HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-08-29, Page 8sav aA *GE AND • LE I. Your. 1001Iey ,ole RAVE C'Y FOR WIND WHAT . r dows ur. cull bill 'UilED TOE AcLic,ING• DOORS S, ALSO mk.I ,'aiL R.',STRIPPING UOTE: YOU PRICES BERN', Exeter Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Megerven and little daughter, of London, and Mrs. Angus ;Murray visited in Grand Bend Zurich ,and 'I3ensall on Sunday last. Miss. Caroline Davis has returned to her duties at the Exeter post - office after holidaying for two weeks in Putnam, Ingersoll and Brantford., Mr. and Mrs. G. :S. Howard and Miss Evelyn and Mr. and Mrs. F.1 W. Ness, of 1•Iensall, attended the funeral of an aunt at Fairgi'ove; Mich., on Tuesday. • Mrs. W. T. Acheson has returned hone after visiting for a week in Toronto. She was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Levett„ of Lon- don, who visited in Exeter on Weir return. Mrs. D. F. Ferguson, who has en: joyed an extended visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Birney, left Tuesday for her home,in-Win- nipeg taking the boat from Sarnia to Fort William. Mrs.' Blamer ac- companied her as far as London,,. HYDRO: ELECTRIC Wiring and installin guaran�oou 'roronto workmansh]" at r liable prices .1 oyes motors a spec = - Mr.L. Towers, of 'Bridgeburg, �.•ialty. • Est m gladly furnished is visiting with relatives, in : this free. vicinity. Exeter Markets Wheat, $1.26 - $1.25 Oats, 600, Barley 70e. ^ Manitoba Flour $4.60 Model Flour $4.25 •Feed Flour- $2,25 Pastry Flour $2.80 Drab $1.76 Shorts .$1.85 Creamery Butter 4.4c,. Dairy Butter 29.c.• Eggs, extras 40c. Eggs, firsts 34,c. Eggs, seeonds 23c. Hogs, $11,00 • °Coca's If you need sugar, b t now, next week might b, • too I+ It is worth more money ane are asking for it.=HARVE ' ROCERY. Monday, September 2nd is Labor Day and• .a public holiday. lfiss Amy .Shapton is holidaying this iveek at Grand Bend. ;Miss Grace Creech is holidaying 7 for`' a few days in Stratford. Mrs. C. L. Wilson and fanil3' are holidaying at Grand Bend. , Mrs,„W. H. Wood, of Usborne, is Is in Toront this week �T. THE EXETER.. TIMES -ADVOCATE T'lR RSDAY, AUGUST 20th, IRO CAVEN ;PRESB'KTER�AN '- cHUaCH �11111I11111�111111111I111111111111)11111 1111111111 �llllfl1111111111i111111111100111111111i11111 11111 i1111IIII1i111111I11111111I1111111 Iiev. . Bernard Rhodes, t ., A. Minister ' hiss• Lena .(:'Dates, .A,,L.C.Ti!., Org aIst u 10 a ,m. .•Sundaz 'Sehooi 11 a.m.----"The Victory of Patieneo". 7 •p.in.-"The Broken things or bite Please -note return to 7 .o'clock in hour of evening service. UNION SERVICES FOR JULY AND AUGUST Main Street and James Street United churches - August -Rev. J E. Moorhouso ',reacher dames Street Choir in charge of music. Union. Services will he Conthaecf Next Sunday. 10:00 a.m.-Our Church Schools. 11 a. m. -In James Street United Church -"The Universal Law of Labor." p. m. -y -In the Main Street United Church -"Self Justification." v g q ,t Mrs:,, Isaac Harvey, of London, is the guest of Mrs. J. S. Harvey. • Mrs. M. McAvoy and Miss A. L. Sanders are spending this week in RN. DAVIS b' Missy Charlotte Willis, of Detroit, - is visiting with her parents, Mr.` and i~ OR SALE -flavin nstalled a Mrs. Jas. Willis. "hydro Motor. I am ••`of ir}g• my 2anft. ,. Messrs. Hr 0. •Southcott and, Jas. windmill tower ver reasonably. w.. Morley. motored to Toronto Tuesday (e. 1.+'.. Oestreicha{ R. 2 Crediton. to attend..the Exhibition: ^ - - 8-29-30.1 Miss -Minta Harrison, of Onondaga visited for a` few days last" week at FOR SALE -A auan .40 -lb. lard pails,- ti oak malt bai re ,Bakery,' Exete y of empty the home of Mrs. E. A. Amy. .ails and. good 1. The high and epublie schools will cheap. Grants re -open Tuesday, September 3rd, • S-29=ate• following •the summer • vacation. • Mrs. W.S Cole 'and son Harry, BEES FOR SIAL Apply to Mr. • ( who have• been -visiting ' in London F. Treibner, R. .o. 1, Exeter. land Port Stanley, have .returned 3'-22-tfc• home. r- Mr.. and Mrs.r Earl Shapton ; and NOTICE Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred ,Shapton mot - I have erected. signs o my Pohl- ored to Toronto to 'spend a few days try Farm es follows,:- " ' r espassing at 'the Exhibition,• strictly forbidden. A one found , Master n: Frii,nk Prebble has, re- in' this propert • day o night with- turned to his home in Ilderton after, out a permit is able prosecution, holidaying with hi$ grandmother, Staykout unless • u a on business. Mrs. Janet Hamilton. This means you. I ust the nubile Miss H. Waldron`," 6 Winnipeg, willobey this not ce ; itliout further a former teacher' in the Exeter r ,pub- warning;='The H.': th :Baby Chick lie school, is visiting with lir- and Hatchery • Mrs.•i - Geo: Att. nson, of town. • .+•. :. . ':.. --Mr.-and -Mrs, Hilton I`ord' 01C6m- STRAYED .-•Twoyear-old heifer pany with their brother -in law, Mi. . roan, no horns; ig age wad .punch R. Ti: I ew, maa rip' o ar in each ear. The marc "nay be Palls, and St, .Tdehomats ontS'Niundgaay.a torn out or gro full hair but Mr, and Mrs. Jim; :Fraser, Miss Should be easily r: 0: ed. Two dol, �deiine Fraser and Mr.. Tom Costo, Jars reward for ].'.+ ratior< that will F lead to recover- of Detroit,• motored over and spent poly' to, Roy• Sunday with Mr. and Mrs: William Fraser. Misses. Margaret and Gladys Pen - We have purchased an up-to-date hale returned home Friday after a Power Whitewashing '.m.: kine and visit in. London. They were accom- are open for work , us white-. paned by their cousins, Misses Gert - wash and disi feet ,ur. -barn, hen -rude and Rheta Tackabury. houses, etc.- •Q all work, ,moderate T.he'auction sale of the household charge. Hogar h 4aby Chick.•Hatch-• effects of rile. Eric Jackson was ery. Phone iv, Exeter.2.4 .' i# -1-4.c held on Saturday last Mr. and Mrs. w - Ratz, R. R. No. 2, ,Dashwood. ' Jackson, who have moved to Tor- HOGARTH .BABY C ICIE onto, were in town for the sale. - HATCHERY;. lie. first wheat to be threshed and FEEDS marketed in the Crystal City Man.,., $'district were marketed August 16th Our supply of feeds e now more complete than ever ayour i'ieeds•.and averaged about four •bushels per 'Chick 'Starter, Gro 'Mash, Chick acre. Barley will average about six Feed, Lay Mash, Be Meal, Bone bushels. Meal, Alfalfa Meal, Oyster . Shell,' • Four thousand wild horses from Grit, Condensed But > rmiik, etc. can foothills • of Alberta are being sent be promptly filled. r 'to Winnipeg to' be slaughtered and PQVLTRY • 'LUNG- - sold as meat to western fur farmers. •It. is now time have the dill . The horse flesh sells -for about' one hens elinririated- om your flock. cent a pound. Our charge it $'2.0, per 100 liens. We tiDr. Young, iAssocia,te •Secretary are caste bu ers 0 poultry. Call us � of the Home Mission Department of :when you ha e,poultry tll. c the' United Church, will conduct Our new- siprnent of leg bands o sethe anniversary services of .James ,has just arrived. All sizes and co- Street. United Church on '•Sunday, lora. November 17th. Mr and Mrs. Wni. McAllister and NOTICI+7TO CONTRACT S three children, • James, William and iIEST SHOWING CiE WINI.ER 6.4MO.' L ,8i ...' c AT S ;I.:- - :' ,......• E ,, Tis week we are :offering for' the early buyer, • a'° onderfrf range Of:the the newest "cloths and styles in fall and. 'inter coats. m.. can: dime hoose your coat'�and eve 'wi11 lay",it aside for you. ' TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. Walter Junes. Rector SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER let 41st ANNIVERSARY 10 a.m.-Sunday School 11 a. in. -Holy Communion. ' 7 p. m. - Evensong. • Miss Nona Chambers, of . Grant's Bakery, is on holidays this week. Miss Noreen Caldwill hasreturn- ed home after holidaying for a week in Loiid`dn" � Mr. E. Elliott has improved the,, front of his building with a fresh coat of paint. - Mr. C. A. Batson, of Toronto, visited with his son, J. A. and Mrs. Batson, on Sunday. Harry Beavers is . holidaying i', or a Week with his grandmother, Mrs. Weber, of Dashwood. . Miss Viola Hodgson had her ton- sils removed at Victoriahospita'i on Tuesday of last week. Mr. Fred A. May is having his residence repainted,. the work being done by. Mr. Bert Clark.' • .. Mrs. Earl Kitchen, of W,aterfoid, spent a few days last week withher sister, Mrs. C. H. Sanders. a Mrs. Billings, of -London; visit4it at the' home of Mr, and Mrs. W Acheson during the 'past 'week Miss iyiyrtle• Lee' of London, liNs been visiting for the past week the guest of ;Miss Rheba S'Immons. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Elliott spe> t Sunday in Clinton with their dah- 1 ghter, Mr.. and ^ Mrs. Harry Gout. Dr. and • Mrs.- W. E. Weekes lett Wednesday morning for Toronto arca Hamilton, -expecting to return Fri- day. - . I lir. and Mrs. Geo. Mawson spent the week -end in London with their daughter; Mr:, and . Mrs. Elmo& ITuckey. • # i Mrs. McKerven and little daug11- i ter, of, London, were the guest of t11`e i former'. mother, Mrs. Angus Murray last week. I' Dr.° W. J. and Mrs. Weekes, if London, visited with the formers nephew, Mr, W. E. and Mrs. Weekes on Sunday. . - I Miss Florence West, of the Exeter postoffice 'staff is holidaying this week with Mr. and Mrs. ltd. RobbiriCs Of Brucefield. 3 I Mr. Win. •C. Davis, of the Time'- AdvQeate staff, 'is holidaying with i his sister,- Mr. and Mrs. Gordoji \Veils, of Windsor. Misses -Lily Hunter and Ber•nitile Caldwill have returned home aft,r 'visiting for a week with the forme-' relatives in Detroit. Rev. F. .E. Ciysdale and hv(o i.datighter•s, .of ltidgetown, who ate holidaying at Grand Bend called cot friends in Exeter 'Tuesday. r. Mr, and' Mrs. R. N. Rowe, Miss S hI York and Rets motored to Ha.miltc and Galt last week where they vie- ited with 'relatives and friends. I. Mrs. E. A. Hopper in • companyy � with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Gell: T. Roberts, of Wingham, are spend- ing a few days in Toronto this weep taking in the Exhibition. 1 Mr, and lira. John Chamber Miss Grade and Arra.m (ha mheis a ' Ur, I).. x'hentlison spent Sunda .. With Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Buckie near Hickson. - Mr. Nelson Prior, of Portage i. , Prairie, Man., accompanied by his sister, Airs. 'V'nr. Ray, of Strathro : called on 'friends- in town the tatter I hart of last week,. I,Mr. and s. Cyril Turney an4 two ' Mr Sens- ;rave returned to their home in London ;QUO' holidayin' I with the formet''s parents, Air. an Airs'. 'C;. E. r'aeke �y'. M1 At the •ntiitod services of Main St and nines. St. congregations •ot$ �Sundrty it meet's chorus sang a tel' ectiot at the morning service -an" Toronto,. :Cir. Smillie, ol, C oroato, Who was , guest at the home of Mr, .lis. Mni very r 9 ,' ray, sang a pleasing solo. the .evening service Mr. Sam lldnn of I•Tonsall, sang a solo that `delighti ed the congregation. Tenders will be receive • by. the Mary, of Mt. Brydges, are holiday- arndersigned for the con$ti .tion of ing with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jewell. the Itt1THERFORD D11.4. in the They are leaving here to attend the Township of 11 borne. Toronto' Exhibition. Plans and +eclficati seen at the CI rk's of W. Archibald's . flick Tenders to be i by slay, Septetnber. 7th, ed cheque for % price to accom ,an each tender, 1 Mr. • Geo. W. Pepper, of •the. Caulk - The lowest or a tender not nee- ing Company of Canada, London, cssaril acre t in, town last week d. caulked y p e, i `vas v an HENR STRANG, Clerk, the windows anis doors of the James 8.29-2tc. St, 'United Church and also several homes in town. iter, Pepper has ao- NOTICE TO DRAINAGE here Mr. J. W. Herb. as agent e he CONTRACTORS r ', • - Senator r. V. 7:". Tom and son, Tendert will be reedd by the Agin 111`. Tota, of Toledo; Ohio, are undersigned for the corriction of visiting with" the former's sisters, 'the 1•Fein ..Municipal io; aiii 'upw„.'td;,lrise Tom and iters. Sweet and with 1,92•9 ut 2 leis' brother,r. Elgin 'Mint of ,``Godel'ich, fo •. n' few days. Mr. Tofn tnot•ed is.'estiy'iarfes ati •annual fishing trip '• to God.. y&F'ds• crit •arid corntirutrity and we wish d ,spelt ifioa tions ;,fpr rime tine 'best of luck. . s�_' eau be 1 Last week, by a mistake, Miss e or at S. Hazel Heywood's certificate was not eaforth, Ont forwarded but has since been'regio= tnr li. m. Sa, ved. She was' suceessful in' the' fol - 929. A mark- ';Diving subjects: Can. History 1st, the contract Chemistry .3rd, Physics C. W 9 Tue da • Vi •'I Ile as mated sat • )'Alec', can •bO se. design lid waw t tl se� fled. sunt '1"Lre' lr,we sari.7y Acep m r .e fe her 3 111 to he 3850 cit pFafi]i3 il' at t oft'ice''at: the till- :digs" Ann tell 1, r, N., of St. F Cred .; on, Onfar fn.. Apr-. Luke's Hospital, N0P7 York, and Mr, city .; • r 5 %n ,n1' the 'peeei• Wilfred;` a. Turnbull, Toronte, who Chataccompany tender. have Peen a motet' trip to Phila. y a. ¢�p'i o ,• n e -del his Baltimore, 'Washington 1 y tender net neCes p r Balt in 0, "GV`a:`s ngtbn ant t . Atlantic City and returning through 't Adirondack sMinitel H�ri��t '�.ILI.Ili, � the orida• A l r tit nit ., and Clerk ot'the ' Townsl'rip. of Stephen. Ottawa, are eompletirtg the holidays S- 2.2te. Crediton, "Ontario With their mother, 'Airs. E. Turnbull. *2. r.w.•, IMMO S ECIAL,.FOR• S AUG _ d SEE OUR SPECIALS 'IST. DRE ES Twelves only. Summer Dressgs, in crepes), We hav9eick , onlyid. a w' summer dresses -.� left on our- rack, Sag are 1 , greatly 1'C voiles and silk.. Splendid for making over. 'duced"for n _ . 5 to $9.95 • YOUR CHOICE FOR _ 98c. .4f CURTAIN SCRIMS AMIMMin Suitable for bedrooms,MINNIMM bathrooms or kitchens. k good' quality.- white' • wi fancy border of blue, gre or gojd. PER YARD 19c. mamma i„ 98c. THE SHAPES', -- COTTON In Sand an - children and •'I ...'PER' PA SCHOOL DAYS. Will soon b here. We prepared to meet the et island for school need ith:' extra values Shoe Hos- iery, Sweaters, ; 'ousers,,, etc., Let us su • • y your', needs. Black for res- • R 25c. Po • 1111.11 MOMMII SIMMINM HOUSE DRESSES • . I , IMMIIIM ti fancy Gingha, ni m5cely trimriied.' Cheaperthan you, can :make them. Any size; at while they last. , : :_ 69c. and ..8c. AW. HATS RAW ',HATS' GO:' .ON -.SALE. , NEW EARI.NG (Am '°AT 98c.: u - 'as1'ftored'`fHasiy the popular Weldrest ted heel. Shades"`` to tch any dress t' s'," -PIR PAIR $i.5o` ORk R ,t 5 dozen' blue wor shirts, well -made and roomy, r gular $1. S ;ECTAL AT• 98c. • • Immo �' i- ■: ■''�!' .■# 2 +Pint [rte . .�� ��. MIME SILK HOSIERY a In 'all the new shades. A. very ,good ' AT PER PAIR 49c. MIMEOMEMO NIMMINNISIVmImNINO - mimNimr IMMO WORK SOCKS • A good summer weight in ' a" cotton and woollen mixture• ' SPECIAL AT a .PAI'RS- FOR 98c. • 4: i0 PAIRS OF SHOES `AT 49,c, • SEE OUR TABLE OF -CANVAS. SHOES 'FOR WOMEN: VALUES TO $2.50. 'SPECIAL AT:',49c. A PAIR. •• CHII;DREN• AND MIIMINMO mimmim 0011.1110, mMIIMMO .-. 11 i i 111�IIIi I IIIc I`ll III iI I i l I • �� 1.,11,111 � � 1,...1...1! I I II11111111.11.1 � IIiIi111111111111iI11111111111iIIIIIiiII11111Ulllllllllllllllllllililllilllllllllllllillillill Mr. and Mrs, Morris Hamacher; of Pigeon,' Mich., vi'site'd ivitlr` • Mr. and Mrs. M. Bechler over the"week- end, T ORIN Cleaning, ressin ' , Repairing, Dyeing and D y Cl; • ding Parlor is upstairs just opp�=rte -the post of- fice . and his . m. • o is "Service and Satisfaction ranteed." r 111111111111111111111111111111111011110111111111 ate is Gon ;'ilig NOW • IS T TO ODDER I am inf' rmed b Coal Co. th•t becar neglecting t fill preparation or t that there w I..4ie. the cold • weat er impossible to cure coal, car when the cold orders are all 'ate;, FILL YOUR CO. GENUINE D. L. TIME UR 'COAL the D. L. & W. e consumers are eir coal bins in coming winter 'shortage wirdn mos, 2It will be ce the 'coal, se- d make delivery her 'sets in if the7 till the last min - BIN NOW WITH W. SCRANTON COAL AND , 1LWA`X' COIL H. T-. ROWS • T?iione 4.Ow lIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIiuIiihIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUI Huron & Erie Debentures 1111.1•11111y1IIIIMMIMIMI, 4 : s « We have a complete ran of Woollens for your new fall suit, •Or overco We also arty a comple range of samples., NOW -I Our up -to -oat THE ME TO ORDER tock Gent's. Furnishings is ,wi , all the latest in Men's Wear. r• W. .'T A.MA. N PHONE 81w ES.XTERi ONT. Ernest C. Haey GENERAL IM SIXRANcgi'.'BUORisU1. •..IlepreeentUl fg " Mutual cif eJ of Canada ,Life, Fi;ir Automobile, Etc. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED laity, make) SINGLE. EDOli1 .. ' se 9O1JBL1• iilpG 4e rerfeet Edge Qnsranteed', W. S. COLE, DRUGGIST Pe annum n a b 1 e i -. half-, yea upon $1 1 and over.. Issueby an titution wide!" is "01, ,r::th . the Donninien of Can Applicata + are a.ccieptted by CARLING & MORLEY EXETER; ONT. FURNITURE .AND, FUNERAL SERV E ALL THE LATEST IPMENT o . Special pr ,,eS n all. lines •o .fu niture 'dor. ti Jul, nd ,AY st o u 0.; R«ROWE Phone 20w House 20j '. DOROTHY, E. ORASSIC A. L. C.M.:• (11.01 of . G4i'atluat f Londa) +,inglatid' Inst,• Ctiun' Piano, Violin ffI : • otty,. ,T`heory Studio N. Al ,o •. Street',.'1f ox 160. EXE`'1ER, ONTARIO' NOW. is the time to bu''your Marsa1i DIMING 11E1 1%fONI •I Ol' AUGUST' W1: WV7 GI, 7 A COTTON SLIP i3O`t-EItf rA'I;%i:J'ED AT $3.50: '4VI7'ti• ALL. M HALL 1t1A'h.'T11ESSES • E.' r R.• H V Y PE: EXETER, OYl„ARIO W.ft, f0'1blNG. • tit. T: M. Gegen At aH i tbt►lkr tn*si tr laris r Int. • rated"'•Chard ittr itetion in I ores Thee' Sulervis 11Iti is Ni'Bcheors Studio, ,,n Sgt. bol' 671 1phaiite 11i$ UNDTED0 01•i` .•