HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-08-29, Page 6„..
Vint tA' "',. ArorsT 29tb . log,
Maybe I'ni, wrong but it seems to me,
That dearer loved spots than resorts
by the sea;
Ie the old swirniuiag Bole, by the
butter -nut tree;
alone are the days which we never
Of the swims 'without suits by the
Old 'brickyard yet.
lad hardly were out and our clothes
• we would don,
When along cane another chum
singing. al. Sells.
Then off .came 'oar clothes again,
. wouldn't. take long, •
For•soMe more fellows, came to join
• in the throng..
Painting our bodies with mud and
with sand,
Then followed a battle, it surely was
Then washed up again and jump hi
aur clothes.
We rail through the brick yard
stubbing our toes,
To the old apple orchard down near
the fiats,
Climbing the trees and filling our
Then we'd go bade again to the old
swimming hole,
And do it again ae we did it before.
H. C. Mangnus
This week will see the end of fall
wheat harvesting, to say nothing of
completion of the threshing of that
crop. So tar, the returns .of fall
wheat have been quite satisfactory,
Brough there are no reports so ,far
of unusual yields. The average run
is about 30 bushels to the acre. For
the- most part; the quality of
Wheat is quite good.
barley harvesting is drawing to a
close. The yield for the most part
IS quite up to the average, even of
good years. A great deal of this crop
has been gathered late the -barns.
This season has been marked try a
good deal of stook threshing, In
many instances three or four farm-
ers have joined forces .and a are
threshing with a small thresher run
by the farm tractor. So far, the
weather has been aetogether.suitable
for this work, as Very little -rain has
fallen during the last two weeks.
The Stook threshing sayer a greet
deal of labor.
During the extremely hot days. of
last week.the oats ripened too quick-
ly, especially on light soil. Farmers
fear, on this account, that this grain
will be:light, though the cool weather
of this welt, together with the
bright, sunshiny days, will do con-
siderable to allow this crop to devel-
Corn hos uoue only fairly well, as
the cool weather has not permitted
its development as well .as farmers.
desire. Unless better weather con
dations arrive almost ilmiiediately•
there will be a shortage of silo corn.
Mangles; too, are suffering from
want of rain and heat. During the
middle of the d yJ 1iey, along with
the corn, are characterized -by droop -
/Jig leaves and a general appearance
of suffering.
So far uo locally -produced new
potatoes have been offered for sale.
growers reportappear-
the e alp
ance of a little tip .blight, though
tine infestation is not severe so far..
Only a scant planting is to be seen
on most farms, •
Pain in Right Side
For Two Years
Mrs. Henry Gauthier, Penetan-
guishene, Ont., writes:—"I suffered
from a pain in my right side for two
`' I•used all kinds of medicine which did
very little good. I was then advised to
use your marvellous
I tried them and after using the?first vial
I -have never felt a pain in my side since.
I am never a day without having, some
Lata -Liver Pills in my home:"
11Iilburn's Laxrt-Liver Pills are 25 -cents
a vial at all druggists or dealers, or mailed
direct on receipt of price ,by The T.
Milburn Co,., Ltd., Torontd, Ont.
of increasing Profits f
Confederation Life
OR the ninth successive year pro, is -for par -
L ticipatingolicyholders of this ssociation
have been. substantially increased.
And r ember -100% of alt profi
the par • 'patting branch are, allo
pating pholders. -
What do:. that mean? It -means
federation Life Association is N
that it is ca ful in the selecting'o
it is particu : ray prudent in the
policyholde ' funds.
These are -re sons. Why Conf
Association i so: 'satisfactory
insure•with. .
Write for the • mphlet eritit
Policyholders". I escribes so
earned by-'•
d to partici
at the Con -
1. managed,
isks'and that
nvestment of
company to
d 'Profits to
Confede o Life
Head Ohre: F. DELI3R11 GE
'Local Agent
it,.;Ali R i) •1,:1: ATTRACTION
The management at the Dome
Rink has. boosted a special orchestra
for the opening attraction on Mon-
day, September 2.nd. The Carman
Gay0Gypsy Band, an all. girls .organi-
zation from the Pacific Coast will
furnish, the music on that 'night coni=
mencing at- 9 o'clock. The floor is
being put In good shape and seats
for spectators will be provided..
:SE1UQ SI,Y Ifti ltT
'With his body riddled with buck-
shot from the neck downwards, Air,
Ronald McErea, 24 years old, hof
Woodhahn Was taken to St, Joseph's
Hospital shortly after inednight in
a serious condition. , MaEl:ea was
the victim of an accidental discharge
of a fowling-plece in the hands of a
companion, it is stated, the .accident
occurring near ICeh`woocl recently.
The chest, abdomen and bands of
the victim received the greatest force
of .the discharge, while small pieces
of • lead pierced practically every
Square inch of this, body. An opera-
tion was performed in St, Joseph's
Hospital by Dr. Campbell, Kerwood,
who brought Bili in. He is improving.,
'"DR. AND MRS. X11:. G. G:RA.HAM
WALLACEBURG August' 22.—•
More than 50 members of the Grant
family gathered at the home of Mr.
and :Mrs. Neil Grant,• Sbmbra town-
ship, the original. Grant homestead,
to hold a reunion and bid good-W'e
and Godspeed 'to two members of
the family, Dr. and Mrs. Graham, of
Exeter, who are leaving shortly for
the mission fields ou the island of
Formosa. Dr. Graham. will. enter
the McICay ,Memorial Hospital on
the island. Born at Rodney, are
married a daughter •oT Mr. and Mrs.
Neil Grant and has been -practicing
for some years at -Exeter. William
A. Grant, 75,. the oldest person. at
the reunion, gave an interesting talk
on the history of the Grant clan, the
pioneeds of which settled on the
present Neil -Grant farm in 1847,
Greeting were extended to the visit-
ors by. William Seurr, of Chatham,
to which Dr. Graham replied and
outlined .details On the new work
which he is entering. The youngest
person was Zena Cathrine, :laugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Reid. --Lon-
don Free- Press.
You enjoy eve„y moment of a
+Muskoka holiday,. be it week -end or
month. (Such a enticing array or
pleasures that l ng the joy of
ing to all--golfw.on Sia ftn2 courses;;
tennis everywii`iere, lanvnebowling,•
hikes through :venues be 'fragrant
pines, canoe o steamer trips among
the clustered islands of this- lake -
land paradis sailing; motor-boa.t-
ing Band batt. ng, then dicing in the
cool #of the veing unser ideal con-
ditio hs. •
By using Canadian National Rail-
waysAyou '`aclh your chosen spot in
this it a1m of pleasure, whether cosy
cottag oi? comfortable hotel (by any.
one o ree entrancesL*Muskoka
Wharf, ala 'Park or Lake Joseph.
Wharf 11 within a fe- hours run
from albw
,, ost any part of Ontario.
Ask yo r nearest Canadian •&ation-
al Agent for information and litera-
ture on Muskoka end its various re-
sorts, hotels,. etc. . -
Her Little Boy
Was Very 111 With
Summer Complaint
Mrs. Ray Fisher, Lebret, Sask.,
writes:—"For over, a monthlast sum-
mer, my little 1)0 was suffering from
summer complaint. He got so bad there_
began to be traces of blood in his stool,
and anything he ate would not stay on
his .stomach very long. Ile became so
weak he could not stand up. A neigh-
bor recommended..
W.. :ted. S ace
Bello 7 "q
':' ' AC
At trivial expense Gyproc will cony'e ce
Slow wasted into,oneor more a itra t06 ,
,... Fi 'ei+ Pry '
The Russ-Terlor'Co,, Lt 'r
A. 'Sp >riteer, 4,tt Soh t.
txete * ri.117 r
ei safl, OriL-
and in despair I
sent for a bottle,
not expecting any
more benefit than
from the many
other medicines 'I
had used, but 'to
my surprise I
noticed a change
after he had taken
a few doses, and
before the bottle'
was half used he was the same happpy,
healthy boy he was beforehe took sick,+1
Put up only by The T. Milburn Co.
Ltd., Toronto, Ont.
Whether you Seek • companionable
eepte " in cbinfortab`le hotels or n•
-•'edluded `cottage in- the' backwoods,
-ou win t1hd both, amongst the 1Ca-
tiartha Lakes. • Prom We11-appoint-;
d resorts there, e fer's tennis, dane-
lhg, lawn-liow11ng; bathing and the
oiliest- sort of It crowd to the fish-
ilg -waters Of the 1iitlterlend; there
ire snrrottndfngs to • suit every
tate. No matter what .'your' choice
.say be,, --fish, end plenty of them,
reg not far away, •
The nearest '-Canadian fairways
tgent can give yeti complete inform -
'en and Literature on this easffy
':essible playground.
Five Minute .Sermon
by Exeter Old: Boy -
The Winnipeg Evening Tribune
prints a five-minute Berman by Rev.
H. C. Sweet, Ii. A., B. D., D,
an :Exeter Old B'PY and a brother of
the 'late Pe. Tilos. Sweet, which we
reprint as hollows.
(Iu'isl lovers the Church?, I1lp14 17-25
Christ an the Cross .purchased .the
clhuleh with his owii precious blood.
Each melnbei; of the true invisible
church hes been r•edeeiued by the
precious blood of Christ,
For this purpose He, in great love,
delivered Himself up. Ihh death, He.
delivered from death those .who were
appointed to death, Tile Prince of
Life purchased life,
He did this that He night sanc-
tify the church, having cleansed it
by the battling of water lu 'tale word
that He night Himself present Him-
self to the church, glorious, not hav-
ing a spot, or wrinkle, or any such
'Phis bride, holy and without.blehn-
ish, is for His own fellowship and
This truth is accepted by mast
communions of the visible church.
All congregations delight tosin
"The .Church's one foundation
Is Jesus Christ her Lord; '
She is His new creation,
By water and the Word;
From Ileaven He came and sought
To be His holy; bride,
WithHis own blood He bought
And for her life he died,"
This comes as a signal, unique
urge to every heart and soul -out of
Christ to come into Christ through
faith and be saved.
No lhunian being created by God
in His own image, need be desolate
or isolate. God in;, love wills that
he or she be confor•sned• to the image
of His own- Son:
The Bible uses the Greek woad,
"Character,” but 'once in the New
Testament; and then of Christ.
He is the "Character" or exact
impress of God's substance,- So also
does tike Spirit cut, or carve, or en-,
grave the 'Inman spirit that it may
ultimately be made like unto the.
glorious, glorified and glorifying
The true believer in Christ is one
in whom a superatural work is
wrought, ,being born again, 'not of
perishable seed but of- imperishable
through the Word of God. He is
born again, born of .tele Spirit, born
anew, from- above.
He is incorporated through faith,
in this ,new organism. If any man
be in Christ he is •a r tw , creation,
baptized through.. the Spirit into . the
body of Christ; 'which is' Flis cltul'.e ht�
This church. is the one immortal
institution in- all• the •world. -It -is
built on the -Deity .of• -Christ. Christ
was'begotten from the dead by God's
power. He is the only begotten . of
God by the Spirit, but - now is the
,whole church in resurrection stand-
'The gates of Hades shall. never
prevail against the church, Death
hath no dominion• over it. It is an
impregnable Humanity. We arc
more than conquerors, in Christ in-
separable, inviolabl,e, interminable,
eternal. .
It is destined to make peaceful,
unceasing conquest. Paul declares
that the weapons- of our warfare are
not° carnal but. might beftire God to
the casting do*u of strongholds.
Peace itself will come when the
presence of the Prince of Peace 'is
here on the earth. Unity altd amity
characterize the true church.
The Spirit :aihd the bride say t�
every sin -sick soul, "Come." They
hail the soul of Christ. ':The bride
also stretches hands to Him,' saying,
"Even so come Lord Jesus.". He
will come too. Death ,:1s not the
end or goal to the -Christian, but a
going to Christ, or Christ coining to
?♦]very absent bridegroom returns
for the bride arrayed In her snowy
garments of white to liieet hint. .
One, ,day will hear the call;.., "Be-
hold the Bridegroom, 'go ye out to
meet Him." :The wise virgins were
ready, having_oIl frh &]tear lamps and
likewise in their vessels. Ile that
hath the bride is the•brideetconi.
We follow the angel gttrde and the
exiled apostle.•'as they cry; "Conic
hither and 'I will show thee the Vide
the wife of the Lamb. -
The moment conies apace when it
Will be•°said: ."•Tare..nar•r'iage of the
Lamb is' cone, and his wife hath
niade herself -ready." And, "Happy
are they Who are called to the mar-
riage' supper of the Lamb." '
• The bride, taken by the Heavenly
Bridegroom to the Father's Rouse,
will one day conte again with Him.
The bride, the chthrch glorified
and glorious, will be the Holy City
Jerhisalenr, desceihding ,out c t heav-
en frdm..God.
It Will rest suspended over. the
earth, Iterluminary will be .as a lase:
per stone, elear tee crystal, This in-
effa.ble and far -streaming will_
be the glory of, the Lamb Himself
and give light for long, Meng 'years
to all the nations of the `earth.. '
The Orldegroont, Monorail Abs'
Ihi'te, sits enthroned The bride is
noire otherthan the whole company
of the re'deenied, arrayed 1t the,
otlowy robes pf His ott'u r ghteous-
n e?is. .
"The bride eyes net her gttrtitent,
But her dent bridegrdonea t'see."
Putit on with
Specially adapted Sar
use inputting on metal
roofing. The lead on
the head positively
seals the nail hole—
making it weather=
tight andwaterproof.
No Washers; no more
"thee adine". 22c p erlb.
ret sample on re-,-
from h
prey. I
of pro
ing .o
to sp
to n:
AND�p�/� g�
/" ra les D �i7 IEHE 1 E IR.,
Galvanized roofing„shields property
tning and fire. Wooden roofs are easy
1927111 Ontario alone, $1,814,700 worth
rty was destroyed by fire caused by
eous combustion an'cl by embers fall+.•
nflammable•roofs. Rib -Roll is abso-••
re -proof and water -tight. It protects
ops from dampness that is conducive
taneous ignition. Handsome; perman-
sy to lay on any roof, Has seven ribs
; others give less security" "
eps now to protect your livestock, crops:.
ildings.• Write for a free sample of Rib-
revent Spontaneo
- and have
m, moiet air in an imp
co • it,ons conducive totip
let. $ for the roof adiustabl=
pro et the barn from fire ti
circ tion. They are built
full partic
Combustion . -
Well Ventilated Barn
perly ventilated barn produces
taneoua ignition. Preston Venti-
de-wall windows and spacious doors ";
sere by keeping the air in constant
keep the elements out. Write for
oor Tracks and Hanger
t -galvanized four-wheel Hangers and birdproof Barn.
are the best hardware made for heavy barn doors,
r ie adjustable up and down, and in and out. This
tion so easy that hundreds of builders will use no-
-the atr
ever been
for our big
the market. There are more Preston Barns in the
r metalbarns combined. Fireproof.�roomy, well -
To our knowledge, no Preston Steel Truss Barnhas
y lightning or spontaneous combustion. Writetoday
in Ontario—Not ono lost through lightning
1/4 Eastern teel Products,
r In arced
xxx Guelph Street -
60 h.p., 200 - ubic inch high -compression engine...
G -M -R C nder - Head. Full pressure piling.
system. ' isitive pump fuel feed. Internal-,
expanding our -wheel brakes. .
Large ro y interiors. Wide restful 'seats,.
Adjust'abl driver's seat. Lovejoy Hydraulic.:
• Shock A : orbers. Leather spring covers.
Stylish b les by Fisher. Smartest Duco color..-
ings. `W' e flaring fenders. Distinctive Chevron
radiator; esign. Fisher VV one-piece Wind-
shield. ,ecially designed Ternstedt fittings. Big;,
car imp. ssiveness and beauty.
ong e rue life.. Sturdy Fisher body construe
• .x" n, -c binatiip hardwood and heavy gauge:
it 1. ' ugged 53 -,pound short -stroke crank--
•rsh • , utiter;;:%veighted and perfectly balanced..
Ext turd, frame with four strong cross-..
•memlu ''s. Real Big Six size, equipment and'
apppintments. P.31.8.29G:
',iis>l+ ,otte Dealte.. about the CMAC Deferred Payment Plant'
fc. Snell, i3xeter
lid's ;litflTTwk. S> -CAUSE IT'S_ CA1!i UllA