The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-09-05, Page 1tr
tg$TABLISHED 3-87$
FIFTY-FIFfili YEAR, NO. 3$fire
4 • This Store will Close at 12 o'clock, noon, each WednesdaY during Amu, July and August',
' 1,TEIVAII1r-,WAle1iER.
brain St. United, Church, Exeter,
Was the scene Of a very pretty wed -
dig On Saturday evening', AUgUst
1: 31st, when. Yenta Allison, daughter
of Mrs, Walker and the lete William
Welker, was wilted in merriage to
Harvey Adam etewart B.A., sou of
4. Mr. and Mrs. Feuwick, Stewart, of
1, Stanley toWnehip. The ceremony was
conducted by a brother of the eride,
: Rev. Jetta A. Walker, B.A„ assisted
by Rev, C. J. Moorhouse The bride
looked charming in a period. gown
of .powder blue moire and old lace,
• with blue hat and shoes to match'
_and carried a shower bouquet Of
•Ophelia retie*, cornflower and lily-
• ot-the-valley. She was giveu in mar;
Mage by a brother, Dr. Jolla G.
'Walker, •of Burlington and was at-
tended by her twin sisters, Lillian
,and Mildred. Walker, who wore per-
, ;lad gowns of mauve and tea -rose
shades, .with silver hats and shoes
to match, an tarried colonial bou-
,quets of sweet -peas and roses. The
groom was assisted ,lw Hugo Ewart,
;B.A., of Hamilton. The ushers were
*as' W. Kydd, B. Corn,, and Cecil
'.1H, McFaddin, of New Tororito. Dur -
ane the, signing of tbe registo Evelyn
'Messinger, of Burlington, sang "The
Cranial." W. R. Goulding presided
;at the organ. A reception was beld
at the home of the bride, Mrs. Wm.
!,Walker receiving in a dress of black
'georgette and •corsage of mauve
'sweet -peas and roses,' assisted ,by
!*Mrs: Fenwick Steweet, Mother el
the groom, who wore a charming
gown of black crepe romaine and
velvet and a corsage of pink peas
and roses. After the reception the
4r1de and groom left on their honey -
union, the bride wearing, a pretty
,green dress, and black broad- cloth
:pat with trimming of beige broad-
tajl. Her hat was a smart felt to
,match the shade • of the coat trim-
ming.' After their 'return air. and
Irs, Stewart will live at 46 Lake
.Shore •Blvd„ New Toronto. Guests
were present at the wedding froni
oronto, Burlington• Stratford, Lon-
don, Windsor, Fort Francis, Clinton,
Vaderford and Buckingham, Que,
The best wishes of many friends will
.'taliow Mr. and Mrs. Stewart to their
new home.
complete Showing ,of • .•
Ladies' Misses' and Chi ren's
Fall stWinter .oats
This is the, finest range of coats we .hav
two hundred smart styles are now on
are of exceptionally good quality, in.t
much rower prices than o
ever shown. Over
r racks. The cloths
new shades, at very
er years.
• The Fall Dresses
're Here
We have jus 3.received. our f st shipment of, Fall
dresses, The *mart Aides 1 appeal' to. you also
the verylima, rotobliort, tutihowmthem to you
We have sw
in Pullovers,
for • the fall
school sweate
rs and P overs for Fall
ters for ev y member of the family,
oat -sweat s, .Jerseys etc. now ready •
trade.. A to see our special. boys
at $1 0
10 :LA
navy -and;i)la
SUITS AT .$2.95:
only ladies serge suits in
:clear at only $2.95 each
. .. .
0, ..., Sul.1LS;
, .
. .
, ..• r ,-- ,
.. •
. . .
. . . .
Sizes - 32-7.; 33 - 34
Phone 3
.ones.& Nay • Phone 32
idsummer Specialties
.11B3-810IMER SALE
Galvanized Water Pails
Tin Pails
Thermos Lunch Kit
Galvanize Clothes Line Wir . 39c. per 100 ft•
Copper Box ers
Aluminum eserving Kettle
' Aluminum rcolators . 79c.
Aluminum D isy Kettles 59c.
Granite Wat Pails . . .. . .. .. . 98c.
Granite Wash Dishes 25c.
25c. each ro
25c. each
99c. each
$3.09 each
We Wye' a foil soppy ot elt Laees, Alligatoe Laccs, Oils &
Oilers, Belt 'Dressing led oth d> threshing needs.
Cup Gr ase 1 . per pound in bulk.
Ithe family ot the.
Finkbeleer de her to
encore taank t
. !neighbors for the
tended duri g.t
•Ifiett, ale° r
Aoan .6f ea -
la Michael
ress their
friends and
id sympathy ex -
r recent bereaVe-
a floral tributee and
rAlIta Ole THANKS%
Mee. Fra X i1ck,ii4 faiOy
l'haineal fd witth xpress their'
sincere tie ks to friends and.
itelghibbes for r leindneee and
sympatIlY Oil the illitess oand de-,
mise E. Pratik Ketniek;
alefor • 1,, loral tributoa an.d lean
Of Oarsi '
CUNNINGHAM- At DasbWood,on
Friday, August 23rd, to Mr., and
airs. Teraiik Ciuminghcian, a son,
Mr, and re,
to Weed heir
the lenity ri
airs. Hen
ness flLS
Mr ail re. n. , Walter and
rattily ell tp expre a their silieere
thaek to th Many fiends for the
kiriti exte 0 their little son
Tom Nttliee.lie: been cenfiriee to the
hoitee With a broken leg.
ed IuhkIn *Wish
ittcere ,thank e to
a who rereetnbered
during her recent 111-
SeSePhis HospitalLeo-
Local News
IMr. and Mrs. Wilson Brooks and
family, of Owosso, Mich.,' visited at
the. home of Mr. C. T. Brooks and
Miss Taylor on Sunday and Monday
Mrs. Wm. Hodgert has returned
home after visiting with her sister,
Mrs. T. Willis, at Grand Bend. Mr.
Hodgert visited at tile Bend over
the- week -end. .
Mr. and MM. D. Hall, Mr. and
Mrs. Lakin, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Ford. add Mr. and Mrs. Lauff, of
Detroit, visited over the holidays at
the home of their parents in Exeter
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hopper mot-
ored to Wingharn Saturday evening
and from there, in company with
Miss Hopper and Mr, Rans motored
to Teronto, returning home Monday
Mr. and 'Mrs. J. A. SteWart, Mrs.
K. Fuke and san Stewart 'returned
last week from a motor trip to Bow-
rnanville, Cobourg and, Sturgeon
Lake and also attended the Toronto
Mr, and Mrs. Trombly; of Detroit,
also Mr. and Mrs. Ben Neal, of Port
Huron, were visitors wth their cou-
Sins Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers arid Mrs.
W. A. Turnbull over the week.end,
returning on Monday.
Miss Marion Davis is spending a
few days at Lexington at the sum-
mer cottage of. Chief et- Detectives
and Mrs. Fox, of, Detroit., Miss
Davis intends taking a course at the
Chathant Business College.
Mies Jean Coates, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. A1f, Coates, who Was crit-
ically 111 for several days following
,cipevatibefor appendicitis at.Iir,
Fletclier's hospital, is now practieal.
ly out of. danger and is making sat-
isfactoey iinproverhett.
Mr. and Mrs. nts
manic° tit' en: • _ -meet of their
datighter, erito 'Matte to Aus-
tin F. , son Of Mr, and Mre,
r. I3icks1 ef Loadon, the ma.rtiaga
to take place the latter part of Sep -
special meeting of the Exeter
tOhard of Education was held in .the
fjcL jj the..,,Seeretary 011 'Tuesday:
eLieening a»dow1ng -tics;
ht,ahe High School it wa,e•futind nec-
espery to advertise for the usual
sixth teacher.
;, •
The remains of the late Percy G.
Wood arrived in Exeter Sunday ev-
ening from Los Angeles, California,
and the funeral, private, was held
from, tile home of bis parentsfrMr.
and; rs.John T. Wood, Monday af-
ternoon, conducted by Rev. D. Mc-
Tavish. Last week mention was
made of the fact that Mr. Wood had
died suddenly' from 'heart trouble.
His age was 45 years and. 2 months.
In spite of the long journey the body
arrived in excellent condition. Many
beautiful floral tributes adorned the
(in Friday evening last a number
from Lucan visited Exeter and pitch-
ed a number of horse-shoe games
on the local courts in the Exeter
Skating rink. There were five
courts and Exeter won in four out
of the five. Three games of fifty
each were played by each team. Exe-
was 83 up, the score being Lucan
576, Exeter 659. The players were
as follows:
Paul and George Boa won from,'
Fr. Hogan and Marshall Ialtralls; of
Lucan 150 to 80.
Frank and Fred Harburn won
from Haskett and Murdle, of Lucan,
131 to 98.
Win. Ryckman and, Wm, Eller-
ington won from Wes. Atkinson and
Wilbert Revington 144 to 121.
Cha. Anderson and Chas. Guen-
ther won from Win. Brownlee and
Sheridan Revington 131 to 127.
A team from Lucan won from Ce-,
ail Laing and Hy. Smith 150 to 133.
• -0.kt-ti) 41",‘ THA
Mr. and Mts. •T. Wciod de -
Sire to ex rose t11 ainoere thanks
to the yfri de for the acts of
kindness td .wessions of sYmbathy •
ettendek A ng their recent be.,
reaveme t* also for the beautifulfioial .
tt. ns • 3,4 1,412,0 41,11,,N11,101,,
-• •At the, union service between the
Main St. and James St, United Con-
gregations on Sunray morning last
Rev, John Walker, 13. A., an Exeter'
Old Boy, delivered a very inspiring
meesage., Mr. Walker was a former
missionary of the United Church in
&Witten, West China., and was re-
dalled to Canada when trouble broke
out four years ago. With Mrs. Wal-
ker and faintly he is again return-
ing to China and expects to leave
beet ninth, Mr. Waiker oh StiedilY
itieenihg stated that there had been
great changes, both politically and.
ecclesiastically in Ceina. Six of the
ten cabinet ministers in the nation -
MIA eOverittnent of China are Chris-
tian gentteMeli, The Christian
elturolt in China Is now supplied With
Chinese pasters -and the direction of
the missionary work is largely con-
trolled, by Chinese christiane. Yet
•there le a place ter the 'foreign MIS*.
• elebary and it is with the hope of
usisting to meet this need that Mr.
Walker arid his wife and family aro
turning to the v4issiun Mids.
Local News
Workmen are busy cleaning eta
the pond above the OM
Miss Irene Johnsen spent the
week -end visiting ie. Qoaerieh.
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Middleton
spent the holidays in Brantford.
lair. Edgar Lowry, of Toronto, is
visiting his parents, at the Central
• Mies Redden has resumed her
position as milliner with 'Miss Arm-
'Mrs. Marshall returned home on
Friday after visiting In Toronto and
Miss Ida Cottle is visiting her.
aunt Mrs. M. L. Hoose, of Scenec-
tady, N. Y.
air. Alex Elliott, of the Bank of
Commerce staff is holidaying at his
home in Byte.
Mr, Stanley Neale et the Bank of
Montreal staff, Is holidaying at his
home in Thorold.
Mr,' and Mrs, A. E. Etherineien
and family were in Toronto taking
in the Exhibition,
*Ms Abbott, R.N., of London, is
nursing Miss Jean Coates at Dr,
Fletcher's Hosital,
• Mr. Stratton, of the Bell Tele-
phone Co., visited the local branch
Tuesday as auditor,
Mr. Jack. Elliot, of Vanconver,,I).
C., is visiting his brother, Mr. Ern -
eat Eiliptt and sisters in town.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Wepperall and Miss
Davis, of Hanover, visited with Mr.
and. Mrs, Rabethge ,on SdaP„
Mrs. Jae. Little, datighteVendIge
T. Handford, of Ingersoll has se-
cured the position of school, nurse
1. Woodstock..
Mrs. Chas. W.' Ford and son Al-
lan have returned to their home in.
London atter visiting for two weeks
at Scranton, Penn.
The four children of Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Morgan had their tonsils re-
moved in Victoria Hospital, London,
one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Corbett, of
Wingham'spent the hoidays with
eIr. and Mrs. Wm. Baker and Mr.
and Mrs. John Chambers.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Blatchford
are visiting at the home of M. and
Mrs, Frank Down after spending
several weeks at Grand -Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Browning, of
St. Catherines, spent 'the holiday at'
,the_home.,of the, fermer'snialtritl;
Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Browning. •
airs. Wm. Carr, of Detroit, attend-
ed the funeral of the late Percy.G.
Wood in town on Sunday and visit-
ed for a few days with, relatives.
Mrs. W. I. Beer, of town and her
aunt, Mrs. S, Quanee, of Toronto,
are holiditying,;gor 4,Coeple ofweeks
atuletRoYale•Oalcat? -cottakee• abran
airs. F. Rabethge has returned to
her home after visiting for a week
with her parents at Chatsworth. She
was accompanied home by Miss
Kleges, who 'will remain for a time.
alre. A. iVe. Kernick and 'family
have returned home after spending
the past two months in Toronto
where Mr. Kernick is employed. Mrs
Kernick is advertising her home for
Mr. Wm. Pollen, of Farquhar, was
taken suddenly worse 'Tuesday morn-
ing and members of his family were
called home. Dr. McGregor was el-
se •called from London in consulta-
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Goulding and
Mr. and Mrs. Gotfreid Wein attended
the Heist family re -union at Sebe-
waing, (Mich., on Labor Day. Over
fifty from Crediton and community
attended the re -union.
Mrs. Wm. Andrew and Miss Mary
visited last week with ,Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Knight, of Seaforth. Mr.
and Mrs. Knight spent the weak -end
here and took in the Harris-Horney
picnic at Grand Bend on 'Monday:
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Delbridge' and
family spent the week -end at Nia-
gara Falls. They were mucli im-
pressed with the illumination of the
falls at night; They also visited the
various points Of historical interest
in the neighberhood.
Owing to the dry spell a number
of wells have gone dry throughout
the country. Mr. Gatnbrill, of town,
has a well that is supplying five
families and its. has . never been
known to go clek. The well was
sunk by the late 3. N. Howard.
Local News
Mr. W. Colcolough, a Inger0014
aspexesiemt itb,
the holiday with friends at
lahelYr Fp:fen:is, clitlf 1'14, Pa4n4dcluM'
IMr. ars. Ches. Coates, ef Dee
troit, are holidaying with relatives.
in this community.
Mr, and Mrs. Allen, of Detroit,
were guests Saturday with Mr. and-
MrM8:1.0147s .DWor.ot4rhaymOal•ira. seick spent the
Week -end with her friend, Miss
Wildfong At Sessmith.
11,1r. and Mrs. Elmore Tuckey apd.
caild, of Londoa, spent tha holiday
with /11,1r. and Mrs'. Gee- Mawson. •
Mr. and 1VIrs. 11. W. F. Beavers -
Visited with Mr, and Mrs. W. Grier-
son, of Perlthill during the week,
Mrs, Chas. Rinshed returned Fri-
day to her lime in Detroit After
visiting with her mother, mrs. I.
ulghtiVierr,i'W. G. Stewart and
of Detroit, spent the*
Week -end with M. .and Mrs.' J. A,
Mr: and Mrs. Jack Moir and Miss
Jean Moir, of Detroit, spent the
holidays with, their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. P. 'Moir.
Mrs. Triebner returned honie Sat-
urday after visiting ror three Weeks
'with her daughter and cdber Tele-
tiyes•in Tciroeto, •
Mr. and Mrs. McVittle of Hespler,.
-and ,ltilss Pearl Willey, of Blyth,
sveie •guests during tee week with
turned last week • from a ten dart"
motor and boat trip through the
Muskoka lakes district. They took
in the Toronto Exhibition on their
way home. They were accompanied
by their son Allen, ono left an Fri-
day last for Regina.
An enjoyable evening was spent at
the home of Miss Dorothy Grassick
in honor of, Miss Marion Davis who
Is leaving to attend Chatham Busi-
ness College. The evening was-
spent in music and games after
whch a dainty lunch was served,.
Miss Hilda. Sims read .a farewell let-
ter and Miss Gertie Higgins present-
zd.# .gift from her girl friends.
Mr. Jas. McDonald, of Stratford;
;Mr. and afrs, Forest Huffman and
daughters Betty and Margaret, of
Herrow; Mr. Plrank McDonald and
daughter Jean, :of Comber; Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Dearing, of Lendon;
Mr. and MTS. Peter Robertson and
son, -of Stratford and Mr. W. Rollins
of London, were San d ay visitors at
theahorne of Mfrs..Te G. Creedie,
A-Hickts-faraller picnic Was held
at Gratid.Bend,--onv Monday. and the
various families were well represent-
ed. Sports and amusements, were
feinrjsotye:16. ndI4tyritis decided.toAugustmhorl,dAtn:
picnic next year in'Stratford on the
Hicks, of Usborne, was elected as
president and 'Miss Vera Leary, of
Stafta, Seeretary.
4P' NG
G, A. Stimson
"The Oldest ond Ilo se in Canada"
Are pleased Ani ..unce that they
hav ap. whited
our Representative tot Exeter and
Did you ever think, j t for moment,
the line of goods we carry?
NEILSON'S Chocolates, Duxes
NEAL'S i$roA441
Biscuits and C
' Biscuits and
eats and Ler
S Jelly,Pow
VS Spice
d Bars
(none hetter)
ers, Custards, Marshrnellows
Pai;rdieri, OgiVes, Extrakta
prayst Wreaths etc.
palnout, Pickles