HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-09-12, Page 1. . , J.4 1,10•4^1.1 • • INSTAl3LISHED 1873 • EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, SFPTE1VIBR 12th 1929 EXETER ,FALL FAIR TUES. and WED. SEPT. 17 and .18th ,m4GN1fic.ENT:DISPLAY IN Lk& wiNTIGNc FOR FAIR DAY When in Exeter on Fair Day don't forget to see o Misses' and children's fall and winter coats. We hay coats of the very latest styles and materialsto sho Price& display of ladies', aboUt two hundred' you at very special •LAME'S 'CUR CO •We have a nice" range •of French Seal and M rat coats at very attract- ive prices. to show yod,on Fair Day. LADIES' and MISSE DRESSES The new dresses for fall are now read for youir inspection. We have a very large stock of smirt.dresses :in tric. 'nes,7crepes, etc. ' SPECIAL VALUES FO WE HAVE PREPARED &LIST OF FAIR AYS om.y. READ DON'T 'MISS T e Flannelette Blank FV:annelette 3c. ayarcl bleached cotto bleached long ton or hea factor); c Os V. B laid C' of O Ibex Largest s .3fglitch Whit* • - -T•bargain at 36 inch very fin 36 inch very fin Circular pillow c 49c. per yar 36 inch =bleach Heavy Plaid, all wo Satin bound all woo Men's work shirts an 10 dozen pair only me we know of for 39c paid? • Our entire stock of men's 11;00 ties at 85c. each, $1S0 ties for 98c. 1. piece only heavy, black Duch"eiss dress satin 36 inches wide, regular $1.5Q a yard for 11.19 a yard, Ladies' silk hosiery, 10dozenpair newest shades at 69ca pair. • Heavy bleached 'sheeting 21// yards wide our 85c. quality for 69c. a AIR DAY ONLY AL BARGAJNS FOR THE TWO, ERY, ITEM OF THIS LIST. SEBARqAINS. s at $2.39 a pair. . very heavy Egyptian cotton. A real, 4116i:1,v 4 1 our Jegular 25c. quality for.19c. a yardp th 35c. quality for 29c. a yard at 60c. quality 40 maid 42 inch widths for • on, our heavy 30c. quality for ,F3c. a yard. nkets at $9135 (7 forters 0. V. brand $6.95 each. $1.50 lines for $1.29 each avy all wool work iocks; The best 50c. value, ,.• yard- .• spEcIAL SUIT VALUES eriteNivt.$0.1tiramMeikTweetYS:llitsrtAtoerSchsiolltilitef con, at . $15;,00. $5;100 • Phone 32jones & Nay Phone 32 !no404,,AAAA040AAAAAAAAAAAAA Specials for Fair 15c. Specials ,cials. 2 quart pudding 150. Preserving K r- es .. . '. . . . .. 25c. .,• Lipped sauce pans ... 15c. Windsor dip rs 250. -r Granite wash basins 15c. Deep stew i ns 25e. • 10 „inch pie plates 150. 3 qt. utili ,,' pans 26c. .. • Tea k.ettles 5 Specia 55c. 12 qt. preserving kettles 55c. 5c. Large con/ex kettles DON'T .FAIL TO' SEE OC 'Large 2 qua Cover STOVE E,' FAIR. aP8 coffee 'pots kettles. 55c. 55e. 55d. BIT AT TRE EXETER, A • Avip. SPECIALIZE IN ALL L ES QV ilwriNG, ANI) vurt-NA.cm TRAQUAIR INDENFIELD PHONE YOUR HARDWARE NECESSITIES '10 NO. 27. BIRTHS N GILL -In Grand Bend, on August 31st, 1929; to.M.r., and Mrs. Har- mon.A.T. Gill, dakfghter (loan • ' • IVIARRIAOES - NEI.I.,---14111tS--At the Unitet church parsonage, •Croditon,-on Wednes- day, August 28th, Theltim Gerald. lite, yoitfigest daughter of Itt.; and Mrs. W. Sims. of Crediton, to liurray Joseph Neil, soft of Mr, and Wilt.. Jas. Neil, of Centralia, ty Bev. H. W. Hagelstern, DEATHS RAGS:RAW-In Toronto on Sept. G. $arnuel. Rolton Ragsbaw, beloved husband of 'rattly rs., 13arivaw, in. his 83rd year. 6,1 tro,uumiLon.sis 1.111,'" POLLEN -In Usborne, On Friday, ,September Oth, 1929, William. John ,Pollen, iii his. 64th year. • rpt11.-4n. Chicago 011 August the gOth, Grate Anne Fuke, younger datighter of Maty MIlenda, and the late Jolik Puke. • , SARBOTT-411i 1111140,mi on Wed- ,•nosdarf Septentbr, 4th, 1029, ChriSfena Hontliton, beloved Wife of Wnt. •J. Sattotte, in her '64th .„ year. .. • . • STANLEY -On September 4, tat the General HoSpititi. Methanol; Min- nie Clara, BrOltre beloved wife Of 3. 1Tarvey Stanley, Detroit, form- erly of Lucan. 1 ' •••• ' . EXETER COUNCIL September gth, 1939 "A regular Meeting Of the alliIi- inal Council was held in the town, hall with all members present. The Minutes ,of the meeting held August 20th were read and approved. A. letter from the office of Fran- cie Hankia co., Lta., Mentreal, re- tarding the use of drain cleaning tools was read. Filed , . ,Mr. J. G, Cochrane representing ?Ikl. W. Leavett asked permission to erect an electric sign in front of the 'theatre building. Granted on, mo- tion of Rivers and Francis, Carried The following accounts were read an ordered, paid: H. Bagshaw, (haying 33,15; The :Barrett Co. Ltd„ tarvia $44.88; Carling & Morley bond 38.00; Ern- est Elliott, Inc. town hall 315.60; .Tones and May, supplies charity $6.- 10; Henry Smith, labor 338.65; E. ,Coombes, labor 337.00; John Par - Sons, labor 330,00; Wm. Gibson, la - :bar 34.50; Wm. Winer, labor 330.; Geo. Atkinson, labor 38.75; George •Smith labor 322.50; Jno. Northeott, Jabor 330.00; Clifford Mitchell, la- bor 324.00; Thos. Sanders,. .labor )24.00; Jno. Hunkin $19.00; Nor_ Pan McDonald, labor $7.80; Thos. Rankin, labor 37.35; Jonathan Kycld gravel 356.00; Harold McFalls, gra- Vol $954.10; Wm. Collingwood, la- bor library 320.00; Wm. Smith la- hor, cemetery 325.5.0. Passed on Motion of Bierling and Rivers. a• Adjourned by Francs. . JcSenor, Clerk yolui. STARTS, ON ,- 'NEW POST OFFICE , ;Messrs. Beaver Bros. of Crediton flee secured the contractfor the „building of •the Exeter ,Postoffice. The. work of laying out and •digging the foundation.on the Federal Park Bite commenced Wednesday and the building will' be rushed to comple- tion: Mr. Winters, architect, froyn, the Public Works Department was it town on MOnday.. BOORT PRACTICE " Dr. George . Hind, who recently graduated as a• Doctor of Dental Sur- geons from the DniVersity of Toron- to,.has purchased the practice of Dr. B. Halliday; of Walkerton and ill get possession October the lst. Mr 'Hind will have- the best wishes Of Many friends in this community Nor his future success. MACHINE SWF SOLO The machine shop of "Alr, j. 0. Cochrane on Station $t. has been sold to Mr.. Robt, IvIoussean, of Hen, Sall, who has already talon posSes- sion, MW PRAcTurom Mrs, P, Webber received word that her sister, drs.has, 18440, Or London, fell on Sunday breaking her leg just belOw the hip and is con- fined to St. Joseph's Hospital. TO ATTEND PHARMACY Mr. Verne Roulston has severed His connection with, the• Tarnblyn Drug Co. of London, and is spending this week at home here. He leaves. next week tq commence his Pharrn- acy Course at Toronto 'University. FIRE MENACE Vire brae out on the pasture farm of ?4r. Rd. Davis, of the 4th concession of Stephen and after smouldering for several days it -was Wined by high winds and threaten- ed to become a menace. One, day nine men fought the flames and succeeded in getting the fire under control. The grass and scrub growth were burned over two or three acres of land. • ATTEND LAYMEN'S CONFERENCE Mr: -IL T. RoWe from James St. Churel4 Mr. George Jaques of Main St. Church and Mr. Peter Whitlock from Thames, Road church were in St. Thomas on Saturday and Sunday attending .a conference of the Unit- ed Chnrehllayinen at .Alma College, Delegates to the number of 150 were present from all parts of Lon- don, Conference and notable speak- ers included Dr. Robt. Laws, of Scotland and successor to Robt. Livingstone in; missionary work in Central Africa and Rev. Dr. Gunn, moderator of tho 'United Church. Mr. W. G. Medd, M.L.A., of Exeter was also •one of the speakers, rand Jend asiao FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR, NO. 289ir Just .arrived a I ge asSortialealft of felt hats in, Bla and Colors; al- so velvet hats, • New rimrnin Black; Iso F t• • E YOU. TO CALL. •• n Steel, Gold and cy Pins, and Neck,- Yelland ear ome tiheatre Wed., Fair Night a d Thursday, Sept. 19. TOM MIX and TON Th 'Deadwood e accepted --- an - All the "f n and.`thrillsOt a wi show in .this greatest of al piceares Coined •"Lupino Lane 64.F wes, MIX Children 25c. Coupons ticke TICUFFS Adults, 350 Tax will not OLDTI,E .ANCE - in DOME. RINK IR NIGHT A,dmission 50c •a, ouple. Dancing - Fr OLD TIME MDR. RS' C.NPES • SOON. ;WATCH FOR ATES NO- I G. 4. Stints° Co., Ltd. (1 :•,.:e.„st Bond. 01.1,C In Canada" se& to «inounce that they have ; ppointed :FRANCIS our Representative for Exeter and, District SPECIAL ATTRACTION: 91 Are pl SAT. NITE SEPT • No lowly HOUSE ESTROYED BY FPO', C. M. ;Walker Also Loses Barns and Garage Fire' late Tuesday afternoon des- troyed the 'residence, barns and ga- rage. of C. kE. Walker, owner of the Grand Bend golf course. The fire; discovered about 5:30 o'clock„.1s believed' to have started freiln a defective chimney and de- spite the efforts, of neighbors and ••tourists burned the structures to the ground. • At one tune it was feared that the Village itself was endangered, but the' fire was finally confined to the house and barns. A •heavy -wind ivas blowing and had it been from another direction the chance of sav- ing other village buildings would have been. small. The loss is estimated at about $6,000 mostly covered by insurance.' The club -house on Mr. Walker's golf 'course was not damaged. FLY WITH Pilot Gerald to announce t flying his p1 weather permi nesday, Septe and 1 carry Jg th ay fare of .50 You ma that the' p : e reliable. , ONFIDENCE. Fitton wishes at he intends e to Exeter, ing, on Wed- ber the 18th assengers dur- the reduced er passenger. th confidence and pilot are. Mrs. m. wish t exten to t many for he kind 'ten ,ed Mixt) of Mr..*Pile floral tribute NHS 11 n and family incere thanks. and neighbors d sympathy ex - e illness and demise also for the many. IN IV BOX -In ovin, Box who a ago, Septe MORIAN memory of Charles ed away two years r 15, 1937. Wife and family PROPERTY MANGE Mr. W. G. Simmons, who recent- ly disposed of his blacksmith tallow on Main Street to the Brie Gas 'Co., has purchased- the Chamber. Bros. Garage. Mr. Silinmons ,gett posses- sion the 16th of this month. He 7111 have it fitted up for his black- smith busineSS and will also handle machinery, gas and oil„ Mr. Sam- uel Chambers has taken a position with the Erie Gat Co.' but Mr. Cal vert Chambers has notdecided what he Will :do., DIED IN BnITISH Cortnstitm. The death took place at New Westminster, B. C. of Mr. Alfred' Morish. Glanville, for many years a resident of this distriet. Mr. Glan- ville died at the honle Of his son, Edwin. Ho was 89 years of age and ,,had been. a, resident Of New' Wetniinster for 21 years. Ha11 is tux'Vived by another soh, Ernest, who also resides in New 'Westminster. Mrs. Glanville, Whose Maiden name was Welt Lucy Young, taredeeeased him six years ago. The deceased Was one Of the earliest Settlers on the 4th cOndessOn of Stephen Where Ile lived 'ter Many years, tnterment took place in the liVaser cemetery. THE LATE WM.. POLLEN The death took place at Farqu- har on Friday, September the 6th, Of Mr. Win. John Pollen in his 64th year: Mr, Pollen suffered a serious illness last winter but was again. able to be around. On the Monday previous to his deathhe suffered a paralytic stroke. The deceased- was born in the community• where he spent all his- life. For about, 48 Years Mr. .Pollen conducted thresh- ing operations in the community never having missed a seesdn. 1.1e was well...known and highly esteem- ed by a wide circle Of aequaintanees. He was- united in Married with.1Miss Josephine Tuffin, his bereaved wi_ dow, besides whom three sons and two daughters survive,' Edward :and Harvey, of Exeter; Mrs. C. • W. Kestie, of Seaforth, Miss Reta Pol- len, Of Mitchell an4 Sirpota: of Flint, Mich., all of whom were Present for the funeral. One brother George, of St. Marys and a sister Mrs. Anson Sluale, of Farquhar also tervive. The funeral on Monday afternoon Was largely attended •showing the esteem in which the ,deceased was held. Many beautiful floral tri- bfttes surrounded the casket. .'Phe choir of Thames Rd. United Church atsisted with the music. The ser-, Vitae was conducted b 1teV. Jaines AntliOny,'InterMent 'taking place in the Exeter eemetery. .Today Wednesday is the last of the half-riondays for tho sunnier Months. ' •- Wednesday,' of next Week. being tteter 'Pair Day the Times-A(1v°- eate will not be printed until Thurs- day. ,1Nfts, •littliur Thula and Air. and Mrs. Geo. 'Willey, of Poldenso visit- ed on Sunday. with Mr. knd Mrt. Dinney. • Miss Mita Prydel of Windior, Spent the Week -end at the luttne Of her uncle Ur. Thos. Prytio.and sang a very pleasing solo lit Cavell /vol., byterlan Church Sunday morning. • cOMPI. NTT!! 0 10 Remember with Doe is directin ARS nd His .A11 -S HE»RA- rtists of the wo hippl his THE LAST leveland erful comedian Well, here he •ix band of All- • rs . . . , • ATTRACTION OP SEASON DANCING SATURDAY NIGHTS DURING SEPTEMBER • LEFT FOR ST. THOMA..q Mr. Harold Santora, of Hensel!, whipfer the past seven 'years has been employed with '• the Exeter Times,Advoeate, for a time super- vising the Mansellplant but lately of Exeter, has a4Ceptett a position with the • Sutherland Press, in St. Thomas, and left 'on Monday for that city. •IMr..Sciuton has been an, efficient and., reliable young man and we wish for' him. ,every success. In his new position, t. • Permanent Waving Miss L Stack to -date moll and will ha BOYLE'S bar ing TUESDA Miss Stackho waving and appointment. ouse has p e. for P manent Waving an ex rt at- MR. F. M. er sli 'fora week begiii- SEP MBER 24th. s also taken up finger elling. All work' done by aieil an ur. Stop INN lIlIl 0 Did you ever think, jus fora moment, t line of good we carry? SILVERW • D'S Ice Cream NEILSON Chocolates, Boxe and Bars CHRISTIE .Biscuits • McCO1i11/1 K'S Biscuits an. Candy D. & PER IN'S Biscuits a Candy SCHNEID R'S Meats an Lard (none better) HARRY RNE'S Jell owders, Custards, •Marshmellows GORMAN ECKER.T'S piceso B. Powder, 'Olive's, Exttaas NEAL'S ead GAMMA 'S Cut F wort, Sprays, Wieatits eke. CROSS & BLACK ELL'S fimous 'Pi/Claes FRES Fan S AND VEGETABLES IN SEASON AND E ER• ING, 10ActIN41344‘ GROCERIkS