The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-08-29, Page 3EXETEli: TIMES-ADVQCATg
THURSDAY, AUGUST igith, 102,9
CHAPTER XI (0011tillated)
"my people live in Surrey. I go
deem at the week -ends, but I like
JO be in the heart etthlngs in the
Interval," remarked Maurice as they
rolled througlt the traffic of the
hrightly-lighted streets. "When
first went to business they had a
house in Russell genare, Blooms,.
bury. That was convenient too.
Well, stands Sootland, 'where it die?"
Harry was astonished et the pleas-
eeseant. bonhomie o,f. the -man .whona he
,e had loifg'since set down in his eta -
Wile; boor,' and. an otherwise impos-
slide man. '.He was geod-looking in
a somewhat showy, flashy style, and
there was undoubted power, though
o a rather sinister kind, in his, face
"I left' It in *4 snosistornf, and
there won't any. more hunting
'for a bit. Where does Mr.,Carring-
ton's son live?" '
"He's, one of those who believsOn
the suburbs," observed Maurice drily
"You'll find him on the heights of
Hampstead, and hiswalk over the
Meath every morning is part of his*
religion—perhaps the only. reeigiou
e has, got;"
"Tie knew that 1 was corning to-
night, didn't he?" asked Harry, -Won-
dering a little, perhaps,that the
friendly -office of rneeting him had
mot been performed by Jack earring -
Of the two men he certainly was
the one from whom' he would more
readily have expectea it.
'.11 mentioned the fact to him this
eno'rnifig„at-business, but he did not
make any remark. You'll find Care
rington a very close chap, not given
to talk much of his .own .affairs or
to meddle in yours. He's not a gen-
eral favorite, It's a, goodthing for
some men that theyhaverathers bee
fore them." •
should have thought him very
different from that.• He seemed
very affable at Bellenden."'
"There he was at play. In busi-
ness he's keen -eat times a bit too
keen. Now you saw me et ely woret:
at Bellenden. That kind of life
doesn't suit me. I think you'll find
e •
that in basiness I'm a little differ-.
ent." . . "No, a should preaf to go out al -
"1 began to be a little anxious. so. I have been sitting all day, and
about busjness. I know ' nothing, I would like uncommonly to stretch
Shall I be under Mr. ,CarringtoWs •my lege autside after it,. bait don't
on?", let me be in your way or become
e •
"You won't come much into con- an encumbrance: Perhaps you have.
• tact with him. My uncle charged had enough of me."
me with , your business training. So "My 'dear fellow—no. Aud if I:
yon .see•it is necessary for us to be had had, you'd pretty soon have
frienele. thought•ethat AresIseinaele aciceen . it. ....There isn't anuelteo.f.„the,
the first advances we should per- ,embroldery of life about me, and I
seldom disguise my feelings. Have•
another cigar, then, and let Us go.",
The cod] fresh wind' met therm at
the door, and Harry drew a long
breath, remarking that it was good
to be alive,
'—"You'll like London, you think?
It will be 4 mighty change."
"I must Mee it—I shall like it. I
have come here for a definite pur-
pcise, and I Mean to apply every
a • shabby black silk frock came for-
ward and bade them a pleasant
To Barry the house seemed in.-
creclibly cramped awl narrow after
the spacious wideness o Essention,
but it was comfortable and clean.
"Mr. Kerr will stay here to -night,
Mrs, Briscoe, and we snail talk over
things in the morning," said Mau-
rice easily, •
The next minute Harry was
Mounting the stairs to his new quar,
ters—a large, if rather Tow -celled
mein at the very top of the house.
It was sparsely furnished, but a
cheerful lire gave It a homelike
look, and he was on theewhole well
Pleased with his surroundings. ..
"Yes, the cooking is good. It is
only in a house such as tnis,that you
get it, They're accustomed *to cater
for people who have learned how to
eat. • Try the ordinary suburban eine
ner, slabs, ot underdone Meat And
Vegetables swimming in water
thetre the ideal of cooking there.
Couldn't ..face it. Jack. Carrington
doesn't care. Goes in for what he
calls 'the simple life. 1 like to do
myself well—very pleinle, but it
must be just so. Try the Heidsieck.
I'm aeareful man, but weeought to
celebrate the occasion and drink suc-
cess to the man from the Nprth."
Under the genial influences of the
hour Harry Kerr iu the guilessness
of his nature. laid -bare his heart.
Liopel Maurice, an „,,accomplished
man of the world, played upon it as
if it ere a harp of ten strings, and
soon arrived at a fair conclusion as
to the kind of a mail he was.
"Poor' beggar," he said in his in-.
.ward soul; "he's about as fit as the
average infant hi, arms to be let
loose in London,. only a quee-
tien of time."
Only one, subject was barred be-
tween thane 'The name of Blanche
Carrington was never once mention,
About half -past nine Maurice rose,
yawning, tram his chair. ..,
• "I must go out and get a mouth-
ful of fresh ,eir. Perhaps you would
like to tura in after your long Jour -
Daps know where we "stood. Here
eve: are.."
They drove up the quiet little
street to a green door which opened
le'lliallemoothly' from within, and Harry'
was seeprieed ,to behold a man -ser-
vant ill the aarrow rpaeSage.
"Don't be alarmed—a -.German
-waiter—very, ,cheap, bait uncommon-
ly good. There's Mrs. Briscoe."
A faded looking, elderly,woman in
• 1.
" MANY WAVE-LEN6Tti .... 7
Early English design cabnet
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Escutcheon plate -and 'nobs
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Power detection with j e new
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On Terms, I/ 1 sired
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Let tig give yo
FREE Deptiolistration iI
See and hear this marvelous Majestic Lo bo in your
Own home. Judge the Majestic on its welt
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Mijesticittlis Dealer r Main Street Exe(er
ounce et energy that I possess to
.learning the businese. yog
think that it was most ItnoofpntiMIY
good of Mr. Carritneton to give ane
this chance.'!
"yes—perhaps that is how It
Strike the average intelligence, but
depend upon It, he's going to get
sentlething out. Of it. I have never
known I3entley Carrington net with
out a motive—pever."
"I3pt his motive is not k Selfish
one surely, He appeared to me one
of the most generous of men—it not
the most generous man—that I had
ever met," said Harry a trite werm-
"He's playing a* role," obserred
Maurice carelessly as if this matter
were of the most Muni importance.
"Ana in the course or time, believe
me, he has played mane!. He could
not have been where he is to -day
Unless he had 'been a consummate
actor. Well, here's life, Isn't It?"
They emerged from comparative
shadow into the glare and throng of
Regent Street, and Maurice, having
dropped the first 'piosonous seeds,
skillfully diverted the conversation
into a lighter vein,
Harry Kerr was very young; he
had seen nothini, and his eyes. now
very wide open.
Maurice knew a good deal of the
night side of London life, but, it was
not his intention at the beginning pt.
their acquaintanceship to shock his
Young companion, .0n the coptrary
he meant rather to interest him and
to whet his,eppetite for fresh expel.-
ienees.' • . — • -
"Care to look In at the Empire?
There's an uncommonly good dancer
there. 1 think 1 saw somewhere
that her turn it at ten. Perhaps,
however, you'd rather not. We can
just stroll through Leicester Square,
It will be lively eelottglisthere for the
next five or six flours." •
"Five or six hours! Why, it,' e ten,
o'clock now," exclaimed Harry in
amazement. •
"Right ybu are, my boy, but itis
only from now till dawn that the
half of London—the underwarld—
begins to live. I otten come out tier
a stroll about this time. I'm not h
theatreegoer, but the 'life of the
streets interests me a lot. Some-
times I think I'll write.a booke---"Obe
servations of a tafae about Town."
You see very queer things if you
malce a habit of sauntering about in
the same area night after night. All
eorts of unrehearsed 'effects. come
to yen evithout seeking. It's more
amusing than any theatres that I
have ever paid to go into, but then
the drama's played out in this coun-
try: and will never be revived again.'
"Do ybubelieve 'that?" asked
Harry intere4edlY:.
'Yes, Just leek at these two im-
mense music halls, and there are
dozens like them in London. It is
such performances as you find there
that hit the popular taste and are
played. to crowded .audiences nightly,
Care to 'leek in?"
"Yee, peould," seidetierry eage17-
1y; one "the iiext, moment they had
.passedeeetheeeglettering eturnstileaerof
the Empire and wore A$Gendittg the
luxurious staircase to the lounge.
• Somebody was singing on Ihe
there before. He bade the officer
geoil-eVening civilly, and whiting
Until a halleCeri had Tamed hire. into
Clare Street, he turned after U. jle
observed Wirt it stopped at the house
which he wished to enter; but, par
Vesely slackening stee, he ilia
not' reach it until the eliettering .QC-
cupants had left the cab and passed
Xis knew who they Were—two
lesser stage -lights returning home
iate after their arduous day. Ile gave
them 'time to reach the flat on the
top -floor which- they occupied; then
he followed "up the illelighted .stairand knocked lightly on the door.
While lie waited for admission the
°deur of tried .onions greeted his
noStrils rather pudgently, Knowing
the babies of the inmates of thehouse,
house, he could not forbear a slight
smile. The figures which had look-
ed so romantic and so illusive an
hour ago would be regaling them-
selves with steak and onions and
probably 'beer as a sequel to the la -
bora of the day.
Xis lorock, familiar to the in-
mates of the house, was answered
by a middle-aged woman with a
somewhat harassed care -worn tace
which still hore traces or former
"Evening, Mrs, Vanclom, --Can I
come in?"
celVliy, yes,. ale. Maurice, sure,"
sh0 answered pleasantly enough.
"The girls have just got home, dead
tired. aetey had two performances
ana pantomine rehearsal to -clay'
and now they are ready for a bit
tiff 'a hot supper."
"Come in, Lionel," sang out a
clear voice Qom. the hackground. I
'''Bibby thought ,she saw yeuf phiz ,
at the croes-roads,"
er. The owner of the voice,. an ex-
treinely pretty girl • with' ape enor-
mous hat, stuck at a particularly
daring angle on the • masses of her
golden hair, came out into the pas-
sage and blew him a kiss through
her fingers% •
Maurice nodded familiarly.
e "How are you, Dolly? oughtn't
to come in really. It's 'too late, hilt
I •
"If you don't mind seeing its. stow„
U10 needful, we should like you to.
We shan't be going to bed for a
good hour yet. Ba"'s bowled over.
She ain't as tough ,ap pee".
Maurice followed the faded wo-
man into the sitting -room • where
the younger daughter, who had flung
Herself on the broken-spriaged
couple smiled languidly at him, She
was readly pale, great circles under
her, eyes accentuated eier deep pal-
lor, And her lips looked contracted
with' pain. Her face was very. sweet
if a trifle less brilliant than her sis-
She smiled across the table at
Maurice, , who approached ' the sofa
and looked down at hh y.
er wit,a really..
kind smile and an expression of an-
xiety. •
"Yopr very tired,•one?" he
Sai' softly.
cleadebeat, tell youee-seldc
10011y'e• more strident voice. ,"How
she'll ever to stand the
Christmas racket I don't know. Will
stage—an impossible creature, teen- she, Mune?"
tily attired, and possessed of a voice "Sit up, darling, and eat A, bit
resembling nothing "so much as a of something," said the mother,
screeching peacock, as Harry observ- leaning her arm on the table and
reideeto.,tne. evident amusement of Mau-: lOoking coaxingly at the girl on the
"Otero comeeen next turn. *Well "I couldn't tackle steak' and on -
only -stop to see her, and rheil we'll ions, mother, even to please you."
be getting 'back, 1 feel that you "It's the liver wing of a chicken
might to be asleep now." anda glass .of fizz that she needs,
Harry was too deeply interested Mrs. Vandom," said Maurice. "Just
ia the stage to observeethat 1Veaurice pop down to the corner and get,,helf
Seemed to have a good many ac- a bottle. It will set her up in a
quaintances in his immediate vicin- moment,"
ity and that lie was kept nodding But Baby shook her head.
Almost continuously, The next turn . "No, I won't take it. I'll be all
was that of the 'famous Spanish right when I have selpt .all theOugh
dancer, and Maurice was pleased to the night. We have a hard day,
see ,that Harry Kerr was entranced. haven't we, Doll?"
He talked of nothing else. but the '"*Uncommon, answered Dell with
poetry of motion as they walked her mouth full. "This is jolly good,
brick to Ryder Street. Baby, really. Sample it."
-"Yes—I suppose there's some- She stuck a morsel on a fork and
thing in the expression. If only held it across the table. .
the poetry could be *detached from Again Baby shook her languid
its connection with all the ghastly head, and Maurice intercepted the
trumpery of, these places it might mersel and ate it himself, to the
be all -right enough. But remein- amusement of the Small company.
bet, boy, that this sprt of thing is "It is, 60, Baby. Won't you
Only for a very occasional fillip. It try it, just. to please me?"
quickly becomes nauseating and "Not to -night. I'm hipped, Lion-
nancial success is not built. on' the el, and old Moseley was. horribly
poetry of motion though the same crags, and we have another rehear -
poetry that we have just been sal to -morrow, but thank goodness
'watching 110 been known before it isn't till two o'clocer, so I needn't
now to dissipate with lightning re- get up early"
pidity." "Well, have you anything to tell
WIth Such gleams ot cynicism, us, Lionel?" asked Dollywho, hay -
worldly wisdom, and good advice ing partially satisfied the cravings
did Lionel Maurice ' make himself of hunger was getting livelier every
entertaining to young Harry Kerr, miunte. "We haven't seen you for
ever so long. Why have you gone
back on the crowd?"
"1 haven't—I have been in Scot-
land again, Dolly."
"Have you? What's,the draw up
there? I've once been at Glasgow,
and 1 never want to see yon again --
beastly cold, damp place, and the
worst digS,I've ever seen. What's
the draw, I say?"
"Nothing particular. I told you
that My Uncle 'Carrington had
house. bought a big place there,: didn't I?"
"Yes, you did. But none of the
family Money Will conle this way.
They don't- like it bit s' tun," said
Dolly rather spitefully, "Why don't
It was now ablest midnight, but, you bring that big, solemn -faced
Matirice liad not a long distance te cousin of Mtsto see 'us one night?
go. Patentee With every byway in He looks as If lie wanted a bit of
that part. of LOnclon, he mtickly waking 'up. I'll de it, it you give
Made his way to a small, quiet me the chaede. Plenty Of oef, hasn't
Street lying between Longacre and he?"
St. Martin's Church. "Meats, but he is an extremely
It was not 5.. fAslihmmbla etreet, peeper young man,' Dolly, and don't
neither was it a shim. It was rather you fotget it, May 1 light up?"
a kind of hackiWater where aI tent "WhY„ yes---sjuet going •te• reyeelt
Of odd menages Were to be. found, Past the matelies, mann. That was
respectable sone the reverse. But a geed bit Of grill. Our 'Old tears
it was a street Willett seldent gave haed to beat ..tit the p111, Ise% She,
the pelled any trettble. There was ledisel?"
member of the force etatiened at There Was a. Veit teal, affection
at the SonieWhat abrupt underlying the gJel'a kliPpant Men-
et:Whet* at :Which Maiurice berriedoff, tier as the patted her ktiother'S attn.
Ws was tif neW face to Menefee, who
(To be 0011th:tiled)
did net tenieniber hevifigeseeet him
who a little later fell asleep in his
attic chamber to the confused nem-
ory of all the unusual sights 'and
sounds which he had 'witnessed dur-
ing the few heirs that he he'd been
in London.
.Mitateee bade, flim good -night,
and retired into the SIttingerobm,
where he remained zonly until Harry
wae Safely out of sight upstales.
Theri,putting on his overcoat again
and a soft slouch hat, he lett the
In a Date:water .
Donot be tempted by the price
of cheat,' teas. only fine teas
will give continued enjoyment 4-
sh from the irdensl
groups would be of no interest to -
,our readers we are publishing only
the results in the Winchelsea and
One of the most iMportant and Crediton group.The following is
exacting positions in a rural the standing of the first ten contest-
munity nowadays is that of the ants ,in this group;
Township Clerk, The fact that' Mel Lorne Elford, R. R. No, 3, Exeter
is, more complex today than it was 95; Laverne Skinner, R. R. No. 3,
a few years ago, affects municipals Exeter 94; Margaret White, R. R.
ities just as it does individuals. The No, 1, Crediton 93; Mildred Neeb,
farmer who used to flounder around R. R. No. 3,. Dashwood 92, Jean
in a democrat and burn candles now Cameron, R., R. No. 7, Lucknow 91,
drives a ear on a good township road David McKenzie, Kintail P.O. 91;
and ha,s hydro, All this spells Earl Ratz,•R. 12,"No. 3, Dashwood.
township road superintendent, hy- 90; Joseph O'Keefe, R. elt. No. 3,
dro-by-laws, drainage by-lws, eeporte Goclerich 90; Russell Mills, R. R. No
to the- Highway Department, the 1, Wooelle,ne 89; Audrey Prance,' n.
filling out of questionaires fee' Goy- R. N�. 1,;Woodham S.
ernment departments. in addition to.
the old-time duties of the Clerk. The
Clerk has to be guide,
and friend to green Councillor an
Reeve, and in order to do* 5o, he
•must. have a knowledge of the law,.
book-keeping, mathematics, togeth-
el.' with the wtsdom. of Solomon.. If.
he does not keep Ws eye on the con-,
stant chIntes in the statute books
his 'council get tangled in regal dif-
ficulties and he will likely get the
blame. For instance, in 1895„ an
Act was passed repealing the author-
ity of the Council to name one of t
the municipal auditors. In a muni-
cipality not a head of the 'Connell
• Of cOuree ymed like td vi
Coast and on the way s
places -; you've :dreame
cities like NV'
egina, Sasl
on, Vance
Perk i
i', the
he fa
end o
went on 'laming .an auditor the same t
as before for over twenty'yeara bee ,
fore the error was discovered. • To
measure up fully to the reqUire-
ments of his Sob, it will be seen that
the Township Clerk,should be a man
all the
nipeg, Bran-
oon, Calgary,
er and Victoria
ta1rles, Jasper .Na -
all its mountain
ombre Skeena River,
helfered Scenic Seas,
Alaska, the alluring
Midnight Sem.
rist Fares help you 's,ee
he utin�4t at least possible expense.
Ask your neareat Canadian National
Agent, Ile will give you rates 'and
help you in making your trip abso-
lutely worth while.
of 'somewhat unusual attainments
and "as a matter of fact he usually
Is. , Some of the Clerks, who have
served, and are serving in this dis-
trict, are real pillars. in the neunle. •
cipal structure. They ser-ve fors
simnel salaries, Ear too smell in many
eases. , The importanee 'of their
position should be recogpized and
more generally appreciated by the...
Township. Councils and by the rate-
payers.—Mileerten. Sun.
There were 15 contestants in- the'
Home Garden -Competition conduct-.
ed .in •Huron County this year. Tlie
County was 'divided into three groups
of 25 contestants each and' 4 prizes
were awarded in eacn group. ow-
ing to the late spring and dry sum-,
mer, conditions were rather unfav-
ourable but on the whdle the gar-
dens were very good and showed, en
the majority of cases, excellent case
and attention.
As the results hi the other tero
Face Covered with
• . •
•• •
Mrs. W. 'Smalipiece, Madawaikap
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My blood was so bad 1 used doctor'
medicine- for some time, but got no
•benefiereleusedethree bottles ofete
and the pimples all disappeared so
• completely that everyone.asked me whit
I had taken, or done."
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