The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-08-29, Page 1ESTABLISHED 1873 1.4 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 29th 1929 This Store will Close at 12 o'clock, noon, each Wednesday during June, Julrana August. l3ack to Scho ! School Days will, soon be here. The Girls an Boys will need. New Oxfords or Running Shoes, Suits, Dress , Stockings, Sox, v Caps, Etc. You will find \most .of these r uirements at this • store at Very Reasonable Prices. We also ave a few Specials to AA we would draw.you attention. „ Runnf ing Shoes Oxfords,'Etc •• BrOwn Canvas Oxfords, crepe soles @ $1 and $1.25. • , Boys' .large 1 to 5 high runriing.'shoes, the regular baseball shoe regular $2.50 at $1.49, They can be had in Brown or Black and White. • Boys'. Brown. Oxf ds sizes 1 to 5 on sale at 000 per pair.' School Girls xfords#POffiis tippers, Pumps, Fancy 11; alio low prices on e for 'school. See our new Oxfords etc. for F Outing Shoes suita • Boy' School Suits at $5.00 Thi;s wonderful bargain. Where you , a nice smart suit in ages 8 to 15 , year regular price $12 to $15 for $5 you can ut school expenses low. They are, ro e with, bloomer. pants, the colors are ' d and"they will stand hard wear. oys Bloomers & Odd Pants. ,,Ftp.y4 Tweed •• sale, Bove Cottonade Bloomers. on- sale Boys' Khaki Bloomers or long pants @ $1. Boys' Khaki Pants arid Bloomers, very best best quality at each O.% of Ladies The fir it s spection. New look them over. -SH(WING -Girls' Fall and Winter Coats nd winter coats are now ready for your in -i terials, new low prices. Come early and. LADI D MISSES' FUR COATS We can save the buyer a good many dollars on fur coats. We have exceptionally goo 'Valuejs in Muskrat and French Seal coats vat the present time: Let us you lthese coats. , Stampea rfflow Cases at 98c. a air A real bargain this week in ,a beautiful quality of pillow cases, 42 in. siZe. Stamped in good designs, -on sale at only 98ca pair. REAL BARGAINS in Many Lines of Summer Goods Phone 32 nes Phone 32 -4 Midsummer Specialties WE HAVE A FEWSPECIAL MID -SUMMER Galvanized Water Pails . . Tin Pails Galvaniz Clothes Line lie - -39e. per 100 ft. Copper ilers $3.09 each Aluminu Preserving reifies 79c. Alumip Percolator . • If 4 • 79c. Aluminu Daisy K let . . 59c. 98c. Granite ater P Granite % ash D. es 25c. ES LEFT IN OUR , ALE -- 25c. each . . 25c. each We have fid supply of Belt Laces, Alligator Laces, Oils & Sail - and other threshing needs. Grease 1.5c. per pound in bulk. Oilers, Belt Di -1, TRAQUAIR & LINDENFIELD WON') YOUlt ititiftwAnu NECESSITIES TO NO. 27. _ • COD TRANItS TbokxsentliXte ,bf the liorticult- 11wil Society -Wish to thank all tbe exhibitorg, for helping to make the flower show such a suedes's, They are also grateful tot' help .given by •••the different inenthers and to the ' L 0, 0. for the use of the build- ittg for the exhibit, - W. WARD, Prid esent. cAlto or *nous. Thr. feralW.of 'Cho .Ittin Mr.:. Mex. Psyior t '-iNpreF,cf their sincere. titank to the' ;hauls ;And neighbors' tor their atthiiince and tolton.9 'of dtir -g her illness and dentlsc, also to lev. Mr. Rhodes and Irietelyerg of CON' it cheirt and for the loan Of elites., ;I EXETER COUNCIL AlOnclaY,'AUgust 26th, 1929 A regular meeting of the mut- ; cipal council was held in the town hall, all. members present, The min- utes of the meeting held August341 together with the Special meeting of August 17th were read and ap- proved. Letters were then read, as follows: From Mr. hr. J. Agnew making application for a license for a bil- liard parlor. In view of the recent • rote, no action taken. The requisition from the School Board for the sum, of ten thousand dollars for school purposes was read and ordered placed on file. The permit .as iSsued, to Mrs. E. F. Willis to remove the iron balcony from in front of her property wila approved. A petitipn from Mrs. Elizabeth Turnbull for a concrete walk from and across the front of her property connecting With th,e pavement :on Wellington' Street.. T.lie same was granted' on motion of givers and Bierling. The tenders for the work on the lower creek drain from Mr. John 'Hunkin was read. After discussion the council decided to clean out the bed of the drain on motion of Bier - ling and Day. • The auditor's report for July was read and accepted on motion of Riv- ers and Bierling. The clerk' to order 5 barrels of tarvia for road repair ,work. The rate for street watering for :the season was fixecLat 10c. per foot 'frontage as of previous years other thaii property changes. Motion of ;Rivers and Francis. The following Accounts were read .and ordered paid: Hillary Horton, repairs $5.40; Ross -Taylor Co., lum- ber $64.45; Times -Advocate, .print- ing, $113.60; Peter Coleman, team labor, $2.75; Thos. Houlden, labor °A. & B. $1.50, Fire Dep't $2, $3.50; ;Jno. Parsons, labor $12.60; Edward 'Coombes, labor $14.10; Hy. Smith, labor $14.10; Thos. Sanders, labor ;1.50; Geo. Smith, labor '$27.50; 'Jas. Parsons, labor $10.75; William Winer, labor $6.00; Jno. Northcott, 86.00; Jonathan Kydd, team labor 'and gravel $150.40; Jno. L. Kydd, teain labor $1.50. Cemetery accounts: Wm. Smith, ahor $32.10; Frank Taylor, labor '844'Hilla7ty Horton, 'renairs, $2:35;' Reis -Taylor Co., lumber $42.95; Times' - Advocate, printing $1.50. Passed on motion of Bierling and Francis. • Adjournment by Day. JOS. SENIOR, Clerk. The fire department were called • to the home of Mr. WM. Andrew on Thursday afternoon of last week, fire having broken otic in one of the bedrooms. It was quickly brought, under control, little damage being done. • Atli; CARD Or`tILL liS Mr. \Vm. l3rIahoinbehiid family wishto eXtend heir sWeere thank to the neighbors nxIstl'iends iti Lon- don," else in Exe r for the kindness and sympathy ext tuled during their recent bereayem t also for the floral trlbutosancl to the minister In charge. ;Mr, Georgt flirts wiph to express the to the many eigl for the kind Ss aborti &Wing of their dear w for Um inany fl iloar. eat. OHS ily sialtanks frienas sympoPit. and death: 'Mother, also ributes and the .••••••=104414•44•40.451..., -BIRTHS MARRINAN—In McGillivray Twp., on Wednesday, August 28th, to Air. and Mrs. Patrick Marrinan, a daughter. KERSLAKE—In Usborne, on Thurs- day, August 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kerslake, a daughter (Olive Ilene) HARNESS -At Pt. Edward, on Wed- nesday, August 21st, to Mr. and Airs. Czar Harness, a son. DEATHS STANLABLE—In Clinton, on Satur- day, Auguit 24th, Henry Stanlike aged 70 years, 4 months and 10. TRU,EMNER *In Zurich, eit Fyiday (floalyin.orly of Stephen, aged 78 'yrs. August 23rd, Heni•y• Truemner, , • RIIRNICK—Lot 23, Coll, 4, Usborne on Monday, August 26th," Edward Franklin Kernick, aged 64 years and 18 days, BRIMACOMBE—In London, on Fri - d -ay, August 23rd, Ruched Legree, beloved wife of Wm. Brimacombe, of Exeter, in her 58th year. BLATCHFORD— Usborne, on Friday, August 23rd, Rachel • Blight, beloved wife of the late John Blatob ford, lit iter 75th year. PlNKISEINER—At Alt..Toseph's nos. pital, 'London, on Monday, August 26, Michael Pinkbeiner, of Cred- iton aged 75 years, 5 months and 24 days; 'WOODS—Suddenly, in.:* Angeles, Cal. on Mendel, Aug, 26th„ Percy Gilbert Woods. son of Mr: and • Mrs. Jno. Wood, aged 45 /ears and 2 months. . . .,„. • — CARD Oti The children f. Blatchford desir' • sitIcero thanks, o neighbors for t e tended 'eluting' tl- ment, also -ice e Ca loan of auto:4, Titt.4iN15.1.4 the' lat achael 'to e d their tIonds and sympathy ex - recent bereave - floral tributes and EXETER HIGH SCHOOL The attention of the ratepayers of Exeter, and also of all High School students is called to the remarkable showing in the'results of the Upper School,' Departmental Examinations, as printed elsewhere in this paper. In several subjects a clear 100 % passes were obtained by the students and Inother subjects better than 90 %. Very few schools in the "co- vince can boast of better 'results than Exeter, which reflects most creditably on the staff pf teachers who made thege results possible. Pupils should register at once for the next term which opens September 3 as a large enrohnent is expected. DIED SUDDENLY Word was received in Exeter on Monday by Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wood Of the sudden death of their son, Mr. Percy Gilbert Wood, of Los An- geles, Cal., death being caused by angina pectoris. The deceased was born in Exeter and spent his early life here, leaving town when a young man. He- was aged 45 years. and 2 months. Nine years ago he visit- ed with his parents. Besides his parents he 18 survived by an. only sister,1MrS. Wm. Melville, of town, The reinains are being brought to Exeter from California and are ex- peeted to arrive the latter part of the week when -a private funeral will be held. The sympathy of many friends will 'be extended to the ber- eaved. ACCIDENTS Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Triebner, of Stephen, met with an accident when he got his hand caught in the cog 'wheels of one of the farm implements. One finger was broken and badly lacerated. James Brintnell, oldest Son of Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Brintnet, Of town, had the misfortune to get his right hand caught in a pull0 on the farm of his Uncle, Mr. Clarence Smith, of Centralia, on Friday last. The little finger of his right hand was broken and the flesh on the next finger to it WaS buried to the belie. RESIDENCE SOLD The fine briCk•honie on Main I. the residence of the late Mrs. 'Wil- bert Mt:Palls, has been purehated by Mr, Harry Inworthy, who gets nOssesien October lst. Mr. Mid rvlirs, Garnet Flynn are moving into the residence on Laughall St. Oecupled by Mrs. C Pilon OPERATION FOR APPENDICITIS' Miss Jean Coates, .daughter of ,Mr,, and Mrs, All Coates, of •Usborne, was taken ill, with an acute attack of ,4.111)ehdieitia and -.011 Sunday after- noon underwent -an operation at Or. Fletcher's hospital. The operation was performed by Dr. ,Grant,-., of London, Miss :Coates is at present' in a critical condition but her rnaP)' friends will hope for her speedy .re•:' covery... . .. ...... CLANDEBOYE MAN DU.* . DRIVING AUTOMOBILE Seized with a heart attack while driving his automobile In IVIoorsville Tuesday; night .about 8 o'clock, Mos- es Simpson, a resident of Clande- boye, expired in his car before lielP could reach him, He had been a life- long resident of Middlesex, being born in McGillivray- township, late establishing himself on a farm near Clandeboye, He is survived by two sons, Joseph, of Clandeboye, and Bruce, of London, and three daugh- ters, Mrs. John Cohoon, Birr; Mrs. John Whight, Clifford, and Mrs. L. C, Boyle, of predeceased him by: one year, Local News • Mr. Reg Befayerft ,spent the week- end in Sarnia ,and indsor. Mr. and Mrs. Kernick, .of Blyth, spent Tuesday with Miss J. Hodgert Miss 'Minna Yellow spent the past week visiting with friends in Leam- ington. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Harvey and Mrs. A. Gillies spent a, few days last week visiting in Preston. Mr. and Mrs. R. Skinner attend. -7 ed the wedding of their niece, Miss Irene Steels, of London, on Monday to Mr. Win. Anderson, of Cochrane. Messrs. Joe and RayMond Fraser and their mother and sister Marg- uerite, also their little niece Betty, of Detroit, visited over the week- end with the former's brother, Mr. Will Fraser. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jaques visited over the weekend in Guelph with the latte;'s sister, Mrs. and Russel Peart. Mrs, Peart, who recently un- derwent a serious operation, is now getting along. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pequegnat I and San, Bobby, of Kitchener, spent the week -end .with Mrs. C. H. Sand- ers. The latter ,with• her two sons, Borden. and Britain, are this week visiting in Kitchener. Mr. Frank Taylor, who recently underwent a serious operation at Victoria Hospital, London, was suf- ficiently improved as to the able 'to be brought home Sunday. He stocycl the journey well and is at present getting along fine, being able to be up each day. The funeral of the late Hy. Stan - lake, who passed away in Clinton on Saturday, was held from the un- dertaking parlors"of Mr. H. T. Rowe on Monday, August 26th, interment in the Exeter cemetery. Mr. Stan - lake was aged 78 years and was a former resident of Stephen Twp. Rev. D. AI. and Mrs. Buchenan, of Atelier, Sask., are visiting with relatives in this community. Lag' Week 'with Mr. and Mrs. S. M. San- ders and Airs. Thos. Harvey they visited at Grand Bend. The three ladies are sisters. On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Buchanhn, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Sanders and Mrs. Harvey met- ered to Lucknow and spent the day with. Air. and Mrs. A. E. Buswell. Mr. and Mrs. Buswell and family motored down and spent Sunday With them at Grand Bend. It is 18 years since Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan have visited in this community -and they note many changes. 4iTIFTY-FIPTg YEAR, NO. 2894 MOir,#0:No vica4witys The merchants of town have dee- hied to observe the Wednesday aft- ernoon half holiday' during the MO. two weeks in September when places, Of business will be closed, 'UNION sottylegs .T0 13E . CONTINUED NEXT, SUNDAY' Unio11. services will be continued next Sunday ' between Main street and James street united- congrega- tions with \Rev. 0, J. Moorhouse fxi charge. SerVice will, be held, in the James St. church in the morning andin ,the Main, St, .church in the evening. Union services during the Summer here been., a 'splendid suc- cess, splendid congregations turning out for all the services, . ,ItE-LA.YING DRAIN • - .Commissioner W. r. Bissett hae- a gang of men at work taking up, the old drain on William St, This drain has been. causing trouble for a number of years and after trying 4o locate the cause of the trouble the council decided to relay the drain between. Sanders and Ann Streets - The drain is about eight feet deep in some places. The road, is closed to traffic. Thefuneral of the late Frank Kernick, of Usborne, was held Wed- nesday afternoon'to the Exeter cern.etery.. Further particulars gireri. next week. ome tieheatre FRIDAY AND SATURDAY August 30th and. 31st `THE'COSSAC • — with — 4OHN GILI3ERT, RENEE A REE and itu All-Star Cas PARAMOUN WEEK ECIALS% ;HONDA. 'AND T17 AY 1-16;it .144‘q) 1'44 JA( HOLT • 6,A va From the Story ANE GRIM( an he' FRIDAY AN September 6 TUR DAY and 7th. 'Moran of the Marines' Featuring RUTH, ELDER, Aviatrix. and RICHARD OlLX Grand B d LABOR A Dancin Merano and Evening SO BAL GAMES EK OF — McKim hocolate Dandies That X EVERY N Colored Orchestra, --- T EXCEPT vinDAIr SATURDAY NIGHT DANCING During September .11•111.11141.1.11101% 00"CiOn ee/fairt/ PRESENTS Mid Opcherbivez. it. a flitaPaViroqtaftt 0/2.0400y aziice Oleic / EACH /ilk/WOO& AN 4Nzei•troviveit: DOME RINK, :EXETWit MONDAY,' SEPT*, 2nd ADIVIISSION 25c DANCING 6c.