HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-08-29, Page 5114
THURSDAY* A.li'GU T 2tert, 1020
gr:boot i't (t ' $ me e
c7I.i j QN, ON E41UO
that has fade it possible for our scores
hold po-itions demanding a high sten
Course Secretarial, Cornrner
Ci it ,Service, .ContntCre.
Crses arranger).
You .c; not attend a b -r sohooi. Why not attend this?
e to -day for information, Phone 198r
A. ` '✓ B. F. WARD, 33.A.
Com. Specialist,,.Vice-Principal Principa
students to obtain rind
of efficiency,
• Stenogrephie, General Office,
Teacher's' (onteres and Specln1'.
Honor graduate of Faculty of
/) 'Medicine, and ' Master or Science, oe
the University of Western Ontal'io.
Member of Oetllege of Physicians
and .urge itis of Ontario, Office
two door Feast of Post Office,,:
)!lane n6 Itesidee 114
Seci 'izin . n _Plate Work
P .
4111111 SALL, ONT.
•reiepitq 106 Main Street
Mr:' Wm. L, McLaren spent Tues-
day at Gocler:Icla •
° Mr. • Robert Higgins was in God-
• Frick Tuesday `en business. ' •-
Mr. Ger ld Farquhar, of Chicago,
is visiting at his home here. •
Mr. Floyd Senith, of Detroit, is
holidaying at his Nonce in town,
Mr. 'Roe- Webber is in Toronto
this week taking in the Exhibition.
Mr. Wm. Fee and sisters spent
'Tuesday visiting friends in Goderich
Miss Helen Heffernan, of London,
spent last week at her home 'heree..
Air. and Mrs. Alex. Smith and son
.Eldred spent Friday with friends in
Mr. 'and Mrs. Win. Bell and Sam -
of St. Thomas, are visiting fri-
vnds here.
Mr. 'Vern Redden left this week
for Detroit where he has secured a
good position.
Miss Lula McDonald, of London,
is holidaying at her hone on• the
London Roacl south.
'•1Virs. Frank Callan, of St. Marys,
is visiting for a few days with Mr.
and M'rs. Colin„Hudson.
Mrs. Robt Higgins and sen Baroid
have returned " home ,after a two -
weeks visit in Detroit.
Miss Ruby McLaren spent Tires-
xray with her sister, Mrs. Wesley,
Vaulter, of Chiselhiirst.
1VIrs. Richardson, is moving into
The rooms in the Murdock Block
west of R. Webber's shop..
Mr. Thos. Parinter, Sr. was in
Goderich .on Tuesday visiting with
Jtis daughter, Mrs..A. 'Whiteside.
Miss Anna Tiernan, of Dashwood,
spent a couple of weeks with her
friend, Miss 'Mildred McDonell.
Mr.. and Mrs. Wm. Wilkinson, of
Stratford, spent Wednesday at the
house of Lalr. and Mrs. Wni. Sang-
ster. •
Dr. and Mrs. Wilson, of Bay City,
Mich., spent last, week with the for•
mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex.
Miss. Emma Johnston and some
friends of London, are taking a mo-
tor trip to Montreal, Quebec and
Mrs. Cleveland and daughter Miss
Margaret, of Toronto, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A: Paterson last
Mrs. Lou Simpson, Mr. and Mrs.
Robt, Bonthron and Mrs. T. C. Joynt
:are at present camping at Grand
Mr. and Mrs. Tucker and family
leave moved from the rooms in the
?Petty Block to rooms in the Mur-
;dock Block.
Miss Doris and Master George
teynolds, of Pt, Dover, .are visiting
at the home of Miss Reynolds ,and
;vire. Ittebinson. •
Messrs,. Cook Bros. are having
their house on S. Richmond street,
which is .occupied by iVir. A, Poster,
likely repainted:
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and.
.slaughter• Lois, of Detroit, spent the
meek -end at the home of Mr. and
Airs. Robt, Higgins.
One dity last week while Mr. ;John
Madge was working with the tad -
later of a .tractor thea cap blew off
severely scalding Trim.
Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Drawlay, of.
3Citcltenet•, are spending the holidays.
here with Mrs. Drawley's parents,
Mr, and. Mrs. Wm. Beaver.
Mews ()Wen Geiger. a,ftd,Slon have
largo nunrber Of Wiens' and their
•airiilies •fra5ni different parte busily
engaged :in ffaz pttll'tg.
13irs. Lee I-Ieddeit is visiting with
:friends iii Hamilton for a tenpie of
weeks, Miss lintel Murdock is telt-
Ing her •; i1acft lit the postaredce.
The fali'tners iir chi§' district *ill.
"Medic be throtiglr'Vbitlr the harvesting`
Of titer oat th'
crotis whfith aro a p1Co'0'iiYtf
II bottler yieii than Val eS:Ctiaotdt'i,
Mrs. W. Whitnear and children
and sister Lucy,- of Milverton and
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Redmond, of
Belleville motored `stere on Friday,
A number of local violin players
were at Grand Bebei Monday even-
ing where they engaged in the fid-
dler's contest, Those from here
were Mr.• Bolton, Trios, Murdock and
Win. Hyde. •
Miss •Alma Seruton has .resigned
her position with Mr. J ..A. Centelon
end is leaving shortly for London
where she will go in training for
a nurse at Viktoria Hospital. Mis$
1Vrargaret- Hogarth is taking over her
duties at Mr. Cantelon's. , 0,
Dr. H. H. Cowen, : e .5., D.D.S.
At off ce in tleib Block, Dash-
wood, f st tl .°=e days of week and
at °MO ov the Post Office, in
Zuriclil la three days of week.
id Mrs. O. Restemeyee were
Sunday visitors in London,
Mrs, Geo. Dultz returned to De
troit •.Saturday after spending a
week with her parents. -
Mr. Alf. Zimmer is visiting at his
home here. e
Quite a number froni•here attend-
ed the funeral of the late Hy. Tru-
etnner in Zurich on Saturday.
Miss Flossy Kleinstiver, of Strat-
ford, is -`visiting her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Grifftat aucl Mr.
and Mrs. Kennedy and son, of Cha-
tham, were week -end visitors With
•Mr. and Mrs. C. Gale.
Wedding bells are ringing this
week. •
Miss Viner was the guest of Miss
Florence Guenther last week.
Miss Myrtle Taylor, of London,
spent last •week with Dr. and Mrs.
Miss Verna Girl: spent the week-
epd with friends in London,
Mrs, Graupner and daughters, of
Farmington, Mich., spent the week-
end with friends 'in town.
Miss S. Reid, Mr. Porter and Mr.
Granger, of Bayfield, spent Sunday
with Mr: and Mrs. J. C. Reid.
Mr. and 1VIrs. Normyle, of Kala-
mazoo, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs.
Henderson, of Galt, were visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nadiger.
Mr. Pejcy Kleinstiver and friend,
of Chicago, are :spending their ven-
ation with the farmer's parents, 1VIr.
and Mrs. Wm. Kl•einstiver.
Mss Selma Genttner, of London,
is visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, F..Genttner.
Miss Lena Steiehagen, of Cleve-
land, visited her brother, Mr. Chas.
Steinhagen, a few days last week.
Mr. Louis Rader and his mother,
Mrs. J. Rader,. of town, Fred and
Laura,, of the Goshen Line, motored
to Michigan over-. the week -end.
Mr. and. Mrs. Marble and daugh-
ter, and Mrs. Marble, Sr., of New
York, spent a few days visiting at
the home of Rev. and Mrs. Sauer.
Mr. Herbert Sauer, wha has been
visiting his parents for the past
week, returned to Chicago on Tues-
day of this week,
:Sevefal loads of the Evangelical
Ladies' !Aid, visited Crediton Ladies'
.Md on Tuesday afternoon and were
entertained by a returned' mission-
ary from China. After a short. pro-
gram a dainty hineh was served and
a very enjoyAlile afternoon was had
by all present.
Rev. and Mrs: eloulstott of Wheat-
ley, Called on friends here one day
last Weeek,
1Vtr•s.. k,. Sills, and Miss Margaret
Golding, of Cleveland, spent Sunday
with Mr. and...1VPrs. Henry Golding.
• ;:Vire. B. 'Snell and daughter, Miss
Blanche called on•friends in. Atwood
On Tuesday lest.. •
Rev. and Mrs, Snell and daughter
Mtss Blanche arrived dome• last
week after a very pleasant visit at
Muskoka. '
Quite a nuiniter from liere.are at-
tending Toronto Exhibition.
Mr, and hers. David Andersen and
sons -,Ralph and `Kenneth, and uMr,
Alek,. Melees, of WZtitinsville, Mass.,
visited „Me. and Mrs. Art. W1llert
and other relatives a few clays last
Mr. and Mrs. C. Kenney and SottS
ote Detroit, visited at. the "hone of.
Mt'. nnd• Mrs. T3, Wenn last week.
`si'c'k and defile t1!' Sclii't$eder' visited
1!n ti r d
' fCie"ti{Tit iii tsar art
with . C y
the Mid atter, S. Il;uthhthtsOti 'ancl°
atiiil'y. 'o
tendon, anent are Wtek-
end -With iter, atitt iters, Wilt. 'MOM
Miss WeeItitY Scicreeder Is 'visit-
ing in Toronto,
We tars plea:,ed to report that
Mrs, Leonard WeIn is improving
Miss Marian Richards has left an`
a visit with relatives and triode in
Rochester; N. Y.
Mr. and •Mrs, John Edwards and
fancily spent Sunday atethe home of
Mr, and-irs. John Flynn,
arr. - Levi Gristnore and fancily,
of Panders, visited with Mr. .and
Mrs. Ed, 1VEorlocii the past week.
Miss Lula Moriocic has returned
home ,after• attending .Summer Sch-
ool at Queen's University, Kingston
• 1VIr. Eli Lawson arrived home
Monday from the West with a car-
load of cattle ac:d a car -load of hor-
Miss France, Stepaniak and tMr,
Larry Buwen, of Detroit, spent the
week -end with Miss Mildred Schroe-
Mr. Fred Beaver, who has. ;been
visiting with friends and relatives
for the -past week, has returned to
his home, in New York City.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Gaiser, ' who
have 'been vititing with Mr. and Mre.
.Fred1 Gaiser and others have return-
ed to their home in Deti o t,
Mr. and 1''Ire. "Aaron 'Wein and
son, Wilmer, attended the funeral of
Mrs, Wein's uncle, the late Henry
Truemner in Zurich on Sntnday,
Mr. and De Earl Gaiser and
child, who have visiting with Lloyd
Gaiser and "ther relatives,- 'have
returned to their home in Detroit.,,
Mr, and Mre. Wm. Heatherby and
daughter, Thelma, and Mr. Stanley
Kelly, all of London, spent the week
end with Mr. and 1VIrs. Henry Motz.
Mr, and Mre. Henry Motz and Me,'
and Mrs, Wm. Heatherby and Mrs,
Wm. Motz spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Jacl: Messner, of Dash-
Mr. and Mr+. Henry Pfaff, Sr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bullock and
daughter and Miss Alma Gower, of
Woodham, spent Sunday at Spring -
Mr. Michael Finicaeiner, who was
operated on Ist week passed away
on Monday and will be buried in the
Crediton cemetery on Wednesday of
this week.
Mr. and leers. Joseph Brokenshire
,and children, of Windsor, spent Sat-
urday with Mrs. Eli Lawson, Mrs. G.
Wright,' who silent the past week
here returned home with them.
Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Fraser, Mrs.
Wes. Hedden, Miss Rae Hedden, Mr.
an{f Mrs. Carman Doupe and daugh-
ter Shirley, of. Exeter, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis.
NIr. Mervin Brokenshire, of •'Fer-
gus, spent Sunday "With Mr. and Mrs.
Wilson Andereon. Mrs. Brokenshire
and childrdh, who have been visiting
here for tlfe pat three weeks, re-
'turnee home with hint.
Mr. E1mee We.ido hacl a narrow
escape on Sunday while on his way
to Springbank. A flat tire Caused the
car to swerve` toward the ditch. Ow-
ing to Mr. Weida's skill he was able
to get the car under control before
a eerlous accident occurred.
Sunday visitors at the home of
Mrs. Harry Lewis were: Mrs. Mal-
colm Fraser, ;Messrs. Joe and Ray-
mond Fraser, 'Marguerite Fraser,
Betty Wiggington, Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Fraser, Adeline Fraser, Mr. Thos.
,could." ,Site leaves to mourn the legs;
.ef a •devoted wife and mother, her
ltusbaud,. Mr. G. Hirtzel: her deugik
ter; Mrs, Alvin Baker, Crediton and:
pee son, Ivan at $ante besides a,
,large number of relatives and friends
Miss Bessie Johns visited in Ex-
eter .last week.
Mrs. Herbert has been visiting
with her slaughter, Mrs. Jas. Hey-
Master Melvin Gardiner; of Far-
quhar, visited. at Mr, Will. Johns'last weep,
Miss Eunice Parkinson, of Bien -
shard, is visiting her sister, Mrs.
Herman Foster..
Miss Down, of near Strathroy,
has been visiting her grandfather,
Mr. Robert Woods,
Mrs, \'Phiteford, of Exeter, visit-
ed at the home of tier daughter, Mrs,
Wes. Horne, last week.
The Young Peoples' Society in-
trend holding a picnic at Springbank
on Friday of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Johns spent
the week -end with Mr, and Mrs.
Scott Whaley, in St. Marys.
Mr. and Mrs. Melville Gunning
and daughter were visitors at 1Vir.
Bruce Cooper's last Sunday,
Mr, John White, of Montreal, vis-
ited his uncle, Rev. Wilite ror a few
days, returning home on Monday.
Masters Roy and Russel Hocigert
of near Seaforth, were holidaying
with relatives in. this vicinity rec-
Next Sunday morning a combined
service will be held at 10:30 a.nt,
as Rev. 1Vir, White is having his
Miss Grace White, of Chatham,
returned home last Thursday after
spending a couple of weeks with
Rev. and Mrs. White.
Mrs. Ed. Johns and airs. Wes,
Horne entertained their S. S. class
of girls at the hone of the former
on Tuesday of this week.
Mrs' and Mrs. Hy. Murch, of Lon-
don and Miss Josephine Childs, of
Woodstock, spent Sunday at the
home of .IVIr. Philip Murcli.
Harvesting is about 'completed at
time of writing and excellent wea-
ther has prevailed although rain is
badly needed for getting in fall
wheat. •
Mrs. Walter Hern and daughter,
Miss Leola Hern, • Mrs. Walters and
little Miss Constance Thompson, of
Goderich, and Miss Sylvia Boyd, of
Toronto," were visitors at Mr. Chas.
Johns' 011 Monday.
Mrs. Heywood, Sr. attained her
S8th birthday last Thursday, Aug-
ust 22iicl, and was remembered by
a number of friends who extended
their best wishes. In the 'evening
she was taken for a pleasant car
Mr. Lew Fischer, of near Dash-
wood, who leas been engaged with
the Johns Syndicate Threshing out-
fit, had the misfortune to get one
Unger badly crushed while at work
last week. As a consequence he will
be laid off for awhile.
Mr. and ^Mrs. John Morley, of
Whalen, Mr. Aylmer :Morley and
daughter Bernice, of Brantford and
Miss Heath, of Kitchener, were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Pym
Costa and Mr. Peter Crawley, all of last Sunday. Misses Kathryn and
Detroit, and Mrs. William Siniins, of Joan Morley, who, have been spend-
Stephen, 1VIr. Dalton Lewis, of Mc- leg a Month with relatives in these
Gillivray, Mr. Isaac Simms, of Ex- parts, 'returned home . with their
tiler, Mr. Leonard Wein, of Stephen father, Mr. Aylmer Morley, on Mon -
and Mr. Frederick Railings, of, Ailsa day. •
Craig: ., Mrs. Hall, of Wellburn, spent last
i'yesentaticzn, on Eve of Departure Week •with her daughter, Mrs. Will
Elford. Last Sunday Mr•. Hall and'
daughter, Mrs. Banes and her son,
Dick, visited. here. Mr. and Mrs.
Hall returned home on Sunday night
and Mrs Banes ander son remain-
ed .but on Monday ening was sud-
denly called hone as 1VIr. Hall had
taken a bad stroke, affecting his
head and rendering hint incapable
of speech.
The W. M. S. met last Wednesday
at the parsonage for their regular
meeting with .a splendid •attendance
of 24. Mrs. Hy. Ford occupied the
chair. The meeting opened by all
repeating the watchword. 1st. Cor.
positions of organist and choir mas- chap. 13 was read as a scripture
ter and by his genial disposition lesson. Rev. White led in prayer,
made for •himself many friends who The subject for roll call was a quo -
While regretting his departure will cation on love, 18 members respond -
Wish for him every success -in the ing. Misses Gladys Johns and Laura
'Margaret Johns accompanying them
future. Ford sang "Little Evangels," Miss
DEATH OIC ;ARS. GEO. IIIRRTZEL onthe piano. Mrs. Hy. Delbridge
A shadow of glootn was cast over read a leaflet on Systematic Giving
The choir of the United church
spent a ,social time on Monday even-
ing last at tete home of Mrs. F. W.
Clark in honor of Mi. R. E. Bech-
tel who has been transferred to Wel-
land. During the evening Mr. Ed.
Chambers read an address of appre-
ciation and 1VIr. Melvin Lamport in
behalf of the choir, presented Mr.
Bechtel with a handsome belt and
case. In a few well-chosen words
Mr. Bechtel thanked the choir for
1the gift .and assured them that his
work among' then; had been a plea -
tura. During his entire stay here
Mr. Bechtel has very ably filled the
Crediton and coinnaunity on Wednes- and Mrs. Ford, Miss Gladys Johns,
day last on the passing away at Vic Mrs. Chas. Godbolt and hire, Murch.
toria Hospital, London, of Mm a. read leaflets dealing with Chapter
Hirtzel, following an operation oti 10 of "Drums in the Dariztzess."
Monday evening.. Her maiden name 1Vliss Grace White, of Chatham, fav -
Was Mary .A„ Mantle, being a full sis- 'ored the ladies with a lovely solo
ter of Mr. Geo. 1Vtantle, of town, a Witech added niuch'io the enjoyment
sister of Mrs. W. Winer, of town, 'of the mooting. Mrs. Wes. Horne,
and Me. W. L. England, of Calgary 'hits, P, 'Murch and Mrs. C. Johns
Bev, Fr. Fischer accompanied by
Mrs. Thos. Boyce visited In Lon- his parents, brothers and sisters, of
don on Friday of last week, Preston,, visited at the home of his
'aunt, Mrs. Alonse McCann and also
Mrs. John Essery is visiting with with his uncle, Mr. Tlieobald Deder-
her sister, ,Mrs,. (Di',) Heighway, .at lot on :Sunday.
London.J IVIr. Thomas J. Hall is on the sick
ing with his aunt Mrs, Carruthers
Master Freddie Baynliaut is visit- list. Hie many friends Whatfor him,
a speedy recovery,
in London. i Miss Gertie Carey, of Detroit,
Mr• and iVrra, L. I!. Hodgson and spent'a few days last weep with her
sort Reg, spent Sunday with rela- parents, Mr, a11.4 Mrs. Dances Carey,
Oyes itt Highgate, • I Miss Nora MeE eakey^, of Detroit,
Mr, Truman Mille, of Hamilton, is spending her holidays at her haute
spent Saturday with his parents, n?r. Mr. Joseph Glavin, Mines Mara,
and Mrs, H. Mills, ' Madeline and Helen, visited with
Mrs. E. Beaver and Mrs, Maurice Mr. Glavin'e brother, ,Mr. Jas. Gia -
Neil, of Detroit, are visiting with vin of Mt. Pleasant, Mich., last weep
Mr. and Mee. James Neil, 1 Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Ragiiev, Mise
Mrs, .deep. Thompson and Jean are Eileen and Dinnis O'Rourke motor -
Visiting with the farmer's uncle .acid ed to Niagara Falls on. Sunday.
aunt at Smithville this week, 1 Mr, James Campbell, of Detroit, is
Mrs, Wm, Essery and :Miss Vers spending a few days with his brother
of Exeter, are spending a Yew days Mr, Jerry Campbell'.
at the home t f M'r. Jas. Oke, 1 Mr. Joseph McKeever received the
news of the death on Monday of his
Mr, James Taylor and Misses Lilla brothez•>in-law, Mr, Thomas Lane, of
and Lenore Taylor and Vir. and Mrs: Detroit and fgrmerly of this neigh -
Van Capin and son Clair•^
grave, visited on Monday at file boyhood, and whose funeral took
bonze of Mrs. Arthur Brooks.•Place in that city on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Brooks and
Mr. and. Mrs's Win: Skelton spent
the. week -end in Whitby with Mr,
and Mrs,' Ewart Powe. Mrs. Brooks
.will remain for a couple of weeks.
Miss Mary O'l3rien left for Lon-
don on Monday where she will take'
a secretarial course at Wells Aca-
demy. Mary recently obtained her
A. T. C. M. in music and will teach
in her spare Otte.
i A large, congregation listened
with interest to : Rev, G. A. Leieb-
liter's message in the United church,
' oh Sunday.
1 Next week Rev. J, M. Colling will
occupy his own pulpit after being on
vacation during the month of Aug-
Miss H: West, of Deleware, is a
guest with Miss Lois Brown.
Mr.' Dawson Woodburn who has
spent the vacation Months at Port
THAMES.ROAD Huron, is holidaying at his home
;Miss Beth. Ballantyne is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. Eagleson, Ray -
with her uncle and aunt, .Mr, and mond and Pauline and Miss L. Rid»
Mrs. Robert Kycld, ley motored to London on Saturday.
i Mr. and Mrs. D. Wilson, Mr. and
Mr. W. Kennedy spent a few -clays
last week with Mr. and Mrs. Jef-
Mrs, Ed. Kennedy spent a few days
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.
At the time of writing Mr.: Will.
Pollen is not, as well as his neigh-
bors would like to see him.
• 1Vliss Reta Pollen has returned to
1Vlitchell after spending the past
week at her home.
Mrs. Reuben Wilson, of Arkona and
Mr. C. M. Wilson, of Niagara Falls,
visited their sister, Mrs. Jos. Gera
mette and other friends here.
Mrs. McIntosh has returned from
a pleasant visit in Port Huron.
The W. 1VI'. S. and W. A. of the
United Church held interesting
meetings at the church last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Manford Belling, of
Detroit, are visiting relatives in the
Rev. Leckie, of Motherwell, Mrs, Annie Bell and Mr. and Mrs.
;ted with Mrs. Dave Christie on Banteau, of Detroit, are .guests with
Monday. friends here.
vis -
Mr. .and Mrs. iM'cCurdy, of Kirk- Mrs. Sherritt went as far as Lon -
ton, are visiting with their dangly don with her grand -daughter, Miss
Lon -
ter, Mrs. John visiting
Leona Fields, wiio returned to
Wheatly, Miss Evelyn n also
Mr, Frank ICernicic passed away accompanied them.
on' Monday after a very trying ills) IMrs. Morrison, of Detroit, is visite
pees• ing her mother, Mrs. H. Eggert.
The. young ladies of the Helping Miss Aileen McPherson has return,
Hand Society presented their pag- ed from a visit with her parents aL
sant at Mount Pleasant on Sunday Arktina.
night. ,Mrs, . J. prowl, W.. J. and Byron
Miss Annie Turnbull and Mr. Wil- and Elda Brown visited Mr. and Mrs.
fred Turnbull spent .Sunday with
their sister, lVirs. Hairy Rhode.
Rev. Sinclair was a guest at the
home of Mrs. Robert Monteith on
Sunday. ! ' Mrs. Faille is returningthrs week
Mr. Tom Austin nibtorecl to De to her home In Ontario, California.
troit over the' week -encs and return- j
ed with Itis wife who has been spend- r
ilig a few weeks with her daughter. GRAND BEND
R. Hutchinson, of St. Marys.
Miss M. McLean, of Kipper,, visit-
ed Miss D. Mason before. going to
Collingwood where she has accepted
a position tin the,public school staff.
Who has their coal o,bins full as
fall is here and winter is just round
the corner? Next we !shall see, so
many weeks till. Xmas. Fall thresh-
ing has -started.
Labor Day will be the last big
holiday this year at Grand Bend.
There will be a series of interesting
softball games between picked teams
,and dancing afternoon and evening.
Mrs. Henry Anderson is visiting McKinney's Chocolate Dandies are
with her daughter, Mrs. P. Stone. now playing their farewell week and
will say good-bye to Grand Bend on
Labor Day. They are re -opening the
New Pier Ballroom, Detroit, Sept.
5th. This noted colored orchestra
will be playing every night except
Friday, so plan to hear them this
week for the last time.
IMrs. Alf. Hunkin returned hone
on 'Saturday from St. Joseph's hos-
pital, London.
Misses Ida and Nola Sweitzer
spent last week visiting friends at
A reunion of the Sharp family was
held at Grand Bend on Saturday
last. An enjoyable time was spent by
all present.
' Miss Audrey Yearly, of Crediton,
is at present visiting at the hone of
tier aunt, Mrs. A. Keyes.
The Ladies Aid will meet on Wed-
`riesday, Sept. 4th at the hone of
Alis. ;Matthew ,S•weitzer.
Mrs. Gordon Hutchinson and child-
ren, of Parkhill, visited over the
week -end !at the home of Mr. Thos,
Miss Mildred Guenther, of Kitch-
ener, who has been visiting her aunt
Mrs, Wm. SWettzer, has returned to
her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Miller, of
Detroit, spent the week -end with
the latter's parents, Mr, and hers,
Wm. :Hayter,
-Misses Edith 'Taylor and itiia.rier.te
to .all of whom the sympathy of the were appointed a committee to look Jennison :are visiting at Mr. T.L4tes
community is extended. She was' a after packing the bale for Radway .1131, M 12
. yan and Mrs. R. Gorman
consistent tneinber of the Crediton Centre, Alta., all rots ributions to madsok andUnited Church teacher in 'th Stine be in by the end of this week. Mrs, J h red, off i'.,ondnrt, vn-
. a e h.ttzrch, Teuiperance ytveretary, read ;ted tvitTt lt3ansel Ilodgitis . ot1. Molt
day School and active to all church dA,,,,,
work, in which She- will be much a :paper dealing with the temperance
missed as evidencgd by the beautifitl Phase of the work. Mrs. C. Jollns
floral offerittgs atzd the' 'targe num- closed the rneetirtg with prayer and
ber present at the funeral service in benediction. Mee. Ed. Johns will
the church. Gentle and, graelotig to ItaVe charge of the next itteeting,
i visltj.n at''•
. life Mrs. San; ilitniting, i4lss. weld Mills �'�� g ' her h>�lrie hero. ' •
everyone, hili unlet Christian li kirk . of : .
stands out as ,e nienlorittl to those and bars. Roy I>,irk and daughter, ,''1t2tss Ir'ay.,Ho4giiie.spurt ti 0Ottple
Who are lett behind. Villa' it cart be •'Wobdlittiti, visited' Mrs,? J., Cooper 75tA days 1dst.,fitek:vlsitittg 1•elatlf'e5'
said of her "She hath ;;done what site the beginning M the week.
itiiDeiiTteltl and CTarccle'bttve.
.Ifrs. J. Patterson, Of Ildertou,,
vi�`ited her aittlt, Mrs. Jas. lIndglns
la t V f
Georgian Bay witlt its` 30,000 is,
lands makes an ideal inexpensive
weekend outing. The cost is .sur_
prisingly low—in fact, it le doubtful
If any other trip offers ea much at
so little expense and with=" such econ_
only of time—a really loamy •inter-
lude to the Smttimer'.s endless work.
Train leaves Toronto eery Saturday -
morning at 10:15 (sklindard time),
for Midland,connect lig with com-
modious steamer for Parry Sound;
returning, arrives i Toronto every
Sunday night at 10: 0 p.m.
If you can stay onger than just
a week-end--eo itch the better.
Numerous lintels and boarding-
' houses will all li p to make your
visit a thoroughl enjoyable Otte.
Secure a copy of the new illustrat-
ed booklet—"30,000 islands of the
Georgian Bay"—from your nearest
Canadian National Agent.
atVirs. Le Grande Wright of Detroit,
Head Office. Fariubar. On
President SIMO DOW
Vice -Pres. PRANK 1VrsC NELL '
AN SI LAI I. L .. . tr
CltiS C R, J T A LISO r
EGET, OR1ttS,Wts. `.'' liROCi
JOifIJ ESSE ,Vii, 'Centr'' la, Agent fat:
Veber e -and ddulph
OLIVER 'HA is, tiro, Agent fel
gibbet% F 'Bart and togiigil •
Itllp: A i Vi t
Secreta eflaburdr
$131, .er, oMnt'lb
IMP Ilnlicitori, *mat