
Mr, and Mrs. L. Gear and son
Jack, of Fergus, Mr, and Mrs. •Les-
ter Hamilton and daughter Marjory
and Mrs. H. Hamilton, of Amherst-
burg and iIr. and Mrs. Russ 11
Sproat, of Seaforth, were guest= of
Mr and Mrs. Caldwell on th-. roli-
Dr. H. H. owen, .S., D.D.S.
At office
wood, first
at office o
Zurich, las
11 leib Block, Dash -
hr days of week and
e he Post Office, in
ree days of week.
Mr./ and Mrs. Geo. Koch are visit-
ing in Detroit.
Mr, Herb Geiser, of Detroit, visit-
ed her parents a few days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, ,Schwalm and
Mr. and Mrs. John Schwalm, of Se-
bewaing, Mich., visited with Mr. and
Mrs. H. Iloffman last week,
Misses Margaret and Sadie Held
are attending Collegiate' in London.
Mrs. Adam Birk spent a few days
with her sister in London.
Mrs. George Kellerman visited in
Blyth last week.
Mrs. Wm. Snell spent the week-
end in London.
Mrs, Finkbeiner and Katherine
are spending the week in Sarnia.
Rev.. Sauer and Milton , attended
the fueral of a friend in Niagara
Falls on Monday.
Thio death took place in Victoria,
Hospital, London, on Sunday Sep_
tember 8th of Mr. Nicholas Stire, of
Dashwood. Mr. Stire was taken to
the hospital on Thursday where lie
.underwent an' operation for an acute
attack of appendicitis and passed
away Sunday at the age of 75 years,
3 ,months „and 9 days. The deceas-
ed was born in France in 1856 in
that portion of the Rhineland whioh
in 1578 came under German rule.
He was united in marriage before
coining to Canada and after arriv-
ing here took up his residence in
Fisherville. He moved to Dash-
wood over 30 years ago. Mrs. Stire
predeceased him in April 1928. Five
sons and two daughters survive,
Nicholas, Fred and Charles, of
Oshawa; /Mrs. Fitzgerald, of Exeter,
Edward, of Dashwood and IVirs.
Veneear and Ernest, of Windsor al-
so two brothers, George, of Dash-
wood and Peter of Fisherville. The
deceased was a member of the Can-
adian Order of Forresters. The fun-
eral took' place from the residence
of his son Edward on the 14th con-
cession of Hay on Wednesday af-
ternoon. interment in the Dashwood
Lutheran cemetery.
Next Sunday afternoon a commun-
ion service will be held in the Unit-
ed Church with Rev. J. M. Coiling
in charge and the following Sunday
Mrs. (Rev.) J. F. Sutcliffe, of Ker_
weed, will preach on behalf of the
Women's Missionary Society.
Miss Dorothy Belling has return-
ed from a visit with friends in, Lu -
can and Clandeboye.
Miss Olive Armstrong entertained
a few of 'her girl friends at a birth-
day party last Friday.
Mr. and hlrs, R. L. Pollock were
in London last week.
The sympathy of the community
is expressed to Mr. Almer Hayter o:f
Detroit lit hid bereavement, the sud-
den death of his wife who was Miss
Grace Murray, eldest daughter .of the
late Mr. P. Murray and Mrs. Mur-
ray. A very large number from
here attended the funeral, at Grand
Bend on Sunday.
Misses Vera Isaac, Beulah and Ila
Hodgins and Raymond Eagleson are
attending Parkhill High School.
Rev. James. ;Stobie, of Belgrave,
ehairmau of the Huron Presbytery
will concha the anniversary ser-
vices at Clliselltttrst on September
22nd at 3 and 7:30 pan.
Mr. Steveson, of Clinton, visited
at Mrs. Alice Cudtnore's .on Sunday.
Miss Edna Brintneil, of Seaforth,
spent the week_end under the par-
ental roof.
The 'Directors of the Seatorth .,g-
rieultural Society lhave everything
In readiness for the Pall Fair on
Thursday and Friday, September the
1.9th .and 20th, Additional live
:stock pens has been erected, ihiiy
proveinents made in the hall and
with increased prize money, there
should be an immense entry.
A, good program of sports leas been.
Provided; including horse .. races.
running and trotting, horSebticle PO-
tato race, horseshoe , pitching
tonrioneent, horseback relay, race,
btiy$ and girls gernes *cling tip With
the usual concert on Pair night,
DIr. Gee, Melts who has been
quite ill for the past few days is lin-
Miss Irene Davey who has been
111 for tate past week is able to be
out again,
Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Sinitic axrd
fancily and :Hiss E. Clarke, visited
in Godei•ich On Monday.
11ir. Arthur Luxton, of South Bend
Ind., is visiting with his aunt and
uncle Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Willis.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mitchell .and
Walter, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Wil_
son and little son spent last week
Mr. and Mrs. D, M. Elliott and
family, Mrs. E. Anderson and Miss
Agnes Anderson silent the week -end
at Grand Bend.
Miss Kathleen Hicks has returned
to New York after spending the
summer with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Hicks.
tiVir, and Mrs. Emanuel Beaver,
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Neil and Mr.
Garfield Neil, of Detroit, attended
the Neil-Sirns wedding recently.
iVir. and Mrs, Harvey Parkinson
and family, of Woodham .and •Mr,
Robert Kerslake, of Exeter, visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wal-
ter Kerslake,
Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Marshall; of
Watford, Mr, Wm, McCarthy, Mies-
es Alice and Bertha McCarthy, of
Stratltroy spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Miles McCabe.
;firs. Rebecca Stewart and two
daughters and son of Exeter, and
Miss Mary Kerslake, of Hensall, vis-
ited on Monday with Mr, and Mrs.
W. Kerslake.
Mr. and Mrs, Maxwell Baynhanh,
of Toronto, and 1V1'rs. Baynham's
mother, Mrs. French, of London,
England, are visiting with the
former's parents Mr. and Mrs, Geo.
Baynham Sr.
Nurses Entertained
The Senior Class oZ year '31 of
the trainng school for nurses at Vic-
toria Hospital, Loudon, was most
enjoyably entertained recently by
Mrs. Andrew Hicks at acorn and
marshmallow roast at' her hone in
Centralia. Miss Erskine and Miss
McVicar, supervisors, , chaperoned
the party. Songs, dances and read-
ings were greatly enjoyed at the
huge camp -fire. Hearty cheers of ap-
preciation were given Messrs. Gor-
don and Fred 11icWane, who provided
transportation. The class includes:
Misses M. Winter, A. Ayres, I. Bo_
bier, E. Carr, J, Courtis, E. Craw-
ford, M. Fowler, IM. Crozier, M. Fos -
tier, E. Fuller, H. Hicks, S. I-Iyatt,
A. Hill, 0. Locelli, I. Mackay, G.
Manson, V. Penfold, L. Pickerng, F.
Pullen, E. Roberts, M. Ma Smith, R.
Smith, R. Waghorn.
One of the season's prettiest wed-
dings took place at Woolwich Street
Baptist Church, Guelph on Wednes-
day, Sept. 4th at 2 p.m. when Dor-
othea Alice Davison daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. H. D. Davison of "Il]aha"
220 Dublin St. became the bride of
Mr. Frank Denzel Sawyer, B.S.A., of
the Chemical Depart., O.A.C. Old
Sol smiled, benignly on the nuptials
as the day was ideal. The stately
church looked beautiful with its
floral decorations of palms, aspara-
gus, fern and gladioli. The charm-
ing bride was given in marriage by
her father and presented: a lovely
picture in her wedding ,gown of ivory
satin made in period style with petal
shaped flounches and bridal veil of
embroidered net, caught with orange
blossoms and pearls. and carried a
bouquet of Sweetheart roses and lily_
of -the -valley. The bridesmaid., Miss
Mildred Mitchell, of Centralia, look-
ed very pretty in a period gown of
taffeta in orchid and flesh, shades
with a picture hat to match and car-
ried Ophelia roses. Little Pauline
Sawyer, niece of the groom was a
winsome little flower girl and car-
ried a basket of flowers and scat-
tered flower petals before the bride
The groom was attended by Mr.
Janes Reynolds, of Port Hope. Mrs.
Harrison Davison played the wed-
ding music and during the signing
of the register Mr. Harrison Davis-
on, brother of the bride sang "Oh
Promise Me." After the ceremony
a reception was held at the home of
the bride's parents. The bride's
mother, received her guests in an
ensemble of Morrat ,blue georgette
and lace' with blue velvet hat to
match and had a corsage of yellow
roses. During the wedding lunch-
eon, Rev. Mr. L. H. Haverstock pro_
posed a toast to the bride which was
responded to by the groom.
The ushers were M'r. Earle Davis-
on, of Winnipeg, 'Mr. Wiu. Davison,
Mr. Herb. Pass and Mr. L. James,
of Mt. Pleasant. The groom's gift
to the bride was a necklace of pearls
and to the bridesmaid a bracelet and
to the flower -girl a ring.
The young couple left by motor
for a trip to Woodstock and Georg-
ian Bay, the bride travelling in an
ensemble of autumn shades.
The out of town guests were:.Mi.
and Mrs. Earle Davison, Winnipeg;
Mr, and Mrs. Harrison Davison, of
Kitchener; air, Lorne Clarkson, Miss
Dora Goble, Mrs. C. B. Newsteed, of
Toronto; Mrs, F. W, Gable, illiss
Bose Goble, Woodstock; _ Mr. and
Mrs. A. D. McKenaie, of Sarnia; Mr,
Louis James, of Brantford; arr. and
Mrs. James Reynolds, of Port Hope; ,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph, of Hamilton;
l+'or f ". ty-four years
young Tflt and women
trained at '' be Westervelt
School ltavt' 4;been gaining
business po ' Ions of the
higher typo,
,e, Tempi in
MIss Edna Pynh, of St. Marys, was
home err Sunday last.
Sacrament will be administered
next Sunday at tits morning service.
11'Ir. anti Mrs, Robt. Brooks end
family have moved back again to
Mrs, Hawkins,
Misses Helenin 'o.
Mrs, Maud Ii
""P r. Harry Ja
is holidaying thi
(ales, Will Johns
followed by rhe
Mr. and Mrs.
friend: Mrs. Rich
Mr. and Mre.
turning .on Sund
Mr. and Mrs.
larto'n visited. S
children went to
made the trip to
by motor.
Mr, Lew Fisc
threshing machine
on the machine.
.Mr. and Mrs.
of New York, M
futon -were visit
Mrs. White at tors
the past week.
Mr. and Mrs.
aeat children Lor
or T. J. Irwin
Sault Ste Marie
The home of
Johns was the s
esting gathering
family and conn
of Rev. and Mr
ward and Ruth
air opportunity
to visit in all tl
ber were unable
pate in games.
paring to enjoy t
chat. About 10:
Py -
bus took charge
Fred and Chas.
for over hn hour
great variety. I
of Exeter, visited
her daughter Mrs. George Hunter
last week.
and Bernice Mural
returned. home after holidaying
Heywood, Of Exeter,
spent a day last
week with friends
in the neighborhood,
ckson, ,of Windsor,
week at his sia-
ters, Mrs. (Rev.)
ins is on the sick
list having had
n attack of quinsey
Jas, Heywood and
Mrs, Herbert visited Mr. and Mes,
Roy Johns on S
Mrs, Neil Cam
el'orh and son Jack,
of Burmington,
Mich„ visited her
Johns last week.
Francis; and Mrs. W.
Butler, of Londe`
n, came up on Sat-
urday for the Johns gathering • re-
ar evening.
Wm. -Stephen, Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Stephen and babe
and Miss Isabelle Stephen, of Ful-
unday at Mr. Saris.
Brock's and Mrs.
Jonathan Cooper's.
Rev. and Mrs.
A. E, Johns and
London on Sunday
evening and left
on Tuesday morn-
ing for their ho.e in Brandon. They
Chicago and return
her, of Dashwood,
who had his finger injured in the
nc was able to re-
turn to work on
Monday. • Mr. Gil-
bert Johns has b
een taking his phage
Stonewall Jackson,
rs. Jackson ,mother
of the former, o
f Windsor, Mr. and
Mrs. Warren Hendershot, of Leanl-
ors with Rev. and
.e parsonage during
John W. Cottenden
and Mrs. Irwin, of
after attending To-
ronto Exhibition
visited will. Mayor
win's and Mrs.
Cottenden's sister
Mrs. Leon O'Reilly last week on
their return jou
1`ney hone.
Mr. and Mrs, Chas.
stung for an inter -
last Saturday even_
ing when over
sixty of the Johns'
ection met in honors, A. E. Johns and
three youngest
children Paul, Ed_
giving the relatives
0f enjoying their
company as their
time was too short
heir lionise, It leas
regrettable that
still quite a to be present, Thelarge lawn was
well lit with elect-
ricity providing
ample space for both
middle-aged and
young to partici-
The older ones pre-
honiselves ill social
30 all were invited
into the house
Mrs, Will Py -
at the piano while
Godbolt Jr. led off
r in a most enjoy-
able sing -song o
! old favorites in
ce cream was serv-
ed in large quantity throughout the
evening. Shortly
before twelve the
good_byes were
said and the crowd
dispersed ending
what could be fitt-
ingly called a reel
To Train for Nurse ,
Miss Marjorie Hunter, who has
held the position of pianist in the
Church for the past fifteen, months
left on Monday to commence train-
ing for a nurse in Victoria Hospital,
London. Marjorie has always been
a general favorite and will be great-
ly missed in the community having
been organist in the Sunday .School'
for several years, and a worker in
the Mission Circle as well. Her
piano solos have always been it
pleasure and no program seemed
coi'nplete without one as she was al -
1 ways ready and willing to help out
in any capacity of which she was
capable. She is a very able acconl_
panist and has played on many oc-
casions for soloists and the male
quartette. The very best wishes or
all go with her hi her new vocation.
On Wednesday evening or last
week about fifty members of the
chair and others meet at the home
of arr. Well. Johns for a Veal So-
cial evening with Miss Marjorie
Hunter before her departure for
London. The lawn was well lit up
With electric lights and the weather
wan polled, Games anct music ware
enjoyed; also a general sing -song.
Mr- Bruce Cooper, leader of the
clhcjir, made a short speech express-
ing iris appreciation of Marjorie's
services and co-operation during the,
ti i 1 1 i'1 ist t IticIi
she made 0 very fitting reply. A11
then jollied in 'singing "For site's a
pretty fine lady" which truly ex-
pressed the Peelings of evelyoile,. Af-
tef a lunel1 or sandwlehes' and, cake
With generous' helpings of `ice cream
all: repaired to their houses at the
lrct;iir of nidtlight'wel'l pleased 'with
their eve111;neVentertaleelhent, Let`us
lied for ''tires ed,ffieatfeliao'f 'these Who'
Saki tereelet eOtigiiout..;t)he,eliot•w•deye,
of7ttet Week and suffocated during
the ntightlChet„ it, atifte,,(lpelefla l, .,, to
slhiyer itt '3liiditikltt vtdlli '`the' - d' of'lt
lee cream. Many can testify to the 1.
ttaith of this atateiftent, :`y,
t:nnstial orchestra, . .
The -ditno'dfatt NaftdhalEgilibitiott
G1'ctsed its gator Saturday evening.,
!The' total 'attendaltce Was L97'14000 as. 'eOh gated With2,0391000 last
yedt, a deereasb of 60,000.,
Mr. anti Mrs. Jack Sellers„ of De-
troit, silent last week with Mr...los.
Carruthers Sr.
,M'r, and Mrs. Otto humin, of De-
troit, spent Sunday with Mr. ,Joe
We regret to announce the ,death
of Mrs, Alttler Hayter, of Detroit, a
former resident of this community
and extend our deepest sympathy,
to the bereaved, family.
Please keep In mina the An#liver-
sexy service* in tate united church,
Sunday, September 29t11. Rev. Mr,
Wood, of Parkhill, will be the speak_
er for the day. On the, following
Thursday., October the 3rd the La-
dies Aid will hold the annual Fowl.
Supper in the shed, More particu-
lars later.
Next Sunday, September the 15th
Mr, Medd, of Exeter will speak in
the Sunday School on Temperance
Quite a number from here attend-
ed the funeral of the late -Mrs. A.
Hayter, of Detroit, to Grand Bend
cemetery on Sunday last,
Mrs, M. Finkbeiner and Miss L.
of Crediton are this week visiting at
the Marne of fir, A. Finkbeiner.
i'Rl lisl)1I1'. SEPTEMPER 1.42 IOWA
W,EfA:i. ri W. Ill:. S.•
The members .of Watileit
met at the home of hers, 13ei't Mos -0
sip on Thursday, September the 5th
for their regular monthly meeting„
The President Mrs. Frank '.Gunning
was in the chair. Mrs. .(Rev.) Ir-
win offered pi'.ayer and Mrs,. John.
HaIelw.00d led the responsive read -
in; of the Scriptures, Lesson: Luke
24; verses 26-47. Mrs, Geo. Ark-
sey read the, Devotional leaflet "Be-
ginning at Jerusalem," Thanits were
received: from those Wilco had been
sent flowers and fruit when they
were Ill. The South Section of the
Huron rresoy;ter al will meet in
Convention in Whalen United church
on Wednesday, September the 25th
and plans were made for this meet..
ing. Good colleetioils showed the
interest the mearbers are taking in
W.M.S, work. • A splendid bale was
Packed, valued at $60,00 which. is to
be sent to Radway Centre, Alta.
Mrs, A. Gunning pronounced the
benediction which closed the meet-
ing. The hostess and her assistants.
then: served a 'delightful tea and all
enjoyed a social time.
�!„!E eboul the
GMe4C Deterred
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