HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-09-05, Page 5*11
rijorit rft Opri erre
CLINTON, ONT ' ' . 0
that has made it possible for our ores of students to obtain and
hold positions d=„ending a high andard of etficienoY.
Courses: Secre Arial, Cony clal, Stenogrephie, General Office,
Civil Sery ee, (`omi »el 'Tcaclwer.'s' Courses end. Special
Courses a ranged.
You cannot a end a er school. Why not attend this?
to -day for Information. Phone 198
Com. Specialist, Vice -Principal. Principal.
DR. R.
Honor gra
Medicine, an
the Universit
:Member of
and Surgeo
two doors ea
Phone 56
uate of
Master o
of We
F sty of
lance, of
n Ontario.
f Physicians
ntario. Office
Post Office..
DR. J. A.
J eleplron
idence 114
ART, L. D. S,
Plate Work
Main Street
Mr. Edred Smith spent Friday in
Mr. John :McDonald was in Toron-
to one day last week.
The village half Holidays ended
on Wednesday of last week.
Mr. Jack Carmlu:iael spent the
week -enc. with .friends here.
Mr. Ladd McEwen has treated
himself to a now Durant car.
Miss E. Pybus,. of Windsor, spent
the holiday with friends in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Patterson spent
a few days in Toronto last week.
Quite a number from here took in
Toronto Exhibition on Labor Day.
Miss Thelma Hudson, of London,
spent the week -end at her home here.
Mr. Alex M4eMurtrie, of Toronto,
spent the holiday with his mother
Mr. A: W. E. Hemphill is having
the front of his Grugstore nicely
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blatchford
are visiting friends and relatives In
Mr. and Mrs. Manley Jinks, of De-
troit, spent the week -end at their
home here.
Mr. Alvin Warrenei•; '"'o Pontiac.,.
Mich., spent the week -end with his
friends here.
Mrs. Lee Redden returned to her
hone here after a weeks' vacation in
Miss Annie Consitt has accepted
a position of teaching school in Stan-
ley T'owuship.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Donaldson, of
Teeewater, spent the holiday with
friends in town.
Mr, and Mrs. Peter Buchanan, of
Toronto, spent the holiday visiting
relatives in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Dingwald and family,
of Streetsville spent the holiday visit-
ing friends here_.
Mr. Robt. Morrison, of Woodstock,
spent the holiday visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Priest.
Messrs. Owen Geiger & Son have
a large number_of Indians busily en-
gagad in flax pulling. •
Mr. and Mrs. Lad McEwen spent,
the holidays with Mrs. McEwan's
parents at Paisley.
Mrs. Lou Sinip'eon and son William
spent the holiday at the home of Mr.
.and Mrs. Robt. Bonthron.
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Scott, of Cro-
anarty, spent Sunday at the home of
•Mr. ,and Mrs. Ed. McQueen.
Mr. and Mrs. Wil.:ain (McLean, of
Hamilton, spent the week -end at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore,
Miss Margaret Buchanan, of Van-
couver, spent a few days last week
with her mother Mrs. Win. Buchan-
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram North spent
the week -end at the home of the lat-
ter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hig-
Miss Edith McEwen has returned
to her school in Kitchener after
spending the holidays at her home
Mrs. W..J Jones, who had her
anklebone broken over a week ago
is doing as well as can be expected
and Hopes soon to have it out of the
Miss Janette Scott, of Cranially,
spent a fel+ days last week visiting
her couslhs MIsses Dorothy and Elva
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Consitt and
Miss Annie Consitt have been visit-
ed by their cousins Mr. and Mrs.
Consitt, of 'OttaW;a.
The public and continr atioe
schools re -opened on Tuesday last
'with a splendid attendance for the
-day. Tho teaching staff ate the
,same as last year.
Master B1llio bllggins returned to
his home here after two weeks' ira-
cation with his sister Mrs. Bert.rant.
North, of Woodetoek.
Mr. Wm. Lehi/non, ;proprietor of
:the New Continercial Hetet lied ,a
narrow escape • from death together
with his brother David, owing to halt-
ing their, car. Struck by .,a train at
aaitroed crossing near Kitchener.
AIM Samuel., Steacy returned on
lfonday to iEtillsgreen again where
tike is helping to verse her sister' Mrs,
Wui, Jarrett. Mre, 'Steady Sues home
ter over the .hoti.drly i;ntertaiiiing her
children from Detroit, who were at
their home for the holiday.
Reeve Higgins was in Goderich on
Monday attending a meeting of the
Huron County Old Age Pension
Board and on Tuesday was in Clin-
ton attending a meeting 0f the Hu-
ron County Ronne Committee.
On Friday last Kenneth M'fanns
while .playing at Home fell from a
tree and dislocated his shoulder and
received other serious injuries. He
was taken to a Children's Hospital
in Toronto on Tuesday for treat-
Connell Meeting
The regular meeting of tete village
council was held Tuesday evening of
this week with all the members pre-
sent, The reeve reported that the
south west drain was completed;
the inspector's report accepted and
the expenses against the drain all
paid up. A new drain will be start-
ed for the north west corner of'the
town almost immediately. Council-
lor Ortwoin reported that a man
would be here this week to make a
necessary survey. A number of ac-
counts were presented and ordered
paid, The matter of setting the tax
rate for the village was then taken
up. The reeve gave a review of the
receipts and expenditures so .far this
year and then gave an estimate of
about what would be required for
the balance of the year and asked
for a rate of 33 mills or half a mill
less than last year which was agreed
to by the council. The council in-
tend going over the town sometime
shortly to see what gravel and other
work will be needed this fall. The
council then adjouened to meet
again at the call oi' the reeve.
Mr. Hector Murray, of Detroit,
spent the holiday at his home here.
Misses Greta Isaac and Winnifred
Bastin, of London, visited over the
holiday at the home of Mr. David
;Mr. and Mrs. Moon and family, of
Londesboro visited at Mr. William
Brown's on Tuesday.
Mrs. Wm. Hayter has returned
from visiting relatives in Detrol.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Carruthers Jr..
spent the holday in Detroit.
Miss Helen Hayter entertained a
number of her friends at a birthday
party one day last week.
Mr. Byron Brown has returned to
Toronto to resume his duties as
teacher there.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Miller and Miss-
es Addie Hickey and. Lillian Hagler,
of Detroit, visited over the week-
end at Mr. Wm. Hayter.
Misses Ila and Beulah Hodgins
spent the past week with their
grandparents Mr. and Mrs. James
Carruthers Sr.
There was no service in the Unit-
ed Church on Sunday on account of
the pastor .being away on holidays.
Sunday School was as usual.
Mrs. Hodson and Miss Nellie Hod-
son R.N., of' London, is at present
visiting at the home of Mrs. L. Fink-
Mr. and Mrs. John Schroeder, of
Sharon visited Sunday with friends
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Keys and
children, of Detroit, visited over the
holiday at the home of Mr. Thos.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Lafond and chil-
dren, of Sarnia, visited over the
week -end at the home of • Mr. C.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M'1eIsaac, of Lon-
don, a former resident of this place
visited friends here on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Ecl. McCormick and
Miss Marjorie, of London and Mrs.
J. Keys, of Exeter, visited friends
here on Sunday.
Miss Violet Sharpe left Saturday
for Thwaites, Ont. to resume her
duties as teacher. ....
'rhe regular monthly meeting of
the Huronctale Women's Institute
was held at the hone of Mrs. W. T,
Oke, on: Thursday, Attgtist 29th,
with a good attendance.
At the eclose of the business part
of the meeting the ladies were fa-
vored with:. a vocal solo by Miss
Pearl Norris and instritntentals 'by
Mrs. Earl 1viitellell and .Miss Rota
Oke. The ., ladies then had the
pleasure of .heai'lttg 1!r'oni Mr. M. R.
Compile, of Exeter, who spoke on.
"Tire tont ince oe 1140111g”. The
address Was erery 1uteeeeting and In-
structive, and a hearty .vote: of
thanks was tendet•ed to Mr. COriipiite
The meeting was ,°brought to It close
by siltgiitg tire.. National Anthem
n1tee evident lttneh was served by the
ladies in charge.
Dr. 1I. H. wen,
At tittle= in I tleib Iiloek, Dash-
wood, first t, e.. days of 'weep and
at office over the Post Office, in
Zurich, last three days of week.
Miss Anna Stephen left for London
last week.
arise Tillie Miller returned to To-
ronto on Friday.
Mrs. C. Stade spent the creek -end
in New Hamburg.
Misses Ella and Tillio ginner
have returned to Detroit,
Mliss Gertrude Hoffman spent a
few days In Kitchener last week.
Miss Clara Kraft, of London, is
spending .a week with her parents.
Mrs, Vernon, of Detroit, is visit-
ing her sister Mrs. 0, Resterneyer.
Mr., Ira Tiernan, of Hamilton,
spent labor Day with his parents,
Miss Rose Zimmer, of Detroit, le
spending her vacation at her home
Miss Myrta Ho'ffmae, of Kitchen-
er, spent tile week -end with her par-
Rev. and ears, Sauer and Milton
spent last week in Niagara Falls and
lMr. and Mrs. Chas. Schlnt, of
Pontiac, visited relatives a few days
last week,
Mr. Czar Steinhagen, of Ailsa
Craig, is spending his vacation with
his parents.
Mr. and Mrs, iA. Mentz, of Tavis-
tock, were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Schenk.
,Mr. and Mrs, D. Bender and Mr.
and Mrs. V. Schatz, of Blyth, visited
in town on Monday.
Mrs. J. Kellerman and sons Czar
and Harold are attending Toronto
Exhibition this week.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Zimmer and Miss
Theda Hayter, of Windsor, spent a
few days with relatives.
Mrs. Wm. Schultz, of Mt. Clemens
visted her father Mr. G. Nadiger,
who continues quite poorly.
Mr. Percy Iileinstiver returned to
Chicago on Monday after spending
two weeks with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Schultz, of Detroit,
spent a few days with the latter's
parents Mr. and Mrs. L. Rader.
Misses Alice Hoffman and Anna
Tiernan attended the Convention in
Kitchener as delegates last week.
Mr, and Mrs. Stadelbauer and
family, of London, were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs, P. Kraft.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Watson, of De-
troit, spent afew days with the
latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Wni.
Mrs. R. Taylor and son Jim, of
Exeter, visited her parents Mr. and
Mrs. C. Steinhagen a few days last
M. and Mrs. C. Wilfong and Mr.
and Mrs. Arnett; of Detroit, were
week -end visitors with Mrs. Ha-
Mr. John Donehey returned to
'Chicago on Saturday after spending.
the summer with his grandmother
Mrs. Goetz.
Mrs. Ernest Pfile, of Detroit, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Pfile, of Ann Arbor,
were week -end visitors at the hone
of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Pfiie.
Mr. and• Mrs. M. Mclsaac, of De-
troit, spent the week -end with rela-
tives. Their family returned with
them after spending the summer
School re -opened on Tuesday with
the following staff: Mr. A. Mawd-
sley, of Juddhaven, Principal and
Miss Alleinang, of Elmira and Miss
A. Hoffman, assistants.
Mr. Earl Guenther motored to Sa-
ginaw, Mich., over the week -end at-
tending a re -union at that place.
Miss Margaret Merner and friend,
of Detroit, visited her parents over
the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Watt, Mrs. Buelk-
er, Miss Tinnie iMiller and Miss Dor-,
othy Witt, of Buffalo, N.Y., visited
over the week -end with Mr. and.
Mrs. Jacob Willert, Miss Edna Wil-
lert returning with them,
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar -Fisher and;
son, of Detroit, spent the week -end.
with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Pfiie. Miss
Ada Fisher, who spent her summer
holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Pelle re
turned home with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Fisher and;
son, of Detroit, Mr, and Mrs. Wm.
Kuntz, of Exeter and son of Wind
sor, Mr. and Mirs. Art Koessel, of
Lansing, Mich., Mr. Ricin. and Mel-
vin Sipper, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs.
Arnold Kuntz, of. Alvinston, were
week -end visitors at the bore of Mr
and Mrrs. John Kuntz of the 14th:
School re -opened here on Wed-
Mr. and Mrs. Teeling and family,
of Detroit, are spending a few days
with Mrs. •Teeling'S brother Mr. J.•
Mr. John Hall of Goderich and
sister Mrs. J. F. Coughlin, of Straf-
ford. were called t0 the bedside of
their brother T. J. Hall, who is ser-;
lonely 111.
Mr. and Mrs. Roach and family,
of Hamilton, Mr. Joltit Lynch anal
sons John and Anthony, of Detroit,
spent the week -end at the home of
the Misses Careys.
Master Basil Gooditig, of Parlay
bill, spent the Week -end with his
aunt Mrs. J. Carey, '
Miss Sadie Campbell and brother
Joseph, of Detroit, called on their
brother Jerry Campbell.
Miss Winnie Madden and her 01111
bin K, Moir Spent the week-endwith
the fernier's parents Mr. and 1Vtra,'
M. Madden:
Mr. and Mrs. Dueharine and fam-
ily lett on Tuesday for their hotnti
in Detroit after a p1eaSltflt visit withl
the latter's Mother Mts. M. O'Brie t.
to an Tr1RM
. Semi% , Blau 3rd
'" Wvlte for bo•.'•cXet of In-
fornnatlon on.. M'eetervrlt
('ours, .. It ays to at-
tend ood~:. hool of busi-
lress tr Inin.�
Write f. • n ormatuon,
4. #i, . .l, lily Jtetgetrnr
itSC 1104
Mr. Lorne Hicks spent the week-
end in Ripley.
Miss Mildred Mitchell is the guest
of Miss D. Davison in Guelph this
Mrs. John Kent spent Friday of
last week with relatives in Claude-
Miss Mary O'Brien, of London,
spent the !holiday under the parent. -
al roof.
School re -opened on Tuesday with
Miss E. Clarke, .of Goderich as the
Mrs. Janes Taylor, of Belgrave,
spent Monday with leer sister Mrs.
Arthur Brooks.
Mrs. Harry Mills visited with. her
son Truman in Hamilton last week
and attended the Toronto Ex.
Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson
are spending a couple of days at the
Toronto Exhibition this week,
'Dr.. and Mrs. Hamilton and dau-
ghter o1' Ailsa Craig, visited on
Monday with the Misses Wilson, •
Mr. and Mrs. John Pollard and
Greta visited with (Me. and Mrs. W.
Burley in Tltedford on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodgert, of
Exeter, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Willis at Grand Bend last
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 'Willis and
family have .returned home after
holidaying at Grand Bend for the
month of August.
Mrs. MI. Sleamon has returned to
her home after spending several
weeks with her sister Mrs. E. Cal -
fess in Edmore, Sask.
Mr. and Mrs. George Essery and
Master Billy Anderson, of London,
visited over the week -end with Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Dobbs.
Mr. and' Mrs. Earl Hodgson and
family, of Chatham, spent the week-
end with the former's parents :Mr.
and Mrs. D. Hodgson.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Neil, Mr.
Garfield Neil -and Mr. and iMrs. E.
Beavers, of Detroit, spent the holi-
day under the parental roof.
Mr. Grant Ford, of Flint, Mich.,
and Miss B. Madge, of London, vis-
ited with the former's parents Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Ford over the week-
Miss Betty Baynham has returned
to her !tome in Exeter after holi-
daying with her grandparents Mr.
and 'Mrs. George Baynham Sr, for
the past couple weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson and
Reg., Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ilodgson
and 'fancily, Mr. and MMrs. D. Hodgson
and Herman and Mr. and Mrs. Al-
bert Mitchell held a picnic at Grand
Bend on Monday.
Mr. and Mfrs. Eldon .Steeper and
Mrs. N. H. Pollard, of Corbett, Mrs.
Robert Smith, of Parkhill and Mrs.
Floyd Ott, of Detroit, visited with
Mr. and Mrs: John Pollard on Wed-
needay of last week. -
MIr. and Mrs. Wm. Etherington
spent a few days at the Toronto Ex.
Messrs. C. Brown and J. McKel-
lar took in the Toronto Exhibition.
Mr. J. Ashton, of Hensale, was a
visitor with his sister Mrs. D.
Mr. Clyde McDonald, of Toronto,
spent a few days with Master Clif-
ford and Lester Allen.
Miss Joy and,Evelyn Whitlock, of
St. Thomas spent tate week -end un-
der the parental roof.
Mr. and Mr's. Leonard Harris and
children were visitors with friends
Dungann.on recently.
Little Miss Vera and Master Ev-
erett Pollen, of Exeter, are visiting
with Mr. and MIrs. Wm. Pollen.
• Mr. and Mrs. Hickman Whet, ,
stone, of Anderson attended the
funeral of Mr, Frank Kernick.
Mr. and Mrs. Win: McDonald and
children, of Kipper, visited with Mr.
and Mrs. .A. Gardner on Sunday.
Dr. Fred Hackney, of the U.S.A.,
is holidaying with his brothers,
Messrs. Thomas and William Hack-
ney. •
The Thames Road Sunday ,Zchool
Diene was held on Tuesday, August
27th with a splendid attendance at
Ur. and Mrs. Clayton Smith and
family attended the Bailey picnic at
:Springbank on Wednesday of last
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kydd spent
the week -end at the home of their
daughter Mrs, W. Etydall, of Shal-
low Lake. Mrs. N. Wiseman accom-
panied theist.
Mr. and Mrs. McMaster, Miss
Foote and Mr. Sint Pollen, of F1ii4te
spent the week-en.d at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. Win. Pollee. Miss it.
Pollen also spoilt the week -end. at
her home.
Mr. A. Y. Campbell and soil Gere
ald.tnotored to Gravettherst over the'
week -end.. Mise Marilyn and We-
ter Getrltani retttrn.irig with therm 1
after holidaying with their relatives
. r
Mr. h.nd Mrs., JaClc I�odgel t and M'rs.
Jark Stewart accompanied them on i
their trip.
FOR ,S41414-•--13rick :dwelling in
excellent state of repair; hardwood
:floors, built in china cupboards,. a
bathroom, hydro,. good well, chick-
en house, good garden with fruit
trees. 'Phis ;is the resilience of the
late J.,/ H. Iioltzrann. Inspection
invited: For .terms of sale, pleaae
interview Mrs. Ellen Boltzmann, of
Credit0lt,. Ont, 8-5-2tc.
Miss Violet Coekwill spent a few
days at London wth her .sister, Mrs,
Welsh. •
Messrs. Wm. and Jas. McNeil, or.
Welland spent Sunday at tile •Central
Mrs,' Thomas Edwards, of Inger-
soll, is visiting her parents Mr. and
Mgrs. Joa'b Sims,
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Falmer and
family pent a few days .at the To-
ronto Exhibition.
Mrs. Graham, of London, is visit-
ing with her brother and wife Mr.
and Mrs. Wilson Anderson.
Miss Carrie Falmer returned from
London after visiting for a week
with her aunt, Mrs. W. J. Mallett.
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Finkbeiner and
family and Mr, and Mrs, Esli•• Hey -
wooel;d spent Sunday at the Central
Mrs. Lloyd England and family,
who have been camping at Grand
Bend the past two weeks have re-
turned hone.
airs. W. J. Mellott and Miss D.
Mellott and Mr. Art, Hynd, .of Lon-
don spent Labor Day at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fanner and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Edwards
and Mr. and Mrs. Dobbs and chil-
dren all of Indianna are visiting
Mrs. Edwards' mother, Mrs. John
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley
and daughter Thelma and Mr. Stan-
ley Kelly, all of London spent the
week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Henry
A great number of "Heists" frons
the community of Crediton and Pel-
ham Township attended-. the Heist
Reunion which 'was held near Sebe-
waing, Mich., on Labor Day.•=
(Miss Eva Oestricher, of Detroit,
contributed one of her perfections
in the vocal solo line at the Sunday
School session of die Evangelical
church. Always welcome.
Mr, and Mre. Walter Edmunds ac-
companied by Miss MrarY Williams
and Miss Ruth Smith, of Hazleton,
Penn., visited last week at the home
of their uncle, Mr, Thos. Chambers.
The Sr. E. L. C. E. resumes, its
usual meetings again beginning on
Friday evening at S o'clock. Or-
chestra practice on Thursday even-
ing. The Jr. E,L.C.E. and Prayer -
meeting the following week.
Mr. Blake Heath, of Windsor,
spent the week -end with his wife
and family at the hone of Mr, and.
Mrs.--1.1arry Kulni.•- Mrs HeAth
and children wiio hai��, been" visit
ing here are returning idth him.
Tentative date for the Evangelical
Fowl Supper is October 10th. The
large managing committee has.. Sel-
ected the other committees,
Schwartz, ' convenor of the Supper.
Committee with all its detailed work
F. W. Morlock, Convenor of the
Program Committee, etc.
'The Hustle Class, of the Evan-
gelical Sunday School, together with
their teacher Mr. F. W. Morlock,
'i' itlSRdY, SFPT113512$ it : r, Togo
motored to 'Toronto .our Thursday of
last week and silent adelightful
time at the Exhibition. They Mo-
tored in by way of Kitchener and
returned by way of London and cuff
Toyed the trip immensely.
'elle "Aeroplane Contest" is the
Evaugelleal church, :8.. S. has kept
up 'an excellent attendance all euri1-
mer. The C. I. C. class started
wth a splendid lead the first two
Sundays .of July but 'they •80011i had
motor trouble, they xray addict it to
their number being thirteen. The
Dorcas Class leads fqr a< number of
Sundays but some other class may
yet win the r race. In marathon
races :some contestants have been
known to be attacked with cramps
when very near the gaol. Everybody
interested in church services and. the
Sunday School next Sunday now that
vacation days and summer resorts
have adjourned.
The Assembly -of Religious Educa-
tion of the Evangelical .Church .of
Canada was held at the Calvary
Memorial Church of Kitchener, the
past week, Tuesday, Wednesday,
and Thursday. Dr. W. H, Teel, the
president of the Eastern College and
Seminary of the Church at Reading,
Pa., was the main speaker. The
delegates from Crediton, were Miss-
es Clara .Gaiser and Margaret Lam-
port. Miss Addileen Geiser and the
Pastor W. M. Sippell were also in
attendance and took part in the pro-
gram. Reports ' will be given at
some future date of the S. S. ses-
sion. The next Assembly will be
held at Crediton, August 1930. At
these loyally attended gatherings,
lodgings and breakfasts are furnish-
ed free, dinner 'and supper at 50c,
and 35c, in the church basement.
O131'I!L ARY
Michael Finkbeiner was born on
March 2, 1854 on the Fjnkbeinee
Line, Stephen Township, Ont. Son
of the early pioneer whose name al-
so was Michael Finkbeiner and his
wife, Barabara Heist, In the course
of time he was married to Caroline
Schweitzer. Six children wore born
to them, one died in infancy and the
remaining grown-up so,ns and daugh-
ters are the following: Harry Fink-
beiner, near the village; of Crediton;
Hanna, the wife of EdWard, Schweit-
zer, Ise London, Dan '. Finkbeiner,
Joe Finkbeiner and Ade, the wife of
Herbert Morlock. Thesd latter three
families reside on the. Finkbeiner
Line. The mother died twenty-one
years ago and ten years later Mr.
Finkbeiner moved: '• to tl(e village. In
the death of this man a great circle
of four brothers has: been broken;
Jacob, Michael, William and George
These lived' in one community and
constituted a splendid fraternity, as -
salting, one another in the building
of their homes and clearing the land
in success and time of trouble. The
four joined the Evangelical church
when . they were :young rnei The
deceased i> the course•-dd -Fiis life
was class -leader, school -trustee, ste-
ward for 20 years and took an ac-
tive part in church music and choir
service. He was in failing health
for a number of years and in final
crisis the only alternate was an op-
eration. The aid carne Monday
.morning August 26th having reach-
ed the age •of seventy-five years.
Largely attended •.funeral services
were conducted by the pastor W. M.
Sippeli., and offered high tribute to
the memory of this honest, law-abid-
ing and thrifty citien of Canada.
/a►UD F/SNE.th
ir0 kZ[1
d &teepss
Ws merriment, originality, noVelty
_lbyam. ,1t,,,.
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